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Storm decided to run toward the nearest one and taking a good jump, using his Iron Tail on one of them. Hopefully it damaged them greatly.

"Life is like a hurricane.."

i guess Storm felt like singing this time.

Jupiter was done with this crap, she simply went up to one and used Bitch Slap. :D

Storm managed a one damage it toward the chitauri he was fighting.
Jupiter also managed a one damage hit toward the chitauri she was fighting.

Both chitauri attack next...

Edit: Storm is hit with a two damage attack! Jupiter is hit with a one damage attack!

Storm HP: |
Chitauri Storm is fighting: ||

Jupiter HP: ||
Chitauri Jupitor is fighting: ||​
The charmed ones, they knew surrendering would be the best option, but the sisters knew that some of the Coalition would fight, and they had to protect those that they could. Prue quickly dug into her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, looking to her sisters, they all knew what it was. A list of spells. Reading the top spell in unison, magic begun to effect the sisters.

"Powers from across the sky's, we bend the walls of time, we call upon the Halliwell family line."

"Powers from across the sky's, we bend the walls of time, we call upon the Halliwell family line."

"Powers from across the sky's, we bend the walls of time, we call upon the Halliwell family line."

as the spell concluded, the three sisters could feel the rush of their ancestors magic inside of them, and they could see 60 of their ancestors sprits standing with them. Seeing a group of Aliens, piper flicked her fingers in and out, attempting to temporally freeze them. Prue however, flung her hand, flinging two cars and any debris around her at the Aliens. Phoebe sat still around her sisters, ready in case any Aliens decided to advanced any closer.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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"Too bad for you, some of us aren't human." The Chitauri...a poor man's Badoon. Storm wasted no time attacking the Chitauri standing closest to her. Electricity would crackle, and hairs would stand up as Storm summoned down a lightning bolt on the Chitauri.

Crusader meanwhile wouldn't do anything theatrical like that and just toss Mjolnir at her designated target and keep her shield up for any potential counter attack.

((First dice will be Storm and second Crusader))

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Oh yeah! Great hits!

Both Storm and Crusader manage two damage hits on their first try.

Whether or not the chitauri facing them hit with their next attacks, Storm and Crusader's final attacks would finish them off!


You are free to leave the battle and walk toward a clear area ahead.​
Naoya hit and struck a two damage hit!

Abel hit and struck a one damage hit!

The chitauri attacking Abel and Naoya each rolled for damage, their guns ready as they charged toward the two...

Naoya HP: |
Chitauri HP: |

Abel HP: |
Chitauri HP: ||​
(Kim, you got Naoya and Abel's dice rolls mixed up. Abel's Chitauri should have 1 HP while Naoya's Chitauri should have 2 HP. Also, shouldn't Abel have 2 HP because his opponent rolled a 2 which falls into the damage bracket of 1 point?)

Naoya growled as he readied another Agilao, "Die!"

Not allowing the first attack to stop, Abel threw a punch straight for the Chitauri's gut.​
//ooc: Btw, everyone, I'm gonna be a bit lazy with my wording on these since I have a lot of them to do right now. lol. :) And this is mostly just a mini-game anyhow...​

Lapis rolled a one for damage.

The chitarui attacks...

Lapis HP: ||
Chitauri HP: ||​
Lapis HP: | |

"Tch... that all you got? Alright then, time for you to get owned!" Lapis saw that she wasn't terribly hurt by the hit. So, surely she could take this alien on. The crystallization around her foot disappeared, allowing her to let loose her special three crystals, and Trias Adamas. The three crystals were engulfed in powerful energy, and she was aiming for a quick victory.

~Dice Roll~
1-3 - One Line of Damage Depleted From Chitauri
4-6 - Two Lines of Damage Depleted From Chitauri

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

And it's a one damage hit!

Chitauri HP: ||
Your HP: |||

The Chitauri attacks this time, firing a laser beam at the girl...

Edit: The Chitauri's attack hits and does two damage!

Chitauri HP: | |
Your HP: |
Hourai danced back after her punch, a look of calm focus on her face as she studied her opponent with her fists up, ready for a-


the poor doll at the laser to the face, sending it sprawling to the ground and stumbling back up to its feet. The crowd of dolls watching the mask gasped silently, and Shanghai abandoned her defensive post in front of Alice to zip over with concern on her face as she helped Hourai back up and rubbed her sister's shoulder, face shifting to angry as they silently bickered, another doll coming over with a bucket and a towel to wipe off hourai's forehead. Eventually she waved them off, bouncing on her toes for a few seconds before she flitted back into the air, beating her fists together twice as the other dolls cheered as she leaped back into the fray with another bell ring

*Round Two*

Hourai zipped back and forth a few times, tracking the barrel and trying to get the Chitauri to blow a shot without hitting, and if it worked, she dived down under its view, pressed into the ground, and leaped up into a rising uppercut that'd make Ryu (SF) proud.

*Edit after die roll*


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
At the moment he felt the cold metal, a hand lashed out, rather a fist into the throat of the alien. Immediately afterwards, the pistol came out slamming into the base of the neck of another, Breaking free

Not trying to kill them, but rather stray them off for a bit. The Light came back in his hand, killing off one of the Chitauri. He stood face to face with that of the Translator, Light shining right at him. "I know not who you are. But I am a messenger of Faith, and of Justice, given to me by the rightful hands of God himself. I fight those who oppress his words, and for you, who oppreseth the righteous words of God, shall be snuffed out like a flame, another chore for me!"

Let the game begin!

// ooc, fuck, this bullshit doesn't want to show me the dice roll when I hit More options, so I'm giving my turn to the Chitauri

Joshua sneaked up behind the chitauri and simply owned the hell out of it! Good for him, his sneak attack managed to knock the creature clean out!


There was a clear area he would walk to up ahead toward...​
Bayonetta had an excited look in her eyes. "Of course, you would be terribly mistaken should you expect Bayonetta to surrender or run from your kind", Bayonetta said as she went on the attack.


@Option A: Challenge the Chitauri aliens

Those who bravely stood forward to challenge the Chitauri aliens were met with a small hoard of them. There was at least one alien for every person to fight, maybe more. It was a smaller hoard than expected, but it was still quite possibly a dangerous fight.

Oh, and those who attacked already or flirted with the aliens did no damage yet. Silly humans, wait for instructions! ;)


"Foolish humans. You really think you can take us on? Face our wrath! Chitauri, get them!" cried the leader of the small pack. Wielding strange guns and rods of some sort, the Chitauri came toward those who challenged them!

Rules: Each challenger will face a single chitauri alien. The players will have an HP bar consisting of three lines, as will the aliens.

Example: | | |

Each player will role the forum dice. 1-3 will be a 1 damage attack and 4-6 will be a two damage attack. Once the player has rolled, the chitauri will roll, and so on. Every time a hit occurs, the player or the chitauri will take away one line from their HP bar. The first to lose all three lines is defeated. (Players will only be knocked out) If the player wins and chooses to fight another alien, their HP bar will be restored to normal. If more than one player challenges only one chitauri, another single chitauri will join the fight to make it a fair number. But if at all possible, lets try to keep it 1 V.S. 1. This will be a fairly quick event.

Let the battles begin, and good luck!

She charged in to attack one of the chitauri, trying to use her strength up close to try to cause injury to her target.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Oh yeah! Great hits!

Both Storm and Crusader manage two damage hits on their first try.

Whether or not the chitauri facing them hit with their next attacks, Storm and Crusader's final attacks would finish them off!


You are free to leave the battle and walk toward a clear area ahead.​

Both saw that everyone seemed to have their fights in hand and would head towards the clearing to wait for the rest to join them.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ClearingPeeps
Claire's heart took a leap at the sight of the aliens, and Claire felt a chill run down her spine. She had been through hell and back, but she was still just a regular woman. If the adversaries had been zombies, monsters, or even some biological monstrosity, Claire would have eagerly thrown her lot in with the fighters. But... aliens with advanced technology? She'd watched as they killed the girl, Emily, with ease, and Claire knew she'd fare no better against such a threat. Her adrenaline already soaring, Claire joined the others making a break for it.

"Go! Go!" she yelled, trying to sound encouraging for Chloe and Max. Claire just sounded frightened. She dared to take a look behind her, and she felt like laughing at the sight of the hover crafts. "Come on!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Event #4

You're running as fast as you can. You feel the wind blowing through your hair and the ground beneath your feet as you quickly make your way through the apocalyptic city. Just when things are going your way, one of the Chitauri actually manage to catch up with you! Uh oh! In a quick attempt to rid yourself of the alien, your fire at it with whatever weapon, power, or ability you currently possess. Surprisingly, you hit he alien and he flies off his hover glider, his body lifeless as it flops to the ground. You stop to examine the body and find a set of keys on him--one of which is to his hover glider.

You gained: Mysterious set of keys and a Chitauri hover glider!

Along with the set of keys on the Chitauri's body, you find a map of the entire city! You're now free to explore the whole area!

Stark Tower

Central Park Slave Camps (Prison)

Statue of Liberty

S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier wreckage

Back Alley Manhole

Chitauri Shrines
Joshua sneaked up behind the chitauri and simply owned the hell out of it! Good for him, his sneak attack managed to knock the creature clean out!


There was a clear area he would walk to up ahead toward...​
Joshua stayed and fought, looking at the alien who translated in English, being this his last kill before he would walk toward the clearing. "The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence." Psalms 11:5. Fitting, for a man who fights as an Angel. "You hold the sword in a matter to destroy my people, and His scripture. And for you, the sword of Christ will land in your heart! A sword held by me!" And then a bullet rang from the Light, shining brighter than a usual Colt firing as the barrel was shortened. Would it land near his heart, or would it hit on point?
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The bullet spun, Joshua did not see it, but the bullet would hit on point! Whether it would appear to live, and fight for it's last breaths or die there was up to the severity of the wound.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Max kept running like there wasn't no tomorrow.

Also her player was a dumbass and immediately screwed up the dice somehow xD

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

You're running as fast as you can. You feel the wind blowing through your hair and the ground beneath your feet as you quickly make your way through the apocalyptic city. Just when things are going your way, a flock of birds fly overhead and something from the sky splats into your face. Oh shit! Literally. Bird shit, to be exact. You stumble over your own feet and end up falling to the ground. Suddenly, your leg is killing you. Rotten luck.

You gained: Sprained Ankle

Despite the fact your ankle is now killing you, someone you manage to continue walking a short way. On the back of an old stop sign, you find a map scribbled in permanent marker.

Stark Tower

Central Park Slave Camps

Statue of Liberty

S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier wreckage

Back Alley Manhole

Chitauri Shrines

You are now free to explore the city!​
Joseph nodded. Wouldn't be the first time, wouldn't be the last, as almost all of the female patrons of Seraph's Finest Bar could attest to. He stepped back a bit-it was time for a team-talk with his wingman. He looked at Ridley and her new friend, then back at Izana. 'I think we can all learn a couple of things from this. Firstly, I have a very good taste in sherry and women. And secondly...' he paused for a moment. 'If at first you don't succeed, kill something to impress her. Now, do you have an arch-demon I can borrow?' He laughed, as his inner monologue thought, 'Good grief, that's it, laugh through the pain buddy. As he noticed Max's outburst, he nudged Fire with his elbow. 'She seems like the fiery-type. I could help set you or Ace up with her.' He winked smoothly. At least one of them was going to get the girl today.
Izana and Ace look at him and cuckle, Izana speaking up. "You can try Ace, I'm not sure she'll go for the lonely dragon routine. if anything she'll take me as a firebreathing pet or a steed or something." He chuckles a bit at the images those conjure.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Booker stared down an alien and could feel his right hand to grow claws. He attacked the alien with The Murder of Crows Vigor, while the crows picked at the aliens flesh and clawed him, Booker aimed the handcannon for the thing's chest and he pulled the trigger.
You best believe that Chloe was hauling her punk ass as fast as her legs would take her. Being chased by aliens was never a thought she'd ever think would pop up in her head but there it was, and here she was running from the Chitauri like Mike Dawson from the Psycho Jerk.


Event #6

After a long while of running, and possibly feeling short of breath, you find shelter in a wrecked helicopter somewhere on the ground. The chitauri and their hover crafts were fast indeed, but it didn't matter how fast they were when they had no idea where you were hiding. They chitauri aimlessly wandered around, eventually giving up. You were free!

As you step out of the wreckage, you realize that it isn't exactly a helicopter…


It's a massive helicarrier with a familiar looking logo on it.


After staring in awe at the former SHIELD helicarrier, you find a city map fluttering under a piece of the wreckage…

Discoverable Locations:
Stark Tower

Central Park Slave Camps

Statue of Liberty

S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier wreckage

Back Alley Manhole

Chitauri Shrines

After looking at the map, you contemplate what you will do next. Will you explore the SHIELD helicarrier wreckage first since you're already close to it? Or will you go to another location?​
She decides to Talk to the Aliens. "'Sup?" ... Yeah, that's all she decided to say. They probably won't respond unless they want to talk themselves. ... Maybe she is pretty much just walking silently along? Well, at least she was an agreeable young lass.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The aliens glance to Revya, uncertain what to make of her.

"Silence, human. You are to be taken to the Chitauri Slave Camps," one of them told her.​
Great. Once again there was another change in the fabric of reality or wherever. This was becoming annoying. As they were accosted by some ugly freaks, he was given three options. Fight, flight, or surrender. He chose a fourth option. He simply transformed into his laptop form and waited for the fighting group to kill the aliens for him.

@Any human who chose to fight
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As Jon regathered himself, thanks partially to Loras, the time for idle chatter was but short. Only managing to get out a nod to Ser Loras, the Snow renowned for being a man of little words, the bastard truly wished to challenge the Knight of Flowers. However, such a fought of trivial duels evaporated, the sworn brother staring ahead as the world began to heave and collapse. Reality itself twisted and warped, every fragment of light, every particle of matter, swiftly and surely gone, the unending abyss hurling itself closer and closer. At first, Jon ran, but soon, he gave in, and like every other of his companions, was swept away in this maddening rush of darkness.

Game Over.

At least, that is what Jon thought. So ends the noble tale of the Bastard of Winterfell, he thought, alongside his companions of egotistical killers, seductresses, teen-aged girls, survivalists, and members of this "Coalition". As he swam through the abyss, his body like a feather, Jon would soon be brought back into this new world, this fresh anew start. But before that could happen, before the next act of this dance could commence, trouble was once again afoot. Another vision, another whisper in his head, another voice of this Stranger egging him on.


"Tick, tock, tick, tock..."


Jon murmured to himself, feeling his back rest upon what almost felt like a bed of rusty nails, looking up to see a hellish setting. Crimson and rust mingled against steel walls and beams, an almost demonic appearance emitting from his new environment. Marble tiles of once pearly white had been sullied, grime, filth, and rot coating the flooring. Banners of a kingdom hung upon the walls of this rather small room, Jon just beginning to recall the symbol from the first time he had received the visions from "the Stranger". Arising onto his feet, the bastard was startled to see a young, cloaked figure standing before a small counter. Judging by it's physique, the individual seemed female, holding a sacrificial dagger in her left hand as the scent of two burning candles filled the cramp room, drowning out the stench of rotting flesh and waste.


Bewildered and sicken, Jon flinched, staring at this robed girl, a hand carefully on the hilt of Longclaw, his legs feeling frozen. The girl, no older than sixteen years, stood, whispering a language long dead, wiping the blade of the dagger against the fabrics of her clothing. Upon careful, intent listening and general assumptions, the Snow mentally declared this was the origin of the whispers in his head from the moment Cosmo sent him the telepathic messages concerning Arya. Feeling the bitterness and anger crawl within him, the honorable bastard soon barked out, furious, but genuinely frighten of the horrific, nightmarish world he found himself encased in.

"You...?! Are you..are you a shadow?!"

The robed girl briefly glanced over, chuckling lightly, her voice carrying a firm echo, sounding like a thousand trapped souls in a singular form.

"Shadows...is that what they call us now? The Others?" she sounded amused, daring not to face Jon, staring before whatever foul work the occultist was working on the counter. Sounds of mutilated flesh and bone could be heard, her dagger twisting into some organic, fleshy bit of matter. Pausing briefly, the robed enigma continued, going onto a rather eerie, unsettling ramble. A ramble, that, whilst many of it went over Jon's head, made the sworn brother of the Night's Watch truly fearful of the occultist before him.

"I am no ghost, but many of died here. Such is the prize of progress. The Coalition has sent many here, all in their little crusade, with half of these 'liberators' not even knowing the organization's intentions. Few return, which each dance, with each game, the clock ticks and tocks, yet everything is the same. Names change, places change, but it is all the same in the end. Death is but null, nothing more than a plot point, and when there is no death...there cannot be any life." the girl of a thousand voices uttered, her fair-skinned hands clenching the counter before her. "We are many, Jon, you are but one of the few. Why deny the tides of fate? The war will end, there is no changing the inevitable. It will all end soon...trust me...promise me..." the robed girl whispered, the Snow having enough, beginning to run towards the occultist, screaming.


Before Jon could reach the robed girl, she vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving Jon to witness a mound of rotting flesh, a dagger dug deep into it. Yet, oddly, in that festering pile of filth, the hilt of his sword could be found protruding from it. Shakily throwing himself away, looking down at his own sword and realizing the hilt was gone, Jon could only stare at the ornate head of a white wolf, modeled after his direwolf Ghost. Feeling his heart race and his vision begin to blacken, the Snow began to fall unconscious, the occultist speaking one final time to Jon. Her voice of a growl, one, lone, ominous phrase replayed on a loop in the black-haired warrior's mind, like that of a constant threat...

"I am Mercy."


Jon ran.

He didn't know where he was going, where he was at, who was with him, what time of day it was, or what threat was exactly after him.

But the bastard ran, his thoughts a blur, the whispers in his head, ripping and clawing him apart. He could feel them, he could see Her. Her constant gaze, those black robes and scarlet eyes. Her unsettling voice, her dagger glistening in her left hand. The symbols flashing before his eyes, the thumping of his heart and the pumping of his blood. All it rushed like a mad descent into the realm of Hades, and before Jon knew it, he fell, nearly unconscious, his hands grasping at the sides of his head, tugging at his hair.

He had seen Mercy.

@Running squad don't have time for tags @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Josh M @Jenny @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @fuck gotta go for early dinner.

Run, Jon Snow, run!

With a bit of luck, you actually manage to escape the chitauri chasing you and find a map lying around nearby...

Stark Tower

Central Park Slave Camps

Statue of Liberty

S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier wreckage

Back Alley Manhole

Chitauri Shrines
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Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone

Ruby looked a little upset when Soul suddenly disappeared, but, soon enough, the world changing around her distracted her from that, just for the moment, noticing the strange aliens stepping up, threatening them, she looked towards Sophie. Sophie nodded a little "I'm fighting." she said, drawing her glock, Ruby nodded in return "Then... So am I! Let's do this!" she said, expanding her scythe once more, backing up a little as she jammed it into the ground. They both prepared to fight the Chitauri, each waiting for just the right moment before they started to fire upon their ranks, their shots seeming to compliment one another; Ruby's shots did more spash damage when they hit, but, Sophie's shots were going for the vitals.

How will their attack do?

The girls' attack does two damage! An instant kill to the chitauri they are facing!


The two may now leave the area and head over toward a clear area up ahead.​
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