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@Hospes @Wedge Antilles @Atomyk @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin


Well, that situation had been awkward as heck for poor Aqua. She was somewhat relieved when Ridley backed down and didn't press the matter. Oddly enough, however, a part of her was somewhat disappointed as well. Why? The young woman didn't really understand. She had acquired absolutely no emotional wisdom whatsoever in all of her years of life. Master Eraqus never exactly held a Romance 101 course for her to partake in.

"If only this was as easy as magic is," Aqua thought to herself, dumbfounded by the entire situation.

She just stood there with a blank look on her face for quite some time until she realized Legolas had spoken to her earlier.

"Oh, I would most certainly be happy to have your aid. Thank you, sir. My name is Aqua. You seem honorable and kind and I'd be happy to work with someone such as yourself." She bowed her head to him before glancing at Teresa. "Anyhow, I'm going to go see if I can help that girl."

With that, Aqua moved over to Claire and the others surrounding Teresa.

"Poor thing," Aqua said, gently touching Teresa's head. "She was one of the ones who helped me before. I'd like to return the favor if at all possible. I'm an expert at healing magic. Do you think I could try some magic?" she questioned the group.​
Riley shrugged. "We assume it might be magic, so be my guest. Ulysses and I have tried everything we could, except for a blood transfusion, but we need to know her type." He put his hands in the Lab Coat's pockets, and leaned against the wall. "Still haven't taken that rest. I can't rest. force of habit from the wasteland. Also, let me know if her condition changes. You can see it on my Pip-boy, which is o her left arm."

@Everyone around Teresa.


She wiped her tears away as she couldn't look at the male, "H-How could I do it if I was with Bayonetta this whole time.."

Nicki couldn't believe that everyone was voting for her. It was a matter of time before she began to doubt them. These people were supposed to find the real killers, yet all they've done was sent innocent people back to their headquarters. "Am I being framed?..."
Claire wasn't familiar with Nicki like the others seemed to be. She was a famous singer, right? The woman seemed notable for her-- err-- sizeable ass, which seemed to be the cause of death in this case.

I feel like I'm suddenly out of my mind.

... Claire had never considered a death occurring in such a manner. Someone certainly had creativity here.


"I agree with what you're saying," Claire said, standing up. She gave Riley a small smile, leaving Teresa in his care. "Somewhat. It's... very convenient." She looked over Alice, a measure of calm over her face. Claire was at least thankful she was used to dead bodies. She supposed that was a bad thing, though. "It's a very specific death after a very non-specific death."

@Proxymoron @The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @DapperDogman @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
"Don't cry...you won't be hurt unless you're a traitor" Ulysses mutters

"I suppose if it's for the best..." Nicki hadn't voted until now, though, if she knew that she was innocent. Yet, she didn't really know how to show them. "I'll just vote for myself. It's not like it'll matter since everyone's doing that."

Nicki felt a bit depressed over the situation, though, the male was right about those being innocent weren't going to be harmed. So, it seemed alright if they all didn't believe her.

Stitch did't like how for once the DNA would not read right normal his brain worked like the normal machine. He sighed seeing how there was more than just one or two figure prints. "To... Many people..." Stitch said and his ears fell.

Jake patted him on the head. "Don't sweat it little man." He told the alien.

@The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Atomyk @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hoseps
Gnar went up to Stitch and moved his ears back up.


@Raven @too lazy, everyone else xD
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She wiped her tears away as she couldn't look at the male, "H-How could I do it if I was with Bayonetta this whole time.."

Nicki couldn't believe that everyone was voting for her. It was a matter of time before she began to doubt them. These people were supposed to find the real killers, yet all they've done was sent innocent people back to their headquarters. "Am I being framed?..."
Kalifa glared at Nikki.


"So you're trying to say that you didn't have the opportunity? The only time this murder could have been committed is just as we were all going to see the Riddler ... meaning anyone could have had the opportunity. Including you."

"Unless we find some reliable evidence stating just when this murder was committed, and just where everyone was at that exact point, I'd say we can't rule out anyone based on opportunity."

@Proxymoron @Atomyk @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Everyone
Stitch looked to Gnar he still seemed a little defeated on his try but him looking up was an improvement.


Soul hugged Ruby back and smiled a little as he did a littletwirl with her "Yup, I'm back" he laughs and places a pat on her head "I'm guessing you missed my handsome face?" He asks in an almost teasing way

Claire wasn't familiar with Nicki like the others seemed to be. She was a famous singer, right? The woman seemed notable for her-- err-- sizeable ass, which seemed to be the cause of death in this case.

I feel like I'm suddenly out of my mind.

... Claire had never considered a death occurring in such a manner. Someone certainly had creativity here.


"I agree with what you're saying," Claire said, standing up. She gave Riley a small smile, leaving Teresa in his care. "Somewhat. It's... very convenient." She looked over Alice, a measure of calm over her face. Claire was at least thankful she was used to dead bodies. She supposed that was a bad thing, though. "It's a very specific death after a very non-specific death."

@Proxymoron @The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @DapperDogman @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Proxymoron @The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @DapperDogman @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Atomyk @The Others

Ruby poked Soul's cheek lightly "Maybe." she said innocently, a over-dramatisized mysterious type of tone seeping in, it seemed she was prone of doing that at the most odd moments really. Then, she focused her attention on the body a bit and nodded slowly "Yeah... I don't know... You think someone could have made the kill look like someone sat on her?" she asked, frowning a little... Normally, if this were not so serious of a situation, she would have been laughing at the idea of such a thing, but, not today. Sophie in the meantime was also inspecting Alice's body "Could... Someone have made it look like... She was sat on?" she mused, mostly to herself, trying to see if perhaps they were just some abnormal dents, conveniently positioned to look like one's posterior...​
Kalifa glared at Nikki.


"So you're trying to say that you didn't have the opportunity? The only time this murder could have been committed is just as we were all going to see the Riddler ... meaning anyone could have had the opportunity. Including you."

"Unless we find some reliable evidence stating just when this murder was committed, and just where everyone was at that exact point, I'd say we can't rule out anyone based on opportunity."

@Proxymoron @Atomyk @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Everyone
Nicki didn't like the way that Kalifa was glaring at her.


"Everyone here has an opportunity to commit a murder... You all were saying that my music caused Alice's death, but realize that you all could have heard me singing or some shit. I know none of you all are deaf..."
@Chris Lang
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Proxymoron @The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @DapperDogman @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Atomyk @The Others

Ruby poked Soul's cheek lightly "Maybe." she said innocently, a over-dramatisized mysterious type of tone seeping in, it seemed she was prone of doing that at the most odd moments really. Then, she focused her attention on the body a bit and nodded slowly "Yeah... I don't know... You think someone could have made the kill look like someone sat on her?" she asked, frowning a little... Normally, if this were not so serious of a situation, she would have been laughing at the idea of such a thing, but, not today. Sophie in the meantime was also inspecting Alice's body "Could... Someone have made it look like... She was sat on?" she mused, mostly to herself, trying to see if perhaps they were just some abnormal dents, conveniently positioned to look like one's posterior...​
"Possibly... but uh, I imagine if we compared the... sizes..." Claire trailed off, grimacing. "Well, I'm not suggesting she was framed, but it's a possibility. It wouldn't be a good idea to ignore the evidence sitting right in front of us, but the convenience is something we will all have to keep in mind in the future."

Trust her. She was once a traitor herself, you know.

@Proxymoron @The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @DapperDogman @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
Nicki didn't like the way that Kalifa was glaring at her.


"Everyone here has an opportunity to commit a murder... You all were saying that my music caused Alice's death, but realize that you all could have heard me singing or some shit. I know none of you all are deaf..."
@Chris Lang
"I wish I was."
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Stitch did't like how for once the DNA would not read right normal his brain worked like the normal machine. He sighed seeing how there was more than just one or two figure prints. "To... Many people..." Stitch said and his ears fell.

Jake patted him on the head. "Don't sweat it little man." He told the alien.

@The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Atomyk @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hoseps
Izana smiles a little as his own paw prints hadn't been left on thr body, so if it came down to proving anyone innocent of possible suspicion, It would be him as well as those he had been with. Ace, upon failing to cure the death due in part to the total destruction of the corpse, Sighs, lookimg to the three others he has chosen to travel with. "Too much destruction, I can't help them. Izana, You've been through one of these already?" As he looks from the dragon to the body and back, he finds his memories are already fading. Ace would stand to be the most objective in this case, but also useless in an investigation relying on memory of the deceased.

Izana nods silently to the Cadets question. ".... yes. It's horrible, but if it stops the death games I have to do what I can, even if it means putting my scales in harms way...."

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"Possibly... but uh, I imagine if we compared the... sizes..." Claire trailed off, grimacing. "Well, I'm not suggesting she was framed, but it's a possibility. It wouldn't be a good idea to ignore the evidence sitting right in front of us, but the convenience is something we will all have to keep in mind in the future."

Trust her. She was once a traitor herself, you know.

@Proxymoron @The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @DapperDogman @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Proxymoron @The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @DapperDogman @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Atomyk

Sophie nodded a little at Claire's words, she wasn't sure who else would be a culprit for... That sort of kill though, "It... Just seems... Too easy... But... I guess you're right..." she said, rubbing her head a little, she wasn't sure what to think about this. Was it all some sort of ploy? Making things so obvious that people would doubt it's legitimacy? Or perhaps there was more than one culprit? One could never tell with these sorts of things, though, right now, she could only think of Nikki Minaj as the one suspect here right now. Ruby in the meanwhile turned back to Soul "So... What do you think about it?" she asked, tilting her head at him, figuring she might as well get some input from one of her friends at least...​
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Proxymoron @The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @DapperDogman @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Atomyk @The Others

Ruby poked Soul's cheek lightly "Maybe." she said innocently, a over-dramatisized mysterious type of tone seeping in, it seemed she was prone of doing that at the most odd moments really. Then, she focused her attention on the body a bit and nodded slowly "Yeah... I don't know... You think someone could have made the kill look like someone sat on her?" she asked, frowning a little... Normally, if this were not so serious of a situation, she would have been laughing at the idea of such a thing, but, not today. Sophie in the meantime was also inspecting Alice's body "Could... Someone have made it look like... She was sat on?" she mused, mostly to herself, trying to see if perhaps they were just some abnormal dents, conveniently positioned to look like one's posterior...​
"She wasn't sat on, Ruby...she was repeatedly stuck with a butt shaped object...an actual butt...kind of like a butt punch or something...or maybe she was sat on..repeatedly" Soul didn't really want Ruby to learn of twerking, as funny as it would be to see the adorable young girl's face upon realizing how this kill was likely performed

Izana smiles a little as his own paw prints hadn't been left on thr body, so if it came down to proving anyone innocent of possible suspicion, It would be him as well as those he had been with. Ace, upon failing to cure the death due in part to the total destruction of the corpse, Sighs, lookimg to the three others he has chosen to travel with. "Too much destruction, I can't help them. Izana, You've been through one of these already?" As he looks from the dragon to the body and back, he finds his memories are already fading. Ace would stand to be the most objective in this case, but also useless in an investigation relying on memory of the deceased.

Izana nods silently to the Cadets question. ".... yes. It's horrible, but if it stops the death games I have to do what I can, even if it means putting my scales in harms way...."

Stitch listened but said nothing he didn't like how his idea ended.

Jake nodded and thought. "Well we need to try and vote a traitor that's for sure but who. Being Stitch's try didn't go as he had planned."

Stitch listened but said nothing he didn't like how his idea ended.

Jake nodded and thought. "Well we need to try and vote a traitor that's for sure but who. Being Stitch's try didn't go as he had planned."

Ace and Izana Look around and sigh. " Well, Heres our idea. we're going to obstain until theres someone to vote for, that way if no one is found we don't condemn an innocent. then, if sufficient evidence is found, We will change the vote to that person or persons. Now, Izana suspects Cereza, some others suspect Nikki, and maybe others. shall we talk to the suspected first?"

Ace and Izana agree to Abstain for now. *

@Raven @Atomyk
"Mine didn't kill no one."
Nicki Minaj was about to have a breakdown.


"It's not funny when people are accusing you of doing something that you know you didn't do." It was the first time that Nicki was actually serious, "I know I'm innocent, and if having to be sent to headquarters just to get checked is the best option to prove that, go ahead and vote for me."

She knew deep down inside that she didn't commit the murder. Though, it seemed that this was the best for everyone, especially her. Nicki just didn't like taking shit from someone who only judges her by her music.
@Shadow Prime
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Ace and Izana Look around and sigh. " Well, Heres our idea. we're going to obstain until theres someone to vote for, that way if no one is found we don't condemn an innocent. then, if sufficient evidence is found, We will change the vote to that person or persons. Now, Izana suspects Cereza, some others suspect Nikki, and maybe others. shall we talk to the suspected first?"

Ace and Izana agree to Abstain for now. *

@Raven @Atomyk
Stitch listened then looked to Jake. "Yeah that sounds like a plan."

Jake knew Stitch wasn't the sort to waste a vote he learned that twice already but what would the alien do if they found no one. Would he listen? Or would Jake have to condemn them both?


*the one who had called Stitch and Jake watches curious seeing Stitch's last moves and smiles at the choice. There finally using there heads wonderful. The Mysterious person who brought them here though*
"She wasn't sat on, Ruby...she was repeatedly stuck with a butt shaped object...an actual butt...kind of like a butt punch or something...or maybe she was sat on..repeatedly" Soul didn't really want Ruby to learn of twerking, as funny as it would be to see the adorable young girl's face upon realizing how this kill was likely performed

Ruby Rose


"A... Butt... Punch?" Ruby said, repeating his words for a moment as she blinked, looking confused as she tried to picture this... And, as soon as that image registered in her mind, she froze for a moment, then promptly covered her mouth with a hand, trying to hold back laughter, snorting quietly until she finally regained her composure. "I've... Never heard of someone using... THAT to kill someone..." She said, this time, managing to suppress another laughing fit, realizing the severity of the situation.​
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