Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Chandra followed with the group, not sure of what to think about everything going on, it was all so sudden, such a huge overload of information to process

She did see a boy summon something with a gun like the one that girl had to her head

She kept her eyes trained on the girl's finger, ready to scorch it clean off if she tried to use it to do the same

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Emma Frost smiled at Claptrap as he hid behind the massive Thanos. "Ah, so you actually found Thanos to be useful after all", she said to him.


"At least someone found him useful."

@Gummi Bunnies @Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Yiyel @Jeremi
"I know! This one time, We were fighting this giant octopus thing and I was gonna drown in water, and this big guy came up and said: "Hey, Claptrap, Since you helped us out so much fighting that Octopus, I'll help not drown!" Claptrap lied, quoting in a fake masculine voice to represent Thanos

"Yep, Me and him are like Two peas in a pod, Two bullets in a mag..! Two... Cannibal midgets in a fat guys ribcage!" Claptrap lied once more, Getting carried away. "We're that best of friends." Claptrap lied even farther.

@Mari @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Verite @Yiyel
Marcus Wright looked at Minato.


"Yeah, it just looked like a gun to me." Marcus spoke as the woman was still in a threatening mode. "I wouldn't know what this 'evoker' of yours is. Maybe I'll just let you handle this then." He then went to stay with Yuka and Marie, and had his Masamune pin in his hand, in case he needed to protect himself, or Yuka and Marie.

@Gummi Bunnies @Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Yiyel @Jeremi
Marie had gasped as he stood in between the rest of them and the woman holding the gun- Evoker, whatever. "Marcus!" She reached for his arm, trying to pull him back. When Minato explained that it wasn't a gun, she slowly stepped forward next to Marcus, her wings fluttering with anxiety. Her entire body was tense. "What's an Evoker?" she asked, slowly, her gaze shifting back and forth from the woman and Minato.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @york @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Yiyel @Jeremi @Mari @First floor
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@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @first floor people

Asha just sighed, shaking his head. "Let me know when you've dealt with the unstable human - I'll be checking the other rooms for materials or dangers."

And with that, Asha walked out and checked the next room possible to check.
Jack shrugged. "Don't ask me. I haven't a bloody clue where we'd go inside this place."

Coco took a step forward. "Well, I have pretty good hearing. I might be able to track down the person who needs help," she said, slowly walking ahead in the maze. She took a right turn and then a left turn immediately. The sound of the person calling for help grew louder as they moved along.​
Rocket looked to Jack and gave a nod. Then she smiled at Coco. "Alright." She replied then as Coco led the way she followed turning left the same way she saw Coco go ahead of her. She could hear the one calling get louder. She gave a small smile. "I think were getting close." She said still following.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marie had gasped as he stood in between the rest of them and the woman holding the gun- Evoker, whatever. "Marcus!" She reached for his arm, trying to pull him back. When Minato explained that it wasn't a gun, she slowly stepped forward next to Marcus, her wings fluttering with anxiety. Her entire body was tense. "What's an Evoker?" she asked, slowly, her gaze shifting back and forth from the woman and Minato.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @york @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Yiyel @Jeremi @Mari @First floor

"Thanks Marie", he said, after she pulled him away from the conflict. He looked at Marie, in the eyes.


His heart, and mind, felt a little different at that moment. The feeling that someone would actually care about him, that much, it felt so strange.

He looked towards Yuka, who he took upon himself to watch over and protect as much as possible. He looked at Marie again, who he also felt a guilt for her "death" earlier, now he was fiercely protective of her, not wanting her to suffer any more than she already had. Those things came naturally to him.

But, Marie, protective of him? It seemed so... strange. "Thanks," he said to her, "but why did you do that? I'm not worth a damn to protect."

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @Xibilation
Marie had gasped as he stood in between the rest of them and the woman holding the gun- Evoker, whatever. "Marcus!" She reached for his arm, trying to pull him back. When Minato explained that it wasn't a gun, she slowly stepped forward next to Marcus, her wings fluttering with anxiety. Her entire body was tense. "What's an Evoker?" she asked, slowly, her gaze shifting back and forth from the woman and Minato.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @york @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Yiyel @Jeremi @Mari @First floor
"An Evoker is the tool one uses to summon their inner self, the Persona. The tool I and my counterpart are such devices, ready to summon our Personas. It can be powerful tool or a terrible weapon in certain hands," Minato explained, eyes targeted solely on the girl they had discovered. He needed to be ready for the draw, knowing that things could go wrong at any second.​
"Thanks Marie", he said, after she pulled him away from the conflict. He looked at Marie, in the eyes.


His heart, and mind, felt a little different at that moment. The feeling that someone would actually care about him, that much, it felt so strange.

He looked towards Yuka, who he took upon himself to watch over and protect as much as possible. He looked at Marie again, who he also felt a guilt for her "death" earlier, now he was fiercely protective of her, not wanting her to suffer any more than she already had. Those things came naturally to him.

But, Marie, protective of him? It seemed so... strange. "Thanks," he said to her, "but why did you do that? I'm not worth a damn to protect."

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @Xibilation
"Everyone is worth protecting," she answered, looking back at him. "Even you, because you've been a good man to both that little girl and I, and I know your living self must have done something bad, but you've only been good here, and that's all that counts for me." Her cheeks were slightly flushed after her mini-rant.
"An Evoker is the tool one uses to summon their inner self, the Persona. The tool I and my counterpart are such devices, ready to summon our Personas. It can be powerful tool or a terrible weapon in certain hands," Minato explained, eyes targeted solely on the girl they had discovered. He needed to be ready for the draw, knowing that things could go wrong at any second.​
Marie broke eye contact with Marcus when Minato responded, taking in the information. "Persona?"
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"Everyone is worth protecting," she answered, looking back at him. "Even you, because you've been a good man to both that little girl and I, and I know your living self must have done something bad, but you've only been good here, and that's all that counts for me." Her cheeks were slightly flushed after her mini-rant.

Marie broke eye contact with Marcus when Minato responded, taking in the information. "Persona?"
Minato nodded, "A Persona is the mask one forms to face reality, the wall one forms to protect from despair. Orpheus, the being I summoned earlier and Master of Strings, is my Persona. Like the strings of the harp on his back, I pluck the strings that connect humanity together to create more Personas, my melodies," he wondered if he could return to the Velvet Room while here, finding the idea of fusing more Personas desirable.

@Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Everyone is worth protecting," she answered, looking back at him. "Even you, because you've been a good man to both that little girl and I, and I know your living self must have done something bad, but you've only been good here, and that's all that counts for me." Her cheeks were slightly flushed after her mini-rant.

Marcus Wright felt his heart pound even harder, as Marie gave him a stern verbal beat-down. "Only because I feel guilt over your death earlier," he responded softly, his eyes not leaving hers, "I'll let you get away with lecturing me like that."

He noticed her cheeks being flush, probably with anger given the words she said and the way she said them. I'm going to regret this probably, he thought, as he moved closer to her.

Marcus kissed Marie on her left cheek. "Maybe that'll cool you off a bit", he said.

@Gummi Bunnies @Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician
Marcus Wright felt his heart pound even harder, as Marie gave him a stern verbal beat-down. "Only because I feel guilt over your death earlier," he responded softly, his eyes not leaving hers, "I'll let you get away with lecturing me like that."
She raised an eyebrow. "Let me? I-"
He noticed her cheeks being flush, probably with anger given the words she said and the way she said them. I'm going to regret this probably, he thought, as he moved closer to her.

Marcus kissed Marie on her left cheek. "Maybe that'll cool you off a bit", he said.

@Gummi Bunnies @Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician
Instead of cooling her down, the kiss only made her cheeks redden more. Her mouth was frozen open in surprise, eyes wide. "I-I-I-I..." She normally didn't stutter.

There was a pause.

"I think I am normally much cooler when a nice man isn't demeaning himself and a woman isn't threatening to unleash a weapon on the side." Her face was still pretty red as she said this, bashfulness wanted her to break eye contact but curiosity keeping her from it.
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She raised an eyebrow. "Let me? I-"

Instead of cooling her down, the kiss only made her cheeks redden more. Her mouth was frozen open in surprise, eyes wide. "I-I-I-I..." She normally didn't stutter.

There was a pause.

"I think I am normally much cooler when a nice man isn't demeaning himself and a woman isn't threatening to unleash a weapon on the side." Her face was still pretty red as she said this, bashfulness wanted her to break eye contact but curiosity keeping her from it.

Marcus looked at Marie intently. "You're right, Marie. I'm just not used to people putting themselves on the line for me. I'm used to getting left behind. People not giving a damn about me. I don't remember anything about my past, but something inside," he gestured to his chest, "tells me how empty I was. From now on, I'll listen to you. You seem to make the heart beat harder, I don't exactly know why."

"And, I'm sorry, it seems I made your cheeks even redder." He leaned over and kissed her other cheek, her right cheek. "At least it's balanced out now."

He took Marie in his arms, and turned towards Minato. "It seems like he's the only one who knows what's going on, so I guess we should see what happens."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Pimp Tactician @Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Ryu, trying to keep himself from daydreaming so much, blinked as he awoke from yet another daydream. He sighed as he looked around, seeing he was still with Teresa and the others. What was going on again? Damn, I hate when I miss out on all the info. He thought.

@Savvy Savant @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Librarian Cat

Ryou nodded, "well into the hospital we go," he suggested gesturing to the building.

"Don't you have horrible memories about hospitals," Bakura said looking at the shorter teen, "because of you," Ryou said coldly.
@Librarian Cat

Ryou nodded, "well into the hospital we go," he suggested gesturing to the building.

"Don't you have horrible memories about hospitals," Bakura said looking at the shorter teen, "because of you," Ryou said coldly.
He walked in with them "any Idea on what we should do?"
@Librarian Cat
"No, but if Bakura forgets thanks to the millennium ring I can hear his thoughts I killing myself with a scalpel," he said coldly, Bakura's smirk disappeared.

"I would stop you," Bakura growled, "remember if you die I die," the theif added. "I know, that's how we got in this situation," Ryou said, "Besides it was your falt," he added coldly.
"I know! This one time, We were fighting this giant octopus thing and I was gonna drown in water, and this big guy came up and said: "Hey, Claptrap, Since you helped us out so much fighting that Octopus, I'll help not drown!" Claptrap lied, quoting in a fake masculine voice to represent Thanos

"Yep, Me and him are like Two peas in a pod, Two bullets in a mag..! Two... Cannibal midgets in a fat guys ribcage!" Claptrap lied once more, Getting carried away. "We're that best of friends." Claptrap lied even farther.

@Mari @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Verite @Yiyel

"It is a nuisance of the highest order, and I spared it to leave him as a buffer between everyone else and the traitors. But it seems the traitors found a better joke to leave him alive and to pester us with his continued existence." The annoyance in Thanos voice was evident and his glare towards the machine even more so.

@Mari @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Gummi Bunnies @Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york@Verite @Yiyel
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"The mask one forms to face reality, huh? If it has a form I can comprehend, I can kill it, along with the girl. But I imagine that wouldn't be in any of our best interests, would it?" Shiki asked as he listened to Minato explain Personas and Evokers, glancing at the girl again, "You know... you look just like someone I once knew. Just as pretty too. I really don't want to have to cut you up, so stand down," Shiki warned again.

He silently noted the sudden arrival of Chandra, but said nothing. They had no further business with each other for now, except for the matter of getting out of this place alive. That was a common objective, and he knew how this worked. He had been in one of these sick Murder Games before, and if he was certain about anything, he was certain that this wouldn't be the last.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @Wedge Antilles @Xibilation @DapperDogman @Jeremi @Mari @Xx420BLAZEITxX
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