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Zenyatta eyed the red cape for a few moments...before gazing over upon the Scarlet Witch.


"Is this yours?"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato@Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial @Josh M
"Wanda, is it?"

Jack joined in with Zenyatta, hoping that their suspicions were wrong and that it had not been one of their friends.​
"Well, to be honest. We're just looking for the killer right? In self-defense you still kill him. Also, if the body was scratched while moving. You can move a dead or living body. There's no rule of the world that says he couldn't have been dragged to his bed. I'm assuming it is a "he", its a he right? Not important."

Rant then hopped back up on his podium to think.

"Well, Diana won't shut her trap about it anyway. Logic would dictate that she did it. Right, but why do I feel she didn't? 'Cause she is being too damn obvious. Perfect cover. You're okay in this scenario kid, but I don't think you're entirely honest either." Rant said before laying onto his back. "Diana did it."

"He was either outside or inside and she trailed him to kill him and then stabbed him with the skewers. Dragged him along the ground which cut him up. Tossed him in bed and took a fake gun and sheets she used to wipe up the blood, stuffed them in a bag, and gave it to some old dude while he wasn't aware. She then sat in here and thought that the easiest cover was to be so obvious that you'd doubt it was her, but just like the gun that kid's a diversion to point fingers elsewhere. I'll see how good my logic matches up with what we have and to be honest Monokuma's clue seems useless someone probably just dropped the cape while being transported here because a cape doesn't just fall off your back." Rant looked over to Wanda for a brief moment and then ahead again. "So, pick this scenario apart. Then I'll make a new one or leave it."

@Atomyk @The Tactician @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Yun Lee @CLASSTRIAL
"Ohhhh..." Monokuma pat his tummy. "I'm feeling kind of lazy. I'm sure someone here recognizes their red cape!"

Diana seemed uneasy now. Whether or not it was because people were accusing her now, it was unclear. She didn't immediately deny her guilt, instead, she seemed more angry that Jack would say Byakuya was looking out for them. "Are you kidding me? None of you knew him. I'm telling you that I did... that he was an asshole who would kill to save his own skin! Ugh, come, there's no truth to admit-- I took the bag, thinking it had something like the gun, and look, it had a gun! Well... not a real gun, so I was wrong. Whatever."

"I imagine Byakuya was scratched while his body was being moved," Jude said, looking at Rant.
Stiles paused and wondered if this bear could be even less helpful than he had already been at the end of the day too, being quite honest.

He tried to follow the trial, but after a few minutes, he realized that he needed to speak aloud to keep track of the information. " So, basically, we gathered that either someone from Cabin I is trying to frame someone from Cabin H or someone from Cabin H is trying to frame from Cabin I, however, our victim is not thin, he is fat, which means that either someone from Cabin H or I who is really strong, or perhaps multiple people, perhaps even from different cabins are working together to kill the man and move his body to Cabin H, "he said, pausing to look at the cape for a brief moment.

He paused. " Wanda is neither from Cabin H or I, I don't understand the revelance of the cape if it is hers," he said, pausing when he remembered the blood or lack of on the floor. " Wanda, was your cape missing this morning?" He asked.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato@Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"Morikubo- I mean, Tsukubo*- thinks that... it might be someone who wants to be leader very badly... or it could be a natural thing where the culprit kills the leader to send the group into a mess... Tsukubo thinks that it is more likely to be the latter," the podium that totally was not Nono hiding behind a podium speaks, "but for now, I think Diana fits the suspicions."​

The empty podium could be heard screeching upon those words.

"Tsukubo could be wrong, or not! The Scarlet Witch m- must've been framed! There's no way a hero could just do that, r- right?"

Panicky rasps emerged.​

@ShiroKiyoshi @Atomyk @Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Nater Taters

*TL Note: 机=Tsukue=Desk. This is a pun on the whim. Nono wants you to assume that she is not present.
"Wanda, is it?"

Jack joined in with Zenyatta, hoping that their suspicions were wrong and that it had not been one of their friends.​
Noticing his bunkmate panicking, and accusations pointed at someone, Honda did his best to calm her down. "Remember, it was someone in Cabin H or Cabin I who did it! I'm sure Wanda may have been sleepwalking, or had her cape taken...granted it was taken. Was your cape taken last night?"
@Atomyk @Crow @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M
Stiles paused and wondered if this bear could be even less helpful than he had already been at the end of the day too, being quite honest.

He tried to follow the trial, but after a few minutes, he realized that he needed to speak aloud to keep track of the information. " So, basically, we gathered that either someone from Cabin I is trying to frame someone from Cabin H or someone from Cabin H is trying to frame from Cabin I, however, our victim is not thin, he is fat, which means that either someone from Cabin H or I who is really strong, or perhaps multiple people, perhaps even from different cabins are working together to kill the man and move his body to Cabin H, "he said, pausing to look at the cape for a brief moment.

He paused. " Wanda is neither from Cabin H or I, I don't understand the revelance of the cape if it is hers," he said, pausing when he remembered the blood or lack of on the floor. " Wanda, was your cape missing this morning?" He asked.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato@Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial
Noticing his bunkmate panicking, and accusations pointed at someone, Honda did his best to calm her down. "Remember, it was someone in Cabin H or Cabin I who did it! I'm sure Wanda may have been sleepwalking, or had her cape taken...granted it was taken. Was your cape taken last night?"
@Atomyk @Crow @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M
"Ah, that is true as well... Thank you for reminding me of that fact," Jack responded with a nod before bowing to Wanda, "I apologize for my accusation, Miss Wanda."
"H-Hold on with the cape, everyone," Jude said, trying to reassure the others. "We don't really know the exact details, and besides, how could Wanda have slipped away from her cabin? I don't think it's possible."

Diana was ignoring the cape conversation. She looked deflated, her gaze falling down to the floor once again. "Whether I did it or not, I believe he deserved what he got. If you knew the truth, I was trying to tell you..."


The girl took a long pause, long enough for one to think she didn't plan to continue. However, Diana did eventually speak, sounding almost lost. "This isn't my first time as a part of something like this. It wasn't Byakuya's either, and..." Diana looked up, her eyes meeting Jude's, but she quickly looked away. "Except, Byakuya wasn't called Byakuya. He was Brennan, I guess because we were all led to believe we grew up in America. It's just... a long story, but we were all trapped and people were dying, just like this. Brennan -- Byakuya -- had acquired a gun that looked almost exactly like that replica. He killed people and attempted to take over the game."

"I..." Diana rubbed at her arm awkwardly. "... went along with it, I admit. But he was ruthless. He was willing to do whatever it took because he believed that was how he was supposed to win. But he didn't win. He and I... we lost, and we stayed trapped. That I am here, that he was here, tells me that you're all trapped here now too. The Dark Place, it was called."

"... Diana, what are you saying? What dark place?"

"I'm saying--" The girl scoffed. "I'm saying it was only a matter of time before history repeated itself! We're trapped here, and the darkness that lurks around us wants us to break each other down. That's what it does. It uses our memories and our ideas to manipulate us... hurt us. It wants to take over our bodies and escape from this dark place. It sucks, I know."


"W-Wait a second! That's not something you should be talking about!" Monomi waved her hands in the air. "Please, let me distract you!"

Monokuma only laughed.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial
"H-Hold on with the cape, everyone," Jude said, trying to reassure the others. "We don't really know the exact details, and besides, how could Wanda have slipped away from her cabin? I don't think it's possible."

Diana was ignoring the cape conversation. She looked deflated, her gaze falling down to the floor once again. "Whether I did it or not, I believe he deserved what he got. If you knew the truth, I was trying to tell you..."


The girl took a long pause, long enough for one to think she didn't plan to continue. However, Diana did eventually speak, sounding almost lost. "This isn't my first time as a part of something like this. It wasn't Byakuya's either, and..." Diana looked up, her eyes meeting Jude's, but she quickly looked away. "Except, Byakuya wasn't called Byakuya. He was Brennan, I guess because we were all led to believe we grew up in the United States. It's just... a long story, but we were all trapped and people were dying, just like this. Brennan -- Byakuya -- had acquired a gun that looked almost exactly like that replica. He killed people and attempted to take over the game."

"I..." Diana rubbed at her arm awkwardly. "... went along with it, I admit. But he was ruthless. He was willing to do whatever it look, because he believed that was how he was supposed to win. But he didn't win. He and I... we lost, and we stayed trapped. That I am here, that he was here, tells me that you're all trapped here now too. The Dark Place, it was called."

"... Diana, what are you saying? What dark place?"

"I'm saying--" The girl scoffed. "I'm saying it was only a matter of time before history repeated itself! We're trapped here, and the darkness that lurks around us wants us to break each other down. That's what it does. It uses our memories and our ideas to manipulate us... hurt us. It wants to take over our bodies and escape from this dark place. It sucks, I know."


"W-Wait a second! That's not something you should be talking about!" Monomi waved her hands in the air. "Please, let me distract you!"

Monokuma only laughed.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

Brennan...Byakuya...Honda wasn't concerned with him as much right now. What did was Diana. She seemed so sad, so hopeless...like one of Bison's Dolls. Honda remembered how they had been when they got away from Shadaloo. He felt his heart get a bit softer to the girl, and his usually boisterous voice, too, was soft. "Diana...did you kill him?"
[fieldbox="Responce #5 or something, red, solid"]
Terezi Pyrope

Terezi sat quietly taking everything in listing to everything
and trying to decipher it all with an analytical mind that she lacked
Terezi was too Impulsive and face paced to really do much sighing she looked down

´I need to find some friends, someone who can help me keep a level head´
Her thoughts continued as she pet the dragon head of her Cain
´I know how to fight, My sgrub / sburb sessions taught me that. you think as a
Seer of Mind I would be better at these things.´


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"H-Hold on with the cape, everyone," Jude said, trying to reassure the others. "We don't really know the exact details, and besides, how could Wanda have slipped away from her cabin? I don't think it's possible."

Diana was ignoring the cape conversation. She looked deflated, her gaze falling down to the floor once again. "Whether I did it or not, I believe he deserved what he got. If you knew the truth, I was trying to tell you..."


The girl took a long pause, long enough for one to think she didn't plan to continue. However, Diana did eventually speak, sounding almost lost. "This isn't my first time as a part of something like this. It wasn't Byakuya's either, and..." Diana looked up, her eyes meeting Jude's, but she quickly looked away. "Except, Byakuya wasn't called Byakuya. He was Brennan, I guess because we were all led to believe we grew up in the United States. It's just... a long story, but we were all trapped and people were dying, just like this. Brennan -- Byakuya -- had acquired a gun that looked almost exactly like that replica. He killed people and attempted to take over the game."

"I..." Diana rubbed at her arm awkwardly. "... went along with it, I admit. But he was ruthless. He was willing to do whatever it look, because he believed that was how he was supposed to win. But he didn't win. He and I... we lost, and we stayed trapped. That I am here, that he was here, tells me that you're all trapped here now too. The Dark Place, it was called."

"... Diana, what are you saying? What dark place?"

"I'm saying--" The girl scoffed. "I'm saying it was only a matter of time before history repeated itself! We're trapped here, and the darkness that lurks around us wants us to break each other down. That's what it does. It uses our memories and our ideas to manipulate us... hurt us. It wants to take over our bodies and escape from this dark place. It sucks, I know."


"W-Wait a second! That's not something you should be talking about!" Monomi waved her hands in the air. "Please, let me distract you!"

Monokuma only laughed.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

Brennan...Byakuya...Honda wasn't concerned with him as much right now. What did was Diana. She seemed so sad, so hopeless...like one of Bison's Dolls. Honda remembered how they had been when they got away from Shadaloo. He felt his heart get a bit softer to the girl, and his usually boisterous voice, too, was soft. "Diana...did you kill him?"

"I can not judge Byakuya for his actions in the past. In the moment I knew him, he was an individual who attempted to help if in his own domineering way... Though I am sympathetic to your plight of being trapped in these games, I can not condone your murder of Byakuya."

"Puhuhu... really, now?" Monokuma was giggling atop his mammoth, staring down at poor Diana. "You thought he was the Ultimate Affluent Progeny you knew? Even after all those cheeseburgers he'd consumed?"

Diana looked up sharply to glare at Monokuma. "Well... yeah! That's what I'm saying! That was him, just... bigger!"

"Ah, it's okay! I understand that my students are usually very dense! You see, the Byakuya that died was not the one you knew! Really, he was not even Byakuya at all!"

"That's... That's a lie! You're lying! That doesn't make any sense...!" Diana shuddered, falling slightly so that she was leaning over her podium. "It's this place! This place plays tricks on us! We're all going to die!" Diana screamed, banging her fist against the podium. "You can't tell me he didn't deserve to die! I was saying... I was telling people he couldn't be trusted. I couldn't have been lying, I couldn't have! Please don't put this on me, please..."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"Looks like the conversation has led to that conclusion, huh? I suspected as much..."

Once again brushing aside some stray hair to behind her ear as she'd listen to Diana's story, Kyoko's suspicions of the young man who called himself Byakuya Togami were all but confirmed. Not that she didn't already know to begin with, but it seemed that there were holes that even she wasn't aware of being filled from the testimony.

"Monokuma's right about one thing. The individual who died here was not Byakuya Togami at all. I can't say about this Brennan, considering you're telling me "Brennan" was far thinner back then, but... I suppose that's the trouble of dealing with the Ultimate Impostor even once," Kyoko revealed, showing off the true nature of the deceased former leader, "The rest of you might not, but I know the "real" Byakuya Togami, and let me tell you..."


"Not having Togami's actual memory, physical build, or experiences aside, the Impostor's biggest mistake in trying to emulate the real Byakuya Togami was that he was far too nice. If Togami really were here and appointed himself leader, it would be more to stroke his ego. He wouldn't even tell you it was for the benefit of your well-being as a lie."


"But even so, the real Byakuya Togami did not deserve to die, and that's where you and I disagree, Diana; the "fake" Byakuya Togami did not deserve to die either. Nobody does, no matter how grievous their sins might be. Everyone has the chance of redemption, it's just a matter of if they decide to take it. Still, either way, it's a simple fact of life that people die; fate is indiscriminate like that, but I'm not one for philosophy, so I'll stop myself there."

"In any case, it seems that despite everything, he and I did have one similarity; this situation we both found ourselves in wasn't the first. And even though he met his untimely end here, there's no reason to give into despair. Because as haughty as he was, even the real Byakuya Togami knew one simple thing. To believe in hope was the only thing you could keep doing, no matter what. Without hope, there's despair, and you can't accomplish anything if you let despair overcome you."

"Diana, I don't believe that you killed Byakuya... or whoever he is. So let us believe in you. Let us hope that you didn't. So keep calm and tell us. Who really killed him? And what's this Dark Place you're talking about?"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @Everybody

"Puhuhu... really, now?" Monokuma was giggling atop his mammoth, staring down at poor Diana. "You thought he was the Ultimate Affluent Progeny you knew? Even after all those cheeseburgers he'd consumed?"

Diana looked up sharply to glare at Monokuma. "Well... yeah! That's what I'm saying! That was him, just... bigger!"

"Ah, it's okay! I understand that my students are usually very dense! You see, the Byakuya that died was not the one you knew! Really, he was not even Byakuya at all!"

"That's... That's a lie! You're lying! That doesn't make any sense...!" Diana shuddered, falling slightly so that she was leaning over her podium. "It's this place! This place plays tricks on us! We're all going to die!" Diana screamed, banging her fist against the podium. "You can't tell me he didn't deserve to die! I was saying... I was telling people he couldn't be trusted. I couldn't have been lying, I couldn't have! Please don't put this on me, please..."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial
For a moment, the samurai's eyes flickered between the bear and the girl before sighing, "Excuse me, bear, but do you speak the truth? Was the Byakuya truly an imposter and known by another identity?" With that question presented, he turned to Diana once again, pity in his expression, "Diana... No matter what his identity was, it was wrong to kill him. Did you strike him down?"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"Puhuhu... really, now?" Monokuma was giggling atop his mammoth, staring down at poor Diana. "You thought he was the Ultimate Affluent Progeny you knew? Even after all those cheeseburgers he'd consumed?"

Diana looked up sharply to glare at Monokuma. "Well... yeah! That's what I'm saying! That was him, just... bigger!"

"Ah, it's okay! I understand that my students are usually very dense! You see, the Byakuya that died was not the one you knew! Really, he was not even Byakuya at all!"

"That's... That's a lie! You're lying! That doesn't make any sense...!" Diana shuddered, falling slightly so that she was leaning over her podium. "It's this place! This place plays tricks on us! We're all going to die!" Diana screamed, banging her fist against the podium. "You can't tell me he didn't deserve to die! I was saying... I was telling people he couldn't be trusted. I couldn't have been lying, I couldn't have! Please don't put this on me, please..."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial
"Diana...I understand your intentions. I understand why you didn't trust him. However, murder is murder, just as Jack said."

Honda looked to the rest of the class, a grave expression on his face. "The murder was premeditated, right? I'm thinking, as Diana was the only one who knew Byakuya, she was the only one who could've planned it, who had a motive. Just as he tried to keep us safe by hiding those skewers, she tried to keep us safe by killing who she thought was responsible for the Dark Place situation she was trapped in.

"I think it went like this: Diana was planning to kill him, maybe even leaving early to do so. She could've checked for his gun to make sure it was the Brennan fellow, then, once everyone was asleep, she snuck into his cabin and killed him, lying under his bed so blood would soak the mattress, not her. Perhaps she wore a red cape to hide bloodstains?

"Then yeah, yeah, carted the body out, dumped it in Cabin H. It seems perfect. But, I don't understand...why frame someone? Why go through all the trouble of moving the body, stashing the weapons and sheets but leaving the mattress...I can't fully indict Diana until that's cleared up."
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Diana didn't respond, not for a long while. An uncomfortable silence stretched between the group as they waited for Diana to acknowledge what Kyoko said. Eventually, she did move, standing up straighter so that everyone could see her face. She looked almost hurt as she gave Kyoko a sidelong glance.


"Why do you think I didn't do it? Is it because of what Shane said? I'll have you know, I could be a good actor if I wanted to be." She gestured to Honda. "He's got the right idea, but one thing... maybe I tried to frame someone else because I didn't want to get caught. Maybe, I didn't want everyone to think I was just as bad as he was. Or, just as bad as I thought he was."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"Why do you think I didn't do it? Is it because of what Shane said? I'll have you know, I could be a good actor if I wanted to be." She gestured to Honda. "He's got the right idea, but one thing... maybe I tried to frame someone else because I didn't want to get caught. Maybe, I didn't want everyone to think I was just as bad as he was. Or, just as bad as I thought he was."


"You want it too much."

A simple reply, but an effective one, in Kyoko's opinion.

"Speaking from personal experience, the more you beg for punishment, the less I'm inclined to believe that you did it. You may feel guilt, but I don't think you're the guilty party. You can also call it a gut feeling if you want, but I personally don't like calling it that kind of thing in place of, say, intuition."

@Atomyk @ClassTrial
Diana didn't respond, not for a long while. An uncomfortable silence stretched between the group as they waited for Diana to acknowledge what Kyoko said. Eventually, she did move, standing up straighter so that everyone could see her face. She looked almost hurt as she gave Kyoko a sidelong glance.


"Why do you think I didn't do it? Is it because of what Shane said? I'll have you know, I could be a good actor if I wanted to be." She gestured to Honda. "He's got the right idea, but one thing... maybe I tried to frame someone else because I didn't want to get caught. Maybe, I didn't want everyone to think I was just as bad as he was. Or, just as bad as I thought he was."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"She killed him." Rant said drumming his fingers.

"You want it too much."

A simple reply, but an effective one, in Kyoko's opinion.

"Speaking from personal experience, the more you beg for punishment, the less I'm inclined to believe that you did it. You may feel guilt, but I don't think you're the guilty party. You can also call it a gut feeling if you want, but I personally don't like calling it that kind of thing in place of, say, intuition."

@Atomyk @ClassTrial
Jack sighed as Kyoko's statement led them back to step one in a way.

"Then who do you believe is guilty, Miss Kirigiri? If you do not believe it is Diana, then who? Do you have evidence to point to another individual?"

@Atomyk @Verite

"That... I can't say, samurai," Kyoko would only reply to Jack, taking a breath, "Like I've said before, I have an idea on who committed it, but you all have to be the one to connect the dots, as even I'm unsure myself about the conclusion. But it's your choice. You can go back to the drawing board and go over the evidence once again, or you can go with what you believe and accuse Diana."


Looks like Rant was already doing that.


"I'm sorry, but this is something you all have to figure out for yourself."

@The Tactician @Atomyk @ClassTrial
"Stop!" Diana swiped her hand through the air angrily. "Stop, just stop! Okay, okay, I did it! It's basically... It's all my fault! I switched the name plaques around, I used the cart, I waited until my cabin was asleep, then I ran over to stab him with the skewers. That's why I had his bag, okay? I put him on the cart and moved him back to my cabin so I could pretend I found the body!"

"Diana, wait a second..."


Jude peered at Diana with confusion. What had she just said? "What are you talking about? Was something done to the name plaques on the notice board?"

"O-Oh... I... You guys never noticed... Okay, y-yeah, I switched the name plaques around so that Byakuya wouldn't be sleeping in my cabin. I switched his name and Nigel's name, and they never noticed."

"Diana, that doesn't even make sense. Why would you move Byakuya to a different cabin to make the murder harder for you? You could have just as easily killed him in your own cabin and moved him to I."

"It was... It was to throw everybody off, okay? I didn't think-- I didn't think about killing him until after I switched the names around! A-After dinner!"

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits @Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @DapperDogman @The Spartan Potato @Archwar @C.T. @york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Yang Lee @Nater Taters @ClassTrial

"You want it too much."

A simple reply, but an effective one, in Kyoko's opinion.

"Speaking from personal experience, the more you beg for punishment, the less I'm inclined to believe that you did it. You may feel guilt, but I don't think you're the guilty party. You can also call it a gut feeling if you want, but I personally don't like calling it that kind of thing in place of, say, intuition."

@Atomyk @ClassTrial
"But she confessed! She's obviously guilty! We have a motive and a confession and that's all we need!"

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