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"That... I can't say, samurai," Kyoko would only reply to Jack, taking a breath, "Like I've said before, I have an idea on who committed it, but you all have to be the one to connect the dots, as even I'm unsure myself about the conclusion. But it's your choice. You can go back to the drawing board and go over the evidence once again, or you can go with what you believe and accuse Diana."
Stile paused, considering what they did know. " We do know that we found holes in the dead man's mattress, there was little blood on the floor, the bloody sheets and weapons fell out of of the b-," Stiles was cut off by Diana's outburst and looked at her and thought back. He did remember something vaguely about them being bunked together... and then something flashed through his mind, a very faint idea about when people confessed to murder and didn't do it. " Diana, are you trying to protect someone? Perhaps the real killer," he said.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @ClassTrial
Genji sat cross legged near Zenyatta as accusations were thrown around left and right, some even directed at people not on the list of suspects. It was unsettling, to see people so willing to target others, at times with little behind the decision besides the fact that others thought the same. Now, Diana was the target, and, thing was... Genji did not believe she killed the boy. Not in the slightest. Finally speaking up himself, he did not move from his seat. It was high time he revealed what he knew, now that there was no doubt as to what was happening. "It is important that we remember what we are discussing here. We do not know for sure what will be done with the accused. I have heard tell of 'events' like this, but, according to the man that told me, there was never any trial. Few murders, for that matter. What he did tell me was that the one he went through was harsh and violent."

"Would it not, then, be in keeping with the tone for the punishments doled out to be just as harsh and violent? That is why I implore you, comrades, to think about your answers very carefully, lest you wind up with innocent blood on your hands. As it goes, Kirigiri-san is right. Diana could be manipulating us, but I honestly find the idea of her being that charismatic doubtful."


No offense."

"Stop!" Diana swiped her hand through the air angrily. "Stop, just stop! Okay, okay, I did it! It's basically... It's all my fault! I switched the name plaques around, I used the cart, I waited until my cabin was asleep, then I ran over to stab him with the skewers. That's why I had his bag, okay? I put him on the cart and moved him back to my cabin so I could pretend I found the body!"

"Diana, wait a second..."


Jude peered at Diana with confusion. What had she just said? "What are you talking about? Was something done to the name plaques on the notice board?"

"O-Oh... I... You guys never noticed... Okay, y-yeah, I switched the name plaques around so that Byakuya wouldn't be sleeping in my cabin. I switched his name and Nigel's name, and they never noticed."

"Diana, that doesn't even make sense. Why would you move Byakuya to a different cabin to make the murder harder for you? You could have just as easily killed him in your own cabin and moved him to I."

"It was... It was to throw everybody off, okay? I didn't think-- I didn't think about killing him until after I switched the names around! A-After dinner!"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial
"But she confessed! She's obviously guilty! We have a motive and a confession and that's all we need!"


Genji listened quietly before speaking. The way she spoken and acted, denoted panic. Fear. This could be because she was guilty... Or because someone was making her say these things. "I am still not certain. A confession could be forced, and the means do not make sense for a planned killing. I do not think she will admit it, but I believe she is being coerced into saying these things. Diana... Your life could be on the line here. Please, I beg of you. If these words are not yours, save yourself, and help us."

"You are all taking this as black and white. Open and shut. That could lead to innocent blood being spilled, and I know no one here wants that on their hands."

Stile paused, considering what they did know. " We do know that we found holes in the dead man's mattress, there was little blood on the floor, the bloody sheets and weapons fell out of of the b-," Stiles was cut off by Diana's outburst and looked at her and thought back. He did remember something vaguely about them being bunked together... and then something flashed through his mind, a very faint idea about when people confessed to murder and didn't do it. " Diana, are you trying to protect someone? Perhaps the real killer," he said.

Genji smiled under his mask and nodded to Stiles.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @ClassTrial
"Stop!" Diana swiped her hand through the air angrily. "Stop, just stop! Okay, okay, I did it! It's basically... It's all my fault! I switched the name plaques around, I used the cart, I waited until my cabin was asleep, then I ran over to stab him with the skewers. That's why I had his bag, okay? I put him on the cart and moved him back to my cabin so I could pretend I found the body!"

"Diana, wait a second..."


Jude peered at Diana with confusion. What had she just said? "What are you talking about? Was something done to the name plaques on the notice board?"

"O-Oh... I... You guys never noticed... Okay, y-yeah, I switched the name plaques around so that Byakuya wouldn't be sleeping in my cabin. I switched his name and Nigel's name, and they never noticed."

"Diana, that doesn't even make sense. Why would you move Byakuya to a different cabin to make the murder harder for you? You could have just as easily killed him in your own cabin and moved him to I."

"It was... It was to throw everybody off, okay? I didn't think-- I didn't think about killing him until after I switched the names around! A-After dinner!"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial
Jack's eyes widened as new information was revealed. There had been a change in the name plaques?

"Diana... You've clearly thought about killing Byakuya for awhile, based on our previous conversation in the forest. If you simply wished to kill him, you wouldn't have gone through all the extra effort to first place in another cabin... Actually, even with the cart, how did you move it? That is something that I've had needling my mind since the beginning, who could actually move the body given Togami's weight..."

He turned his head to the bear, Monokuma, and cocked a brow, "Mister bear, could you bring us the cart and place something of equal weight to Togami's body upon it? We ought to test if miss Diana can actually push it."
Stile paused, considering what they did know. " We do know that we found holes in the dead man's mattress, there was little blood on the floor, the bloody sheets and weapons fell out of of the b-," Stiles was cut off by Diana's outburst and looked at her and thought back. He did remember something vaguely about them being bunked together... and then something flashed through his mind, a very faint idea about when people confessed to murder and didn't do it. " Diana, are you trying to protect someone? Perhaps the real killer," he said.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @ClassTrial
Stile paused, considering what they did know. " We do know that we found holes in the dead man's mattress, there was little blood on the floor, the bloody sheets and weapons fell out of of the b-," Stiles was cut off by Diana's outburst and looked at her and thought back. He did remember something vaguely about them being bunked together... and then something flashed through his mind, a very faint idea about when people confessed to murder and didn't do it. " Diana, are you trying to protect someone? Perhaps the real killer," he said.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @ClassTrial


"Well there is someone here with a gun," the empty podium that is totally not Nono hiding behind a podium lets out a whimper after these words, "maybe... he can shoot her immediately if she rats him out?"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @ClassTrial​

"Why, yes, master, I'll go get that cart for you!" Monokuma stood up and laughed this off, but then he sat back down. "Did you really think I would do that for you? I'm a fair bear! If I say you can solve this without the cart, then you totally can! Don't believe Monomi's lies about my character! I mean, why are you guys getting all gloomy? Who said I would spill blood? Well, more blood!"

"Innocent blood? What are you saying...?" Diana looked around at the circle, eyeing everyone. Did they all suspect the same? "I don't want to die, I don't... want anyone to die. Ugh..."

"Tell me, what kind of punishment do you think is appropriate for a killer? Food for thought. Make sure to eat helthy do that your're thick heads finally retain intelligence!"

"Please don't tell me... Please don't tell me you'll kill the voted...!" Diana hugged herself, looking first at Stiles, then to Genji, Jack, and finally Nono. "No... No it wasn't Shane! I promise! I want to... it should be me who gets punished! I made it happen... So I'm going to take the leap off that cliff."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @ClassTrial
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[fieldbox="Responce #1, red, solid"]
Terezi Pyrope

Terezi smiled as she put on her jacket and stood
tapping her cane twice she walked to the the side of the room
using her smell to help her avoid objects
Once to the side of the room she slightly giggled

¨What if more than one person committed the murder?¨
Terezi shrugged

¨I don´t take her word for the murder, however she´s saying she switched the name plates.
What if she´s telling the truth? About the name part at least.¨

Looking around she shrugged again
¨I only say it because she want´s to own up for this and she seems the only person
to notice or really know about the name plates. Plus I think most people here agree that she´s not the killer.¨



"Why, yes, master, I'll go get that cart for you!" Monokuma stood up and laughed this off, but then he sat back down. "Did you really think I would do that for you? I'm a fair bear! If I say you can solve this without the cart, then you totally can! Don't believe Monomi's lies about my character! I mean, why are you guys getting all gloomy? Who said I would spill blood? Well, more blood!"

"Innocent blood? What are you saying...?" Diana looked around at the circle, eyeing everyone. Did they all suspect the same? "I don't want to die, I don't... want anyone to die. Ugh..."

"Tell me, what kind of punishment do you think is appropriate for a killer? Food for thought. Make sure to eat helthy do that your're thick heads finally retain intelligence!"

"Please don't tell me... Please don't tell me you'll kill the voted...!" Diana hugged herself, looking first at Stiles, then to Genji, Jack, and finally Nono. "No... No it wasn't Shane! I promise! I want to... it should be me who gets punished! I made it happen... So I'm going to take the leap off that cliff."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @ClassTrial

"We are not going for the orchestrator. We are going for the killer. Was it Shane, Diana?"

@Atomyk @class trial
Diana growled. "No. It was not Shane."

"No... No it wasn't Shane! I promise! I want to... it should be me who gets punished! I made it happen... So I'm going to take the leap off that cliff."
Stiles looked at her and paused. " [BCOLOR=#000000]There is a difference between killing someone and suggesting to someone that a person needs to die. Also, none of us said that Shane did it. Is he the one you are protecting or is it someone else?" He asked.[/BCOLOR]

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato@Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @Atomyk @ClassTrial

"Why, yes, master, I'll go get that cart for you!" Monokuma stood up and laughed this off, but then he sat back down. "Did you really think I would do that for you? I'm a fair bear! If I say you can solve this without the cart, then you totally can! Don't believe Monomi's lies about my character! I mean, why are you guys getting all gloomy? Who said I would spill blood? Well, more blood!"

"Innocent blood? What are you saying...?" Diana looked around at the circle, eyeing everyone. Did they all suspect the same? "I don't want to die, I don't... want anyone to die. Ugh..."

"Tell me, what kind of punishment do you think is appropriate for a killer? Food for thought. Make sure to eat helthy do that your're thick heads finally retain intelligence!"

"Please don't tell me... Please don't tell me you'll kill the voted...!" Diana hugged herself, looking first at Stiles, then to Genji, Jack, and finally Nono. "No... No it wasn't Shane! I promise! I want to... it should be me who gets punished! I made it happen... So I'm going to take the leap off that cliff."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @ClassTrial
"Diana, please, it wasn't your fault."

The samurai sighed as the girl began to crumble to pieces. With that panic, she had given away Shane's name as the killer and admitted her desire to pay for his sins. Now all that they had to do was calm her down and wrap this trial up. "Shane did not wish for peace between himself and Togami even before you spoke with us in the forest. Perhaps he felt encouraged in some way by your words, but he had made his dissent clear beforehand."

"The fact that you gave away his name when we did not name him as our next suspect points at his guilt. In fact, up to this point, he had been given a clean slate of innocence given his purported alibi... Why do you protect him, Diana? There is no point in it, no point in sacrificing yourself."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @ClassTrial
Diana growled. "No. It was not Shane."


"Then tell us who struck the blow, Diana. Do you honestly trust the bear not to kill you as part of his little game?"

He shook his head, then scanned the others. "If it is not Shane, it is someone else in that cabin. Narrows it down."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @ClassTrial
Rant fell silent. He firmly believed Diana was lying.

"Why, yes, master, I'll go get that cart for you!" Monokuma stood up and laughed this off, but then he sat back down. "Did you really think I would do that for you? I'm a fair bear! If I say you can solve this without the cart, then you totally can! Don't believe Monomi's lies about my character! I mean, why are you guys getting all gloomy? Who said I would spill blood? Well, more blood!"

"Innocent blood? What are you saying...?" Diana looked around at the circle, eyeing everyone. Did they all suspect the same? "I don't want to die, I don't... want anyone to die. Ugh..."

"Tell me, what kind of punishment do you think is appropriate for a killer? Food for thought. Make sure to eat helthy do that your're thick heads finally retain intelligence!"

"Please don't tell me... Please don't tell me you'll kill the voted...!" Diana hugged herself, looking first at Stiles, then to Genji, Jack, and finally Nono. "No... No it wasn't Shane! I promise! I want to... it should be me who gets punished! I made it happen... So I'm going to take the leap off that cliff."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @ClassTrial

[fieldbox="Responce #1, red, solid"]
Terezi Pyrope

Terezi smiled as she put on her jacket and stood
tapping her cane twice she walked to the the side of the room
using her smell to help her avoid objects
Once to the side of the room she slightly giggled

¨What if more than one person committed the murder?¨
Terezi shrugged

¨I don´t take her word for the murder, however she´s saying she switched the name plates.
What if she´s telling the truth? About the name part at least.¨

Looking around she shrugged again
¨I only say it because she want´s to own up for this and she seems the only person
to notice or really know about the name plates. Plus I think most people here agree that she´s not the killer.¨


"We are not going for the orchestrator. We are going for the killer. Was it Shane, Diana?"

@Atomyk @class trial

Diana growled. "No. It was not Shane."


Stiles looked at her and paused. " [BCOLOR=#000000]There is a difference between killing someone and suggesting to someone that a person needs to die. Also, none of us said that Shane did it. Is he the one you are protecting or is it someone else?" He asked.[/BCOLOR]

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato@Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @Atomyk @ClassTrial

"Diana, please, it wasn't your fault."

The samurai sighed as the girl began to crumble to pieces. With that panic, she had given away Shane's name as the killer and admitted her desire to pay for his sins. Now all that they had to do was calm her down and wrap this trial up. "Shane did not wish for peace between himself and Togami even before you spoke with us in the forest. Perhaps he felt encouraged in some way by your words, but he had made his dissent clear beforehand."

"The fact that you gave away his name when we did not name him as our next suspect points at his guilt. In fact, up to this point, he had been given a clean slate of innocence given his purported alibi... Why do you protect him, Diana? There is no point in it, no point in sacrificing yourself."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @ClassTrial

"Then tell us who struck the blow, Diana. Do you honestly trust the bear not to kill you as part of his little game?"

He shook his head, then scanned the others. "If it is not Shane, it is someone else in that cabin. Narrows it down."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @ClassTrial
Good, his misgivings were well founded. Diana didn't do it. But did Shane? Hold on...

"That's right!!! Shane left before Diana! And you remember how agitated he was this morning...and OHMY GOD!!! MIKE!!" Honda turned to Mike Wheeler. "Didn't you say you saw TWO figures?!?! One with the cape, but one with a mask!!!"
@Atomyk @Verite @BarrenThin @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits


Tomoko was focused surprisingly, she was trying her best to stay calm in front of everyone, that was until....that damn bear spoke up

"Why, yes, master, I'll go get that cart for you!" Monokuma stood up and laughed this off, but then he sat back down. "Did you really think I would do that for you? I'm a fair bear! If I say you can solve this without the cart, then you totally can! Don't believe Monomi's lies about my character! I mean, why are you guys getting all gloomy? Who said I would spill blood? Well, more blood!"

"Innocent blood? What are you saying...?" Diana looked around at the circle, eyeing everyone. Did they all suspect the same? "I don't want to die, I don't... want anyone to die. Ugh..."

"Tell me, what kind of punishment do you think is appropriate for a killer? Food for thought. Make sure to eat helthy do that your're thick heads finally retain intelligence!"

"Please don't tell me... Please don't tell me you'll kill the voted...!" Diana hugged herself, looking first at Stiles, then to Genji, Jack, and finally Nono. "No... No it wasn't Shane! I promise! I want to... it should be me who gets punished! I made it happen... So I'm going to take the leap off that cliff."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @ClassTrial
Was Monokuma serious? What would happen to the killer, would they be spared, if so, would Tomoko be safe interacting with anyone. Uh no, if they didn't catch the killer, Tomoko would probably be next.

She began to hyperventilate

"M-Maybe it would be best, if we got rid of both Diana and Shane." She said, adding a nervous chuckle to the end of the statement

Tomoko was focused surprisingly, she was trying her best to stay calm in front of everyone, that was until....that damn bear spoke up

Was Monokuma serious? What would happen to the killer, would they be spared, if so, would Tomoko be safe interacting with anyone. Uh no, if they didn't catch the killer, Tomoko would probably be next.

She began to hyperventilate

"M-Maybe it would be best, if we got rid of both Diana and Shane." She said, adding a nervous chuckle to the end of the statement

The glare Jack sent Tomoko's way would send a chill down her spine, "Do not throw the lives of innocents away needlessly. One or both of them are innocent." However, he did smile a little to set her at ease, hoping to calm her and end her hyperventilation, "Perhaps you ought to sit down for a moment and rest, miss?"
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Forcing out a sense of authority in her voice, feeling as though she was obligated to as the new self-proclaimed "leader" of this mess, Kyoko knew as well as anyone witnessing the situation that this bickering was counter-productive. She'd need to step in for everyone's sake, lest the conflicting personalities of everyone around would threaten to undo the entire trial.

"If you have time to act petty over this and stall us deliberately, you have time to contribute to and think about the situation at hand. We've gathered evidence on why the killer is definitely from either Cabin H or I, and if the only thing you have at your disposal to counteract that belief is superstition and paranoia without anything to back it up, then you may as well be wasting our time."

Kyoko wasn't normally that caustic when it came to matters like this, but even the young individual who called themselves "Byakuya Togami" recognized that with people like this, there was only one way to keep them in line. She didn't like the approach, but even she couldn't deny that it was more often effective than a show of fragility from the leader.


"That being said, if you don't have any further evidence to present that isn't already in our possession, I suggest we continue. Now, let us continue with some of the points the others have made; for example, Jack Frost and Honda have made some points that perhaps the rest of you should put into consideration."

"Like I said, I already have my hypothesis on who the killer is, but until we reach the point to where we know how the culprit did what, I can't be exactly sure until then."

@The Spartan Potato @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician @york @Yun Lee @Atomyk @Jeremi @Everybody
Jack seemed to almost shrink as the leader of their group stepped in, knowing this had gone on too long. "Apologies, Miss Kirigiri. I shall drop the matter and rejoin the discussion then," With a bow, he made his amends before considering what both Honda and the boy who shared his name had to say, "That is true, the killer had to change the sheets and their own clothing... And that's within the thirty minutes to an hour after the murder took place, with time taken out beforehand to move the body..."

"Mister Shane, one final question. Did you have a good gaze of Diana's appearance when you awoke?"

@The Spartan Potato @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician @york @Yun Lee @Atomyk @Jeremi @Everybody

Monokuma let out a relieved breath. "Oh, it's always cute when little brats think they know the way of the world. Barely older than a cub and he's calling me a monster! Why... that's a little black and white, don't you think? You see, the monsters are standing among you! Upupupu... yeah, someone here committed a murder, and it wasn't me. Everyone is capable of giving into their primal urges, even little brats like this kid!"

"Monokuma, you stop that right now!"

"Oh, little sis, don't be so rude, lest you get another lesson from your big brother again! You know just as well as I that even kids are capable of murder! They just need the right motivation, after all... So, you all make me sick, you know that?" Monokuma's voice then took on a more nasally tone in a mocking imitation of the others. "Oh, the little child is too innocent, how could you accuse them? Ha!" The bear pointed down toward Arya. "Now, lookie here! Didn't anyone get a look at this little brat's title? The Ultimate Killer! Now how does a kid get a title like that? She says this is a waste of her time, but methinks the girlie doth protest too much."

Then, Monokuma shrugged. "Oh, well! Think about all this later if you'd like. How about we focus a little on the fact that someone in red was lurking around, shall we?" Monokuma produced a red cape from behind him and tossed it down to the ring of podiums below. "Look what I found!"

As for Diana, she was focused on Honda. She considered his question for only a brief moment. "When did I take them? I--" Diana flinched, as if she was catching herself. She eventually relaxed with a sigh. "This morning, when I stormed out. Because dead or not, I know Byakuya wasn't a good guy, okay? You ever think whoever killed him was doing us all a favor? He had a gun, and I know he intended to use it! I know him!"

However, a thorough examination of the gun would reveal it was a mere replica, not capable of firing a bullet at all.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @ClassTrial
"H-Hold on with the cape, everyone," Jude said, trying to reassure the others. "We don't really know the exact details, and besides, how could Wanda have slipped away from her cabin? I don't think it's possible."

Diana was ignoring the cape conversation. She looked deflated, her gaze falling down to the floor once again. "Whether I did it or not, I believe he deserved what he got. If you knew the truth, I was trying to tell you..."


The girl took a long pause, long enough for one to think she didn't plan to continue. However, Diana did eventually speak, sounding almost lost. "This isn't my first time as a part of something like this. It wasn't Byakuya's either, and..." Diana looked up, her eyes meeting Jude's, but she quickly looked away. "Except, Byakuya wasn't called Byakuya. He was Brennan, I guess because we were all led to believe we grew up in the United States. It's just... a long story, but we were all trapped and people were dying, just like this. Brennan -- Byakuya -- had acquired a gun that looked almost exactly like that replica. He killed people and attempted to take over the game."

"I..." Diana rubbed at her arm awkwardly. "... went along with it, I admit. But he was ruthless. He was willing to do whatever it look, because he believed that was how he was supposed to win. But he didn't win. He and I... we lost, and we stayed trapped. That I am here, that he was here, tells me that you're all trapped here now too. The Dark Place, it was called."

"... Diana, what are you saying? What dark place?"

"I'm saying--" The girl scoffed. "I'm saying it was only a matter of time before history repeated itself! We're trapped here, and the darkness that lurks around us wants us to break each other down. That's what it does. It uses our memories and our ideas to manipulate us... hurt us. It wants to take over our bodies and escape from this dark place. It sucks, I know."


"W-Wait a second! That's not something you should be talking about!" Monomi waved her hands in the air. "Please, let me distract you!"

Monokuma only laughed.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"Puhuhu... really, now?" Monokuma was giggling atop his mammoth, staring down at poor Diana. "You thought he was the Ultimate Affluent Progeny you knew? Even after all those cheeseburgers he'd consumed?"

Diana looked up sharply to glare at Monokuma. "Well... yeah! That's what I'm saying! That was him, just... bigger!"

"Ah, it's okay! I understand that my students are usually very dense! You see, the Byakuya that died was not the one you knew! Really, he was not even Byakuya at all!"

"That's... That's a lie! You're lying! That doesn't make any sense...!" Diana shuddered, falling slightly so that she was leaning over her podium. "It's this place! This place plays tricks on us! We're all going to die!" Diana screamed, banging her fist against the podium. "You can't tell me he didn't deserve to die! I was saying... I was telling people he couldn't be trusted. I couldn't have been lying, I couldn't have! Please don't put this on me, please..."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"Looks like the conversation has led to that conclusion, huh? I suspected as much..."

Once again brushing aside some stray hair to behind her ear as she'd listen to Diana's story, Kyoko's suspicions of the young man who called himself Byakuya Togami were all but confirmed. Not that she didn't already know to begin with, but it seemed that there were holes that even she wasn't aware of being filled from the testimony.

"Monokuma's right about one thing. The individual who died here was not Byakuya Togami at all. I can't say about this Brennan, considering you're telling me "Brennan" was far thinner back then, but... I suppose that's the trouble of dealing with the Ultimate Impostor even once," Kyoko revealed, showing off the true nature of the deceased former leader, "The rest of you might not, but I know the "real" Byakuya Togami, and let me tell you..."


"Not having Togami's actual memory, physical build, or experiences aside, the Impostor's biggest mistake in trying to emulate the real Byakuya Togami was that he was far too nice. If Togami really were here and appointed himself leader, it would be more to stroke his ego. He wouldn't even tell you it was for the benefit of your well-being as a lie."


"But even so, the real Byakuya Togami did not deserve to die, and that's where you and I disagree, Diana; the "fake" Byakuya Togami did not deserve to die either. Nobody does, no matter how grievous their sins might be. Everyone has the chance of redemption, it's just a matter of if they decide to take it. Still, either way, it's a simple fact of life that people die; fate is indiscriminate like that, but I'm not one for philosophy, so I'll stop myself there."

"In any case, it seems that despite everything, he and I did have one similarity; this situation we both found ourselves in wasn't the first. And even though he met his untimely end here, there's no reason to give into despair. Because as haughty as he was, even the real Byakuya Togami knew one simple thing. To believe in hope was the only thing you could keep doing, no matter what. Without hope, there's despair, and you can't accomplish anything if you let despair overcome you."

"Diana, I don't believe that you killed Byakuya... or whoever he is. So let us believe in you. Let us hope that you didn't. So keep calm and tell us. Who really killed him? And what's this Dark Place you're talking about?"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Everybody
For a moment, the samurai's eyes flickered between the bear and the girl before sighing, "Excuse me, bear, but do you speak the truth? Was the Byakuya truly an imposter and known by another identity?" With that question presented, he turned to Diana once again, pity in his expression, "Diana... No matter what his identity was, it was wrong to kill him. Did you strike him down?"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial
Diana didn't respond, not for a long while. An uncomfortable silence stretched between the group as they waited for Diana to acknowledge what Kyoko said. Eventually, she did move, standing up straighter so that everyone could see her face. She looked almost hurt as she gave Kyoko a sidelong glance.


"Why do you think I didn't do it? Is it because of what Shane said? I'll have you know, I could be a good actor if I wanted to be." She gestured to Honda. "He's got the right idea, but one thing... maybe I tried to frame someone else because I didn't want to get caught. Maybe, I didn't want everyone to think I was just as bad as he was. Or, just as bad as I thought he was."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"You want it too much."

A simple reply, but an effective one, in Kyoko's opinion.

"Speaking from personal experience, the more you beg for punishment, the less I'm inclined to believe that you did it. You may feel guilt, but I don't think you're the guilty party. You can also call it a gut feeling if you want, but I personally don't like calling it that kind of thing in place of, say, intuition."

@Atomyk @ClassTrial
"Stop!" Diana swiped her hand through the air angrily. "Stop, just stop! Okay, okay, I did it! It's basically... It's all my fault! I switched the name plaques around, I used the cart, I waited until my cabin was asleep, then I ran over to stab him with the skewers. That's why I had his bag, okay? I put him on the cart and moved him back to my cabin so I could pretend I found the body!"

"Diana, wait a second..."


Jude peered at Diana with confusion. What had she just said? "What are you talking about? Was something done to the name plaques on the notice board?"

"O-Oh... I... You guys never noticed... Okay, y-yeah, I switched the name plaques around so that Byakuya wouldn't be sleeping in my cabin. I switched his name and Nigel's name, and they never noticed."

"Diana, that doesn't even make sense. Why would you move Byakuya to a different cabin to make the murder harder for you? You could have just as easily killed him in your own cabin and moved him to I."

"It was... It was to throw everybody off, okay? I didn't think-- I didn't think about killing him until after I switched the names around! A-After dinner!"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"Why, yes, master, I'll go get that cart for you!" Monokuma stood up and laughed this off, but then he sat back down. "Did you really think I would do that for you? I'm a fair bear! If I say you can solve this without the cart, then you totally can! Don't believe Monomi's lies about my character! I mean, why are you guys getting all gloomy? Who said I would spill blood? Well, more blood!"

"Innocent blood? What are you saying...?" Diana looked around at the circle, eyeing everyone. Did they all suspect the same? "I don't want to die, I don't... want anyone to die. Ugh..."

"Tell me, what kind of punishment do you think is appropriate for a killer? Food for thought. Make sure to eat helthy do that your're thick heads finally retain intelligence!"

"Please don't tell me... Please don't tell me you'll kill the voted...!" Diana hugged herself, looking first at Stiles, then to Genji, Jack, and finally Nono. "No... No it wasn't Shane! I promise! I want to... it should be me who gets punished! I made it happen... So I'm going to take the leap off that cliff."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @ClassTrial
Diana growled. "No. It was not Shane."

Jack Frost
@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @Verite @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi@Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Everyone

Jack Frost had been listening in on the whole trial, as carefully as he could, he couldn't catch every detail, but the most important ones seemed clear to him; Diana appeared to have been involved in the crime but... It was very possible Shane was the true culprit, and was simply threatening Diana into silence... This explained her urge to flee the scene, either she had been told to... Or perhaps it was an instinctive action, in either case, Jack thought it would be best to question Shane directly about this. He quickly turned to the podium Shane was standing at, before speaking.

"Is there something you should tell us?" He asked simply.

Though his question was subtle, he was trying to guage Shane's reaction; though it was convincing that Diana may have been forced into this by Shane, he just needed even a tiny little cue, to make sure that this was true.


Tomoko was focused surprisingly, she was trying her best to stay calm in front of everyone, that was until....that damn bear spoke up

Was Monokuma serious? What would happen to the killer, would they be spared, if so, would Tomoko be safe interacting with anyone. Uh no, if they didn't catch the killer, Tomoko would probably be next.

She began to hyperventilate

"M-Maybe it would be best, if we got rid of both Diana and Shane." She said, adding a nervous chuckle to the end of the statement


The glare Jack sent Tomoko's way would send a chill down her spine, "Do not throw the lives of innocents away needlessly. One or both of them are innocent."

"What Jack said! We've lost three innocents already...human life is nothing to take lightly!"
Zenyatta eyed the red cape for a few moments...before gazing over upon the Scarlet Witch.


"Is this yours?"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato@Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial @Josh M

"Morikubo- I mean, Tsukubo*- thinks that... it might be someone who wants to be leader very badly... or it could be a natural thing where the culprit kills the leader to send the group into a mess... Tsukubo thinks that it is more likely to be the latter," the podium that totally was not Nono hiding behind a podium speaks, "but for now, I think Diana fits the suspicions."​

The empty podium could be heard screeching upon those words.

"Tsukubo could be wrong, or not! The Scarlet Witch m- must've been framed! There's no way a hero could just do that, r- right?"

Panicky rasps emerged.​

@ShiroKiyoshi @Atomyk @Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Nater Taters

*TL Note: 机=Tsukue=Desk. This is a pun on the whim. Nono wants you to assume that she is not present.
"Well, to be honest. We're just looking for the killer right? In self-defense you still kill him. Also, if the body was scratched while moving. You can move a dead or living body. There's no rule of the world that says he couldn't have been dragged to his bed. I'm assuming it is a "he", its a he right? Not important."

Rant then hopped back up on his podium to think.

"Well, Diana won't shut her trap about it anyway. Logic would dictate that she did it. Right, but why do I feel she didn't? 'Cause she is being too damn obvious. Perfect cover. You're okay in this scenario kid, but I don't think you're entirely honest either." Rant said before laying onto his back. "Diana did it."

"He was either outside or inside and she trailed him to kill him and then stabbed him with the skewers. Dragged him along the ground which cut him up. Tossed him in bed and took a fake gun and sheets she used to wipe up the blood, stuffed them in a bag, and gave it to some old dude while he wasn't aware. She then sat in here and thought that the easiest cover was to be so obvious that you'd doubt it was her, but just like the gun that kid's a diversion to point fingers elsewhere. I'll see how good my logic matches up with what we have and to be honest Monokuma's clue seems useless someone probably just dropped the cape while being transported here because a cape doesn't just fall off your back." Rant looked over to Wanda for a brief moment and then ahead again. "So, pick this scenario apart. Then I'll make a new one or leave it."

@Atomyk @The Tactician @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Yun Lee @CLASSTRIAL

"Yes. Sadly that is my cloak. Yesterday, I noted at Lover's peak that I never got my personal item from home. I guess the killer stole it before I could reach my bag."

Wanda's voice sounded stoic. Things would get worse.

"Diana, please, it wasn't your fault."

The samurai sighed as the girl began to crumble to pieces. With that panic, she had given away Shane's name as the killer and admitted her desire to pay for his sins. Now all that they had to do was calm her down and wrap this trial up. "Shane did not wish for peace between himself and Togami even before you spoke with us in the forest. Perhaps he felt encouraged in some way by your words, but he had made his dissent clear beforehand."

"The fact that you gave away his name when we did not name him as our next suspect points at his guilt. In fact, up to this point, he had been given a clean slate of innocence given his purported alibi... Why do you protect him, Diana? There is no point in it, no point in sacrificing yourself."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @ClassTrial
"What the fuck is wrong with you, man? I swear. I've been cleared, and you got some fuckin' grudge against me. Get over it.

Wanda wrapped the cloak around herself, turning the bear.

"You! The coalition stopped you once, we'll stop you again!"

However, Wanda's voice was clearly shaky. It was like something was attacking her internally.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @BarrenThin

"Yes. Sadly that is my cloak. Yesterday, I noted at Lover's peak that I never got my personal item from home. I guess the killer stole it before I could reach my bag."

Wanda's voice sounded stoic. Things would get worse.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, man? I swear. I've been cleared, and you got some fuckin' grudge against me. Get over it.

Wanda wrapped the cloak around herself, turning the bear.

"You! The coalition stopped you once, we'll stop you again!"

However, Wanda's voice was clearly shaky. It was like something was attacking her internally.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @BarrenThin
Jack cocked a brow as he noticed the unease in Wanda's voice and approached her, "Miss Wanda, are you alright? It seems something is bothering you from within..."
Genji sighed, glancing at his master. Even in silence, his teacher instilled the cyborg with confidence like no one else could. He stood up to speak now, raising his voice to be heard. "It is not Shane. Shane was cleared. Diana was addressing what Morikubo said about Shane, not implicating him."


"Yes. Sadly that is my cloak. Yesterday, I noted at Lover's peak that I never got my personal item from home. I guess the killer stole it before I could reach my bag."

Wanda's voice sounded stoic. Things would get worse.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, man? I swear. I've been cleared, and you got some fuckin' grudge against me. Get over it.

Wanda wrapped the cloak around herself, turning the bear.

"You! The coalition stopped you once, we'll stop you again!"

However, Wanda's voice was clearly shaky. It was like something was attacking her internally.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @BarrenThin


"Wanda... Take a deep breath. Keeping calm here is very important."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Atomyk @ClassTrial​
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