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"...It's so...fluffy." Gwen commented, giddiness somewhat restrained as she turned to her companion. "Nice to see the walking telly again too! Do you get Netflix by any chance...er...if that's alright to ask. And really? Get out of this place so soon? When we just got here and it is like a fluffy pink...uh...what's that place again? You know, with the Greek gods, big and brawny Hercules goes there sometime--OLYMPUS! Yeah that's it. It is like that place. With voices."


"Yes hello this is dog!"

@Atomyk @Lissamel
"No, I do not 'get Netflix'. I can display any show anybody wishes on my lonesome..." But then, realizing exactly who he was disclosing this information to, he quickly added, "But considering where we happen to be, I'd recommend not watching the telly."

RGB was already dreaming--Or in a dream--And that was uncomfortable enough for him. He didn't need to be out of commission, too. Or else, he feared, he would not rise again.
The pink clouds moved at a slow pace, drifting along to carry Gwen and RGB to the source of whoever was making that noise. A light breeze was present in the air, carrying sweet smells of candy, sugar, and what could only be a chemical smell of a room finely cleaned. Strangely enough, there also seemed to be a hint of... pizza?

The clouds soon gave way to a small body of water that floated all on its own. An island sat in the middle of the water, where two women stood riding on a giant slice of pizza.


"Oh, Rose!" cried Pearl, her eyes closed and her head buried against the bigger woman's arm. "I'm having so much fun! I couldn't be happier, Rose! Ohhh..." The Gem giggled and opened her eyes, spotting RGB and Gwen nearby. Her happy expression quickly turned sour. She removed herself from the one known as Rose and stepped off the pizza plane. Now that you were getting a closer look at her, she seemed different than before. Her hair was shorter, giving the impression she was a little bit younger.


"Who are you two...?" Pearl looked only confused, but then she snapped, "and how are you here? This place is just for Rose and I and you're ruining it!"

@Lissamel @C.T. @Pink Door
While the place was certainly quaint, and more than a little comfortable, it was the inhabitants that gave RGB pause. A young...Girl? And an older one, too? It was becoming clear to him that this wasn't just any dream--It was a self-indulgent one. That explained the sweets and the...Oddly chemical scent, anyway.

The monster gave a smile, tipping his hat. "Beg your pardon, madame--We are just passing through. The two of us would be delighted to leave..." He gave an intent nod, one hand moving to his breast as though that would somehow give his words more merit, "And we don't mean to ruin your, er, dreams. No trouble."

...Now, the issue would be leaving this place. Not just this dream, this entire place in general. He would be more than fine going back to that creepy psychic horror show, if it meant finally stopping dreaming.

[ @Atomyk @C.T. @PINK DOOR ]​
The girl suddenly jumped into a standing position, her dirty wet hair sticking against her face and obscuring her expression. She began to sob as the zombies grabbed at her, pulling her into their arms so that they could carry her. Lincoln managed to knock the head off one of the creatures, but there was such a crowd around the girl now that it was getting difficult to reach her. "Braaaains!" yelled the zombies.

The stranger's fire magic and the fire dripping off the flaming swords was enough to start a blaze in the middle of the creatures. Fire danced around them, melting the zombies and setting fire to the forest trees. The situation would be worse if not for the shifting environment, the trees disappearing and being replaced by metal walls.
Well, they had just started a forest fire, but there was no time to worry about that, as it seemed the girl was going off with the zombies and he hoped that she wouldn't be killed- no, he hadn't let Daisy die- he hadn't. Something flashed before him, a sudden realization. He had died before, he had sacrificed himself before. He was only alive now due to this game.

The creatures were focused almost entirely on the girl now. She disappeared in the sea of rotting bodies, undeterred by the damage the others were dealing. The bald man shot concentrated bolts of magic into the undead horde, knocking a few aside with every attack. "You must get the girl. Hurry!"
Lincoln noticed that she was in a standing position, but he couldn't tell if that was going to be a good thing or a bad thing either as he watched as she sobbed as the zombie went to go and grab her too. He was surprised that the bottle had knocked the head off of ones of the creatures, but he wasn't about to look a gift away and he was readu to see if there was anything that they could do without everything being ruined.

Well, they had just started a forest fire, but there was no time to worry about that, as it seemed the girl was going off with the zombies and he hoped that she wouldn't be killed- no, he hadn't let Daisy die- he hadn't. Something flashed before him, a sudden realization. He had died before, he had sacrificed himself before. He was only alive now due to this game.

Lincoln followed Sam as he batted away the zombie as they were probably going to try to stop them. He still had his staff and if it came down to things, his martial art skills hadn't failed him before. He needed to make sure she was okay, she wasn't going to die- he wasn't going to let her. " Hurry before they regroup," he said to Sam, as he hoped the other girls helped Dean.

@Takumi @Minerva @Atomyk

"Yeah, they were..." Dipper sounded almost intrigued, his hand moving to rub at his chin as a sign that he was thinking on this further. "Maybe the evil twins excluded them for a reason? What if they... What if they are being tortured right now?!" Dipper shook with worry, balling his hands into fists. It was definitely a possibility their family and friends were being tortured to destroy their resolve. Images of Saber's body flashed through Dipper's mind... that man who died in the carnival and the one who died in the tent... the traitor killed from a strike to his heart. None of it was right and none of it made sense. It was all just so senseless-- Had Gravity Falls suddenly become the worst place ever?

"We... We need to get out of here." Dipper's voice sounded dry and shaky. He gave Mabel a sad look. "I think the only way is through these doors."

@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies

"... hm... Wiruko thinks that we should go through the grey door..."

Well, it was a suggestion, but knowing Wiruko, she was probably thinking that there was some data she could eat there. The door appeared to be made out of steel in some way. Wiruko's Catsune would be seen poking at Hideo's face, given that the latter can be seen passed out from his alcohol consumption.

@Hospes @Atomyk
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Tommy had been standing by the door, reltucant to enter alone as he wanted to know who he was going with. If what Gilgamesh had said was true, if he came back to life, he might be able to remember and identify and remember the killer.

" I'll join you in that grey door," he said to Dipper, Mabel, Hideo and Wiruko.

@Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Atomyk
Lincoln noticed that she was in a standing position, but he couldn't tell if that was going to be a good thing or a bad thing either as he watched as she sobbed as the zombie went to go and grab her too. He was surprised that the bottle had knocked the head off of ones of the creatures, but he wasn't about to look a gift away and he was readu to see if there was anything that they could do without everything being ruined.

Well, they had just started a forest fire, but there was no time to worry about that, as it seemed the girl was going off with the zombies and he hoped that she wouldn't be killed- no, he hadn't let Daisy die- he hadn't. Something flashed before him, a sudden realization. He had died before, he had sacrificed himself before. He was only alive now due to this game.

Lincoln followed Sam as he batted away the zombie as they were probably going to try to stop them. He still had his staff and if it came down to things, his martial art skills hadn't failed him before. He needed to make sure she was okay, she wasn't going to die- he wasn't going to let her. " Hurry before they regroup," he said to Sam, as he hoped the other girls helped Dean.

@Takumi @Minerva @Atomyk

Dean clutched his flame sword, and moved towards Junko as well. "Hey, Lincoln. I got your back!" He said, running a sword through a zombie. And then he got hit in the head with a rock. Dean tasted some blood and his vision went blurry for a second, but he still fought.

Meanwhile, Sam ducked behind a tree so he could fire arrows from a distance. When the bald man sent a zombie into flames, he was frankly surprised. He launched an arrow at another nearby zombie, and dodged a rock.

While Sam and Lincoln seemed to have things under control to some degree, Michiko dragged Hatchin with her to check on Dean and make sure he was alright. By now, Hatchin seemed to be coming to her senses as Coco stayed close to her owner, surprisingly not at all effected by the zombies in the area.

"Tch. You say you're fine but you don't seem all that fine to me." she said as she tried to wipe some of the blood off of his face.

"Could be possible that you got a concussion and-" Hatchin started but Michiko cut her off.

"We wouldn't want that now would we? If you're not feeling so hot right now don't strain yourself alright? Now's not the time to be doing that." the woman said with a chuckle towards the end.

@Atomyk @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @tree door
The forest around the group continued to transform, morphing so that they were surrounded by two metal walls as if they were in a hallway. The forest floor remained, looking like an abandoned facility that had become overrun by nature. The horde of zombies began to carry the girl away, her cries sounding muffled now. The group's efforts managed to carve a path to the girl, who turned out to be stuffed inside a brown sack now. Whoever was to pick her up, the bald mage would toss fire into the zombie group, making a path down the hallway.

The flames began to heat the zombies up enough to inexplicably cause them to explode, spraying the group with rancid hot remains.

"Why you gotta be like that?!" cried one zombie. "We just want the braaaains!"

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva @Tree Door




Pearl didn't regard RGB's answer with much relief, instead looking at the pair before her with a suspicious glare. Whether what she was hearing was a lie or the truth, they were a threat just be being here. They were... aberrations with no right to witness this! It was kind of really embarrassing, after all. "This isn't a dream. Are you out of your mind?! This is real, and you need to leave!" In a flash of light appeared a spear in Pearl's hands. She spun it in the air effortlessly, stopping it to aim the sharp end at the intruders.

The pink clouds had carried them here, but there didn't seem to be a way back. The clouds gave way to an endless sky. "I guess all you have to do is jump," Pearl said, her voice low and menacing. She took a step forward to threaten them toward the edge, shaking her spear.

@Lissamel @C.T. @Pink Door

The forest around the group continued to transform, morphing so that they were surrounded by two metal walls as if they were in a hallway. The forest floor remained, looking like an abandoned facility that had become overrun by nature. The horde of zombies began to carry the girl away, her cries sounding muffled now. The group's efforts managed to carve a path to the girl, who turned out to be stuffed inside a brown sack now. Whoever was to pick her up, the bald mage would toss fire into the zombie group, making a path down the hallway.

The flames began to heat the zombies up enough to inexplicably cause them to explode, spraying the group with rancid hot remains.

"Why you gotta be like that?!" cried one zombie. "We just want the braaaains!"
Lincoln noticed that the forest was changing into something else, something that resembled a hallway more than a forest now, but the forest floor remained. What the heck was going on now and he wasn't sure what to do, but he knew that the girl they had brought to the hospital was being dragged away and that was not what he wanted to see in the slightest. He was determined to make sure that she wasn't eaten by zombies, he had helped to save her life and this was not going to go down with her death. He refused to let that happen either.

Lincoln didn't even react when the remains went all over him, he was not going to be stopped by that either and he wasn't about to give up.

Lincoln looked at them. " Because she is not food for you to eat, she's a person and nobody deserves to die," he replied.

@Minerva @Atomyk @Takumi @Tree Door
"No it's fine..." She-Hulk replied, a defeated woman. "I just really wanted to punch something."

The beach girls speed seemed to have returned to normal as they were heading up a flight of stairs to the hotel complex. As the group made their way up the sound would get louder and louder.

Finally getting up they'd see that there was a fullblown party going on at the pool party with a DJ and everything playing some sick beats.

They'd find Tiffany and Amber looking dejected on as girls in a middle of the pool tried to push each off a foam circle butt first.

"Like omg Amber! We missed sign-ups!"

"Like I know! I am so triggered right now!"

@Kaykay @Verite @Crow @Yun Lee @Raven

Jade keep the disappointed look even as she lead her Uncle to follow the group knowing he wouldn't let her turn back now. She was hoping for some action not some beach so her spirits was a bit down. She also wasn't sure if she understood what the signups were about an knew her Uncle would just listen. Which was excatly what he was doing.


His expression hadn't changed. Jade sighed. "So um I take it that's a party going on over there?" She asked trying to make some conversation a bit bored and was after any form of excitement. If it was a party maybe she could have some fun right?

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Beachgroup
Meanwhile, while the Baywatch: Murder Games edition took place.....

The screams of Clarence's bottled screams filled the village, added on by that of whatever was out there. Thunder rumbled like angry giants in combat and the lightning served only to remind them that the only light they had, came from the flaming swords.

Rain poured upon the party, whipped by the winds till all were soaked. Battered by water and air, the conditions combined made it hard to imagine worse straits. And then like an iceberg looming from the fog to an unsinkable ship, appeared four women.

'Women' in the loosest sense of the word.


And with identical screams resonating in terrible harmony, the Banshee's sonic wail flooded over the party and through the rain like a sledgehammer to the face. Despite the attack, words could be discerned with difficulty through the weather and screech.


@york @Bomb @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @The Tactician
So these were to be his next foes. Beyond the screeching and wailing, they did not seem too impressive or threatening in the samurai's humble opinion.

Do not underestimate the opposition, for to do so is to welcome subterfuge and defeat.

Jack wouldn't time with these creatures. Passively, he began to shut out the wails and focused upon his own body as he dashed forward, his blade cutting forward at each of the beasts. Each would experience the pain of bisect as the flame hopefully ripped through them, except for the fourth. He finished with it by impaling it in the chest, striking towards the spot where the heart should rest and coming out upon the other side.​

"Who are you two...?" Pearl looked only confused, but then she snapped, "and how are you here? This place is just for Rose and I and you're ruining it!"
"...I was a bit off. It is pizza Olympus. That makes it like 25% better. Ooh cheesy goodness. Not the commercial stuff, any of the homegrown ma and pa pizza joints. Mhm mm mm, deliciouso. Anyways as I said yes hello I am dog(ha!) but you can call me Gwen. Ms Poole if you're feeling nasty. And we got here through a door! Shout-out to C.S. Lewis!"
"No, I do not 'get Netflix'. I can display any show anybody wishes on my lonesome..." But then, realizing exactly who he was disclosing this information to, he quickly added, "But considering where we happen to be, I'd recommend not watching the telly."
"Oh really? So like, you got classic Doctor Who on demand? That's pretty sweet--pfft. Pizza Olympus seems like a perfect place to watch some TV to me. But whatever."
The monster gave a smile, tipping his hat. "Beg your pardon, madame--We are just passing through. The two of us would be delighted to leave..." He gave an intent nod, one hand moving to his breast as though that would somehow give his words more merit, "And we don't mean to ruin your, er, dreams. No trouble."
"Just fyi, he doesn't speak for me."


Pearl didn't regard RGB's answer with much relief, instead looking at the pair before her with a suspicious glare. Whether what she was hearing was a lie or the truth, they were a threat just be being here. They were... aberrations with no right to witness this! It was kind of really embarrassing, after all. "This isn't a dream. Are you out of your mind?! This is real, and you need to leave!" In a flash of light appeared a spear in Pearl's hands. She spun it in the air effortlessly, stopping it to aim the sharp end at the intruders.

The pink clouds had carried them here, but there didn't seem to be a way back. The clouds gave way to an endless sky. "I guess all you have to do is jump," Pearl said, her voice low and menacing. She took a step forward to threaten them toward the edge, shaking her spear.
"...Hrm. So the options are leave by jumping or get stabbed by a spear. But what if I take a third option? You don't want to mess with me, I got moves. WATCH THIS!"


"Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa! Hiyaaaaaaah!!"

@Atomyk @Lissamel
The forest around the group continued to transform, morphing so that they were surrounded by two metal walls as if they were in a hallway. The forest floor remained, looking like an abandoned facility that had become overrun by nature. The horde of zombies began to carry the girl away, her cries sounding muffled now. The group's efforts managed to carve a path to the girl, who turned out to be stuffed inside a brown sack now. Whoever was to pick her up, the bald mage would toss fire into the zombie group, making a path down the hallway.

The flames began to heat the zombies up enough to inexplicably cause them to explode, spraying the group with rancid hot remains.

"Why you gotta be like that?!" cried one zombie. "We just want the braaaains!"

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva @Tree Door




Pearl didn't regard RGB's answer with much relief, instead looking at the pair before her with a suspicious glare. Whether what she was hearing was a lie or the truth, they were a threat just be being here. They were... aberrations with no right to witness this! It was kind of really embarrassing, after all. "This isn't a dream. Are you out of your mind?! This is real, and you need to leave!" In a flash of light appeared a spear in Pearl's hands. She spun it in the air effortlessly, stopping it to aim the sharp end at the intruders.

The pink clouds had carried them here, but there didn't seem to be a way back. The clouds gave way to an endless sky. "I guess all you have to do is jump," Pearl said, her voice low and menacing. She took a step forward to threaten them toward the edge, shaking her spear.

@Lissamel @C.T. @Pink Door

Lincoln noticed that the forest was changing into something else, something that resembled a hallway more than a forest now, but the forest floor remained. What the heck was going on now and he wasn't sure what to do, but he knew that the girl they had brought to the hospital was being dragged away and that was not what he wanted to see in the slightest. He was determined to make sure that she wasn't eaten by zombies, he had helped to save her life and this was not going to go down with her death. He refused to let that happen either.

Lincoln didn't even react when the remains went all over him, he was not going to be stopped by that either and he wasn't about to give up.

Lincoln looked at them. " Because she is not food for you to eat, she's a person and nobody deserves to die," he replied.

@Minerva @Atomyk @Takumi @Tree Door

Sam ran over to grab the sack the girl was in. He still held his sword out, slashing at any stray zombies, and looked around the facility that they appeared to be in. "What the?" He said, crouching to untie the rope holding the sack closed. "Where are we?" he said, as his eyes scanned the room.


His face was covered in blood and zombie juice. It wasn't a pretty sight. "Lincoln, newcomer, I got her. Protect me while I get her out of here, since Dean is out of commission."

While Sam and Lincoln seemed to have things under control to some degree, Michiko dragged Hatchin with her to check on Dean and make sure he was alright. By now, Hatchin seemed to be coming to her senses as Coco stayed close to her owner, surprisingly not at all effected by the zombies in the area.

"Tch. You say you're fine but you don't seem all that fine to me." she said as she tried to wipe some of the blood off of his face.

"Could be possible that you got a concussion and-" Hatchin started but Michiko cut her off.

"We wouldn't want that now would we? If you're not feeling so hot right now don't strain yourself alright? Now's not the time to be doing that." the woman said with a chuckle towards the end.

@Atomyk @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @tree door

Dean looked at Hatchin and Michiko. "Thanks, I'll be fine, I've honestly had worse. Just make sure Sam doesn't get himself killed." He tried to make a weak smile towards Michiko. "You're right, we wouldn't want that. I'll just stay out of it for now. Sam has my sword anyway."


Pearl didn't regard RGB's answer with much relief, instead looking at the pair before her with a suspicious glare. Whether what she was hearing was a lie or the truth, they were a threat just be being here. They were... aberrations with no right to witness this! It was kind of really embarrassing, after all. "This isn't a dream. Are you out of your mind?! This is real, and you need to leave!" In a flash of light appeared a spear in Pearl's hands. She spun it in the air effortlessly, stopping it to aim the sharp end at the intruders.

The pink clouds had carried them here, but there didn't seem to be a way back. The clouds gave way to an endless sky. "I guess all you have to do is jump," Pearl said, her voice low and menacing. She took a step forward to threaten them toward the edge, shaking her spear.

@Lissamel @C.T. @Pink Door
"...I was a bit off. It is pizza Olympus. That makes it like 25% better. Ooh cheesy goodness. Not the commercial stuff, any of the homegrown ma and pa pizza joints. Mhm mm mm, deliciouso. Anyways as I said yes hello I am dog(ha!) but you can call me Gwen. Ms Poole if you're feeling nasty. And we got here through a door! Shout-out to C.S. Lewis!"

"Oh really? So like, you got classic Doctor Who on demand? That's pretty sweet--pfft. Pizza Olympus seems like a perfect place to watch some TV to me. But whatever."

"Just fyi, he doesn't speak for me."

"...Hrm. So the options are leave by jumping or get stabbed by a spear. But what if I take a third option? You don't want to mess with me, I got moves. WATCH THIS!"


"Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa! Hiyaaaaaaah!!"

@Atomyk @Lissamel

Oh, god, he was working with an utter imbicile, wasn't he? This was not ideal. RGB reached his cane out, using it to slightly tap Gwen, hoping to make her stop...Doing...That.

"Listen, now," RGB held up his hands in truce, but attempted a step backwards regardless. The back of his heel lost the cloud footing, and he teetered on the brink for a moment, but managed to regain balance. "There is absolutely no need to grow violent! Perhaps you could...Er...Use that spear of yours an give us a push back to..."

The monster looked behind him. The expanse of cotton-candy clouds and dreamy sunset skies reached as far as the eye could see. And, even though he slightly leaned for a better view, there wasn't any door in sight.

"...The...Door...Hmm." His voice petered out, and he looked back to Pearl with a new note of cowardice and panic in his tone. "This is going to sound quite mad, but there--There was a door, and right back there, so if you could just ignore my companion and just...Push us back...?"

Well, maybe they'd just land on more clouds. All he could hope for at this point. And it...Always paid off to think positive!

[ @Atomyk @C.T. @PINK DOOR ]​
Lincoln was happy that Sam had gotten the bag and it was hopefully the one that the girl was in too. He wasn't sure how he had done that- but he wasn't going to argue that it wasn't quite impressive. " I wish I knew the answer to that, we went from the woods to a factory and it makes no sense," he said.


He was going to worry about the blood and the zombie juice once they were out of this mess. " I can do that," he said, rasing his staff to bat away any stray zombies that came their way.

He looked back at the wounds that they had. " I think we can worry about those wounds once we are away from the zombies amongst other things," he said, knowing that this was not going to end well if he worried about being a doctor now.

@Atomyk @Minerva @Takumi
The sack that had the girl contained inside began to flail. The group was doing a good job keeping zombies off her, but weren't moving very fast. The mage directed his staff down one end of the hallways and shot a flurry of electric bolts. "I did say get the girl. I can not carry her whilst I protect you."

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva @Tree Door


Pearl gave Gwen a look that was non-too-impressed. Whatever the girl was spewing, it just made Pearl take another menacing step forward. "I mean it! I really mean it! Get out of here! I..." Pearl wavered for a moment, an uncomfortable feeling coming upon here. "This isn't weird," she stammered out. She wanted to be the reasonable one here. She was always so reasonable. "I just want to be alone with Rose! It's only a fall from the sky-- you'll be fine!"

She stopped then, frozen as she listened to RGB. Pearl had not remembered any kind of door, but maybe that explained how the intruders had gotten inside. She tapped her foot for a moment in consideration. Maybe pushing the cloud away was a better solution. It was not as if Pearl was using these clouds. They did offer such a nice view from the island, however, and to move one cloud would make the other surrounding clouds look entirely uneven.

Pearl resisted a shudder at the thought.


"Fine! I'll try."

Pearl stabbed her spear into the cloud and began to push it away, but it seemed that was not to be. The breeze pushed against Pearl and moved the cloud back against the island. Worse, it seemed by stabbing it, the cloud was beginning to dissipate as if it were a balloon. "Oh. That works too."

@Lissamel @C.T. @Pink Door
The sack that had the girl contained inside began to flail. The group was doing a good job keeping zombies off her, but weren't moving very fast. The mage directed his staff down one end of the hallways and shot a flurry of electric bolts. "I did say get the girl. I can not carry her whilst I protect you."

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva @Tree Door


Pearl gave Gwen a look that was non-too-impressed. Whatever the girl was spewing, it just made Pearl take another menacing step forward. "I mean it! I really mean it! Get out of here! I..." Pearl wavered for a moment, an uncomfortable feeling coming upon here. "This isn't weird," she stammered out. She wanted to be the reasonable one here. She was always so reasonable. "I just want to be alone with Rose! It's only a fall from the sky-- you'll be fine!"

She stopped then, frozen as she listened to RGB. Pearl had not remembered any kind of door, but maybe that explained how the intruders had gotten inside. She tapped her foot for a moment in consideration. Maybe pushing the cloud away was a better solution. It was not as if Pearl was using these clouds. They did offer such a nice view from the island, however, and to move one cloud would make the other surrounding clouds look entirely uneven.

Pearl resisted a shudder at the thought.


"Fine! I'll try."

Pearl stabbed her spear into the cloud and began to push it away, but it seemed that was not to be. The breeze pushed against Pearl and moved the cloud back against the island. Worse, it seemed by stabbing it, the cloud was beginning to dissipate as if it were a balloon. "Oh. That works too."

@Lissamel @C.T. @Pink Door
Sam looked at the stranger. "I got her, don't worry. I carried her earlier." He said. "Don't worry, I got her." He began to open the sack she was in, so he could pick her up easier.

He looked at her. "My name is Sam Winchester. We're going to get you out of here."
Lincoln looked at Sam and saw that they were doing a good job keeping the zombies off of her, but they weren't moving fast enough to escape in time. He paused as he looked at Sam who nodded as he had gotten her out. " Well, I think you can carry her again, let's get the hell out of here," he said, looking at the others while still batting away stray zombies.

@Atomyk @Minerva @Takumi
As Sam removed the girl from the sack, he'd find that her wound had reappeared, drenching her clothing in deep, red blood. Her skin was sickly pale and she took shallow breaths.

As the group would move down the hall to get away from incoming horde, they'd find the ground give way beneath them as they fell into shallow water. The water was swamp-like, coming up to the waists of the adults in the group. However, that was not all the group had to worry about now.


Slamming through the horde was a large mutant creature, crying out as it barrelled toward the group. The mage tossed spells to stop the beast, but it shrugged off the magic easily. "These nightmare creatures are very powerful. Likely, this dream space is the result of traumatic memories!"

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva @Tree Door
Lincoln also noticed that the wound had reappeared and she was breathing shallowly. This made no sense to the man at all and he needed a second to process it too as he would put it.

The hallway had turned into water, to be more specfic swamp-water. So he was right, she did have a power. She was a time traveller as it would seem. He would have to pocket/ remember that for future events too. He looked over and saw that there was a lake monster coming towards them too.

" Seriously, a monster like Freddy Kregur in the water," he said, groaning as the monster seemed to be shedding off the spells. Well the mage confirmed that they were dreaming too and he looked. " Well, any reccomendations on how to take down this nightmareish beast without dying?" He asked the mage and the others.

@Atomyk @Takumi @Minerva
As Sam removed the girl from the sack, he'd find that her wound had reappeared, drenching her clothing in deep, red blood. Her skin was sickly pale and she took shallow breaths.

As the group would move down the hall to get away from incoming horde, they'd find the ground give way beneath them as they fell into shallow water. The water was swamp-like, coming up to the waists of the adults in the group. However, that was not all the group had to worry about now.


Slamming through the horde was a large mutant creature, crying out as it barrelled toward the group. The mage tossed spells to stop the beast, but it shrugged off the magic easily. "These nightmare creatures are very powerful. Likely, this dream space is the result of traumatic memories!"

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva @Tree Door
Lincoln also noticed that the wound had reappeared and she was breathing shallowly. This made no sense to the man at all and he needed a second to process it too as he would put it.

The hallway had turned into water, to be more specfic swamp-water. So he was right, she did have a power. She was a time traveller as it would seem. He would have to pocket/ remember that for future events too. He looked over and saw that there was a lake monster coming towards them too.

" Seriously, a monster like Freddy Kregur in the water," he said, groaning as the monster seemed to be shedding off the spells. Well the mage confirmed that they were dreaming too and he looked. " Well, any reccomendations on how to take down this nightmareish beast without dying?" He asked the mage and the others.

@Atomyk @Takumi @Minerva
Sam Winchester was looking at the wound. "Oh... God." He said, seeing it had reopened. Then the monster stopped him in his tracks, and began to get behind Lincoln and the mage.


"DEAN!" Sam shouted. "GET DOWN HERE!"

Dean made his way down the hallway, a bit dizzy, with Hatchin and Michiko. He then saw the creature


He just stood there for a moment, before picking up his sword that Sam had put at his side. He still felt a bit disoriented, and was having double vision.

"I think I got this." He said.

If only he had a shotgun filled with rocksalt.

The mage considered Lincoln's question for a moment. He cocked his head to the side, looking at the group for a moment before narrowing his gaze on the incoming creature.

"... There is one thing I can do."

Raising his staff, the mage caused jets of fire to explode up from under the beast, sending it on all fours. As it began to get up, the mage raised the staff higher and grasped it with two hands. "Hold on," was all he said, before plunging it into the water and striking the ground with it. In response, the hallway - no, the whole world - began to fluctuate, the group seemingly hurtled through time and space. The surrounding environment gave way to to a dark world filled with a green glow. Spires of rock erupted from the ground and floated in the sky, affixed in place by some kind of invisible force.


"I have jettisoned us from the girl's dream. Please, place her down so that I may get a look at her."

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva @Tree Door
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