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Gazing from a distance, Mason stands in a back corner of the lounge, watching the bustling commotion around him. A book sits in Mason's hand in an attempt to block out the world around him and escape the worry brought on by the revelations made in today's meeting, but the attempt is futile. Within the lounge has gathered a fairly large crowd, all around one girl.

She certainly brightens up the room with golden blonde hair and an equally golden smile, but the crowd she drew makes it difficult for Mason to read. She manages to juggle several conversations with the plethora of unique individuals that had gathered around her. The never-ending stream of consciousness that flows out the mouths of those that crowded the lounge creats some annoyance for Mason, but it isn't the noise of the voices that bothers him the most...

It is the noise of their hearts. By now, Mason had gotten used to sensing the auras of the members of the Coalition on a daily basis. They all had a twinge of despair from the situations created by the Murder Games, but people like Makoto were able to bring a light to their darkened hearts, removing the despair to barely a whisper. This blonde-haired individual, however, is different. Her aura shows the bright light of hope, as well as a shining star of her own personality, but there is a streak of darkness that was more than just despair. It was as if a perfect white dress was stained with a blot of ink.

"Could it be the Malevolence Makoto was talking about earlier?" Mason thinks to himself. He can't be sure of what her intentions are. Mason isn't even sure that the aura he's sensing is even correct. His aura sight was never perfect, and has failed him before. However, Mason's intuition tells him that this girl is worth learning about.

Whatever this darkness is, whether it is real or just in Mason's head, he is determined to learn what it means. And so, he bookmarks his place, sets his book down and makes an attempt to find his own piece of conversation with this girl.

Standing just outside the crowd of people, he manages to pick up the girl's name: Ilona. He repeats it to himself in an attempt to not forget it. He patiently waits for a lull in conversation before speaking.

"Excuse me, Miss..." He begins to speak while trying to translate what he saw in her aura into something simple, "How are you... Feeling right now?"

@Takumi @Atomyk @Verite @Bomb @DBZ7 @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

While waiting for the others to reply, Ilona was surprised by the presence of a stranger who would ask her how she was feeling. Nobody had actually asked her that yet. This individual was the first. What a very kind gesture! She offered him a friendly smile. "I could be better, but I feel reasonable. Thank you for asking. What might your name be, good sir?" she questioned. "I believe we haven't met."

@Mason Moretti @Lounge​
"Well there's a child and two older men with him." Bekka replied motioning towards the three.


"The other implication is a lot less wholesome."

Lois would meanwhile lean down to speak to Nemo.


"So if they aren't your family, where's your mommy and daddy?"

@Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Wren @Sen
Sakuya decided to step in and clear up the confusion before things went any further south for the poor pretty boy duo.


"Actually, we are the ones who brought him here. Our intentions are fully wholesome as well, thank you."

@Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Sen @Wren @Crimson Spartan
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While waiting for the others to reply, Ilona was surprised by the presence of a stranger who would ask her how she was feeling. Nobody had actually asked her that yet. This individual was the first. What a very kind gesture! She offered him a friendly smile. "I could be better, but I feel reasonable. Thank you for asking. What might your name be, good sir?" she questioned. "I believe we haven't met."

@Mason Moretti @Lounge​

"My name is Mason. Mason Moretti. I agree that we haven't had the pleasure of meeting, but I'm glad we get to now."

Mason smiles, unsure of what to say next. He wishes to talk about what could cause her despair, but that's not something a gentleman should bring up to a lady he just met.

Instead, he asks, "What business brings you here to the Coalition? I'm a little curious about what draws people to here."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Sakuya decided to step in and clear up the confusion before things went any further south for the poor pretty boy duo.


"Actually, we are the ones who brought him here. Our intentions are fully wholesome as well, thank you."

@Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Sen @Wren @Crimson Spartan

"I've been meaning to ask... how did a pair of cuties like you two come to meet with ah, Nemo and Astaroth here?"

The young man looked genuinely curious to hear the story.
"I've seen my share of strange groups, but this is still pretty interesting~"

"Haha, will I meet pretty girls there too~?"

@Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Wren @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi
Morrigan smiled at that, though the noise she made was more of a snort. "And so the Maker works in mysterious ways yet again. How very convenient for you. I merely ask because I feel this a curious place for you to spend your time. I would imagine you to be busy spending what remained for you in our world, doing whatever you feel the Maker has in mind for you."


Then there was a pause, where Morrigan's smile widened. "Unless, of course, you are supposing the Maker has reach beyond Thedas. Perhaps you would suppose He is responsible for every world's creation? If so, it really must be disquieting to realize how small one truly is, how limited our scope was before we discovered all this...? What plan do you imagine He has for you, with you as small as you are, Wynne?"

@Josh M



Byakuya didn't look entirely pleased she was sticking around, but he decided to continue as he was without much effort paid toward her. He returned to one of the computers lining the wall, beginning to tap at the keys rapidly enough to give the impression he was typing up something of length. "The meeting will commence once again soon," he said without much inflection. "Just be patient."

Byakuya idly continued tapping away, acting as if he didn't hear Saber Alter's second question at first. It took him a few moments to finally form an answer. "... I have no idea what you're talking about. If you were talking to the men in the cells, know that they are committed for a reason. The only malevolence you would have to worry about is from their open mouths."

@Ringmaster @Command Center


Makoto looked up, meeting Lois' gaze. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing would come. These were strangers, essentially, and so unloading the problem on them was not something Makoto wished to burden them with. As for Jon... Makoto couldn't say he knew Jon well enough to say he meant a lot to him, precisely... but that wasn't entirely true, as Jon was Arya's sister, and that in itself made Jon someone important for Makoto. It was important that Makoto try to rectify this somehow, at least so that Jon's pain could be soothed.

His face flushed red from both the rush of negative emotions and embarrassment, Makoto turned toward the stairwell. "I-It's not like that," he finally stammered out. "It's not something we have time to get into, I don't think. The meeting will continue soon, so..." Makoto nodded his head toward the stairs before making his way down to the main floor where the majority of people were.

@Krieg @Jeremi @Library

"I did not ask to brought here, Morrigan. I am an old woman whom death has, more than once, had other plans for. If you real want to know, I'll tell you. I died again. My son, the woman he loved, she died, I gave all I had to bring her back for him. I thought my journey was over. However, I awoke in a tower."

Wynne paused, frowning.

"I know the irony before you point it out. As for why death keeps escaping me? I have not a clue. The maker most have plans for me. I am no fool, as much as you'd detest. I know I am no one of importance in the larger sense of the world. However, this reminds me of a story. One day, this young boy walked to beach. In front of him, laying on the sand were thousands of thousands of starfish, beached on the sand, dying.. Near the ocean was older man. One by one, the old man picked up a starfish, and threw it back into the sea. Perplexed, the young stared for sometime for some time. The young would then walk to the old man. "Sir" he said, "What are you doing?". Don't you know what you're doing is pointless? You could spend all day and night here, and you still could save all of these starfish. The old man turned to the boy, looking the young man in his eyes, the old man would speak. "I know I can't throw them all back into the ocean, but it matters to the ones I can."

Wynne's turned away from Morrigan soon after.

As Wanda left, Wynne's eyes turned to Genji, watching the way he watched her. Even with the mask on his face, Wynne could tell something was up. A Cheshire cat like grin appeared on her. She couldn't help but prod at young man.

"Just friends? Hmm, so tell me Genji, was it very friendly to stare at Wanda's hips likle that? Hmm? Is that what friends do."

@Atomyk @Verite @BarrenThin
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"I've been meaning to ask... how did a pair of cuties like you two come to meet with ah, Nemo and Astaroth here?"

The young man looked genuinely curious to hear the story.
"I've seen my share of strange groups, but this is still pretty interesting~"

"Haha, will I meet pretty girls there too~?"

@Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Wren @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi

"Actually, that is what we were wondering. They decided to approach Miss Remilia's mansion, for some reason, and we don't know where they came from."

She didn't seem to pay much mind to the offhand compliments sent their way.


"Obviously they couldn't resist my absolute charisma."

@Sen @Wren @Chewy Rabbits @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi
"Actually, that is what we were wondering. They decided to approach Miss Remilia's mansion, for some reason, and we don't know where they came from."

She didn't seem to pay much mind to the offhand compliments sent their way.


"Obviously they couldn't resist my absolute charisma."


Nemo couldn't help but get a wee bit flustered at Remilia's comment having believed it was directed at him. Not too much of a stretch given how he'd been acting. But how was he supposed to act? Things seemed so much easier for The Kid in the stories! He talked to girls, and they fell head over heels for him! After that? Nemo didn't really know what went on. But at the question directed his and Astaroth's way, the boy pressed his pointer fingers together.

"We were messing with something that we probably shouldn't have been. But as it's sitting taking up space in my noggin, I figure we'd give it a go." Nemo explained before gesturing to the demon beside him to take up the speech. "Uh, well, if my appearance wasn't enough to give it away, I'm from Hell. Ended up going there after trying to stop a worse off demon from hurting my buddy here. Long story short, my ex-girlfriend and Nemo here came and saved me. But then I noticed Nemo had a new left eye.."

Lifting his eye patch up, Nemo showed off his Devil's Eye.


"Humans don't really care for Astaroth's kind which is why me and his girlfriend knew about him and his people. Since when other humans did find out? They kidnapped one of my demon friends and tortured him. So, I went to try and save him and they.." Nemo went silent for a moment as he glanced down at the ground. Placing a claw on Nemo's back, the demon knelt down by his side. "If you want me to say it, bud, I will."

"No, no I can say it. They..They beat me up and managed to cut out my left eye. I saved the demon but he and the others felt terrible for me putting myself in harm's way so they gave me the eye of a demon. Looks like a regular eye to my parents but I don't see using it. Instead? I can use it to summon demons to help me if I need it. But there is a saying you're supposed to yell before you use it and I kinda goofed up.." He admited sheepishly before trying to play it off cool and shrugging.

"B-But it's okay! We managed to escape when we almost got dragged down below and ended up at Remilia's place. We didn't know where else to go for help so we tried to get help from them. It took the both of us getting shot-no offense-to get it but well we got your help..."

@Kaykay @Wren @Sen @Jeremi @Crimson Spartan
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"My name is Mason. Mason Moretti. I agree that we haven't had the pleasure of meeting, but I'm glad we get to now."

Mason smiles, unsure of what to say next. He wishes to talk about what could cause her despair, but that's not something a gentleman should bring up to a lady he just met.

Instead, he asks, "What business brings you here to the Coalition? I'm a little curious about what draws people to here."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Ah, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Mason," Ilona replied, bowing her head to him. "I'm here so that the Coalition might help me to make sure my power is stable. For, you see, the circumstances of my birth were rather unique. Because of this, I came to possess special abilities that could be rather dangerous. It is my hope that the Coalition will make certain these abilities of mine are in check so that I may continue living my life without harming others," the princess explained. "What would you say brings you to the Coalition yourself, Sir Mason?" she asked in return.

@Mason Moretti @Lounge​

"Is that so?" Ilona asked Mikleo and Sorey when they would speak of their friend. "Oh, in that case I do hope to meet her someday! She sounds wonderful! Meeting another princess may even help me to improve my own manners so that I know how a princess is to behave." Not that Ilona really needed any training when it came to her manners. The blonde grew a bit loud at times with her passionate outbursts, but for the most part she was a rather polite individual.

"Is that so!?" Ilona exclaimed after learning Mikleo planned to write a novel himself. "Don't sell yourself short! I'm certain your novel would be very wonderful to read. I would be very excited to read it myself! But, in the mean time, I'd love to hear stories about your own journeys. Perhaps we could even trade stories," she told them, smiling at the thought.

When the two of them stated they would like to travel to other worlds, Ilona opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it without uttering a sound. If the two of you would like to see other worlds, perhaps you could travel with me sometime? That's... what I'd like to say... but I fear I could never take on traveling companions. I'm still not... safe. I'm better off alone.

...besides, they have a duty to fulfill.

"It is indeed very important to protect all of these precious worlds. I have to agree with you there. I'd do anything to make sure they remained safe. The two of you have my full support."


After speaking with the two males, Ilona flinched at the sight of the odd merchant harassing Shiki. She took a step back, rubbing the side of her head awkwardly. "S-Sir Shiki, I hadn't a clue that the merchant woman and yourself were... so close... I-I... it is not my wish to interrupt!" she said, blinking a few times when she realized Len also clung to Anna. Is this what they call... a threesome?

Blushing at the thought, Ilona turned to her other friends.

"I'm uncertain, Sir Zidane. Although, I admit if I were a male I would fear for my life if a woman clung to me in such a manner!" The blonde glanced back at Shiki, bowing apologetically to him before glancing again at Zidane and Cheza with a sheepish smile. "Is it normal for relationships to be conducted in such a manner?" she asked the two.

@Takumi @Atomyk @Bomb @Verite @DBZ7 @Lounge​
"Some people can get that clingy, I guess." Zidane said, shrugging. He wasn't sure what to do with the Shiki/Anna situation right now.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @others​

"Ah, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Mason," Ilona replied, bowing her head to him. "I'm here so that the Coalition might help me to make sure my power is stable. For, you see, the circumstances of my birth were rather unique. Because of this, I came to possess special abilities that could be rather dangerous. It is my hope that the Coalition will make certain these abilities of mine are in check so that I may continue living my life without harming others," the princess explained. "What would you say brings you to the Coalition yourself, Sir Mason?" she asked in return.

@Mason Moretti @Lounge​

Slowly, Mason begins to understand Ilona's situation. Whatever darkness is there, she's trying to control it. Within Mason's own heart, he cares for her, and wants to help her. As for her question...

"What brought me here? Well, most literally... This," he said, removing his golden necklace and showing it to Ilona.
[GALLERY=media, 12298]The World's Heart by Mason Moretti posted Sep 11, 2016 at 1:03 PM[/GALLERY]

"I call it the World's Heart. This is what allows me to unlock my own powers and control them. I can do things like create tools, open portals, and see people's auras. Its power can let me go between universes if I need to."

Mason smiles brightly but falls silent for a moment, his expression growing somber. "Back in my corner of the multiverse, I was too late in unlocking my powers to save the people I cared about. There was nothing left, so I ran." Mason realizes that this might bring down Ilona's mood, so he pulls himself back into a smile and continues with a happy ending to his tale, "The World's Heart heard my wish to help people, and now I'm here to do just that. There are a lot of great people here at the Coalition, and I'm glad to be around them."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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So, the boy claimed he was fine. That much was good, at least, but it appeared that Weiss still hardly held an ounce of trust in Shizuo. "You're fine?" she repeated, clearly disbelieving. "You're wounded! And clearly this ruffian is responsible. Surely you must've developed Stockholm Syndrome if you're staking such a claim and actually trusting this... this cretin!" the seventeen-year-old exclaimed with a blatant disregard of the fact that her words might irritate Shizuo. What did it matter, after all? Clearly he was naught but a ne'erdowell, thus his opinions didn't matter. She was merely firing truth from her lips, and he would just have to deal.

However, she most certainly didn't react well to how he responded to her. Brat? Oh, like hell was she going to listen to this. "How dare you! Do you even know who you're talking to?" Clearly, he didn't, or he'd be on his knees apologizing for his words, begging for forgiveness- as he should. Huff- whatever! "If you're not 'in the mood', perhaps you should have thought about that before you began such an assault, you dunce. As for helping..."


"Don't consider my assistance to be for you," she finished with a glare at Shizuo. The kid needed help, but that was the only reason she was sticking around. With that, her attention turned to Mob, who she looked over closely. That was... Odd. "...You. You don't have an aura, do you?" It was a rhetorical inquiry, for Weiss was confident she knew the answer. That was quite the anomaly. But, she supposed it simply came with the fact that different universes must function in different ways. "Hmph. Regardless, surely finding medical assistance should not be a problem. After all, we are in the middle of a Coalition that's acted as a beacon for all kinds of people from all sorts of universes. The chances of there being no one with the abilities needed to assist are next to zero."

Just about then, a familiar face caught up to the three of them as they walked. Unsurprisingly, belonging to Ruby. The girl regarded her teammate with a lack of excitement or happiness, merely sticking up her nose. "It's about time. Are you blind, or just deaf? For someone who's so fast, it's a wonder that it takes you so long to notice an altercation," she chided with clear annoyance.


"Similarly, it's a wonder that both of you have such a blatant disregard of what I thought was a simple set of rules. Clearly, I overestimated your capability to listen. A mistake I will be sure to avoid making again."

...Well shit. Looked like the two students hadn't quite left the library unnoticed. The remark was enough to make Weiss suddenly appear to be at a loss, feeling a wave of disappointment.


@pubbbb @The Tactician @york
Bo had began to fall asleep against the wall in the lounge, but stopped himself and stood up aggravated. Since being here it has been no different than the council for him. He crossed his arms and looked around for trouble. When he found no one around him to be of interest Bo crossed the bridge to the world of the dead to avoid unnecessary confrontation and glide like a ghost past the group gathered in the lounge.

There's a restricted area or something, right? Has to be.

The only reason this place interested Bo is that it generated revenue and if it did that then that meant people died and if that was true then some amount of action had to be going on. Based on the meeting that dragon head was the action Bo had been looking for, but now it's dead. Just his luck. Bo paused in the middle of the lounge group sending a chill down their spines with his cold presence. He looked up and smiled.

I know just what to do.

And like that he moved along taking his chilling aura with him to the Command Center.

Sean obviously took note of this, but didn't sense a demonic energy about the man. Considering his experiences Sean deduced it was a form of human magic and left Bo alone. His attention was then focused on the group of people in front of him. He didn't really want to talk and so he didn't. Instead he went back into the meeting room and down to the holographic table to get a look at the beast known as the Arch Demon. It intrigued the demon hunter for obvious reasons.

Mimicking what was done to activate the table Sean jumped a little when the head suddenly appeared. After regaining his composure he took his hand and waved it through the hologram and smiled.

"That's pretty neat." Sean said to himself.

Slowly, Mason begins to understand Ilona's situation. Whatever darkness is there, she's trying to control it. Within Mason's own heart, he cares for her, and wants to help her. As for her question...

"What brought me here? Well, most literally... This," he said, removing his golden necklace and showing it to Ilona.
[GALLERY=media, 12298]The World's Heart by Mason Moretti posted Sep 11, 2016 at 1:03 PM[/GALLERY]

"I call it the World's Heart. This is what allows me to unlock my own powers and control them. I can do things like create tools, open portals, and see people's auras. Its power can let me go between universes if I need to."

Mason smiles brightly but falls silent for a moment, his expression growing somber. "Back in my corner of the multiverse, I was too late in unlocking my powers to save the people I cared about. There was nothing left, so I ran." Mason realizes that this might bring down Ilona's mood, so he pulls himself back into a smile and continues with a happy ending to his tale, "The World's Heart heard my wish to help people, and now I'm here to do just that. There are a lot of great people here at the Coalition, and I'm glad to be around them."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"That seems to be a very useful necklace. If only there were something I could wear such as that to help me control my own abilities," Ilona replied smiling at the thought. It was a nice thought, but her powers were different. If there were such an object to help her, surely the Coalition would've found it by now.


The explanation of what happen to Mason's home, however, did indeed sadden Ilona. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "I am... very sorry to hear such a thing. I too have run away from my own home, so I understand how you feel. I ran due to feeling ashamed... of being a poor daughter to my parents. If your world is gone, does this mean you have no family left?"

Realizing the male was trying to smile for her, Ilona tried to perk herself up a little. "But coming here to help people is a fine goal indeed! The Coalition is a very noble organization. Those who work with it sacrifice a lot to help the multiverse."

@Mason Moretti
"Some people can get that clingy, I guess." Zidane said, shrugging. He wasn't sure what to do with the Shiki/Anna situation right now.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @others​


"Are you one of these so called clingy types?" Ilona asked Zidane, wondering if the young man did anything similar with how flirty he seemed to be.

@Bomb @Lounge​
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Verite
So, the boy claimed he was fine. That much was good, at least, but it appeared that Weiss still hardly held an ounce of trust in Shizuo. "You're fine?" she repeated, clearly disbelieving. "You're wounded! And clearly this ruffian is responsible. Surely you must've developed Stockholm Syndrome if you're staking such a claim and actually trusting this... this cretin!" the seventeen-year-old exclaimed with a blatant disregard of the fact that her words might irritate Shizuo. What did it matter, after all? Clearly he was naught but a ne'erdowell, thus his opinions didn't matter. She was merely firing truth from her lips, and he would just have to deal.

However, she most certainly didn't react well to how he responded to her. Brat? Oh, like hell was she going to listen to this. "How dare you! Do you even know who you're talking to?" Clearly, he didn't, or he'd be on his knees apologizing for his words, begging for forgiveness- as he should. Huff- whatever! "If you're not 'in the mood', perhaps you should have thought about that before you began such an assault, you dunce. As for helping..."


"Don't consider my assistance to be for you," she finished with a glare at Shizuo. The kid needed help, but that was the only reason she was sticking around. With that, her attention turned to Mob, who she looked over closely. That was... Odd. "...You. You don't have an aura, do you?" It was a rhetorical inquiry, for Weiss was confident she knew the answer. That was quite the anomaly. But, she supposed it simply came with the fact that different universes must function in different ways. "Hmph. Regardless, surely finding medical assistance should not be a problem. After all, we are in the middle of a Coalition that's acted as a beacon for all kinds of people from all sorts of universes. The chances of there being no one with the abilities needed to assist are next to zero."

Just about then, a familiar face caught up to the three of them as they walked. Unsurprisingly, belonging to Ruby. The girl regarded her teammate with a lack of excitement or happiness, merely sticking up her nose. "It's about time. Are you blind, or just deaf? For someone who's so fast, it's a wonder that it takes you so long to notice an altercation," she chided with clear annoyance.


"Similarly, it's a wonder that both of you have such a blatant disregard of what I thought was a simple set of rules. Clearly, I overestimated your capability to listen. A mistake I will be sure to avoid making again."

...Well shit. Looked like the two students hadn't quite left the library unnoticed. The remark was enough to make Weiss suddenly appear to be at a loss, feeling a wave of disappointment.


@pubbbb @The Tactician @york

Toboe, his keen hearing have picked up some of the conversation without meaning to. He frowned and ran over to defend Shizuo, giving Weiss a glare and a small, protective growl.


"Hey! Don't say such things about Shizuo! You don't even know him. He's a good person, it's just that sometimes he gets a bit carried away. Besides, he's trying to help now. I can see that you want to help but I'd rather not have you insult him like that in front of me. And you don't have to judge this guy so hard if he trusts Shizuo. That's his choice." the boy said almost sternly as he walked along with them. He didn't necessarily mean to butt into their conversation but he just couldn't stand by while one of his friends and comrades were being insulted like that. And he didn't like how she talked about Mob either. Even if it was just how she acted. She reminded him of Tsume, but just a bit meaner.

@The Tactician @Hospes @york @pubbbb
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
So, the boy claimed he was fine. That much was good, at least, but it appeared that Weiss still hardly held an ounce of trust in Shizuo. "You're fine?" she repeated, clearly disbelieving. "You're wounded! And clearly this ruffian is responsible. Surely you must've developed Stockholm Syndrome if you're staking such a claim and actually trusting this... this cretin!" the seventeen-year-old exclaimed with a blatant disregard of the fact that her words might irritate Shizuo. What did it matter, after all? Clearly he was naught but a ne'erdowell, thus his opinions didn't matter. She was merely firing truth from her lips, and he would just have to deal.

However, she most certainly didn't react well to how he responded to her. Brat? Oh, like hell was she going to listen to this. "How dare you! Do you even know who you're talking to?" Clearly, he didn't, or he'd be on his knees apologizing for his words, begging for forgiveness- as he should. Huff- whatever! "If you're not 'in the mood', perhaps you should have thought about that before you began such an assault, you dunce. As for helping..."


"Don't consider my assistance to be for you," she finished with a glare at Shizuo. The kid needed help, but that was the only reason she was sticking around. With that, her attention turned to Mob, who she looked over closely. That was... Odd. "...You. You don't have an aura, do you?" It was a rhetorical inquiry, for Weiss was confident she knew the answer. That was quite the anomaly. But, she supposed it simply came with the fact that different universes must function in different ways. "Hmph. Regardless, surely finding medical assistance should not be a problem. After all, we are in the middle of a Coalition that's acted as a beacon for all kinds of people from all sorts of universes. The chances of there being no one with the abilities needed to assist are next to zero."

Just about then, a familiar face caught up to the three of them as they walked. Unsurprisingly, belonging to Ruby. The girl regarded her teammate with a lack of excitement or happiness, merely sticking up her nose. "It's about time. Are you blind, or just deaf? For someone who's so fast, it's a wonder that it takes you so long to notice an altercation," she chided with clear annoyance.


"Similarly, it's a wonder that both of you have such a blatant disregard of what I thought was a simple set of rules. Clearly, I overestimated your capability to listen. A mistake I will be sure to avoid making again."

...Well shit. Looked like the two students hadn't quite left the library unnoticed. The remark was enough to make Weiss suddenly appear to be at a loss, feeling a wave of disappointment.


@pubbbb @The Tactician @york
"Did someone teach you to run that mouth as much as you do, or were you always this bitchy?"


"I don't give a damn who you are, kid. I've learned something, something very important from being seen as a monster by other people. Don't put much stock into big names and reputations, because in general, that shit doesn't matter when shit gets important. If that means you need to let go of whatever big name you've got and stand on your own, then do it, kid. Else you're gonna get guys like me who don't know or care about your name, and we'll call your bullshit out even if we do know it."

"As for why I'm helping, I've already told you, I fucked up in regards to this kid so I'm setting it right. Beating the shit out of Esper? That's fine, but this kid didn't need to get hurt so I'm helping him get back on his feet. If you've got a problem with that..." With an serene like grace that didn't match his personality or usual actions, Shizuo withdrew his lighter once against along with his pack. Lighting up and taking a breathe of the smoke, the chain smoker finally finished his rebuttal with a sharp glare aimed right back at the girl.

"Then you can kiss my ass. I don't need your assistance, and I don't need your bitchy attitude distracting me from finding a doctor, so shut the hell up."


And oh look, another white-haired, well-dressed woman was approaching them. Shizuo could already guess the headache that he was about be greeted with.

"I'm guessing you're this kid's mom or aunt or something? You mind getting her off my damn case, and maybe teach her manners? She seems to like trying to irritate and jab at guys who are above her weight class, and it's about to get her into trouble."
Toboe, his keen hearing have picked up some of the conversation without meaning to. He frowned and ran over to defend Shizuo, giving Weiss a glare and a small, protective growl.


"Hey! Don't say such things about Shizuo! You don't even know him. He's a good person, it's just that sometimes he gets a bit carried away. Besides, he's trying to help now. I can see that you want to help but I'd rather not have you insult him like that in front of me." the boy said almost sternly as he walked along with them. He didn't necessarily mean to butt into their conversation but he just couldn't stand by while one of his friends and comrades were being insulted like that.

@The Tactician @Hospes @york @pubbbb
"Thanks, but don't waste your breathe, Toboe. This kid's got her opinion and she's not going to change it. It's pretty normal when it comes to me."

@Hospes @york @pubbbb @Takumi
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Sakuya decided to step in and clear up the confusion before things went any further south for the poor pretty boy duo.


"Actually, we are the ones who brought him here. Our intentions are fully wholesome as well, thank you."

@Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Sen @Wren @Crimson Spartan

"Oh I'll believe you, for now." Bekka replied.



Nemo couldn't help but get a wee bit flustered at Remilia's comment having believed it was directed at him. Not too much of a stretch given how he'd been acting. But how was he supposed to act? Things seemed so much easier for The Kid in the stories! He talked to girls, and they fell head over heels for him! After that? Nemo didn't really know what went on. But at the question directed his and Astaroth's way, the boy pressed his pointer fingers together.

"We were messing with something that we probably shouldn't have been. But as it's sitting taking up space in my noggin, I figure we'd give it a go." Nemo explained before gesturing to the demon beside him to take up the speech. "Uh, well, if my appearance wasn't enough to give it away, I'm from Hell. Ended up going there after trying to stop a worse off demon from hurting my buddy here. Long story short, my ex-girlfriend and Nemo here came and saved me. But then I noticed Nemo had a new left eye.."

Lifting his eye patch up, Nemo showed off his Devil's Eye.


"Humans don't really care for Astaroth's kind which is why me and his girlfriend knew about him and his people. Since when other humans did find out? They kidnapped one of my demon friends and tortured him. So, I went to try and save him and they.." Nemo went silent for a moment as he glanced down at the ground. Placing a claw on Nemo's back, the demon knelt down by his side. "If you want me to say it, bud, I will."

"No, no I can say it. They..They beat me up and managed to cut out my left eye. I saved the demon but he and the others felt terrible for me putting myself in harm's way so they gave me the eye of a demon. Looks like a regular eye to my parents but I don't see using it. Instead? I can use it to summon demons to help me if I need it. But there is a saying you're supposed to yell before you use it and I kinda goofed up.." He admited sheepishly before trying to play it off cool and shrugging.

"B-But it's okay! We managed to escape when we almost got dragged down below and ended up at Remilia's place. We didn't know where else to go for help so we tried to get help from them. It took the both of us getting shot-no offense-to get it but well we got your help..."

@Kaykay @Wren @Sen @Jeremi @Crimson Spartan

"No kid should have to live through that." Red Tornado said in a somber tone. "You'll get the help you need from here. The Coalition is filled with good people, I'm sure they can figure something out for you."

After speaking with the two males, Ilona flinched at the sight of the odd merchant harassing Shiki. She took a step back, rubbing the side of her head awkwardly. "S-Sir Shiki, I hadn't a clue that the merchant woman and yourself were... so close... I-I... it is not my wish to interrupt!" she said, blinking a few times when she realized Len also clung to Anna. Is this what they call... a threesome?

Blushing at the thought, Ilona turned to her other friends.

"I'm uncertain, Sir Zidane. Although, I admit if I were a male I would fear for my life if a woman clung to me in such a manner!" The blonde glanced back at Shiki, bowing apologetically to him before glancing again at Zidane and Cheza with a sheepish smile. "Is it normal for relationships to be conducted in such a manner?" she asked the two.

@Takumi @Atomyk @Bomb @Verite @DBZ7 @Lounge​
"Some people can get that clingy, I guess." Zidane said, shrugging. He wasn't sure what to do with the Shiki/Anna situation right now.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @others​

"N-No, no, it's not what it looks like!" Shiki would exclaim, still trying to shove Anna off him whilst trying to follow Ilona, Zidaine, and anyone else around. In the end, it would only seem that he'd just end up dragging Anna, and by extension Len, along like a big lump of dead weight.

"Some people are too clingy, huh? That's rich coming from the guy running around talking it up with every girl he can find!" He would proceed to yell Zidaine's way, practically limping after everyone else before eventually catching up, panting tiredly like he had just finished quite the work-out.

Taking a sigh once he would catch up, he'd readjust his glasses, looking at the crowd.


"Now then, in any case... We ought to be getting our bearings back sooner or later, right? The meeting should be reconvening in just a few minutes, unless there's some place you wanna look at real quick."

@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @DBZ7 @Atomyk
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"Did someone teach you to run that mouth as much as you do, or were you always this bitchy?"


"I don't give a damn who you are, kid. I've learned something, something very important from being seen as a monster by other people. Don't put much stock into big names and reputations, because in general, that shit doesn't matter when shit gets important. If that means you need to let go of whatever big name you've got and stand on your own, then do it, kid. Else you're gonna get guys like me who don't know or care about your name, and we'll call your bullshit out even if we do know it."

"As for why I'm helping, I've already told you, I fucked up in regards to this kid so I'm setting it right. Beating the shit out of Esper? That's fine, but this kid didn't need to get hurt so I'm helping him get back on his feet. If you've got a problem with that..." With an serene like grace that didn't match his personality or usual actions, Shizuo withdrew his lighter once against along with his pack. Lighting up and taking a breathe of the smoke, the chain smoker finally finished his rebuttal with a sharp glare aimed right back at the girl.

"Then you can kiss my ass. I don't need your assistance, and I don't need your bitchy attitude distracting me from finding a doctor, so shut the hell up."


And oh look, another white-haired, well-dressed woman was approaching them. Shizuo could already guess the headache that he was about be greeted with.

"I'm guessing you're this kid's mom or aunt or something? You mind getting her off my damn case, and maybe teach her manners? She seems to like trying to irritate and jab at guys who are above her weight class, and it's about to get her into trouble."

"Thanks, but don't waste your breathe, Toboe. This kid's got her opinion and she's not going to change it. It's pretty normal when it comes to me."

@Hospes @york @pubbbb @Takumi
Mob's face was a crimson red. A-All these people were just get him a doctor? Why wasn't one of these people a doctor? Were they trying to comfort him? If so, why don't one of them even know where a doctor is? Mob's at the back of his mind were panicking, Mob's eye was starting to twitch from how impatient he was getting about this. He was fine, too! But he wasn't going to speak up about it, I mean, all these people were trying to find him a doctor...It'd be mean to interrupt their search, they're clearly dedicated at this point. That and this is Mob's only excuse to hang out with Shizuo, who reminded him of Reigen, which slightly relaxed him.

Mob looked at Weiss, who was rambling about Mob's well being to Shizuo. Not knowing Weiss' principals, Mob looked forward and started to think about the implications of Weiss acting like this. Was she interested too? Wait, wait a minute...Does this mean... Mob's popular? No, no...He must be imagining things. But then he looked over the figures he was with again. Pretty women...Good looking men...By god, Mob confirmed his suspicions by how attractive the people were around him! Mob had a possi! A...Medical possi! And was popular. Mob then looked forward as his eyes slightly dilated and a serious stare formed, not wanting to say anything stupid to ruin the moment. However, the emotions getting the better of him, Mob started to emit a rainbow-esque aura.



@Takumi @The Tactician @Hospes @york @library? maybe? still?
So, the boy claimed he was fine. That much was good, at least, but it appeared that Weiss still hardly held an ounce of trust in Shizuo. "You're fine?" she repeated, clearly disbelieving. "You're wounded! And clearly this ruffian is responsible. Surely you must've developed Stockholm Syndrome if you're staking such a claim and actually trusting this... this cretin!" the seventeen-year-old exclaimed with a blatant disregard of the fact that her words might irritate Shizuo. What did it matter, after all? Clearly he was naught but a ne'erdowell, thus his opinions didn't matter. She was merely firing truth from her lips, and he would just have to deal.

However, she most certainly didn't react well to how he responded to her. Brat? Oh, like hell was she going to listen to this. "How dare you! Do you even know who you're talking to?" Clearly, he didn't, or he'd be on his knees apologizing for his words, begging for forgiveness- as he should. Huff- whatever! "If you're not 'in the mood', perhaps you should have thought about that before you began such an assault, you dunce. As for helping..."


"Don't consider my assistance to be for you," she finished with a glare at Shizuo. The kid needed help, but that was the only reason she was sticking around. With that, her attention turned to Mob, who she looked over closely. That was... Odd. "...You. You don't have an aura, do you?" It was a rhetorical inquiry, for Weiss was confident she knew the answer. That was quite the anomaly. But, she supposed it simply came with the fact that different universes must function in different ways. "Hmph. Regardless, surely finding medical assistance should not be a problem. After all, we are in the middle of a Coalition that's acted as a beacon for all kinds of people from all sorts of universes. The chances of there being no one with the abilities needed to assist are next to zero."

Just about then, a familiar face caught up to the three of them as they walked. Unsurprisingly, belonging to Ruby. The girl regarded her teammate with a lack of excitement or happiness, merely sticking up her nose. "It's about time. Are you blind, or just deaf? For someone who's so fast, it's a wonder that it takes you so long to notice an altercation," she chided with clear annoyance.


"Similarly, it's a wonder that both of you have such a blatant disregard of what I thought was a simple set of rules. Clearly, I overestimated your capability to listen. A mistake I will be sure to avoid making again."

...Well shit. Looked like the two students hadn't quite left the library unnoticed. The remark was enough to make Weiss suddenly appear to be at a loss, feeling a wave of disappointment.


@pubbbb @The Tactician @york
Toboe, his keen hearing have picked up some of the conversation without meaning to. He frowned and ran over to defend Shizuo, giving Weiss a glare and a small, protective growl.


"Hey! Don't say such things about Shizuo! You don't even know him. He's a good person, it's just that sometimes he gets a bit carried away. Besides, he's trying to help now. I can see that you want to help but I'd rather not have you insult him like that in front of me. And you don't have to judge this guy so hard if he trusts Shizuo. That's his choice." the boy said almost sternly as he walked along with them. He didn't necessarily mean to butt into their conversation but he just couldn't stand by while one of his friends and comrades were being insulted like that. And he didn't like how she talked about Mob either. Even if it was just how she acted. She reminded him of Tsume, but just a bit meaner.

@The Tactician @Hospes @york @pubbbb
"Did someone teach you to run that mouth as much as you do, or were you always this bitchy?"


"I don't give a damn who you are, kid. I've learned something, something very important from being seen as a monster by other people. Don't put much stock into big names and reputations, because in general, that shit doesn't matter when shit gets important. If that means you need to let go of whatever big name you've got and stand on your own, then do it, kid. Else you're gonna get guys like me who don't know or care about your name, and we'll call your bullshit out even if we do know it."

"As for why I'm helping, I've already told you, I fucked up in regards to this kid so I'm setting it right. Beating the shit out of Esper? That's fine, but this kid didn't need to get hurt so I'm helping him get back on his feet. If you've got a problem with that..." With an serene like grace that didn't match his personality or usual actions, Shizuo withdrew his lighter once against along with his pack. Lighting up and taking a breathe of the smoke, the chain smoker finally finished his rebuttal with a sharp glare aimed right back at the girl.

"Then you can kiss my ass. I don't need your assistance, and I don't need your bitchy attitude distracting me from finding a doctor, so shut the hell up."


And oh look, another white-haired, well-dressed woman was approaching them. Shizuo could already guess the headache that he was about be greeted with.

"I'm guessing you're this kid's mom or aunt or something? You mind getting her off my damn case, and maybe teach her manners? She seems to like trying to irritate and jab at guys who are above her weight class, and it's about to get her into trouble."

"Thanks, but don't waste your breathe, Toboe. This kid's got her opinion and she's not going to change it. It's pretty normal when it comes to me."

@Hospes @york @pubbbb @Takumi
Mob's face was a crimson red. A-All these people were just get him a doctor? Why wasn't one of these people a doctor? Were they trying to comfort him? If so, why don't one of them even know where a doctor is? Mob's at the back of his mind were panicking, Mob's eye was starting to twitch from how impatient he was getting about this. He was fine, too! But he wasn't going to speak up about it, I mean, all these people were trying to find him a doctor...It'd be mean to interrupt their search, they're clearly dedicated at this point. That and this is Mob's only excuse to hang out with Shizuo, who reminded him of Reigen, which slightly relaxed him.

Mob looked at Weiss, who was rambling about Mob's well being to Shizuo. Not knowing Weiss' principals, Mob looked forward and started to think about the implications of Weiss acting like this. Was she interested too? Wait, wait a minute...Does this mean... Mob's popular? No, no...He must be imagining things. But then he looked over the figures he was with again. Pretty women...Good looking men...By god, Mob confirmed his suspicions by how attractive the people were around him! Mob had a possi! A...Medical possi! And was popular. Mob then looked forward as his eyes slightly dilated and a serious tare, not wanting to say anything stupid to ruin the moment. However, the emotions getting the better of him, Mob started to emit a rainbow-esque aura.



@Takumi @The Tactician @Hospes @york @library? maybe? still?

"... tch... what a... head sore..."

Despite having used Seal of Time to reverse the damage done onto him and indirectly to Elesis, Add felt a sudden wave of exhaustion surround him. Maybe from the recent tweaks to the technique, it was requiring more of his energy to use, which could mean that he would have to work on improving his time travel capabilities once more. Just as he was about to collapse and possibly faint right after, Elesis immediately grabbed a hold of him, not saying a word as she carried him in her arms... It was either that Add was really that easy to carry or that Elesis was that strong in some point.


"... sorry... about... Add's... att... it.. ude..."

By now, Add was out for the count due to his usage of his Seal of Time, leaving Elesis to keep an eye on him. However, she happened to vocally apologize on how Add was behaving, her voice sounding like she never really talked that much in the first place. Either way, she wasn't out to beat people down like earlier, meaning that maybe she was calmed down for now.

@Takumi @The Tactician @Hospes @york @pubbbb @library​
"Did someone teach you to run that mouth as much as you do, or were you always this bitchy?"


"I don't give a damn who you are, kid. I've learned something, something very important from being seen as a monster by other people. Don't put much stock into big names and reputations, because in general, that shit doesn't matter when shit gets important. If that means you need to let go of whatever big name you've got and stand on your own, then do it, kid. Else you're gonna get guys like me who don't know or care about your name, and we'll call your bullshit out even if we do know it."

"As for why I'm helping, I've already told you, I fucked up in regards to this kid so I'm setting it right. Beating the shit out of Esper? That's fine, but this kid didn't need to get hurt so I'm helping him get back on his feet. If you've got a problem with that..."
With an serene like grace that didn't match his personality or usual actions, Shizuo withdrew his lighter once against along with his pack. Lighting up and taking a breathe of the smoke, the chain smoker finally finished his rebuttal with a sharp glare aimed right back at the girl.

"Then you can kiss my ass. I don't need your assistance, and I don't need your bitchy attitude distracting me from finding a doctor, so shut the hell up."


And oh look, another white-haired, well-dressed woman was approaching them. Shizuo could already guess the headache that he was about be greeted with.

"I'm guessing you're this kid's mom or aunt or something? You mind getting her off my damn case, and maybe teach her manners? She seems to like trying to irritate and jab at guys who are above her weight class, and it's about to get her into trouble."

"Thanks, but don't waste your breathe, Toboe. This kid's got her opinion and she's not going to change it. It's pretty normal when it comes to me."

@Hospes @york @pubbbb @Takumi

"Oh...if you say so, Shizuo." Toboe replied before letting his disguise as a human drop suddenly. Ears flat, the young wolf would bump his nose onto Shizuo's leg gently. Almost in sympathy and understanding.


At least Shizuo had Toboe and more recently Cheza to believe in him while they were there.

At noticing Mob's reaction, Toboe's ears would perk twitching slightly as he gave a tilt of his head. He wasn't sure if he should be worried or not.

At Elesis' statement, he looked over at her, tail twitching slightly. Yay, no more fighting from Add's side of things. Deep down Toboe hoped Add was okay though. :D

@The Tactician @Hospes @york @pubbbb @Gummi Bunnies


"N-No, no, it's not what it looks like!" Shiki would exclaim, still trying to shove Anna off him whilst trying to follow Ilona, Zidaine, and anyone else around. In the end, it would only seem that he'd just end up dragging Anna, and by extension Len, along like a big lump of dead weight.

"Some people are too clingy, huh? That's rich coming from the guy running around talking it up with every girl he can find!" He would proceed to yell Zidaine's way, practically limping after everyone else before eventually catching up, panting tiredly like he had just finished quite the work-out.

Taking a sigh once he would catch up, he'd readjust his glasses, looking at the crowd.


"Now then, in any case... We ought to be getting our bearings back sooner or later, right? The meeting should be reconvening in just a few minutes, unless there's some place you wanna look at real quick."

@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @DBZ7 @Atomyk

Cheza turned her head as Shiki struggled. Not at all speaking up about it in the slightest until he waz close enough.

"This one thinks that she is that way due to what he said about money. This one could be wrong, but that is what this one believes." she said to anyone who would listen.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DBZ7 @Verite @darnerdemons @CrunchyCHEEZIT @lounge peeps
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