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Continued from here.

After what couldn't have been any longer than an hour, the scientists on the floor above started to stand and put away their papers. The female scientist near the glass cleared her throat in a manner that suggested she was trying to get everyone's attention. "That will be enough," she said, reaching back to touch William by the arm. She nodded to him and he began to walk away. She watched him go before turning back to the group. "It's time for you to come with us and hear our explanation."

Cullen shrugged in Ali's direction. "So much for all that, huh?"

The glass wall in front of the scientists began to recede into the floor. Once they were exposed, one within the group made her move. Floating off the ground, Andriod 18 charged through the air at an incredible speed, her arm raised to deliver a powerful punch to one of the scientists.

However, before she could reach the scientists, 18 dropped out of the air as if she'd lost all momentum. She slammed into the ground in a heap, clutching at her head as if it was in great pain. The scientists looked utterly calm, having seemingly expected no danger at any time.

"My name is Annette Birkin," said the female scientist. "The man who left was William Birkin, my husband. Our colleague here is Albert Wesker. We work for the Umbrella corporation, as do all of you now. You have no choice in the matter, for it is now in our hands what you can and can't do."

As the pain subsided, 18 stood to her feet. Her body tensed with anger, but it seemed she had expected her attack would have been a failure. On some level, everyone probably felt the same.

"Whether you possess a biological body, a mechanical one, or something in-between, we have inserted technology into each and every one of you that allows us to control your bodies and abilities. We can turn them off as we like, as well as paralyze you if need be. We have been testing your motor functions, and you have given us some valuable data."

"... And what exactly is it you want us to do?" Cullen asked.

It was the man named Albert Wesker who responded. "Follow us."

Annette and Wesker started in the direction William had gone off to, heading toward a wide set of heavy doors. Men and women with guns began to pour into the chamber as an incentive for the group to follow orders. It was only a short walk through the building's sterile gray halls until the group was brought to an area that appeared to be a sitting room with a large screen set into the wall. William was here, as was a mysterious male.


"What the shit is going on here?!" said the male, who wasn't wearing a lab coat or gear like the other Umbrella staff members. He grew visibly incensed at the sight of the crowd, and he took a few angry steps toward Annette before he froze in place mid-stride.

"This one's been a real nuisance," William said. "Not even half as useful as any of the others. Should have killed him off, Annette."

"This one didn't take to the transition as well as the rest of you," Annette said, ignoring William's remarks. "I figured he would have still been in medical, but just as well that he joins us for the briefing."

The man jerked and shook himself when he was able to move again. He took a few gulping breaths and looked to be wavering on his feet. "F-Fuck!" he stammered. "I have things to do, you assholes!"

The scientists ignored his outburst and walked toward the video screen. Annette tapped on the screen, which brought up a visual display that she was able to tap at until the screen turned on to show a video feed. The video showed off a room, where rows upon rows of monitors and computers surrounded a device at the center. It drew every eye, for it glowed a bright and brilliant blue.


"Welcome to Umbrella's greatest achievement," said Annette, sound pleased with herself. "This device has pushed Umbrella's technology development hundreds of years into the future. It allowed us to developed the technology inside your heads, as well as bring you here in the first place." She looked away from the screen and looked upon the group. "Your suspicions were correct. You are beings from other worlds, brought here for our use. Your unique worlds provide assets we could only dream of. In addition, no one that is any threat to us will miss you or be looking for you."

This would have caused dissent and murmurs, but the armed escort seemed primed to use their weaponry.

"As for what we wish you to do," Annette continued, "Is for you to act as weapons for us. An army. A sword. Our technology is wanted by a rival company, and we require you to fight for us. There is no choice in this matter if you value your lives. Even those of you who do not seem to display any sort of combat abilities will be going out in the field. If desired, we can provide some light combat training, but time is of the essence. We know the technology inside of you all works, and that is all we need to be sure of before we go ahead."

"So we're fucking expendable?!" said the male, plainly stating the obvious. "I am no one's puppet, you hear me?"

Annette peered at him impassively. "... Your lives are in your hands."

Wesker tapped at the screen, changing the feed to display a map. "The highlighted areas of this map are where you are permitted to go. Walking outside these areas will shut down your bodies. Do not cross us. We have a waiting area next to the armory where your weapons will be returned to you. In addition, any of you without weapons will be able to take what they want from the armory. Aside from this waiting area is a training facility where you can actually learn to hold a firearm. Is that clear?"

@Minerva @Yun Lee @Sen @Jeremi @Takumi @Krieg @TheMythicThird @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @CCC Kouhai @Josh M @DBZ7 @penguin055 @Bomb @TheColourlessRainbow @Archwar @Hana @Crimson Spartan @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @The Myrmidon @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Cilin Hosan @MetalNova @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Mami Tomoe @Vyzwx @Nater Taters @Verite @TheTechnologicVampire @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Tone 6th @Otto @Gands @Darkseide @Hachiro Terra
Interlude 1:

Agent Rorke raised her eyebrows. "So you... just... played Cat's Cradle until the box opened?" He said, pouring himself a glass of water. "I see. Please, continue."

Ada unfolded her hands. "I'll show you Cat's Cradle later." She said. "First, I have to confront an old... friend." She wound the string around her hand. When she exited the cell, she saw Wesker, her old friend and employer. She decided to confront him about it.

"Well, you could have just asked me about this when I got back." She said, crossing her arms.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @Anybody
Continued from here.

After what couldn't have been any longer than an hour, the scientists on the floor above started to stand and put away their papers. The female scientist near the glass cleared her throat in a manner that suggested she was trying to get everyone's attention. "That will be enough," she said, reaching back to touch William by the arm. She nodded to him and he began to walk away. She watched him go before turning back to the group. "It's time for you to come with us and hear our explanation."

Cullen shrugged in Ali's direction. "So much for all that, huh?"

The glass wall in front of the scientists began to recede into the floor. Once they were exposed, one within the group made her move. Floating off the ground, Andriod 18 charged through the air at an incredible speed, her arm raised to deliver a powerful punch to one of the scientists.

However, before she could reach the scientists, 18 dropped out of the air as if she'd lost all momentum. She slammed into the ground in a heap, clutching at her head as if it was in great pain. The scientists looked utterly calm, having seemingly expected no danger at any time.

"My name is Annette Birkin," said the female scientist. "The man who left was William Birkin, my husband. Our colleague here is Albert Wesker. We work for the Umbrella corporation, as do all of you now. You have no choice in the matter, for it is now in our hands what you can and can't do."

As the pain subsided, 18 stood to her feet. Her body tensed with anger, but it seemed she had expected her attack would have been a failure. On some level, everyone probably felt the same.

"Whether you possess a biological body, a mechanical one, or something in-between, we have inserted technology into each and every one of you that allows us to control your bodies and abilities. We can turn them off as we like, as well as paralyze you if need be. We have been testing your motor functions, and you have given us some valuable data."

"... And what exactly is it you want us to do?" Cullen asked.

It was the man named Albert Wesker who responded. "Follow us."

Annette and Wesker started in the direction William had gone off to, heading toward a wide set of heavy doors. Men and women with guns began to pour into the chamber as an incentive for the group to follow orders. It was only a short walk through the building's sterile gray halls until the group was brought to an area that appeared to be a sitting room with a large screen set into the wall. William was here, as was a mysterious male.


"What the shit is going on here?!" said the male, who wasn't wearing a lab coat or gear like the other Umbrella staff members. He grew visibly incensed at the sight of the crowd, and he took a few angry steps toward Annette before he froze in place mid-stride.

"This one's been a real nuisance," William said. "Not even half as useful as any of the others. Should have killed him off, Annette."

"This one didn't take to the transition as well as the rest of you," Annette said, ignoring William's remarks. "I figured he would have still been in medical, but just as well that he joins us for the briefing."

The man jerked and shook himself when he was able to move again. He took a few gulping breaths and looked to be wavering on his feet. "F-Fuck!" he stammered. "I have things to do, you assholes!"

The scientists ignored his outburst and walked toward the video screen. Annette tapped on the screen, which brought up a visual display that she was able to tap at until the screen turned on to show a video feed. The video showed off a room, where rows upon rows of monitors and computers surrounded a device at the center. It drew every eye, for it glowed a bright and brilliant blue.


"Welcome to Umbrella's greatest achievement," said Annette, sound pleased with herself. "This device has pushed Umbrella's technology development hundreds of years into the future. It allowed us to developed the technology inside your heads, as well as bring you here in the first place." She looked away from the screen and looked upon the group. "Your suspicions were correct. You are beings from other worlds, brought here for our use. Your unique worlds provide assets we could only dream of. In addition, no one that is any threat to us will miss you or be looking for you."

This would have caused dissent and murmurs, but the armed escort seemed primed to use their weaponry.

"As for what we wish you to do," Annette continued, "Is for you to act as weapons for us. An army. A sword. Our technology is wanted by a rival company, and we require you to fight for us. There is no choice in this matter if you value your lives. Even those of you who do not seem to display any sort of combat abilities will be going out in the field. If desired, we can provide some light combat training, but time is of the essence. We know the technology inside of you all works, and that is all we need to be sure of before we go ahead."

"So we're fucking expendable?!" said the male, plainly stating the obvious. "I am no one's puppet, you hear me?"

Annette peered at him impassively. "... Your lives are in your hands."

Wesker tapped at the screen, changing the feed to display a map. "The highlighted areas of this map are where you are permitted to go. Walking outside these areas will shut down your bodies. Do not cross us. We have a waiting area next to the armory where your weapons will be returned to you. In addition, any of you without weapons will be able to take what they want from the armory. Aside from this waiting area is a training facility where you can actually learn to hold a firearm. Is that clear?"

@Minerva @Yun Lee @Sen @Jeremi @Takumi @Krieg @TheMythicThird @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @CCC Kouhai @Josh M @DBZ7 @penguin055 @Bomb @TheColourlessRainbow @Archwar @Hana @Crimson Spartan @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @The Myrmidon @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Cilin Hosan @MetalNova @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Mami Tomoe @Vyzwx @Nater Taters @Verite @TheTechnologicVampire @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Tone 6th @Otto @Gands @Darkseide @Hachiro Terra


"These 'Umbrella' bastards... I'll be sure to get them when I get the chance..." Cagliostro utters... "No one 'owns' the cutest, genius, beautiful alchemist Cagliostro...

... once again, humanity proves its ugly nature to me... but they will never find a way to truly kill me...



... the thought of being 'Expendables' though..."

Cagliostro grabs her vials containing various chemicals and such, inserting them into her overcoat. She also grabs a perculiar cross-like stave, poking it through the neck of her fuzzy plushie.

"OK~ Ouroboros~ let's go~" Cagliostro cheerfully says as she tosses her serpentine plushie into the air. As she claps her hands once, the cottony, fabricy plushie starts to transform into a rougher, harder material, and eventually into a longer, larger being.


"Have you met Ouroboros~" Cagliostro speaks in her bubbly manner as the plushie - now a large familiar - roars as it coils around. "He's usually reeaally hungry... but I guess he has to hold back on lunch..."

Her bubbly voice changes to a more serious, gruff tone.

"... for now..."

@Sen @Hana @Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Josh M @Jeremi @The Myrmidon @Bomb @Hachiro Terra @Mami Tomoe @Mason Moretti @Gands
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Twisted Fate examined the guns and other odd-looking equipment. He didn't grab any of them; his cards were much better in comparison. However, he couldn't help but notice the craftsmanship. The shape and design looked too good to be true. Where he came from, guns were primitive and uncommon. He was used to seeing flintlock and steampunk weaponry. Compared to those, these modern guns were much better.​
By the time she arrived at the armory, her breaths had gotten shallow. A trembling hand reached out towards one of the firearms, almost dropping it as she tried to pick it up. It wasn't like she was particularly weak or anything like that. But...her? With a gun?

Unsure what to say, she just held the gun pointed at the ground, shrinking a bit under the pressure.

@Archwar @Otto
His thinking abruptly stopped when he saw Kujou trembling and almost dropping a gun. Twisted Fate wasn't much of a social butterfly, so he didn't have anything useful to say except,

"You...doin' alright?"

Then he remembered that she was nothing more than an ordinary girl. His face went dark.

"Don't worry, we'll protect you as best we can."

Then, he remembered something else. He pulled out Kujou's card. It looked almost the same as before, but it had a yellow rune on the back of it. He gave it back to her.

"Here, use this if you need to escape danger. I know you ain't a mage, but you should still be able to use it. Just throw it at someone if they try anythin'."

This particular card was transformed into one of his "gold" cards back when he was in the cage. Gold cards can stun someone if they are hit by it.

@Archwar @MetalNova @C.T.

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Miku surveyed the immediate area, watching as the others got their things together. She felt rather out of place, not possessing a weapon of any sort... Or any training, for that matter. That's what training was for, she supposed, but where was she even supposed to start? Turning her attention to Alice, she spoke.

"I trust you to teach me the basics... Where should I start? I'll need to pick a weapon, right?"

"Alright, I hear you loud and clear."

Blake returned a smile towards Miku's direction, finally making way for the training room. From there, he was able to obtain his power core used for his PWM cube. It looks like they haven't missed with it... but he couldn't really tell anyways. All he had to do was insert the little ball of a power core into the cube's slot, and the cubic mechanism began to recharge itself immediately. If he estimated the time he had after his last mission until before being transported here under the assumption that they removed the power core the moment he got here, Blake had a bit of time before it would be at full battery power.

It was fairly nice to hear that he wouldn't be alone with ensuring that Miku would be safe, seeing that Alice was willing to teach her the basics... but Blake couldn't help himself on one little note...


"Say, how much time do you think you have before lights are out? A rough estimate is fine, I just need to know."

Leaning over to Miku's side, Blake had to ask this. She did say that she needed some sort of way to recharge herself, since she was only an android idol after all. He had some sort of back-up plan in mind if it came to assisting her with her power reserves.
Upon hearing Blake's question, Miku didn't answer right away. Quickly running an internal check on the state of her battery reserves, she was relieved to find she had yet to drop below ninety percent at all. Thankfully, she had left her home after a relatively long night's charge.

"... Awhile, it seems." She replied after a few moments. "I can go two, maybe three days before I need charging. Beyond that is pushing it, though." She glanced back towards where they had come from just a few moments prior. "But if we're doing what I think we're doing..." A sheepish, unsure smile. "I might need one sooner than that. Why?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Others

"Heh, not the most friendly guys, are ya? Well, I'll play along for now. Ain't gonna lie, I wanna know more 'bout whatever the hell's happened and I think y'all can help me with that." Seemingly undisturbed by their circumstances, Shirou began to walk over to the armory area. Could use his gun back, and that book. Though midway, he turned his head back towards the scientists with a smirk.

"You shouldn't underestimate people who might wanna come after you though. Just a bit of friendly advice."

Sounding rather cocky for someone in his compromised position, he moved to pick up his stuff. He checked to see if his gun was loaded, and upon seeing it was, cocked it and dangled it at his side.

As he saw a few of the others pick up their weapons, he couldn't help but be rather surprised. Some of the groups' weapon choices were...certainly interesting. Different universes had differing levels of technology, he figured. But since they had the chance...

"Oi, oi, you sword and melee guys sure you don't want a gun, or something?"

@Takumi @The Myrmidon @Atomyk @Verite @whoever​

Noticing how the news affected her, Joshua made certain to give Azura a comforting squeeze of the hand, a way to make it clear that he was there to stand or walk by her. He was content to keep pace with her, no matter how fast, having learned to shoulder through sore feet through years on the road.

"Quite the impressive weapon, like a high-quality spear from the forges of Frelia," His eyes gave the naginata a quick once-over before nodding, suitably impressed with it. However, he soon caught sight of the tool he had brought with him, and with a smirk, Joshua pulled the scimitar or saber like blade out of the collection. With a quick flourish to unsheathe and check the blade for any imperfections, he nodded and attached the blade to his belt, servant with master once again, "Glad to have my Killing Edge back. Didn't feel right without it..."

"Oh damn, that fellow is starting an argument with the scientist, isn't he?"

"No reading material, but I have cards and coin if you wish to gamble some, my friend."

With his free hand, the myrmidon held up a deck of cards at the man who had called Annette quite the unkind name. Joshua doubted he would take him up on his offer, but it was worth a try, right? "Ah, and you can play as well, if you wish, Azura."

@thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @Verite @Takumi

Feeling comforted by Joshua's hand squeezing her's, she squeezed back as thanks. She even cracked a small smile after feeling herself calm down a bit.

"Thank you, it's a weapon most Pegasus riders weild in Hoshido." turning her head to the young man who asked of they would like to use guns she gave him a slight shake of her head.

"I think I'll stick to the weapon I'm used to. It's kept me alive this long, and I'll do my best to keep it that way." she responded.

"I don't think I'll join in any card game, Joshua. I may try to train in the mean time." she spoke.

Hearing Zeberus, she glanced over her shoulder at him.

"Zeberus, I wouldn't mind sparring with you." she called to the Keyblade wielder.

@The Myrmidon @Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Hachiro Terra @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan
Now that the card was usable, Twisted Fate schemed on what to do next. He thought about using the card to teleport out of the cage and find a way to let everyone out. This plan sounded much more efficient compared to what Ali was thinking of. Before Twisted Fate could share his plan, the scientists began letting everyone out of the cage.​

...Well there goes that idea. He decided to put the card in one of his many pockets. It might prove useful later.

"Looks like we spent too much time twiddling our thumbs..."

These guys were funny. Twisted Fate doesn't work for free. In a normal situation, he'd be gone in an instant. The problem was, these people weren't looking for employees. They were looking for slaves. As much as he hated doing things for people without compensation, he saw his life as being more valuable than money.

Twisted Fate was getting a bit tired of Jinx's regular outbursts. He sighed as he tried to calm her down.

"Relax, Jinx, now isn't the time to raise the stakes."

Twisted Fate followed Ali. When they arrived, he happily retrieved his decks of cards and hid them on his person.

"Still can't believe they found all of them..."

He noticed Jinx nearby.

"Hey, Jinx, wanna travel with us? As much as I hate to say it, I trust you more than anyone else here.
I'm only sayin' that because we're colleagues."

@C.T. @Archwar @MetalNova
(Or anyone else.)

Silently, Kujou walked with Twisted Fate and Ali towards the armory. It wasn't like she had weapons to recover or anything, but apparently they'd give her some. To fight. To wage some sort of ridiculous corporate war.

She could very easily die here.

Her body trembled at the thought, a chill running down her spine. Her knuckles turned white and blood was drawn from her lower lip as she bit down. Why her? There was nothing special about her. Something like a war was impossible for her. But like the scientist said, she was just out of luck.

By the time she arrived at the armory, her breaths had gotten shallow. A trembling hand reached out towards one of the firearms, almost dropping it as she tried to pick it up. It wasn't like she was particularly weak or anything like that. But...her? With a gun?

Unsure what to say, she just held the gun pointed at the ground, shrinking a bit under the pressure.

@Archwar @Otto

Twisted Fate examined the guns and other odd-looking equipment. He didn't grab any of them; his cards were much better in comparison. However, he couldn't help but notice the craftsmanship. The shape and design looked too good to be true. Where he came from, guns were primitive and uncommon. He was used to seeing flintlock weaponry, but these? These were much more dangerous.​

His thinking abruptly stopped when he saw Kujou trembling and almost dropping a gun. Twisted Fate wasn't much of a social butterfly, so he didn't have anything useful to say except,

"You...doin' alright?"

Then he remembered that she was nothing more than an ordinary girl. His face went dark.

"Don't worry, we'll protect you as best we can."

Then, he remembered something else. He pulled out Kujou's card. It looked almost the same as before, but it had a yellow rune on the back of it. He gave it back to her.

"Here, use this if you need to escape danger. I know you ain't a mage, but you should still be able to use it. Just throw it at someone if they try anythin'."

@Archwar @MetalNova

I frowned when I lifted my four flintlock pistols, straightsword, and scimitar. Something felt off about them and when I examined them ,they were the same-weight, same color, same shape, same everything before being thrust into this situation. I'll find out what they tampered with later on.

I turned my head and raised a eyebrow when Fate invited another person, someone that he apparently didn't trust much, but would rather have someone he knew than with unknowns. Well, if there was another person I could trust(and definitely not use as a meatshield) then all the better!

"Sounds like you two have some history together. I hope it isn't the belligerent sexual tension kind," I chuckled. Yeah, this was a great way to make friends Ham! Better start bracing my face for a punch!

As my facial muscles tensed up in preparation for a possible fist, my ears perked up when I heard the clatter of a shaking weapon. I looked over to Kujou shrinking like a violet. A throaty growl escaped from my mouth. Again that inferno was starting to burn in my chest.

A civilian, someone who has never held a weapon in their life or even killed, was here? And these stupid bastards are throwing her to the wolves with only light training?

Guess I have to roll with the punches.

I did smile when Fate said they would protect her and gave her the magical card. Good to know Mr. Gloomy isn't all dark.

"I can give a few pointers on how to handle a gun so it doesn't knock you on your ass or where sensitive areas of the body if you're inclined to not using a weapon, but like Fate said, we'll protect you as much as we can."

She was still dead weight though.

@Otto @MetalNova @C.T.
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Little Guy and Dr. Kimishima, reunited, both head off to the the area where their tools are to be returned.

For Naomi, this equipment comsisted of her cell phone, her laptop, and an electronic voice recorder. Alongside these were basic forensic tools: fingerprint powder, luminol spray, and an alternative light source.

For Navel, this means his own cell phone, laptop, and recorder, as well as an FBI issued firearm. He already knew how to use it. However, Naomi had no experience with firing them, just their effects on human bodies.


"Doctor Kimishima, are you seriously going to learn to use a gun? That doesn't seem very like you."


"You heard Wesker. We don't exactly have a choice. I'll go learn to fire a gun. You just wait for me here, alright? Looks like these people are our allies... Allies against Umbrella's enemies and Umbrella itself. Let's make sure to watch over them."

"Will do, Doctor Kimishima."

And so, Navel stayed in the waiting room, while Naomi went into the training facility.
@Atomyk @Verite #Anyone

Posting Buddies: @Bomb @Takumi @Crow



Without a word, Setsuna turned heel, beginning to make her way towards the training facility. Her feelings on the matter at hand were completely unreadable, as her expression remained in the same poker-face as before. Besides, she had no weapon she needed to pick up- as she'd told the others, she was a sword. She was a weapon, in and of herself. Besides, perhaps her 'willingness'(if one could call it that) was merely in hopes that complying would get her home faster.

Not that she exactly had a home anymore.

@Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Sen @Hospes
And anyone else nearby!!
Nashetania turned to those closest to her. The group seemed to compose of Alucard, Lucio, and Riesbyfe... Four of the more temperate individuals that had been dragged here out of the blue. Out of the corner of her eye, Nashetania spotted Setsuna heading in the direction of the training area... Gathering her thoughts, she turned back.

"Would any of you... like to go to the training facility?" The rabbit woman asked, making sure she spoke softly, gently. "It may be useful to know each other's strengths and weaknesses, especially if we're going to fight alongside each other later on."
If Android 18 gave an answer to Lucio, he'd nod and turn his attention towards Blake. Lucio glanced over to Blake as he spoke, arching a concerned brow as he mentioned something buzzing and static in his ears.

My music doesn't do that...

"I think that might jus' be transportation sickness, Blake. Or maby you're still stressed out about everythin'. Being like that ain't healthy for you, man! You need...some milk or somethin'."

@Gummi Bunnies

Lucio turned around to Nash, his smile reappearing slightly as she proposed progress.

"You sayin' you wanna fight me, Nash? Huh? HAAA! I'm kiddin'! Yeah, sure, lemme jus' grab my stuff real quick and we can head on over. We don't have anything better to do, anyway."

He gave Blake a quick pat on the back as he began to skate off.

"Catch you in the trainin' room, Blake."

With that said, Lucio followed Nashetania and the others towards the waiting room and then the training room, moving to acquire his weapons. Or, rather, his single weapon.


"Ho, man, I can't say I wasn't missin' this thing while we were in there! Nash, I wanna introduce you to the Vishkar Sonic Amplifier. Or, if you don't have a stick up your butt, the sound gun! Fires pure sonic projectiles, which smack bad guys around really hard, and then it has this really cool "blast" function which, like, lets out a HUGE sonic blast at once.

"Y'know, kinda like a...'BOOP!', you know?"

The souls of the damned rest beyond the cliffs.

@Verite @Atomyk @Sen @Hospes @Mason Moretti @Training Room
James Proudstar. -. Warpath

Shev, ( looking at the older man ) do you need to go to the training area ? ( James grinned at this ). If not, let's hit the armory. Couldn't hurt to have extra guns. Arkham, you coming ?

With that, the big guy headed towards the armory with anyone who would follow.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @thatguyinthestore

As I listened to what Annette said, my frown grew deeper and the more my fists tightened. I was going to be used as a tool, again.
My mind was in a rage, silently wanting to strangle the fuckers and rip their souls out and see how they like being used as tools.

kIllWE WeN THey OTmust TonotOls! impurAREesthese MUrDerUS! wiLlTHhOWeM! thEy. HOw CONDareTAIN fooliSH.

Calm now, judgment later.

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, relaxing my fists back into their natural position though they were still slightly curled because of the angry inferno in my chest. I repeated the process till the inferno died down and thought about the positives. I knew when to bend over and take it submissively so I could reach over and grab their balls before proceeding to tear it off. They also had the courage to tell us upfront about their intentions unlike last time and though precautions had been taken, they were arrogant and stupid enough to underestimate us and even showed us what their little prize is, they just didn't tell us where.

Who knows, they might just be James Bond levels of stupid once I begin to strip away the layers. I did crack a smile at the information they told us.

They said they worked for the 'Umbrella Corporation' so I guess they made more than umbrellas, but I was still going to enjoy tormenting them. A rival company also wants their technology so I guess the world we were kidnapped to was ruled by big companies. Or the government and the military is the company that wants their tech.

I crossed my arms as I started to construct a plan. Yes, we may have no worth now, but overtime as we prove our worth, they'll be less likely to let us die. After all, it must have been a resource-heavy and time consuming operation and doing that all over again to replace a valuable tool with a possible shit one isn't going to sit well.

I also chuckled softly when I heard that my friends weren't coming to look for me. I guess this blue light must scramble their memories or something? So much information. I know for a fact the others will figure out something is wrong and come looking for me. How long, I don't know.

But I sighed after they were done talking. I just couldn't piece together why they would pull randoms from other worlds. What if they accidentally summoned a creature that not only resisted their tech, but could destroy them with a single thought? Well, I guess I gotta play the game to find out why.

"Twisted Fate, Kujou, let's head towards the armory and get our things then head to the training room. It's best not to do anything stupid." For now! I added the last two words mentally.

With that, I headed towards the waiting area to get my weapons and once retrieved, I would head towards the training room.

@MetalNova @Otto @Atomyk @Verite
Palpatine let out a small chuckle and placed his palm onto the X-Man's shoulder. "James, look at me! I'm no fighter! All the firearms training in the world couldn't make me shoot straight. But...there is some equipment I wish to pick up from th armoury- something someone conferscated when I arrived..."
Mobile crappost
Then I guess you're out of luck, aren't you?

Miku's fist clenched, her eyes remaining on both William and Albert, though she forced herself to relax at the consoling of both Blake and Alice. "Thank you... both of you, really." She shot the both of them a rather forced looking smile. "I mean it."

"I'm definitely gonna need it." It might not have seemed like it, but Miku's head was racing with questions. They couldn't accommodate; would this mean she'd just have to keep going until she eventually ran out of power? She wasn't that expendable... Right?

"Let's go, guys." She said after trying to swallow her fears, moving herself away from Alice's gently laid hand. "Training facility." And provided none of them objected, she'd head over in direction of said area.​

@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Others

"Yes, perhaps... Perhaps that is our best course of action at the moment," Riesbyfe said to Nashetania after recovering her iron gauntlets and her trusty shield Gamaliel, though after the ordeal that she and the rest of the trapped group had been through, it seemed that her mood had dipped for the worse a little, even if one could argue that it was a perfectly normal reaction to everything everyone had just been through. Being told that they were now weapons against their own will without much of a choice was unsettling, especially so for such a knight who enjoyed her own free will and determination.

However, these people were somewhat vague about who they would be used as weapons against. As their first impression, this organization of people gave Riesbyfe the impression that this world was a grey one, and she could only hope that as such, she wasn't to be pitted against good people, lest she'd rather end herself than harm any innocents.


The training facility resembled a large shooting range, complete with ear muffs, as well as large sandbags on the side for anyone wishing to test their skill with a blade.


In the center, a man in somewhat heavy clothing and a distinctive mask was seen trying his own proficiency with a gun, shooting deftly at the targets on the other side of the room. Initially, he paid the group in the training facility no mind, but after Riesbyfe cleared her throat during the brief moment in which the man reloaded, he turned to face everyone.


"Ah... You must be the fresh meat. Name's SPECTRE," the man said through his mask with a calm, almost even smug, tone, as he casually twirled his pistol in his hand, "Help yourself to the place. Make yourself useful 'cause being useless, we will make sure, will be worse than just being dead. And don't try anything funny with me, alright? I'll put you into the ground even harder than your father did after he had some of the bottle. Won't even need the fancy little devices they put in you."

With that brief statement, SPECTRE went back to shooting his target, leaving everyone in the training facility to do as they pleased.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gands @Jeremi @Hospes @Mason Moretti @TrainingFacility
Clark was in shock, When the Arkham knight just blurted his secret without warning, it took everything for him not grab the man and shake him. Did he even know what he was doing? Clark could take care of himself, but his family? His friends? He didn't give a damn about the ramifications. Clark just sat there after the talk with Umbrella, thinking of what to do. He was all alone. For the first time in awhile, he felt useless, vulnerable. Taking a minute, Clark called to Lucio, Nashetania Ries.

"Can I talk to you three, alone? Meet behind though walls."


Leaving the three, Clark went to a private outside the viewing of most people.

"So, before I say anything, I can trust you three, Right?"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @Mami Tomoe

"Of course. What is it that you wish to discuss with me, Clark?"

She was curious as to what spurred on this course of action from Clark, left to wonder just about what he was thinking of at the moment. Despite her mood taking a small dive after all that had happened, she couldn't deny that having her gauntlets and shield back at least made her less anxious, so perhaps it all balanced out in the end. Having people she trusted nearby was also a plus, including not just Clark and Nashetania, but also mysterious green man. What was his name again? Lu... Luigi?


@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Josh M
  • Love
Reactions: Takumi
Albert stared at Ada for a moment, even going so far as to lower his sunglasses slightly so that she could just barely see his red-hued eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he said bluntly.


The yet-unnamed man turned from Joshua when his eyes caught sight of a magnificent creature. A beautiful maiden straight out of his favorite Japanese spank material. Really, these had to be people from other worlds, for he knew no such human being from his world made for such a pleasant visage.

The man sauntered over toward Cagliostro, his tongue practically hanging from his mouth. What luck! What twist of fate! These Umbrella shitlords maybe did some good in his life if it meant he got to meet a Goddess. Truly, was he in heaven?

"You look like one of the best girls of Super Innocent Lolis 4!" he exclaimed. "Like, one of my favorites! You're just... aren't you a bundle of joy, huh? I'm Adam... Adam Eberhart." He held out a hand, delicately, his mouth agape. "Please, take my hand so I may plant a kiss upon the soft, supple skin."

@Crow @The Myrmidon
  • Useful
Reactions: Jeremi
Twisted Fate examined the guns and other odd-looking equipment. He didn't grab any of them; his cards were much better in comparison. However, he couldn't help but notice the craftsmanship. The shape and design looked too good to be true. Where he came from, guns were primitive and uncommon. He was used to seeing flintlock and steampunk weaponry. Compared to those, these modern guns were much better.​

His thinking abruptly stopped when he saw Kujou trembling and almost dropping a gun. Twisted Fate wasn't much of a social butterfly, so he didn't have anything useful to say except,

"You...doin' alright?"

Then he remembered that she was nothing more than an ordinary girl. His face went dark.

"Don't worry, we'll protect you as best we can."

Then, he remembered something else. He pulled out Kujou's card. It looked almost the same as before, but it had a yellow rune on the back of it. He gave it back to her.

"Here, use this if you need to escape danger. I know you ain't a mage, but you should still be able to use it. Just throw it at someone if they try anythin'."

@Archwar @MetalNova

"...Ah." She perked up a bit at his voice, as though she'd gotten lost in her own world entirely just then.

I caused him to worry. I need to be able to take care of myself.

It wasn't that easy, though. Kujou was still nervous, Taking one hand off the gun, she took the card, her eyes widening a bit as it seemed to have some sort of yellow glow to it. She'd already seen him transform it earlier, but now that she held it, somehow it felt more real. But at the same time, it was scary. She really would have to fight? But...



Even though her body still trembled, and her voice was weak, she managed a small, natural smile.

I frowned when I lifted my four flintlock pistols, straightsword, and scimitar. Something felt off about them and when I examined them ,they were the same-weight, same color, same shape, same everything before being thrust into this situation. I'll find out what they tampered with later on.

I turned my head and raised a eyebrow when Fate invited another person, someone that he apparently didn't trust much, but would rather have someone he knew than with unknowns. Well, if there was another person I could trust(and definitely not use as a meatshield) then all the better!

"Sounds like you two have some history together. I hope it isn't the belligerent sexual tension kind," I chuckled. Yeah, this was a great way to make friends Ham! Better start bracing my face for a punch!

As my facial muscles tensed up in preparation for a possible fist, my ears perked up when I heard the clatter of a shaking weapon. I looked over to Kujou shrinking like a violet. A throaty growl escaped from my mouth. Again that inferno was starting to burn in my chest.

A civilian, someone who has never held a weapon in their life or even killed, was here? And these stupid bastards are throwing her to the wolves with only light training?

Guess I have to roll with the punches.

I did smile when Fate said they would protect her and gave her the magical card. Good to know Mr. Gloomy isn't all dark.

"I can give a few pointers on how to handle a gun so it doesn't knock you on your ass or where sensitive areas of the body if you're inclined to not using a weapon, but like Fate said, we'll protect you as much as we can."

She was still dead weight though.

@Otto @MetalNova @C.T.

While taking the card and everything, she completely missed a little fun bit of the conversation. Though, really, that was probably for the best.


She hadn't shot a gun before, but she did at least know a bit of jiujitsu. Though, that only made her all the more aware of its limits as well. She was still no match for a single human with a gun, fighting a war entailed fighting tons of them. Even if she didn't want to, she needed the weapon. Therefore, she had to learn to shoot.

"I'll try to learn as best as I can."

@Otto @Archwar @C.T.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"So we're fucking expendable?!" said the male, plainly stating the obvious. "I am no one's puppet, you hear me?"

Annette peered at him impassively. "... Your lives are in your hands."

Wesker tapped at the screen, changing the feed to display a map. "The highlighted areas of this map are where you are permitted to go. Walking outside these areas will shut down your bodies. Do not cross us. We have a waiting area next to the armory where your weapons will be returned to you. In addition, any of you without weapons will be able to take what they want from the armory. Aside from this waiting area is a training facility where you can actually learn to hold a firearm. Is that clear?"

@Minerva @Yun Lee @Sen @Jeremi @Takumi @Krieg @TheMythicThird @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @CCC Kouhai @Josh M @DBZ7 @penguin055 @Bomb @TheColourlessRainbow @Archwar @Hana @Crimson Spartan @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @The Myrmidon @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Cilin Hosan @MetalNova @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Mami Tomoe @Vyzwx @Nater Taters @Verite @TheTechnologicVampire @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Tone 6th @Otto @Gands @Darkseide @Hachiro Terra

The little girl that was ever so silent in the crowd before had almost jumped in her place, filled with happiness as the male had talked about him not being anyone's puppet. "Excuse me, sir! Will we be getting out own Seths? I thought I might have gone crazy over not being a puppet..." She turned to the mysterious male, giving him a wide smile. "Being a puppet isn't so bad! It's wonderful to have someone controlling your life!"


@Minerva @Yun Lee @Sen @Jeremi @Takumi @Krieg @TheMythicThird @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Josh M @DBZ7 @penguin055 @Bomb @TheColourlessRainbow @Archwar @Hana @Crimson Spartan @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @The Myrmidon @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Cilin Hosan @MetalNova @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Mami Tomoe @Vyzwx@Nater Taters @Verite @TheTechnologicVampire @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Tone 6th @Otto @Gands @Darkseide @Hachiro Terra
Zerberus then looks to Azura. A smile hwas on his face as there was a fire in his eyes. He throws his blade down. The blade then disappeared as he then crossed his arms.

"Are you sure you want to spar with me? It will be hard to defeat me in sparring......but if you do, I might give you something in return...."

Zerberus then summoned his Key-blade back in his hand.

@Takumi @Anyone
Zerberus was already in the training area, using magic against some robots he found earlier. He was also work on some Keyblade styles he knew. The robots were too simple for him and he tried new ways of defeating them. He memorized their patterns of attack. He then got bored. He needed to get stronger and he knew what to do to get that.

"Can anyone spar with me?"

Feeling comforted by Joshua's hand squeezing her's, she squeezed back as thanks. She even cracked a small smile after feeling herself calm down a bit.

"Thank you, it's a weapon most Pegasus riders weild in Hoshido." turning her head to the young man who asked of they would like to use guns she gave him a slight shake of her head.

"I think I'll stick to the weapon I'm used to. It's kept me alive this long, and I'll do my best to keep it that way." she responded.

"I don't think I'll join in any card game, Joshua. I may try to train in the mean time." she spoke.

Hearing Zeberus, she glanced over her shoulder at him.

"Zeberus, I wouldn't mind sparring with you." she called to the Keyblade wielder.

@The Myrmidon @Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Hachiro Terra @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan
After hearing the scientist's reply to his question, Domon decided to make his way to the Training Facility. He was already fully confident in his fighting skills, but a quick workout wouldn't hurt.

Once he arrived at the facility, he overheard Azura accepting Zerberus's offer for a spar. It's been a while since I've had a good fight, he thought, tightening his headband as he walked closer to the two. "Mind if I join in on your fight? You guys look like you would make good opponents." Domon spread his feet apart and raised his fists, ready to make a move at a moment's notice. Both of the others were armed, but that didn't intimidate him at all. He didn't spend ten years training for nothing.

@Hachiro Terra @Takumi
Feeling comforted by Joshua's hand squeezing her's, she squeezed back as thanks. She even cracked a small smile after feeling herself calm down a bit.

"Thank you, it's a weapon most Pegasus riders weild in Hoshido." turning her head to the young man who asked of they would like to use guns she gave him a slight shake of her head.

"I think I'll stick to the weapon I'm used to. It's kept me alive this long, and I'll do my best to keep it that way." she responded.

"I don't think I'll join in any card game, Joshua. I may try to train in the mean time." she spoke.

Hearing Zeberus, she glanced over her shoulder at him.

"Zeberus, I wouldn't mind sparring with you." she called to the Keyblade wielder.

@The Myrmidon @Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Hachiro Terra @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan
"Whatever ya want." Shirou simply shrugged. Hopefully at least some of their foes would be equally technologically impaired, or the girl had better be extraordinarily skilled with the weapon. He'd seen his own share of people doing some impossible stuff with such weapons, after all. If she was confident in it, that was good enough.

Wanting to make sure his guns were good to go, though, he decided to head over to the training area.

"Ah... You must be the fresh meat. Name's SPECTRE," the man said through his mask with a calm, almost even smug, tone, as he casually twirled his pistol in his hand, "Help yourself to the place. Make yourself useful 'cause being useless, we will make sure, will be worse than just being dead. And don't try anything funny with me, alright? I'll put you into the ground even harder than your father did after he had some of the bottle. Won't even need the fancy little devices they put in you."

With that brief statement, SPECTRE went back to shooting his target, leaving everyone in the training facility to do as they pleased.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gands @Jeremi @Hospes @Mason Moretti @TrainingFacility
And upon stumbling this wound-up telescope-eyed guy, Shirou just calmly put a hand on his shoulder, not seeming to mind the recoil as SPECTRE continued firing.

"Don't worry, a man is more than the size of his package."

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gands @Jeremi @Hospes @Mason Moretti @Takumi @Hachiro Terra @penguin055 @Verite @TrainingFacility​
Penny turned and spoke to Eliot

"I don't trust these people one bit. We should get in a group and not let them split us up."
He'd point to Lucy Who clearly has some 'splainin ta do
"Maybe get that guy with us."
To finish it all off, he'd take a swig of the flask.​
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Then I guess you're out of luck, aren't you?

Miku's fist clenched, her eyes remaining on both William and Albert, though she forced herself to relax at the consoling of both Blake and Alice. "Thank you... both of you, really." She shot the both of them a rather forced looking smile. "I mean it."

"I'm definitely gonna need it." It might not have seemed like it, but Miku's head was racing with questions. They couldn't accommodate; would this mean she'd just have to keep going until she eventually ran out of power? She wasn't that expendable... Right?

"Let's go, guys." She said after trying to swallow her fears, moving herself away from Alice's gently laid hand. "Training facility." And provided none of them objected, she'd head over in direction of said area.​

@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Others
"Sure, see you there Lucio."

Blake gave a nod to Lucio, doing a double finger gun gesture to acknowledge him before he went ahead. With that out of the way...


"Alright, I hear you loud and clear."

Blake returned a smile towards Miku's direction, finally making way for the training room. From there, he was able to obtain his power core used for his PWM cube. It looks like they haven't missed with it... but he couldn't really tell anyways. All he had to do was insert the little ball of a power core into the cube's slot, and the cubic mechanism began to recharge itself immediately. If he estimated the time he had after his last mission until before being transported here under the assumption that they removed the power core the moment he got here, Blake had a bit of time before it would be at full battery power.

It was fairly nice to hear that he wouldn't be alone with ensuring that Miku would be safe, seeing that Alice was willing to teach her the basics... but Blake couldn't help himself on one little note...


"Say, how much time do you think you have before lights are out? A rough estimate is fine, I just need to know."

Leaning over to Miku's side, Blake had to ask this. She did say that she needed some sort of way to recharge herself, since she was only an android idol after all. He had some sort of back-up plan in mind if it came to assisting her with her power reserves.

@Kaide` @Yun Lee @others lol​

Annette was about to answer Domon, but Albert spoke over her. "Perhaps once we've run out of use for you. Perhaps."

The guy Joshua spoke to turned quickly toward him, eyeing him up and down, brow raised inquisitively. "Oh~ I like the way you think. I'm totally down for some debauchery if you know what I mean. Got any girls to join us? Because if I have to die fighting for these fuckers, I'd like to do it good and spent."

@penguin055 @The Myrmidon

Alucard was able to find his potions and sword, while Jason was able to find the weapons and equipment he was looking for.

@Sen @thatguyinthestore

Miku surveyed the immediate area, watching as the others got their things together. She felt rather out of place, not possessing a weapon of any sort... Or any training, for that matter. That's what training was for, she supposed, but where was she even supposed to start? Turning her attention to Alice, she spoke.

"I trust you to teach me the basics... Where should I start? I'll need to pick a weapon, right?"

Upon hearing Blake's question, Miku didn't answer right away. Quickly running an internal check on the state of her battery reserves, she was relieved to find she had yet to drop below ninety percent at all. Thankfully, she had left her home after a relatively long night's charge.

"... Awhile, it seems." She replied after a few moments. "I can go two, maybe three days before I need charging. Beyond that is pushing it, though." She glanced back towards where they had come from just a few moments prior. "But if we're doing what I think we're doing..." A sheepish, unsure smile. "I might need one sooner than that. Why?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Others


"Yes, perhaps... Perhaps that is our best course of action at the moment," Riesbyfe said to Nashetania after recovering her iron gauntlets and her trusty shield Gamaliel, though after the ordeal that she and the rest of the trapped group had been through, it seemed that her mood had dipped for the worse a little, even if one could argue that it was a perfectly normal reaction to everything everyone had just been through. Being told that they were now weapons against their own will without much of a choice was unsettling, especially so for such a knight who enjoyed her own free will and determination.

However, these people were somewhat vague about who they would be used as weapons against. As their first impression, this organization of people gave Riesbyfe the impression that this world was a grey one, and she could only hope that as such, she wasn't to be pitted against good people, lest she'd rather end herself than harm any innocents.


The training facility resembled a large shooting range, complete with ear muffs, as well as large sandbags on the side for anyone wishing to test their skill with a blade.


In the center, a man in somewhat heavy clothing and a distinctive mask was seen trying his own proficiency with a gun, shooting deftly at the targets on the other side of the room. Initially, he paid the group in the training facility no mind, but after Riesbyfe cleared her throat during the brief moment in which the man reloaded, he turned to face everyone.


"Ah... You must be the fresh meat. Name's SPECTRE," the man said through his mask with a calm, almost even smug, tone, as he casually twirled his pistol in his hand, "Help yourself to the place. Make yourself useful 'cause being useless, we will make sure, will be worse than just being dead. And don't try anything funny with me, alright? I'll put you into the ground even harder than your father did after he had some of the bottle. Won't even need the fancy little devices they put in you."

With that brief statement, SPECTRE went back to shooting his target, leaving everyone in the training facility to do as they pleased.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gands @Jeremi @Hospes @Mason Moretti @TrainingFacility


"Of course. What is it that you wish to discuss with me, Clark?"

She was curious as to what spurred on this course of action from Clark, left to wonder just about what he was thinking of at the moment. Despite her mood taking a small dive after all that had happened, she couldn't deny that having her gauntlets and shield back at least made her less anxious, so perhaps it all balanced out in the end. Having people she trusted nearby was also a plus, including not just Clark and Nashetania, but also mysterious green man. What was his name again? Lu... Luigi?


@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Josh M
Alice nodded. "I will join you all in a moment," she said. "First, let me get my weapon from the waiting room."


A while later Alice arrived at the training ground, ASURA-6 currently off. It was far too advanced for training a little girl, so Alice would merely wait for Miku to choose her weapon. "Yes, the basics. First, however, we need to find your best weapon. First off: do you think you're more suited for close fighting, or do you prefer being further away from your opponent?"

Alice turned to Blake. "And you, Blake, was it? Do you have any prior training?"

@Kaide` @Gummi Bunnies @Alice's Bootcamp​

The yet-unnamed man turned from Joshua when his eyes caught sight of a magnificent creature. A beautiful maiden straight out of his favorite Japanese spank material. Really, these had to be people from other worlds, for he knew no such human being from his world made for such a pleasant visage.

The man sauntered over toward Cagliostro, his tongue practically hanging from his mouth. What luck! What twist of fate! These Umbrella shitlords maybe did some good in his life if it meant he got to meet a Goddess. Truly, was he in heaven?

"You look like one of the best girls of Super Innocent Lolis 4!" he exclaimed. "Like, one of my favorites! You're just... aren't you a bundle of joy, huh? I'm Adam... Adam Eberhart." He held out a hand, delicately, his mouth agape. "Please, take my hand so I may plant a kiss upon the soft, supple skin."

@Crow @The Myrmidon


"It's nice that someone here appreciates my eternal cuteness~ I'm kind of flattered~ although, I think you should have presented yourself a little differently... that's not how you should approach a maiden, you know~ You should know that a true maiden would never give her kiss out on a first meeting~ teehee~"

Cagliostro then grins as Ouroboros appears behind her.


"If you're looking for a good kisser, don't ask me, I have very little experience. You might want to try my buddy here, Ouroboros. Its kisses are so good, you'll almost feel swallowed. Sound good?"

@Atomyk @CCC Kouhai @The Myrmidon @Sen @Hana @Bomb @thatguyinthestore @anyoneimissed???​
Albert stared at Ada for a moment, even going so far as to lower his sunglasses slightly so that she could just barely see his red-hued eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he said bluntly.


The yet-unnamed man turned from Joshua when his eyes caught sight of a magnificent creature. A beautiful maiden straight out of his favorite Japanese spank material. Really, these had to be people from other worlds, for he knew no such human being from his world made for such a pleasant visage.

The man sauntered over toward Cagliostro, his tongue practically hanging from his mouth. What luck! What twist of fate! These Umbrella shitlords maybe did some good in his life if it meant he got to meet a Goddess. Truly, was he in heaven?

"You look like one of the best girls of Super Innocent Lolis 4!" he exclaimed. "Like, one of my favorites! You're just... aren't you a bundle of joy, huh? I'm Adam... Adam Eberhart." He held out a hand, delicately, his mouth agape. "Please, take my hand so I may plant a kiss upon the soft, supple skin."

@Crow @The Myrmidon
Well, that was certainly one way to turn the current of Joshua's opinion against you. Watching Adam's actions towards a 'child' combined with the young man's word towards the other female members of their company... "On second thought, perhaps I'll save my coin for now," It was too easy to reject the idea of playing cards with him, and even more so to put a hand on Adam's shoulder as the pervert stood before Caligstro... if it wasn't for the alchemist summoning one of her friends.

"It's nice that someone here appreciates my eternal cuteness~ I'm kind of flattered~ although, I think you should have presented yourself a little differently... that's not how you should approach a maiden, you know~ You should know that a true maiden would never give her kiss out on a first meeting~ teehee~"

Cagliostro then grins as Ouroboros appears behind her.


"If you're looking for a good kisser, don't ask me, I have very little experience. You might want to try my buddy here, Ouroboros. Its kisses are so good, you'll almost feel swallowed. Sound good?"

@Atomyk @CCC Kouhai @The Myrmidon @Sen @Hana @Bomb @thatguyinthestore @anyoneimissed???​
"Heh, kid knows her stuff well..." The myrmidon simply allowed his hand to rest on his hilt with a smile, content to let Caligstro's excuse stand on its own if the man believed it, "Best you look for others maidens to bother, friend, else Caligstro's to need to teach her friend there that humans aren't treats..."

@Atomyk @CCC Kouhai @The Myrmidon @Sen @Hana @Bomb @thatguyinthestore @anyoneimissed???​
Adam looked over at the kid that was talking... he had to shrug. Sure, she was cute, but not really in the same way this beautiful maiden was. "Girlie, maybe being a puppet isn't so bad, but I'm no one's puppet. But, hey..." He turned slightly toward her with his hand still held out to Cagliostro, motioning with his other hand to beckon Charlotte closer. "You want to join me and my new friend? You look a little lost~"

He jumped slightly when Cagliostro spoke up, and he turned sharply back to her. "So that's your thing, huh?" He withdrew his hand, tilting his head slightly to the side. "You really are out of my fantasies~ It's something else! I'm down for whatever you want, princess. I am yours, at least until we get massacred by these scientist fucks. You don't have to kiss me, but at least rub up next to me while you sick your little dragon friend on me."


Cullen quickly intervened, stepping between Charlotte and Adam. "Yeah, seriously, don't go near that guy," he said to the girl.

@Crow @CCC Kouhai @The Myrmidon @Sen @Hana @Bomb @thatguyinthestore
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Reactions: Jeremi

"Yes, perhaps... Perhaps that is our best course of action at the moment," Riesbyfe said to Nashetania after recovering her iron gauntlets and her trusty shield Gamaliel, though after the ordeal that she and the rest of the trapped group had been through, it seemed that her mood had dipped for the worse a little, even if one could argue that it was a perfectly normal reaction to everything everyone had just been through. Being told that they were now weapons against their own will without much of a choice was unsettling, especially so for such a knight who enjoyed her own free will and determination.

However, these people were somewhat vague about who they would be used as weapons against. As their first impression, this organization of people gave Riesbyfe the impression that this world was a grey one, and she could only hope that as such, she wasn't to be pitted against good people, lest she'd rather end herself than harm any innocents.


The training facility resembled a large shooting range, complete with ear muffs, as well as large sandbags on the side for anyone wishing to test their skill with a blade.


In the center, a man in somewhat heavy clothing and a distinctive mask was seen trying his own proficiency with a gun, shooting deftly at the targets on the other side of the room. Initially, he paid the group in the training facility no mind, but after Riesbyfe cleared her throat during the brief moment in which the man reloaded, he turned to face everyone.


"Ah... You must be the fresh meat. Name's SPECTRE," the man said through his mask with a calm, almost even smug, tone, as he casually twirled his pistol in his hand, "Help yourself to the place. Make yourself useful 'cause being useless, we will make sure, will be worse than just being dead. And don't try anything funny with me, alright? I'll put you into the ground even harder than your father did after he had some of the bottle. Won't even need the fancy little devices they put in you."

With that brief statement, SPECTRE went back to shooting his target, leaving everyone in the training facility to do as they pleased.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gands @Jeremi @Hospes @Mason Moretti @TrainingFacility


"Of course. What is it that you wish to discuss with me, Clark?"

She was curious as to what spurred on this course of action from Clark, left to wonder just about what he was thinking of at the moment. Despite her mood taking a small dive after all that had happened, she couldn't deny that having her gauntlets and shield back at least made her less anxious, so perhaps it all balanced out in the end. Having people she trusted nearby was also a plus, including not just Clark and Nashetania, but also mysterious green man. What was his name again? Lu... Luigi?


@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Josh M

For now, Setsuna stuck to herself, only briefly eyeing the shooting range and SPECTRE before promptly making her way instead to the sandbags without a word and sizing them up. Setsuna wasn't exactly... Accustomed, to such methods of training. Or, well, training at all. She'd never required it, being all-powerful and only challenged by other Absolute Angels of her same tier, and....


Internally shuddering to think of that man again, Setsuna punched one sandbag harshly, feeling no pain despite her hands being bare. Soon, she was beating the shit out of the thing, threatening to break it with the force of her seemingly effortless and graceful attacks.

@Training center​
Miku surveyed the immediate area, watching as the others got their things together. She felt rather out of place, not possessing a weapon of any sort... Or any training, for that matter. That's what training was for, she supposed, but where was she even supposed to start? Turning her attention to Alice, she spoke.

"I trust you to teach me the basics... Where should I start? I'll need to pick a weapon, right?"

Upon hearing Blake's question, Miku didn't answer right away. Quickly running an internal check on the state of her battery reserves, she was relieved to find she had yet to drop below ninety percent at all. Thankfully, she had left her home after a relatively long night's charge.

"... Awhile, it seems." She replied after a few moments. "I can go two, maybe three days before I need charging. Beyond that is pushing it, though." She glanced back towards where they had come from just a few moments prior. "But if we're doing what I think we're doing..." A sheepish, unsure smile. "I might need one sooner than that. Why?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Others

"Yes, perhaps... Perhaps that is our best course of action at the moment," Riesbyfe said to Nashetania after recovering her iron gauntlets and her trusty shield Gamaliel, though after the ordeal that she and the rest of the trapped group had been through, it seemed that her mood had dipped for the worse a little, even if one could argue that it was a perfectly normal reaction to everything everyone had just been through. Being told that they were now weapons against their own will without much of a choice was unsettling, especially so for such a knight who enjoyed her own free will and determination.

However, these people were somewhat vague about who they would be used as weapons against. As their first impression, this organization of people gave Riesbyfe the impression that this world was a grey one, and she could only hope that as such, she wasn't to be pitted against good people, lest she'd rather end herself than harm any innocents.


The training facility resembled a large shooting range, complete with ear muffs, as well as large sandbags on the side for anyone wishing to test their skill with a blade.


In the center, a man in somewhat heavy clothing and a distinctive mask was seen trying his own proficiency with a gun, shooting deftly at the targets on the other side of the room. Initially, he paid the group in the training facility no mind, but after Riesbyfe cleared her throat during the brief moment in which the man reloaded, he turned to face everyone.


"Ah... You must be the fresh meat. Name's SPECTRE," the man said through his mask with a calm, almost even smug, tone, as he casually twirled his pistol in his hand, "Help yourself to the place. Make yourself useful 'cause being useless, we will make sure, will be worse than just being dead. And don't try anything funny with me, alright? I'll put you into the ground even harder than your father did after he had some of the bottle. Won't even need the fancy little devices they put in you."

With that brief statement, SPECTRE went back to shooting his target, leaving everyone in the training facility to do as they pleased.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gands @Jeremi @Hospes @Mason Moretti @TrainingFacility


"Of course. What is it that you wish to discuss with me, Clark?"

She was curious as to what spurred on this course of action from Clark, left to wonder just about what he was thinking of at the moment. Despite her mood taking a small dive after all that had happened, she couldn't deny that having her gauntlets and shield back at least made her less anxious, so perhaps it all balanced out in the end. Having people she trusted nearby was also a plus, including not just Clark and Nashetania, but also mysterious green man. What was his name again? Lu... Luigi?


@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Josh M
Alice nodded. "I will join you all in a moment," she said. "First, let me get my weapon from the waiting room."


A while later Alice arrived at the training ground, ASURA-6 currently off. It was far too advanced for training a little girl, so Alice would merely wait for Miku to choose her weapon. "Yes, the basics. First, however, we need to find your best weapon. First off: do you think you're more suited for close fighting, or do you prefer being further away from your opponent?"

Alice turned to Blake. "And you, Blake, was it? Do you have any prior training?"

@Kaide` @Gummi Bunnies @Alice's Bootcamp​

"Just curious... and by that, I mean I might have something that can work as a back-up... I made something for my PWM cube that's sorta like a rechargable battery, which is that sphere-shaped power core I put into it. That power core actually recharges itself using the oxygen around, and since it's a given that oxygen is a needed thing and has to be around, this little thing doesn't run out of power... thanks to yours truly, ehehe!"

Blake briefly explained that his power core that he made to power up and charge the PWM might be able to act as a way to keep Miku powered up as well. It was only a guess on Blake's part, since he wasn't sure if it would even be compatible for her, but it was worth bringing it up regardless. Taking in Alice's question, the assassin only grinned in response.


"Oh yeah, I totally have the past training. I just gotta turn this sweetheart on, and slip these glasses on~"

Blake practically squealed in glee, putting on some modified glasses that came along with the cube. All it took as a single tap on the cube, and a blade framed out of hardlight energy appeared in front of him to take into his hands.

"My only piece of tech that actually works besides the recharging power core... I call it the PWM, stands for Projected Weapon Material. I have yet to put more weapon data into it, but it pretty much acts as all sorts of weapons without the hassle of carrying around the physical ones. Pretty cool, huh? Until I upgrade it though, it sorta loses power fast, which is why I made that power core to charge it back up. The glasses only help me with seeing what weapons I can change to and how much power I have left until it force shuts down... so..."

Blinking a bit, he noticed that he had been talking a bit too much, stopping himself in embarrassment.

"Oh... whoops, I forgot that we were trying to help Miku out... sorry about that. Maybe that's what sis always told me about being a huge nerd. I-If you need me, I'll be practicing sword stuff over there... yeah!"

@Kaide` @Yun Lee @Training Room​
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