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Roman Torchwick was dead and the first thing you lose when you die, was your illusions. He pondered briefly that little bit, blinking once as he stared into the black void he was now- Wait.

He sat up.

Perhaps it was some ectoplasmic memory or what have you, but he felt he had a body. He could breath. He was alive!

"No, not really. The fact is, you cheated your old master, are attempting to cheat your second and currently double-crossed your third which means here you are. You can't go into the Afterlife set aside by the frame of the Murder Game due to it- Which is a pity, they're having a great concert right now. So you're stuck here. But don't despair! Light?"

A lighter flicked and revealed a grinning face that had Roman's heart skip a beat, though not for conventional reasons.


"You look pale Roman. Why is that? We've never met before, have we?"

Roman looked like he saw a ghost, before he looked away. Reaching in his jacket for a cigar, he went through the ceremonial cutting and lighting and it seemed to calm his nerves. A moment later, his voice was steady.

"Yes we have. Once when I was four, I saw you looking at me. Then again, at that heist when I was working under- Damn, forgot his name." He puffed away at his cigar before speaking thoughtfully.

"So. This is it? Gonna take me down to fire and brimstone and all that jazz? I was a crook- I lied and I robbed and I took everything people had to give."

"Lets not forget your violence and attempted murder. I don't judge, Roman. Where would I be if I did anything of the sort?"

She stood from where she sat next to him, humming quietly as she stretched before she added casually.

"Not that you aren't a slimy creep by any sense of the word, but...There is something. Madara was right when he spoke to you. You make a wonderful thief. But you make a terrible killer. Why do you think that is?"

Roman snorted, rising up to his feet as well as he leaned on his cane. Flatly, he spoke.

"If this is some kind of bullshit about how I'm just a broken soul in need of loving, I think I'd rather take the fire and brimstone. I am what I am- I'm certainly not going to pay any therapist to tell ME that."

"Yes, you were a wonderful crook. You've light fingers and a twisted mind and where one sees a path, you see hundreds. Its a rare talent and one quite...Amusing in its way. Sometimes the world needs a corkscrew rather then a sword. Like this one."

The darkness faded and they walked in between the frozen image of the battlefield. Bill Cipher looming as large as life, with explosions like frozen flowers of fire radiating around. Death smiled and looked up. Almost to herself, she spoke.

"Arrogant little twit, he was. He didn't think it was possible to be out-conned by anyone. Yet here he is. His traitors have abandoned him, the only one who did so voluntarily put him in a corner and if he loses today? He has some stockholders who are not going to be happy with him. Why did you do it?"

She turned to see Roman glancing casually around the battlefield and hid a smile before adding.

"They're mostly safe...But that's up to them. They choose to fight and really, are you surprised? You know something about heroes, don't you?"

Roman frowned and turned to face her.

"Yes, its that heroes don't exist. Now I don't like these people....Morons and idiots and everything in between. But they don't deserve Bill either. Or anyone else who thinks they can lord it over anyone else. Now I was a great thief. I stole jewels, I stole cash and I stole cars, everything that wasn't nailed down! But I am absolute trash compared to people like Bill. I steal goods but him and everyone like him? They steal peoples lives. I went with the flow once, thinking to survive. And after seeing it repeat a second time? And a third? Only so much a man could take you know!"

Death stared with intrigue on her open features before she smiled.

"You are a creepy, strange and twisted little man Roman Torchwick. But you know the funny thing?"


"At any rate, you have a choice. Stay and mope and eventually get taken...Elsewhere. Or you can do what you do best."

Roman blinked in confusion.

"....Do what best, exactly?"

Death smiled broadly as their environment began to fade around them and her with it, her smile last to go.

"You're a thief, aren't you? Rob someone blind."

And Roman returned to darkness, feeling very small and isolated as he stared where his feet would be, the light of his cigar the only illumination. For a moment, the puff of smoke would be the only noise...And then Roman dropped the cigar, grinding it under foot. Well then. What did he know? He was dead, yes....Technically. The afterlife was banned as was the waking world. Which left him....Where? He didn't know rightly for sure. But he was sent here by power and perhaps there was a way back. A thread of thought, so crooked it would baffle a truly decent mind due to its depravity and lies upon lies.

Roman smiled.



Bill battered away the attempts to use the broken weapons from the gate against him, his green hue telling volumes of what power he was drawing on now as he roared and fought back. The area was a warzone now and he had to regenerate his eye three times.

Did they have any idea how much it took to regenerate that?!

Well, he was mad. And a look in the afterlife showed that the band battle was still in question. Good. Once he finished here, then he could- Wait.

On a mental sphere somewhere, a globe shattered. And another....

And another and another, followed by yet another more. And Bill's eye would flick frantically from one emblem to another, realizing they were being smashed to bits.

Powers stolen, returning to their owners as were equipment and everything else in between Bill had thought to take for himself.


Arms like the Hydra sprouted from Bill's person as he began to smash all around him and catch everyone in it.


@Hospes @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @Crow @Verite @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Lissamel @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Gwazi Magnum @Takumi @C.T. @Everyone in the Bill Cipher fight
Ford had avoided the fighting so far, instead risking his neck to grab the unconscious Lalonde and pull her away from danger. The reset pulled him back a bit, but the opening of the portal the second time around gave him the distraction he needed to pull the woman toward the relative safety of the shack. "Bill...! I should have known better! Thought I had things under control, but he's a crafty one..." Ford looked down at Lalonde, the woman sleeping soundly in his arms. Her skin was still a sickly pale tone, evidently still infected with the virus she had refused to give many details on before. Well, details that Bill had refused to give. There was a high probability that Lalonde had become possessed by Bill during her time in between dimensions, allowing the demon to come to the physical realm and concoct this plan.


To think that Ford had been assisting Bill all along with his work on the portal... that he had never truly known the real Lalonde to begin with. It made Ford's blood boil. Bill had used him for the last time. "Come on," he whispered to his valued assistant. "I have a plan."


Walls of fire erupted around the portal, Solas making a great effort to hold back the shadow creatures. Junko could feel the intense heat on her skin and her body was breaking out in sweat. She choked back tears and hugged herself in an effort to quell her intense shivering. She was the cause of everyone's misfortunes wherever she went. It was always the case, every time. If Makoto had once been the Ultimate Lucky Student, Junko was no doubt the Ultimate Unlucky Student.

She let out a shaky breath, head turning to face Koyomi as he approached her with resolution. Her mouth went agape at the sight of him when she realized he was here to help again, even after he'd forgotten their encounter moments ago. "You don't know..." she began to say, but found herself drifting off as she listened to the boy speak. She could feel his determination with every word he uttered, but in the end, he didn't know her situation. He didn't know all her friends were dead and missing; didn't know the horrors she'd faced what was was only a day ago for her. His words might as well have been hollow.


"I'm sorry, but I try! I am trying! But it's just too hard... this power has beaten me!"

She yelped when Koyomi took her arm, but didn't pull away. She looked into his eyes, feeling as if a lump was forming in her throat. "Faith in me... Believing in me..." Junko closed her eyes. She still felt like crying, but now it was for different reasons. This boy sounded too much like Makoto Naegi, before he had turned out to be consumed by despair. If there truly existed a universe where Makoto was just the simple boy she once knew, Junko knew these were the things he'd be telling her.

When she heard She-Hulk's encouragement, Junko let out a shaky laugh. "Right... I know... For once, people need me. I've..." Junko nodded her head, psyching herself up. "I've taken down some nasty bears, so this is nothing!"

Junko cried out and reached out with her right hand. The green streak of light erupted from her palm once again and slammed into the portal. This time, it hurt, and Junko's arm shook under the pressure. She grimaced at the feeling, thankful that she had Koyomi's physical support. "Come on... Come on, come on!"

With one last great cry, Junko closed her hand into the fist and closed the portal. She quickly drew her hand back and held it close to her chest, wincing as it continued to flash green. "I'm sorry for being weak. Thank you."


As everyone's powers began to reawaken, Dipper cried out when he found something in his possession starting to glow. He pulled out the gem he'd found in the forest, marveling at the fact it was now glowing. When it began to glow even brighter, Dipper found himself blinded and forced to drop the stone. It then began to float in the air, the glow growing bigger and forming what appeared to be a humanoid shape. The characteristics of the shape shifted rapidly, eventually sticking to...



The Crystal Gem dropped to the ground, smiling as she pulled her spear from the gem at her forehead. "This is much better!" she happily exclaimed.


"Ehehe.... Hahahahaha..."

The face didn't need to be seen to take a guess just who it was that the laughter was originating from. But even so, it didn't take terribly long for the young woman to come into the group's field of vision. The odd thing was that she wasn't walking. Rather, she was levitating, seeming quite happy with her position in the sky. Oh, how absolutely liberating it was to be able to refrain from holding back her abilities!


Letting her absolutely giddy laughter slowly die down into nothing more than a little giggle, the woman finally spoke up, spreading her arms wide with a large grin as she did so to feel the breeze around her. Oh, this was wonderful! "Hehehe... Ahh, what a lovely little 'surprise' we've stumbled unto! Wouldn't you agree... Gideon?"


"...Help me," more or less whimpered this universe's Gideon, who looked absolutely terrified. Even from his position above all of the survivors alongside Mabel.

"Oh, don't be scared, darling~" Reverse Mabel cooed, even as stray weapons being fired off by Bill came their way. Gideon seemed worried that they'd hit them, but the weapons simply froze in the air mere feet away. At this, the female allowed herself another laugh. "Mabel will protect you~! ...And maybe rough you up a bit once she's alllll done."


"Sister, dear, shall we?" It appeared that Dipper had joined the two, as well, looking extremely bored. Either that, or he had a wonderful poker face. One thing was for sure, though - his sister messing with Gideon wasn't really amusing to him. His sister stifled her laughter enough to let a more subtle and collected grin form on her face. "Hehe... Of course, brother. I'd hate to keep our lovely little friends here waiting..." the brunette hummed, cheerfully.

Slowly, the weapons that had stopped mid-air began to circle around the Gleeful group in an almost hypnotically beautiful manner. But the beauty didn't exactly last - now the weapons were firing at the survivors in a very guided and controlled manner. Rather than being fired sporadically as Bill had used them, these were more comparable to heat-seeking missiles. Better take care of that new problem before it got out of hand.


It was then that Ford stepped out from the shack, flanked by the two Dipper clones. The trio held open the story book that Dipper and Spike had been trapped inside, its pages flapping wildly, picked up by the winds erupting from the fighting. "Hold on and don't let go! To let go could lead to disastrous results!"

The pages of the book began to glow, and lights started shooting out from the tome. These lights began to form people, scattering them about the battlefield. "All of you!" yelled Ford. "You were once trapped, but now we need your help! The fate of the universe depends on it!"

Reinforcements! Lovely. That was--Exactly what was needed, actually! Perhaps this battle could come to a timely conclusion after all. RGB smiled widely, looking up from his fight. As the opposing side's forces got in order, he adjusted his coat, starting to walk off towards the fray, towards the demon itself.

"Quite splendid! Now, let's end this disgusting little show, take it off the air--"

One should know better than to let their guard down in a battle with an angry demon. And one should definately know better than to walk closer. Bill Cipher and his many arms were smashing all around himself, making the ground tremble and shake.

One pound was all it took to knock him off his feet with a little yelp.

Another pound, in a slightly different place, was enough to crush him.


His screen went dark, his colors glitching and distorting. Some minions began to swarm, seeing him as an easy target once more. They could rip apart his hands and his feet, showing the nothingness below. Or maybe they could shatter his screen.

But it didn't take more than a second for a reaction.

His colors trembled, and then in one moment, shifted. His colors were muted. In fact, they weren't there at all. He grabbed his cane and, in one fluid movement, he stabbed one of the minions through the eye with the end of it. Other minions tried to scamper away, but working his cane as though it were some form of battle staff, he jumped to his feet and smacked and whacked and stabbed until they were all gone.

He was still the same telly-head, certainly. But he also wasn't. His colors were entirely dark, buzzing with what looked like television static. What was once a color-bar sort of mouth was replaced with an eye, an eye that dripped it's ink thickly. His entire color scheme was no longer vibrant hues, it was...

Black and white.

Black and white.

Black and white.



There was always a reason RGB was the very worst monster, after all.

Sharply looking up, the monster fixed his eye on Bill Cipher, staring at him. He looked back at his staff, twirling it around. It would do. Anything would do.

That beast would regret it. Everyone would regret everything.

The monster nimbly slipped into the fray, unafraid.



"Finally... I must say, it was rather hellish in that carnival. To be stuck with so many strong people, yet forbidden to fight them all. Now that I'm out of there, maybe I can finally put some people to the test."

Sometimes, the villain of one story can be a hero of another within the same volume.

Shamelessly, without any remorse, jumping in as he smelled the thrill of excitement and action in the air, the man of your dreams appeared within Gravity Falls like a dramatic character entering the stage of a heated play production, leaping into the fray.

Hisoka Morow was here to save the day!


And probably kill it just as quickly afterwards.

But everyone else could worry about that later.


Mmm... What a sight.

Nonchalantly walking through the chaotic battlefield, like a kid in a candy store, eyeing the place as though the destruction in front of him was comparable to delectable chocolate bars, the jester known as Hisoka walked until he caught sight of those who caught his attention, notably Reverse Dipper and Mabel. From the sheer power that he could feel surging through them in the air, he could guess that they, along with the ginormous triangle monster, were the targets in question.

My, my. This will be fun indeed. Hisoka could use some fun.

Oh, yes. And save all the cretins from certain death. After all, if they were to all die here, how would Hisoka be able to live with himself, knowing that he let so many potential opponents die so easily?

Stopping alongside Bazett, one of the people who had attracted his attention during the ordeal, Hisoka would face the two evil children with a confident smirk that masked the excitement he felt inside, but not before giving the Irishwoman next to him a sly glance for a brief moment.


"Perhaps after this, we can... play with each other and see who would come out on top?"


It spoke for itself.

Without waiting for a response from Bazett, whether it be verbal or not, he spoke again, this time to the Reverse siblings.


"Are you ready to give me the time of my life? Because I'm ready to give you yours."

@C.T. @Hospes @FIGHTAN I guess
Last edited:

Roman Torchwick was dead and the first thing you lose when you die, was your illusions. He pondered briefly that little bit, blinking once as he stared into the black void he was now- Wait.

He sat up.

Perhaps it was some ectoplasmic memory or what have you, but he felt he had a body. He could breath. He was alive!

"No, not really. The fact is, you cheated your old master, are attempting to cheat your second and currently double-crossed your third which means here you are. You can't go into the Afterlife set aside by the frame of the Murder Game due to it- Which is a pity, they're having a great concert right now. So you're stuck here. But don't despair! Light?"

A lighter flicked and revealed a grinning face that had Roman's heart skip a beat, though not for conventional reasons.


"You look pale Roman. Why is that? We've never met before, have we?"

Roman looked like he saw a ghost, before he looked away. Reaching in his jacket for a cigar, he went through the ceremonial cutting and lighting and it seemed to calm his nerves. A moment later, his voice was steady.

"Yes we have. Once when I was four, I saw you looking at me. Then again, at that heist when I was working under- Damn, forgot his name." He puffed away at his cigar before speaking thoughtfully.

"So. This is it? Gonna take me down to fire and brimstone and all that jazz? I was a crook- I lied and I robbed and I took everything people had to give."

"Lets not forget your violence and attempted murder. I don't judge, Roman. Where would I be if I did anything of the sort?"

She stood from where she sat next to him, humming quietly as she stretched before she added casually.

"Not that you aren't a slimy creep by any sense of the word, but...There is something. Madara was right when he spoke to you. You make a wonderful thief. But you make a terrible killer. Why do you think that is?"

Roman snorted, rising up to his feet as well as he leaned on his cane. Flatly, he spoke.

"If this is some kind of bullshit about how I'm just a broken soul in need of loving, I think I'd rather take the fire and brimstone. I am what I am- I'm certainly not going to pay any therapist to tell ME that."

"Yes, you were a wonderful crook. You've light fingers and a twisted mind and where one sees a path, you see hundreds. Its a rare talent and one quite...Amusing in its way. Sometimes the world needs a corkscrew rather then a sword. Like this one."

The darkness faded and they walked in between the frozen image of the battlefield. Bill Cipher looming as large as life, with explosions like frozen flowers of fire radiating around. Death smiled and looked up. Almost to herself, she spoke.

"Arrogant little twit, he was. He didn't think it was possible to be out-conned by anyone. Yet here he is. His traitors have abandoned him, the only one who did so voluntarily put him in a corner and if he loses today? He has some stockholders who are not going to be happy with him. Why did you do it?"

She turned to see Roman glancing casually around the battlefield and hid a smile before adding.

"They're mostly safe...But that's up to them. They choose to fight and really, are you surprised? You know something about heroes, don't you?"

Roman frowned and turned to face her.

"Yes, its that heroes don't exist. Now I don't like these people....Morons and idiots and everything in between. But they don't deserve Bill either. Or anyone else who thinks they can lord it over anyone else. Now I was a great thief. I stole jewels, I stole cash and I stole cars, everything that wasn't nailed down! But I am absolute trash compared to people like Bill. I steal goods but him and everyone like him? They steal peoples lives. I went with the flow once, thinking to survive. And after seeing it repeat a second time? And a third? Only so much a man could take you know!"

Death stared with intrigue on her open features before she smiled.

"You are a creepy, strange and twisted little man Roman Torchwick. But you know the funny thing?"


"At any rate, you have a choice. Stay and mope and eventually get taken...Elsewhere. Or you can do what you do best."

Roman blinked in confusion.

"....Do what best, exactly?"

Death smiled broadly as their environment began to fade around them and her with it, her smile last to go.

"You're a thief, aren't you? Rob someone blind."

And Roman returned to darkness, feeling very small and isolated as he stared where his feet would be, the light of his cigar the only illumination. For a moment, the puff of smoke would be the only noise...And then Roman dropped the cigar, grinding it under foot. Well then. What did he know? He was dead, yes....Technically. The afterlife was banned as was the waking world. Which left him....Where? He didn't know rightly for sure. But he was sent here by power and perhaps there was a way back. A thread of thought, so crooked it would baffle a truly decent mind due to its depravity and lies upon lies.

Roman smiled.



Bill battered away the attempts to use the broken weapons from the gate against him, his green hue telling volumes of what power he was drawing on now as he roared and fought back. The area was a warzone now and he had to regenerate his eye three times.

Did they have any idea how much it took to regenerate that?!

Well, he was mad. And a look in the afterlife showed that the band battle was still in question. Good. Once he finished here, then he could- Wait.

On a mental sphere somewhere, a globe shattered. And another....

And another and another, followed by yet another more. And Bill's eye would flick frantically from one emblem to another, realizing they were being smashed to bits.

Powers stolen, returning to their owners as were equipment and everything else in between Bill had thought to take for himself.


Arms like the Hydra sprouted from Bill's person as he began to smash all around him and catch everyone in it.


@Hospes @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @Crow @Verite @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Lissamel @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Gwazi Magnum @Takumi @C.T. @Everyone in the Bill Cipher fight
"So, you fancy yourself some kind of god? I will show you a taste of what a god can do!"
A hand shot out, beams of light aiming to dice one of Bill's arms into nothingness
He made it seem like a warning shot, but it was all Ryner was comfortable with using right now

"oh, sicknasty power, bro"

"ur about to get dunked on, dawg"

Just like that, a tornado of skateboards would begin to form, periodically launching neon coloured boards toward the triangle

"I have absolutely no idea what is going on, and I don't think I like it"

"Why is there a floating triangle with one eye trying to murder everyone?"

"No time to explain, just do whatever it is you do" Ryner mutters, breathing heavily from his last attack

"You really want me to do that?" Ayumu says, sighing as he revs up Mystletainn "Fine"

"100, 150, 200..." Ayumu began counting

"I have no idea what the FUNK just happened"

"mind the lingo, buddy"

"Yeah, whatever. That was still really odd"

@Crimson Spartan
@Gwazi Magnum
Ford had avoided the fighting so far, instead risking his neck to grab the unconscious Lalonde and pull her away from danger. The reset pulled him back a bit, but the opening of the portal the second time around gave him the distraction he needed to pull the woman toward the relative safety of the shack. "Bill...! I should have known better! Thought I had things under control, but he's a crafty one..." Ford looked down at Lalonde, the woman sleeping soundly in his arms. Her skin was still a sickly pale tone, evidently still infected with the virus she had refused to give many details on before. Well, details that Bill had refused to give. There was a high probability that Lalonde had become possessed by Bill during her time in between dimensions, allowing the demon to come to the physical realm and concoct this plan.


To think that Ford had been assisting Bill all along with his work on the portal... that he had never truly known the real Lalonde to begin with. It made Ford's blood boil. Bill had used him for the last time. "Come on," he whispered to his valued assistant. "I have a plan."


Walls of fire erupted around the portal, Solas making a great effort to hold back the shadow creatures. Junko could feel the intense heat on her skin and her body was breaking out in sweat. She choked back tears and hugged herself in an effort to quell her intense shivering. She was the cause of everyone's misfortunes wherever she went. It was always the case, every time. If Makoto had once been the Ultimate Lucky Student, Junko was no doubt the Ultimate Unlucky Student.

She let out a shaky breath, head turning to face Koyomi as he approached her with resolution. Her mouth went agape at the sight of him when she realized he was here to help again, even after he'd forgotten their encounter moments ago. "You don't know..." she began to say, but found herself drifting off as she listened to the boy speak. She could feel his determination with every word he uttered, but in the end, he didn't know her situation. He didn't know all her friends were dead and missing; didn't know the horrors she'd faced what was was only a day ago for her. His words might as well have been hollow.


"I'm sorry, but I try! I am trying! But it's just too hard... this power has beaten me!"

She yelped when Koyomi took her arm, but didn't pull away. She looked into his eyes, feeling as if a lump was forming in her throat. "Faith in me... Believing in me..." Junko closed her eyes. She still felt like crying, but now it was for different reasons. This boy sounded too much like Makoto Naegi, before he had turned out to be consumed by despair. If there truly existed a universe where Makoto was just the simple boy she once knew, Junko knew these were the things he'd be telling her.

When she heard She-Hulk's encouragement, Junko let out a shaky laugh. "Right... I know... For once, people need me. I've..." Junko nodded her head, psyching herself up. "I've taken down some nasty bears, so this is nothing!"

Junko cried out and reached out with her right hand. The green streak of light erupted from her palm once again and slammed into the portal. This time, it hurt, and Junko's arm shook under the pressure. She grimaced at the feeling, thankful that she had Koyomi's physical support. "Come on... Come on, come on!"

With one last great cry, Junko closed her hand into the fist and closed the portal. She quickly drew her hand back and held it close to her chest, wincing as it continued to flash green. "I'm sorry for being weak. Thank you."


As everyone's powers began to reawaken, Dipper cried out when he found something in his possession starting to glow. He pulled out the gem he'd found in the forest, marveling at the fact it was now glowing. When it began to glow even brighter, Dipper found himself blinded and forced to drop the stone. It then began to float in the air, the glow growing bigger and forming what appeared to be a humanoid shape. The characteristics of the shape shifted rapidly, eventually sticking to...



The Crystal Gem dropped to the ground, smiling as she pulled her spear from the gem at her forehead. "This is much better!" she happily exclaimed.


"Ehehe.... Hahahahaha..."

The face didn't need to be seen to take a guess just who it was that the laughter was originating from. But even so, it didn't take terribly long for the young woman to come into the group's field of vision. The odd thing was that she wasn't walking. Rather, she was levitating, seeming quite happy with her position in the sky. Oh, how absolutely liberating it was to be able to refrain from holding back her abilities!


Letting her absolutely giddy laughter slowly die down into nothing more than a little giggle, the woman finally spoke up, spreading her arms wide with a large grin as she did so to feel the breeze around her. Oh, this was wonderful! "Hehehe... Ahh, what a lovely little 'surprise' we've stumbled unto! Wouldn't you agree... Gideon?"


"...Help me," more or less whimpered this universe's Gideon, who looked absolutely terrified. Even from his position above all of the survivors alongside Mabel.

"Oh, don't be scared, darling~" Reverse Mabel cooed, even as stray weapons being fired off by Bill came their way. Gideon seemed worried that they'd hit them, but the weapons simply froze in the air mere feet away. At this, the female allowed herself another laugh. "Mabel will protect you~! ...And maybe rough you up a bit once she's alllll done."


"Sister, dear, shall we?" It appeared that Dipper had joined the two, as well, looking extremely bored. Either that, or he had a wonderful poker face. One thing was for sure, though - his sister messing with Gideon wasn't really amusing to him. His sister stifled her laughter enough to let a more subtle and collected grin form on her face. "Hehe... Of course, brother. I'd hate to keep our lovely little friends here waiting..." the brunette hummed, cheerfully.

Slowly, the weapons that had stopped mid-air began to circle around the Gleeful group in an almost hypnotically beautiful manner. But the beauty didn't exactly last - now the weapons were firing at the survivors in a very guided and controlled manner. Rather than being fired sporadically as Bill had used them, these were more comparable to heat-seeking missiles. Better take care of that new problem before it got out of hand.


It was then that Ford stepped out from the shack, flanked by the two Dipper clones. The trio held open the story book that Dipper and Spike had been trapped inside, its pages flapping wildly, picked up by the winds erupting from the fighting. "Hold on and don't let go! To let go could lead to disastrous results!"

The pages of the book began to glow, and lights started shooting out from the tome. These lights began to form people, scattering them about the battlefield. "All of you!" yelled Ford. "You were once trapped, but now we need your help! The fate of the universe depends on it!"


He suddenly appeared in the midst of the battlefield. The esper had finally been released from that carnival trap. And what a trap it was. Absolutely nothing to do and no way to escape. In a way, it was almost worse than death itself. So it was about time he'd made it out of there. He was a busy man, and he didn't have much time to be wasting in a place like that.

Nor here, for that matter, so he'd quickly take care of business.

Hyoubu Kyousuke slowly rose into the air, scanning the battle from an aerial view. There were a few fights, notably one involving some sort of strange creature and what seemed to be a few normals, and a cluster of weapons firing near a pair of children. Deciding to face down the pair, he snapped his fingers and disappeared, reappearing on the ground to face them with the rest of the group, a smirk on his face.


"Are you children telekinetics? I'd probably be on your side...if you two weren't even more insane than me. Messing with the fate of the universe? Even I haven't tried anything on that scale. So I guess I'll just have myself a grand ol' time, and cut loose with you brats."

Taking note of the weapons flying around and their position, without moving an inch Hyoubu decided to try to use his own telekinesis to freeze the weapons in place with his force of will.

Simultaneously, he initiated a direct attack on the pair. Perhaps disrupting the two directly would cease their attacks as well. Raising one hand, a fire appeared above it before he extended his arm outwards, unleashing a vortex of fire upon them.


@C.T. @Atomyk @Hospes @Verite @whoever's around
Ford had avoided the fighting so far, instead risking his neck to grab the unconscious Lalonde and pull her away from danger. The reset pulled him back a bit, but the opening of the portal the second time around gave him the distraction he needed to pull the woman toward the relative safety of the shack. "Bill...! I should have known better! Thought I had things under control, but he's a crafty one..." Ford looked down at Lalonde, the woman sleeping soundly in his arms. Her skin was still a sickly pale tone, evidently still infected with the virus she had refused to give many details on before. Well, details that Bill had refused to give. There was a high probability that Lalonde had become possessed by Bill during her time in between dimensions, allowing the demon to come to the physical realm and concoct this plan.


To think that Ford had been assisting Bill all along with his work on the portal... that he had never truly known the real Lalonde to begin with. It made Ford's blood boil. Bill had used him for the last time. "Come on," he whispered to his valued assistant. "I have a plan."


Walls of fire erupted around the portal, Solas making a great effort to hold back the shadow creatures. Junko could feel the intense heat on her skin and her body was breaking out in sweat. She choked back tears and hugged herself in an effort to quell her intense shivering. She was the cause of everyone's misfortunes wherever she went. It was always the case, every time. If Makoto had once been the Ultimate Lucky Student, Junko was no doubt the Ultimate Unlucky Student.

She let out a shaky breath, head turning to face Koyomi as he approached her with resolution. Her mouth went agape at the sight of him when she realized he was here to help again, even after he'd forgotten their encounter moments ago. "You don't know..." she began to say, but found herself drifting off as she listened to the boy speak. She could feel his determination with every word he uttered, but in the end, he didn't know her situation. He didn't know all her friends were dead and missing; didn't know the horrors she'd faced what was was only a day ago for her. His words might as well have been hollow.


"I'm sorry, but I try! I am trying! But it's just too hard... this power has beaten me!"

She yelped when Koyomi took her arm, but didn't pull away. She looked into his eyes, feeling as if a lump was forming in her throat. "Faith in me... Believing in me..." Junko closed her eyes. She still felt like crying, but now it was for different reasons. This boy sounded too much like Makoto Naegi, before he had turned out to be consumed by despair. If there truly existed a universe where Makoto was just the simple boy she once knew, Junko knew these were the things he'd be telling her.

When she heard She-Hulk's encouragement, Junko let out a shaky laugh. "Right... I know... For once, people need me. I've..." Junko nodded her head, psyching herself up. "I've taken down some nasty bears, so this is nothing!"

Junko cried out and reached out with her right hand. The green streak of light erupted from her palm once again and slammed into the portal. This time, it hurt, and Junko's arm shook under the pressure. She grimaced at the feeling, thankful that she had Koyomi's physical support. "Come on... Come on, come on!"

With one last great cry, Junko closed her hand into the fist and closed the portal. She quickly drew her hand back and held it close to her chest, wincing as it continued to flash green. "I'm sorry for being weak. Thank you."


As everyone's powers began to reawaken, Dipper cried out when he found something in his possession starting to glow. He pulled out the gem he'd found in the forest, marveling at the fact it was now glowing. When it began to glow even brighter, Dipper found himself blinded and forced to drop the stone. It then began to float in the air, the glow growing bigger and forming what appeared to be a humanoid shape. The characteristics of the shape shifted rapidly, eventually sticking to...



The Crystal Gem dropped to the ground, smiling as she pulled her spear from the gem at her forehead. "This is much better!" she happily exclaimed.


"Ehehe.... Hahahahaha..."

The face didn't need to be seen to take a guess just who it was that the laughter was originating from. But even so, it didn't take terribly long for the young woman to come into the group's field of vision. The odd thing was that she wasn't walking. Rather, she was levitating, seeming quite happy with her position in the sky. Oh, how absolutely liberating it was to be able to refrain from holding back her abilities!


Letting her absolutely giddy laughter slowly die down into nothing more than a little giggle, the woman finally spoke up, spreading her arms wide with a large grin as she did so to feel the breeze around her. Oh, this was wonderful! "Hehehe... Ahh, what a lovely little 'surprise' we've stumbled unto! Wouldn't you agree... Gideon?"


"...Help me," more or less whimpered this universe's Gideon, who looked absolutely terrified. Even from his position above all of the survivors alongside Mabel.

"Oh, don't be scared, darling~" Reverse Mabel cooed, even as stray weapons being fired off by Bill came their way. Gideon seemed worried that they'd hit them, but the weapons simply froze in the air mere feet away. At this, the female allowed herself another laugh. "Mabel will protect you~! ...And maybe rough you up a bit once she's alllll done."


"Sister, dear, shall we?" It appeared that Dipper had joined the two, as well, looking extremely bored. Either that, or he had a wonderful poker face. One thing was for sure, though - his sister messing with Gideon wasn't really amusing to him. His sister stifled her laughter enough to let a more subtle and collected grin form on her face. "Hehe... Of course, brother. I'd hate to keep our lovely little friends here waiting..." the brunette hummed, cheerfully.

Slowly, the weapons that had stopped mid-air began to circle around the Gleeful group in an almost hypnotically beautiful manner. But the beauty didn't exactly last - now the weapons were firing at the survivors in a very guided and controlled manner. Rather than being fired sporadically as Bill had used them, these were more comparable to heat-seeking missiles. Better take care of that new problem before it got out of hand.


It was then that Ford stepped out from the shack, flanked by the two Dipper clones. The trio held open the story book that Dipper and Spike had been trapped inside, its pages flapping wildly, picked up by the winds erupting from the fighting. "Hold on and don't let go! To let go could lead to disastrous results!"

The pages of the book began to glow, and lights started shooting out from the tome. These lights began to form people, scattering them about the battlefield. "All of you!" yelled Ford. "You were once trapped, but now we need your help! The fate of the universe depends on it!"


Ashelia B'Nargin Dalmasca was pissed. Taken from her home, and tossed into a Murder Game at some hell themed Amusement Park, and then held prisoner. That really grates on a person. When that person fought for her nation's freedom from Archadia, it really gets to them. Ashe spent most of her time in The Devil's Carnival wondering what was going on in her home. How much time had passed. A day? A month? A year? A decade? Ashe would never have known. She wondered what Ivalice's political landscape had become. Had Larsa been assassinated? Had the Archadian empire become threatening? Who held her seat in the United Nations?

In her mind were endless questions. Questions that she thought would never be answered.

Until now.

A light began to show from the book. At first, it was formless and void. Then, it began to take shape. That shape began to form clear lines. Those lines began to connect, showing the form of a person. Then, color began to form in those lines. At first, basic colors, the primaries. But then, they began to blend. Various shades of color began to mix, and then shading, light began to effect the colors. Then, space, the light made three dimensions. The light that made Ashe began to take her entire shape. Lines formed the spaces between individual hairs on her head, the gaps between her fingers, the creases in her clothes. Any light in Gravity Falls would reflect off of the gold she wore. It was like she was being drawn by an artist.

Finally, Ashe took a breath of Fresh Air. She knelt on the ground and felt it. "Grass..." She said. "There's no tents... I'm free." She grabbed at the ring on her finger, and bit her lip hard enough for blood to trickle from her lip. "It's not a dream..." Ashe looked around for a second before wiping her mouth with her sleeve. The chaos was ongoing. People were fighting, a demon was in the sky.

Ashe's hand grabbed her sword at her side. Then, something happened. The light didn't finish forming. Armor began to form around her. It was heavy plate armor, similar to that of a Judge Magister. A helmet formed on the ground in front of her. Call it Multiversal Bleed from a universe where she is a Judge, call it magic, it happened. Armor almost completely covered her. She picked up the helmet.


She was ready to fight the twins and Bill Cipher,

After all, what damage could a princess do against a god?

@Anyone @Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca is back! @Woo! @Nowhere to go from here, I guess
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Roman Torchwick was dead and the first thing you lose when you die, was your illusions. He pondered briefly that little bit, blinking once as he stared into the black void he was now- Wait.

He sat up.

Perhaps it was some ectoplasmic memory or what have you, but he felt he had a body. He could breath. He was alive!

"No, not really. The fact is, you cheated your old master, are attempting to cheat your second and currently double-crossed your third which means here you are. You can't go into the Afterlife set aside by the frame of the Murder Game due to it- Which is a pity, they're having a great concert right now. So you're stuck here. But don't despair! Light?"

A lighter flicked and revealed a grinning face that had Roman's heart skip a beat, though not for conventional reasons.


"You look pale Roman. Why is that? We've never met before, have we?"

Roman looked like he saw a ghost, before he looked away. Reaching in his jacket for a cigar, he went through the ceremonial cutting and lighting and it seemed to calm his nerves. A moment later, his voice was steady.

"Yes we have. Once when I was four, I saw you looking at me. Then again, at that heist when I was working under- Damn, forgot his name." He puffed away at his cigar before speaking thoughtfully.

"So. This is it? Gonna take me down to fire and brimstone and all that jazz? I was a crook- I lied and I robbed and I took everything people had to give."

"Lets not forget your violence and attempted murder. I don't judge, Roman. Where would I be if I did anything of the sort?"

She stood from where she sat next to him, humming quietly as she stretched before she added casually.

"Not that you aren't a slimy creep by any sense of the word, but...There is something. Madara was right when he spoke to you. You make a wonderful thief. But you make a terrible killer. Why do you think that is?"

Roman snorted, rising up to his feet as well as he leaned on his cane. Flatly, he spoke.

"If this is some kind of bullshit about how I'm just a broken soul in need of loving, I think I'd rather take the fire and brimstone. I am what I am- I'm certainly not going to pay any therapist to tell ME that."

"Yes, you were a wonderful crook. You've light fingers and a twisted mind and where one sees a path, you see hundreds. Its a rare talent and one quite...Amusing in its way. Sometimes the world needs a corkscrew rather then a sword. Like this one."

The darkness faded and they walked in between the frozen image of the battlefield. Bill Cipher looming as large as life, with explosions like frozen flowers of fire radiating around. Death smiled and looked up. Almost to herself, she spoke.

"Arrogant little twit, he was. He didn't think it was possible to be out-conned by anyone. Yet here he is. His traitors have abandoned him, the only one who did so voluntarily put him in a corner and if he loses today? He has some stockholders who are not going to be happy with him. Why did you do it?"

She turned to see Roman glancing casually around the battlefield and hid a smile before adding.

"They're mostly safe...But that's up to them. They choose to fight and really, are you surprised? You know something about heroes, don't you?"

Roman frowned and turned to face her.

"Yes, its that heroes don't exist. Now I don't like these people....Morons and idiots and everything in between. But they don't deserve Bill either. Or anyone else who thinks they can lord it over anyone else. Now I was a great thief. I stole jewels, I stole cash and I stole cars, everything that wasn't nailed down! But I am absolute trash compared to people like Bill. I steal goods but him and everyone like him? They steal peoples lives. I went with the flow once, thinking to survive. And after seeing it repeat a second time? And a third? Only so much a man could take you know!"

Death stared with intrigue on her open features before she smiled.

"You are a creepy, strange and twisted little man Roman Torchwick. But you know the funny thing?"


"At any rate, you have a choice. Stay and mope and eventually get taken...Elsewhere. Or you can do what you do best."

Roman blinked in confusion.

"....Do what best, exactly?"

Death smiled broadly as their environment began to fade around them and her with it, her smile last to go.

"You're a thief, aren't you? Rob someone blind."

And Roman returned to darkness, feeling very small and isolated as he stared where his feet would be, the light of his cigar the only illumination. For a moment, the puff of smoke would be the only noise...And then Roman dropped the cigar, grinding it under foot. Well then. What did he know? He was dead, yes....Technically. The afterlife was banned as was the waking world. Which left him....Where? He didn't know rightly for sure. But he was sent here by power and perhaps there was a way back. A thread of thought, so crooked it would baffle a truly decent mind due to its depravity and lies upon lies.

Roman smiled.



Bill battered away the attempts to use the broken weapons from the gate against him, his green hue telling volumes of what power he was drawing on now as he roared and fought back. The area was a warzone now and he had to regenerate his eye three times.

Did they have any idea how much it took to regenerate that?!

Well, he was mad. And a look in the afterlife showed that the band battle was still in question. Good. Once he finished here, then he could- Wait.

On a mental sphere somewhere, a globe shattered. And another....

And another and another, followed by yet another more. And Bill's eye would flick frantically from one emblem to another, realizing they were being smashed to bits.

Powers stolen, returning to their owners as were equipment and everything else in between Bill had thought to take for himself.


Arms like the Hydra sprouted from Bill's person as he began to smash all around him and catch everyone in it.


@Hospes @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @Crow @Verite @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Lissamel @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Gwazi Magnum @Takumi @C.T. @Everyone in the Bill Cipher fight
"So, you fancy yourself some kind of god? I will show you a taste of what a god can do!"
A hand shot out, beams of light aiming to dice one of Bill's arms into nothingness
He made it seem like a warning shot, but it was all Ryner was comfortable with using right now

"oh, sicknasty power, bro"

"ur about to get dunked on, dawg"

Just like that, a tornado of skateboards would begin to form, periodically launching neon coloured boards toward the triangle

"I have absolutely no idea what is going on, and I don't think I like it"

"Why is there a floating triangle with one eye trying to murder everyone?"

"No time to explain, just do whatever it is you do" Ryner mutters, breathing heavily from his last attack

"You really want me to do that?" Ayumu says, sighing as he revs up Mystletainn "Fine"

"100, 150, 200..." Ayumu began counting

"I have no idea what the FUNK just happened"

"mind the lingo, buddy"

"Yeah, whatever. That was still really odd"

@Crimson Spartan
@Gwazi Magnum
Something out of all of this occurred to Lon'qu.... As people were given back their equipment and powers, for Lon'qu... A certain weapon was now before him.. As that flame sword left his hands and he picked the weapon up. His other two killing edge swords in their sheaths at his sides but in his hands..... Was Excalibur.... The very same Excalibur Gilgamesh had given him at the end of Crimson Moon.... The very same weapon he cherished...


Doesn't matter how much he hurt...

Doesn't matter how much blood he would lose....

Now he could feel as if the spirit of Saber was with him as he wielded her sword...

He felt like he could do anything now...


"See you both on the other side...."

He smiled as he spoke to Ryner and GIlgamesh before he charged.... Largely ignoring the twins and their weapons as even with then being guided his luck was great enough to only sustain small cuts as he charged straight for the Hydra arms of Bill... He swung, slashed, stabbed, and dodged when he needed to at each and every one of them. Darting around at speed that seemed inhuman for someone with no powers what so ever. With Excalibur... He felt invincible....


"...Forgetting someone..."

The twins soon came under fire from both fire and electricity.... Wait... Where was Inigo... And where was Lon'qu's flame sword...?

@DapperDogman @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @Ringmaster @EVERYONE, YO
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Near Reverse Twins... there seemed to be a peculiar doll near them...


Staring at them with empty eyes... and a distinct ax was wrapped around it's feeble hands. If they tried to send it away with their powers, the doll was going to remain there, suddenly standing up in response and holding the ax. They weren't going to be able to send the doll away that easily. Not when the whole situation was making it's best friend, Aika, all distressed.



Meanwhile, the progress on Wiruko's extraction of the mod files was this:

[ EXTRACTING FILES FROM FOLDER LOCATION "C:\Users\Hideo_Kawamura\Desktop\Game_Mods" PROGRESS: 59% ]


C'mon Wiruko, work on this extraction a lot faster than this... I don't think I can continue dodging forever!

Hideo thought this in his head as he backed off from the frailing arms that came from Bill, holding the laptop that contained Wiruko inside.

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Indeed, one of the vibrant lights would suddenly spark out of control, zooming across the battlefield like a haywire firework on its way to burn down an orphanage. However disturbing that analogy may be, who gives a rats ass? The light impacted with the ground, morphing into the shape of...a dog? A small, black and white boston terrier stood in its place.

It smirked, of course.

<"Good grief, it's about god damn time. I was getting bored of that carnival place. I don't even remember what happened in it, anyway.">

Yeah, that carnival place sort of faded out of Iggys memory, even though for him, it just happened. The entire event, which was mean't to be scarring for...well, everybody else, who happened to be huge pussies about the whole thing. The dog could not give less of a shit about that, though, since he was just "freed" from it by some old guy with dumb hair. Dumber than Polnareffs, anyway.

From what Iggy can understand, theres these two kids and an angry triangle attacking this shitty little town in Oregon, and now he has to help these people out because they are too stupid to deal with the situation on their own. Might as well put some effort towards beating up these kids, I mean, they seem like the kind of kids that just kick dogs because...fuck dogs?

Well, fuck kids, too.



With a simple blink of Iggys eye, a flurry of sand, gravel and dust would begin to swirl around him. The course, rough material would twist above the canine stand user for a brief moment, before suddenly taking shape and materializing into what few would recognize as「 The Fool 」(Much like the Devils Carnival, the unpredictable nature of the multiverse changes how Stands function, whether as a curse or a blessing; leading to everyone being able to see The Fool, despite not being Stand users). The Stand resembles that of a massive, semi-mechanical canine creature.

Iggy would snarl, as another cluster of sand suddenly surrounds The Fool, morphing into a pair of massive wings. The Fool would then proceed to charge, the wind gusting as the Stand took off and suddenly came flying towards the Gleeful twins at a staggering speed. Opening its maw, it would attempt to strike the twins with a sand bite, the sheer force and momentum of the sand being strong enough to shatter bones.

A sphere with an emblem resembling a ship of sorts floated down, split into three. Two of these went towards Gran and Djeeta. The last one struck the ground and created a crack in time and space, summoning another warrior to the field.


"Could it be?"


"Lyria, you're here! But... how?"

A blue-hued girl hovered, with her eyes shimmering.


"I miss you two, but we can catch up later. Now, use my power to unleash our friends!"


"You're thinking on my level. Now, come forth, Cerberus! Wreak havoc upon Bill Cipher!"


"Well, I guess he isn't even close to cute~" an animalistic lady who descended from the sky chuckles. Next thing you knew, the muttpuppets on her arms were going ballistic and hitting Bill Cipher and his minions, much like pinball but more explosive and impactful. After which, the mutt puppets returned to her, and she vanished.


"Combo Chance, huh? Well, Yggdrasil, come forth!"


A gigantic girl, large enough to match Bill Cipher's size, appeared to punch Bill Cipher in the face. The area around her was surrounded by stars and the night sky for a bit, before Bill Cipher felt a little twisty. Next thing he knew, small galaxies were slicing him. The gigantic girl soon vanished into the sky as she flew back up.

Soon, a follow-up move was displayed.




"... PRONG!"

Gran and Djeeta slashed Bill Cipher with a signature move, then returned back to the ground.


"I don't think that was enough. I think we've got to show this primal beast how to face the music."


"Well, this isn't the right time, but..."


"Come forth, Brunhilde!"

A winged summon that was totally called Brunhilde descended from the sky.


"My name is Brunhilde! With the power of frost and the power of flames, I-"


"Hey, Ranko!"


"Wha- wha- I'm Brunhilde! You're supposed to call me that!" the being pouts.


"Alright Brunhilde," Djeeta chuckles, think you could pump the music up?


"Just as I thought we weren't going to have any idols in this event. By the primals, partner."


"Very well, my friends, I will bless you all with the power of music, the magic of Cinderella, and the contract that binds us! Farewell, all! Wahahaha~"

Probably-Brunhilde vanishes as an OST starts to play.


"A guitar cover? For real. You know what, I won't even judge. Personally, I blame every one of those Producer guys in existence for this otherwordly music. Really gets you in the mood for the finale."


"Now that we're pumped by the music... KAREN..."


"... KOYOMI..."





"I think I should be glad that they're making new friends... ugh... I don't feel so good now..."

@Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Hospes @Raven @Lissamel @Jeremi @Atomyk @etcetcetc​
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"Now that we're pumped by the music... KAREN..."


"... KOYOMI..."





"I think I should be glad that they're making new friends... ugh... I don't feel so good now..."

@Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Hospes @Raven @Lissamel @Jeremi @Atomyk @etcetcetc​

Koyomi was amazed in many ways at the duo (or rather, sudden trio) and their transformation, as well as the prompt to combine with them.


Did he have to?



Ladies and gentlemen please
Would you bring your attention to me?

Even as the new group of survivors began flooding the place, Mabel seemed less than concerned. The same could be said for her twin brother, who looked to actually be enjoying himself for once. In fact, if anything, Mabel only seemed more gleeful when her eyes landed upon the new group, as though she were delighted by so much as the idea of having more people she could crush beneath her perfectly polished platforms.

For a feast for your eyes to see
An explosion of catastrophe
Like nothing you've ever seen before
Watch closely as I open this door
Your jaws will be on the floor
After this you'll be begging for more

Speaking of crushing, it looked like her first little volunteers were sticking their heads out nice and easy for her. What a kind and thoughtful thing for them to do. But there was something off - was that.... A clown? Oh, goodness, that was simply too rich. But the thing was, he actually didn't seem like a wimp, and he certainly didn't speak like one. Quickly, with the briefest of exchanged looks, the twins more or less agreed his looks were either deceiving or he was outright insane. Regardless, his words managed to make Mabel pause a moment, staring at Hisoka in silence in turn before she broke into laughter.

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

Doing her best to keep her giggles at bay, the female twin finally managed a proper response. "Give me the time of my life, hm?" she repeated. "What a bold statement! I have to say, I do so appreciate that in a man. Whether it holds any meaning or not, well, you'll just have to prove that yourself~ Hehehe!" With that little declaration out of the way, reverse Mabel wasted no time in rather abruptly pulling a dagger of her own out of a place where one would think you really shouldn't keep such a thing(not her pants :|) and speedily throwing it right at Hisoka's head. As though to add extra speed, she put some telekinetic force behind it.

Do you want it?
Do you need it?

Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

On Dipper's end, it was safe to say his brief enjoyment that came with sending weapons flying straight at these strangers was being replaced with annoyance. Rather than running scared like the little sissies that he knew all of these people to be, they were actually trying to oppose him. That was much less fun to watch, at least, in the first few moments. But then there came the thrill of getting to make the peasants regret their choice with every ounce of their being. Oh, how wonderful that would be. So, only letting his annoyed look linger for naught but a few fleeting moments, Dipper began firing off weapons at Ashe with maniacal glee.

While this went on, Mabel managed to catch Hyoubu's eyes when he suddenly appeared among those confronting her and her sibling. She was intrigued, to say the least, but not especially shaken. Besides, his question only caused her to titter. "Heh, 'children'? We aren't our younger counterparts. As to our abilities... I suppose that's what you could call us, I concede. And oh, how your words wound me so. We aren't insane - we merely have initiative~! Now, brother?" A pause.

Ladies and gentlemen good evening
You've seen that seeing is believing
Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding
Please check to see if you're still breathing


It was a simple statement. Not a request, or even a demand. Just that: a statement. And without even the slightest reluctance, Dipper obliged, not a single question asked. He and his sister were almost always completely willing to do whatever the other requested without question, and now was no exception. Rightfully so, because otherwise, Dipper very well could have been hit by the Esper's vortex of flames. For now, though, that possibility was negated, with Mabel herself taking a moment to remove herself from her original place.

Hold tight cause the show it not over
If you will please move in closer
Your about to be bowled over
By the wonders you're about to behold here


"Aww, brother, look. It's an adorable little canine," Mabel cooed, placing her hands to her cheeks and staring at Iggy with a wide smile. Well, it appeared that this Mabel and the original one had something in common, after all. Considering she was briefly distracted by the sight of the animal, her twin sibling muttered curses under his breath, abruptly turning and shoving Mabel mid-air... Hard. The shove sent both siblings moving, just in time to at least avoid being caught in The Fool's jaws. Even the fire and electricity and flames shot off by Inigo(undoubtedly) didn't touch them. At least, it didn't look like it. But judging by Dipper beginning to curse, that probably wasn't completely true.

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen


"...You owe me big time for that, sister."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Attack on Twin-tans
"Kaigan, Ore! Let's go, kakugo, Gho- Gho- Gho- GHOST! Go~ Go~ Go~ Go~"

Now, who could that be?


"Hey, watch this!"

A great, cloaked being unleashed a kick upon the great Bill Cipher, smashing through Bill Cipher's body(or rather, phasing through it) then smashing a good deal of his cronies


"Daikaigan! OMEGA DRIVE!"

Glorious explosions were heard.


"That's great and all, kiddo, but no one is stupid enough to use their default form in a final boss battle, you get what I'm saying?"


"Way ahead of you, Yurusen," the spooky creature responds to the mascot character voiced by Yuuki Aoi that was probably made to sell toys.


Speaking of selling toys, the humanoid shifted his belt backwards, then placed another on his front.


"GACHIRIMINA! (Kotchinikina) GACHIRIMINA! (Kotchinikina) GACHIRIMINA! Kotchinikina) GACHIRIMINA! (Kotchinikina)"




"KAIGAN, GRATEFUL! Kengo, hakken, kyosho ni ousama,


samurai, bozu ni sniper! Dai~ Hen~ge~!"


"My life... burns bright! Wait, where's Shiraishi-san?"


"Worry about that later! Right now, fight!"

With that, the armoured humanoid got ready for combat...

@Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @SHOWTIMEDAAAAAAA​

"Miku, Djeeta, She-Hulk, Aran, Araragi, Karen, Shinobu, everyone else here, do your best... and we shall too, new guy!"

The Hippogriff cawed in response as it shot the explosive laserbeams that Bill Cipher had blessed it with at the other weapons from the Gate of Babylon, causing these weapons to explode in the sky.

Gran's shield was starting to tatter from explosive impact after explosive impact.

"I can't tank this for too long... Katalina... Rackham... Io... Rosetta... Eugene... Vyrn... Djeeta... Lyria... if only I could say this to them before my finale..."

Gran's shield flew out of his hands.


His new eagle-faced friend cawed like an American. Gran's body was starting to glow as various black-hued Noble Phantasms started to latch onto him, defying Bill Cipher's orders. In the process, his silver armour was crumpled as cast aside.


"I've faced worse..." Djeeta pants as she takes on a horde of Bill Cipher's mooks.

As she fell, she smiled.

"Perhaps you would all like to taste the blood on my blade?"

Well, that was out-of-character. What a way to go as she was consumed by the horde.

This was it.

It was through this journey that they have mastered their jobs. Not through technique, but through bonds and friendship, forgiveness and love.




"... CHANGE!"

In a flash, Gran had transformed into a knight of darkness, and Djeeta, had burst out of the horde, reborn like a Phoenix.


"This is not the pinnacle of my power!"

Indeed it wasn't, for Bill Cipher still possesses it. Gran and Hippogriff continued to evade Bill's strikes, and Gran began to counter each weapon swiftly, enduring explosion after explosion as he swerved away.


"I... no... we are... Dark Fencer... I have learned many perils through survival, but you shall all face immediate death!"

Djeeta sliced through Bill Cipher's minions like a lawnmower on a thick, juicy grass casserole. Soon, her eyes glowed blue, the same blue that Meteo's eyes were.


"My love for Meteo lies dormant within me, but you will all soon feel my wrath, the wrath of a broken warrior who still holds love within her!"

She couldn't get this potential out...

... yet.

Gran and Djeeta got their greatest power back - willpower*

@Hospes @Verite @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Ringmaster @Jeremi @etcetcetc

*No, they haven't gotten their powers back yet. The 'Job Change' ability is pretty much the one they displayed in Chapter 0/1. Plus I needed some pzazz. So I decided to get flashy a little early.


Roman Torchwick was dead and the first thing you lose when you die, was your illusions. He pondered briefly that little bit, blinking once as he stared into the black void he was now- Wait.

He sat up.

Perhaps it was some ectoplasmic memory or what have you, but he felt he had a body. He could breath. He was alive!

"No, not really. The fact is, you cheated your old master, are attempting to cheat your second and currently double-crossed your third which means here you are. You can't go into the Afterlife set aside by the frame of the Murder Game due to it- Which is a pity, they're having a great concert right now. So you're stuck here. But don't despair! Light?"

A lighter flicked and revealed a grinning face that had Roman's heart skip a beat, though not for conventional reasons.


"You look pale Roman. Why is that? We've never met before, have we?"

Roman looked like he saw a ghost, before he looked away. Reaching in his jacket for a cigar, he went through the ceremonial cutting and lighting and it seemed to calm his nerves. A moment later, his voice was steady.

"Yes we have. Once when I was four, I saw you looking at me. Then again, at that heist when I was working under- Damn, forgot his name." He puffed away at his cigar before speaking thoughtfully.

"So. This is it? Gonna take me down to fire and brimstone and all that jazz? I was a crook- I lied and I robbed and I took everything people had to give."

"Lets not forget your violence and attempted murder. I don't judge, Roman. Where would I be if I did anything of the sort?"

She stood from where she sat next to him, humming quietly as she stretched before she added casually.

"Not that you aren't a slimy creep by any sense of the word, but...There is something. Madara was right when he spoke to you. You make a wonderful thief. But you make a terrible killer. Why do you think that is?"

Roman snorted, rising up to his feet as well as he leaned on his cane. Flatly, he spoke.

"If this is some kind of bullshit about how I'm just a broken soul in need of loving, I think I'd rather take the fire and brimstone. I am what I am- I'm certainly not going to pay any therapist to tell ME that."

"Yes, you were a wonderful crook. You've light fingers and a twisted mind and where one sees a path, you see hundreds. Its a rare talent and one quite...Amusing in its way. Sometimes the world needs a corkscrew rather then a sword. Like this one."

The darkness faded and they walked in between the frozen image of the battlefield. Bill Cipher looming as large as life, with explosions like frozen flowers of fire radiating around. Death smiled and looked up. Almost to herself, she spoke.

"Arrogant little twit, he was. He didn't think it was possible to be out-conned by anyone. Yet here he is. His traitors have abandoned him, the only one who did so voluntarily put him in a corner and if he loses today? He has some stockholders who are not going to be happy with him. Why did you do it?"

She turned to see Roman glancing casually around the battlefield and hid a smile before adding.

"They're mostly safe...But that's up to them. They choose to fight and really, are you surprised? You know something about heroes, don't you?"

Roman frowned and turned to face her.

"Yes, its that heroes don't exist. Now I don't like these people....Morons and idiots and everything in between. But they don't deserve Bill either. Or anyone else who thinks they can lord it over anyone else. Now I was a great thief. I stole jewels, I stole cash and I stole cars, everything that wasn't nailed down! But I am absolute trash compared to people like Bill. I steal goods but him and everyone like him? They steal peoples lives. I went with the flow once, thinking to survive. And after seeing it repeat a second time? And a third? Only so much a man could take you know!"

Death stared with intrigue on her open features before she smiled.

"You are a creepy, strange and twisted little man Roman Torchwick. But you know the funny thing?"


"At any rate, you have a choice. Stay and mope and eventually get taken...Elsewhere. Or you can do what you do best."

Roman blinked in confusion.

"....Do what best, exactly?"

Death smiled broadly as their environment began to fade around them and her with it, her smile last to go.

"You're a thief, aren't you? Rob someone blind."

And Roman returned to darkness, feeling very small and isolated as he stared where his feet would be, the light of his cigar the only illumination. For a moment, the puff of smoke would be the only noise...And then Roman dropped the cigar, grinding it under foot. Well then. What did he know? He was dead, yes....Technically. The afterlife was banned as was the waking world. Which left him....Where? He didn't know rightly for sure. But he was sent here by power and perhaps there was a way back. A thread of thought, so crooked it would baffle a truly decent mind due to its depravity and lies upon lies.

Roman smiled.



Bill battered away the attempts to use the broken weapons from the gate against him, his green hue telling volumes of what power he was drawing on now as he roared and fought back. The area was a warzone now and he had to regenerate his eye three times.

Did they have any idea how much it took to regenerate that?!

Well, he was mad. And a look in the afterlife showed that the band battle was still in question. Good. Once he finished here, then he could- Wait.

On a mental sphere somewhere, a globe shattered. And another....

And another and another, followed by yet another more. And Bill's eye would flick frantically from one emblem to another, realizing they were being smashed to bits.

Powers stolen, returning to their owners as were equipment and everything else in between Bill had thought to take for himself.


Arms like the Hydra sprouted from Bill's person as he began to smash all around him and catch everyone in it.


@Hospes @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @Crow @Verite @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Lissamel @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Gwazi Magnum @Takumi @C.T. @Everyone in the Bill Cipher fight

Ford had avoided the fighting so far, instead risking his neck to grab the unconscious Lalonde and pull her away from danger. The reset pulled him back a bit, but the opening of the portal the second time around gave him the distraction he needed to pull the woman toward the relative safety of the shack. "Bill...! I should have known better! Thought I had things under control, but he's a crafty one..." Ford looked down at Lalonde, the woman sleeping soundly in his arms. Her skin was still a sickly pale tone, evidently still infected with the virus she had refused to give many details on before. Well, details that Bill had refused to give. There was a high probability that Lalonde had become possessed by Bill during her time in between dimensions, allowing the demon to come to the physical realm and concoct this plan.


To think that Ford had been assisting Bill all along with his work on the portal... that he had never truly known the real Lalonde to begin with. It made Ford's blood boil. Bill had used him for the last time. "Come on," he whispered to his valued assistant. "I have a plan."


Walls of fire erupted around the portal, Solas making a great effort to hold back the shadow creatures. Junko could feel the intense heat on her skin and her body was breaking out in sweat. She choked back tears and hugged herself in an effort to quell her intense shivering. She was the cause of everyone's misfortunes wherever she went. It was always the case, every time. If Makoto had once been the Ultimate Lucky Student, Junko was no doubt the Ultimate Unlucky Student.

She let out a shaky breath, head turning to face Koyomi as he approached her with resolution. Her mouth went agape at the sight of him when she realized he was here to help again, even after he'd forgotten their encounter moments ago. "You don't know..." she began to say, but found herself drifting off as she listened to the boy speak. She could feel his determination with every word he uttered, but in the end, he didn't know her situation. He didn't know all her friends were dead and missing; didn't know the horrors she'd faced what was was only a day ago for her. His words might as well have been hollow.


"I'm sorry, but I try! I am trying! But it's just too hard... this power has beaten me!"

She yelped when Koyomi took her arm, but didn't pull away. She looked into his eyes, feeling as if a lump was forming in her throat. "Faith in me... Believing in me..." Junko closed her eyes. She still felt like crying, but now it was for different reasons. This boy sounded too much like Makoto Naegi, before he had turned out to be consumed by despair. If there truly existed a universe where Makoto was just the simple boy she once knew, Junko knew these were the things he'd be telling her.

When she heard She-Hulk's encouragement, Junko let out a shaky laugh. "Right... I know... For once, people need me. I've..." Junko nodded her head, psyching herself up. "I've taken down some nasty bears, so this is nothing!"

Junko cried out and reached out with her right hand. The green streak of light erupted from her palm once again and slammed into the portal. This time, it hurt, and Junko's arm shook under the pressure. She grimaced at the feeling, thankful that she had Koyomi's physical support. "Come on... Come on, come on!"

With one last great cry, Junko closed her hand into the fist and closed the portal. She quickly drew her hand back and held it close to her chest, wincing as it continued to flash green. "I'm sorry for being weak. Thank you."


As everyone's powers began to reawaken, Dipper cried out when he found something in his possession starting to glow. He pulled out the gem he'd found in the forest, marveling at the fact it was now glowing. When it began to glow even brighter, Dipper found himself blinded and forced to drop the stone. It then began to float in the air, the glow growing bigger and forming what appeared to be a humanoid shape. The characteristics of the shape shifted rapidly, eventually sticking to...



The Crystal Gem dropped to the ground, smiling as she pulled her spear from the gem at her forehead. "This is much better!" she happily exclaimed.


"Ehehe.... Hahahahaha..."

The face didn't need to be seen to take a guess just who it was that the laughter was originating from. But even so, it didn't take terribly long for the young woman to come into the group's field of vision. The odd thing was that she wasn't walking. Rather, she was levitating, seeming quite happy with her position in the sky. Oh, how absolutely liberating it was to be able to refrain from holding back her abilities!


Letting her absolutely giddy laughter slowly die down into nothing more than a little giggle, the woman finally spoke up, spreading her arms wide with a large grin as she did so to feel the breeze around her. Oh, this was wonderful! "Hehehe... Ahh, what a lovely little 'surprise' we've stumbled unto! Wouldn't you agree... Gideon?"


"...Help me," more or less whimpered this universe's Gideon, who looked absolutely terrified. Even from his position above all of the survivors alongside Mabel.

"Oh, don't be scared, darling~" Reverse Mabel cooed, even as stray weapons being fired off by Bill came their way. Gideon seemed worried that they'd hit them, but the weapons simply froze in the air mere feet away. At this, the female allowed herself another laugh. "Mabel will protect you~! ...And maybe rough you up a bit once she's alllll done."


"Sister, dear, shall we?" It appeared that Dipper had joined the two, as well, looking extremely bored. Either that, or he had a wonderful poker face. One thing was for sure, though - his sister messing with Gideon wasn't really amusing to him. His sister stifled her laughter enough to let a more subtle and collected grin form on her face. "Hehe... Of course, brother. I'd hate to keep our lovely little friends here waiting..." the brunette hummed, cheerfully.

Slowly, the weapons that had stopped mid-air began to circle around the Gleeful group in an almost hypnotically beautiful manner. But the beauty didn't exactly last - now the weapons were firing at the survivors in a very guided and controlled manner. Rather than being fired sporadically as Bill had used them, these were more comparable to heat-seeking missiles. Better take care of that new problem before it got out of hand.


It was then that Ford stepped out from the shack, flanked by the two Dipper clones. The trio held open the story book that Dipper and Spike had been trapped inside, its pages flapping wildly, picked up by the winds erupting from the fighting. "Hold on and don't let go! To let go could lead to disastrous results!"

The pages of the book began to glow, and lights started shooting out from the tome. These lights began to form people, scattering them about the battlefield. "All of you!" yelled Ford. "You were once trapped, but now we need your help! The fate of the universe depends on it!"

Aran was a bit distracted during this whole affair. Distracted how, you might ask? Well, he had worked himself up into an excited fervor, punching and headbutting and boomeranging and ordering the Manotaurs to fight whatever.

And suddenly, a loud shriek from the Triangle brought the boxer's attention to him, and he grinned maniacally. "MANOTAURS!!! CRUSH THOSE HYDRA HEADS AS IF THEY WERE SEEDLESS GRAPES!!!!!" Himself, he would use his perch on one Manotaur's head and stab hydra heads with his daggers in an attempt to crush them.

@Ringmaster @Hospes @Atomyk @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @EVERYONE


Ladies and gentlemen please
Would you bring your attention to me?

Even as the new group of survivors began flooding the place, Mabel seemed less than concerned. The same could be said for her twin brother, who looked to actually be enjoying himself for once. In fact, if anything, Mabel only seemed more gleeful when her eyes landed upon the new group, as though she were delighted by so much as the idea of having more people she could crush beneath her perfectly polished platforms.

For a feast for your eyes to see
An explosion of catastrophe
Like nothing you've ever seen before
Watch closely as I open this door
Your jaws will be on the floor
After this you'll be begging for more

Speaking of crushing, it looked like her first little volunteers were sticking their heads out nice and easy for her. What a kind and thoughtful thing for them to do. But there was something off - was that.... A clown? Oh, goodness, that was simply too rich. But the thing was, he actually didn't seem like a wimp, and he certainly didn't speak like one. Quickly, with the briefest of exchanged looks, the twins more or less agreed his looks were either deceiving or he was outright insane. Regardless, his words managed to make Mabel pause a moment, staring at Hisoka in silence in turn before she broke into laughter.

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

Doing her best to keep her giggles at bay, the female twin finally managed a proper response. "Give me the time of my life, hm?" she repeated. "What a bold statement! I have to say, I do so appreciate that in a man. Whether it holds any meaning or not, well, you'll just have to prove that yourself~ Hehehe!" With that little declaration out of the way, reverse Mabel wasted no time in rather abruptly pulling a dagger of her own out of a place where one would think you really shouldn't keep such a thing(not her pants :|) and speedily throwing it right at Hisoka's head. As though to add extra speed, she put some telekinetic force behind it.

Do you want it?
Do you need it?

Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

On Dipper's end, it was safe to say his brief enjoyment that came with sending weapons flying straight at these strangers was being replaced with annoyance. Rather than running scared like the little sissies that he knew all of these people to be, they were actually trying to oppose him. That was much less fun to watch, at least, in the first few moments. But then there came the thrill of getting to make the peasants regret their choice with every ounce of their being. Oh, how wonderful that would be. So, only letting his annoyed look linger for naught but a few fleeting moments, Dipper began firing off weapons at Ashe with maniacal glee.

While this went on, Mabel managed to catch Hyoubu's eyes when he suddenly appeared among those confronting her and her sibling. She was intrigued, to say the least, but not especially shaken. Besides, his question only caused her to titter. "Heh, 'children'? We aren't our younger counterparts. As to our abilities... I suppose that's what you could call us, I concede. And oh, how your words wound me so. We aren't insane - we merely have initiative~! Now, brother?" A pause.

Ladies and gentlemen good evening
You've seen that seeing is believing
Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding
Please check to see if you're still breathing


It was a simple statement. Not a request, or even a demand. Just that: a statement. And without even the slightest reluctance, Dipper obliged, not a single question asked. He and his sister were almost always completely willing to do whatever the other requested without question, and now was no exception. Rightfully so, because otherwise, Dipper very well could have been hit by the Esper's vortex of flames. For now, though, that possibility was negated, with Mabel herself taking a moment to remove herself from her original place.

Hold tight cause the show it not over
If you will please move in closer
Your about to be bowled over
By the wonders you're about to behold here


"Aww, brother, look. It's an adorable little canine," Mabel cooed, placing her hands to her cheeks and staring at Iggy with a wide smile. Well, it appeared that this Mabel and the original one had something in common, after all. Considering she was briefly distracted by the sight of the animal, her twin sibling muttered curses under his breath, abruptly turning and shoving Mabel mid-air... Hard. The shove sent both siblings moving, just in time to at least avoid being caught in The Fool's jaws. Even the fire and electricity and flames shot off by Inigo(undoubtedly) didn't touch them. At least, it didn't look like it. But judging by Dipper beginning to curse, that probably wasn't completely true.

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen


"...You owe me big time for that, sister."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Attack on Twin-tans


Aika would snap out of her crying trance to realize that her Dolly was up and moving again, even without the help of Sam's telekinesis. Her Dolly in question was able to swing an ax at Mabel, seeing that this girl wasn't going to be super nice to her best friend Aika at all. Strangely as her Dolly was prepared to attack Mabel with this ax it had, the doll's eyes flashed a bright green... as if there was something else inside the doll's constructs...

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Hospes
A sphere with an emblem resembling a ship of sorts floated down, split into three. Two of these went towards Gran and Djeeta. The last one struck the ground and created a crack in time and space, summoning another warrior to the field.


"Could it be?"


"Lyria, you're here! But... how?"

A blue-hued girl hovered, with her eyes shimmering.


"I miss you two, but we can catch up later. Now, use my power to unleash our friends!"


"You're thinking on my level. Now, come forth, Cerberus! Wreak havoc upon Bill Cipher!"


"Well, I guess he isn't even close to cute~" an animalistic lady who descended from the sky chuckles. Next thing you knew, the muttpuppets on her arms were going ballistic and hitting Bill Cipher and his minions, much like pinball but more explosive and impactful. After which, the mutt puppets returned to her, and she vanished.


"Combo Chance, huh? Well, Yggdrasil, come forth!"


A gigantic girl, large enough to match Bill Cipher's size, appeared to punch Bill Cipher in the face. The area around her was surrounded by stars and the night sky for a bit, before Bill Cipher felt a little twisty. Next thing he knew, small galaxies were slicing him. The gigantic girl soon vanished into the sky as she flew back up.

Soon, a follow-up move was displayed.




"... PRONG!"

Gran and Djeeta slashed Bill Cipher with a signature move, then returned back to the ground.


"I don't think that was enough. I think we've got to show this primal beast how to face the music."


"Well, this isn't the right time, but..."


"Come forth, Brunhilde!"

A winged summon that was totally called Brunhilde descended from the sky.


"My name is Brunhilde! With the power of frost and the power of flames, I-"


"Hey, Ranko!"


"Wha- wha- I'm Brunhilde! You're supposed to call me that!" the being pouts.


"Alright Brunhilde," Djeeta chuckles, think you could pump the music up?


"Just as I thought we weren't going to have any idols in this event. By the primals, partner."


"Very well, my friends, I will bless you all with the power of music, the magic of Cinderella, and the contract that binds us! Farewell, all! Wahahaha~"

Probably-Brunhilde vanishes as an OST starts to play.


"A guitar cover? For real. You know what, I won't even judge. Personally, I blame every one of those Producer guys in existence for this otherwordly music. Really gets you in the mood for the finale."


"Now that we're pumped by the music... KAREN..."


"... KOYOMI..."





"I think I should be glad that they're making new friends... ugh... I don't feel so good now..."

@Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Hospes @Raven @Lissamel @Jeremi @Atomyk @etcetcetc​
"Kaigan, Ore! Let's go, kakugo, Gho- Gho- Gho- GHOST! Go~ Go~ Go~ Go~"

Now, who could that be?


"Hey, watch this!"

A great, cloaked being unleashed a kick upon the great Bill Cipher, smashing through Bill Cipher's body(or rather, phasing through it) then smashing a good deal of his cronies


"Daikaigan! OMEGA DRIVE!"

Glorious explosions were heard.


"That's great and all, kiddo, but no one is stupid enough to use their default form in a final boss battle, you get what I'm saying?"


"Way ahead of you, Yurusen," the spooky creature responds to the mascot character voiced by Yuuki Aoi that was probably made to sell toys.


Speaking of selling toys, the humanoid shifted his belt backwards, then placed another on his front.


"GACHIRIMINA! (Kotchinikina) GACHIRIMINA! (Kotchinikina) GACHIRIMINA! Kotchinikina) GACHIRIMINA! (Kotchinikina)"




"KAIGAN, GRATEFUL! Kengo, hakken, kyosho ni ousama,


samurai, bozu ni sniper! Dai~ Hen~ge~!"


"My life... burns bright! Wait, where's Shiraishi-san?"


"Worry about that later! Right now, fight!"

With that, the armoured humanoid got ready for combat...

@Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @SHOWTIMEDAAAAAAA​
Aran was a bit distracted during this whole affair. Distracted how, you might ask? Well, he had worked himself up into an excited fervor, punching and headbutting and boomeranging and ordering the Manotaurs to fight whatever.

And suddenly, a loud shriek from the Triangle brought the boxer's attention to him, and he grinned maniacally. "MANOTAURS!!! CRUSH THOSE HYDRA HEADS AS IF THEY WERE SEEDLESS GRAPES!!!!!" Himself, he would use his perch on one Manotaur's head and stab hydra heads with his daggers in an attempt to crush them.

@Ringmaster @Hospes @Atomyk @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @EVERYONE
[ EXTRACTING FILES FROM FOLDER LOCATION "C:\Users\Hideo_Kawamura\Desktop\Game_Mods" PROGRESS: 100% ]


As soon as that notification appeared on the screen of Hideo's laptop, Wiruko would pop out of the laptop, floating in the air while carrying a very large box labelled "Game_Mods."


"If Wiruko read the folder's file list correctly... there's a custom chainsaw weapon, an infinite health add-on, moon jump modifications, fire special effects, custom fighting scripts..."


"Wiruko, you said that you could hack me earlier. Go ahead and upload all of that stuff to me."

Much to Wiruko's surprise, Hideo proposed that he would take in all of the mods for this. Even if it were going to be temporary, they needed to take in all of the help they could get.


"Oh... okay then Master. Just... just be careful... for Wiruko."

Complying with his requested, Wiruko broke down the box that held all of the "mods," breaking it down and sending it towards Hideo. It wouldn't last forever since these files seemed to be a one-time use, but at this moment, they needed it. As the mods began to take effect on Hideo, he appeared a bit differently than before, donning a suit and that chainsaw earlier.


Surely this would do more damage than the Staff of Illusions, and with that stuff now being used by Hideo, he sped towards the Hydra arms mad by Bill, his chainsaw ready to slice and dice through them like paper. Due to the combat scripts uploaded into his body, it was like Hideo learned how to fight in the short time of a few seconds, when really it wasn't him doing the work, it was more of the stuff that Wiruko put into him. So in a way... call Hideo a hacker if you wanted, but right now, they needed this extra boost. Oh, and look, because of the fire mods, the chainsaw was magically enchanted with fire too. Cool...



Hideo yelled out as he spun around with his flaming chainsaw, cutting up more and more of those hydra arms to give the others some openings to attack Bill directly.


"Go Master! Wiruko believes in you!"

Meanwhile Wiruko was just in the background, giving Hideo the moral support for now.

@Ringmaster @Hospes @Atomyk @Crow @Yun Lee @EVERYONE IN THE BILL FIGHT​

"Not a bad start. For a warm-up."

Nonchalantly, Hisoka deflected the dagger that Reverse Mabel would throw at him, the speed at which it was coming little more than a challenge to keep the speedy man on his guard, using a playing card that he would suddenly draw from his pocket, having channeled his powers to render the card razor-sharp, more lethal than a knife.

Yes... There was definitely more, at least. This was just a taste of what was to come from them, wasn't it? He could feel the full extent of their power somewhere, but it seemed that for now, like a person at a party only allowed to have a taste of the fine wines around, they were just toying with each other for now. But that was fine. That was perfectly fine.

Good things come to those who wait after all.


"My turn."

Killing was an art. And when it came to art, you had to have a certain style with it!

If they were all going to toy with each other, then he may as well have fun playing the game that others were trying to play on him after all, no? Yes, yes!

Hmhmm... Let's see how I go about this.


With a slight of hand, Hisoka pulled his next trick. In practically the blink of an eye, the one card that Hisoka held in his hand suddenly became a number of cards, at least five in one hand, all as razor-sharp as the other with the weight of actual blades as well, which he would then pitch to the two diabolical twins like deadly throwing knives!

@Hospes @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Attack on Twin-tans


Ladies and gentlemen please
Would you bring your attention to me?

Even as the new group of survivors began flooding the place, Mabel seemed less than concerned. The same could be said for her twin brother, who looked to actually be enjoying himself for once. In fact, if anything, Mabel only seemed more gleeful when her eyes landed upon the new group, as though she were delighted by so much as the idea of having more people she could crush beneath her perfectly polished platforms.

For a feast for your eyes to see
An explosion of catastrophe
Like nothing you've ever seen before
Watch closely as I open this door
Your jaws will be on the floor
After this you'll be begging for more

Speaking of crushing, it looked like her first little volunteers were sticking their heads out nice and easy for her. What a kind and thoughtful thing for them to do. But there was something off - was that.... A clown? Oh, goodness, that was simply too rich. But the thing was, he actually didn't seem like a wimp, and he certainly didn't speak like one. Quickly, with the briefest of exchanged looks, the twins more or less agreed his looks were either deceiving or he was outright insane. Regardless, his words managed to make Mabel pause a moment, staring at Hisoka in silence in turn before she broke into laughter.

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

Doing her best to keep her giggles at bay, the female twin finally managed a proper response. "Give me the time of my life, hm?" she repeated. "What a bold statement! I have to say, I do so appreciate that in a man. Whether it holds any meaning or not, well, you'll just have to prove that yourself~ Hehehe!" With that little declaration out of the way, reverse Mabel wasted no time in rather abruptly pulling a dagger of her own out of a place where one would think you really shouldn't keep such a thing(not her pants :|) and speedily throwing it right at Hisoka's head. As though to add extra speed, she put some telekinetic force behind it.

Do you want it?
Do you need it?

Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

On Dipper's end, it was safe to say his brief enjoyment that came with sending weapons flying straight at these strangers was being replaced with annoyance. Rather than running scared like the little sissies that he knew all of these people to be, they were actually trying to oppose him. That was much less fun to watch, at least, in the first few moments. But then there came the thrill of getting to make the peasants regret their choice with every ounce of their being. Oh, how wonderful that would be. So, only letting his annoyed look linger for naught but a few fleeting moments, Dipper began firing off weapons at Ashe with maniacal glee.

While this went on, Mabel managed to catch Hyoubu's eyes when he suddenly appeared among those confronting her and her sibling. She was intrigued, to say the least, but not especially shaken. Besides, his question only caused her to titter. "Heh, 'children'? We aren't our younger counterparts. As to our abilities... I suppose that's what you could call us, I concede. And oh, how your words wound me so. We aren't insane - we merely have initiative~! Now, brother?" A pause.

Ladies and gentlemen good evening
You've seen that seeing is believing
Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding
Please check to see if you're still breathing


It was a simple statement. Not a request, or even a demand. Just that: a statement. And without even the slightest reluctance, Dipper obliged, not a single question asked. He and his sister were almost always completely willing to do whatever the other requested without question, and now was no exception. Rightfully so, because otherwise, Dipper very well could have been hit by the Esper's vortex of flames. For now, though, that possibility was negated, with Mabel herself taking a moment to remove herself from her original place.

Hold tight cause the show it not over
If you will please move in closer
Your about to be bowled over
By the wonders you're about to behold here


"Aww, brother, look. It's an adorable little canine," Mabel cooed, placing her hands to her cheeks and staring at Iggy with a wide smile. Well, it appeared that this Mabel and the original one had something in common, after all. Considering she was briefly distracted by the sight of the animal, her twin sibling muttered curses under his breath, abruptly turning and shoving Mabel mid-air... Hard. The shove sent both siblings moving, just in time to at least avoid being caught in The Fool's jaws. Even the fire and electricity and flames shot off by Inigo(undoubtedly) didn't touch them. At least, it didn't look like it. But judging by Dipper beginning to curse, that probably wasn't completely true.

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen


"...You owe me big time for that, sister."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Attack on Twin-tans


Aika would snap out of her crying trance to realize that her Dolly was up and moving again, even without the help of Sam's telekinesis. Her Dolly in question was able to swing an ax at Mabel, seeing that this girl wasn't going to be super nice to her best friend Aika at all. Strangely as her Dolly was prepared to attack Mabel with this ax it had, the doll's eyes flashed a bright green... as if there was something else inside the doll's constructs...

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Hospes

"Not a bad start. For a warm-up."

Nonchalantly, Hisoka deflected the dagger that Reverse Mabel would throw at him, the speed at which it was coming little more than a challenge to keep the speedy man on his guard, using a playing card that he would suddenly draw from his pocket, having channeled his powers to render the card razor-sharp, more lethal than a knife.

Yes... There was definitely more, at least. This was just a taste of what was to come from them, wasn't it? He could feel the full extent of their power somewhere, but it seemed that for now, like a person at a party only allowed to have a taste of the fine wines around, they were just toying with each other for now. But that was fine. That was perfectly fine.

Good things come to those who wait after all.


"My turn."

Killing was an art. And when it came to art, you had to have a certain style with it!

If they were all going to toy with each other, then he may as well have fun playing the game that others were trying to play on him after all, no? Yes, yes!

Hmhmm... Let's see how I go about this.


With a slight of hand, Hisoka pulled his next trick. In practically the blink of an eye, the one card that Hisoka held in his hand suddenly became a number of cards, at least five in one hand, all as razor-sharp as the other with the weight of actual blades as well, which he would then pitch to the two diabolical twins like deadly throwing knives!

@Hospes @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Attack on Twin-tans
'If they can't see me... They can't get me...' This was the strategy of Inigo as he would move from hiding place to hiding place and shoot electricity mixed with fire from the two weapons he held. All at those gleeful twins..


This 'annoying flirt' was smarter then you thought :/

@Hospes @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies
To say the crowd went wild would be an understatement.

Applause and cheers roared and shook the stage from the sheer, sonic force as the arena lighted up with the salute of lighters flicking on. The majority of them in blue coloration.

And somewhere, a sphere with the emblem of an hourglass shuddered and shattered, returning back to its rightful owner as in the real world, Bill Cipher screamed with fury.

On stage in the Afterlife, the band Weirdmageddon seemed nervous as though sensing their masters displeasure. But they weren't out. Not by a longshot and one of them stomped away from the group as the band played their rebuttal.

And the audience surged once more in wild abandon in recognition.


"I know his name." Growled the figure approaching Jack. And in a burst of shadow, the electric guitar formed into a wicked looking claymore as he roared and rushed to attack Jack, bringing it down in the direction of his head and creating a massive crater in the aftermath.

All part of the show for this song, but no less deadly for it.

Here I am, I'm the master of your destiny!
I am the one the only one, I am the god of kingdom come,
Gimme the prize, just gimme the prize!

Guitar riffs wailed and evil laughter flowed as the darkest song Queen ever created filled the arena with its siren tones.

Give me your kings, let me squeeze them in my hands!
Your puny princes,Your so-called leaders of your land!
I'll eat them whole before I'm done, The battle's fought and the game is won,
I am the only one-I am the god of kingdom come!
Gimme the prize, just gimme the prize!"

The one fighting Jack rose up to its full, height as he raised the sword.


Move over, I said move over! Hey, hey, hey clear the way,
There's no escape from my authority - I tell you -
I am the one the only one, I am the god of kingdom come,
Gimme the prize, just gimme the prize!

I am the only one,
I am the god of kingdom come,
Gimme the prize!!

@Battle of the Bands @THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
The Eternal Heroes: Take Two
Starring: Max, Tracer, Clarence, Sam, Dean, Lincoln & Tommy

(Another collab post done with the aid of: @Krieg @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 )

A noise that sounded like an engine sound would echo through purgatory. After a few seconds, Dean would ride a black 1967 Chevy Impala to the center of the stage. The engine of the car would keep running, and some music would softly come out of it. Finally, Dean turned the key, opened the door, and got out.

"it's good to be back!" Dean said, stepping out of the car. He was now wearing a Leather Jacket and Jeans as opposed to the Suit he wore in his FBI disguise. He stepped over to the microphone, and stared into the crowd. His eyes landed on the man Jack was fighting. "Well, I see we have a fight going on. That's always fun, huh? Let's see if we can't make this better."

He cleared his throat, and adjusted his jacket. "This one, I dedicate to our friend Jack. It's a song called 'Eye of the Tiger.' You all should know it."


Lincoln knew that song when Dean started to sing it. It was something that was indeed well known to him. Daisy had used a few times when they were training, pumped her up or something. He played the guitar to match the song. And something strange happened. His music was electrifiying, quite literally. It seemed that his powers had come back. Well, then, this was a turn of events.
Tommy knew that song. It was one of the most requested of the club. He silently hummed along allowing Dean to take the fullspotlight for this.


First performance went well. The music was, paradoxically enough, both unknown and strangely familiar. But what was to be expected for a song from 120 years in his relative future? Surely, there was something to the tunes he was playing, he ought to tell people about this new music.

But the show appeared far from over. In fact, as soon as their song was over, another appeared to begin from their opponents. And as it seemed, the lyrics in one was worse than the next. Clarence did not approve.

Before a thing could be done by his hands, one of the most recent additions to the band stepped forth and started a song of his own. And, like the other three so far, they were from far out of his time. Still, Clarence did his best playing a piano tune that sounded fitting to the song at hand. Though, his head was flooded. Flooded and drowning in the desire to know. Because after all, it finally dawned on him they weren't even close to his time anymore.

There was so much that had happened. Not just about music alone, but history! Science! Any other form of art! No wonder RGB seemed so enthusiastic about his blunderbuss, that thing must have been antique in this time. And it was not out of the picture that this thinking affected his playing.


The stadium got quiet after the Weirdmageddon's last performance. The members of Eternal Heroes would notice that Dean was gone from the drums, and in his place... Was Tracer no less! She was definitely quick to take the drums as soon as they were unoccupied.

"Dean, where the hell are you?" Sam would shout.


Max smiled encouragingly towards Jack... She was singing this time too, but... Instead of leading the singing, she'd back up Dean as the chorus. The song itself seemed straight forward; Eye of the Tiger... She hadn't kept up with the trends enough to remember which movie this was from, but, all the same... She recalled how many times Chloe used to pretend a pen, or on occasion, a cup was a microphone as she mouthed the lyrics to the song as it was playing... It wasn't long before Max felt the little nervousness that was still in her practically evaporate as she began playing her guitar... Nodding her head in rythm with the notes....


"Alright... Let's do this Max!" She thought to herself.


Jack grabbed his sword, and started strumming it as an air guitar before getting back into the Impala. He couldn't be seen for a minute, but when the time came right, well, he started dancing as he sang.

As the song began with the steady bass, Jack threw himself to the side of the claymore's strike and rolled away from the crater it left. He was ready for this moment, for this clash of two warriors along with their musical troupes' accompaniments. Drawing his blade without hesitation, he rose to his full height once again, squaring off against the shadowy figure.

"Rising up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive

So many times it happens too fast
You trade your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger"

He was only a man compared to this beast, yet the samurai understood he could win this dual. Carefully, he began to circle the foe, eyeing his form and walk for any hint of weakness. He would need to be certain that his blade would cut once he stroke, and he would only be certain if he both remained focused upon the swordsman while remembering the reason for his struggle to survive, the years he had spent training to face Aku.

It was time he used that training for the greater good.

"Face to face, out in the heat
Hanging tough, staying hungry
They stack the odds still we take to the street
For the kill with the skill to survive

It's the eye of the tiger;
It's the thrill of the fight!
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger!"

He set off from his standing spot, dashing forward as he pulled his sword back for a slice at his foe's torso. However, at the last moment, his footing changed and his direction shifted, now zooming to the side after his feint to push his foe to see only ahead rather than to his side. The side that was now the target of a thrust of his blade.

"Rising up, straight to the top
Had the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger!"


Looks like this was it; their last song, as it became more and more obvious that things were picking up speed in the world of the living... While this song wasn't anything new, it would hopefully sway the few that were still against them in the crowds, if any... Turning the tides one last time.​

"Oh, cool! I got me scythe back!" Grim happily commented, using the cuff of his robe to shine the blade, "Yeah, I beat it out of that stupid pyramid." Mandy added, picking pieces of sandstone off her staff and pocketing them, "Thanks for helping me with that, by the way." she growled. Grim just looked back at her glare with confused eyes for awhile before raising his hands innocently, "Wot did I do?!"


"Nevermind..." Mandy growled, shifting her attention to Grim's recently retrieved scythe, "Can't we just open a portal back home now that you have you scythe back? This game is starting to get a little musical for my taste..."

Grim wagged his finger in denial, "No no! Ya gotta get some more culture in your life Mandy, and this is a great opportunity ta do just that!" he replied, "Besides, I tink dis is an excellent performance on their part."


"Guess I'll have to tell Billy where your trunk is, then..." Mandy threatened, whipping out her phone and quickly tapping her fingers across the screen, "Wot?- Hey, w-wait!" Grim yelped, futilely reaching his hands out towards Mandy's phone.


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Reactions: Raven

Koyomi was amazed in many ways at the duo (or rather, sudden trio) and their transformation, as well as the prompt to combine with them.


Did he have to?





"... GATTAI!"


"Gran? Djeeta? What is going on?"


"This is the power of friendship!"


"I have no idea what in Cocytus is going on, but do your best, I guess... uh... yeah. Tell us the story when we get back."

Koyomi and Karen combined in a position, where Koyomi's thighs rested upon the taller Karen's shoulders. Karen's egg-shaped hairclip and ponytail seperated from her main body.

Next, Gran and Djeeta rose into the air, their flesh bodies turning into energy and rising up into the air. Next thing you knew, the Dark Fencer husks aligned upon the fusion of Koyomi and Karen, and what was once helmets became shoulder pads. Djeeta's blue skirt was retracted, making Gran's red cloth more obvious.

Now, the current fusion had Koyomi's head and Karen's fine thighs.

Next, Gran's Hippogriff screeched as its frontal body seperated from its winged back body, revealing mechanical hinges as opposed to organic parts. The back-body merged with the fusion and held Karen and Koyomi together, while the frontal body became an eagle-shaped bazooka. The back-tail was retracted, and replaced by Karen's sidetail

On the Battlefield, a new warrior was born from the power of love, friendship and incest. As a final touch, the energies that were once Gran and Djeeta's bodies entered the armour husk, causing it to glow in a bright aura.


"Grandjeeta X4G!" Gran's and Djeeta's voices were heard from the new guardian. With Karen's athletic prowess, Hippogriff's flight and Koyomi's regeneration, this warrior was unstoppable!

Limited Edition only at AmiAmi.

Grandjeeta X4G flew into the air. Seeing that there was a maiden warrior who required aid, Grandjeeta X4G aided her.

"Need a limb? I've got eight!" Using the eagle-shaped bazooka, a missile was launched in the general direction of Bill Cipher and the twins. This missile exploded into a volley of striking eagle-shaped auras.

@Minerva @Verite @Kaykay @Hospes @Yun Lee @etcetcetc​
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