Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Emma Frost led Ashabel towards the fountain. "Let's see if this watery display holds any clues now shall we, Ashabel?" Emma said. "I wonder if there might be more of those plants in the area as well."

@Arlathina @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Ashabel, the Dancer

Ashabel followed Mari towards the fountains, gazing forlornly at the alien, yet enchantingly beautiful, plants crowding the garden's space. "Have you ever seen anything so beautiful, darling?"

@Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Frank looked at the group. "Odd bunch, we are." He thought to himself before pointing at Welcome to Silent Hill. "I'll go there. Come if you'd like." All of them had Murder in them, so he decided to go either way.
Ashabel, the Dancer

Ashabel followed Mari towards the fountains, gazing forlornly at the alien, yet enchantingly beautiful, plants crowding the garden's space. "Have you ever seen anything so beautiful, darling?"

@Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Emma Frost smiled and nodded at Ashabel. "This is quite the welcoming sight, after the 'sights' of the city being overrun by wild growth, of course. Like weeds. Seeing a well cared for garden is beautiful" she commented as they would walk towards the fountains.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"My species do not fear death. What they fear is the uselessness of a dead body. Dead beings, in my universe at least, can hardly do anything save for rotting."

"From death springs life. All base beings should be aware of one of the constants in the multiverse."

Once arriving at the aquarium he'd try to sneak away from the main area and explore the back rooms.
While the facade of this was quite quaint Thanos was curious to see what this please had hidden behind closed doors.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"... I... I-I think I'm fine with... w...whatever we pick..." Yuka spoke up, but she did have her curiosities with the movie The Reapers' Game... If memory served her right, this was a part of a game that was called the same thing, and that was quite strange if you think about it for a bit. Plus, it sounded like Ciel knew some background on the matters of the other movies... but then again... what was all of this for anyways?

@Verite @Wedge Antilles @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marcus nodded at Yuka. "Okay partner, that sounds good with me. Let's check out the Reaper's Game movie then". He took Yuka's hand and walked with her over to the movie.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marcus nodded at Yuka. "Okay partner, that sounds good with me. Let's check out the Reaper's Game movie then". He took Yuka's hand and walked with her over to the movie.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Hey, I think I'll come and watch too! But Something about that movie title does seem familiar however..." Claptrap said, putting his hand to where his chin would be, Clearly deep in thought.

@Gummi Bunnies @Wedge Antilles @ResistingTheEnlightened @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite
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Upon approaching the white robots inside the garden, the machine perked up and began to scan Jenny with its hands, staying a respectful distance away from her at first. After a moment, the machine spoke.

"You are carrying foreign bacteria. Please let me help you."

The robot brought a little needle out of his hand, holding it toward Jenny calmly.

Accept the robot's help?


//ooc: Let it help you, Jen, I dare you. :) It might not be what you think... Or maybe it will be. ;)
"Bacteria?" Jenny responded, frowning. "That doesn't sound very good... Thanks!" She said with a smile while taking a step closer to the robot. She wasn't really afraid of its needle, and if it was going to help her, then why not? The girl held her wrist out so the robot could inject her with whatever it had prepared.

// I ain't afraid >:3 BRING IT
Teresa nodded her thanks, gladly accepting the pass. "Thank you, sir," she replied, trying her best with the formalities. They weren't exactly her thing.. But she'd come to realization going around calling everyone shit-faces(even if they weren't familiar with the term shuck) probably wasn't a good idea if she intended to make friends. So.. Apparently, she was teaching herself manners.

When the man pointed out the new presence, Teresa glanced over at the other man.


"Oh, uhh.. Thanks," she replied, giving the booth one last glance before cautiously approaching Jack. "Excuse me.. Do you need help with something?" she inquired, looking at the hunched-over pirate curiously. Hopefully, she wouldn't screw up the interaction or scare the man. She wasn't exactly polished with social interactions.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone in the mountain zone
Rocket nodded hearing what Pyrrha would go by near the others. "Amber is what I'm borrowing from a friend." She stated then soon heard a reminder on the wings. She gave a face palm. "Oh right...." She stated. Rocket then looked at the wings a moment and saw Pyrrha already in the air. She breathed then imagined moving the wings soon getting in the air but at first she had some issues getting high enough to follow. 'How the hell does Amber manage and enjoy flying? It seemed so natural when she did it.' She thought then soon finally managed and followed once she was conformable enough she began to help look for clues once more.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yiyel
Eventually, after sitting idly there for a while, Crono decided to ask the interface is he could feed some fish, this way, maybe he'd learn a thing or two, though he was tempted to sneak away to check out the backrooms, but, quickly rethought that, at least until his partner was finished doing his thing.​

As others ventured forwards through the Aquarium, eager on discovering the unknown, the Big Sister sat eerily by herself in the narrow, metallic, serpentine corridor. With her backside placed firmly on the flooring and her legs crossed, the trapped woman was eerily moaning and weeping softly. Her body trembled as gloved hands brushed against the glass before her, vainly trying to admire the artificial sea around her. Visions of Rapture filled the Big Sister's mind, of a home that was unwelcoming, but still, alas, her home.

Scratching at the glass, the Big Sister tapped her helm against it, letting out a unsatisfied, sorrowful moan. Not adjusted to not having the silly, absurd birthday hat on her head, the misguided monster scratched at the top of her diver's helmet somberly. In a matter of mere minutes, the Big Sister felt waves of guilt and remorse crash over her, feeling any vows she held broken and forgotten.

The others moved on, and yet, she felt like staying. Was she a coward? Did she loss hope? Did that one mistake cripple her judging? The insults already ran through her mind about her. Feeling the tears pour out of her eyes, the Big Sister couldn't help but claw at her glass visor. If only she could break it, if only she could remove the helm, and feel...normal. Not a freak, not a monster, not a behemoth, but a young, bright, strong woman.

Spotting a fish gracefully swimming away, the Big Sister couldn't help but notice a starfish lousily making it's way onto the seafloor. In the back of her mind, the mutated diver couldn't help but find a deranged sense of irony in the picture.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Anybody else in Aquarium

After a moment of rest, Ryu stood and stretched. "I guess I should go walking around, huh?" He chuckled as he began to make his way towards the large, strange plants in the Garden. He yawned and walked, feeling his pins, and the one extra pin he know owned, in his pockets and smiled a little. One step closer to getting my Lupa and life back~ He thought.

@Jenny @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone else.
@Gummi Bunnies @Wedge Antilles @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Verite

Most of the group voted to check out the showing of The Reapers' Game first, so the players headed into the theater.


Upon entering, the first thing that started playing was one of those annoying pre-movie commercials.

A man in the audience could be heard clapping upon hearing the commercial, grinning widely.

"Oxiclean works even in the afterlife, that's how powerful it is."


"Let me demonstrate."

The man picked up some greasy popcorn and smeared it all over Yuka's lap. He then took out a mysterious bottle and poured it in the same spot. "Watch as the stain just disappears like magic!"​
"Got it, anything else I need to know? Powers available to me, information about where the guy is?" Minato began to subtly bounce on the balls of his feet, becoming anxious to get moving.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marie's eyebrows shot up. "A reaper? For how long?" The eagerness of the man shocked her. Din't he.... just die? And the woman was kind of unpleasant. Plus, there was that scary man with the green hair and white face.

Oh my.
"Why, you'll be a reaper from now on," Konisi answered Marie. "It's the only option you have left other than dying for good. But I promise, it's not bad. As a reaper you can freely move between the world of the living and dead and even speak with the players again if you'd like." She glanced at Minato, making sure he was aware of something. "You may be able to visit the players again after you're done helping me, but that does not mean you're allowed to assist them. You'll lose your reaper status, and you'll be doomed to your soul shattering again. These aren't my rules, just rules set up by the Producer--aka the one who made this world."

She paused.

"As for your powers as reapers. You'll have a pair of black wings you can fly with. That's basically it. We don't really have anything special. But, you can have all your pins back. You may have three, and even swap them out for any other pins you might like. But you can only have three at a time."

@TheColourlessRainbow @BarrenThin
Minato nodded at her explanation, "Just two final questions. Once this game ends, may we return to our worlds and no longer be reapers? Second, where do we start our hunt?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Elizabeth frowned, then nodded,

"alright, I guess this is better then dying, but I do indeed have one more question," said Elizabeth as she looked the women right in the eyes,

"What is the point of this game? Do the reapers enjoy watching souls desperately try to win, to once again reclaim lives they already had?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Pyrrha facepalmed. "Duh," she muttered to herself, hovering into the air for a moment, before taking off, flying high to look for any movement.

When Pyrrha took off into the sky, she could see that it looked like little movement had happened ever since the players had left the city to move on to a new location. What she could see, however, was something moving atop a roof, several rooftops in fact. Explore the rooftops? Or search elsewhere?
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Asha wondered what the hell sort of question these were.

And then he started responding.

First, Blue.

Then, he had to think a little. He ended up answering Hot Dog.

The next answer was fast - the 'I have no friends' route.

Next up, he decided he'd probably help them up.

And for the gossip? 'I don't care'.

Then 'No friends, but I don't care at all'.

And finally, 1.

He confirmed his choices afterwards.
After Asha enters his test results in, the computer calculates them.

Deep Sea Fish
You consider yourself an "anti conformist". What I mean by that is that you try to separate and isolate yourself from your peers by either changing the way that you look or by changing personality traits. These kinds of fish are not exactly like by many other kinds of fish though which is a real disadvantage to being an individual.

After completing the quiz, the computer exports some fish food from a hole in the bottom. Apparently, it allows you to feed the fish after taking the quiz.
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