Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Roller Coaster Zone
"Welcome to the roller coaster zone! For your enjoyment we have our..."

1.Warpspeed Death Ride

2. Carnival games

3. Food Court
Susan - Roller Coaster Zone

Joy. Honestly, she'd come here without really thinking much on the matter. Perhaps she was just happy she'd attained the immunity she'd worked so hard to obtain, but when she thought about, it really hadn't been difficult at all. 'I took out some old man's trash,' she'd tell her friends (and by this, she meant the cats, obviously). 'It was really quite amazing.' She could see them now, staring up at her with blank eyes, unimpressed with her deeds. What would be a good story to bring home would be a story of survival-- a story of success. 'I survived, ending the parasite's hold over the other players,' she'd say instead, and Teacup would mewl happily for her.

Yet, here she was, at an amusement park, which hardly seemed a place to get anything of real note done. Apparently there were riddles to solve, and so Susan assumed they'd be likely found amidst the Carnival games. Absentmindedly giving Rhyme a pet, she made here way there, wondering where Hrist had gotten herself to...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Carnival Games


For the players who decide to try the carnival games, the group approached a well-lit stand full of games and prizes.

"Step right up and try our carnival games! It's free and you can try as many times as you'd like. If you win, you'll get a prize!"

There were three games to try: Ring Toss, Dart Game and the ever-so-popular Hammer Game
Susan - Roller Coaster Zone

Despite the sudden urge to show off her strength, Susan instead decided to try the ring toss, for she had some idea how she might be able to pull out a win in it. Shielding her eyes against the lights slightly, she stepped up to the game and placed her hands on the counter. "Free sounds good to me," she said to the attendant.


Ring Toss


For those deciding to play the ring toss game, a sign can be seen in front of it explaining the rules.

Rules: You will be given 3 rings. Roll 3 six sided dice on your post.

An odd number = the ring landing on its target.
An even number = the ring missing its target.

All three dice must land on even numbers for you to win a Good prize. 2 rings = an okay prize. 1 ring = random prize.
Rocket smiled and gave a nod. She looked at the pins that where activated then followed Pyrrha. "I'm Rocket by the way." She said as she followed. "And I guess when where with the others I'll go by Amber." She stated not sure if Amber would work for or not but she figured they might as well get to know each other a bit since they would be now working as a team. "How about you?" She asked then looked for anything that might look like a clue or a good place to start.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"I'm Pyrrha Nikos," she said simply, looking around for clues. "But I'll go by Ruby Rose, after a friend of mine," she said quietly, with a nod.
For those deciding to play the ring toss game, a sign can be seen in front of it explaining the rules.

Rules: You will be given 3 rings. Roll 3 six sided dice on your post.

An odd number = the ring landing on its target.
An even number = the ring missing its target.

All three dice must land on even numbers for you to win a Good prize. 2 rings = an okay prize. 1 ring = random prize.
Shrugging, Susan decided to see how she'd do.

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@SirDerpingtonIV @Raven

The two received a text message from Konishi.

Because the two of you are reapers, you each have a set of black reaper wings now. Using them to fly around the town and scout out clues would be your best option.
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@Everyone Headed to The Garden



You walk into the garden and find a beautiful sight to behold. The oddest, yet most beautiful of alien plants can be seen in the distance. In this garden you can see a couple of strange white robots off in the distance, a hedge maze, a few benches to sit on, and a fountain.​

Emma Frost led Ashabel towards the fountain. "Let's see if this watery display holds any clues now shall we, Ashabel?" Emma said. "I wonder if there might be more of those plants in the area as well."

@Arlathina @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The game keeper bowed, flashing a smile at Susan. "No luck for now. Want to give it another try?"

... Well, apparently she had all the tries in the world, so no big deal. Perhaps there was only one prize to whomever managed to win first...

"I'll try again."

As she stepped into the portal leading to the garden, Jenny's eyes and mouth fell open in awe. Everything was so beautiful, and unlike anything she'd ever seen before. She even completely forgot about her lost player pin as she was idly looking around, barely even blinking. A smile grew on her face and she continued walking until she reached the fountain in the middle.

However, that wasn't as interesting as something else the soldier noticed. She quickly left the fountain area and went to figure out what those white robot things were.

// Taking my chances, Kim >:3

Upon approaching the white robots inside the garden, the machine perked up and began to scan Jenny with its hands, staying a respectful distance away from her at first. After a moment, the machine spoke.

"You are carrying foreign bacteria. Please let me help you."

The robot brought a little needle out of his hand, holding it toward Jenny calmly.

Accept the robot's help?


//ooc: Let it help you, Jen, I dare you. :) It might not be what you think... Or maybe it will be. ;)
Evidently, it appeared Teresa had taken a solo path... Again. It was no wonder she had no partner; she seemed to only go to uncrowded areas. Which, could be a blessing or a curse; she could encounter something unseen.. Or, she could have a clear and easy path without trouble. Quietly, she approached the man giving out passes, and offered a forced smile. "Could I get a pass, please..?" she queried.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone in the mountain zone
The man nodded with a smile. "Certainly, miss."

Teresa obtained: hiking pass

It sucked that Teresa was alone, and the man giving out the passes could see that.

"Hey, if you want someone to go with you, you could ask that gentleman over there," he said gesturing to Captain Jack Sparrow, who seemed to be hunched over, looking at something on the ground. Apparently, he had made it to this new location with all the other players.​

The man smiled again, nodding, and holding three more rings out. "Still nothing. Again?"
This was starting to look too sad. This game had to be rigged!

"... Hm." She tried again.

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@SirDerpingtonIV @Raven

The two received a text message from Konishi.

Because the two of you are reapers, you each have a set of black reaper wings now. Using them to fly around the town and scout out clues would be your best option.
Pyrrha facepalmed. "Duh," she muttered to herself, hovering into the air for a moment, before taking off, flying high to look for any movement.

The man clapped his hand with glee. "There we go. You get a plushie!"

Susan obtained a mundane palm-sized tiger plushie. It's fur was soft, and it felt like it was filled with lentils and a cotton coating - had comfortable weight to it.

The stall keeper prepared even more rings. "Again?"
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Asha decided to take a personality quiz.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
When Asha decided to take the personality quiz, he walked over to a computer screen that was near one of the fish tanks, displaying the quiz. It looked like one of those crappy internet quizzes because it was complete with bad grammar and punctuation. Oh well! You decide to take it anyhow! :)

Bold and underline your answers.

1. What is your favorite color out of the one`s listed?

Navy Blue
I dunno... gray is kinda good
Polka Dots... No! Wait! Even Better! Pink Polka Dots :)

2. What`s Your favorite food?

Umm... I like veggies, I am a vegetarian! Meat is Murder.

I like lots of foods. What ever people serve me I guess!

I love icecream! And Don`t forget the Sprinkles!!!

I like fresh meat!. I eat it right off, the bone,,,, shows that stupid animal!

I really like fries, but they`re so bad for me.

I like tofu, I know it`s kind of weird but i really like it alot.


Hot Dog.

I like candy

Pasta... yay,,, carbs

3. Would you tell a friend an embarrassing thing someone said about them?

No, I don`t want to hurt their feelings. What they don`t know won`t hurt them.

I don't have many friends but if someone said a rumor I would say something I`d want them to tell me.

I have a bunch of friends but I`m a gossiper. I was probably saying stuff along with them!


People say stuff about me behind my back! Why should I help people that probably say stuff about me?

I don`t have friends that care about what people say about them. Telling them is a waste of energy.

Who gives a crap what they say! Sure as heck not me!

I have no friends.

Why would people say stuff about someone? That`s just mean. :(

I guess.

4. What would you do if someone fell and tripped on their shoelace?

Laugh and make a joke about it.

Help them up.

Nothing this doesn`t concern me. Why should I get involved?

It depends If they made me feel bad then I wouldn`t help them but if they`re my friend I would help,

Ooooh Barracuda, I`d kick them while they were down, the idiot, who trips on their shoe?

I would thank god it wasn`t me!

I wouldn`t care at all.

5. What if there was a rumor goig around about you. It IS BAD too. What would you do?

Jokingly, I would admit to it and more, to make everyone laugh.

I`d be so upset. That`s really mean.

I`d find the person who started it and kick their butt.

I don`t care at all.

I`d be embarrassed. No big deal though.

I would cry my eyes out. I hate when people talk about me.

Who cares? I would start a worse rumor about the person who started it!

6. How many friends do you have?

1 good friend.

No friends. But i don`t care at all.

I have about 7 people I hand out with.

I have some friends but honestly I don`t think they like me.

Everyone loves me. How could they not?

I hang out with every kind of person. I like everyone!

I hate everyone and everyone hates me. End of story.

7. On a scale of one to 10 how much do you care about what people think of you? (1 Being least)

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Asha wondered what the hell sort of question these were.

And then he started responding.

First, Blue.

Then, he had to think a little. He ended up answering Hot Dog.

The next answer was fast - the 'I have no friends' route.

Next up, he decided he'd probably help them up.

And for the gossip? 'I don't care'.

Then 'No friends, but I don't care at all'.

And finally, 1.

He confirmed his choices afterwards.

@Everyone Headed to The Garden



You walk into the garden and find a beautiful sight to behold. The oddest, yet most beautiful of alien plants can be seen in the distance. In this garden you can see a couple of strange white robots off in the distance, a hedge maze, a few benches to sit on, and a fountain.​
Ryu sat at the benches, looking out at the large Garden... With... the strange... Whatever these things were. "What in the hell..." He mumbled as he sighed and shrugged. "It's fine, I need to rest anyway." he said as he cracked his neck and knuckles, leaning back. His thoughts wondered to Jenny for a minute... Wondering where she was, but he shook those thoughts from his mind. No feeling any regrets now baka. He thought.

@Jenny (The Girl That Should Totally Forgive Ryu TT.TT)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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