• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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As the group began to make their move in securing a location, the danger lurking within the darkness finally struck. All around the group, the fog itself seemed to erupt, blowing mist and debris into the air. If it was hard to see before, the new particles flying through the air made it downright impossible.

Just beyond the edge of the explosions appeared what seemed like ghostly images of people amid the fog. If one tried to focus their vision on them, they would only catch the barest hint of physical forms before--

"G-Gaaahhkk!!" Out of the fog came some kind of bullet that punctured Kieran in the back, knocking him to the ground. He convulsed as if having a seizure or being electrocuted. Makoto cried out his name before he too was struck by a flying object. What appeared to be a dart had embedded itself into the boy's neck, causing his movements to slow as he tripped over himself and landed next to the Captain-Commander.

From the fog and dust, one of the figures came closer, revealing herself to the group.


In her hands was a sizable gun, one that shot canisters of black mist. After firing off a shot, the canister exploded, forcing the group to breath in the substance. It was enough to knock them out.



Kyoko couldn't even call out for Makoto or Kieran before she would end up breathing in some of the black air, causing her to cough violently, before sounds would cease to come from her as she too would fall to the ground, unconscious.

A number of other sinister looking individuals would begin to appear before those who would miraculously be able to stay conscious for just a little while longer, most of which wearing masks that obscured their faces and black armor, just like the woman who had shot the canister.



One such figure casually walked through the group, looking around for those who would attempt to resist the air. It was useless to fight, no matter how hard anyone would try, as the mist from before, among even more factors now, practically disabled everyone's use of their powers, and muddled anyone's ability to tap into innate abilities honed through training. Still, the figure would point his gun and begin shooting it at anyone who wouldn't immediately falter, tranquilizer darts cleanly landing in some people's necks, before everyone would eventually succumb to the cold dark.


When everyone would all come to, the group would wake up in what seemed to be strange place that resembled some sort of facility. Trapped behind metal bars, everyone individually placed within some holding cell, the sound of footsteps would be heard walking through.

Initially, one would assume it was one of the attackers, but once he came into visible view, the source of the footsteps would be revealed to be none other than Revolver Ocelot, looking just a little battered, but still alive and well.


"Hmph. What a sorry state you all seem to be in," Ocelot said patronizingly in a somewhat hushed voice.

"Nngh..." Kyoko mumbled shortly after she'd wake up, stumbling to her feet as she'd catch her breath, "Ocelot... How did you...?"

"I got separated from you when we were taken to Silent Earth, but it seemed that the intended result was all the same, since we all got knocked out and ended up here. They made one mistake though," Ocelot would reply, making his way to the end of the corridor where a small console would be located. As he would press a button on it, the cell doors would automatically open, seeming to free you all.

"Gases are little more than an annoyance for me."

Taking a breath, he would look down at himself, before pursing his lips.

"Two, actually. Looks like they thought it'd be funny to take away my guns. And all your toys as well," he mused. That said, if anyone would check to confirm, they would find that they were missing all of their equipment.


"We can recover those. What did you manage to find out about this place while looking for us?" Kyoko questioned without missing a beat.

"The hall beyond this place leads off into three different rooms. Two of which are holding rooms for the other members and representatives, the third is a storage room, all of which are presumably guarded or protected through some degree. There's also a door on the other end of the hall, but it seems to be locked. One of the soldiers around in this place might be carrying a key card that can get us further, so we'll have to split up to cover more ground. What do you all say to that?"

Shaking himself awake, Kieran audibly groaned. It took him a few minutes to stand and get a bearing on what Ocelot was saying. "I suppose I can... help break into the storage room. We'll all need to equip ourselves."

"I'd like to help break the others out," Makoto said. It seemed splitting up was the best course of action at this point.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @Krieg @Ringmaster @Crow @Mason Moretti @Cirilla @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Grumpy @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @The Tactician @Melon @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @dark

"I'll help in freeing the others," Shizuo grunted, cracking his knuckles as he got the blood flowing through his body again. It seemed the gas had cleared out of his system for the most part, and unlike the others, he didn't lack any sort of equipment simply because he never had any. Well, besides improvised clubs like signposts and street lights, but that was besides the point. "Which holding room are we gonna hit first?"

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @Krieg @Ringmaster @Crow @Mason Moretti @Cirilla @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Grumpy @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @The Tactician @Melon @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @dark

Kieran had to admit, this all seemed rather easy.

He wanted to admonish Zidane and Bibi for running off ahead, but it seemed the security in the prison hall was rather lax. Either Ocelot had been busy before he freed them, or Umbrella (those had been Umbrella agents back there) didn't fathom the idea of them escaping. In either case, it was all the better for them.

The crisp what hallway was inhabited by a single guard with a gas mask, not even armed with a firearm. He held some kind of baton, which Kieran imagined was a taser of some kind. He didn't have time to warn Zidane or his friend before the guard caught sight of them and angrily made his way toward them. Kieran looked to the others with him and said, "either support them, or get down. Don't be reckless, okay?"

@Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room

Makoto nodded to Shizuo, before leading him and any others joining them down toward the split prison halls.


"We don't know which holds which... Kyoko..." Makoto looked to her with expression of trust. "Should we split here?"

@Verite @The Tactician @Holding Rooms


"Sounds like a plan. Make sure to have a few people accompanying you, just in case you run into a few guards," Kyoko responded, though she seemed to avert her gaze from Makoto. It was hard to tell if it was a conscious action, but the more observant might take notice of it...

Shiki, who had accompanied the group heading for the Holding Rooms, would clear his throat, preparing to speak his piece.


"I'm willing to go with Makoto. Len, you go with the nice lady, okay? Make sure nothing bad happens to her," the young man would instruct Len like a father to his child, briefly gesturing towards Kyoko, to which the blue-haired familiar would simply nod and give an unemotional thumbs up. Well, that was as pumped as he could have expected Len to be.

Taking a breath, he would then put a hand on his hip, looking at Shizuo and whoever else would follow them. "What about you guys? Would you rather the first room with Makoto or the second room with Kirigiri-san?"

"I'll be going with Naegi as well. Ocelots may be solitary creatures, but they are also proud ones as well, and I have a score to settle with these freaks," Ocelot spoke simply, crossing his arms.

@The Tactician @Holding Rooms

Lang groaned as he sat up, groggily rubbing the spot on his neck where he'd been tranqued. What the hell was this? It couldn't be a Murder Game, could it? Nah...one of those couldn't take the entire Coalition at once.

He soon came to his senses, and just in time to hear plans of splitting up. So, more people were trapped around here, huh? First thing was first-the pack needed to be kept safe and together. Unfortunately that meant splitting up for the time being, so he would go...

"I'll be going with Miss Kirigiri to the second room."

@Verite @Atomyk @Second Room
Okay, so yes, Weiss had found it odd that she had been praised by the girl she had yelled at for yelling at and insulting her. Yes, it had stunned her into a brief silence that she had hardly been able to shake until they'd been called by the higher-ups for another meeting. No, even if she did support Ilona being locked up, she wasn't sure how she felt about the order being made without a proper vote(what else were these people going to do under their noses?). And no, she was hella not happy to hear that the ship carrying what sounded to more or less be a ticking emotional time bomb had been compromised and that someone now possessed that time bomb. And she was even less happy when the dark mist came.

"Ruby! Hold your breath... and...."



It was now the second time since departing Remnant that Weiss found herself awaking with her elder sister standing over her. Only this time, her gaze was harder than the last. She was still bitter from her encounter with Qrow, and even more so now that these events had unfolded. Damn the crazy drunkard to hell, getting her sidetracked when she could've been assuring her sister and his ridiculous niece were in line and safe. While she could've been assuring that this Ilona threat was properly dealt with, even! Clearly, these people were sloppy- the fact that they were the ones in charge of keeping peace around the multiverse was unnerving at absolute best. It was a wonder that it had survived this long with them in charge.

No matter.

Weiss quickly cringed, averting her eyes and preparing for the slap that was likely to come as she climbed to her feet. But for the moment, she was spared. Though, one could hardly call it that. Seeing the look in Winter's eyes, now, was a cruel enough fate. Yeah. So her sister wasn't happy with her, likely due to her running off in part. Especially judging by the fact that she didn't look particularly happy with Ruby, either.

Speaking of.

It was easy to pick Ruby out in the crowd even through the haze, and so it was accomplished quickly. She seemed to be alright, which was rather relieving. But then again, the kid was durable, so it wasn't like Weiss really needed to worry at all. Zwei, too, she noted. About to voice her intentions of reconvening with her team leader to her sister, the younger Schnee was beat to the point.

"Until this mission is over, you will not leave my sight. Thereafter, I desire to have a little talk with you and Miss Rose." This time, there was no question of confirmation in it. So Weiss merely bowed with a weak smile. "Of course." And that was more or less the extent of the conversation. "Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment, Winter." And then Weiss was joining Ruby on the look out, her sister watching after like a hawk. "I don't suppose you've managed to spot anything of importance just yet?"

@york @whoever​
Well...this was a thing now. His eyes flitted around briefly through the encompassing fog before he leaned over to the side closer to his niece.


"Great weather, huh? Almost reminds ya of home on a winter day. If it was upped a few notches on the ominous ladder. Maybe a few Grimm too, even. But nothing we can't handle, right? Just stick by me kid, we'll be alright. Not a doubt in my mind. Hell, maybe we'll even get to show Ice Queen over there some real teamwork. Been working on a few new moves with my scythe while out in the field between missions. Should come naturally to ya."

@york @Hospes @others​
Well enough talking about it. They had enough people and if scouting was out of the question, they could act now at least.

"Alright then...Saber Alter? Best you lead- You won't have much trouble, not on home turf. Deoxys? Your powers don't seem entirely nulled- If anything out there stirs, we can use any advance warning we can get. Rest of us?"

He shrugged and spoke.

"Lets walk. And if anything comes at us, hit it with all we got."

And carefully, one hand pulling out a heavy revolver and the other producing black key handles between his fingers, Lucifer advanced carefully as he and Saber went looking for a shelter they could all get indoors safely.

At least for now. Was better then staying out in the open.

@Atomyk @Verite @The Tactician @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @Whoever else.​
As the group began to make their move in securing a location, the danger lurking within the darkness finally struck. All around the group, the fog itself seemed to erupt, blowing mist and debris into the air. If it was hard to see before, the new particles flying through the air made it downright impossible.

Just beyond the edge of the explosions appeared what seemed like ghostly images of people amid the fog. If one tried to focus their vision on them, they would only catch the barest hint of physical forms before--

"G-Gaaahhkk!!" Out of the fog came some kind of bullet that punctured Kieran in the back, knocking him to the ground. He convulsed as if having a seizure or being electrocuted. Makoto cried out his name before he too was struck by a flying object. What appeared to be a dart had embedded itself into the boy's neck, causing his movements to slow as he tripped over himself and landed next to the Captain-Commander.

From the fog and dust, one of the figures came closer, revealing herself to the group.


In her hands was a sizable gun, one that shot canisters of black mist. After firing off a shot, the canister exploded, forcing the group to breath in the substance. It was enough to knock them out.



Kyoko couldn't even call out for Makoto or Kieran before she would end up breathing in some of the black air, causing her to cough violently, before sounds would cease to come from her as she too would fall to the ground, unconscious.

A number of other sinister looking individuals would begin to appear before those who would miraculously be able to stay conscious for just a little while longer, most of which wearing masks that obscured their faces and black armor, just like the woman who had shot the canister.



One such figure casually walked through the group, looking around for those who would attempt to resist the air. It was useless to fight, no matter how hard anyone would try, as the mist from before, among even more factors now, practically disabled everyone's use of their powers, and muddled anyone's ability to tap into innate abilities honed through training. Still, the figure would point his gun and begin shooting it at anyone who wouldn't immediately falter, tranquilizer darts cleanly landing in some people's necks, before everyone would eventually succumb to the cold dark.


When everyone would all come to, the group would wake up in what seemed to be strange place that resembled some sort of facility. Trapped behind metal bars, everyone individually placed within some holding cell, the sound of footsteps would be heard walking through.

Initially, one would assume it was one of the attackers, but once he came into visible view, the source of the footsteps would be revealed to be none other than Revolver Ocelot, looking just a little battered, but still alive and well.


"Hmph. What a sorry state you all seem to be in," Ocelot said patronizingly in a somewhat hushed voice.

"Nngh..." Kyoko mumbled shortly after she'd wake up, stumbling to her feet as she'd catch her breath, "Ocelot... How did you...?"

"I got separated from you when we were taken to Silent Earth, but it seemed that the intended result was all the same, since we all got knocked out and ended up here. They made one mistake though," Ocelot would reply, making his way to the end of the corridor where a small console would be located. As he would press a button on it, the cell doors would automatically open, seeming to free you all.

"Gases are little more than an annoyance for me."

Taking a breath, he would look down at himself, before pursing his lips.

"Two, actually. Looks like they thought it'd be funny to take away my guns. And all your toys as well," he mused. That said, if anyone would check to confirm, they would find that they were missing all of their equipment.


"We can recover those. What did you manage to find out about this place while looking for us?" Kyoko questioned without missing a beat.

"The hall beyond this place leads off into three different rooms. Two of which are holding rooms for the other members and representatives, the third is a storage room, all of which are presumably guarded or protected through some degree. There's also a door on the other end of the hall, but it seems to be locked. One of the soldiers around in this place might be carrying a key card that can get us further, so we'll have to split up to cover more ground. What do you all say to that?"

Shaking himself awake, Kieran audibly groaned. It took him a few minutes to stand and get a bearing on what Ocelot was saying. "I suppose I can... help break into the storage room. We'll all need to equip ourselves."

"I'd like to help break the others out," Makoto said. It seemed splitting up was the best course of action at this point.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @Krieg @Ringmaster @Crow @Mason Moretti @Cirilla @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Grumpy @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @The Tactician @Melon @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @dark
Kieran had to admit, this all seemed rather easy.

He wanted to admonish Zidane and Bibi for running off ahead, but it seemed the security in the prison hall was rather lax. Either Ocelot had been busy before he freed them, or Umbrella (those had been Umbrella agents back there) didn't fathom the idea of them escaping. In either case, it was all the better for them.

The crisp what hallway was inhabited by a single guard with a gas mask, not even armed with a firearm. He held some kind of baton, which Kieran imagined was a taser of some kind. He didn't have time to warn Zidane or his friend before the guard caught sight of them and angrily made his way toward them. Kieran looked to the others with him and said, "either support them, or get down. Don't be reckless, okay?"

@Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room

Makoto nodded to Shizuo, before leading him and any others joining them down toward the split prison halls.


"We don't know which holds which... Kyoko..." Makoto looked to her with expression of trust. "Should we split here?"

@Verite @The Tactician @Holding Rooms

"GAH! I hate second-hand smoking with a fiery passion..."


"What is that?"

In a mere matter of seconds, the Producer siblings were knocked out cold.


"Huh? Where are?" Kido was astonished by his new surroundings, surprised by the cage bars. Was this jail? "What crime did I commit again? Shouldn't you be in jail by yourself for touching ki-"


Before he could complete his sentence, Madoka covered his mouth. "Don't you dare complete that sentence if you wish to continue breathing, brother."

"OK, OK. Chill, chill, chill. By the way, something's on me," Kido looks up to see Ruby Rose on him, still unconscious. He lacked the strength to stand due to the weight of the red-hooded lass pinning him down. "Ms... uh... Red Hood? Riding Hood? Red Rose? Rosetta Stone? AkaRyuusei? Trauciel Hilbred? Wait, no... Yeah, let's introduce each other after you get up."

@Atomyk @Verite @Hospes @C.T. @Crimson Spartan @Ringmaster
@Others (Maybe Headed To Supplies)
Ruby Rose

Ruby frowned, not being able to have a very good look at her surroundings due to the mist shrugged helplessly, looking towards Weiss for a moment, then back to Winter.

"There's too much mist! Think we should go in?" She asked...

Then suddenly, the familiar sound of her Uncle's voice distracted her from looking around, just for a moment.


Turning towards him, a smile crossed her face... It was only natural that he had ended up in this whole mess with the Coalition too, looks like they both shared the same sense of duty to protect the multiverse. In a less hostile circumstance, Ruby would have done her usual thing and clung onto his arm or something, but unfortunately now was not such a time, but nonetheless, she turned her attention away from looking around for a moment before speaking.

"Alright! With both our awesome scythes we'll be... Invinci-!" She started to say, growing more and more excited.

However, Zwei's barking, followed by two explosions occuring, throwing mist and debris everyhwere cut her off, making it nearly impossible to see properly.

"...ble..." She finished, trailing off a little.

Ruby was quick to raise her guard, able to make out a few faint figures in the mist beyond... Before she could react though, she heard the cry of Kieran as he was struck by something... Makoto too, and this time, Ruby noticed a dark sticking out of his neck, and a second figure quickly emerged, with two black canisters, as the young huntress in training stepped back, preparing for a fight with her crescent rose... But it was too late, the figure had detonated one of the black canisters... The gas itself was somewhat easy to handle, Ruby managed to gover her nose and mouth before it could take any effect... Just before she heard another dart shot, and the closeby whine of Zwei followed by a thud.

"Zwei!" She shouted.

Immediately, she regretted her instinct to shout as she had inhaled some of that gas.... It was already making her dizzy when she tried to activate her semblance... Only to find out she was unable to... Not just that, but she realized her aura had just been drained... Somehow... Looking around, she tried to find her attackers again, but unfortunately for her... Without her aura to protect her, she was quickly downed by a metal dart.


When Ruby awoke, she had apparantly fallen on her rear, at some point, and was in a cell, without her weapons... Both her semblance and her aura appeared to have been drained from her, and judging from what Ocelot said, she figured it had to have been that black gas. However, before she could say anything, she couldn't help but notice that she was sitting on someone... Unfamiliar... With that sudden realization she yelped, getting up rather quickly.

"Waah! Uh... Oops, guess they threw us in all weird... Heh..." Ruby said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck a little.

"Um... I'm Ruby Rose... And... ..." She suddenly froze, stopping midsentence realized a few things were missing.

Feeling around all her "lady pockets", and her toolbelt, she quickly discovered that all her items were missing, including her backpack, the mysterious metal suitcase, her crescent rose and... ... Her emergency cookie stash.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She shouted in an overdramatic display of despair as she fell to her knees.

The whole thing looked an awfull lot like that one scene from Star Wars Episode III...

After a few moments of basically a prolonged "nooo", Ruby finally ran out of air in her lungs and took a deep breath, having gotten that out of her system.

"I uh... Ineedtogettothestorageroom!!!" She said, her words practically tumbling out of her mouth as she broke out into a sprint.

Unless Weiss, Winter, or heck her Uncle Qrow managed to stop her in time (it was easier to do without her semblance, fortunately), she would be headed in the direction of the storage room, clearly aiming to recover her stolen items, though one had to wonder if she was more worried about her cookies, her Crescent Rose, or that mysterious suitcase she had brought with her... Whatever it was, she sure had been quite upset to find it gone.



Zwei sat there, perfectly still, staring somewhere into the mist... Normally, he would have been ecstatic at the sight and smell of Qrow, but it seemed that he was smelling something else, something that had him baring his teeth, growling a little as he did this... At least two distinct, unfamiliar smells could be made out from beyond the mist, and while he couldn't hear anything out of the ordinary, Zwei didn't seem to like this at all.

When one of the figures emerged, preparing to fire a black canister, the heroic little dog was intent on stopping her, but even as the canister detonated... Covering the area with black gas... Though even as he lost consciousness, he still tried to take down the first figure, rearing back for a lunge at one of her arms... But before he could jump, a metal dart suddenly hit him right in his rear... And he fell down with a thump, knocked out by the dart. Even though Zwei didn't know it, the gas had taken out his aura, which was usually able to protect against things like this.


When the little dog finally woke up, he was panting softly, curled up in a furry little ball... For the moment, he seemed to have forgotten about what had happened to him, until Ruby's prolonged "nooo!" made him jump up, looking around... He continued to pant for a moment, before he stopped, quickly remembering what had happened to him and his friends...

As Ruby took off, Zwei sort of looked up at Weiss with a pleading expression... Looks like he didn't want Ruby to go alone...

One such figure casually walked through the group, looking around for those who would attempt to resist the air. It was useless to fight, no matter how hard anyone would try, as the mist from before, among even more factors now, practically disabled everyone's use of their powers, and muddled anyone's ability to tap into innate abilities honed through training. Still, the figure would point his gun and begin shooting it at anyone who wouldn't immediately falter, tranquilizer darts cleanly landing in some people's necks, before everyone would eventually succumb to the cold dark.


As they continued to fly, a smirk appeared on Nemo's face. The setting wasn't exactly ideal given how creepy it seemed to be with fog left and right, up and down, every way you looked! But here he was on one of his demon with the only girl who had ever made him feel like this! He wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by! Whatever Remila's response may have been to the previous question Nemo had asked of her, he had another one in mind. One that brought a blush to his face but damn it he had to ask her before he lost his nerve!

"H-Hey Remilia? I've been thinking and their's something I've been wanting to ask you. Would..."

Before Nemo could get any further there was a disruption! In the form of one of their number going down. Drawing his sword although without his Qi to enhance it, it was just a plastic sword Nemo prepared for the worst! Garthos and Astaroth both snarled and Garthos tried to look around for the shooter. Only to get a face full of some kind of black mist! Garthos inhaled the foul substance and hacked as his eyes rolled up and he began a sudden descent downwards.

"Garthos no! *Cough* Remilia, look *cough* out!"

Without even thinking, Nemo grabbed Remila and jumped off Garthos with her. Whatever this stuff was it was having an effect on him as well. But more importantly it was even working on his demons and he didn't want Remila to be onboard a crashing demon, specially one as big as Garthos! Provided Remila could keep the two of them afloat then they were golden. But if not then Nemo did his damnedest to make sure he absorbed the brunt of the fall with Remila laying atop him.

Coughing as without his Qi and his Devil's Eye still re-charging, Nemo was just a vulnerable ten year old boy. Which meant leaping off flying demons as they were crashing wasn't the best idea. But he wasn't going to let Remila get hurt! Or anybody else for that matter. Digging his nails into the dirt, Nemo staggered to his feet and drew his sword. But no matter how much of a brave front the boy put forward. Stripping away everything else he was still just a boy.

The sword fell from his hand and Nemo fell face-first onto the ground as his eyelids grew heavy. He had felt a similar sensation threatening to overtake him before. But in that case it was because he'd been beaten to a bloody pulp. Here it was a goon with some kind of icky mist. But while he had done his best to try and make sure Remila was safe, he wouldn't go out without doing the same for his demons!


Thrusting his hand forward, Nemo dispelled Garthos before the larger demon smashed into the ground. No doubt it wouldn't have seriously maimed the demon given his size. But with people who Nemo had no idea who they were? Armed with weapons like these? Nemo didn't want the possibility of these guys getting their mitts on his demons to even be humored. Which meant Garthos vanished in a puff of smoke like Chibi had earlier.


With a relieved smile on his face, Nemo's head slumped forward onto the ground as his eyes finally closed. But while Nemo had succumbed and Garthos had disappeared, Astaroth didn't go down as easily. His flying had been disrupted by the mist that's for sure. Falling down from the sky, Astaroth landed on all fours. But he wasn't out by any means of the word! He didn't know who these people were or what they wanted. But he had to protect Nemo! Seeing the boy face first in the dirt, Astaroth tried to make his way over to him.

Which given the inhalation of the mist made things quite a bit more difficult. But he wouldn't run or go down like a dog! He had already let Nemo down once! He had sworn to protect him as his best friend and he wouldn't let these strangers take him! But as the masked figure stepped in and fired tranquilizer darts into Astaroth's neck, the demon bared his fangs and lashed out with his tail.



His tail stopped within an inch of the masked man's neck before it went limp. Falling to the ground with Astaroth following right behind it. But the two wouldn't be asleep for long as they'd wake up just in time for Ocelot to free them. As the situation was explained, the demon's tail smashed the ground behind him. There wasn't any need for words on his part. He felt like less than an animal. To be shot and thrown into a cell. What made it any different from a cage?

All that was missing was the spectators to come and gawk at the display. But Nemo was far more vocal about wanting to get the hell out of here and find the others. His face brusied up from falling off Garthos and then hitting the ground face-first, Nemo realized just how utterly defenseless he was. His sword had been taken, his eye was still on the rebound, he was just a kid mixed up in all this.


"I'm all for finding the others and taking on whoever gets in our way. If these people want to kidnap members of our group then they ought to know what'll happen." Nemo stated boldly as he balled his hands up into fists. He may have just been a small child, an overly optimistic one at that. But he wouldn't let evildoers like this get away with what they'd done. He didn't care who he went with or came with so long as the others were saved. But first thing's first.

"Remila, you okay?"

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan
Surprisingly, the guard looked unfazed by the spell as he used his baton as a sort of shield. The ice attack hit the weapon first and became absorbed by the material. Not missing a beat, the guard then waved the baton and tossed the magic at the approaching Doomguy before he could make physical contact with the guard.

Kieran was just finding it difficult to approach with the limited space the hall offered.


"We're all still feeling the fog's effects, s-so your powers are not going to be so great..."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
  • Useful
Reactions: Jeremi
As the group began to make their move in securing a location, the danger lurking within the darkness finally struck. All around the group, the fog itself seemed to erupt, blowing mist and debris into the air. If it was hard to see before, the new particles flying through the air made it downright impossible.

Just beyond the edge of the explosions appeared what seemed like ghostly images of people amid the fog. If one tried to focus their vision on them, they would only catch the barest hint of physical forms before--

"G-Gaaahhkk!!" Out of the fog came some kind of bullet that punctured Kieran in the back, knocking him to the ground. He convulsed as if having a seizure or being electrocuted. Makoto cried out his name before he too was struck by a flying object. What appeared to be a dart had embedded itself into the boy's neck, causing his movements to slow as he tripped over himself and landed next to the Captain-Commander.

From the fog and dust, one of the figures came closer, revealing herself to the group.


In her hands was a sizable gun, one that shot canisters of black mist. After firing off a shot, the canister exploded, forcing the group to breath in the substance. It was enough to knock them out.



Kyoko couldn't even call out for Makoto or Kieran before she would end up breathing in some of the black air, causing her to cough violently, before sounds would cease to come from her as she too would fall to the ground, unconscious.

A number of other sinister looking individuals would begin to appear before those who would miraculously be able to stay conscious for just a little while longer, most of which wearing masks that obscured their faces and black armor, just like the woman who had shot the canister.



One such figure casually walked through the group, looking around for those who would attempt to resist the air. It was useless to fight, no matter how hard anyone would try, as the mist from before, among even more factors now, practically disabled everyone's use of their powers, and muddled anyone's ability to tap into innate abilities honed through training. Still, the figure would point his gun and begin shooting it at anyone who wouldn't immediately falter, tranquilizer darts cleanly landing in some people's necks, before everyone would eventually succumb to the cold dark.


When everyone would all come to, the group would wake up in what seemed to be strange place that resembled some sort of facility. Trapped behind metal bars, everyone individually placed within some holding cell, the sound of footsteps would be heard walking through.

Initially, one would assume it was one of the attackers, but once he came into visible view, the source of the footsteps would be revealed to be none other than Revolver Ocelot, looking just a little battered, but still alive and well.


"Hmph. What a sorry state you all seem to be in," Ocelot said patronizingly in a somewhat hushed voice.

"Nngh..." Kyoko mumbled shortly after she'd wake up, stumbling to her feet as she'd catch her breath, "Ocelot... How did you...?"

"I got separated from you when we were taken to Silent Earth, but it seemed that the intended result was all the same, since we all got knocked out and ended up here. They made one mistake though," Ocelot would reply, making his way to the end of the corridor where a small console would be located. As he would press a button on it, the cell doors would automatically open, seeming to free you all.

"Gases are little more than an annoyance for me."

Taking a breath, he would look down at himself, before pursing his lips.

"Two, actually. Looks like they thought it'd be funny to take away my guns. And all your toys as well," he mused. That said, if anyone would check to confirm, they would find that they were missing all of their equipment.


"We can recover those. What did you manage to find out about this place while looking for us?" Kyoko questioned without missing a beat.

"The hall beyond this place leads off into three different rooms. Two of which are holding rooms for the other members and representatives, the third is a storage room, all of which are presumably guarded or protected through some degree. There's also a door on the other end of the hall, but it seems to be locked. One of the soldiers around in this place might be carrying a key card that can get us further, so we'll have to split up to cover more ground. What do you all say to that?"

Shaking himself awake, Kieran audibly groaned. It took him a few minutes to stand and get a bearing on what Ocelot was saying. "I suppose I can... help break into the storage room. We'll all need to equip ourselves."

"I'd like to help break the others out," Makoto said. It seemed splitting up was the best course of action at this point.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @Krieg @Ringmaster @Crow @Mason Moretti @Cirilla @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Grumpy @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @The Tactician @Melon @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @dark
The black mist went around and as others fell around him Black had managed to last a bit longer thanks to his own mask... Long enough to line up a shot on the incoming hostiles but as the cowboy soon learned that if the mist didn't get him the tranquilizer dart in his neck would....but not before a shot left his revolver missing of course due to his fading vision.

Coming to and listening to what Ocelot had to say Black had gotten up and upon being released he walked right up to his fellow revolver user.


"Figured these idiots would know that you don't mess with a man's guns... Soldier or cowboy it don't make a damn difference so... Fer me personally...The Storage room seems like the best place to find 'em...I'll go help the force headin' out that way so....Try not to die, soldier..." Black spoke to Revolver Ocelot before he turned to oddly enough Astaroth...


As they continued to fly, a smirk appeared on Nemo's face. The setting wasn't exactly ideal given how creepy it seemed to be with fog left and right, up and down, every way you looked! But here he was on one of his demon with the only girl who had ever made him feel like this! He wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by! Whatever Remila's response may have been to the previous question Nemo had asked of her, he had another one in mind. One that brought a blush to his face but damn it he had to ask her before he lost his nerve!

"H-Hey Remilia? I've been thinking and their's something I've been wanting to ask you. Would..."

Before Nemo could get any further there was a disruption! In the form of one of their number going down. Drawing his sword although without his Qi to enhance it, it was just a plastic sword Nemo prepared for the worst! Garthos and Astaroth both snarled and Garthos tried to look around for the shooter. Only to get a face full of some kind of black mist! Garthos inhaled the foul substance and hacked as his eyes rolled up and he began a sudden descent downwards.

"Garthos no! *Cough* Remilia, look *cough* out!"

Without even thinking, Nemo grabbed Remila and jumped off Garthos with her. Whatever this stuff was it was having an effect on him as well. But more importantly it was even working on his demons and he didn't want Remila to be onboard a crashing demon, specially one as big as Garthos! Provided Remila could keep the two of them afloat then they were golden. But if not then Nemo did his damnedest to make sure he absorbed the brunt of the fall with Remila laying atop him.

Coughing as without his Qi and his Devil's Eye still re-charging, Nemo was just a vulnerable ten year old boy. Which meant leaping off flying demons as they were crashing wasn't the best idea. But he wasn't going to let Remila get hurt! Or anybody else for that matter. Digging his nails into the dirt, Nemo staggered to his feet and drew his sword. But no matter how much of a brave front the boy put forward. Stripping away everything else he was still just a boy.

The sword fell from his hand and Nemo fell face-first onto the ground as his eyelids grew heavy. He had felt a similar sensation threatening to overtake him before. But in that case it was because he'd been beaten to a bloody pulp. Here it was a goon with some kind of icky mist. But while he had done his best to try and make sure Remila was safe, he wouldn't go out without doing the same for his demons!


Thrusting his hand forward, Nemo dispelled Garthos before the larger demon smashed into the ground. No doubt it wouldn't have seriously maimed the demon given his size. But with people who Nemo had no idea who they were? Armed with weapons like these? Nemo didn't want the possibility of these guys getting their mitts on his demons to even be humored. Which meant Garthos vanished in a puff of smoke like Chibi had earlier.


With a relieved smile on his face, Nemo's head slumped forward onto the ground as his eyes finally closed. But while Nemo had succumbed and Garthos had disappeared, Astaroth didn't go down as easily. His flying had been disrupted by the mist that's for sure. Falling down from the sky, Astaroth landed on all fours. But he wasn't out by any means of the word! He didn't know who these people were or what they wanted. But he had to protect Nemo! Seeing the boy face first in the dirt, Astaroth tried to make his way over to him.

Which given the inhalation of the mist made things quite a bit more difficult. But he wouldn't run or go down like a dog! He had already let Nemo down once! He had sworn to protect him as his best friend and he wouldn't let these strangers take him! But as the masked figure stepped in and fired tranquilizer darts into Astaroth's neck, the demon bared his fangs and lashed out with his tail.



His tail stopped within an inch of the masked man's neck before it went limp. Falling to the ground with Astaroth following right behind it. But the two wouldn't be asleep for long as they'd wake up just in time for Ocelot to free them. As the situation was explained, the demon's tail smashed the ground behind him. There wasn't any need for words on his part. He felt like less than an animal. To be shot and thrown into a cell. What made it any different from a cage?

All that was missing was the spectators to come and gawk at the display. But Nemo was far more vocal about wanting to get the hell out of here and find the others. His face brusied up from falling off Garthos and then hitting the ground face-first, Nemo realized just how utterly defenseless he was. His sword had been taken, his eye was still on the rebound, he was just a kid mixed up in all this.


"I'm all for finding the others and taking on whoever gets in our way. If these people want to kidnap members of our group then they ought to know what'll happen." Nemo stated boldly as he balled his hands up into fists. He may have just been a small child, an overly optimistic one at that. But he wouldn't let evildoers like this get away with what they'd done. He didn't care who he went with or came with so long as the others were saved. But first thing's first.

"Remila, you okay?"

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan
"Saw ya try to fight back... Seems we both missed our targets but hell..props fer tryin' I suppose..." Black spoke to the demon showing a small amount of respect for Astaroth...though Astaroth probably shouldn't get used to this from Black.... Speaking of Black at that point walked away to go join his chosen group....
Kieran had to admit, this all seemed rather easy.

He wanted to admonish Zidane and Bibi for running off ahead, but it seemed the security in the prison hall was rather lax. Either Ocelot had been busy before he freed them, or Umbrella (those had been Umbrella agents back there) didn't fathom the idea of them escaping. In either case, it was all the better for them.

The crisp what hallway was inhabited by a single guard with a gas mask, not even armed with a firearm. He held some kind of baton, which Kieran imagined was a taser of some kind. He didn't have time to warn Zidane or his friend before the guard caught sight of them and angrily made his way toward them. Kieran looked to the others with him and said, "either support them, or get down. Don't be reckless, okay?"

@Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room

Makoto nodded to Shizuo, before leading him and any others joining them down toward the split prison halls.


"We don't know which holds which... Kyoko..." Makoto looked to her with expression of trust. "Should we split here?"

@Verite @The Tactician @Holding Rooms

Surprisingly, the guard looked unfazed by the spell as he used his baton as a sort of shield. The ice attack hit the weapon first and became absorbed by the material. Not missing a beat, the guard then waved the baton and tossed the magic at the approaching Doomguy before he could make physical contact with the guard.

Kieran was just finding it difficult to approach with the limited space the hall offered.


"We're all still feeling the fog's effects, s-so your powers are not going to be so great..."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room


"Cloggin' up the hallway ain't a good idea... Easy choke point and hard to flank... Let the cowboy deal with 'em... Ain't no pushover and I got no powers to fuck up.... Only thing I got is 150 years of fightin' and shootin' under my belt...." Black spoke to Kieran having seen the situation over here and how it was going.

@Verite @Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti @Bomb @york @Archwar @Atomyk
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Chewy Rabbits
Surprisingly, the guard looked unfazed by the spell as he used his baton as a sort of shield. The ice attack hit the weapon first and became absorbed by the material. Not missing a beat, the guard then waved the baton and tossed the magic at the approaching Doomguy before he could make physical contact with the guard.

Kieran was just finding it difficult to approach with the limited space the hall offered.


"We're all still feeling the fog's effects, s-so your powers are not going to be so great..."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
I rushed the guard, tensing up my arm muscles and readying for a death blow. However, I felt a chill and saw ice fly by. The guard appeared unharmed by it, instead pointing it at me. Then ice flew at me.

Great, magical sticks.

Gotta try better than that.

Despite the spell hitting me, I powered through it. My body cramped from the sudden cold though, causing me to unintentionally lower my aim. Now it was positioned towards the center of the chest. If it still managed to hit, the guard would have a gaping hole to show off his healthy lungs!

@Atomyk @dark @LuckycoolHawk9 @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
"I am Wynne, It's a pleasure, Deoxys."

Wynne's eyes took in the creature. Take it in, she smiled as she laughed lightly.

"I didn't mean to stare, it's just that I am admiring you. I have to say, I've never seen a creature so breath taking. Forgive me if I have offended you. You're like sort of spirit that stepped out of the fade. So full of color and alluring to the eye, like gem in the sun. What are you exactly?"
Well enough talking about it. They had enough people and if scouting was out of the question, they could act now at least.

"Alright then...Saber Alter? Best you lead- You won't have much trouble, not on home turf. Deoxys? Your powers don't seem entirely nulled- If anything out there stirs, we can use any advance warning we can get. Rest of us?"

He shrugged and spoke.

"Lets walk. And if anything comes at us, hit it with all we got."

And carefully, one hand pulling out a heavy revolver and the other producing black key handles between his fingers, Lucifer advanced carefully as he and Saber went looking for a shelter they could all get indoors safely.

At least for now. Was better then staying out in the open.

@Atomyk @Verite @The Tactician @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @Whoever else.​
As the group began to make their move in securing a location, the danger lurking within the darkness finally struck. All around the group, the fog itself seemed to erupt, blowing mist and debris into the air. If it was hard to see before, the new particles flying through the air made it downright impossible.

Just beyond the edge of the explosions appeared what seemed like ghostly images of people amid the fog. If one tried to focus their vision on them, they would only catch the barest hint of physical forms before--

"G-Gaaahhkk!!" Out of the fog came some kind of bullet that punctured Kieran in the back, knocking him to the ground. He convulsed as if having a seizure or being electrocuted. Makoto cried out his name before he too was struck by a flying object. What appeared to be a dart had embedded itself into the boy's neck, causing his movements to slow as he tripped over himself and landed next to the Captain-Commander.

From the fog and dust, one of the figures came closer, revealing herself to the group.


In her hands was a sizable gun, one that shot canisters of black mist. After firing off a shot, the canister exploded, forcing the group to breath in the substance. It was enough to knock them out.



Kyoko couldn't even call out for Makoto or Kieran before she would end up breathing in some of the black air, causing her to cough violently, before sounds would cease to come from her as she too would fall to the ground, unconscious.

A number of other sinister looking individuals would begin to appear before those who would miraculously be able to stay conscious for just a little while longer, most of which wearing masks that obscured their faces and black armor, just like the woman who had shot the canister.



One such figure casually walked through the group, looking around for those who would attempt to resist the air. It was useless to fight, no matter how hard anyone would try, as the mist from before, among even more factors now, practically disabled everyone's use of their powers, and muddled anyone's ability to tap into innate abilities honed through training. Still, the figure would point his gun and begin shooting it at anyone who wouldn't immediately falter, tranquilizer darts cleanly landing in some people's necks, before everyone would eventually succumb to the cold dark.


When everyone would all come to, the group would wake up in what seemed to be strange place that resembled some sort of facility. Trapped behind metal bars, everyone individually placed within some holding cell, the sound of footsteps would be heard walking through.

Initially, one would assume it was one of the attackers, but once he came into visible view, the source of the footsteps would be revealed to be none other than Revolver Ocelot, looking just a little battered, but still alive and well.


"Hmph. What a sorry state you all seem to be in," Ocelot said patronizingly in a somewhat hushed voice.

"Nngh..." Kyoko mumbled shortly after she'd wake up, stumbling to her feet as she'd catch her breath, "Ocelot... How did you...?"

"I got separated from you when we were taken to Silent Earth, but it seemed that the intended result was all the same, since we all got knocked out and ended up here. They made one mistake though," Ocelot would reply, making his way to the end of the corridor where a small console would be located. As he would press a button on it, the cell doors would automatically open, seeming to free you all.

"Gases are little more than an annoyance for me."

Taking a breath, he would look down at himself, before pursing his lips.

"Two, actually. Looks like they thought it'd be funny to take away my guns. And all your toys as well," he mused. That said, if anyone would check to confirm, they would find that they were missing all of their equipment.


"We can recover those. What did you manage to find out about this place while looking for us?" Kyoko questioned without missing a beat.

"The hall beyond this place leads off into three different rooms. Two of which are holding rooms for the other members and representatives, the third is a storage room, all of which are presumably guarded or protected through some degree. There's also a door on the other end of the hall, but it seems to be locked. One of the soldiers around in this place might be carrying a key card that can get us further, so we'll have to split up to cover more ground. What do you all say to that?"

Shaking himself awake, Kieran audibly groaned. It took him a few minutes to stand and get a bearing on what Ocelot was saying. "I suppose I can... help break into the storage room. We'll all need to equip ourselves."

"I'd like to help break the others out," Makoto said. It seemed splitting up was the best course of action at this point.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @Krieg @Ringmaster @Crow @Mason Moretti @Cirilla @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Grumpy @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @The Tactician @Melon @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @dark

"Sounds like a plan. Make sure to have a few people accompanying you, just in case you run into a few guards," Kyoko responded, though she seemed to avert her gaze from Makoto. It was hard to tell if it was a conscious action, but the more observant might take notice of it...

Shiki, who had accompanied the group heading for the Holding Rooms, would clear his throat, preparing to speak his piece.


"I'm willing to go with Makoto. Len, you go with the nice lady, okay? Make sure nothing bad happens to her," the young man would instruct Len like a father to his child, briefly gesturing towards Kyoko, to which the blue-haired familiar would simply nod and give an unemotional thumbs up. Well, that was as pumped as he could have expected Len to be.

Taking a breath, he would then put a hand on his hip, looking at Shizuo and whoever else would follow them. "What about you guys? Would you rather the first room with Makoto or the second room with Kirigiri-san?"

"I'll be going with Naegi as well. Ocelots may be solitary creatures, but they are also proud ones as well, and I have a score to settle with these freaks," Ocelot spoke simply, crossing his arms.

@The Tactician @Holding Rooms

Deoxys stared at Wynne as she spoke, introducing herself much like Deoxys. Deoxys had already known this humans name beforehand, obviously, but the best approach to minimizing irritating behaviors humans display upon meeting an organism like Deoxys is being "polite" and conforming to their social quirks.

The alien couldn't express itself well with a face, but its eyes alone seemed to roll as she mentioned the word 'spirit'

"No, I am not a Ghost-type. That is the impression most humans receive at first, unfortunately," Deoxys spoke, keeping up the guise of a cold scientist, with simple definitions that contrasted with Wynnes poetic style of speech.

"I am Deoxys, as I said before. Unique organism created from abiogenesis within a viral agent found on a drifting meteorite in deep space. Though, to humans of my origins universe, I am classified as a Pokemon."

"...despite being superior on average to objectively inferior organisms that go under the same classifications. A result of flawed human perception and thought processes. I can not change it, so I do not care."

Of course.

"You are one of the few humanoids with a relatively positive reaction to my existence, subject Wynne. Are there other beings you have observed that are similar to me?"

Deoxys seemed genuine in its question, pondering what this woman has actually seen to have such an interesting response. It could just read her memories and not bother asking, but...occasionally, requesting vocal communications of memories is a better alternative.

Because, sometimes, it is mean to invade someones privac-- Damn you, Ryan.

Deoxys glanced at Lucifer, whom began to move forward. He seemed to have some kind of plan that involved shielding everyone from the strange fog. Considering how Deoxys already sensed that the fog was impacting its strength, so it would follow through-- but, it looked back at Wynne as an offer to come with.

Then, it happened.

Even with the eery mist blocking off psychic signals from reaching Deoxys, it could still sense a presence rapidly approaching, with an assumed hostile intent. The Pokemon lashed out, rushing forward at the nearest enemy and attempting to strike them down with its tentacles. The chemical fog had no effect on Deoxys, and it would most assuredly cause damage to the attacking organism before it would go down.

A second later, an extremely lucky tranquilizer dart struck Deoxys in its core.


A shrill pain shot up throughout the aliens body, feeling the equivalent of a human being stabbed in the head. Ah, yes...that rare sting that Deoxys almost never felt; pain. Pain in its purest form, that would send the powerful being into a violent twitching tantrum, before the chemicals within would pump into the organ with full effect.


Everything fell to black, and the last thought it had was clouded with unbridled rage.

Deoxys fainted!


Deoxys awoke in a violent fit, shooting up from its position and darting its head around the room, analyzing the situation in under a second. When it realized that there was no immediate enemy in the room, it calmed its stance, but only slightly.

Locked in a cage. Like a wild, savage animal about to be butchered for sustenance. By a group of such...worthless, inferior, wastes of biomatter. Deoxys carried itself with little to no emotion on the outside, but within its core, it carried hatred for every single non-Coalition creature that now inhabited this structure.

All of them were now classified as threats.

All of them were to be eradicated.


"I'm going to kill them."

Deoxys was currently in its Attack Forme, having transformed to it prior to being sent to Silent Earth. While it had lost defensive power, it sported far superior speed and sharp, piercing tentacles that can swiftly terminate an enemy with precise and surgical stabs (as it had explained to Shiki earlier).

It glared back at Makoto, Kyoko, Ocelot, Shizuo, and the forming group for the first and second rooms.

"I will assist you."

It didn't care where they went, as long as it was doing something to exterminate the lesser beings that dared to rise above their chosen place on the genetic scale.

@Verite @Atomyk @The Tactician @Yun Lee @First and Second Room Squad

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Atomyk
As the group began to make their move in securing a location, the danger lurking within the darkness finally struck. All around the group, the fog itself seemed to erupt, blowing mist and debris into the air. If it was hard to see before, the new particles flying through the air made it downright impossible.

Just beyond the edge of the explosions appeared what seemed like ghostly images of people amid the fog. If one tried to focus their vision on them, they would only catch the barest hint of physical forms before--

"G-Gaaahhkk!!" Out of the fog came some kind of bullet that punctured Kieran in the back, knocking him to the ground. He convulsed as if having a seizure or being electrocuted. Makoto cried out his name before he too was struck by a flying object. What appeared to be a dart had embedded itself into the boy's neck, causing his movements to slow as he tripped over himself and landed next to the Captain-Commander.

From the fog and dust, one of the figures came closer, revealing herself to the group.


In her hands was a sizable gun, one that shot canisters of black mist. After firing off a shot, the canister exploded, forcing the group to breath in the substance. It was enough to knock them out.



Kyoko couldn't even call out for Makoto or Kieran before she would end up breathing in some of the black air, causing her to cough violently, before sounds would cease to come from her as she too would fall to the ground, unconscious.

A number of other sinister looking individuals would begin to appear before those who would miraculously be able to stay conscious for just a little while longer, most of which wearing masks that obscured their faces and black armor, just like the woman who had shot the canister.



One such figure casually walked through the group, looking around for those who would attempt to resist the air. It was useless to fight, no matter how hard anyone would try, as the mist from before, among even more factors now, practically disabled everyone's use of their powers, and muddled anyone's ability to tap into innate abilities honed through training. Still, the figure would point his gun and begin shooting it at anyone who wouldn't immediately falter, tranquilizer darts cleanly landing in some people's necks, before everyone would eventually succumb to the cold dark.


When everyone would all come to, the group would wake up in what seemed to be strange place that resembled some sort of facility. Trapped behind metal bars, everyone individually placed within some holding cell, the sound of footsteps would be heard walking through.

Initially, one would assume it was one of the attackers, but once he came into visible view, the source of the footsteps would be revealed to be none other than Revolver Ocelot, looking just a little battered, but still alive and well.


"Hmph. What a sorry state you all seem to be in," Ocelot said patronizingly in a somewhat hushed voice.

"Nngh..." Kyoko mumbled shortly after she'd wake up, stumbling to her feet as she'd catch her breath, "Ocelot... How did you...?"

"I got separated from you when we were taken to Silent Earth, but it seemed that the intended result was all the same, since we all got knocked out and ended up here. They made one mistake though," Ocelot would reply, making his way to the end of the corridor where a small console would be located. As he would press a button on it, the cell doors would automatically open, seeming to free you all.

"Gases are little more than an annoyance for me."

Taking a breath, he would look down at himself, before pursing his lips.

"Two, actually. Looks like they thought it'd be funny to take away my guns. And all your toys as well," he mused. That said, if anyone would check to confirm, they would find that they were missing all of their equipment.


"We can recover those. What did you manage to find out about this place while looking for us?" Kyoko questioned without missing a beat.

"The hall beyond this place leads off into three different rooms. Two of which are holding rooms for the other members and representatives, the third is a storage room, all of which are presumably guarded or protected through some degree. There's also a door on the other end of the hall, but it seems to be locked. One of the soldiers around in this place might be carrying a key card that can get us further, so we'll have to split up to cover more ground. What do you all say to that?"

Shaking himself awake, Kieran audibly groaned. It took him a few minutes to stand and get a bearing on what Ocelot was saying. "I suppose I can... help break into the storage room. We'll all need to equip ourselves."

"I'd like to help break the others out," Makoto said. It seemed splitting up was the best course of action at this point.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @Krieg @Ringmaster @Crow @Mason Moretti @Cirilla @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Grumpy @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @The Tactician @Melon @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @dark

"Don't worry guys! I'm a master thief. I can get through this!" Zidane said as he quietly dashed to the storage room.

Bibi then tried to catch up to ZIdane...


*ignore the other people in this gif*

Before tripping again. Bibi got back up and continued to chase after Zidane.

@storage room @Atomyk @Verite
Kieran had to admit, this all seemed rather easy.

He wanted to admonish Zidane and Bibi for running off ahead, but it seemed the security in the prison hall was rather lax. Either Ocelot had been busy before he freed them, or Umbrella (those had been Umbrella agents back there) didn't fathom the idea of them escaping. In either case, it was all the better for them.

The crisp what hallway was inhabited by a single guard with a gas mask, not even armed with a firearm. He held some kind of baton, which Kieran imagined was a taser of some kind. He didn't have time to warn Zidane or his friend before the guard caught sight of them and angrily made his way toward them. Kieran looked to the others with him and said, "either support them, or get down. Don't be reckless, okay?"

@Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
"Shoot!" ZIdane said, as he didn't have a weapon he can use. Maybe he could go for a knockout?

Just then, Zidane saw Bibi channeling a spell.

That's right! Bibi can still cast black magic! Zidane realized, hoping that it would still work.

Bibi then casted the spell, Blizzard. Since it was casted without a rod or staff, its power is weakened, or it might not even work, with everyone weakened. But surely it was worth a try and freeze the guard's movements?

@Atomyk @Mason Moretti
"I uh... Ineedtogettothestorageroom!!!" She said, her words practically tumbling out of her mouth as she broke out into a sprint.

Unless Weiss, Winter, or heck her Uncle Qrow managed to stop her in time (it was easier to do without her semblance, fortunately), she would be headed in the direction of the storage room, clearly aiming to recover her stolen items, though one had to wonder if she was more worried about her cookies, her Crescent Rose, or that mysterious suitcase she had brought with her... Whatever it was, she sure had been quite upset to find it gone.
Surprisingly, the guard looked unfazed by the spell as he used his baton as a sort of shield. The ice attack hit the weapon first and became absorbed by the material. Not missing a beat, the guard then waved the baton and tossed the magic at the approaching Doomguy before he could make physical contact with the guard.

Kieran was just finding it difficult to approach with the limited space the hall offered.


"We're all still feeling the fog's effects, s-so your powers are not going to be so great..."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
I rushed the guard, tensing up my arm muscles and readying for a death blow. However, I felt a chill and saw ice fly by. The guard appeared unharmed by it, instead pointing it at me. Then ice flew at me.

Great, magical sticks.

Gotta try better than that.

Despite the spell hitting me, I powered through it. My body cramped from the sudden cold though, causing me to unintentionally lower my aim. Now it was positioned towards the center of the chest. If it still managed to hit, the guard would have a gaping hole to show off his healthy lungs!

@Atomyk @dark @LuckycoolHawk9 @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room


"Well... hopefully we do find our belongings soon. I wouldn't want to be without my precious Dynamos for too long~"

In a way, Add was practically defenseless. He could feel the charge of his chest crystal being at a potential low, and the most he could do with his limited spatial abilities was to make mere short-distance teleports to avoid certain attacks. Surely enough Elesis would be awake and with their group at the moment, but she wouldn't be able to perform much progress in combat that would be prove to be useful in these situations.


"I can't help much with the physical means of pulling through this, but Elesis can. She did have some extensive knight training to do some good for us. A team effort for the best possible result, heheh..."

With the both of them walking along with the group heading for the storage room, it was clear that they wouldn't have a breeze sneaking around.


"Add... should... I?"

Elesis could feel the influence of the phantom lessen, ever since they arrived in this strange place. She would feel more confident that she wouldn't be made a killing machine due to the phantom, but she wouldn't have the power of her blood magic to be much use here. The esper gave a simple nod to her, letting Elesis proceed with assisting the others with this one guard. Even without her sword, she was well aware that she gave the efficiency of spilling blood in encounters.

If Doomguy's efforts would not work, Elesis immediately charged at the guard, aiming to tackle him to the ground and pin him there. It would be a chore to do so without the extra strength coming from the phantom, but she wasn't going to stand there.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Atomyk @Storage Room
Surprisingly, the guard looked unfazed by the spell as he used his baton as a sort of shield. The ice attack hit the weapon first and became absorbed by the material. Not missing a beat, the guard then waved the baton and tossed the magic at the approaching Doomguy before he could make physical contact with the guard.

Kieran was just finding it difficult to approach with the limited space the hall offered.


"We're all still feeling the fog's effects, s-so your powers are not going to be so great..."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
"Darn it, that didn't work!? Black Magic might not be a good idea..." Zidane said, trying to dash in and attempt to steal the baton.

"My magic..." Bibi said, looking down upon his hands. What good is he if his Black Magic wasn't helpful?

@LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Storage Room​
The wolf and Lunar Flower were caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. But one of the two tried to take action as quickly as possible.

Toboe had been hit by a dart mid lunge at one of the attackers, landing shortly at their feet before things started going dark.

When he came to he was laying at his side. Taking a moment to stand he glanced at those around.

@Atomyk @Verite @Hospes @C.T. @Crimson Spartan @Ringmaster
@Others (Maybe Headed To Supplies)
Ruby Rose

Ruby frowned, not being able to have a very good look at her surroundings due to the mist shrugged helplessly, looking towards Weiss for a moment, then back to Winter.

"There's too much mist! Think we should go in?" She asked...

Then suddenly, the familiar sound of her Uncle's voice distracted her from looking around, just for a moment.


Turning towards him, a smile crossed her face... It was only natural that he had ended up in this whole mess with the Coalition too, looks like they both shared the same sense of duty to protect the multiverse. In a less hostile circumstance, Ruby would have done her usual thing and clung onto his arm or something, but unfortunately now was not such a time, but nonetheless, she turned her attention away from looking around for a moment before speaking.

"Alright! With both our awesome scythes we'll be... Invinci-!" She started to say, growing more and more excited.

However, Zwei's barking, followed by two explosions occuring, throwing mist and debris everyhwere cut her off, making it nearly impossible to see properly.

"...ble..." She finished, trailing off a little.

Ruby was quick to raise her guard, able to make out a few faint figures in the mist beyond... Before she could react though, she heard the cry of Kieran as he was struck by something... Makoto too, and this time, Ruby noticed a dark sticking out of his neck, and a second figure quickly emerged, with two black canisters, as the young huntress in training stepped back, preparing for a fight with her crescent rose... But it was too late, the figure had detonated one of the black canisters... The gas itself was somewhat easy to handle, Ruby managed to gover her nose and mouth before it could take any effect... Just before she heard another dart shot, and the closeby whine of Zwei followed by a thud.

"Zwei!" She shouted.

Immediately, she regretted her instinct to shout as she had inhaled some of that gas.... It was already making her dizzy when she tried to activate her semblance... Only to find out she was unable to... Not just that, but she realized her aura had just been drained... Somehow... Looking around, she tried to find her attackers again, but unfortunately for her... Without her aura to protect her, she was quickly downed by a metal dart.


When Ruby awoke, she had apparantly fallen on her rear, at some point, and was in a cell, without her weapons... Both her semblance and her aura appeared to have been drained from her, and judging from what Ocelot said, she figured it had to have been that black gas. However, before she could say anything, she couldn't help but notice that she was sitting on someone... Unfamiliar... With that sudden realization she yelped, getting up rather quickly.

"Waah! Uh... Oops, guess they threw us in all weird... Heh..." Ruby said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck a little.

"Um... I'm Ruby Rose... And... ..." She suddenly froze, stopping midsentence realized a few things were missing.

Feeling around all her "lady pockets", and her toolbelt, she quickly discovered that all her items were missing, including her backpack, the mysterious metal suitcase, her crescent rose and... ... Her emergency cookie stash.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She shouted in an overdramatic display of despair as she fell to her knees.

The whole thing looked an awfull lot like that one scene from Star Wars Episode III...

After a few moments of basically a prolonged "nooo", Ruby finally ran out of air in her lungs and took a deep breath, having gotten that out of her system.

"I uh... Ineedtogettothestorageroom!!!" She said, her words practically tumbling out of her mouth as she broke out into a sprint.

Unless Weiss, Winter, or heck her Uncle Qrow managed to stop her in time (it was easier to do without her semblance, fortunately), she would be headed in the direction of the storage room, clearly aiming to recover her stolen items, though one had to wonder if she was more worried about her cookies, her Crescent Rose, or that mysterious suitcase she had brought with her... Whatever it was, she sure had been quite upset to find it gone.



Zwei sat there, perfectly still, staring somewhere into the mist... Normally, he would have been ecstatic at the sight and smell of Qrow, but it seemed that he was smelling something else, something that had him baring his teeth, growling a little as he did this... At least two distinct, unfamiliar smells could be made out from beyond the mist, and while he couldn't hear anything out of the ordinary, Zwei didn't seem to like this at all.

When one of the figures emerged, preparing to fire a black canister, the heroic little dog was intent on stopping her, but even as the canister detonated... Covering the area with black gas... Though even as he lost consciousness, he still tried to take down the first figure, rearing back for a lunge at one of her arms... But before he could jump, a metal dart suddenly hit him right in his rear... And he fell down with a thump, knocked out by the dart. Even though Zwei didn't know it, the gas had taken out his aura, which was usually able to protect against things like this.


When the little dog finally woke up, he was panting softly, curled up in a furry little ball... For the moment, he seemed to have forgotten about what had happened to him, until Ruby's prolonged "nooo!" made him jump up, looking around... He continued to pant for a moment, before he stopped, quickly remembering what had happened to him and his friends...

As Ruby took off, Zwei sort of looked up at Weiss with a pleading expression... Looks like he didn't want Ruby to go alone...

Hearing Zwei, Toboe stopped in listening to the others to glance at the small dog. He gave off a gentle and almost friendly air as he approached the canine.

Toboe couldn't access his human form for whatever reason, but didn't really mind. The young wolf would nudge Zwei with his nose in a way of comfort.

@york @others

Meanwhile, Cheza had followed the group headed to the storage room with the others, wanting to help them. Somehow.

Even if she doesn't do much when it comes to fighting she'd at least give moral support and try to sheild them with her body if she had to.

@Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @Storage Room
A hard glare was promptly shot at Qrow, and no move to mask her contempt for him was made. Hiss, hiss, you little son of a fucking bitch. Of course, Weiss, oblivious to the fact that she wasn't the one being spoken to, reacted with obvious displeasure. Eyes narrowed and her hands placed themselves on her hips, and she openly spoke out against him. "How dare you! I don't require a child or an old man to teach me about the foundation of teamwork. Nor will I sit back and be insulted s--" And then the madness began. Ugh, this place was worse than Remnant! Couldn't it stay calm for just two seconds? Readying Mytenaster, and taking up defensive position, she attempted to deflect and dodge while trying to keep her friend guarded, but likewise, she got hit soon enough.




And thus was how Weiss awoke, eyes snapping open in mid panic. Had something gone wrong again? Ah, no, after a moment of being on high alert and reaching for a weapon that wasn't there, she realized Ruby was only complaining about the loss of her cookies. Weiss was left to groan, smacking her forehead in annoyance. "You dolt!" she snapped. "Don't you think that we have more important things to think about than--" And the other girl was off. Great. "Ugh!" With obvious frustration, Weiss began to start after her friend, but found herself confronted by Zwei. She paused momentarily before sighing, moving to scoop him up into her arms and continue towards the storage room.


Winter had taken the rear of the group as well, scowling at the sight of Makoto and Kieran's little pile. This would be mildly more difficult without their weapons, but weapons were hardly necessary to disarm and incapacitate. Which was why, should the other attacks launched on the guards be fruitless, she'd make her own attempt on them, leaping and aiming to knock the weapon away.

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Bomb @Storagerooms​

"GAH! I hate second-hand smoking with a fiery passion..."


"What is that?"

In a mere matter of seconds, the Producer siblings were knocked out cold.


"Huh? Where are?" Kido was astonished by his new surroundings, surprised by the cage bars. Was this jail? "What crime did I commit again? Shouldn't you be in jail by yourself for touching ki-"


Before he could complete his sentence, Madoka covered his mouth. "Don't you dare complete that sentence if you wish to continue breathing, brother."

"OK, OK. Chill, chill, chill. By the way, something's on me," Kido looks up to see Ruby Rose on him, still unconscious. His tiny frame lacked the strength to stand due to the weight of the red-hooded lass pinning him down. "Ms... uh... Red Hood? Riding Hood? Red Rose? Rosetta Stone? AkaRyuusei? Trauciel Hilbred? Wait, no... Yeah, let's introduce each other after you get up."

"I'll get back to you later, I'll find Zen first," Madoka says, then proceeds to exclaim away. "Zen! Where are you?"

"Hoo boy."

@york @Hospes @Sen

"Over... here."
"Aigoo, that wasn't a very graceful way to go." The young man rubbed his neck, feeling the sore and tender muscles underneath with a sigh. "What on earth happened-" He stopped, patting down his coat to check for anything missing, only to realize that his phone - his precious phone - was gone. "Eh?"

"My phone!" he gasped. "How am I going to take selfies now?" That wasn't even the worst problem at hand, what if his manager called and he couldn't take it? Zen told her not to bother while he was at work, and she'd usually go straight to voicemail but... what if she got worried? He made his way over to the Producers, an extremely frantic expression on his face. "I- I need to go to the storage room."
"Aish- you know how hard I had to work to get that phone plan?"

@Crow @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Storage Room

"I'm all for finding the others and taking on whoever gets in our way. If these people want to kidnap members of our group then they ought to know what'll happen." Nemo stated boldly as he balled his hands up into fists. He may have just been a small child, an overly optimistic one at that. But he wouldn't let evildoers like this get away with what they'd done. He didn't care who he went with or came with so long as the others were saved. But first thing's first.

"Remila, you okay?"
The black mist went around and as others fell around him Black had managed to last a bit longer thanks to his own mask... Long enough to line up a shot on the incoming hostiles but as the cowboy soon learned that if the mist didn't get him the tranquilizer dart in his neck would....but not before a shot left his revolver missing of course due to his fading vision.

Coming to and listening to what Ocelot had to say Black had gotten up and upon being released he walked right up to his fellow revolver user.


"Figured these idiots would know that you don't mess with a man's guns... Soldier or cowboy it don't make a damn difference so... Fer me personally...The Storage room seems like the best place to find 'em...I'll go help the force headin' out that way so....Try not to die, soldier..." Black spoke to Revolver Ocelot before he turned to oddly enough Astaroth...

"Saw ya try to fight back... Seems we both missed our targets but hell..props fer tryin' I suppose..." Black spoke to the demon showing a small amount of respect for Astaroth...though Astaroth probably shouldn't get used to this from Black.... Speaking of Black at that point walked away to go join his chosen group....


"Cloggin' up the hallway ain't a good idea... Easy choke point and hard to flank... Let the cowboy deal with 'em... Ain't no pushover and I got no powers to fuck up.... Only thing I got is 150 years of fightin' and shootin' under my belt...." Black spoke to Kieran having seen the situation over here and how it was going.

@Verite @Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti @Bomb @york @Archwar @Atomyk

"Of course, who do you take me for?"

Remilia seemed more or less alright with the way things were turning out, a childish grin on her face. Things just kept changing and changing in an instant. It was really interesting. The main thing that concerned her was how weak she was feeling, but that could wait. For now, she wanted her parasol back in case the sun came out somewhere. An ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure after all.

As for Sakuya, she simply followed after the vampire.

"I would like my knives back as well, so let's go then."

@Hospes @york @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @LuckyCoolHawk8 @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Bomb @Storagerooms​
"Looks like we won't need a cowboy's touch," Kieran said with slight amusement, gesturing toward the scene before them. The fog's effects would have lessened Doomguy's blow, but it was enough to cause the guard to lose his breath and double him over. This would allow Elesis to easily tackle him to the ground, eliminating him as a threat.

Of course, Zidane would now have a baton in his possession. It seemed to possess the ability to absorb various magical and electrical elements.

With seemingly nothing else in the way, Kieran approached the storage room door. It looked secure, though it didn't seem impervious to damage. A device on the wall next to the door allowed for one to input a password.

"Hm... Anyone have some kind of... know-how about hacking these things? If not, we could try blowing it up... or maybe we could just brute force the door. What do you guys think?"

@Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Chewy Rabbits @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
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Miko had came to not too far from makoto's cell. They were quickly filled in by ocelot and she had decided on something. She may not have her AT, but she still knew how to fight unarmed, and it helped that her original clothing was still on with leg hooked accessories and all. Quickly she rushed for the First Room with Naegi. "Here, i'll come with you. I may not look it but i'm super strong..though i feel a little weak without my gear. I can still kick up my Fang and help you all run away, i've got near endless stamina. If there's one thing i hate.." She paused, her iris readopting the white cross center. "It's fuck heads like these who fight dirty. I'll slaughter em for this underhandedness." Her voice took a deeper tone quite quickly as she gleamed a small bit of her internal rage and cruelty outwards.
@Atomyk @First room group
"Looks like we won't need a cowboy's touch," Kieran said with slight amusement, gesturing toward the scene before them. The fog's effects would have lessened Doomguy's blow, but it was enough to cause the guard to lose his breath and double him over. This would allow Elesis to easily tackle him to the ground, eliminating him as a threat.

Of course, Zidane would now have a baton in his possession. It seemed to possess the ability to absorb various magical and electrical elements.

With seemingly nothing else in the way, Kieran approached the storage room door. It looked secure, though it didn't seem impervious to damage. A device on the wall next to the door allowed for one to input a password.

"Hm... Anyone have some kind of... know-how about hacking these things? If not, we could try blowing it up... or maybe we could just brute force the door. What do you guys think?"
Stiles looked over at Jak and nodded, as he followed him to the storage room. He and Scott needed to work together on this one. He looked over at the device on the wall and paused, as he thought about it. " Well, I can't hack it, but perhaps I could try," Stiles said, inspecting the keyboard.
@Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Chewy Rabbits @Mason Moretti @Atomyk @Storage Room

"Over... here."
"Aigoo, that wasn't a very graceful way to go." The young man rubbed his neck, feeling the sore and tender muscles underneath with a sigh. "What on earth happened-" He stopped, patting down his coat to check for anything missing, only to realize that his phone - his precious phone - was gone. "Eh?"

"My phone!" he gasped. "How am I going to take selfies now?" That wasn't even the worst problem at hand, what if his manager called and he couldn't take it? Zen told her not to bother while he was at work, and she'd usually go straight to voicemail but... what if she got worried? He made his way over to the Producers, an extremely frantic expression on his face. "I- I need to go to the storage room."
"Aish- you know how hard I had to work to get that phone plan?"

@Crow @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Storage Room


"I know, right? I still have my mobage dailies to run through! Let's hope they didn't break our phones, though." Kido rummaged through his pocket. "Yeah, gone, gone, all gone. Well, we have bigger worries anyways."


"I am glad that you are intact, Zen," Madoka says. "I will accompany you to the storage rooms."

Kido appeared a little smug. "You guys enjoy your alone time. I'll just be... uh... following Ms Kirigiri..."

"I am not dense, brother," Madoka's face shifted in hue to the redder spectrums. "Nevermind that. Let us go."

Madoka, at the storage room, noted that they have bypassed defenses.


"None of us have some kind of you know, as our equipment has been stolen. I believe that we should attempt to find clues to the password. Is that not how it's done?"

Madoka would start to look around the room for clues.

@Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @Mason Moretti @Storage Room

Kido found himself near Kyoko at the crossroads of the Holding Cells.


"I'm here to accompany you, Ms Kirigiri. What are in these holding cells, anyways?"

@Verite @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @Crow @Holding Cells
"Looks like we won't need a cowboy's touch," Kieran said with slight amusement, gesturing toward the scene before them. The fog's effects would have lessened Doomguy's blow, but it was enough to cause the guard to lose his breath and double him over. This would allow Elesis to easily tackle him to the ground, eliminating him as a threat.

Of course, Zidane would now have a baton in his possession. It seemed to possess the ability to absorb various magical and electrical elements.

With seemingly nothing else in the way, Kieran approached the storage room door. It looked secure, though it didn't seem impervious to damage. A device on the wall next to the door allowed for one to input a password.

"Hm... Anyone have some kind of... know-how about hacking these things? If not, we could try blowing it up... or maybe we could just brute force the door. What do you guys think?"

@Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Chewy Rabbits @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
Unfortunately, my attack did not exposure his lungs. It did, however, cause him to stumble back gasping and holding a hand over the impact area. That damned mist must still be messing with me. Though, the girl from the library got by me and tackle him to the ground, preventing the guard from recovering. The baton rolled out of my sight as I glared at the man.

Then I heard something about the door and a device requiring hacking.

Surely the guard must know something, right? So I growled loud enough for everyone to hear and pointed at the guard.

@Gummi Bunnies @Chewy Rabbits @Hospes @Sen @Takumi @Atomyk @dark @Mason Moretti @Bomb @york @LuckycoolHawk9 @Storage Room

"I know, right? I still have my mobage dailies to run through! Let's hope they didn't break our phones, though." Kido rummaged through his pocket. "Yeah, gone, gone, all gone. Well, we have bigger worries anyways."


"I am glad that you are intact, Zen," Madoka says. "I will accompany you to the storage rooms."

Kido appeared a little smug. "You guys enjoy your alone time. I'll just be... uh... following Ms Kirigiri..."

"I am not dense, brother," Madoka's face shifted in hue to the redder spectrums. "Nevermind that. Let us go."

Madoka, at the storage room, noted that they have bypassed defenses.


"None of us have some kind of you know, as our equipment has been stolen. I believe that we should attempt to find clues to the password. Is that not how it's done?"

Madoka would start to look around the room for clues.

@Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @Mason Moretti @Storage Room

Kido found himself near Kyoko at the crossroads of the Holding Cells.


"I'm here to accompany you, Ms Kirigiri. What are in these holding cells, anyways?"

@Verite @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @Crow @Holding Cells
Stiles looked over at Jak and nodded, as he followed him to the storage room. He and Scott needed to work together on this one. He looked over at the device on the wall and paused, as he thought about it. " Well, I can't hack it, but perhaps I could try," Stiles said, inspecting the keyboard.
@Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Chewy Rabbits @Mason Moretti @Atomyk @Storage Room


"You too, I'd be pretty upset if anything happened to you two, PD-ssi. You both hold the dreams of so many, it's admirable."
He looked over the shoulders of those crowded around the keyboard, shaking his head. "But isn't all your equipment inside?" he mumbled, obviously still slightly annoyed those... strangers had taken everyone's personal belongings. "Aish, if I had my phone I could have called Seven and he could've helped out..."

"That's how it usually works, PD-ssi. Let's see if there's anything around..."

@Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @york @dark@Archwar @Bomb @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @Mason Moretti @Storage Room

"Hm... Anyone have some kind of... know-how about hacking these things? If not, we could try blowing it up... or maybe we could just brute force the door. What do you guys think?"

"Isn't that obvious? I'm gonna brute force the door!"

The little vampire swung her balled fist into the door as hard as she could, fully confident she could knock it down. Who knew how it'd go though thanks to the fog?

@Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb@Chewy Rabbits @Mason Moretti @Storage Room​
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