Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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He picked up the dildo curiously and examined it, as if he had never seen such a device before. It looked oddly familiar though, not that he would know unless it was his own body we were talking about here.
Shirou uncomfortably glanced at Rin, and then Shiki, the only female present.
Lee frowned when he saw the dildo, of course, there couldn't be a knife or bat or shard of glass, it had to be a dildo he thought to himself. He grabbed it and, instead of using it on himself, he turned to the crossed. Well, here goes he thought to himself as he snuck up behind the crossed and bashed him across the skull with the solid metal sex toy
The Crossed died.
*No way...not Marcus... First I lose my wife, then my dog, and mentor, my close friend, is now my enemy. It's because of this damn virus or whatever. Isn't it? Shit... I moved towards a large shipping container, hopefully his thing can withstand a few blasts. If not, I'm pretty much screwed. I then crouched down, to help maximize my coverage from incoming explosions, and stray bullets. Now, all I need is a weapon. I began to scan the area around me, searching for a nearby firearm.*
You discover a .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle next to you. Take it? Y/N?
He keeps walking, unsure of how much further he'd have to didn't even make sense, he'd fallen one had he not reached the deck of the ship yet?
"I think something is wrong, we should have reached the deck by now..." he mutters, still walking "You notice how we've climbed three sets of stairs...and still haven't reached the floor from where we were?"

Claire - Medical Bay - Sylvanas/Aiden

"We don't want to hurt ye, lass."

She paused at this, honestly surprised by this sudden change in demeanour. They just wanted to help? No... it didn't seem right, but Claire couldn't deny that something was wrong with her. She was remembering events and people that she was, at the same time, positive she'd never met. She'd thought maybe they were trapped in someone's diseased brain, like Sebastian had described, but it could have been entirely possible that she was simply trapped in her own insane reality. She didn't recognise anyone around her, but how did she know for sure that what she believed to be real wasn't a lie?

... Had Raccoon City been an illusion as well?

Still, surely these doctors and patients couldn't be real. Just more fevered hallucinations of whoever was going mad around here. "Is that so?" Claire asked, her voice wavering. She gestured toward Sylvanas and Aiden. "Explain them, then. Are they insane too? They've been with me since this all started!"

@Zadok shadows
@Archmage Jeremiah

Lee was shocked how easily the Crossed went down, he paused a minute to look at nobody in general with a look that showed the amount of sheer craziness this whole situation was.

Lee silently walked passed Dolphin that the Crossed went ...... never mind. Anywho, Lee noticed a door and opened it slightly, peeking out.
The Doctors and medical staff was sincerely afraid. They didn't seem intent on physically harming or kill you. Were you really insane? Hey, maybe they were right! Maybe... maybe you just need your meds, huh? Dr. Carson Beckett defensively held his arms up, "Okay, please... please just comply. We don't want to hurt ye, lass." The medical team paused, anticipating their next response.
Though, I suppose if you looked a it...
They DID act like a buncha crazed, murderous asylum patients!
Sylvanas looked over the group of medical staff over with bloodlust, her claws held defensively at her sides. She witnessed their fear; basked in it, even. A familiar voice went though her head, the sound booming and unrelenting. Only a demon could possess such a voice, but, it sounded so much like...hers now.

You sound more like one of us with every passing day, my lady.

Her vision turned red as the voice passed, and in its absence came nothing, leaving her with nothing but those familiar words ringing in her head., this place was toying with her! This ship the musician, and herself the fiddle! But she could not pull through as her strings were tugged so finely. She looked down to the bodies of those she had slain, one's head completely erased, and the other's bowels hanging loose and falling to the floor. a demon. A manipulative...bloodthirsty...power-mongering...demon. She had become what she hated most. Another voice broke the silence within her.

What difference is there between you, and the Lich King now?

Sylvanas screamed and held her steel claws to her throat, feeling the points already begin to dig into her skin. This is what she wanted...this is what she wanted all those years ago.

A clean death.
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Aiden took the and put it to the doctors neck. "Doc if you don't mind me asking a couple things. Where did you find us. Where are areally we at. And finally why is the room decintigrating the more we kill you and when I try to leave I get put back in this damn room."
But oh! Where was Solaire in all of this!?

He met a more friendly crossed fellow along the way!

As Solaire ran he heard whimpering from the sidelines, he came across a crossed young lad who seemed to have quite the artistic talent, all out of paint tho, so he was using blood. But still his talent was just, incredible! A few other crossed were trying to gang up on the poor lad. He killed them of course and looked at the other crossed, his sword still in hand.

"My... Interesting paintings you have there!"

The boy nodded, he looked about 15, rather skinny and tall, he looked at his now dead crossed and said

"My, My! These bodies have rich blood and... *sticks his hand inside one of the others asshole* rather fresh fecal matter! This one had actually shit himself prior to recent infection! My My! Muy Bien!"

The boy immediately took a handful of shit and covered his left hand in blood and splattered it on the metal wall, in an artistic matter that could bring tear too any critic, no matter how disgusting it was material was.

"Well... I'll be on my way lad!"

"Good luck Compatriot~~!"

Immediately he saw Elsa being flung away by an old enemy of his, he was terrified. He now stood close enough to where they could both see each other. He felt anger surge through him, he was ready to kill Neo-Nemesis.


(I guess the only Option that's left lol, B *shrug* A would be too easy. AOE spells mane)​
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You discover a .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle next to you. Take it? Y/N?

*That's when I spotted it, a heavy .50 caliber sniper rifle. It's not what I was expecting, but I suppose isnhouldnt argue with what I just found. I reached out for the rifle, and pulled it towards me. I placed a hand on the grip of the rifle, and propped it up against the shipping container, and checked the magazine. It was fully loaded, thankfully. I inserted the magazine back into the rifle, and pulled the large bolt back, sending the large caliber bullet into the chamber.*

*I inhaled, and exhaled. I didn't want to do this...but I sure as hell know only one of us are going to walk away from this. Right? I took another deep breath, and popped out from my cover, and looked through the scope of the rifle. I spotted Marcus. I compensated for bullet drop, and wind resistance, and squeezed the trigger... I'm sorry Marcus.*

Meanwhile, Shirou was still recovering from witnessing a grown man like Lee take on crazed lunatics with a sex toy.
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@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Sophie was beginning to tire from forcing herself to move shakily along slowly but surely, but she still wouldn't give up just yet... Even in the pitch blackness, she followed Elsas screams until at last, she was beside her, she looked like a mess though... There were these... Things eating away at her flesh, and she too seemed to be on fire, but the fire was an odd color; black. So that was why she couldn't see anything, even though she herself was burning, with one last burst of energy, she was by Elsas side, placing a hand on hers despite the continuous pain she was feeling. "I'll... Always... Try... To... Be... Here..." She managed to utter through gritted teeth, and pain beyond her imagination, but soon enough... The tiredness and the pain combined, overcame her and she fell down feeling the burning sensation enveloping her, those worm things would probably eat away at her own flesh too, but at least she had kept her promise, even if there was a heavy price to pay for it.
Sophie was beginning to tire from forcing herself to move shakily along slowly but surely, but she still wouldn't give up just yet... Even in the pitch blackness, she followed Elsas screams until at last, she was beside her, she looked like a mess though... There were these... Things eating away at her flesh, and she too seemed to be on fire, but the fire was an odd color; black. So that was why she couldn't see anything, even though she herself was burning, with one last burst of energy, she was by Elsas side, placing a hand on hers despite the continuous pain she was feeling. "I'll... Always... Try... To... Be... Here..." She managed to utter through gritted teeth, and pain beyond her imagination, but soon enough... The tiredness and the pain combined, overcame her and she fell down feeling the burning sensation enveloping her, those worm things would probably eat away at her own flesh too, but at least she had kept her promise, even if there was a heavy price to pay for it.
Raven heard Sophie. Tears now in her eyes. She didn't know why but she could see not like a normal human should but like a demon and it was by her soul self. She forced her way near the two hopping they could not see her from she could feel that in order to try and save herself her body had taken on her demonic form. She neared the two and felt now not only her pain but theirs as well at it's max. She even heard the pain from Sophie within her voice. She did not scream any longer for she had finally give up hope. She looked at the two. "I...I'm...S-sorry." Was all she managed she hated failing her friends not being able to help or save them. She would have rather herself be trapped than them.

Fire. Flames. Burning. Death. Suffering.

That was all Elsa felt anymore.

The times when she had been happy or even smiled seemed to be so long ago. It already felt like she had been there forever even if she hadn't been in this place for quite that long. She was already a shell of her former self, a purely tortured existence. She didn't remember what "happy" was. She could barely even remember any of the other emotions that existed either. She barely felt as if she were even Elsa anymore. She was just a poor, unfortunate soul.

She forgot what it was like to feel cold. Her body was always ablaze. She couldn't even remember what it was like to feel the cool sensation of water touching her lips. The only liquid that ever touched her face now didn't even come close to her lips. It was the sweat that formed beads on her forehead, the sweat that evaporated nearly an instant after having formed.

There was no mercy in this place. No rest. No hope.

Shortly after Sophia arrived before her, Elsa glanced up to her. Even though she saw a familiar friend of hers, Elsa still had no hope. Elsa didn't have the greatest luck with friends. Her first real friend died, and her second friend killed her. So no matter what Sophia was here for or what she said, Elsa didn't take it to heart. If anything, she fantasized about what she would have done if she could have moved even just a little bit.

If she could have moved, Elsa would have formed a dagger of ice. The dagger would likely only last a few seconds, but that would be all she would need. She would hand the dagger to Sophia and tell her to kill her with it. Yes, that's all Elsa ever hoped for or fantasized about anymore. A twisted expression covered her face and she thought:

"Death, sweet death. Grant me your delectable nectar and cradle my tormented soul in your sweet embrace."

She licked her dry cracked lips with her equally as dry tongue.

"Ah ha ha ha. Yes, come to me. Let this life go. Let it go."

@york @Raven @anyone else​

Fire. Flames. Burning. Death. Suffering.

That was all Elsa felt anymore.

The times when she had been happy or even smiled seemed to be so long ago. It already felt like she had been there forever even if she hadn't been in this place for quite that long. She was already a shell of her former self, a purely tortured existence. She didn't remember what "happy" was. She could barely even remember any of the other emotions that existed either. She barely felt as if she were even Elsa anymore. She was just a poor, unfortunate soul.

She forgot what it was like to feel cold. Her body was always ablaze. She couldn't even remember what it was like to feel the cool sensation of water touching her lips. The only liquid that ever touched her face now didn't even come close to her lips. It was the sweat that formed beads on her forehead, the sweat that evaporated nearly an instant after having formed.

There was no mercy in this place. No rest. No hope.

Shortly after Sophia arrived before her, Elsa glanced up to her. Even though she saw a familiar friend of hers, Elsa still had no hope. Elsa didn't have the greatest luck with friends. Her first real friend died, and her second friend killed her. So no matter what Sophia was here for or what she said, Elsa didn't take it to heart. If anything, she fantasized about what she would have done if she could have moved even just a little bit.

If she could have moved, Elsa would have formed a dagger of ice. The dagger would likely only last a few seconds, but that would be all she would need. She would hand the dagger to Sophia and tell her to kill her with it. Yes, that's all Elsa ever hoped for or fantasized about anymore. A twisted expression covered her face and she thought:

"Death, sweet death. Grant me your delectable nectar and cradle my tormented soul in your sweet embrace."

She licked her dry cracked lips with her equally as dry tongue.

"Ah ha ha ha. Yes, come to me. Let this life go. Let it go."

@york @Raven @anyone else​
Raven heard Elsa. And the tears grew. She felt the pain and understood. She felt her own and thousand others. She hatted it. Not only was her hope lost but she slowly began to cry for once for herself. She never got to tell Garfield how she felt. She never told her friends goodbye she just sunk off to save Donna and now she might never see them again. She then looked to the sky or her thoughts of the sky.

"Damn You Trigon. Damn You Lucifer. Why torment me Why Show me these things that will never happen?"

She cried but no longer felt the liquid. She was use to the heat yes but not the pain. She hatted her life and always knew where she may end up but she had hopped other wise. Now the hope was gone.

"I had wanted death since birth. I am a curse and now you decided to give me what I deserve. Fine"

An evil smile formed.
"Well at least I was a hero. At least I did not try and kill even though accidents happen. And at one point I was forced."

She bared fangs.

"Trigon Why tormate my friends? Damn you Father! I Hate You I always have!"
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What was Enjou doing here? When did he grow a set of balls? Why didn't he recognize her? Why was he holding a dildo in her face? Seriously... "Ah I get it, I get it. I'm just going crazy." Shiki calmly accepted the only rational explanation for what was going on. She had seen and killed ghosts and zombies. She had fought with a woman with psychic eyes. She could see death in things that were never even alive. Naturally she would go crazy sooner or later. "Yeah, I'm just going crazy..." Except for the simple fact that her murderous impulses weren't going out of control. That meant she wasn't going crazy. It was the world that was going crazy. Or had it been that way since the beginning?

@Rin Okumura
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@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne; and books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works." - Revelation 20:11-15​

The pain subsided.
Hell had passed away, as did all old things: The line seemed to stretch back forever. Hundreds of millions of souls, waiting patiently for their turn before the throne. You seemed sorely afraid. It's felt as if something terrible awaited you. Perhaps it did. You gasped as thunder clashed against a mountain, lighting sparking up a stormy sky. You peered into the distance and saw Him: The Lord of Heaven, God, whatever you liked to call him. He was there. He existed...

The crowd stepped aside, all eyes focused on YOU. A radiant beam of light illuminated from the Great White Throne, honing in on Raven, Sophie, Elsa, and Solaire. The All-Powerful Entity, God Himself, called upon the first name to be judged:


Uh oh.​
What was Enjou doing here? When did he grow a set of balls? Why didn't he recognize her? Why was he holding a dildo in her face? Seriously... "Ah I get it, I get it. I'm just going crazy." Shiki calmly accepted the only rational explanation for what was going on. She had seen and killed ghosts and zombies. She had fought with a woman with psychic eyes. She could see death in things that were never even alive. Naturally she would go crazy sooner or later. "Yeah, I'm just going crazy..." Except for the simple fact that her murderous impulses weren't going out of control. That meant she wasn't going crazy. It was the world that was going crazy. Or had it been that way since the beginning?
"Ugh... I need a light in here," Shirou murmured, more closely examining Rin and Shiki so he could see if they were wounded in any way. He raised an eyebrow at Shiki, leaning in curiously, "Mitsuzuri-san, is that...? Oh, sorry. For a minute, I thought I knew you from somewhere," he began to say, before clearing his throat, "Actually, who might you be anyway?"
*Yang sighed as she found a nice big piece of concrete to cover the other side the rubble. She sat down and kept her eye on Joel and Ellie. She worried that Joel would wake up and infect both of them. She had her gauntlets ready just in case*
@Joellie @Akibahara
He keeps walking, unsure of how much further he'd have to didn't even make sense, he'd fallen one had he not reached the deck of the ship yet?
"I think something is wrong, we should have reached the deck by now..." he mutters, still walking "You notice how we've climbed three sets of stairs...and still haven't reached the floor from where we were?"

Bertha was seriously tired of his shit. She really was. It wasn't long until you felt two 5.56 rounds lodge into your kneecaps, shortly before the ex-Umbrella Operative simply... walked away. Well, this sucked! Aw crap. Well, you did notice something in the distance: It's a sliding metal door, it's filled with syringes and other medical necessities. Was it research, perhaps? I don't know, but I'd suggest you take a look at it...

Maybe ELLIE will take an interest.
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"And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne; and books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works." - Revelation 20:11-15​

The pain subsided.
Hell had passed away, as did all old things: The line seemed to stretch back forever. Hundreds of millions of souls, waiting patiently for their turn before the throne. You seemed sorely afraid. It's felt as if something terrible awaited you. Perhaps it did. You gasped as thunder clashed against a mountain, lighting sparking up a stormy sky. You peered into the distance and saw Him: The Lord of Heaven, God, whatever you liked to call him. He was there. He existed...

The crowd stepped aside, all eyes focused on YOU. A radiant beam of light illuminated from the Great White Throne, honing in on Raven, Sophie, Elsa, and Solaire. The All-Powerful Entity, God Himself, called upon the first name to be judged:

Uh oh.​
Raven heard Elsa be called and breathed. She knew the form she was in she knew that she did not deserve mercy. She knew that the Lord was friends with Azar but that meant nothing. She then remembered that if she believed in Jesus truly believed she had a chance. But she never saw that chance for years not once. She was a demon, a portal, a bridge, a power of destruction. She knew what she deserved and she had finally felt it she was in a way ready but in a way not.

'Azar let him have mercy on me. I do not deserve kindness yet I ask. I am sorry for asking and I know I deserve what you let me feel. Once this is over I know I will be forced to go back.'

She glanced around knowing that this was probable the only time she would see Haven and she knew as a demon it was a true honor but fright.
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