Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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Thank you sir... *she leaves very confused. It's only been about a day to her. Why would she be at an orphanage? Better safe than sorry. She though. She began her walk to the orphanage*
She is not at the orphanage, but there appears to be a government employee writing up paperwork. Approach her? Y/N?
"Perhaps...I've always had visions...but...the people I normally see are in Silent Hill that what you mean?"
He wasn't sure why his dreams had changed...was Silent Hill that powerful that it could so easily twist his dreams?
Even after what he'd been through...the trials he'd faced
The horrors he'd witnessed
The things he'd done


"I have no idea if Silent Hill is still affecting us...but we seem to have escaped...even if just for now..."

@Raven @Akibahara
Your apartment complex's lights flickered on and off, it appears a power grid was short-circuiting. You can't figure out why, but your baby does! Well, he doesn't. He cries out, whimpering for it's mother to come cradle him. A few residents in your complex step out of their rooms, complaining to the landlord concerning this little... incident.

Siegfried's eyes flared open as soon as the small chamber was emptied.
Curiously viewing his surroundings, he spotted strange motions not far from him, doing his best to peer out through the transparency before him.
As he fell through, all he could make out where a few distant shapes moving swiftly and quietly as they went on their way.
Rolling to his feet, he looked to the chamber, seeing the remnants of his year-long prison, the outline appearing as if it had not been broken, but cut from without.
"We can't be..." he trailed off as he pricked his finger with one of the shards, writing a message on the floor before quietly following the dark shapes' trail, trying to shake the lingering thoughts from his mind. "We can't still be in Silent Hill, can we?"
The bloody message lingered behind him, seemingly burned into the ground upon which it was writ:
"Beware, Arch-Demon, for now the Hunter becomes the Hunted."
As the alert sounded, Siegfried made it to the location of the group, walking towards them with his hands raised, showing he meant no harm.
"What's going on here? And does anyone know why it looks like something's going to explode?"
The chamber popped open, revealing a very naked Siegfred. It appears he's gained SOME of his powers back, but not all. The good Doctor was frightened, pressing her back against a metal counter as the lights flickered on and off, "S-stay back!" Clearly, he wasn't insane, but given the fact she trapped you in for a YEAR in a friggin' test tube, you're given the option to kill Doctor Baum...

You examine your environment: You're on 'Sector A-1', the top floor, it's filled with test tubes, isolated viral and bacterial pathogens, and has an 'EMERGENCY' button plastered against an elevator.

What will you do?
She is not at the orphanage, but there appears to be a government employee writing up paperwork. Approach her? Y/N?
*Yang walked over and tapped her shoulder* Excuse me miss. Do you know some one that goes by Ellie?
As soon as Ellie saw the boy, she couldn't hold back a small grin. "Looking good, buddy." The kid, we'll just name him Steve, glared at Ellie but remained quiet until officer Kennedy joined the two. Steve was obviously nervous and uncomfortable in this place with officers surrounding him. Ellie however didn't look too troubled.
"Well this little bitch thought it was necessary to punch me, so I taught him a lesson. In self defense."
Steve interrupted her and spoke up "She's lying! I just came up to her and asked her what was up! I was being nice!"
"Oh shut the fuck up, you know you hit me first!"
"It's not true! Ask anyone, they'll back me up!"
"Yeah, because everyone's scared of your ugly face, you fucktard!"
Good luck to Leon :)
Leon Kennedy nodded, hearing Steve and Ellie's story, "Right, right, right. Point of the matter is, both of you are in big trouble. Steve, we've informed your parents and they're coming within the hour - Ellie, you'll be released tomorro--" Breeeeeoooop. The power grid failed, sending the RPD station in perpetual darkness. Huh? Leon Kennedy tapped a few buttons on his transmitter - nothing.


"Dammit. Kids, stay here, I'm check out the power."​
*Yang walked over and tapped her shoulder* Excuse me miss. Do you know some one that goes by Ellie?
She cocked a brow, clearly NOT expecting any visitors, "Depends. Who's asking?"
She cocked a brow, clearly NOT expecting any visitors, "Depends. Who's asking?"
I'm her friend. I lost her a few days ago and I was just wondering where she is. *she would have said sister but they look nothing alike*
Siegfried ran towards the woman, grasping her by the throat and lifting her into the air.
"These visions, and this rage! What have you people been doing to me while I was caged?! I want answers, and maybe I'll let you live. If you tell me what I want to hear, it may be enough to make me forgive." he spoke, his eyes fixed upon the woman before him, another flash and surge of adrenaline flowing through him as he saw himself wrestling against a man with a needle in his hand, which pierced his skin in the struggle.

Shaking the image from his mind, he returned his gaze to the woman, slightly loosening his grip so as to allow her to speak.
"Tell me now, or I'm going to throw you to the bottom floor, and then I'll just walk right out the door!"

I'm her friend. I lost her a few days ago and I was just wondering where she is. *she would have said sister but they look nothing alike*
She frowned, shaking her head, "Not a relative, huh? But that's too bad..." God, Ellie was such a hothead, and she REALLY needed to go, "... I didn't say this, but check out the Raccoon Police Department."
Leon Kennedy nodded, hearing Steve and Ellie's story, "Right, right, right. Point of the matter is, both of you are in big trouble. Steve, we've informed your parents and they're coming within the hour - Ellie, you'll be released tomorro--" Breeeeeoooop. The power grid failed, sending the RPD station in perpetual darkness. Huh? Leon Kennedy tapped a few buttons on his transmitter - nothing.

"Dammit. Kids, stay here, I'm check out the power."​
Ellie stayed behind, sitting herself down on the bed and leaning against the wall, hands still cuffed behind her back. "You fucking liar..." The two of them continued arguing while Leon was gone :)
She frowned, shaking her head, "Not a relative, huh? But that's too bad..." God, Ellie was such a hothead, and she REALLY needed to go, "... I didn't say this, but check out the Raccoon Police Department."
Thank you very much! *she was gonna finally see her. Hopefully she believes that she is alive again. She quickly ran to the police department*
York didn't like this one bit, his intuition told him something was wrong
He reaches for his gun and hands it to Raven "I don't like this" he says, heading into his office and getting another gun
Sliding into his holster, he sighs and shakes his head, he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to leave the pair alone, but taking them put them in danger too...
"What is a man to do? When he'd torn between his heart and his mind?"

@Raven @Akibahara
Claire - Umbrella Research Center - Shiki

Claire stared the female operative down as she aimed back at her. "We're not behind this, but I doubt you'd believe that." Claire wasn't sure even she would believe that. They were intruders during a containment breach; There was really no way to explain themselves in this situation. "We don't want to hurt anyone, we just--"

William interrupted her, asking if they were from Tricell. "Tricell?" For a moment, Claire expressed honest confusion. She wasn't aware how Tricell could possibly be involved, or so she thought. Slowly, a memory came back to her, and Claire knew what Birkin was talking about. That was a life far into the future, if it even existed at all. "We're not associated with anyone! We just need you to come with us!"

But William Birkin wasn't having any of it. He moved quickly, darting behind a counter so that he could open his briefcase. Claire didn't dare fire on him, and she couldn't exactly move to stop him with the operative pointing her gun at her. Claire felt like screaming in frustration.

"Shiki! Stop him!" She turned her gaze on Annette and said, "Your husband is willing to inject himself with the G-Virus! Once he does, he'll look for hosts to implant embryos, one of them being your daughter!" Claire was yelling now, hoping maybe either husband or wife would stop all this. "Just put the briefcase down! Think of your daughter! Think of Sherry!"

Raven keep quiet and listened she two had been through a lot. "I may not have know everyone's names but..." She paused for she no longer felt that words could say how she felt she knew that maybe her eyes said everything how she was sorry for them. How she remembered the pain her and Elsa went through in hell along with the others that she had made friends with but she knew Elsa went through the worst of it. She wondered how her friend was last she saw her Elsa was pregnant Raven was sure the baby had been born and she felt the child was defiantly healthy. She wondered what she had maybe missed at the tower, she wondered if Gar maybe even found someone who he might spend his life with she never thought she would have a chance but she could feel.

Raven was then drawn out of her thoughts as the lights flickered on and off. Raven hears the baby begin to cry. She sighed and like she had done many times for Tether she began to rock him in her arms like he was in a cradled. She whispered in hopes that York couldn't hear she didn't want to admit how she felt when it came to children and for some reason she felt a bond with this child like she had with Melvin, Timmy, and Tether "Everything will be alright I wont let any thing happen to you."

Raven then looked at York and heard him say how he didn't like this. "Yes I agree." She replied as she watched him go to his office. Soon he came back and was handing her a gun. "Um.. Thanks..." She said making a hand free and taking the gun. 'I hope I don't have to use it but at least Rose taught me how... She had said just in case and if there is no Nightwing or Beastboy to save me...Whatever the Hell she meant by that...' She then tilted her head confused. 'Between his heart and mind? What could he mean by that?'

@DapperDogman @Akibahara
Matt looked at her and shooked his head, "No, I believe you can take care of yourself just fine... Except you still need someone to watch your back." He added silently, before walking over to the other side of the car. Upon passing the back, the side of her car appeared with blood all over it, and a severed head. "Shit..." He walked to the passenger door, feeling the "blood" on the window before he looked at her. "S-Sorry." Matt went inside the car and closed the door. He looked at the window, the blood and head now gone..
Regina sat in silence as the jeep spun to life, its engine roaring. The drive to the supermarket was only a mere 10 minutes, and the consist stare of the road gave Regina even more time to think, to think about if she was willing to open up, or give any piece of herself to this man, this.....Detective. The supermarkets parking lot was packet, it was the largest one within the city, and it always seemed to be this way. Regina drove for what seemed like forever until she finally saw a spot available, a small red ford forces was zooming in towards the spot making Regina press on the gas, and take a sharp left turn into the last remaining parking spot. The red ford forces drove pass, its old man driver giving Regina a hateful look. Regina looked to the Detective and pointed towards the double front doors of the supermarket,

"We're going to go in that way, its the quickest to get what I need, so come on." Spoke Regina as she opened her door, and locked it behind her, slowly making her way towards the inside of the supermarket.
Matt was taken into the grocery store, helping Regina find items that would help them for dinner. Eventually, he stopped by the alcohol section, resisting temptation to buy whiskey. "Not now, Matt.." He effortlessly tried to not grab it, losing his battle as he put the bottle in the shopping cart. "Geez, what a-"


The lights went out, and by instinct, he took out his Glock as quick as possible, the screams and shouts of others flushing his cries. "Regina!? Regina!?" He didn't hear where Regina went, but he kept the gun out as another RPD officer yelled from the front. "Everybody, please, be calm!" Matt yelled and tried to help him "Everybody, to the front of the store!"

Yet he desperately searched for Regina

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:bananaman:And where has solaire been this past year?:bananaman:

Solaire has actually been imprisoned for the past year in shrek's swamp.

Yes. Shrek.

Okay not shrek but it's actually a 350 lb dude's basement, which he calls his "swamp" since the floor is covered in water and feces due to the pipes all leading down to this lower floor. Solaire has been living there as a slave and prisoner and deprived of daylight since they, at first he fought. Fought valiantly but it seemed none of his attacks were effective against the grotesquely large man. With his XXXlarge "Legend of Zelda"? Tank top that had a bit of blood and an array of food stains on it, and his belly covering his genitals. Solaire was body slammed into the basement by the man, and locked there for as long as he could remember, Solaire longed to see his wife again. But he wasn't sure how he would escape. But soon enough he came up with a plan!

As Shrek opened the metal door leading into the dark basement, with solaire's food in hand he shouted.

"Here's yar food ya lil rascal! WHERE ARE YOU BBY!?"

Solaire then popped out of no where as the man looked for him and scared him so devastatingly that the man has a heart attack and died. Solaire then walked out the door, and he saw them.


He then killed them with his spookyscarypowers and walked out of the now floating log cabin that used to be the apartment complex he was imprisoned in, he then fell into quick sand, was swallowed up, and then dropped down near Elsa, making a loud thud before passing out.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

:bananaman:And where has solaire been this past year?:bananaman:

Solaire has actually been imprisoned for the past year in shrek's swamp.

Yes. Shrek.

Okay not shrek but it's actually a 350 lb dude's basement, which he calls his "swamp" since the floor is covered in water and feces due to the pipes all leading down to this lower floor. Solaire has been living there as a slave and prisoner and deprived of daylight since they, at first he fought. Fought valiantly but it seemed none of his attacks were effective against the grotesquely large man. With his XXXlarge "Legend of Zelda"? Tank top that had a bit of blood and an array of food stains on it, and his belly covering his genitals. Solaire was body slammed into the basement by the man, and locked there for as long as he could remember, Solaire longed to see his wife again. But he wasn't sure how he would escape. But soon enough he came up with a plan!

As Shrek opened the metal door leading into the dark basement, with solaire's food in hand he shouted.

"Here's yar food ya lil rascal! WHERE ARE YOU BBY!?"

Solaire then popped out of no where as the man looked for him and scared him so devastatingly that the man has a heart attack and died. Solaire then walked out the door, and he saw them.


He then killed them with his spookyscarypowers and walked out of the now floating log cabin that used to be the apartment complex he was imprisoned in, he then fell into quick sand, was swallowed up, and then dropped down near Elsa, making a loud thud before passing out.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


In the midst of visiting with her company, Elsa heard a loud THUD outside her front door. She frowned and raised an eyebrow, thinking it may have been another guest knocking at the door. She wasn't too happy with the idea since she had already a couple people in her house and could only make tea for so many people. When she moved to open the door, however, she gasped feeling her heart explode into quick beats when she saw her husband on the doorstep.


Elsa touched her lips. Had words just come out? Maybe she was imagining it.

Anyhow, she rushed back inside to alert her friends into helping her bring Solaire inside. She grabbed her notebook, in case her voice had been an illusion before, and told them about Solaire's appearance.

"My husband is back! Please help me get him inside! He looks hurt!" she frantically, and sloppily wrote on the paper before rushing back to Solaire. She took hold of his helmet and threw it off his head to at least give him some air and see if he was still breathing.

@Crazy 8 Nate @york @Rin Okumura //ooc: Just gonna assume you guys are with Elsa. If none of you reply, I'll probably just say they helped her. lol. XD
In the midst of visiting with her company, Elsa heard a loud THUD outside her front door. She frowned and raised an eyebrow, thinking it may have been another guest knocking at the door. She wasn't too happy with the idea since she had already a couple people in her house and could only make tea for so many people. When she moved to open the door, however, she gasped feeling her heart explode into quick beats when she saw her husband on the doorstep.
Elsa touched her lips. Had words just come out? Maybe she was imagining it.
Anyhow, she rushed back inside to alert her friends into helping her bring Solaire inside. She grabbed her notebook, in case her voice had been an illusion before, and told them about Solaire's appearance.
"My husband is back! Please help me get him inside! He looks hurt!" she frantically, and sloppily wrote on the paper before rushing back to Solaire. She took hold of his helmet and threw it off his head to at least give him some air and see if he was still breathing.
@Crazy 8 Nate @york @Rin Okumura //ooc: Just gonna assume you guys are with Elsa. If none of you reply, I'll probably just say they helped her. lol. XD
Sophie looked confused for a brief moment when a loud thudding noise sounded outside Elsa's front door, when Elsa went over and opened it, she realized it was Solaire who had landed there. Quickly rushing over to the scene towards him after Elsa, she realized how badly hurt Solaire was, she had no idea where he had been, but she knew he needed help. What Elsa had wrote only confirmed what she had felt, so she knelt down and helped carry him inside; it was the least she could do in this situation.
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