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Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Epilogue: The Composer's Decision

Amist the distraction of Empire City, the players made their way for the Historic District in order to escape. Joshua had a lot to say to the group, so he made sure that all of the survivors--even the traitors--made it through to the other side of his escape portal. Upon stepping through the portal, the old city they had been in had vanished and they were in Shibuya again. However, it didn't look ravaged by jungle vines or snow like it had been in the past...


Everything looked back to normal.

Once all of the players were through, even a few of the reapers who had been swept up in the mess came through as well.


"Heh, you did good kids. The boss will come through in a moment. He wants to speak with everyone."

After a minute, a blinding flash of light stepped through the portal. A glowing figure of white light appeared before them, so bright it was difficult to look upon him directly.


"I'd like to introduce myself," he began. "I am the one who had been using the alias known as Joshua. I'm the true composer, creater of the reapers' game."

He paused before he began to explain the entire story to the players.

"A year ago, in one particular location in the multiverse, John White lived as human. In his world, human DNA evolved, allowing for people with a special gene to develop powers and become beings known as conduits. But with John's power, he wished to aid his own kind only and destroy all ordinary humans who didn't have the gene. Cole, another conduit, killed John and sacrificed himself and all other conduits to save the world. Shortly after John died, I invited him to play the reapers' game. He interested me because he had potential even if he was a little misguided. I was correct about this potential. He won the game and I gave him a choice: return to life or become a reaper. He chose to become a reaper, who quickly archived promotions because of his impressive skills. Eventually I put him as my second in command. Apparently, he abused his power and assisted a demon."

"So that is the story on John. Now I will speak of your group. I have good news and bad news. The good news is, all of you are safe. The bad news is, because of John ruining this game it is void. So I cannot simply bring anyone here to life for free. However, I have a few alternatives to offer all non-traitor players...

1. You may become a reaper. Many of you sided with me in the end and that is trustworthy in my eyes. You're welcome to join me. If you choose to do so, visit our Reaper Recruitment Station here in Shibuya.

2. You may return to life WITHOUT your entry fee. I will keep it as pay for allowing you to return to life. If you choose this go to the statue of Hachiko. A portal in front of it will take you home.

3. You may play the reapers' game again for a chance to return to life with your entry fee. However, it will be fair this time. No surprises, strange illusions, or John White interuptions. If you choose this option as your path, go to Scramble Crossing tomorrow morning and we'll get started.

4. You may pass on. If your soul no longer has the will to carry on, I will allow this. You don't have to linger anymore if you don't want. If this is the path you seek, go to the Shibuya River and enter the portal."

The composer paused.

"As for the traitors, you will have no such options. Emma, Ryu, Yuka, and Mikasa all must pass on. I cannot have players who I am not able to trust."

He snapped his fingers and a group of reapers stepped forward, making their way for the traitors. They began to drag the surviving traitors away toward the portal that would send their souls on...

"Lastly, there is a third group I must address. Although Susan and Rocket were not traitors, they sided with John in the end. The only option I'm allowing for them and their companions is to play the game again."

"Anyhow, that is all I have to say to all of you. If you have any questions you may speak to me. In the mean time, I'll be doing research to find out more about this... demon... John was assisting."

The Composer looked at Teresa.

"Actually, there's something we must talk about." He snapped his fingers, causing Teresa's little noise puppy to appear in his hands.

"This little one seems quite tame. It's rare for a noise. He may stay with you as long as you choose, however, it is my regret to inform you that ordinary humans cannot see noise, so if you choose to return to life you will have to leave this little one behind..."

After the Composer spoke to the group, Shibuya was free for the group to explore once again.

The Reapers' Game Ending: Neutral

The game is now over, however, everyone may still interact with each other, write epiloges, or speak with any of the NPCs (Joshua, Sho, Coco, Jack Sparrow, Rhyme, and etc) until you feel your business is finished.


Elizabeth stood still as the battle waged on, it was war, and she never liked unjust conflict, she has all but seen to much of it in her days. As the battle with the beast came to a close end, she was near hiding behind a large fallen rock, she only entered the portal when she realized the world around her was collapsing in on its self. Even after all that, she was still amazed on how she survived any of it, all she wanted was to go back to Paris, and live a happy life with her father, but that was never going to happen, so she decided to return to the land of the living, and leave her father behind as her entry fee. Elizabeth quickly walked to the go to the statue of Hachiko. Before entering the portal, she looked to the sky, then back to the portal, she could feel the doors of time begin to reopen, and that's when her finale words in the reapers game left her mouth,

"Eden must fall....for the sake of the multiverse..." said Elizabeth as she walked into the portal, returning to the land of the living.
Chandra gave a slight sigh, the game was over...finally...no more traitors, no more John, no more tasks...

She smiled a little and approached Pyrrha, rubbing her neck "Hey...sorry again...I...I know you're probably more hurt I'd do that kind of thing than the injury itself" she mutters, the regret in her voice evidence enough she felt bad about what she'd done to her lover "I...I won't blame you if you want nothing to do with me" she says as she looks down a little "Heck...I'd probably do the same" she says, her voice growing quiet

"If...If not...what are we doing next? I can get a new glove...but...what was your price?" she asks, looking over to Asha for a moment, something on her mind, apparently

Epilogue: The Composer's Decision

Amist the distraction of Empire City, the players made their way for the Historic District in order to escape. Joshua had a lot to say to the group, so he made sure that all of the survivors--even the traitors--made it through to the other side of his escape portal. Upon stepping through the portal, the old city they had been in had vanished and they were in Shibuya again. However, it didn't look ravaged by jungle vines or snow like it had been in the past...


Everything looked back to normal.

Once all of the players were through, even a few of the reapers who had been swept up in the mess came through as well.


"Heh, you did good kids. The boss will come through in a moment. He wants to speak with everyone."

After a minute, a blinding flash of light stepped through the portal. A glowing figure of white light appeared before them, so bright it was difficult to look upon him directly.


"I'd like to introduce myself," he began. "I am the one who had been using the alias known as Joshua. I'm the true composer, creater of the reapers' game."

He paused before he began to explain the entire story to the players.

"A year ago, in one particular location in the multiverse, John White lived as human. In his world, human DNA evolved, allowing for people with a special gene to develop powers and become beings known as conduits. But with John's power, he wished to aid his own kind only and destroy all ordinary humans who didn't have the gene. Cole, another conduit, killed John and sacrificed himself and all other conduits to save the world. Shortly after John died, I invited him to play the reapers' game. He interested me because he had potential even if he was a little misguided. I was correct about this potential. He won the game and I gave him a choice: return to life or become a reaper. He chose to become a reaper, who quickly archived promotions because of his impressive skills. Eventually I put him as my second in command. Apparently, he abused his power and assisted a demon."

"So that is the story on John. Now I will speak of your group. I have good news and bad news. The good news is, all of you are safe. The bad news is, because of John ruining this game it is void. So I cannot simply bring anyone here to life for free. However, I have a few alternatives to offer all non-traitor players...

1. You may become a reaper. Many of you sided with me in the end and that is trustworthy in my eyes. You're welcome to join me. If you choose to do so, visit our Reaper Recruitment Station here in Shibuya.

2. You may return to life WITHOUT your entry fee. I will keep it as pay for allowing you to return to life. If you choose this go to the statue of Hachiko. A portal in front of it will take you home.

3. You may play the reapers' game again for a chance to return to life with your entry fee. However, it will be fair this time. No surprises, strange illusions, or John White interuptions. If you choose this option as your path, go to Scramble Crossing tomorrow morning and we'll get started.

4. You may pass on. If your soul no longer has the will to carry on, I will allow this. You don't have to linger anymore if you don't want. If this is the path you seek, go to the Shibuya River and enter the portal."

The composer paused.

"As for the traitors, you will have no such options. Emma, Ryu, Yuka, and Mikasa all must pass on. I cannot have players who I am not able to trust."

He snapped his fingers and a group of reapers stepped forward, making their way for the traitors. They began to drag the surviving traitors away toward the portal that would send their souls on...

"Lastly, there is a third group I must address. Although Susan and Rocket were not traitors, they sided with John in the end. The only option I'm allowing for them and their companions is to play the game again."

"Anyhow, that is all I have to say to all of you. If you have any questions you may speak to me. In the mean time, I'll be doing research to find out more about this... demon... John was assisting."

The Composer looked at Teresa.

"Actually, there's something we must talk about." He snapped his fingers, causing Teresa's little noise puppy to appear in his hands.

"This little one seems quite tame. It's rare for a noise. He may stay with you as long as you choose, however, it is my regret to inform you that ordinary humans cannot see noise, so if you choose to return to life you will have to leave this little one behind..."

After the Composer spoke to the group, Shibuya was free for the group to explore once again.

The Reapers' Game Ending: Neutral

The game is now over, however, everyone may still interact with each other, write epiloges, or speak with any of the NPCs (Joshua, Sho, Coco, Jack Sparrow, Rhyme, and etc) until you feel your business is finished.


And finally.. It was time for Teresa's ending.

Epilogue Part One: Home Is Where Your Heart Is

It wasn't something one could call 'happy', per se, but it didn't seem as bad as it could have been. She could've failed, again.. Let down not only the reapers and other players, but the entirety of the universe..

But she hadn't.

For once in her life... Teresa Agnes had won. She'd not only tried to do the right thing.... But had succeeded. With the help of countless strangers, she had played her hand in saving the world from utter destruction.

And it had felt good.

She watched Joshua with a rejuvenated focus, squinting from the way he glowed, hearing out every last word. So... John had served a demon? Somehow, the glader wasn't surprised.

She seemed to take a bit to let all of this info sink in, standing in a daze. Even though pain, fear, anger and slight sadness were overwhelming her.. A bright smile was sealed on those defined lips.

It was finally over..

Using every last ounce of strength, the young woman stood taller than ever, hesitating. "..Wait..." she stammered, hurriedly as the traitors were apprehended.


"Joshua.. Two of them were possessed. There.. There has to be a way to separate the melded souls.. R-right?"

As much as she hated to say it.. She didn't want to see soft spoken Ryu and little Yuka go..

...But maybe this was how it had to be, to keep things in order.

However, the widest and most sincere smile found its way to the woman's lips at the appearance of her wolf companion. "Little Guy!" she exclaimed, excitedly. Without thinking, she went to throw her arms around Joshua and give him a tight hug. "Thank you so much! What can I do to repay you?"

There was a pause as she realized what she'd done, to which she quickly pulled back, blushing wildly and offering a sheepish smile. "Oh, uh.. Sorry.. Guess I got a little carried away," she apologized, sheepishly.

Pfft.. Teresa Agnes didn't have emotions... What are you talking about, ya shank!?

At the explanation, Teresa actually seemed to falter. Though, the hesitation lasted mere seconds before vanishing completely, replaced with all seriousness. "I... I have no place back where you'd call my 'home'. It'd be my pleasure to stay here and serve as a reaper, if you'd allow it. I swear to do everything- everything, -in my power to keep your game and every world safe. You have my oath."

With that, Teresa knelt down, opening her arms gladly for her favorite little wolf pup. Once he was in her arms, she'd cuddle him happily, whispering softly. "See..? I told you I'd be back.."

Looking around at the rest of the group, Teresa couldn't help but wonder... Would they get their endings as well? Secretly, she deeply hoped these folk would stay- or at least visit -especially Reagan, Ryu(if allowed to stay), Crono, Asha, Minato, Jen, and Ciel.

So basically, those she had fought alongside. They all seemed like honorable warriors.. It be her pleasure to meet them again.

@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin @Yiyel @The Pimp Tactician @Verite @Mari @Librarian Cat @Krieg @TheColourlessRainbow @ResistingTheEnlightened @Catwoman surpreme @Wedge Antilles @Xibilation @Gummi Bunnies @Ryu Keiko @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Everyone I missed 'cause SO MANY NAMES AHH​
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Minato considered Josh's words for a moment. It wasn't exactly fair to them, but then again, the game hadn't been fair at all. For an instant, he felt sympathy for Yuka, the young girl having only wanted to go home to her brother and friends. Then with a shake of his head, those thoughts vanished, "A sympathetic traitor is still a traitor... Josh, may I ask request something? I don't want to go to my world when I return to life. Instead, I.... I want to be with Ciel."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Joshua nodded. "I'll allow it if you do one thing for me..."

Let me touch ur butt. ;D

"...stay in contact with me. Let me know if you hear anything more about this Akibahara demon nonsense."
@The Pimp Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Asha stepped forwards. "In the same likelihood, I feel that my world may hold nothing for me. As such, if you would allow it, I would like to follow Crono into his own world to aid him. Is this within the realm of possibility?"

Joshua nodded. "Yes, that's within my realm of power. I only ask the same thing: let me know if you hear anything more about Akibahara..."
Chandra gave a slight sigh, the game was over...finally...no more traitors, no more John, no more tasks...

She smiled a little and approached Pyrrha, rubbing her neck "Hey...sorry again...I...I know you're probably more hurt I'd do that kind of thing than the injury itself" she mutters, the regret in her voice evidence enough she felt bad about what she'd done to her lover "I...I won't blame you if you want nothing to do with me" she says as she looks down a little "Heck...I'd probably do the same" she says, her voice growing quiet

"If...If not...what are we doing next? I can get a new glove...but...what was your price?" she asks, looking over to Asha for a moment, something on her mind, apparently

Pyrrha sighed, folding her hands together. "It's............ not your fault. It was mine. I shouldn't have reacted like that against Yuka.... it's just................... I-i didn't want to lose you, and when you were gone I just........." she sighed. "I'm sorry." She ran forward, throwing her arms around the pyromancer girl, holding her tightly. "My price was my weapons. I made them myself, but I can make them again. Easily," she said with a shrug. "We did talk about returning to my world. I am neede there, plus there'll be plenty of Grimm for you to fight," she smiled.
Joshua nodded. "I'll allow it if you do one thing for me..."

Let me touch ur butt. ;D

"...stay in contact with me. Let me know if you hear anything more about this Akibahara demon nonsense."

"Maybe... Ciel, why don't we become reapers?" Minato pondered aloud, a thoughtful expression on his face, "We could go back to our worlds if we need to, and we can make sure something like John doesn't happen again."

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york

Asha nodded. "It is settled then. Thank you. As for the demon, I will even personally return if I have information."

He then turned to Crono. "Though if I am to follow you, I probably will require some gear..."

On a thought, he turned back to Joshua. "On a thought... Since the game is over, is there a way our friend here could stop being under the influence of his silence pin? He might have a few words to say..."
Chandra smiled happily as she threw her arms around the warrior, happy that all was well between the pair "Of course, I couldn't risk a planeswalker getting to you and casting some kind of wicked spell on you" she says with a smile "Besides...I'd rather meet all your friends!" she spun the warrior lady around with a giggle, not bothering to cover up the girly laughter, for once, they shared a tender moment without there being some impending murder to break it up...

Unlike every other time before this

She was happy to be alive, her past was behind her, and her future looked pretty bright. What more could a fiery redheaded pyromancer ask for in life?

He smiled, seeminhly walking up to her as Frank brushed Teresa's shoulder. "That's it... We did it... We did it!" Frank gave her a tight hug of victory, laughing in happiness... "Now... What will you do?"

@Savvy Savant
It was all over, the nightmare was over. Though, turns out that Yuka had to pass on due to being a traitor. She didn't mind it apparently, only hoping that she wouldn't cause any more problems.

"Guys... thanks for trying... But I think I caused enough trouble. I'll be alright with passing on... Nothing should hurt me from that point onward..." Yuka noticed that some like Teresa were realizing that Yuka was controlled by Sachiko at some points of the game. She preferred to move on anyways, it would be more peaceful for her, but she would miss things before doing the Sachiko Ever After charm. Like her family, her friends, her childhood memories.

Either way, Yuka had to grow up, move on, even if it meant accepting death.
Shiki Tohno: Epilogue Part 1 - The Type Moon


Emptiness. Some could describe the location as a pocket dimension. After all, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility for Arcueid Brunestud, especially when she was at her fullest. Arcueid Brunestud, the one who managed to send young Shiki Tohno into the Reapers' Game in order to escort Ciel of the Holy Church back to the world of the living. Arcueid Brunestud, one who was connected to the Counter Force, to Gaia, the will of the Earth. At her fullest, she was one of the strongest beings on the planet.

Hmph... it looks like he went back on his word. Stupid little boy.

When she would channel all of her power, Arcueid would become something else. One could say it was an entirely new entity, but they'd be at least halfway wrong. It was still the same Arcueid, born from the Crimson Moon, the Type Moon, but a different persona. A phenomenon known only as Archetype Earth. As Archetype Earth, there was no doubting that Arcueid was the White Princess of the True Ancestor Vampires.

I'll have to have a little talk with him once he gets back...

To put this situation simply, Archetype Earth Arcueid Brunestud was watching the events of the Reapers' Game unfold in the safety of a pocket dimension where no one would disturb her. And she was not pleased one bit with Shiki's performance. Not only did he fail to protect Ciel when she needed him, instead being overshadowed by some Minato Arisato, he forsook the second part of the agreement.

Part of the reason Shiki was allowed into the Reapers' Game was because the will of the Earth, the Counter Force, allowed him to. The Counter Force acted upon what was best for itself, and it observed that it was for the benefit of the world that Ciel would return to the world of the living to report her findings on Arch Demon Akibahara, as well as another later incident stirred up by a "Fiamma of the Right." The full details were entirely known only to Arcueid, and partially known to Shiki.

Thus, Shiki broke the second part of the condition under which he was allowed to enter the Reapers' Game. Ensuring the protection of the world. While the end result was fine and dandy with Akibahara being defeated temporarily, the fact remained that Shiki had potentially forsaken the multiverse all for a petty little flame he had a few months ago by the name of Mikasa Ackerman. An untrustworthy boy who was ready to give everything up, he was.

"Huhu... when you get back, Shiki, you're going to be in big trouble. I'll have to thoroughly punish you for your crimes..."

Still, just who exactly was this Minato Arisato anyway? If he was to inhabit her world... well, that wouldn't be much of a problem as long as his actions didn't attract any attention. After all, he won't be the last intruder from another world to come to this dimension.

Frank Castle, Minato Arisato, Arch Demon Akibahara, Fiamma of the Right. My, what a colorful bunch of intruders we have and will have indeed. This shall be fun.

You're lucky I have a few other things to be drawn to at the moment, Shiki...
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"Armin? Where is Eren?"

To this day, the eyes of Armin at such a question is the most horrific experience Mikasa has endured.



Game Over

It mattered not what occurred, for it was the destination, not the journey, that mattered. All of the blood, the sacrifices, the anguish, and the precautions needed to take that extra step; to achieve what was absolutely necessary. In truth, Mikasa never faltered in her beliefs of what was morally right, not just for the Games, but for the very sanctity of her family. Selfishly, it was not just a morally righteous crusade, but a desperate attempt to save a family she swore to never lose again. After all, a common tradition within Mikasa's clan was the motto of, "Family, Duty, and Honor".

She had no family left, their lives at the hands of the Titans or watching her hollowed shell fighting for a greater purpose. All purpose and duty was lost, slowly withering away into the nothingness of the abyss, John's downfall signalling Mikasa's overarching plans collapsing onto themselves. What little sense of honor she held left seemed so arbitrary, so null, left to be forgotten with the rest of her deeds to strive for a better future. In the eyes of players and Joshua, she was but another threat, to be ignorantly wiped away in history as a dastardly, fiendish Angel of Death.

Standing her ground for one last time, Joshua's words held no bearing, no meaning, no emotion in Mikasa's ears. She already her knew fate, she knew the consequences for the beginning, and for failing her master, she would be gifted with a hell masqueraded as a heaven. Where her soul, birthed of warfare and tragedy, would finally be at rest. A world were fake smiles and fake laughter filled every morning, the birds chirping and the baker joyfully presenting to his townsfolk another batch of freshly-baked bread. A world were Titans didn't exist, a world with no semblance of suffering, no desire of the human personality to struggle in the slightest; a child's fantasy.

Two arms wrapped around her own, dragging her slowly away by the Composer's orders. Limply, Mikasa held her head down, vilified as some radical zealot and nothing more. At each player she passed, Mikasa gazed into their eyes, more often than not garnering looks of spite and disgust. Occasionally, she felt a stone chucked at her, smashing against skin and flesh, crimson spilling onto cement below. To those of a certain piety, an analogy to a martyr thousands of years ago could almost be conjured, paraded down a forgotten street holding upon his head a crown of thrones.

"History is written by the victors..." Mikasa whispered, seeing her scarf waver on Chandra's belt akin to a savage trophy, not too unlike a pelt or scalp. For a brief moment, the last Ackerman considered bursting out of her grasp, to vainly retrieve what little of her world she had left. Yet, her hollowed form could not bring herself forwards, the dignity stripped bare for the world to mock and applaud at. Slowly, Mikasa looked away from Chandra, still upholding her gaze of eerie emptiness, blood trickling down her forehead. She was tired of fighting, and yet, as she grew closer and closer to her soul being at tranquility, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread rise up in her soul.

This was not her happy ending.

This was her final ending.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yiyel @Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Savvy Savant @york @SirDerpingtonIV @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @Mari @DapperDogman @Xibilation @BarrenThin @Everybody

Minato considered Josh's words for a moment. It wasn't exactly fair to them, but then again, the game hadn't been fair at all. For an instant, he felt sympathy for Yuka, the young girl having only wanted to go home to her brother and friends. Then with a shake of his head, those thoughts vanished, "A sympathetic traitor is still a traitor... Josh, may I ask request something? I don't want to go to my world when I return to life. Instead, I.... I want to be with Ciel."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@The Pimp Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Asha stepped forwards. "In the same likelihood, I feel that my world may hold nothing for me. As such, if you would allow it, I would like to follow Crono into his own world to aid him. Is this within the realm of possibility?"
And finally.. It was time for Teresa's ending.

It wasn't something one could call 'happy', per se, but it didn't seem as bad as it could have been. She could've failed, again.. Let down not only the reapers and other players, but the entirety of the universe..

But she hadn't.

For once in her life... Teresa Agnes had won. She'd not only tried to do the right thing.... But had succeeded. With the help of countless strangers, she had played her hand in saving the world from utter destruction.

And it had felt amazing.


She watched Joshua with a rejuvenated focus, squinting from the way he glowed, hearing out every last word. So... John had served a demon? Somehow, the glader wasn't surprised.

She seemed to take a bit to let all of this info sink in, standing in a daze. Even though pain, fear, anger and slight sadness were overwhelming her.. A bright smile was sealed on those defined lips.

It was finally over..

Using every last ounce of strength, the young woman stood taller than ever, hesitating. "..Wait..." she stammered, hurriedly as the traitors were apprehended.


"Joshua.. Two of them were possessed. There.. There has to be a way to separate the melded souls.. R-right?"

As much as she hated to say it.. She didn't want to see soft spoken Ryu and little Yuka go..

...But maybe this was how it had to be, to keep things in order.


However, the widest and most sincere smile found its way to the woman's lips at the appearance of her wolf companion. "Little Guy!" she exclaimed, excitedly. Without thinking, she went to throw her arms around Joshua and give him a tight hug. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you! What can I do to repay you?"

There was a pause as she realized what she'd done, to which she quickly pulled back, blushing wildly and offering a sheepish smile. "Oh, uh.. Sorry.. Guess I got a little overexcited," she apologized.

At the explanation, Teresa actually seemed to falter. Though, the hesitation lasted mere seconds before vanishing completely, replaced with all seriousness. "I... I have no place back where you'd call my 'home'. It'd be my pleasure to stay here and serve as a reaper, if you'd allow it.. I swear to do everything, and I mean everything, in my power to keep your game and every world safe. You have my oath."

Looking around at the rest of the group, Teresa couldn't help but wonder... Would they get their endings as well? Secretly, she deeply hoped these folk would stay- or at least visit -especially Reagan, Ryu(if allowed to stay), Crono, Asha, Minato, Jen, and Ciel.

So basically, those she had fought alongside. They all seemed like honorable warriors.. It be her pleasure to meet them again.

@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin @Yiyel @The Pimp Tactician @Verite @Mari @Librarian Cat @Krieg @TheColourlessRainbow @ResistingTheEnlightened @Catwoman surpreme @Wedge Antilles @Xibilation @Gummi Bunnies @Ryu Keiko @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Everyone I missed 'cause SO MANY NAMES AHH​
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york

Asha nodded. "It is settled then. Thank you. As for the demon, I will even personally return if I have information."

He then turned to Crono. "Though if I am to follow you, I probably will require some gear..."

On a thought, he turned back to Joshua. "On a thought... Since the game is over, is there a way our friend here could stop being under the influence of his silence pin? He might have a few words to say..."
It was all over, the nightmare was over. Though, turns out that Yuka had to pass on due to being a traitor. She didn't mind it apparently, only hoping that she wouldn't cause any more problems.

"Guys... thanks for trying... But I think I caused enough trouble. I'll be alright with passing on... Nothing should hurt me from that point onward..." Yuka noticed that some like Teresa were realizing that Yuka was controlled by Sachiko at some points of the game. She preferred to move on anyways, it would be more peaceful for her, but she would miss things before doing the Sachiko Ever After charm. Like her family, her friends, her childhood memories.

Either way, Yuka had to grow up, move on, even if it meant accepting death.

"Armin? Where is Eren?"

To this day, the eyes of Armin at such a question is the most horrific experience Mikasa has endured.



Game Over

It mattered not what occurred, for it was the destination, not the journey, that mattered. All of the blood, the sacrifices, the anguish, and the precautions needed to take that extra step; to achieve what was absolutely necessary. In truth, Mikasa never faltered in her beliefs of what was morally right, not just for the Games, but for the very sanctity of her family. Selfishly, it was not just a morally righteous crusade, but a desperate attempt to save a family she swore to never lose again. After all, a common tradition within Mikasa's clan was the motto of, "Family, Duty, and Honor".

She had no family left, their lives at the hands of the Titans or watching her hollowed shell fighting for a greater purpose. All purpose and duty was lost, slowly withering away into the nothingness of the abyss, John's downfall signalling Mikasa's overarching plans collapsing onto themselves. What little sense of honor she held left seemed so arbitrary, so null, left to be forgotten with the rest of her deeds to strive for a better future. In the eyes of players and Joshua, she was but another threat, to be ignorantly wiped away in history as a dastardly, fiendish Angel of Death.

Standing her ground for one last time, Joshua's words held no bearing, no meaning, no emotion in Mikasa's ears. She already her knew fate, she knew the consequences for the beginning, and for failing her master, she would be gifted with a hell masqueraded as a heaven. Where her soul, birthed of warfare and tragedy, would finally be at rest. A world were fake smiles and fake laughter filled every morning, the birds chirping and the baker joyfully presenting to his townsfolk another batch of freshly-baked bread. A world were Titans didn't exist, a world with no semblance of suffering, no desire of the human personality to struggle in the slightest; a child's fantasy.

Two arms wrapped around her own, dragging her slowly away by the Composer's orders. Limply, Mikasa held her head down, vilified as some radical zealot and nothing more. At each player she passed, Mikasa gazed into their eyes, more often than not garnering looks of spite and disgust. Occasionally, she felt a stone chucked at her, smashing against skin and flesh, crimson spilling onto cement below. To those of a certain piety, an analogy to a martyr thousands of years ago could almost be conjured, paraded down a forgotten street holding upon his head a crown of thrones.

"History is written by the victors..." Mikasa whispered, seeing her scarf waver on Chandra's belt akin to a savage trophy, not too unlike a pelt or scalp. For a brief moment, the last Ackerman considered bursting out of her grasp, to vainly retrieve what little of her world she had left. Yet, her hollowed form could not bring herself forwards, the dignity stripped bare for the world to mock and applaud at. Slowly, Mikasa looked away from Chandra, still upholding her gaze of eerie emptiness, blood trickling down her forehead. She was tired of fighting, and yet, as she grew closer and closer to her soul being at tranquility, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread rise up in her soul.

This was not her happy ending.

This was her final ending.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yiyel @Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Savvy Savant @york @SirDerpingtonIV @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @Mari @DapperDogman @Xibilation @BarrenThin @Everybody

Crono made a few motions to Asha, indicating that he would be able to get him equipped once they were on his world, though, before he could decide whether to become a reaper or to go straight home, he noticed Yuka standing there... It seemed even the traitors had time to talk before they went on their way, he looked over at Mikasa, approaching her slowly, and as he passed her by, he gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder, as if to comfort her. Soon enough though, he had approached Yuka, giving her encouraging smile, but, sinc ehe could speak, he figured he'd let his actions speak for himself. Reaching into his pockets, he pulled out a little silver "token", holding it out for her. It was a silver point as they had called it, something he'd recieved during the Millenial Fair. It didn't seem like a big deal, but, it was the best thing he could give her, it didn't have any markings on it, but, remarkably, it seemed surprisingly smooth, clean and polished looking despite it's countless years of use. With any luck, it would bring Yuka at least some comfort in the afterlife, wherever she would go once she passed on, he hoped the other traitors, despite all they've done would be able to pass on peacefully now that all this was over...​


The battle had been won and Thanos looked over the group as Joshua said his piece.​

There was only one choice that rang true to him and that was to return to the land of the living. Thanos was no man's lackey and to play this farce of a game was too much. The entry fee meant little...if he would lose it how would he know what he lost? With that he'd move towards the statue of Hachiko to be returned to his proper time and place. There were no farewells or well wishes there was only silence before his return back to the land of the living.


He was back on his space station the vastness of space surrounding him.
"Computer repeat the star cycle." He spoke aloud curious to see how long it had passed in the real world but he was only met by silence. He would try again. "Computer repeat the star cycle." This time a reply came but it was not from his computer.

"It amazes me that you have returned."
That voice...Thanos turned to face the speaker, the surprise on his face was evident.


"How can this be?!"
A blast of pure cosmic power hit Thanos right in the abdomen leaving a smouldering hole behind as the Mad Titan feel to his knees breathing one final gasp before falling dead to the ground. His murderer would walk up to the body.
"You were bread for failure, but I suppose..."


"Even one of my clones would do the impossible and break its programming."
With a snap of his fingers a couple of droids would arrive. "Clean up this mess. I'll be in the research room." As the droids went to work Thanos would have continued on down the hallway to his research room. Pushing a button the screen inside would flicker to life as he sat down on a throne. "Computer review Clone 616s memory banks starting from its time of death."

And so Thanos would sit there in silence reviewing everything the clone had experienced after its death. Once finished Thanos grin.


"How very interesting."

~The End~
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Joshua nodded. "I'll allow it if you do one thing for me..."

Let me touch ur butt. ;D

"...stay in contact with me. Let me know if you hear anything more about this Akibahara demon nonsense."
"Maybe... Ciel, why don't we become reapers?" Minato pondered aloud, a thoughtful expression on his face, "We could go back to our worlds if we need to, and we can make sure something like John doesn't happen again."

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"A Reaper? Well, I'm sure that would have many benefits, but I'm afraid that my business back home is more important. I have a report to enter and a case to investigate further," she spoke, her gaze fixed upon Joshua, "However, if I am able to, I shall keep you updated on the Akibahara anomaly. He is a case that my people are working on at the moment, after all."

"Furthermore, I may take the Composer up on the offer to replay the game. That boy with the glasses and blue uniform... I think he might be connected to what my entry fee was, and the Akibahara case. I need my memory back. That's why I may go back. After that, we can go home. I trust that is acceptable, Minato-kun?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician

The composer paused.

"As for the traitors, you will have no such options. Emma, Ryu, Yuka, and Mikasa all must pass on. I cannot have players who I am not able to trust."

He snapped his fingers and a group of reapers stepped forward, making their way for the traitors. They began to drag the surviving traitors away toward the portal that would send their souls on...

Emma Frost, stood tall and proud, as the reapers would make their way to take away Emma, Ryu, Yuka, and Mikasa. She looked at the others, and wondered if they would have made a formidable team under a more normal circumstance. Then, she turned to look at and address the reapers that would usher her towards the portal.


In her mind though, the presence in was still there, talking to her.


Cassandra Nova reassured Emma. "If my weak brother Charles can do it, I am sure you can. Follow my instructions, and you can latch onto another mind here. And return to the land of the living."

"And we can work on getting you into your real self."

Emma nodded. It was the only way out of this, and once there, Emma could work on... being free from Cassandra. But for now, she followed along, while she would walk herself to the portal. She hated Cassandra Nova with a fierce passion, but she would have to rely on her for a while.

@Krieg @Ryu Keiko @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Well, it was over, it was finally over...
To be frank, Garrus never even did much, he only got to use his pins once, and that was to shoot a guy he never even thought would do so much...
Whelp, now it's all over, not much to say, honestly. Overall, it was a boring experience, Shepard and the gang were better partners than the two who always bickered back and forth, although it was nice to have some company. Then again, he paid a very hefty entree fee to get in here, I mean, his favorite sniper rifle? And to never see it again. Well, Shepard always has a way of surprising Garrus...It's time Garrus did a little surprising of his own.

So thus, he went to the statue of Hachiko. Eager to see what mess that Shepard left for him to clean up

@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin @Yiyel @The Pimp Tactician @Verite @Mari @Librarian Cat @Krieg @TheColourlessRainbow@ResistingTheEnlightened @Catwoman surpreme @Wedge Antilles @Xibilation @Gummi Bunnies @Ryu Keiko @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV@Everyone I missed 'cause SO MANY NAMES AHH

"Armin? Where is Eren?"

To this day, the eyes of Armin at such a question is the most horrific experience Mikasa has endured.



Game Over

It mattered not what occurred, for it was the destination, not the journey, that mattered. All of the blood, the sacrifices, the anguish, and the precautions needed to take that extra step; to achieve what was absolutely necessary. In truth, Mikasa never faltered in her beliefs of what was morally right, not just for the Games, but for the very sanctity of her family. Selfishly, it was not just a morally righteous crusade, but a desperate attempt to save a family she swore to never lose again. After all, a common tradition within Mikasa's clan was the motto of, "Family, Duty, and Honor".

She had no family left, their lives at the hands of the Titans or watching her hollowed shell fighting for a greater purpose. All purpose and duty was lost, slowly withering away into the nothingness of the abyss, John's downfall signalling Mikasa's overarching plans collapsing onto themselves. What little sense of honor she held left seemed so arbitrary, so null, left to be forgotten with the rest of her deeds to strive for a better future. In the eyes of players and Joshua, she was but another threat, to be ignorantly wiped away in history as a dastardly, fiendish Angel of Death.

Standing her ground for one last time, Joshua's words held no bearing, no meaning, no emotion in Mikasa's ears. She already her knew fate, she knew the consequences for the beginning, and for failing her master, she would be gifted with a hell masqueraded as a heaven. Where her soul, birthed of warfare and tragedy, would finally be at rest. A world were fake smiles and fake laughter filled every morning, the birds chirping and the baker joyfully presenting to his townsfolk another batch of freshly-baked bread. A world were Titans didn't exist, a world with no semblance of suffering, no desire of the human personality to struggle in the slightest; a child's fantasy.

Two arms wrapped around her own, dragging her slowly away by the Composer's orders. Limply, Mikasa held her head down, vilified as some radical zealot and nothing more. At each player she passed, Mikasa gazed into their eyes, more often than not garnering looks of spite and disgust. Occasionally, she felt a stone chucked at her, smashing against skin and flesh, crimson spilling onto cement below. To those of a certain piety, an analogy to a martyr thousands of years ago could almost be conjured, paraded down a forgotten street holding upon his head a crown of thrones.

"History is written by the victors..." Mikasa whispered, seeing her scarf waver on Chandra's belt akin to a savage trophy, not too unlike a pelt or scalp. For a brief moment, the last Ackerman considered bursting out of her grasp, to vainly retrieve what little of her world she had left. Yet, her hollowed form could not bring herself forwards, the dignity stripped bare for the world to mock and applaud at. Slowly, Mikasa looked away from Chandra, still upholding her gaze of eerie emptiness, blood trickling down her forehead. She was tired of fighting, and yet, as she grew closer and closer to her soul being at tranquility, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread rise up in her soul.

This was not her happy ending.

This was her final ending.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yiyel @Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Savvy Savant @york @SirDerpingtonIV @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @Mari @DapperDogman @Xibilation @BarrenThin @Everybody
As the ratings demanded, Mikasa would indeed be given a hug. A pair of warm arms wrapped themselves around the young girl from behind. He was probably too close for his own good, but if this was the last time he would lay eyes upon her, and nothing can be changed about it, Shiki figured it was alright to be a little closer than expected.

"Jeez... you idiot. Why didn't you listen to me? If you had just went with me, we could have stopped this from happening to you. The Conductor might have reconsidered if you went with me, with Joshua," he spoke softly, choking back tears, "Stupid, stupid, stupid! What were you thinking? If you wanted to stop the Murder Games... you should have just went with me. You aren't the only one trying to stop this stupid cycle, y'know!"

A pause. Then he spoke again.

"But I guess it's too late for any of that. It is what it is, but... I'll shoulder your burden for you. I'll fight Akibahara. I'll fight against the Murder Games. I was there since the beginning, after all. And I'm the kind of person who would rather see things through after all. So don't worry... Don't worry your pretty little face. I'll end the cycle for you."

A promise he intended to keep. An oath he would uphold forever.

"Mikasa... I'll always love you. Now and forever."

Was it mistimed? Probably.

Was it the truth? Most definitely.

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He smiled, seeminhly walking up to her as Frank brushed Teresa's shoulder. "That's it... We did it... We did it!" Frank gave her a tight hug of victory, laughing in happiness... "Now... What will you do?"

@Savvy Savant
Epilogue Part Two: And All Was Done

Teresa was evidently surprised by the sudden action, blinking with surprise. Her body tensed upon touch, unused to friendly contact and slightly pained since the burns were touched, but slowly she relaxed. The pain.. It was over.

Everything was okay.

She chuckled softly at Reagan's reaction, hesitantly returning the hug. "Yeah, we did, huh..?" she mused in reply, smiling softly. It seemed she was unused to gentle physical contact. Not after all of the time she'd been with WICKED, and in the Maze, and.. Everywhere else the seventeen-year-old had been unlucky enough to wind up.

Just in this game alone, the poor girl had been through a lifetime's worth of physical trauma, and it clearly showed. She'd had many a scar on her pale skin upon entry, but now, her entire body was littered with burns(fire and electrical), a stab wound, and more. It was a miracle she hadn't collapsed and given into the voice of death luring her to an eternal sleep.. But she fought it.

And she had won.

At the question, there came only a simple shrug.

"Well.. I've got nothing. No home, no friends, no family," she replied, expression simply thoughtful and empty. "..There's no point in going back when home is simply somewhere where you can feel.. Wanted. Purposeful."

"Like you truly... Belong."

There was another pause, before her features turned back to her typical poker face, and her gaze turned to the ground. "The closest thing I have to that is here. Where I can assure that balance stays, and that there's no more incidents like this. Maybe I don't have family or friends here, but.. At least I have Little Guy, here," she nodded happily to the wolf pup held tenderly in her arms. "..and I can know I'm doing something useful, in this world and the next."

Another pause came, and she laughed slightly, shaking her head. "Y'know.. I used to think I knew the world. That I knew what was right, and what was wrong. But now that I look back.. All those things I did... They were wrong. I was in the wrong..."

"...And I want to fix that."

At this point, the woman had actually.. Been brought to tears?

How could this happen? I... I'm not supposed to.. Feel...


"Sorry.. I just.. Ah," she apologized, seemingly for the tears streaming silently down her face. She wasn't supposed to feel, or cry, or show any emotion.. But yet, here she was; the last one. The betrayer. Brought to tears by the past of which she used to be proud of. Frowning at the fact she was displaying these emotions, these overwhelming feelings she'd kept locked away so tightly for the entirety of her life, visibly.

So, she tried furiously to wipe away her tears with the tattered remains of what used to be her clothes, trying to ignore the pain touching the burns brought about. But, this proved useless... It looked like now that the tears had started, they weren't ready to stop. This frustrated the young woman to no end, and she desperately tried to stop this to no avail. "G-gah.. I'm not supposed to.. feel..." she muttered, inaudibly, cursing.

Well, whaddya know.. Even Teresa Agnes had to cry sometime.

Hoping to change the focus away from herself, Teresa decided to ask right back. "And yourself..?" she asked Reagan, forcing a shaky smile.

Maybe the girl just needed a hug. :)

@Ryu Keiko @BarrenThin @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @york @Mari @Catwoman surpreme @Librarian Cat @Yiyel @TheColourlessRainbow @Xibilation @Wedges Antilles @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV
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