Mr. Wilson's Home for Boys

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"Don't call me that." Aaron frowned slightly. Sarge was even worse than Blondy. And that meant he had to think of two nicknames now. "Fine. I'd recommend hiding any sentimental possessions. Touch mine and I will kill you." He looked Leo dead in the eye, seriousness lingered in his voice. "We've got a curfew on the house, and we can't leave without permission. You do as you're told; do chores and whatnot. Don't get on his bad side," he pointed downwards, meaning Wilson, "You know, ordinary stuff." He looked at Alan, silently asking if he'd missed anything out. "Oh, and, if you are going to break them, don't get caught." And don't tell me.

"I can sleep on the floor if you want. I don't mind," Charlie said with a smile, "It'll be like camping. I'm Charlie by the way." He was pretty pleased there'd be more people to help out; he hoped they'd be kind enough to everyone. "It's not all bad though." He gave the shy boy a big grin. "What's your name?"

Aaron watched as Leo unpacked his things. Avionics... that sounds like it has something to do with planes. Still, he didn't linger for long. "What even happened to you anyway? Have a plane accident?"
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Leone silently listened as Aaron gave the rundown of the place. He knew he'd end up breaking more than a few of those rules. Messing with this Aaron kid was going to be very fun. He gave Charlie one of his kinder smiles at his offer to take the floor. "I think I'll just stay here. Less risk of anyone kicking my bad leg down here." His attention swung back to Aaron as he asked about what happened. "More like a skydiving incident. Hit a flying pig on the way down." He replied sarcastically, a small chuckle escaping him. "Nah, I got jumped on the railroad tracks by a couple of guys who didn't like me all that much." He explained honestly the second time around. His sharp blue gaze rested on the blonde, wondering why he was asking.
Alan nodded when Aaron went over things and just said, "just stay away from Mr. Wilson as much as possible...he will not hesitate to punish you." He then lifted up his shirt a little but to reveal a bruise on his stomach. After a few seconds he put his shirt back down and was about to tell Leo he didn't need to sleep on the floor when he realized it was probably for the best if the male didn't sleep with anyone else due to his leg. However when Charlie said he would sleep on the ground Alan put a hand on his shoulder and said, "no you don't need to do that, we'll be nice and warm tonight." He was trying to be positive and in truth the extra heat would be nice, it got quite cold in the house at night despite it being summer and the extra body heat would be fine. Also now that Leo was sleeping on the floor it would only mean one extra person in the beds.

Willy smiled as the older boys kept talking and looked over at Matey and smiled. He always liked playing with Matey since they were close in age but Matey always wanted to be like the big boys which was fine, Willy was just glad he wasn't the only young boy in the house. When Charlie said he would sleep on the floor he frowned as he had hoped to sleep next to the other tonight since Charlie was the most accepting of his affection.
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@OlympusBlood @andrew21234

Claus simply followed, keeping his gaze down and not saying a word. Let him be invisible, if only for a moment... He looked up and had to do a double take of the room. "Only two bed?" he asked before quickly shutting his mouth and looking back down. Shoot, he shouldn't have said that, now he drew attention to himself. He looked up once more at the mention of Mr. Wilson's name, his face going pale and black when he saw the bruise. ...Well crap, it was one of those places. He snapped out of his phase when one of the boys began asking him. What was his name? It began with a "ch" sound, he should've payed more attention... "...Claus..." he mumbled, looking back down and pulling the hood on his hoodie down to hide his eyes.
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Leone frowned as he saw the bruise on Alan's stomach. So this was one of those homes. Well, maybe he'd be able to spark up enough trouble to get kicked out before any serious shit went down in the house. "I'd try and get a hold of some chamomile lotion. That stuff works pretty well on bruises." The older teen advised him with ease. He was mindful not to use his typical vocabulary around the kids. His gaze flicked to his nervous double as he introduced himself. So his name was Claus. Well, if anything, he'd play on the cute factor when it came to picking up girls at this new school. Of course, only if he was straight. Which brought out his next question. "So, do you guys have girlfriends or boyfriends or what?" He asked from his seated position against the wall.
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"That makes sense," Charlie replied, nodding, before turning back to Willy and the book, at least till the timid boy said something. He wasn't too interested in Aaron and Leo's conversation and chose to ignore it, even though the other older boys became involved also. When Alam put his hand on his shoulder, he was more alert to their conversation. "If you say so." He nodded again when Claus introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, Claus. There's no need to be shy here; we're all friends..." [i

Aaron nodded when Leo gave a truthful answer, electing to ignore the sarcastic one. He flinched at the look, but kept his neutral expression as Alan said something. "And I know what you're thinking. You can't get kicked out. I don't care what homes you've got yourself kicked out of. Here, you'll just get worse punishments." He was taken back in surprise when Leo asked about partners. "We can't bring people back to the house because of the curfew. They're a waste of time anyway."
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"Oh that's okay, it'll heal," Alan said when Leo offered to get him some lotion. It was really nice of him to offer especially since he had just met him but Alan would be fine. When Leo asked if he had a boyfriend or a girlfriend he shook his head agreeing with Adam that even if he did have one it would be kinda pointless. They would never get to be able to spend them outside of school and that probably wouldn't work, plus if Mr. Wilson found it it would probably not go over well. It was starting to get late and they should start getting ready for bed but it seemed as though everyone was excited because of the two new boys.

Willy just sat there as the older boys talked. He didn't know what to say being so young so he just sat there. He couldn't help but yawn he was used to going to bed right now but he wanted to hear what the older boys were talking about.
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Claus just stared numbly at Charlie. ...Oh wait, that's what his name was. Charlie. Okay, he'll make a note of it in the future. He snapped out of it at Leone's question and quickly shook his head. No, he had no love interest or anything like that. Why even ask? He became more worried when the others explained why it would be a waste of time to pursue others in a romantic way. ...He was most certainly screwed, but he was used to it.
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"Well Sarge, I'm going to change your mind about that." Leone stated with a confident smile, a gleam of something in his sharp blue eyes. He wasn't going to let his attitude falter as he assessed the kids he'd be rooming with. Two tiny kids, clueless due to age, an almost teen that still wasn't quite ready to bat with the big boys, and then the two teens that knew what was up. He withheld judgement on the nervous kid, as he wasn't showing his cards just yet. He was getting pretty tired. The ride from Detroit had been terribly uneventful, and staring out the window at passing sound barriers and the occasional tree had been exhausting. "I need to get some rest." He stated simply, allowing his smile to disappear as a more tired expression appeared on his face. He was hoping that the other boys would take the hint and figure out who'd be sleeping where.
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Willy yawned in Charlie's nap. "Right, bed time." Charlie was lucky enough to have hand-me-down pyjamas, though they were getting too small recently. "We should probably get some rest. Did you finish the dishes? I'll do it if you didn't." He gave Alan a friendly grin. "It's not like I'll be much help with working out where everyone can sleep."

Aaron sighed. Is this guy even human? Is he deaf? What does he think I've been doing for the past two years? "I said stop calling me that. And you won't. I'm not stupid." He hadn't let anyone else know about his creepy remembering, but he knew that the kids who have been here a while would know that he wasn't too good at school.

It was Charlie who pointed this out. "You got Fs in everything. You're not exactly smart either... still, he's right, even if you do, it'll take a while. Good luck." Charlie passed the grin to Leo, and then to Claus. I need to get some rest. "Goodnight then."
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"Yeah the dishes are done," Alan said with a smile at Charlie. The boy had been quite helpful recently and he was appreciative of that. As to the sleeping arrangements Alan started thinking. It looked like Willy was sleeping with Charlie so they could just have Claus sleep with them and then Aaron, Matey and himself could sleep in the other bed since Leo insisted on sleeping on the floor and until his leg healed would probably be a good idea. Once his leg was healed they would probably find a place for him in one of the beds. "Okay so Charlie, Willy and Claus you can all share one bed and then Matey, Adam and I will share the other," Alan said with a yawn. He used to have pajamas but had since given them to Charlie to wear and Mr. Wilson hadn't bothered to replace them so he had simply resorted to sleeping in only his boxers and after year of doing that he had found he couldn't wear anything more while sleeping. Walking over to the closet he got down to his blue boxers and put his clothes away neatly noticing someone had cleaned the closet. He then went and got in the currently empty bed but not laying down wanting to wait for the other two boys first.

Willy slowly moved off of Charlie's lap and went and got his pajamas out of the closet and got down to his red briefs. He had wanted some boxers like the older boys but knew none of their's would fit. He hoped soon he would be able to fit into some hand me downs but that might be a little while. Getting his pants on he had trouble getting the shirt on but managed. He then went and climbed into the middle of the bed so that the two older boys would have room on each side to get in.
Claus continued to remain quiet, thinking about his circumstances. He got the feeling he was going to go through more hell down the road, and he was not prepared. Just be invisible. Just be invisible... he chanted in his head, only to snap out of his thoughts when he was once more addressed to. He could only blink, dumbfounded that he had to sleep with someone else. He was way too used to sleeping alone and he gets the feeling he snores a lot and loudly at that. He would not make a good bed mate, at all. With a sigh, he relented to the arrangements and started taking off his hoodie, revealing a dark long sleeved shirt. "W-Which bed do I...?" he asked as he put his hoodie in the closet.
"Never said anything about intelligence." Leone spoke a bit passively towards Aaron as he unbuttoned his black fleece jacket and set it down on his crutches. He wore a faded out black shirt marked by a couple bleach stains here and there and some band logo he didn't know. The joys of lost and found bins. A few fading bruises and scratches could be seen on his exposed skin. He unlaced his sneaker and set it aside, his gaze traveling over his area carefully to make sure he wasn't missing anything. His gaze settled upon his cast and a frown soon appeared on his face. He needed to heal up quickly if he was going to have a shot at doing anything all that fun around here. The sooner he was in at least a walking cast, the better. When Claus asked which bed, he gestured over to the one with the yet to be named tiny kid on it. Process of elimination said that the kid was Willy. "Over there bud." He stated, making sure that his gesture was actually noticed from his spot on the floor.
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Matey had been listening to boys while bouncing on the beds and around the room. He stopped when everyone started getting ready for bed though.

He and Willy has five outfits between them one of them was the pajamas. Matey never wore that cause he didn't like pajamas. On cold days he would sleep fully clothed today though he took his gray cargo shorts and gray and orange strippe tank top off so he was just wearing a set of camo boxer briefs. He like Willy really wanted some boxers, but didn't have any. He thought they were cool and very big-kid-ish.

Matey climbed into bed in just his underpants. He lay down in the middle of the be. The smallest kids always got the middle so the bigger boys could have more room without pushing the little ones off the bed. Matey say up and started bouncing on his butt as he watched the other boys get ready for bed.
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Alan smiled as Matey got into the bed and smiled down at the boy. "You're just a ball of energy aren't you? We'll have to take you outside tomorrow if Mr. Wilson lets us," he said ruffling the small boy's hair as he laid down next to him. He hadn't slept next to Matey in a while and he wasn't sure if the boy slept soundly or not. He knew Willy always tried to snuggle up to who ever it was he was laying next to and he didn't know if Matey was the same. Alan would mind it, he just hoped Matey didn't kick him all night in his sleep. Alan started to wonder how there lives would change with the two new boys. Leo seemed like he would want to be one of the unofficial leaders of the group and Alan was okay with that as long as he and Adam could get along. Claus on the other hand seemed like he wanted to be left in the shadows which Alan thought was a little strange but if that was what the boy wanted it was okay with him. Looking over at Leo he said, "you sure you're okay with sleeping in the floor?" He kinda felt bad that the other had to sleep on the floor, they would need to make room for him once his leg healed which Alan hoped would be soon.
Charlie opted to not wear the too small pyjamas and copied Alan, staying in his boxers. "Okay. I guess we should get to sleep then." He nodded at the sleeping arrangement, since it wasn't too different to what they normally did. He got into bed with Willy, closest to the window, since that was the coldest part of the bed, and he didn't want Claus catching the flu or some other illness, especially considering Wilson wasn't too caring.

Aaron agreed silently with everything that Alan said. He was starting to get sleepy as well. He didn't have the same approach to what to wear for bed, and instead left his shirt on as well as nod boxers. He folded up his trousers and his hoodie, placing them in the wardrobe and pointing to Charlie and Willy in the bed when Claus became confused. Never mind. Both are deaf. "If I was stupid, I'd agree with you. And I'd do more than sit here right now." He climbed into bed with Alan and Matey. However sour his mood had been before these two new kids, it was about ten times snappier. "Stop messing around, he'll hear you," he lay down on his back so that he was staring at the ceiling, before he shut his eyes. He didn't need much room and just stuck to the edge of the bed. "All just go to sleep already."
"Ya, I'm fine down here." Leone assured Alan as he got settled with his blanket. He shot a quick glare when Aaron started getting snappy with them. "If good ol' Wilson has a fit, I'll take the beating. Don't worry about it." He stated flatly before moving his duffle bag a little bit so that he could use it as a pillow. With a final sigh he laid down and shut his eyes. It would take him a while to fall asleep, as he was feeling a bit shaky. The pain medication they had him on hit him like a train at night. Coupled with his need for a cigarette, he was starting to feel especially worn out as he laid there on the floor. This fucking sucks.
Matey wanted to be a big boy...the alpha dog so to speak however in his group he was more the very energetic puppy instead. He shot Aaron a little bit of a glare when the older boy snapped at him and for an short moment considered punching him like he would if Aaron had been one of his brothers, but decided not too.

Matey curled up in a tight ball, which is how he normally slept. Matey wasn't a cuddly person and usually stayed in one tight ball the whole night that is if he fell asleep quickly. He closed his eyes as he started to try to go to sleep. Tonight was going to be harder though because he had a lot of energy and his brain was still going full speed so it may take him a while to actually get to sleep tonight.
When Charlie got into the bed Wolly inched over to the other and rested his head on the other's chest and wrapped his arms around him. "You're really warm," he whispered as the nights were turned off and all the boys off to bed. Charlie was really warm since Willy was touching the other's bare skin and it was nice. He had noticed that he was the only one to stay filling clothed, except for the two new guys, he hadn't seen what they were wearing. He figured he would talk to Matey about it tomorrow since the other boy was more mature. Willy always let Matey wear their only pair of boxer briefs since they were kinda like boxers and because Matey had always let Willy wear their pajamas, or at least most nights, sometimes they would switch.

Alan exhausted from the day looked down at Matey once more to make sure he was comfy and noticed the small boy was curled in a ball and couldn't help but smile. Closing his eyes he fell to sleep after saying a quick prayer asking God to make their situation better.
Aaron blanked out everyone's further words and was probably the first to fall asleep. He generally tried to get as much sleep as possible because he often had nightmares that would cause him to wake up at times, making him more frustrated. He didn't move from how he'd first lay down.

Charlie felt Willy move to hug him. You're really warm. He was about to say the same about the other boy, who was drifting off. Sleep didn't come too easy for Charlie; he went entirely by biological clock, and he didn't feel too tired. I hope Mr Wilson does let us all go outside tomorrow.
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