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Azura was in a bit of pain, a headache brewing slightly that quickly subsided and she kind of just stared blankly once she was free from the connection. She was letting it sink in, what she had done. Noticing the other's reactions she kept her ground, frowning before glancing at the ground in thought.

Even though they had reason to not trust her-controlled or not-they were like the poeple of Nohr in her youth and the people of Hoshido to an extent.

Azura hesitated for only a moment before taking his hand and giving it a squeeze.

"You are kind, Joshua." she responded quietly. Being exhausted and finding out you were controlled to kill someone did not mix well at all.

She leaned against him as he led the way to Virus Studies

"I wouldn't blame you if you were upset with me, you know." she was teasing slightly, even though she meant it.

"Hm, I guess....either way, war does that. Make us have blood on our hands regardless, no?" she muttered.

"I don't remember everything, but I remember some. Brain is a bit scrambled due to slight exhaustion." she replied, glancing at the other over her shoulder briefly before looking ahead again.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gands @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Hana @Sen @Azuremoon @penguin055 @Crimson Spartan @Hachiro Terra @Anybody I missed @Everyone @Idk anymore
"Kind? Heh, not what I would call it," Joshua responded with a shake of his head, though still smiling and giving her hand a squeeze back, "I just understand that I have no right to be upset at you, especially when it wasn't your fault."

"Besides, why be a little upset when I can continue to be fully enamored with a beautiful singer?" He teased back with a smirk, "Best not to worry over a stumble in your dance and freeze, yes? Instead, better to work through the steps and enjoy the dance for what it is."

Those headed for Virus Studies would find themselves in a semi-lit laboratory containing various tubes, wires, machines, and an operating table. Sounds of moaning and groaning could be heard somewhere in the back of the room, but it couldn't be pinpointed exactly where they were coming from. It seemed rather clean inside this place, except four some blood stains on the other side of the operating table. The only man in the room, a pale, skinny individual wearing round glasses, seemed more fixated on a clipboard in his hands rather than any so called mess in the room. He spoke to himself while jotting down some notes. At first, he wouldn't look at anyone when they would walk inside.

"Cadavers #4 and #5 showed no reaction to verbal stimulus. Virus type #1 and the T-Virus seem to invoke similar behavior patterns in each subject, so far as I can tell--" The man cut himself off, looking to see that others had come into the area. He flinched at the sight of them, reaching up to adjust his glasses afterwards.


"I'm sorry, you startled me. Can I... help you?" he questioned, seeming confused by their presence.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies
"Ah, apologies, sir. I and my companion are simply lost."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies
Although Lucio didn't get involved with the voting, that didn't mean he wasn't listening...or, that he was still down in the dumps. The words of Riesbyfe and others gave him some hope, even in the face of this grim situation. He's really the only one outwardly acting all sad about this, and that isn't something Lucio would do. Naaaah, that isn't Lucio. This is Lucio, right here-- moving up with the rest of the group. He winced as a bright flash emitted from Azure and Wanda, but soon, Azure was freed. He let out a resounding sigh of relief, returning some color to his face and planting his signature smile.

Lucio was back. Just like 18 said; sitting out isn't gonna cut it, this team needs him.

"Yeah-hah, we got one!" the DJ whooped, moving forward with reinvigorated spirit. "You're awesome, Wanda. Ain't nobody else gonna get hurt today, hopefully. Don't got too much to celebrate, though, let's move it up, people!". Despite his call, Lucio halted and turned to Riesbyfe and Clark in particular, keeping a smile on his face and nodding to his heroes.


"Hey, Ries, Clark uh...thank you for gettin' me back into shape, and everything so far . I know it might've been too easy to pull me outta that funk, but..,honestly, thanks. We don't need stuff like that on this team, yeah? If we can hold it together jus' for a lil' while longer..."

"Then we can make it through this!"

Lucio was as bright as ever, resting his hands on his comrades shoulders and giving them a hopeful, optimistic nod. If there was nothing left to be said, then they would move up to the next crossroads, together.

When the group arrived on the Research Floor, Lucio glanced down each of the pathways and pondered where he would go. The Viral Studies group had a whole lotta people heading down, and if anything, they might not need Lucio. Deciding the best plan was to support the lesser group, Lucio drew his weapon and began to skate down towards Drug Manufacturing.


"Yo, I'm headin' down to Drug Manufacturing. Ya'll can follow me if you want!" he called back to Ries, Clark and Nashentia, offering them to follow them. They were some tough bruisers, and together the three of them plus Lucio made an unstoppable team. But, gotta spread the love around, after all.

These Umbrella guys sure as hell deserve it.


Lucio caught up with 18, smirking to the android. "Pssshh, as if you need any help, 18. You're a TANK! But, you asked so nicely, so you know I gotta help out.

@Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaide' @york @Whoever i missed @Drug Manufacturing

@Josh M @Verite @Mami Tomoe @Team Beef​
"That was the joke, yeah." She deadpanned towards Lucio. Seeing however that a small group was forming she didn't have the heart to tell them now. Strength in numbers and all that. "Don't come crying to me if one of you ends up getting killed though."

With that they made their way towards the drug manufacturing area. After a long corridor and a sliding door they'd be at their destination.


The first thing that catches your attention is a series of tubes and cylinders with some strange, vile looking liquid going through it. Looking up further you'd see a huge factory like area with numerous conveyor belts shuffling different drugs from one place to another. You also notice a number of labs on either side of the factory, no doubt where the lab rats work on creating the next super drug for Umbrella to use.

No humans that you can see however, the conveyor belt seems to be fully automated with metallic arms doing the grunt work. You could also see some flight of stairs leading up to a scaffolding above the factory area. Despite the fact that you don't see a living soul anywhere...the group might get a feeling that someone's watching them...​

  • Love
Reactions: Atomyk

"Well, studying viruses of course~ why else would we be in the Virus Studies Room~" Cagliostro squealed cheerfully. "I was thinking that we could do it...

... To. Ge. Ther~. Teehee~."

Cagliostro's tone was slightly flirtatious in an attempt to catch the man in her irresistable charm, as implied by a single wink towards the end.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies
"Not surprised we startled ya', four-eyes. With how our lucks been going, it's very possible that now that we're here, you have minutes to live!"

Road was in a better mood, thanks to the chocolate, but what she said was hardly a joke. It might've sounded dark and threatening but it was because death followed them. At the helpful seemed to be being remotely handled by Umbrella. There was no harm in letting them no the group was an unwilling, unwitting, cavalcade of murder games.

What Road had heard though, had left her... curious. The man had been talking about a virus. Perhaps that was what had made that - that thing. The lickers. If that was the case, maybe it was this world's parallel to the Akuma virus, and if that was the case... maybe she *could* control them. Maybe she could overturn the virus with her own. Things had suddenly got interesting, and Road felt as though her connection to the Ark was becoming stronger. In Road's head, she told herself Umbrella better try and kill her - because her healing factor and use of the Akuma virus might become troublesome for them.

"So, what was that about a virus? Is that what made the monsters with the tongue?"
"Can it make more?"
"Umbrella uses it, right?"

@Sen @Hana @Crow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Kind? Heh, not what I would call it," Joshua responded with a shake of his head, though still smiling and giving her hand a squeeze back, "I just understand that I have no right to be upset at you, especially when it wasn't your fault."

"Besides, why be a little upset when I can continue to be fully enamored with a beautiful singer?" He teased back with a smirk, "Best not to worry over a stumble in your dance and freeze, yes? Instead, better to work through the steps and enjoy the dance for what it is."

"Ah, apologies, sir. I and my companion are simply lost."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies
The man nervously adjusted his glasses once more when he would hear Cagliostro's flirty tone. "Oh, well, I--" Unsure how to reply, he cut himself off and looked over to some of the others. "Oh, the virus? I can't say I know much about it yet. I only just started working here recently. I've studied about a handful of subjects so far on behalf of Umbrella, yes."

When Joshua would state that they were lost, the man would clear his throat. "You're in the virus studies laboratory. If all of you are lost, where is it you're trying to go? I'll help if I can, but honestly I'm new here and have been more eager to focus on my research than I have been to learn my way around this place. I don't know too much about Umbrella... yet."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies
  • Thank You
Reactions: Atomyk

Unsure really what to say about Azura, Senna kept quiet about it. She knew the girl was unable to help what she had done, but she still wasn't exactly happy about it. After quietly thinking for a few moments, she tuned to Blake and Miku, hearing Miku suggest they go to Drug Manufacturing. "That sounds fine with me. I don't really care where we go, just as long as it helps us get out of here faster, you know?" she said with a smile. "Drug Manufacturing it is!"
There wasn't much to be said when it was uncovered that Azura was a traitor after all. However, there was a difference between a twisted killer and someone like Azura. Apparently something had forced her to do the kill, and to be unaware of her actions under that strange influence. Because of that, Blake didn't hold anything against her. There was no need to bring unneeded anger onto her if she had no true intentions of killing them one by one.


"Oh, I'll come along then. I feel comfortable with knowing that you two are in safe capable hands."

Blake chuckled a bit, going along with Miku and Senna to Drug Manufacturing. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving them be in another location, not when he couldn't tell what was happening with them if separated. He didn't want any ill will to fall onto them, and to also ensure to them that he'll be safe in their watch as well.
"That was the joke, yeah." She deadpanned towards Lucio. Seeing however that a small group was forming she didn't have the heart to tell them now. Strength in numbers and all that. "Don't come crying to me if one of you ends up getting killed though."

With that they made their way towards the drug manufacturing area. After a long corridor and a sliding door they'd be at their destination.


The first thing that catches your attention is a series of tubes and cylinders with some strange, vile looking liquid going through it. Looking up further you'd see a huge factory like area with numerous conveyor belts shuffling different drugs from one place to another. You also notice a number of labs on either side of the factory, no doubt where the lab rats work on creating the next super drug for Umbrella to use.

No humans that you can see however, the conveyor belt seems to be fully automated with metallic arms doing the grunt work. You could also see some flight of stairs leading up to a scaffolding above the factory area. Despite the fact that you don't see a living soul anywhere...the group might get a feeling that someone's watching them...​
Cautiously enter the Drug Manufacturing room alongside her little group, Miku seemed visibly relieved that no one was in sight. Everything was automated, it seemed, and that was good. She felt like she could do without confrontation for now; especially given with how things have been going thus far.

Seeming oblivious to the eerie feeling of being watched, she looked to everyone else for guidance on what they should do. "Should we look around...?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Josh M @Verite @Mami Tomoe @Hospes @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drug Manufacturing
Zerberus couldn't believe it....he didn't want to...but it was reality...she was the murderer.... He does not show any emotion because he didn't want to look like a fool.

"I need to be alone...."

He looks for a place to think.... The only place he could think of was where he first woke up in this place. He walks down the hallway and see the room where he woke up in.....He points his blade at the door and it opened...He left the door opened. He sat down on the ground. 'Why?' he thought about that question. A tear fell from his eye. 'Why does it alway have to hurt?' He pulls out the charm from earlier. It was his Wayfinder.... he puts it on.

'I know what I must do now.....' He then used his Keyblade to help him up. He clutched his Wayfinder. A glow was in his eyes.

"I will do everything in my power to wipe Umbrella off the face of the Earth....even if I become lost in the Darkness forever."

Zerberus had accepted the darkness in his heart and the red glow in his eyes slowly faded away. He leaves the room and shut the door as he left. He finds a room suitable for him to train. Seeing a nearby scientist, he walks up to them

"Excuse sir, do you have Training area?"

@Verite @C.T. @Gands @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Hana @Mason Moretti [USER=17519]@Crimson Spartan @Mami Tomoe @CCC Kouhai @Takumi @Josh M[/USER]

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"Kind? Heh, not what I would call it," Joshua responded with a shake of his head, though still smiling and giving her hand a squeeze back, "I just understand that I have no right to be upset at you, especially when it wasn't your fault."

"Besides, why be a little upset when I can continue to be fully enamored with a beautiful singer?"
He teased back with a smirk, "Best not to worry over a stumble in your dance and freeze, yes? Instead, better to work through the steps and enjoy the dance for what it is."

"Ah, apologies, sir. I and my companion are simply lost."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies


"You're right." she replied, smiling back before giving the man a kiss on his cheek.

"Consider it a thank you." she added, hand staying in his as her mood lifted considerably. Even if she was still a little down she knew she'd get better.

The man nervously adjusted his glasses once more when he would hear Cagliostro's flirty tone. "Oh, well, I--" Unsure how to reply, he cut himself off and looked over to some of the others. "Oh, the virus? I can't say I know much about it yet. I only just started working here recently. I've studied about a handful of subjects so far on behalf of Umbrella, yes."

When Joshua would state that they were lost, the man would clear his throat. "You're in the virus studies laboratory. If all of you are lost, where is it you're trying to go? I'll help if I can, but honestly I'm new here and have been more eager to focus on my research than I have been to learn my way around this place. I don't know too much about Umbrella... yet."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies

Azura was honestly uncomfortable from Cagliostro's flirtatious attempt towards the Scientist, possibly morr than the Scientist himself.

She glanced up at Joshua, pretty sure that saying 'we're trying to get to the Tesseract, do you happen to know where it is?' wouldn't go so well.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @LuckycoolHawk9 @VirusStudies
The man nervously adjusted his glasses once more when he would hear Cagliostro's flirty tone. "Oh, well, I--" Unsure how to reply, he cut himself off and looked over to some of the others. "Oh, the virus? I can't say I know much about it yet. I only just started working here recently. I've studied about a handful of subjects so far on behalf of Umbrella, yes."

When Joshua would state that they were lost, the man would clear his throat. "You're in the virus studies laboratory. If all of you are lost, where is it you're trying to go? I'll help if I can, but honestly I'm new here and have been more eager to focus on my research than I have been to learn my way around this place. I don't know too much about Umbrella... yet."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies
Ada stepped forward. "This is an Umbrella audit. We're just here to make sure everything's going well." Ada said, giving her usual small smile. "What exactly is your research on? Just so we can send it to the higher-ups to make sure you're doing your job."
Walking into the Virus Studies, my eyes narrowed upon seeing the laboratory and hearing groans and moans coming from somewhere. The more I see, the more I'm reminded of humanity's golden age before they thought 'hey, let's roast our world with nukes!'. Labs like this were used to conduct tests on animals, that also included humans accused of 'crimes against humanity'.

They should have stuck to rats and mice. That's how there wouldn't have been terrorists blowing up said labs.

I shook my head and focused on looking around the room. There was no use in thinking about what could have been when it was already done.

The lab seemed like a Sci-fi operating room where they conducted their little experiments. The only man in the room was mumbling about a report. I caught corpses not responding to verbal stimulus and viruses showing the same pattern in other subjects. That made me knit my eyebrows.

Were we going to deal with zombies now? Oh boy, I can't wait to fight one of the most overused monsters in fiction ever!

However, when the man noticed us, he seemed confused and didn't run off to alert any nearby Umbrella goons or lock us in with the possible undead. I did tilt my head to the right because the man was pale and skinny, as if he hadn't been out in the sun or excrised for a while.

I also blinked when he apologized and offered to help us. Did Umbrella not sound the alarm?

Point for plot convenience

I coughed when the small-nosed anime girl tried flirting with him and people began asking questions.

These people know nothing about infiltration, do they?

The man adjusted his glasses and explained that, despite being new and being so involved in his research that he didn't know the layout of the facility, he was willing to help. I chuckled. That got rid of any threat from this guy, He honestly seemed that he had no idea who we were and Ada then stepped forward, saying we were with Umbrella and we were here to get a report.

I felt a wide, comical smile grow on my face.

Finally someone who knew a thing about infiltration! Or used the man's ignorance to our advantage though I think that might have been shot down.

Whatever the case, better play along.

"Yes, we're here to collect a report, Mr?" I asked, looking for a name tag.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hachiro Terra @virusstudies
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"That was the joke, yeah." She deadpanned towards Lucio. Seeing however that a small group was forming she didn't have the heart to tell them now. Strength in numbers and all that. "Don't come crying to me if one of you ends up getting killed though."

With that they made their way towards the drug manufacturing area. After a long corridor and a sliding door they'd be at their destination.


The first thing that catches your attention is a series of tubes and cylinders with some strange, vile looking liquid going through it. Looking up further you'd see a huge factory like area with numerous conveyor belts shuffling different drugs from one place to another. You also notice a number of labs on either side of the factory, no doubt where the lab rats work on creating the next super drug for Umbrella to use.

No humans that you can see however, the conveyor belt seems to be fully automated with metallic arms doing the grunt work. You could also see some flight of stairs leading up to a scaffolding above the factory area. Despite the fact that you don't see a living soul anywhere...the group might get a feeling that someone's watching them...​

Jason had since sobered up and decided to head to Drug Manufacuring. He remained quiet throughout the trip there and stood in the back, making it less obvious that he was even present. Upon entering, Jason looked up at the scaffolding area above the factory.

"I'm heading up there." He said bluntly before putting his visor back on and tugging out his grapnel gun. Jason then grappled up onto the scaffolding to save him the trip. When he reached his destination, he began to look around for anything interesting.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaide' @york @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Josh M @Verite @Mami Tomoe @Hospes @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drug Manufacturing


"You're right." she replied, smiling back before giving the man a kiss on his cheek.

"Consider it a thank you." she added, hand staying in his as her mood lifted considerably. Even if she was still a little down she knew she'd get better.

Azura was honestly uncomfortable from Cagliostro's flirtatious attempt towards the Scientist, possibly morr than the Scientist himself.

She glanced up at Joshua, pretty sure that saying 'we're trying to get to the Tesseract, do you happen to know where it is?' wouldn't go so well.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @LuckycoolHawk9 @VirusStudies
"Heh, soft kisses from the woman of my affections?" Joshua chuckled, clearly enjoying the kiss as his hold on her hand became a little tighter. With a smile, he cocked a brow as he hummed, "Seems I have even more incentive to continue to appreciate our waltz together~"

At the scientist's question, he quieted down and realized he didn't have a place in mind to be heading to... Well, at least Ada had them covered. Quite the quick thinker.
"I can't speak for Ries, but I didn't do anything. It was all you, man. Never forget that,"

Cheerfully following Lucio to Clark looked at the two ladies in his group.

"Given everything that's going on, how are you do holding?"

"I am holding up rather well, I suppose, though... It is quite curious, if I may say so," Riesbyfe said in response to Clark, "While it is quite a relief to have found the perpetrator for the two civilians' murders, what I find more curious than the revelation of the girl being the culprit... Nobody seems to mind all that much," she spoke, crossing her arms as she followed Lucio to the Drug Manufacturing place, hoping to also lead Clark and Nashetania along as well.

"Of course, not to suggest that we should condemn her if she truly had no intention of committing murder or if she had no control over it, but it all feels quite... inconsequential."


"Perhaps I am overthinking it, but I can only hope that if others end up in a situation similar to ours, they will not dismiss heinous actions done by one simply because they are... cute."

She could only hope.

@Josh M
"That was the joke, yeah." She deadpanned towards Lucio. Seeing however that a small group was forming she didn't have the heart to tell them now. Strength in numbers and all that. "Don't come crying to me if one of you ends up getting killed though."

With that they made their way towards the drug manufacturing area. After a long corridor and a sliding door they'd be at their destination.


The first thing that catches your attention is a series of tubes and cylinders with some strange, vile looking liquid going through it. Looking up further you'd see a huge factory like area with numerous conveyor belts shuffling different drugs from one place to another. You also notice a number of labs on either side of the factory, no doubt where the lab rats work on creating the next super drug for Umbrella to use.

No humans that you can see however, the conveyor belt seems to be fully automated with metallic arms doing the grunt work. You could also see some flight of stairs leading up to a scaffolding above the factory area. Despite the fact that you don't see a living soul anywhere...the group might get a feeling that someone's watching them...​
Cautiously enter the Drug Manufacturing room alongside her little group, Miku seemed visibly relieved that no one was in sight. Everything was automated, it seemed, and that was good. She felt like she could do without confrontation for now; especially given with how things have been going thus far.

Seeming oblivious to the eerie feeling of being watched, she looked to everyone else for guidance on what they should do. "Should we look around...?"


Riesbyfe quickly went silent as the group entered the room, getting a faint sense of paranoia, as though there were eyes in every corner of the room, observing everyone there. She tightened her grip on her large shield, examining the area.

"Indeed, but do be careful. Knowing the ruckus that we made on the previous floor, as well as that strange monster that appeared before, Umbrella is likely aware of our return, and likely will stop at nothing to kill us," the knight advised in response to Miku, before beginning to move upstairs in order to investigate if there was anything worth seeing up there.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @DrugManufacturing
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Riesbyfe quickly went silent as the group entered the room, getting a faint sense of paranoia, as though there were eyes in every corner of the room, observing everyone there. She tightened her grip on her large shield, examining the area.

"Indeed, but do be careful. Knowing the ruckus that we made on the previous floor, as well as that strange monster that appeared before, Umbrella is likely aware of our return, and likely will stop at nothing to kill us," the knight advised in response to Miku, before beginning to move upstairs in order to investigate if there was anything worth seeing up there.
Nodding silently to Riesbyfe, Miku began to observe the area and who was going where. Seeing some folks were already beginning to head up to the scaffolding above, she figured her efforts were best found on the ground floor.

Gingerly making her way further into the room, allowing anyone to tag along should they want to, Miku made her way over to the conveyor belts of machines working mindlessly away. Curiously she looked around them, seeing if there was anything of note.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @DrugManufacturing
Continued from here.

Chapter Three
"Viral Uprising"

The Story So Far
Warpath was revealed to be innocent, and the group was forced to proceed with the knowledge that at least one among them was a killer. There was no choice, for Wanda's power needed time to regenerate.

On the next floor, the group split into three. Some went to an area called Experimental Applications, while others went to an area called Live Storage, and the rest stayed behind to protect Wanda from harm. In Experimental Applications, the group found a strange area where Umbrella scientists were testing the ability of creatures versus live targets. The group ended up meeting with Claire Redfield, saving her from a room filled with traps. In Live Storage, the group ended up rescuing Leon Scott Kennedy, but also managed to have an unfortunate run-in with monsters known as Lickers.

The group who stayed behind ended up attacked by a mysterious and powerful creature. It easily killed a number of the group, forcing the rest to escape while Clark and Cullen distracted it.

Everyone ended up meeting in front of the lounge, where Claire and Leon said the entrance to the next floor could be found. Unfortunately for the group, more murder occurred there. Naomi and Little Guy were killed, and with Wanda's powers about to regenerate, the group stopped to investigate and vote on who she should check next. After lots of arguing and vote switching, the group eventually settled on Azura.

Meanwhile, Alice was given a task by Albert Wesker to investigate his office for mysterious reasons. When she got back, she found Naomi and Little Guy returned to life...

Cullen, having fallen into silence as he leaned up against the pool table watching everyone yell back and forth, sighed deeply. Standing up straight, he cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention. "Okay, now that we've had our arguments, our pity parties, and our dramatic vote swings, I'd say it's long past due to call it." He pointed a finger Wanda's way. "Just get this over with before that creature finds us."

Though Wanda had been unsure with all the vote switching who to check, she figured Cullen was right. All she could do was examine who had the most votes at this current time, and that happened to be Azura.

"Let's hope we're right this time," Wanda said to the group. "My powers are only just now coming back to me." As she stepped up next to Azura, her hands glowed with a red aura liked before. The woman's head was bathed in red for just a moment, long enough for Wanda's eyes to widen.


"This one, Azura... she is guilty. She has betrayed us."

As Wanda announced the truth about Azura, Clark flinched. Turning his head down, Clark spoke to Azura.

"Why? You don't seem like someone who just kills people."


"I suppose one truly cannot judge a book by its cover," Riesbyfe simply said, narrowing her eyes at the revealed Traitor. She took a step forward toward Azura, but stopped herself, deciding to see what else Wanda had to say.

Wanda in question shook her head. She held up a hand to silence any reaction to the revelation. "She is not herself. She is being controlled... and I have just enough power to sever that connection."

Wanda's hands glowed red once again, but this time so did her eyes. She took Azura's head in her hands forcefully, and both women cried out. A bright red flash enveloped them, but it was gone in only a few seconds. Wanda stepped away from Azura, breathing heavily. "It's done. She's free."

"Hey, uh..." Leon really wasn't sure what just happened, so he held up a hand. "Nice trick, there."

Claire was still looking pale, and she sounded quiet as she spoke up to ask, "Do you know who was controlling her? Was it Umbrella?"

Wanda shook her head. "Perhaps... I don't really know. The chips were deactivated, and yet... It did not feel like technology, but I can't say for sure. Who else but Umbrella, after all?"

"Whatever the case," Cullen said impatiently, "we have to go."

Claire nodded, gesturing to the exit of the lounge. Both she and Leon led the group ahead, eventually coming across a flight of stairs that led to the floor above. Here, a sign indicated they were on the Research Floor, and that the floor was comprised of two sections: Virus Studies and Drug Manufacturing.

Claire and Leon looked momentarily lost at the entrance to the floor, and when asked where they were supposed to go from here, Leon just shrugged. "I guess we both figured it would be obvious from here," Claire said slowly. "One of these Umbrella workers really should have a map..."

"I for one am not going back down to that other floor," Adam said, almost a bit too loudly. He honestly seemed pretty freaked out. "With that crazy ass monster down there, we're all better off staying up on this floor. I also suggest we don't sit here like fucking chumps like last time."

"Right..." Wanda looked up at the sign. "Then half of us should go to one of these areas, while the other half checks out the other..."

OOC Note: Tag @Klutzy Ninja Kitty for Virus Studies and @Jeremi for Drug Manufacturing. Oh, yeah. Switching it up for a bit.

Cast List
@Minerva as Ada Wong (Resident Evil)
@Sen as Alucard (Castlevania)
@Jeremi as Android 18 (Dragon Ball)
@Takumi as Azura of Nohr (Fire Emblem) - TRAITOR!
@Gummi Bunnies as Blake Dormi (OC)
@Crow as Cagliostro (Granblue Fantasy)
@CCC Kouhai as Charlotte Wiltshire (Hello Charlotte)
@Josh M as Clark Kent (Smallville)
@Atomyk as Cullen Bloodstone (Marvel Comics)
@DBZ7 as Daizo (OC)
@penguin055 as Domon Kasshu (Gundam)
@Bomb as Doremi the Meoletta and Jabber the Riolu (Pokemon)
@Archwar as Fierce-Heart Ali (OC)
@Hana as Hakuei Ren (Magi)
@Crimson Spartan as Jaffar (Fire Emblem)
@thatguyinthestore as Jason Todd (Arkhamverse)
@C.T. as Jinx (League of Legends AU)
@The Myrmidon as Joshua (Fire Emblem)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lucifer Morningstar and Linda Martin (Lucifer)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Lucio (Overwatch)
@Yang Lee as Kazuo Tengan (Danganronpa)
@MetalNova as Mikoto Kujou (Last Game)
@Kaide` as Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
@Mami Tomoe as Nashetania (Rokka no Yusha)
@Nater Taters as Revy and Rock (Black Lagoon)
@Verite as Riesbyfe Stridberg (Type-Moon)
@Azuremoon as Road Kamelot (D.Gray-man)
@york as Schala Zeal (Chrono Trigger)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Senna (Bleach)
@Hospes as Setsuna (Shattered Angels)
@Kaykay as Shirou Yusa (Dies Irae)
@Otto as Twisted Fate (League of Legends)
@Gands as Warpath (Marvel Comics) - INNOCENT!
@Darkseide as William "Penny" Adiyoi (The Magicians)
@Hachiro Terra as Zerberus (Kingdom Hearts OC)

The Deceased

@Tone 6th as Travis Touchdown - DIED! INNOCENT! BLOWN UP!
@Yun Lee as Alice Twilight - MURDERED! INNOCENT! SHOT!
@TheMythicThird as Black Mage Evilwizardington and Fighter McWarrior - DIED! INNOCENT! BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS!
@Vyzwx as Overlord Laharl - DIED! INNOCENT! HEAD CRUSHED!
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Sheev Palpatine - DIED! INNOCENT! STABBED!
@Mason Moretti as Naomi Kimishima and Inspector Navel - MURDERED! INNOCENT! IMPALED AND BURNT TO A CRISP!
@TheColourlessRainbow as Eliot Waugh - DIED! INNOCENT! WHO KNOWS?!
Twisted Fate was quite surprised by this turn of events. He was expecting the revealed traitor to be executed, but it seemed that wouldn't be the case. Azura was being controlled somehow, so it would only be fair that she wouldn't be executed. It really bugged him that no justice could be done other than finding who or what was controlling her.

He decided to go to Drug Manufacturing.
With that they made their way towards the drug manufacturing area. After a long corridor and a sliding door they'd be at their destination.


The first thing that catches your attention is a series of tubes and cylinders with some strange, vile looking liquid going through it. Looking up further you'd see a huge factory like area with numerous conveyor belts shuffling different drugs from one place to another. You also notice a number of labs on either side of the factory, no doubt where the lab rats work on creating the next super drug for Umbrella to use.

No humans that you can see however, the conveyor belt seems to be fully automated with metallic arms doing the grunt work. You could also see some flight of stairs leading up to a scaffolding above the factory area. Despite the fact that you don't see a living soul anywhere...the group might get a feeling that someone's watching them...​

Upon arriving, he immediately felt that something was wrong. The area looked safe, but something told him that it was merely a facade. Someone was watching. Typically, he was the one watching people, not the other way around. Two can play at that game...



Twisted Fate focused his inner power and attempted to summon a fiery eye above whoever was watching the group. This eye would relay information to Twisted Fate. He would make sure that it was invisible so that whoever was watching them wouldn't realize that they were being watched as well.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @DrugManufacturing

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The man nervously adjusted his glasses once more when he would hear Cagliostro's flirty tone. "Oh, well, I--" Unsure how to reply, he cut himself off and looked over to some of the others. "Oh, the virus? I can't say I know much about it yet. I only just started working here recently. I've studied about a handful of subjects so far on behalf of Umbrella, yes."

When Joshua would state that they were lost, the man would clear his throat. "You're in the virus studies laboratory. If all of you are lost, where is it you're trying to go? I'll help if I can, but honestly I'm new here and have been more eager to focus on my research than I have been to learn my way around this place. I don't know too much about Umbrella... yet."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies

"Well, if you aren't capable of telling us which way is left or right because you're focus on your research, you can tell us about that. What's this virus all about?"

Road stepped away from her party stepping in solitude closer to the man, leaning in a bit and with her arms folded behind her. The look was meant to seem friendly a pleasant, but Road was through taking chances. Leon and Claire were one thing - they weren't with Unbrella. This guy was not their friend, and she wasn't going to treat him as such. Two candles popped into existence above each of her shoulders, pointing at the scientist in a holded threat, as Road came ever closer.

"My name is Road - what's yours? I'd like to address my questions to you personally.".

There was venom in her tone a threat that was not spoken, but pleanty evident. She wasn't going to be the monster that betray her comrades, but she would trust no agent of Umbrella, no matter how daft. Though she would do her best not to kill him. Which, honestly, was an improvement for her. Maybe out of context, it would seem Caglio was the good cop, and Road was the bad cop.

@Hana @Sen @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @VirusStudies #MobilePost​
"That was the joke, yeah." She deadpanned towards Lucio. Seeing however that a small group was forming she didn't have the heart to tell them now. Strength in numbers and all that. "Don't come crying to me if one of you ends up getting killed though."

With that they made their way towards the drug manufacturing area. After a long corridor and a sliding door they'd be at their destination.


The first thing that catches your attention is a series of tubes and cylinders with some strange, vile looking liquid going through it. Looking up further you'd see a huge factory like area with numerous conveyor belts shuffling different drugs from one place to another. You also notice a number of labs on either side of the factory, no doubt where the lab rats work on creating the next super drug for Umbrella to use.

No humans that you can see however, the conveyor belt seems to be fully automated with metallic arms doing the grunt work. You could also see some flight of stairs leading up to a scaffolding above the factory area. Despite the fact that you don't see a living soul anywhere...the group might get a feeling that someone's watching them...​

Cautiously enter the Drug Manufacturing room alongside her little group, Miku seemed visibly relieved that no one was in sight. Everything was automated, it seemed, and that was good. She felt like she could do without confrontation for now; especially given with how things have been going thus far.

Seeming oblivious to the eerie feeling of being watched, she looked to everyone else for guidance on what they should do. "Should we look around...?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Josh M @Verite @Mami Tomoe @Hospes @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drug Manufacturing
Jason had since sobered up and decided to head to Drug Manufacuring. He remained quiet throughout the trip there and stood in the back, making it less obvious that he was even present. Upon entering, Jason looked up at the scaffolding area above the factory.

"I'm heading up there." He said bluntly before putting his visor back on and tugging out his grapnel gun. Jason then grappled up onto the scaffolding to save him the trip. When he reached his destination, he began to look around for anything interesting.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaide' @york @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Josh M @Verite @Mami Tomoe @Hospes @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drug Manufacturing


"I am holding up rather well, I suppose, though... It is quite curious, if I may say so," Riesbyfe said in response to Clark, "While it is quite a relief to have found the perpetrator for the two civilians' murders, what I find more curious than the revelation of the girl being the culprit... Nobody seems to mind all that much," she spoke, crossing her arms as she followed Lucio to the Drug Manufacturing place, hoping to also lead Clark and Nashetania along as well.

"Of course, not to suggest that we should condemn her if she truly had no intention of committing murder or if she had no control over it, but it all feels quite... inconsequential."


"Perhaps I am overthinking it, but I can only hope that if others end up in a situation similar to ours, they will not dismiss heinous actions done by one simply because they are... cute."

She could only hope.

@Josh M



Riesbyfe quickly went silent as the group entered the room, getting a faint sense of paranoia, as though there were eyes in every corner of the room, observing everyone there. She tightened her grip on her large shield, examining the area.

"Indeed, but do be careful. Knowing the ruckus that we made on the previous floor, as well as that strange monster that appeared before, Umbrella is likely aware of our return, and likely will stop at nothing to kill us," the knight advised in response to Miku, before beginning to move upstairs in order to investigate if there was anything worth seeing up there.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @DrugManufacturing
Nodding silently to Riesbyfe, Miku began to observe the area and who was going where. Seeing some folks were already beginning to head up to the scaffolding above, she figured her efforts were best found on the ground floor.

Gingerly making her way further into the room, allowing anyone to tag along should they want to, Miku made her way over to the conveyor belts of machines working mindlessly away. Curiously she looked around them, seeing if there was anything of note.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @DrugManufacturing
Twisted Fate was quite surprised by this turn of events. He was expecting the revealed traitor to be executed, but it seemed that wouldn't be the case. Azura was being controlled somehow, so it would only be fair that she wouldn't be executed. It really bugged him that no justice could be done other than finding who or what was controlling her.

"Huh. Definitely wasn't expecting that."

He decided to go to Drug Manufacturing.

Upon arriving, he immediately felt that something was wrong. The area looked safe, but something told him that it was merely a facade. Someone was watching. Typically, he was the one watching people, not the other way around. Two can play at that game...



Twisted Fate focused his inner power and attempted to summon a fiery eye above whatever was watching the group. This eye would relay information to Twisted Fate. He would make sure that it was invisible so that whatever was watching them wouldn't realize that they were being watched as well.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @DrugManufacturing


"This place already gives me the creeps..."

Blake grumbled a bit upon giving a quick examination of the area. He had no idea what was being made here, but he had a feeling that it wasn't anything pleasant if used against them in some way. The itching feeling that someone or something was watching them clawed at his head, and because of that, he didn't go forward with Jason to check up on what was on the scaffolding for now. Until the A-okay to go up there was made clear to them. They had to be careful after all, they were in enemy territory...

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Otto @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @DrugManufacturing

"I am holding up rather well, I suppose, though... It is quite curious, if I may say so," Riesbyfe said in response to Clark, "While it is quite a relief to have found the perpetrator for the two civilians' murders, what I find more curious than the revelation of the girl being the culprit... Nobody seems to mind all that much," she spoke, crossing her arms as she followed Lucio to the Drug Manufacturing place, hoping to also lead Clark and Nashetania along as well.

"Of course, not to suggest that we should condemn her if she truly had no intention of committing murder or if she had no control over it, but it all feels quite... inconsequential."


"Perhaps I am overthinking it, but I can only hope that if others end up in a situation similar to ours, they will not dismiss heinous actions done by one simply because they are... cute."

She could only hope.

@Josh M



Riesbyfe quickly went silent as the group entered the room, getting a faint sense of paranoia, as though there were eyes in every corner of the room, observing everyone there. She tightened her grip on her large shield, examining the area.

"Indeed, but do be careful. Knowing the ruckus that we made on the previous floor, as well as that strange monster that appeared before, Umbrella is likely aware of our return, and likely will stop at nothing to kill us," the knight advised in response to Miku, before beginning to move upstairs in order to investigate if there was anything worth seeing up there.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @DrugManufacturing

"Yeah, I've noticed that."

Clark paused slightly, showing his slight sadness at that fact. He had nothing against Azura, but he was just surprised. Ries brought about the fact that some of the people her might just be letting a "cute girl" get off because of her looks. Clark looked away slight before turn to the Holy knight.


"In their defenses, It wasn't her choice. If you tell someone they had no choice, most people will always feel better and look away. Maybe some people just want to move on? I do agree with you, it doesn't make it right. You have to look at people better instincts and not assume the worse, Ries. I mean, I hear looks can get the right person anything, but off the hook for killing? That's grime."

Taking a slight pause, the young man brought up another point.

"I can't speak for her myself, but she has to feel guilty. Even not in control, the guilt she must feel. Maybe that's her punishment? I don't, in a way, if she was control, isn't' she a victim too?"

Clark was always to see both sides, even when it was hard. Was Azura as much a victim as the dead? Clark wasn't really sure. Following Ries and the group, Clark stood ready for anything to happen?

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide`
"Heh, soft kisses from the woman of my affections?" Joshua chuckled, clearly enjoying the kiss as his hold on her hand became a little tighter. With a smile, he cocked a brow as he hummed, "Seems I have even more incentive to continue to appreciate our waltz together~"

At the scientist's question, he quieted down and realized he didn't have a place in mind to be heading to... Well, at least Ada had them covered. Quite the quick thinker.

"The path is yours to climb, Joshua. And even though my path is stained in red, I will stay by your side until our performance comes to an end, if you will allow it." she replied, removing the veil she kept on through most of her time here and putting it somewhere safe on her person.

"Well, if you aren't capable of telling us which way is left or right because you're focus on your research, you can tell us about that. What's this virus all about?"

Road stepped away from her party stepping in solitude closer to the man, leaning in a bit and with her arms folded behind her. The look was meant to seem friendly a pleasant, but Road was through taking chances. Leon and Claire were one thing - they weren't with Unbrella. This guy was not their friend, and she wasn't going to treat him as such. Two candles popped into existence above each of her shoulders, pointing at the scientist in a holded threat, as Road came ever closer.

"My name is Road - what's yours? I'd like to address my questions to you personally.".

There was venom in her tone a threat that was not spoken, but pleanty evident. She wasn't going to be the monster that betray her comrades, but she would trust no agent of Umbrella, no matter how daft. Though she would do her best not to kill him. Which, honestly, was an improvement for her. Maybe out of context, it would seem Caglio was the good cop, and Road was the bad cop.

@Hana @Sen @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @VirusStudies #MobilePost​

Azura, though glad for Ada's quick save grew a bit wary of how the Scientist would react to this. Though she hoped for the best.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @LuckycoolHawk9 @Archwar @VirusStudies
The man nervously adjusted his glasses once more when he would hear Cagliostro's flirty tone. "Oh, well, I--" Unsure how to reply, he cut himself off and looked over to some of the others. "Oh, the virus? I can't say I know much about it yet. I only just started working here recently. I've studied about a handful of subjects so far on behalf of Umbrella, yes."

When Joshua would state that they were lost, the man would clear his throat. "You're in the virus studies laboratory. If all of you are lost, where is it you're trying to go? I'll help if I can, but honestly I'm new here and have been more eager to focus on my research than I have been to learn my way around this place. I don't know too much about Umbrella... yet."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies
"Well, if you aren't capable of telling us which way is left or right because you're focus on your research, you can tell us about that. What's this virus all about?"

Road stepped away from her party stepping in solitude closer to the man, leaning in a bit and with her arms folded behind her. The look was meant to seem friendly a pleasant, but Road was through taking chances. Leon and Claire were one thing - they weren't with Unbrella. This guy was not their friend, and she wasn't going to treat him as such. Two candles popped into existence above each of her shoulders, pointing at the scientist in a holded threat, as Road came ever closer.

"My name is Road - what's yours? I'd like to address my questions to you personally.".

There was venom in her tone a threat that was not spoken, but pleanty evident. She wasn't going to be the monster that betray her comrades, but she would trust no agent of Umbrella, no matter how daft. Though she would do her best not to kill him. Which, honestly, was an improvement for her. Maybe out of context, it would seem Caglio was the good cop, and Road was the bad cop.

@Hana @Sen @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @VirusStudies #MobilePost​

"Our group is simply lost, sir. We would like to ask you for directions, since we are also new to this organization. My name is Hakuei Ren, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Hakuei was, for all intents and purposes, a good speaker when she had to be one. Even if she was using half-truths right now. They really could use directions, or a general idea of the place. Maybe they could also learn more about Umbrella like this?

Though considering their odd mismatched attire, and the lack of uniforms, it was sadly not that simple to convince this man they were just new recruits or something of the like... That wasn't even considering the more unique appearances of other people in this group.


"Virus Studies is not our division, but we have heard of this and we also wish to learn more about your work." She smiled gently at him, hoping to at least... Lighten the unease he was feeling from the more forward advances from Cagliostro, and Road's pointed questions.

@Azuremoon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Takumi @The Myrmidon @Gands @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Virus Studies
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Reactions: Takumi
The man nervously adjusted his glasses once more when he would hear Cagliostro's flirty tone. "Oh, well, I--" Unsure how to reply, he cut himself off and looked over to some of the others. "Oh, the virus? I can't say I know much about it yet. I only just started working here recently. I've studied about a handful of subjects so far on behalf of Umbrella, yes."

When Joshua would state that they were lost, the man would clear his throat. "You're in the virus studies laboratory. If all of you are lost, where is it you're trying to go? I'll help if I can, but honestly I'm new here and have been more eager to focus on my research than I have been to learn my way around this place. I don't know too much about Umbrella... yet."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies

"You're right." she replied, smiling back before giving the man a kiss on his cheek.

"Consider it a thank you." she added, hand staying in his as her mood lifted considerably. Even if she was still a little down she knew she'd get better.

Azura was honestly uncomfortable from Cagliostro's flirtatious attempt towards the Scientist, possibly morr than the Scientist himself.

She glanced up at Joshua, pretty sure that saying 'we're trying to get to the Tesseract, do you happen to know where it is?' wouldn't go so well.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @LuckycoolHawk9 @VirusStudies
"Heh, soft kisses from the woman of my affections?" Joshua chuckled, clearly enjoying the kiss as his hold on her hand became a little tighter. With a smile, he cocked a brow as he hummed, "Seems I have even more incentive to continue to appreciate our waltz together~"

At the scientist's question, he quieted down and realized he didn't have a place in mind to be heading to... Well, at least Ada had them covered. Quite the quick thinker.

"..." Jaffar always had a habit of simply appearing out of thin air as he was now standing directly behind Azura.

"...I would not worry over what happened.... Some have done much worse while not being controlled..."

The way Jaffar spoke...implied that he was referring to himself when he talked about others doing much worse without being controlled.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @LuckycoolHawk9 @Archwar @VirusStudies

Continued from here.

Chapter Three
"Viral Uprising"

The Story So Far
Warpath was revealed to be innocent, and the group was forced to proceed with the knowledge that at least one among them was a killer. There was no choice, for Wanda's power needed time to regenerate.

On the next floor, the group split into three. Some went to an area called Experimental Applications, while others went to an area called Live Storage, and the rest stayed behind to protect Wanda from harm. In Experimental Applications, the group found a strange area where Umbrella scientists were testing the ability of creatures versus live targets. The group ended up meeting with Claire Redfield, saving her from a room filled with traps. In Live Storage, the group ended up rescuing Leon Scott Kennedy, but also managed to have an unfortunate run-in with monsters known as Lickers.

The group who stayed behind ended up attacked by a mysterious and powerful creature. It easily killed a number of the group, forcing the rest to escape while Clark and Cullen distracted it.

Everyone ended up meeting in front of the lounge, where Claire and Leon said the entrance to the next floor could be found. Unfortunately for the group, more murder occurred there. Naomi and Little Guy were killed, and with Wanda's powers about to regenerate, the group stopped to investigate and vote on who she should check next. After lots of arguing and vote switching, the group eventually settled on Azura.

Meanwhile, Alice was given a task by Albert Wesker to investigate his office for mysterious reasons. When she got back, she found Naomi and Little Guy returned to life...

Cullen, having fallen into silence as he leaned up against the pool table watching everyone yell back and forth, sighed deeply. Standing up straight, he cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention. "Okay, now that we've had our arguments, our pity parties, and our dramatic vote swings, I'd say it's long past due to call it." He pointed a finger Wanda's way. "Just get this over with before that creature finds us."

Though Wanda had been unsure with all the vote switching who to check, she figured Cullen was right. All she could do was examine who had the most votes at this current time, and that happened to be Azura.

"Let's hope we're right this time," Wanda said to the group. "My powers are only just now coming back to me." As she stepped up next to Azura, her hands glowed with a red aura liked before. The woman's head was bathed in red for just a moment, long enough for Wanda's eyes to widen.


"This one, Azura... she is guilty. She has betrayed us."

As Wanda announced the truth about Azura, Clark flinched. Turning his head down, Clark spoke to Azura.

"Why? You don't seem like someone who just kills people."


"I suppose one truly cannot judge a book by its cover," Riesbyfe simply said, narrowing her eyes at the revealed Traitor. She took a step forward toward Azura, but stopped herself, deciding to see what else Wanda had to say.

Wanda in question shook her head. She held up a hand to silence any reaction to the revelation. "She is not herself. She is being controlled... and I have just enough power to sever that connection."

Wanda's hands glowed red once again, but this time so did her eyes. She took Azura's head in her hands forcefully, and both women cried out. A bright red flash enveloped them, but it was gone in only a few seconds. Wanda stepped away from Azura, breathing heavily. "It's done. She's free."

"Hey, uh..." Leon really wasn't sure what just happened, so he held up a hand. "Nice trick, there."

Claire was still looking pale, and she sounded quiet as she spoke up to ask, "Do you know who was controlling her? Was it Umbrella?"

Wanda shook her head. "Perhaps... I don't really know. The chips were deactivated, and yet... It did not feel like technology, but I can't say for sure. Who else but Umbrella, after all?"

"Whatever the case," Cullen said impatiently, "we have to go."

Claire nodded, gesturing to the exit of the lounge. Both she and Leon led the group ahead, eventually coming across a flight of stairs that led to the floor above. Here, a sign indicated they were on the Research Floor, and that the floor was comprised of two sections: Virus Studies and Drug Manufacturing.

Claire and Leon looked momentarily lost at the entrance to the floor, and when asked where they were supposed to go from here, Leon just shrugged. "I guess we both figured it would be obvious from here," Claire said slowly. "One of these Umbrella workers really should have a map..."

"I for one am not going back down to that other floor," Adam said, almost a bit too loudly. He honestly seemed pretty freaked out. "With that crazy ass monster down there, we're all better off staying up on this floor. I also suggest we don't sit here like fucking chumps like last time."

"Right..." Wanda looked up at the sign. "Then half of us should go to one of these areas, while the other half checks out the other..."

OOC Note: Tag @Klutzy Ninja Kitty for Virus Studies and @Jeremi for Drug Manufacturing. Oh, yeah. Switching it up for a bit.

Cast List
@Minerva as Ada Wong (Resident Evil)
@Sen as Alucard (Castlevania)
@Jeremi as Android 18 (Dragon Ball)
@Takumi as Azura of Nohr (Fire Emblem) - TRAITOR!
@Gummi Bunnies as Blake Dormi (OC)
@Crow as Cagliostro (Granblue Fantasy)
@CCC Kouhai as Charlotte Wiltshire (Hello Charlotte)
@Josh M as Clark Kent (Smallville)
@Atomyk as Cullen Bloodstone (Marvel Comics)
@DBZ7 as Daizo (OC)
@penguin055 as Domon Kasshu (Gundam)
@Bomb as Doremi the Meoletta and Jabber the Riolu (Pokemon)
@Archwar as Fierce-Heart Ali (OC)
@Hana as Hakuei Ren (Magi)
@Crimson Spartan as Jaffar (Fire Emblem)
@thatguyinthestore as Jason Todd (Arkhamverse)
@C.T. as Jinx (League of Legends AU)
@The Myrmidon as Joshua (Fire Emblem)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lucifer Morningstar and Linda Martin (Lucifer)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Lucio (Overwatch)
@Yang Lee as Kazuo Tengan (Danganronpa)
@MetalNova as Mikoto Kujou (Last Game)
@Kaide` as Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
@Mami Tomoe as Nashetania (Rokka no Yusha)
@Nater Taters as Revy and Rock (Black Lagoon)
@Verite as Riesbyfe Stridberg (Type-Moon)
@Azuremoon as Road Kamelot (D.Gray-man)
@york as Schala Zeal (Chrono Trigger)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Senna (Bleach)
@Hospes as Setsuna (Shattered Angels)
@Kaykay as Shirou Yusa (Dies Irae)
@Otto as Twisted Fate (League of Legends)
@Gands as Warpath (Marvel Comics) - INNOCENT!
@Darkseide as William "Penny" Adiyoi (The Magicians)
@Hachiro Terra as Zerberus (Kingdom Hearts OC)

The Deceased

@Tone 6th as Travis Touchdown - DIED! INNOCENT! BLOWN UP!
@Yun Lee as Alice Twilight - MURDERED! INNOCENT! SHOT!
@TheMythicThird as Black Mage Evilwizardington and Fighter McWarrior - DIED! INNOCENT! BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS!
@Vyzwx as Overlord Laharl - DIED! INNOCENT! HEAD CRUSHED!
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Sheev Palpatine - DIED! INNOCENT! STABBED!
@Mason Moretti as Naomi Kimishima and Inspector Navel - MURDERED! INNOCENT! IMPALED AND BURNT TO A CRISP!
@TheColourlessRainbow as Eliot Waugh - DIED! INNOCENT! WHO KNOWS?!
"That was the joke, yeah." She deadpanned towards Lucio. Seeing however that a small group was forming she didn't have the heart to tell them now. Strength in numbers and all that. "Don't come crying to me if one of you ends up getting killed though."

With that they made their way towards the drug manufacturing area. After a long corridor and a sliding door they'd be at their destination.


The first thing that catches your attention is a series of tubes and cylinders with some strange, vile looking liquid going through it. Looking up further you'd see a huge factory like area with numerous conveyor belts shuffling different drugs from one place to another. You also notice a number of labs on either side of the factory, no doubt where the lab rats work on creating the next super drug for Umbrella to use.

No humans that you can see however, the conveyor belt seems to be fully automated with metallic arms doing the grunt work. You could also see some flight of stairs leading up to a scaffolding above the factory area. Despite the fact that you don't see a living soul anywhere...the group might get a feeling that someone's watching them...​

Nodding silently to Riesbyfe, Miku began to observe the area and who was going where. Seeing some folks were already beginning to head up to the scaffolding above, she figured her efforts were best found on the ground floor.

Gingerly making her way further into the room, allowing anyone to tag along should they want to, Miku made her way over to the conveyor belts of machines working mindlessly away. Curiously she looked around them, seeing if there was anything of note.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @DrugManufacturing

"This place already gives me the creeps..."

Blake grumbled a bit upon giving a quick examination of the area. He had no idea what was being made here, but he had a feeling that it wasn't anything pleasant if used against them in some way. The itching feeling that someone or something was watching them clawed at his head, and because of that, he didn't go forward with Jason to check up on what was on the scaffolding for now. Until the A-okay to go up there was made clear to them. They had to be careful after all, they were in enemy territory...

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Otto @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @DrugManufacturing
Schala Zeal
@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Otto @Kaykay @Hospes @Jeremi @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore
@Drug Manufacturing

After the votes were all in order, and Wanda's powers were finally back for the moment, Azura was checked, and sure enough, she was... ... A traitor? Suddenly, Schala felt alot better about having changed her vote; it seemed that while the chips in their heads were no longer active, there had been someone controlling Azura's mind.

This meant there there be others under some sort of influence too, or perhaps even willingly going with this, but whatever the case... She figured she'd worry more about that once she found the Tesseract. They still had a task to accomplish after all.

Seeing that there were two ways to go, she ended up just following Blake, and the others that accompanied him into the drug manufacturing area. Virus research sounded intriguing too, but, on the other hand... She wasn't in a hurry to risk getting herself infected by some nasty Umbrella created virus.

Even if drug manufacturing probably wasn't too much better, at the very least she'd get a good idea what other things Umbrella has been working on besides viruses.

However, as she entered the room, looking around, she couldn't seem to shake this feeling that they were being watched... And perhaps it wasn't unfounded either, Riesbyfe was right; Umbrella was likely aware that they were here, and would definitely stop at nothing to kill them.

Giving Blake a brief look, almost tempted to say something to him... She let out a soft sigh instead, not seeming to be able to think of any usefull to say. So instead, she decided to head up the stairs leading to the scaffolding overlooking the area.

This way, she could get a better look at the place, and hopefully identify whatever might be giving her that strange feeling, like she was being watched or something. Perhaps it was just her paranoia getting to her... But she had to be sure.

Besides, even if she wasn't able to identify any particular reason for why she felt like she was being watched, at least she'd be able to get a good look at the place, and maybe figure out something usefull from that vantagepoint.
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