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"How much for that weird sword and weird cat?" she asked after looking at the few weapons and creatures, then the almost shady looking man. She was sure she didn't have any money on her, but it probably wouldn't be hard for the theif to get some.
Jack could only sigh as Waddles and now Zinnia continued feasting upon the cards. However, his attention was grabbed by the newcomer to the group, some sort of tradesmen. "Perhaps..." Giving the pig one last Pat on the head and tapping Zinnia on the shoulder to capture her attention as well, the samurai made his way over to the man. Patiently, he waited for the others to have their turns before bowing to the man in a polite introduction observing his wares for his sword.

"I am to assume you have no blades besides those of fire, correct?"

Ah, more and more customers to the market. How Kaiki came across these items seemed to be unimportant-At least for the time being. Quite honestly he still didn't have a good grasp on what exactly all of these people were doing here or what he was doing here for that matter. But if he found something that people might have wanted to get their hands on then he was sure as hell going to make some modicum of profit out of it. While he waited for the others he had already spoken with to pick out their weapons/familiars, he'd tend to the ones who had waited so patiently. First he'd start with Michiko. The woman didn't seem like the type who'd be carrying oodles of cash on her person but he supposed it still wouldn't hurt to try and get something out of this anyway.

"However much you feel this creature and weapon might be worth to you, I suppose. The cat-like creature you refer to is known as a Catsune. Very original name I might add." That last bit was sarcasm or was it? One really couldn't tell with how monotone Kaiki seemed to treat everything up to and including his business transactions. "I've spent a short time with them but they're very crafty beasts. Capable of shifting their forms into whatever comes to their mind or that of their owners. Along with the usual claws and fangs that one might associate with an animal of this nature. But do be careful to keep it away from yarn. It gets distracted quite easily." As for the sword, well since both the man and woman addressed it, Kaiki drew two of them from the pile and held them out.

"These are indeed the only swords I have in my possession. Nothing as iconic as katanas or machetes. But I feel they'll serve you well enough. "

Alex had noticed a large group of people were talking to this suit. From what he can hear with his enhanced senses (even without his blatanly overpowered abilities, he still has SOME things left that make him a step up from the rest), the guy is some kind of weapons dealer, who is trying to make big bucks off of selling his wares in front this little shack. A wise business decision, considering theres a high concentration of weaponless, powerless people wandering about here.

Alex typically doesn't use weapons beyond his own body. Why would he ever need to pick up a gun if he can turn his arm into a giant fucking blade? As with the parasite situation, he'll have to make the best of it. Without an ability to kill somebody, he feels naked and unsafe; a sniper could be in the trees right now.

Fuck it, lets make a deal.

Alex walked up to the businessman, probably roughly shoving anyone who had just got their weapons.

"Weapon, any, now." he demanded, blankly staring at Kaiki. This guy means just as much business as you do.


Kaiki stayed quiet at first as he saw this hooded man shove his way through the crowd to get an audience with Kaiki. He supposed in some regard he could respect an attitude such as that. But Kaiki also wasn't too big on scare or intimidation tactics. Mind you while he preferred not being punched, he felt the threat might have carried more weight coming from a grown man who practically demanded Kaiki give him a weapon without any financial transaction on Mercer's part.

"Normally, I'd ask for you to wait like everybody else..."

Reaching for his weapon stockpile, Kaiki fished out what appeared to be an axe as he held it out towards Mercer.


"But somehow I doubt you'd be too receptive to the idea."

"I thought I said to never show your face around me again."

Or was it simply to never show up in town again? Because if it was the latter, then perhaps Deishuu Kaiki wasn't technically breaking any rules, but even so, Araragi didn't like this one bit. Wasting no time in being surprised by the conman's sudden appearance, Koyomi Araragi wasn't about to hide his antagonism towards the man, even after Kaiki had been driven out of town by the efforts of Koyomi a long time ago. After all, what need was there to hide it? He felt no need to forgive a man who was not sorry for the sins he had committed.

Ah, what another unfortunate surprise. One Kaiki could have really gone without.

Presuming Mercer took the weapon Kaiki had slotted out for him and went on his way, Kaiki turned his attention solely to Koyomi. The boy who had worked his ass off to get Kaiki to leave town and by extension the people Koyomi cared about alone. It had worked at least for a while. Kaiki had returned of his own volition sometime later. But the reasons for that were his own and while Koyomi and his sister could threaten to punch him as much as they would have liked, he didn't have to answer to the likes of them.

"You certainly did, you were quite adamant about it in fact."

Kaiki saw no reason to mince words either.

"Yes, I'm trying to make a profit. But given that I was suddenly pulled away from my home and dropped into an unknown area with nothing but the clothes on my back? I think it's not remiss of me to try and make a little bit of cash. These creatures certainly don't seem to mind and the weapons aren't voicing their distaste to the idea. Only you I'm afraid. As for reveling in ruining lives? You and your sister are certainly free to your opinions on my work ethic. But I don't feel I'm ruining anything by arming people with items that might help them in an environment they know little of. That certainly doesn't fit the villainous picture you've painted of me now does it?"

As for leaving? The idea had come to Kaiki's thoughts. But where would he have gone? These creatures had seemed insistent on following him after he accidentally stumbled across him. He certainly couldn't go to the local police station with bigfoot like creatures tailing him now could he? Let alone when he barely knew the layout of the area. Too many things left up to chance and Kaiki wasn't big on that when his life was at stake.


"Aha! Wiruko sees what you have up for sale with your wares. Wiruko entrusts that you have something that Wiruko and her Master can use!"
"Excuse me." Cloud said, looking directly at the newcomer who seemed to have some bad-blood with the only hope he had at obtaining a weapon. "I don't know what this man here did to upset you, but why not settle it another time, hm? Some of us are trying to do business here.

The young man really wasn't looking for any sort of trouble, but if the only thing between him and a sword was some strangers feelings, well, he wasn't having it.

Having said his piece to Koyomi, Kaiki left it up to the boy what he'd do next. Kaiki wasn't keen on getting assaulted for the things he'd done against Koyomi's family/friends. But the chances of that seemed slim when he stood in front of a large crowd such as this. But a fight breaking out might have startled some of his animals and while they seemed surprisingly obedient for the most part, he didn't wish to test that. Which is why he'd reach out and placed a hand atop Cloud's shoulder.

"Come now, you make a good point. There's simply business at hand here and nothing more. No need to start any sort of ruckus now is there?" Presuming Cloud and Koyomi heeded his words, Kaiki turned his attention back to Wiruko.

"..I'm afraid your friend doesn't seem like he'd be able to hold any of these weapons properly let alone use one."

But who was he to turn down a potential customer?

"Perhaps this would suit him? Make illusions that deceives your foes while you do little.."


@The Tactician @Takumi @Verite @Gossamer @ResistingTheEnlightened @Kaykay @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies

"That, my good sirs is known as a Wolgon. From what I could surmise, it take traits from both a wolf and dragons of all things. The latter of which manifests more in it's ability to manipulate fire to a minor degree. Anything more you'll have to find out by taking one for yourself." He explained before staring down Grim.

"Of course, everything has it's price and these creatures and trinkets are no exception. You offer me compensation and I'll offer you a creature worth your time. Even Death must pay his dues it seems."

If he was going to be pulled away from his business and if it were fate that brought him along these items? Then what point was there to run this as if it were a charity and hand them off willy-nilly?
LeShawna heard the man speak and decided against getting anything from the man. "Shawnie don't need no weapon to kick ass." What the actual hell is this? She thought to herself. I'm trapped in a place with freaks and monsters and I have to kill people? WHAT THE HELL!?

After doing a bit more thinking she laughed to herself. Chris got me this time. This is just another extension of one of his stupid challenges for his stupid television show. Like hell this is real. Whatever. Imma just go along with this mess and see what happens.
"Keep it in your pants, pal" a hooded figure would murmur, brushing past Inigo gently, and looking out of the window slowly
"I don't need a reason to hurt anyone else"

@Crimson Spartan
"T'was only a harmless comment..."

Meanwhile Lon'qu caught a glimpse of the hooded man. For reasons only known to him he slowly walked over to the hooded man standing a few feet behind him..

"Do I..... Know you....?" he would suddenly ask thinking he may know whoever it was under that hood.


Ah, more and more customers to the market. How Kaiki came across these items seemed to be unimportant-At least for the time being. Quite honestly he still didn't have a good grasp on what exactly all of these people were doing here or what he was doing here for that matter. But if he found something that people might have wanted to get their hands on then he was sure as hell going to make some modicum of profit out of it. While he waited for the others he had already spoken with to pick out their weapons/familiars, he'd tend to the ones who had waited so patiently. First he'd start with Michiko. The woman didn't seem like the type who'd be carrying oodles of cash on her person but he supposed it still wouldn't hurt to try and get something out of this anyway.

"However much you feel this creature and weapon might be worth to you, I suppose. The cat-like creature you refer to is known as a Catsune. Very original name I might add." That last bit was sarcasm or was it? One really couldn't tell with how monotone Kaiki seemed to treat everything up to and including his business transactions. "I've spent a short time with them but they're very crafty beasts. Capable of shifting their forms into whatever comes to their mind or that of their owners. Along with the usual claws and fangs that one might associate with an animal of this nature. But do be careful to keep it away from yarn. It gets distracted quite easily." As for the sword, well since both the man and woman addressed it, Kaiki drew two of them from the pile and held them out.

"These are indeed the only swords I have in my possession. Nothing as iconic as katanas or machetes. But I feel they'll serve you well enough. "



Kaiki stayed quiet at first as he saw this hooded man shove his way through the crowd to get an audience with Kaiki. He supposed in some regard he could respect an attitude such as that. But Kaiki also wasn't too big on scare or intimidation tactics. Mind you while he preferred not being punched, he felt the threat might have carried more weight coming from a grown man who practically demanded Kaiki give him a weapon without any financial transaction on Mercer's part.

"Normally, I'd ask for you to wait like everybody else..."

Reaching for his weapon stockpile, Kaiki fished out what appeared to be an axe as he held it out towards Mercer.


"But somehow I doubt you'd be too receptive to the idea."


Ah, what another unfortunate surprise. One Kaiki could have really gone without.

Presuming Mercer took the weapon Kaiki had slotted out for him and went on his way, Kaiki turned his attention solely to Koyomi. The boy who had worked his ass off to get Kaiki to leave town and by extension the people Koyomi cared about alone. It had worked at least for a while. Kaiki had returned of his own volition sometime later. But the reasons for that were his own and while Koyomi and his sister could threaten to punch him as much as they would have liked, he didn't have to answer to the likes of them.

"You certainly did, you were quite adamant about it in fact."

Kaiki saw no reason to mince words either.

"Yes, I'm trying to make a profit. But given that I was suddenly pulled away from my home and dropped into an unknown area with nothing but the clothes on my back? I think it's not remiss of me to try and make a little bit of cash. These creatures certainly don't seem to mind and the weapons aren't voicing their distaste to the idea. Only you I'm afraid. As for reveling in ruining lives? You and your sister are certainly free to your opinions on my work ethic. But I don't feel I'm ruining anything by arming people with items that might help them in an environment they know little of. That certainly doesn't fit the villainous picture you've painted of me now does it?"

As for leaving? The idea had come to Kaiki's thoughts. But where would he have gone? These creatures had seemed insistent on following him after he accidentally stumbled across him. He certainly couldn't go to the local police station with bigfoot like creatures tailing him now could he? Let alone when he barely knew the layout of the area. Too many things left up to chance and Kaiki wasn't big on that when his life was at stake.



Having said his piece to Koyomi, Kaiki left it up to the boy what he'd do next. Kaiki wasn't keen on getting assaulted for the things he'd done against Koyomi's family/friends. But the chances of that seemed slim when he stood in front of a large crowd such as this. But a fight breaking out might have startled some of his animals and while they seemed surprisingly obedient for the most part, he didn't wish to test that. Which is why he'd reach out and placed a hand atop Cloud's shoulder.

"Come now, you make a good point. There's simply business at hand here and nothing more. No need to start any sort of ruckus now is there?" Presuming Cloud and Koyomi heeded his words, Kaiki turned his attention back to Wiruko.

"..I'm afraid your friend doesn't seem like he'd be able to hold any of these weapons properly let alone use one."

But who was he to turn down a potential customer?

"Perhaps this would suit him? Make illusions that deceives your foes while you do little.."


@The Tactician @Takumi @Verite @Gossamer @ResistingTheEnlightened @Kaykay @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies

By this time Inigo had walked away from what was going on to see someone selling weapons and... creatures...

"Odd how someone shows up with weapons moments after our weapons vanish.. But no matter I guess it is better if Lon'qu and myself were armed at least...." He would say to himself patiently waiting for the others to get their respective weapons and creatures...

@The Tactician @Takumi @Verite @Gossamer @ResistingTheEnlightened @Kaykay @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M.

Ah, what another unfortunate surprise. One Kaiki could have really gone without.

Presuming Mercer took the weapon Kaiki had slotted out for him and went on his way, Kaiki turned his attention solely to Koyomi. The boy who had worked his ass off to get Kaiki to leave town and by extension the people Koyomi cared about alone. It had worked at least for a while. Kaiki had returned of his own volition sometime later. But the reasons for that were his own and while Koyomi and his sister could threaten to punch him as much as they would have liked, he didn't have to answer to the likes of them.

"You certainly did, you were quite adamant about it in fact."

Kaiki saw no reason to mince words either.

"Yes, I'm trying to make a profit. But given that I was suddenly pulled away from my home and dropped into an unknown area with nothing but the clothes on my back? I think it's not remiss of me to try and make a little bit of cash. These creatures certainly don't seem to mind and the weapons aren't voicing their distaste to the idea. Only you I'm afraid. As for reveling in ruining lives? You and your sister are certainly free to your opinions on my work ethic. But I don't feel I'm ruining anything by arming people with items that might help them in an environment they know little of. That certainly doesn't fit the villainous picture you've painted of me now does it?"

As for leaving? The idea had come to Kaiki's thoughts. But where would he have gone? These creatures had seemed insistent on following him after he accidentally stumbled across him. He certainly couldn't go to the local police station with bigfoot like creatures tailing him now could he? Let alone when he barely knew the layout of the area. Too many things left up to chance and Kaiki wasn't big on that when his life was at stake.



Having said his piece to Koyomi, Kaiki left it up to the boy what he'd do next. Kaiki wasn't keen on getting assaulted for the things he'd done against Koyomi's family/friends. But the chances of that seemed slim when he stood in front of a large crowd such as this. But a fight breaking out might have startled some of his animals and while they seemed surprisingly obedient for the most part, he didn't wish to test that. Which is why he'd reach out and placed a hand atop Cloud's shoulder.

"Come now, you make a good point. There's simply business at hand here and nothing more. No need to start any sort of ruckus now is there?" Presuming Cloud and Koyomi heeded his words, Kaiki turned his attention back to Wiruko.
"Excuse me." Cloud said, looking directly at the newcomer who seemed to have some bad-blood with the only hope he had at obtaining a weapon. "I don't know what this man here did to upset you, but why not settle it another time, hm? Some of us are trying to do business here."

The young man really wasn't looking for any sort of trouble, but if the only thing between him and a sword was some strangers unresolved conflicts, well, he wasn't having it.

[ @T.O.M. @Takumi @The Tactician @Verite @ All ]


"And if you did know, you wouldn't be so eager to do business with him," Koyomi replied swiftly without missing a beat, standing his ground on the matter of Kaiki, as though he cared not for the little business being set up around here. What would they even need these confounded weapons for anyway?! This all seemed like overkill and besides... What would they even be fighting? Angry bears? This situation was just getting more and more preposterous. Outworldly, even!

Out! Of! This! World!

"He doesn't exactly have the best reputation when it comes to customer satisfaction, whether you're talking about the quality of his products or his quality as a person. Believe me and my friends, I'm doing everyone a favor. Right, Karen, Kanbaru?"

Zettai na.


This was the one truth that Koyomi Araragi was confident in. At least, the first one ever since he got into this mess.

When Kaiki would reply, firmly holding his ground as usual, keeping with that grim, ominous composure to him, Koyomi's expression hardened even more. As expected of him. He shouldn't have expected anything less. He should have expected the unexpected. No, that wasn't even unexpected. He was just a fool.


As expected.



Koyomi silently stared firmly at Kaiki for a good moment or so, deadly serious for the first time since he had appeared in what seemed to be a place that was more deadly serious than what was thought at first glance. With Shinobu asleep at the moment, Kaiki not technically violating the promise of never visiting town again, and Koyomi not exactly having any leverage on him at the moment, considering all the new people around, the younger man was loathe to admit that he was at a disadvantage here.


It's horrible.

He hated being on the lower side of the scales. And Kaiki's apathy for such things would likely only make it more inconveniencing for him, more than anything. This was going to be annoying.

"I'm sure your products are as genuine, and as dangerous, as the curses you sold to Karen-chan and Nadeko Sengoku. And just like those curses, I'll bet that you don't understand just what you're holding in your stock, do you? Let alone care, that is."

@T.O.M. @Gossamer @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @THE BOIS​
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Hm, this Gilgamesh guy really didn't have any idea. Gravity Falls was the weirdness hotspot, and that had nothing to do with her! Her attention was grabbed more intensely by Max and Inigo. The twelve-year-old nodded in answer to the former, eagerly. "Yeah - I bet Soos is around by now, and he'll definitely know where he is."

...Unless he really was missing: a possibility that Mabel shuddered to so much as think about.

All of the help she was being offered was most definitely appreciated. And people wondered why the girl had so much faith in others. How could she not, with how well she was treated by even complete strangers? Even so, it wasn't lifting the girl's mood terribly much. Something was definitely wrong - it was like she had some sort of magical twin sense, and it felt like Dipper wasn't anywhere nearby. Perhaps this was why it was all Mabel could do to offer Ford a weak smile as he placed his six-fingered hand on her shoulder and assured her that they'd find Dipper. Looking up to him with an almost expectant look in her eyes, Mabel held out a fist. "Promise?"

Before she could get a response from her Grunkle, the female's attention was caught by something else: Gilgamesh's long little explanation about what was going on. And suddenly, she paled. She didn't understand bits and pieces, but even she understood how he explained that people died every day. And, more prominently, what was said about outsiders dying. Her eye twitched slightly, her hand falling from where it'd been held out and her body frozen in place. Normally, she'd assume this was some sort of lame joke, but the timing was impeccable. "...C'mon, you shouldn't joke like that!" the girl finally spoke, lightly punching Gilgamesh on the arm. She needed to take this in a joking manner - otherwise, she'd lose it. "I.. I'm gonna go outside...." she muttered, slowly backing away before running out the door. She didn't have time to wait for the others to help her - she'd do this on her own if she had to!

@Takumi @Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Trumpwaku @Yang Lee @york @Melon @Raven


"...What an unfortunate set of circumstances."

So said the shady conartist who had found himself wandering some forest in what he could only assume to be America going off the language and the general mannerisms of the people he encountered. What a day for Kaiki Deishuu.

Things had been going relatively smoothly or about as smooth as things can for someone of Kaiki's unique 'disposition.'

Having sold some of his counterfeit charms to some very pleased customers, Kaiki was content to simply let back and let the cash multiply itself. As the weeks went on and more and more people heard about his wares, that pile of money began to grow bigger and bigger and while Kaiki's demeanor didn't change, he was indeed quite pleased with how well sales had been going. At least now that he didn't have a certain young girl coming over and threatening to punch him.

That's right no bold or dramatic speeches. Just to give Kaiki a good ol punch right in the kisser.

He couldn't quite get on board with this course of action and took steps against it. Which resulted in the would be-puncher laying in bed with a high fever while her older brother worried sick over her. Eventually things seemed to work themselves out but Kaiki's business had taken a hit from the brief interference.

But he hadn't gone and made a name for himself just because he was a novice. Given some time he was back on the market selling to people who hopefully wouldn't allow for anything to be traced back to him. But even for someone with Kaiki's knack for getting out of tight situations, even he couldn't have prepared for what happened as he sat at his desk looking over his money.

"...Hm. Something doesn't seem right."

He had counted his money two times over and ended up coming with the amount he expected to have. But even so there was an uncomfortable presence in the room and it didn't sit well with the conman. Rising from his seat, Kaiki slowly gazed around the entirety of his office. No signs of any would-be heroes coming to punch him. But as he slowly turned around to put his money away, his eyes shot open as a portal appeared on the wall behind his desk and pulled him in.

Landing on his rear, Kaiki stared up at the sky and contemplated whatever could have been behind pulling him away from his office and everything that lay within it. Had karma finally caught up to him?


..No. Such fickle things as karma and the like certainly had nothing to do with him being pulled through some kind of mysterious portal and landing in some random forest. Brushing himself off, Kaiki reached for his cell phone only to see that it'd been broken in the fall.


Pocketing the phone so he could get a refund for it later when he got everything sorted out, he continued trekking forward. He certainly wouldn't get anywhere quick if he just stood around like a dolt expecting all of the answers to come rushing towards him. What he would find however was something he would have never expected.


*some inane amount of time spent walking later*



"...How much ya charging for the three headed unicorn?"

"I'm afraid I have little interest in bargaining with you."


Kaiki had found some rather strange items while wandering around looking for assistance. Not having any of his usual oddities/charms on him but having little use for the items himself, Kaiki figured making a few extra bucks wouldn't be too much of a hassle. His search for business however lead him into running into a man by the name of Soos Ramirez who took sympathy to Kaiki's plight and lead the man to do business out in front of the shack! But despite Kaiki's rather blunt insistence to the contrary, Soos was eager to get one of these bad boys in his collection.

"C'mon dood! You cannot tell me that ain't Bigfoot you got there! That is totally Bigfoot! I've got two friends who'd love to see him!"


"...I'm afraid I must correct you there, sir. This is not Bigfoot but Pigfoot. It'll help for marketing purposes and friends or not, I'm trying to run a business here and you seem to be disrupting that."

Putting a hand up to his chin, Soos shook his head in silent contemplation. This guy sure knew how to drive a hard bargain.

"..Okay, okay. How about two Pigfoots and a triple headed unicorn, dood? That sweeten the deal any, eh eh?"



Oh, thank goodness! He couldn't have had better timing. To be frank, Mabel didn't even notice the odd assortment of creatures and weapons in the possession of the stranger that Soos was speaking to - from the weird wolf dragon, to the odd-looking cat, or even the weird creatures seemingly composed of elements. Not even the flaming sword, odd daggers, icy bow, weird staff, or the axe that seemed to crackle with electricity. No, she was too caught up in tackling Soos, holding onto his arm as though for dear life. "Soos, my man - where's Dipper? He's with you, right?" There was a gasp as Mabel more or less climbed around on the man. "He turned himself invisible, didn't he?!"

Note: Players may now receive their weapons/familiars from Kaiki

@C.T. as Hank Pym[Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes]
@DapperDogman as Sans[Undertale AU] and Fox[You're Next]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga[Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta[Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino[Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi[Monogatari]
@PRINCE⚫JUSTIN⚫PERFECTION™ as Maleficent[Maleficent]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson[Marvel]
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack[Samurai Jack]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn[Fallen London]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer[Prototype]
@Bomb as Meteo[L]
@CookieMonster as River Tam[Firefly] and Jessica Jones[Jessica Jones]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk[Marvel Comics] and Rainbow Mika[Street Fighter]
@Atomyk as Pearl[Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko"[Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur[Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Melon as Hanzō Urushihara AKA Lucifer[Hataraku Maou-sama!]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu[Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo[Fire Emblem Awakening]
@york as Max Caulfield[Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Jack Joyce[Quantum Break]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton[Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn[Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB[The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester[Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo[Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti[Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick[RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Edward Elric[Fullmetal Alchemist]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes[MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh[Fate Series]
@Yang Lee as LeShawna[Total Drama]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan[Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos[Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady[WWE Kafabe]
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan[Punch-Out!!!]
@Mr.Scales ⚖ as Damon Salvatore[Vampire Diaries]
@Nater Taters as Kirby[Kirby Franchise]
@Gossamer as Cloud and Light[Original Characters]
@BarrenThin as Artorias[Dark Souls]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Grim and Mandy[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]

Thanks to @T.O.M. for this collabish thing <3 He is also the one you should tag for Kaiki!
Weapons... and familiars?

Do I really need it?

Instinctively, Meteo reached out for the flame sword.

W-what? Why did I grab that without thinking?

Meteo dropped the sword that he picked up in shock... and accidentally started a fire.

"No!" Meteo tried to stomp the fire out, but it wasn't going well, as part of his outfit caught on fire.

"Ahhh! Help!"

This boy is on fiah.

@Hospes @T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @EVERYONE ELSE​

Ah, more and more customers to the market. How Kaiki came across these items seemed to be unimportant-At least for the time being. Quite honestly he still didn't have a good grasp on what exactly all of these people were doing here or what he was doing here for that matter. But if he found something that people might have wanted to get their hands on then he was sure as hell going to make some modicum of profit out of it. While he waited for the others he had already spoken with to pick out their weapons/familiars, he'd tend to the ones who had waited so patiently. First he'd start with Michiko. The woman didn't seem like the type who'd be carrying oodles of cash on her person but he supposed it still wouldn't hurt to try and get something out of this anyway.

"However much you feel this creature and weapon might be worth to you, I suppose. The cat-like creature you refer to is known as a Catsune. Very original name I might add." That last bit was sarcasm or was it? One really couldn't tell with how monotone Kaiki seemed to treat everything up to and including his business transactions. "I've spent a short time with them but they're very crafty beasts. Capable of shifting their forms into whatever comes to their mind or that of their owners. Along with the usual claws and fangs that one might associate with an animal of this nature. But do be careful to keep it away from yarn. It gets distracted quite easily." As for the sword, well since both the man and woman addressed it, Kaiki drew two of them from the pile and held them out.

"These are indeed the only swords I have in my possession. Nothing as iconic as katanas or machetes. But I feel they'll serve you well enough. "



Kaiki stayed quiet at first as he saw this hooded man shove his way through the crowd to get an audience with Kaiki. He supposed in some regard he could respect an attitude such as that. But Kaiki also wasn't too big on scare or intimidation tactics. Mind you while he preferred not being punched, he felt the threat might have carried more weight coming from a grown man who practically demanded Kaiki give him a weapon without any financial transaction on Mercer's part.

"Normally, I'd ask for you to wait like everybody else..."

Reaching for his weapon stockpile, Kaiki fished out what appeared to be an axe as he held it out towards Mercer.


"But somehow I doubt you'd be too receptive to the idea."


Ah, what another unfortunate surprise. One Kaiki could have really gone without.

Presuming Mercer took the weapon Kaiki had slotted out for him and went on his way, Kaiki turned his attention solely to Koyomi. The boy who had worked his ass off to get Kaiki to leave town and by extension the people Koyomi cared about alone. It had worked at least for a while. Kaiki had returned of his own volition sometime later. But the reasons for that were his own and while Koyomi and his sister could threaten to punch him as much as they would have liked, he didn't have to answer to the likes of them.

"You certainly did, you were quite adamant about it in fact."

Kaiki saw no reason to mince words either.

"Yes, I'm trying to make a profit. But given that I was suddenly pulled away from my home and dropped into an unknown area with nothing but the clothes on my back? I think it's not remiss of me to try and make a little bit of cash. These creatures certainly don't seem to mind and the weapons aren't voicing their distaste to the idea. Only you I'm afraid. As for reveling in ruining lives? You and your sister are certainly free to your opinions on my work ethic. But I don't feel I'm ruining anything by arming people with items that might help them in an environment they know little of. That certainly doesn't fit the villainous picture you've painted of me now does it?"

As for leaving? The idea had come to Kaiki's thoughts. But where would he have gone? These creatures had seemed insistent on following him after he accidentally stumbled across him. He certainly couldn't go to the local police station with bigfoot like creatures tailing him now could he? Let alone when he barely knew the layout of the area. Too many things left up to chance and Kaiki wasn't big on that when his life was at stake.



Having said his piece to Koyomi, Kaiki left it up to the boy what he'd do next. Kaiki wasn't keen on getting assaulted for the things he'd done against Koyomi's family/friends. But the chances of that seemed slim when he stood in front of a large crowd such as this. But a fight breaking out might have startled some of his animals and while they seemed surprisingly obedient for the most part, he didn't wish to test that. Which is why he'd reach out and placed a hand atop Cloud's shoulder.

"Come now, you make a good point. There's simply business at hand here and nothing more. No need to start any sort of ruckus now is there?" Presuming Cloud and Koyomi heeded his words, Kaiki turned his attention back to Wiruko.

"..I'm afraid your friend doesn't seem like he'd be able to hold any of these weapons properly let alone use one."

But who was he to turn down a potential customer?

"Perhaps this would suit him? Make illusions that deceives your foes while you do little.."


@The Tactician @Takumi @Verite @Gossamer @ResistingTheEnlightened @Kaykay @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies

Jack nodded and took the offered blade into his hand. It felt as though it had a good weight to it, a decent tool of war for the necessary moment when he would undoubtedly be accosted by some goon or thug. Sadly, that did not mean it filled the void left by his father's sword and its absence.

"Thank you, kind merchant," Slipping the weapon through the sash that hung around his waist, Jack pulled out a few of the gold coins that he been given by the forceful insistence of those he helped and handed them to Kaiki. It didn't matter to him whether he had overpaid or not; other than the occasional food he managed to procure by barter rather than by foraging, Jack didn't feel as though he had a real need for monetary wealth at the moment, "I hope that will suffice in repayment."


"And if you did know, you wouldn't be so eager to do business with him," Koyomi replied swiftly without missing a beat, standing his ground on the matter of Kaiki, as though he cared not for the little business being set up around here. What would they even need these confounded weapons for anyway?! This all seemed like overkill and besides... What would they even be fighting? Angry bears? This situation was just getting more and more preposterous. Outworldly, even!

Out! Of! This! World!

"He doesn't exactly have the best reputation when it comes to customer satisfaction, whether you're talking about the quality of his products or his quality as a person. Believe me and my friends, I'm doing everyone a favor. Right, Karen, Kanbaru?"

Zettai na.


This was the one truth that Koyomi Araragi was confident in. At least, the first one ever since he got into this mess.

When Kaiki would reply, firmly holding his ground as usual, keeping with that grim, ominous composure to him, Koyomi's expression hardened even more. As expected of him. He shouldn't have expected anything less. He should have expected the unexpected. No, that wasn't even unexpected. He was just a fool.


As expected.



Koyomi silently stared firmly at Kaiki for a good moment or so, deadly serious for the first time since he had appeared in what seemed to be a place that was more deadly serious than what was thought at first glance. With Shinobu asleep at the moment, Kaiki not technically violating the promise of never visiting town again, and Koyomi not exactly having any leverage on him at the moment, considering all the new people around, the younger man was loathe to admit that he was at a disadvantage here.


It's horrible.

He hated being on the lower side of the scales. And Kaiki's apathy for such things would likely only make it more inconveniencing for him, more than anything. This was going to be annoying.

"I'm sure your products are as genuine, and as dangerous, as the curses you sold to Karen-chan and Nadeko Sengoku. And just like those curses, I'll bet that you don't understand just what you're holding in your stock, do you? Let alone care, that is."

@T.O.M. @Gossamer @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @THE BOIS​
Jack carefully listened to the boy and his testimony, weighing his options as he did so.

"Then I will be mindful to only use this weapon in most extreme of circumstances. Once my original blade is returned to me, I will have no qualm with casting it aside if a curse does linger upon it."
"T'was only a harmless comment..."

Meanwhile Lon'qu caught a glimpse of the hooded man. For reasons only known to him he slowly walked over to the hooded man standing a few feet behind him..

"Do I..... Know you....?" he would suddenly ask thinking he may know whoever it was under that hood.


By this time Inigo had walked away from what was going on to see someone selling weapons and... creatures...

"Odd how someone shows up with weapons moments after our weapons vanish.. But no matter I guess it is better if Lon'qu and myself were armed at least...." He would say to himself patiently waiting for the others to get their respective weapons and creatures...

@The Tactician @Takumi @Verite @Gossamer @ResistingTheEnlightened @Kaykay @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M.
The figure fixes his hood slightly, a small red glint shining in the glass of the window for a moment
"I think you have me confused for someone else"

@Crimson Spartan

Damn Inigo and his big mouth...

"Yes I.... Managed to summon her...... Moments before this happened...." Lon'qu would speak to Gilgamesh recalling what had happened moments before...

"Ah... So it seems you lost your powers much like we lost our weapons..." Inigo would speak commenting on this matter as their sheaths were indeed empty..


"Well no matter... Either way we can only hope to survive and I plan to keep smiling through it all.. After all ladies love a man who can smile through pain.." Where did he even get that from...?

"Is someone missing...? Perhaps I can help...." and Inigo is offering to help search for Dipper...

@Hospes @Trumpwaku @Takumi @Atomyk @Melon @Ringmaster @york @Yang Lee @Raven
"That's a very good question!" exclaimed Ford, turning his attention to Uncle. He looked more than happy to explain the intricacies of his theories. "Myself and my... wise assistant, were working on some adjustments to the portal device in the basement that would propel her back to her intended destination. A disturbing anomaly - the breakdown of a universe's very reality - interfered with her own personal technology, sending her off course and straight into Gravity Falls!"

Ms. Lalonde nodded. "A man named Elliot was the root cause of the disturbance, though he's outside of my, and our, concern. The... company I work for has the technology to send beings across universal barriers, though it's not something I would know how to manufacture. That is largely why modifying the portal has been such an arduous task. If only I could get back there, creating free travel from Gravity Falls would only be a simple step away... I don't have much time..." The woman looked downcast, her expression hard to read behind her scarf. "As the portal transported all our new guests at once and has displayed no new activity since then, there is a likely chance it will not carry anyone else through. Without input, anyway."


The mentions of a 'Murder Game' caused Lalonde to pause, but she ignored the comments otherwise.

As interesting as the conversation was, Ford found himself pulled away by Mabel's sour expression. He heard her muttering about how he accidentally ignored her, and found himself cringing. He was new to this whole 'Grunkle' business, and he knew how easy it was for him to get lost in his work. After all, the fate of their entire universe, and possibly many more, rested on his shoulders. "Hey... Listen here," Ford said softly, placing a hand on Mabel's shoulder. "Don't worry about Dipper. We'll find him. We have lots of new help around here now, don't we?"

Ford looked expectantly at their guests.


"Though, there is the strange matter of your missing inherent abilities... Without any sort of hypothesis, we can't even begin to reason out why those are missing. It will take some time. If only there was a way we could compensate you while you stay..."

@Hospes @york @Raven @Takumi @Trumpwaku @Yang Lee @Melon @T.O.M. @Crimson Spartan
"Hmph! So you propose they were all selected by chance?" Gilgamesh questioned at the newcomers who seemed to join the conversation. He knew that he himself was here cause of his Murder Game hunting, but for others from a previous one? Accidently? Those odds were low, maybe once you end up in one their odds to get snagged for more increases? That would explain why each Murder Game became easier and easier for Gilgamesh to find, second one being through an invitation, third following a thief even if he never set foot in the game himself... technically speaking, he was still understanding the timey wimey explanation the thief ended up giving him, and then this one which was 100% a concious effort. Theorizing would have to halt for now though, he was operating on limited information and other than Lonqu and Saber everyone else still seemed to be under the impression this is an entirely different phenomenon... Hold on, not quite.

Gilgamesh eyed one person in the distance give some reaction to the mention of a Murder Game, even if they said nothing. It was enough for Gilgamesh to give a mental note to watch them, but for now learning more about this portal would be the best use of his time. "If your portal did bring us here, couldn't you then reverse it and send us back?" Gilgamesh then asked, expecting them to have some sort of other reason or influence for such a thing not being possible. Eventually though he just shrugged and admitted "This isn't the first time I've had such a thing happen and lost my powers from it. They should return in time, though if you could give a description of the surrounding area it could help speed up the process".

@Hospes @york @Raven @Takumi @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Melon @T.O.M. @Crimson Spartan
Hm, this Gilgamesh guy really didn't have any idea. Gravity Falls was the weirdness hotspot, and that had nothing to do with her! Her attention was grabbed more intensely by Max and Inigo. The twelve-year-old nodded in answer to the former, eagerly. "Yeah - I bet Soos is around by now, and he'll definitely know where he is."

...Unless he really was missing: a possibility that Mabel shuddered to so much as think about.

All of the help she was being offered was most definitely appreciated. And people wondered why the girl had so much faith in others. How could she not, with how well she was treated by even complete strangers? Even so, it wasn't lifting the girl's mood terribly much. Something was definitely wrong - it was like she had some sort of magical twin sense, and it felt like Dipper wasn't anywhere nearby. Perhaps this was why it was all Mabel could do to offer Ford a weak smile as he placed his six-fingered hand on her shoulder and assured her that they'd find Dipper. Looking up to him with an almost expectant look in her eyes, Mabel held out a fist. "Promise?"

Before she could get a response from her Grunkle, the female's attention was caught by something else: Gilgamesh's long little explanation about what was going on. And suddenly, she paled. She didn't understand bits and pieces, but even she understood how he explained that people died every day. And, more prominently, what was said about outsiders dying. Her eye twitched slightly, her hand falling from where it'd been held out and her body frozen in place. Normally, she'd assume this was some sort of lame joke, but the timing was impeccable. "...C'mon, you shouldn't joke like that!" the girl finally spoke, lightly punching Gilgamesh on the arm. She needed to take this in a joking manner - otherwise, she'd lose it. "I.. I'm gonna go outside...." she muttered, slowly backing away before running out the door. She didn't have time to wait for the others to help her - she'd do this on her own if she had to!

@Takumi @Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Trumpwaku @Yang Lee @york @Melon @Raven


"...What an unfortunate set of circumstances."

So said the shady conartist who had found himself wandering some forest in what he could only assume to be America going off the language and the general mannerisms of the people he encountered. What a day for Kaiki Deishuu.

Things had been going relatively smoothly or about as smooth as things can for someone of Kaiki's unique 'disposition.'

Having sold some of his counterfeit charms to some very pleased customers, Kaiki was content to simply let back and let the cash multiply itself. As the weeks went on and more and more people heard about his wares, that pile of money began to grow bigger and bigger and while Kaiki's demeanor didn't change, he was indeed quite pleased with how well sales had been going. At least now that he didn't have a certain young girl coming over and threatening to punch him.

That's right no bold or dramatic speeches. Just to give Kaiki a good ol punch right in the kisser.

He couldn't quite get on board with this course of action and took steps against it. Which resulted in the would be-puncher laying in bed with a high fever while her older brother worried sick over her. Eventually things seemed to work themselves out but Kaiki's business had taken a hit from the brief interference.

But he hadn't gone and made a name for himself just because he was a novice. Given some time he was back on the market selling to people who hopefully wouldn't allow for anything to be traced back to him. But even for someone with Kaiki's knack for getting out of tight situations, even he couldn't have prepared for what happened as he sat at his desk looking over his money.

"...Hm. Something doesn't seem right."

He had counted his money two times over and ended up coming with the amount he expected to have. But even so there was an uncomfortable presence in the room and it didn't sit well with the conman. Rising from his seat, Kaiki slowly gazed around the entirety of his office. No signs of any would-be heroes coming to punch him. But as he slowly turned around to put his money away, his eyes shot open as a portal appeared on the wall behind his desk and pulled him in.

Landing on his rear, Kaiki stared up at the sky and contemplated whatever could have been behind pulling him away from his office and everything that lay within it. Had karma finally caught up to him?


..No. Such fickle things as karma and the like certainly had nothing to do with him being pulled through some kind of mysterious portal and landing in some random forest. Brushing himself off, Kaiki reached for his cell phone only to see that it'd been broken in the fall.


Pocketing the phone so he could get a refund for it later when he got everything sorted out, he continued trekking forward. He certainly wouldn't get anywhere quick if he just stood around like a dolt expecting all of the answers to come rushing towards him. What he would find however was something he would have never expected.


*some inane amount of time spent walking later*



"...How much ya charging for the three headed unicorn?"

"I'm afraid I have little interest in bargaining with you."


Kaiki had found some rather strange items while wandering around looking for assistance. Not having any of his usual oddities/charms on him but having little use for the items himself, Kaiki figured making a few extra bucks wouldn't be too much of a hassle. His search for business however lead him into running into a man by the name of Soos Ramirez who took sympathy to Kaiki's plight and lead the man to do business out in front of the shack! But despite Kaiki's rather blunt insistence to the contrary, Soos was eager to get one of these bad boys in his collection.

"C'mon dood! You cannot tell me that ain't Bigfoot you got there! That is totally Bigfoot! I've got two friends who'd love to see him!"


"...I'm afraid I must correct you there, sir. This is not Bigfoot but Pigfoot. It'll help for marketing purposes and friends or not, I'm trying to run a business here and you seem to be disrupting that."

Putting a hand up to his chin, Soos shook his head in silent contemplation. This guy sure knew how to drive a hard bargain.

"..Okay, okay. How about two Pigfoots and a triple headed unicorn, dood? That sweeten the deal any, eh eh?"



Oh, thank goodness! He couldn't have had better timing. To be frank, Mabel didn't even notice the odd assortment of creatures and weapons in the possession of the stranger that Soos was speaking to - from the weird wolf dragon, to the odd-looking cat, or even the weird creatures seemingly composed of elements. Not even the flaming sword, odd daggers, icy bow, weird staff, or the axe that seemed to crackle with electricity. No, she was too caught up in tackling Soos, holding onto his arm as though for dear life. "Soos, my man - where's Dipper? He's with you, right?" There was a gasp as Mabel more or less climbed around on the man. "He turned himself invisible, didn't he?!"

Note: Players may now receive their weapons/familiars from Kaiki

@C.T. as Hank Pym[Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes]
@DapperDogman as Sans[Undertale AU] and Fox[You're Next]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga[Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta[Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino[Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi[Monogatari]
@PRINCE⚫JUSTIN⚫PERFECTION™ as Maleficent[Maleficent]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson[Marvel]
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack[Samurai Jack]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn[Fallen London]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer[Prototype]
@Bomb as Meteo[L]
@CookieMonster as River Tam[Firefly] and Jessica Jones[Jessica Jones]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk[Marvel Comics] and Rainbow Mika[Street Fighter]
@Atomyk as Pearl[Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko"[Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur[Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Melon as Hanzō Urushihara AKA Lucifer[Hataraku Maou-sama!]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu[Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo[Fire Emblem Awakening]
@york as Max Caulfield[Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Jack Joyce[Quantum Break]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton[Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn[Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB[The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester[Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo[Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti[Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick[RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Edward Elric[Fullmetal Alchemist]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes[MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh[Fate Series]
@Yang Lee as LeShawna[Total Drama]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan[Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos[Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady[WWE Kafabe]
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan[Punch-Out!!!]
@Mr.Scales ⚖ as Damon Salvatore[Vampire Diaries]
@Nater Taters as Kirby[Kirby Franchise]
@Gossamer as Cloud and Light[Original Characters]
@BarrenThin as Artorias[Dark Souls]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Grim and Mandy[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]

Thanks to @T.O.M. for this collabish thing <3 He is also the one you should tag for Kaiki!
Max Caulfield
@Hospes @Atomyk @T.O.M. @Everyone else around that I missed


Max was silent for a moment, listening intently to Ford and Lalonde's words... It was a bit difficult to decipher what they were saying, as they were using more complicated words than she was used to... However, thankfully, due to her extensive research into time and space, and even the multiverse theory to some degree, she was able to understand that Lalonde had been traveling the Multiverse, when something went wrong, and the portal brought her here... And, during an attempt to return her to her own world, the portal ended up pulling her, as well as countless others through it... ... And that apparantly someone named Elliot was involved in this? Ow, Maxs' head hurt, but, well, fortunately (or less so), she didn't get very long to take all this information in, as Mabel suddenly ran off, determined to look for her missing brother.


"H-.. Hey! Wait up!" Max called out, running after Mabel quickly.

Fortunately, neither of them made it out too far, as Max was unfamiliar with Gravity Falls, as they ran into a pair of people... One of which Mabel seemed to recognize! Max seemed just a little out of breath, but, quickly recovered, considering she hadn't run too far, before glancing towards the strange man who had been talking to Soos earlier; it seemed that he had some usefull gear to offer those who had already approached him... Considering that Max no longer had the power to turn back time... Well, wait, she didn't even try it yet!

Max raised her hand, concentrating as hard as she could, her temples throbbed, and she felt a pressure building up inside her head... Aaaand?... Nothing, her powers were gone... And she felt quite drained, though thankfully she didn't get a nosebleed this time. It was a little less stressfull knowing that she wouldn't risk creating another storm that'll tear Gravity Falls to pieces, but, on the other hand... She had to be extra carefull now, as she couldn't just undo her actions. With that in mind, Max tentatively approached Kaiki.

The figure fixes his hood slightly, a small red glint shining in the glass of the window for a moment
"I think you have me confused for someone else"

@Crimson Spartan


Something tells you he didn't believe that...

Still Lon'qu seem to only walk away... Possibly to stick with Saber or go find Inigo. Either way it would seem he would leave the hooded figure alone for now.... However as he would walk away he had one last thing to say...

"Next time we meet.... Try not to lie about who you are...."


Golgo stared at Kaiki for a few seconds, before looking down at his options. Picking up the Bow of Ice, Golgo stared at it for a few seconds, looking at it through his shades as he tested it out, pulling back the string and to it's original place, feeling the wood, weighing it as he stared back at Kaiki with the weapon still in Golgos hands.


"I'll take it. For what?"

Still clinging to Soos's arm as he held it up, the girl seemed somewhat disappointed that her friend didn't know where her brother was. However, that wasn't to say that hope was completely lost - even Hatchin's comment about people not being able to turn invisible didn't change that. She waved off the comment with one hand, her other still wrapped securely around Soos's arm to hold her up. "Pfft, of course people can turn invisible. Dipper even brought this invisible wizard around once." Of course, that wasn't true, but Mabel still believed it.

Her focus immediately returned to Soos, and she didn't hesitate to rest her chin on his arm. "Yeah... I bet you're right," she commented in answer to Soos's statement that Dipper could pull some killer pranks. Using her elbows to continue holding herself up, Mabel cupped her hands around her mouth, proceeding to yell. "You got me, Dipper! Good one! You can come out, now... Ha...."

Surely he'd listen and come around, right?

In the meantime, the girl listened to Soos go on about the odd man selling odder things, and said things in his possession. Mabel's eyes widened as she glanced over the assortment of creatures, and she instantly fell in love with all of them. But for once in her life, the girl was more concerned about other things. Things that were bigger than cute animals and kick-butt weapons, though she never before thought she'd say it.

@Atomyk @T.O.M. @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Yang Lee @york @Raven @Everyone​

"Hm." Hatchin replied. There was a good chance she didn't really believe what Mabel was saying about the wizard.


"Well, at least there's two of them." The dual-wielding swordsman remarked distastefully. The young man couldn't remember the last time he even touched a dagger, let alone purchase one for himself. He did, however, find the concept of boomerang daggers to be intriguing at the very least.

And then, a man and a woman.​

Cloud glanced in the woman's direction, following her eyes towards what seemed to be some sort of enchanted sword, which he also disliked. He wasn't much for enchantments, and preferred his weapons the old fashioned way, but it seemed the Fire Sword was the most ideal option, at least for now. "Hmph." The swordsman sighed, and couldn't help but feel a bit tense, seeing as he wasn't the only one in the area familiar with swordplay. He prayed everyone surrounding him was only trying to defend themselves.

"Excuse me." Cloud said, looking directly at the newcomer who seemed to have some bad-blood with the only hope he had at obtaining a weapon. "I don't know what this man here did to upset you, but why not settle it another time, hm? Some of us are trying to do business here."

The young man really wasn't looking for any sort of trouble, but if the only thing between him and a sword was some strangers unresolved conflicts, well, he wasn't having it.

[ @T.O.M. @Takumi @The Tactician @Verite @ All ]

Michiko had given Cloud a glance, but nothing more on the matter.


Ah, more and more customers to the market. How Kaiki came across these items seemed to be unimportant-At least for the time being. Quite honestly he still didn't have a good grasp on what exactly all of these people were doing here or what he was doing here for that matter. But if he found something that people might have wanted to get their hands on then he was sure as hell going to make some modicum of profit out of it. While he waited for the others he had already spoken with to pick out their weapons/familiars, he'd tend to the ones who had waited so patiently. First he'd start with Michiko. The woman didn't seem like the type who'd be carrying oodles of cash on her person but he supposed it still wouldn't hurt to try and get something out of this anyway.

"However much you feel this creature and weapon might be worth to you, I suppose. The cat-like creature you refer to is known as a Catsune. Very original name I might add." That last bit was sarcasm or was it? One really couldn't tell with how monotone Kaiki seemed to treat everything up to and including his business transactions. "I've spent a short time with them but they're very crafty beasts. Capable of shifting their forms into whatever comes to their mind or that of their owners. Along with the usual claws and fangs that one might associate with an animal of this nature. But do be careful to keep it away from yarn. It gets distracted quite easily." As for the sword, well since both the man and woman addressed it, Kaiki drew two of them from the pile and held them out.

"These are indeed the only swords I have in my possession. Nothing as iconic as katanas or machetes. But I feel they'll serve you well enough. "



Kaiki stayed quiet at first as he saw this hooded man shove his way through the crowd to get an audience with Kaiki. He supposed in some regard he could respect an attitude such as that. But Kaiki also wasn't too big on scare or intimidation tactics. Mind you while he preferred not being punched, he felt the threat might have carried more weight coming from a grown man who practically demanded Kaiki give him a weapon without any financial transaction on Mercer's part.

"Normally, I'd ask for you to wait like everybody else..."

Reaching for his weapon stockpile, Kaiki fished out what appeared to be an axe as he held it out towards Mercer.


"But somehow I doubt you'd be too receptive to the idea."


Ah, what another unfortunate surprise. One Kaiki could have really gone without.

Presuming Mercer took the weapon Kaiki had slotted out for him and went on his way, Kaiki turned his attention solely to Koyomi. The boy who had worked his ass off to get Kaiki to leave town and by extension the people Koyomi cared about alone. It had worked at least for a while. Kaiki had returned of his own volition sometime later. But the reasons for that were his own and while Koyomi and his sister could threaten to punch him as much as they would have liked, he didn't have to answer to the likes of them.

"You certainly did, you were quite adamant about it in fact."

Kaiki saw no reason to mince words either.

"Yes, I'm trying to make a profit. But given that I was suddenly pulled away from my home and dropped into an unknown area with nothing but the clothes on my back? I think it's not remiss of me to try and make a little bit of cash. These creatures certainly don't seem to mind and the weapons aren't voicing their distaste to the idea. Only you I'm afraid. As for reveling in ruining lives? You and your sister are certainly free to your opinions on my work ethic. But I don't feel I'm ruining anything by arming people with items that might help them in an environment they know little of. That certainly doesn't fit the villainous picture you've painted of me now does it?"

As for leaving? The idea had come to Kaiki's thoughts. But where would he have gone? These creatures had seemed insistent on following him after he accidentally stumbled across him. He certainly couldn't go to the local police station with bigfoot like creatures tailing him now could he? Let alone when he barely knew the layout of the area. Too many things left up to chance and Kaiki wasn't big on that when his life was at stake.



Having said his piece to Koyomi, Kaiki left it up to the boy what he'd do next. Kaiki wasn't keen on getting assaulted for the things he'd done against Koyomi's family/friends. But the chances of that seemed slim when he stood in front of a large crowd such as this. But a fight breaking out might have startled some of his animals and while they seemed surprisingly obedient for the most part, he didn't wish to test that. Which is why he'd reach out and placed a hand atop Cloud's shoulder.

"Come now, you make a good point. There's simply business at hand here and nothing more. No need to start any sort of ruckus now is there?" Presuming Cloud and Koyomi heeded his words, Kaiki turned his attention back to Wiruko.

"..I'm afraid your friend doesn't seem like he'd be able to hold any of these weapons properly let alone use one."

But who was he to turn down a potential customer?

"Perhaps this would suit him? Make illusions that deceives your foes while you do little.."


@The Tactician @Takumi @Verite @Gossamer @ResistingTheEnlightened @Kaykay @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies

She listened to the man's words and nodded once before reaching for wherever she kept her money when she didn't have her purse. She was just about to pay when she felt someone push her pretty roughly.


Alex had noticed a large group of people were talking to this suit. From what he can hear with his enhanced senses (even without his blatanly overpowered abilities, he still has SOME things left that make him a step up from the rest), the guy is some kind of weapons dealer, who is trying to make big bucks off of selling his wares in front this little shack. A wise business decision, considering theres a high concentration of weaponless, powerless people wandering about here.

Alex typically doesn't use weapons beyond his own body. Why would he ever need to pick up a gun if he can turn his arm into a giant fucking blade? As with the parasite situation, he'll have to make the best of it. Without an ability to kill somebody, he feels naked and unsafe; a sniper could be in the trees right now.

Fuck it, lets make a deal.

Alex walked up to the businessman, probably roughly shoving anyone who had just got their weapons.

"Weapon, any, now." he demanded, blankly staring at Kaiki. This guy means just as much business as you do.

@Atomyk @T.O.M. @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Yang Lee @york @Raven @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Bomb @Everyone

Rude. Michiko gave Alex a very agitated look as she thrusted her arm out towards Kaiki to give him the money while also purposefully giving Alex a slight shove with her shoulder in the process before taking the sword and Catsune and making her way towards Hatchin. There she'd hold the cat creature out by the scruff for the girl to take.

"Here. So you won't be lonely." was all the woman said. At first Hatchin gave Michiko an unsavory look, then took the cat like creature and held it close wordlessly, not saying anything for the most part.

@Hospes @T.O.M. @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @Melon @Ringmaster @york @Yang Lee @Raven @Gossamer @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Everyone
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Even after Jack tapped her on the shoulder, Zinnia was still chewing on the post cards like a mindless goat. It only occurred to her a moment or so later that there really was no important reason why she happened to be doing this and relented, resting her tastebuds from the god-awful paper. The little pig could have them all. She didn't want anything to do with them anymore.

When she gave up, Zinnia decided to follow after the others and receive a weapon from Kaiki. She approached Kaiki, Aster following after her as she did, placing her hands on her hips. "I don't really think you want to put a weapon in my hand," Zinnia stated ambiguously. "But I am a trainer so I'll gladly take one of the little dragon-like familiars off your hands."

Frowning, Zinnia side-glanced to Meteo who had apparently chosen a flame sword and had caught himself on fire. Nice. "Whoa there!" the lorekeeper exclaimed, dashing over to his aide. She shoved him to the ground and began to stomp on him, trying her best to help him put out the fire. "Why would you choose a flame sword," she cried, "if you can't handle it!? Hngh, Aster, go find something to help!" Nodding, Aster rushed away for a moment.

@T.O.M. @Hospes @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Anyone Idk​
"He doesn't exactly have the best reputation when it comes to customer satisfaction, whether you're talking about the quality of his products or his quality as a person. Believe me and my friends, I'm doing everyone a favor. Right, Karen, Kanbaru?"

"Exactly! He's just a stupid conman! Everyone should just throw this junk right back at him!"

Indeed, neither she nor her brother had had the greatest experience dealing with this shady looking man. She'd already tried confronting him once, and it just ended with her getting sick...somehow. She was never really clear on that. In the end, her brother had convinced her to let him handle it, and she hadn't seen him since.

Yet here he was in America, just like them. Was he following them? That might be even worse than last time, when she'd found him. Justice wouldn't forgive such a man running around free, and continuing his business right here in front of her! Who knew what would happen when someone tried to actually use this worthless junk?

"Can I punch him? I think I should punch him before he does something weird again. Right?"

@T.O.M. @Gossamer @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @Verite @everyone near kaiki​


Something tells you he didn't believe that...

Still Lon'qu seem to only walk away... Possibly to stick with Saber or go find Inigo. Either way it would seem he would leave the hooded figure alone for now.... However as he would walk away he had one last thing to say...

"Next time we meet.... Try not to lie about who you are...."


He remained silent until Lon'qu had left
"I hope it doesn't come to that. The damage I've already done is unforgivable"

The skeleton would suddenly appear next to him, poking him in the ribs gently
"why the long face, chumerino? someone bullying you? because that would be totally un-fresh"

@Crimson Spartan

Ah, more and more customers to the market. How Kaiki came across these items seemed to be unimportant-At least for the time being. Quite honestly he still didn't have a good grasp on what exactly all of these people were doing here or what he was doing here for that matter. But if he found something that people might have wanted to get their hands on then he was sure as hell going to make some modicum of profit out of it. While he waited for the others he had already spoken with to pick out their weapons/familiars, he'd tend to the ones who had waited so patiently. First he'd start with Michiko. The woman didn't seem like the type who'd be carrying oodles of cash on her person but he supposed it still wouldn't hurt to try and get something out of this anyway.

"However much you feel this creature and weapon might be worth to you, I suppose. The cat-like creature you refer to is known as a Catsune. Very original name I might add." That last bit was sarcasm or was it? One really couldn't tell with how monotone Kaiki seemed to treat everything up to and including his business transactions. "I've spent a short time with them but they're very crafty beasts. Capable of shifting their forms into whatever comes to their mind or that of their owners. Along with the usual claws and fangs that one might associate with an animal of this nature. But do be careful to keep it away from yarn. It gets distracted quite easily." As for the sword, well since both the man and woman addressed it, Kaiki drew two of them from the pile and held them out.

"These are indeed the only swords I have in my possession. Nothing as iconic as katanas or machetes. But I feel they'll serve you well enough. "



Kaiki stayed quiet at first as he saw this hooded man shove his way through the crowd to get an audience with Kaiki. He supposed in some regard he could respect an attitude such as that. But Kaiki also wasn't too big on scare or intimidation tactics. Mind you while he preferred not being punched, he felt the threat might have carried more weight coming from a grown man who practically demanded Kaiki give him a weapon without any financial transaction on Mercer's part.

"Normally, I'd ask for you to wait like everybody else..."

Reaching for his weapon stockpile, Kaiki fished out what appeared to be an axe as he held it out towards Mercer.


"But somehow I doubt you'd be too receptive to the idea."


Ah, what another unfortunate surprise. One Kaiki could have really gone without.

Presuming Mercer took the weapon Kaiki had slotted out for him and went on his way, Kaiki turned his attention solely to Koyomi. The boy who had worked his ass off to get Kaiki to leave town and by extension the people Koyomi cared about alone. It had worked at least for a while. Kaiki had returned of his own volition sometime later. But the reasons for that were his own and while Koyomi and his sister could threaten to punch him as much as they would have liked, he didn't have to answer to the likes of them.

"You certainly did, you were quite adamant about it in fact."

Kaiki saw no reason to mince words either.

"Yes, I'm trying to make a profit. But given that I was suddenly pulled away from my home and dropped into an unknown area with nothing but the clothes on my back? I think it's not remiss of me to try and make a little bit of cash. These creatures certainly don't seem to mind and the weapons aren't voicing their distaste to the idea. Only you I'm afraid. As for reveling in ruining lives? You and your sister are certainly free to your opinions on my work ethic. But I don't feel I'm ruining anything by arming people with items that might help them in an environment they know little of. That certainly doesn't fit the villainous picture you've painted of me now does it?"

As for leaving? The idea had come to Kaiki's thoughts. But where would he have gone? These creatures had seemed insistent on following him after he accidentally stumbled across him. He certainly couldn't go to the local police station with bigfoot like creatures tailing him now could he? Let alone when he barely knew the layout of the area. Too many things left up to chance and Kaiki wasn't big on that when his life was at stake.



Having said his piece to Koyomi, Kaiki left it up to the boy what he'd do next. Kaiki wasn't keen on getting assaulted for the things he'd done against Koyomi's family/friends. But the chances of that seemed slim when he stood in front of a large crowd such as this. But a fight breaking out might have startled some of his animals and while they seemed surprisingly obedient for the most part, he didn't wish to test that. Which is why he'd reach out and placed a hand atop Cloud's shoulder.

"Come now, you make a good point. There's simply business at hand here and nothing more. No need to start any sort of ruckus now is there?" Presuming Cloud and Koyomi heeded his words, Kaiki turned his attention back to Wiruko.

"..I'm afraid your friend doesn't seem like he'd be able to hold any of these weapons properly let alone use one."

But who was he to turn down a potential customer?

"Perhaps this would suit him? Make illusions that deceives your foes while you do little.."


@The Tactician @Takumi @Verite @Gossamer @ResistingTheEnlightened @Kaykay @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies

Ooh so his dream was really gonna get interesting now...was everyone gonna duke it out in an arena? Was he having a Hunger Games dream,maybe? As long as he could pound someone, didn't matter to him! Cimbing up on Sascrotch and scanning the weapons, Aran grinned with glee, hoping that he would bet one before he fell off this statue and woke up in his bed, or a pub, or wherever he conked out.

"Say, mate, got any boxing gloves?! And maybe some weights too-wouldn't mind horsehoes, but I ain't picky!!!"
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"..I'm afraid your friend doesn't seem like he'd be able to hold any of these weapons properly let alone use one."

But who was he to turn down a potential customer?

"Perhaps this would suit him? Make illusions that deceives your foes while you do little.."


"Heeey! Look at what Wiruko got for you!!"

Wiruko immediately shoved this staff into Hideo's hands, apparently ignoring the warnings of some pertaining to this man that was dealing out weapons.


"Uh... is that even remotely safe? I did overhear on what that thing is... and given on what some are saying on this weapons dealer..."

Hideo was trying to reason with Wiruko, the virus girl only karate chopped Hideo on the head once.


"Don't be silly, Master. This is going to work perfectly for you. All you got to do is to combine your creepy scary stare and this illusion staff thingy, and then leave it to Wiruko to either bite or smack baddies until they're down~"

What was this even anymore? A RPG adventure? If so, Hideo wasn't prepared for this at all...

@T.O.M. @Gossamer @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @Verite
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Even after Jack tapped her on the shoulder, Zinnia was still chewing on the post cards like a mindless goat. It only occurred to her a moment or so later that there really was no important reason why she happened to be doing this and relented, resting her tastebuds from the god-awful paper. The little pig could have them all. She didn't want anything to do with them anymore.

When she gave up, Zinnia decided to follow after the others and receive a weapon from Kaiki. She approached Kaiki, Aster following after her as she did, placing her hands on her hips. "I don't really think you want to put a weapon in my hand," Zinnia stated ambiguously. "But I am a trainer so I'll gladly take one of the little dragon-like familiars off your hands."

Frowning, Zinnia side-glanced to Meteo who had apparently chosen a flame sword and had caught himself on fire. Nice. "Whoa there!" the lorekeeper exclaimed, dashing over to his aide. She shoved him to the ground and began to stomp on him, trying her best to help him put out the fire. "Why would you choose a flame sword," she cried, "if you can't handle it!? Hngh, Aster, go find something to help!" Nodding, Aster rushed away for a moment.

@T.O.M. @Hospes @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Anyone Idk​
"Agh, unh, ow!"

The stomping was intense with Meteo's body. "Stop stomping on me!!!"

@T.O.M. @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Anyone else​

Even after Jack tapped her on the shoulder, Zinnia was still chewing on the post cards like a mindless goat. It only occurred to her a moment or so later that there really was no important reason why she happened to be doing this and relented, resting her tastebuds from the god-awful paper. The little pig could have them all. She didn't want anything to do with them anymore.

When she gave up, Zinnia decided to follow after the others and receive a weapon from Kaiki. She approached Kaiki, Aster following after her as she did, placing her hands on her hips. "I don't really think you want to put a weapon in my hand," Zinnia stated ambiguously. "But I am a trainer so I'll gladly take one of the little dragon-like familiars off your hands."

Frowning, Zinnia side-glanced to Meteo who had apparently chosen a flame sword and had caught himself on fire. Nice. "Whoa there!" the lorekeeper exclaimed, dashing over to his aide. She shoved him to the ground and began to stomp on him, trying her best to help him put out the fire. "Why would you choose a flame sword," she cried, "if you can't handle it!? Hngh, Aster, go find something to help!" Nodding, Aster rushed away for a moment.

@T.O.M. @Hospes @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Anyone Idk​
"Agh, unh, ow!"

The stomping was intense with Meteo's body. "Stop stomping on me!!!"

@T.O.M. @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Anyone else​
"Zinnia-chan, please allow me to take over," Jack stepped between the woman and Meteo, brandishing something he had found in the corner of the shop called a 'fire blanket'. Why it was called as such and how he had found it mattered little in his mind; at the moment, he could only hope it would help save Meteo. Over the boy he tossed the fabric, helping to press it against him and smother the flames.

@T.O.M. @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Anyone else​
"Agh, unh, ow!"

The stomping was intense with Meteo's body. "Stop stomping on me!!!"

@T.O.M. @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Anyone else​
@Gummi Bunnies
@The Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Anyone else

Kirby finished eating the postcards, feeling somewhat less hungry than before, he walked over to the weapons dealer, what was his name, did it really matter? He walked over and decided to choose A Sword of Flames.

Kirby rushed in to help Zinnia once he noticed Mateo the crybaby caught flames.

"I'm trying to put the fire out! Do you want to burn to death!?" Zinnia exclaimed.

Damn, why couldn't Meteo have been like Daenerys Targaryen or something?

She continued to stomp on him, glancing to Kirby and flailing her arms when he came over. "Do something to help! We need to put out this fire or this guy is toast..."

Zinnia snickered.


But, thankfully, Kirby didn't need to help. Jack seemed to have it under control. Zinnia stepped back, allowing him to help. "Wooooow, I need to get me some of that!"

@Bomb @Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Anybody​
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