More Than This <3

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Adsila turned around and looked at Zayn and smiled "Morning Handsome" Adsila said and pecked him on the lips and raised an eyebrow "Guessing you are making everyone tea or coffee, Louis mug is in that cupboard" Adsila said "And i'm going to get changed" Adsila said looking down at her top and smile going upstairs and having a shower and getting on some short shorts and a vest top as the weather was hot outside and put her hair down and went back downstairs
Zayn made the tea and coffee for everyone, and then delivered all the mugs to everyone. He then returned to the kitchen, and waited for Adsila to come back down. He ran his fingers through his bed-head hair and rolled his eyes. "I need a comb." he muttered to himself.
Adsila came down the stairs singing to herself and was brushing her hair out and went into the kitchen and laughed at what Zayn said "You are really vain you know that" Adsila said walking towards him and handed him her brush "You welcome" Adsila sang smiling
"Hey!" Zayn replied, and playfully bumped her with his hip. "I just like taking an interest in my appearance - and bed-head is not my style." He took the brush, and fixed his hair to look more appropriate. "So, what are we doing today?"
Adsila laughed and pushed him back playfully "Yeah yeah, you would of thought i would be vain with my modelling but i'm not" Adsila said teasing him and watched as he fixed his hair "I don't know, what would you like to do?" Adsila asked getting a drink
"Hmm, well, anything. Your brother has given us his blessing." Zayn wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. "In his words, he would rather you date me than Zak."
Adsila looked up into Zayn's eyes and put her arms around his neck "I know i was listening earlier" Adsila said and bit her lip when Zayn said Zak's name, she still wasn't over him fully, "Well maybe we could, no i don't actually know" Adsila said smiling "But it will have to be before my work which tonight is at 6pm, you can come if you like" Adsila said looking into his eyes
"I have the perfect idea - and I would love to come to work with you." Zayn grinned. "I get to see you flaunt your beauty, and hear other people realise that you are beautiful." He ruffled her hair.
Adsila looked at him "And what is this perfect idea then Malik" Adsila said and smiled laughing "Yeah you would get to see flaunt my beauty" Adsila said with a laugh and then pouted "Hey i just done my hair Zayn" Adsila said and looked at him "You wouldn't like it if i do it to you, oh wait your hair is flat at the moment" Adsila said teasing him
Zayn grinned, and teased, "Yeah yeah. And it is a surprise what we are doing." He glanced in the mirror, and frowned. "Ok, I'm gonna fix my hair, and then we can head out. I would wear something comfortable for where we are going."
Adsila looked at him "I don't like suprises" Adsila said and pouted but couldn't keep a straight face with Zayn "Alright sounds like a plan," Adsila said and heard a knock at the door and opened it to see Ally and smiled "How Celia been?" Ally asked

"She was as good as gold Ally, she wasn't a problem at all" Adsila said and picked Celia up and kissed her cheek "I will see you soon" Adsila said with a smile and Ally grinned "Thanks Addie" She said and headed out, Adsila closing the door after her when she had picked up the bag
Zayn smiled, and headed up to the bathroom to fix his hair. When he emerged ten minutes later, it was "Zayn-perfect." He poked his head around the door of Louis's room and casually said, "Adsila and I are headed out. See you later."
Adsila was sitting on her phone waiting for Zayn to show his face again

Louis was dressed and just drying his hair and looked at Zayn smiling "Alright, have fun" Louis said and winked at him
Zayn grinned, and went downstairs again. He crept up behind Adsila and grabbed her playfully around the waist. "Ready to go?" He laughed.
Adsila screetched when Zayn grabbed her "Don't scare me like that" Adsila said hitting his chest "Yeah i'm ready" Adsila said picking her phone and keys off the table and took her fags and lighter as well "Now i'm ready" Adsila said with a smile
He raised an eyebrow at the smoking stuff. "Really? You're bringing them?" He shook his head. "Nope- from now on I am going to be a good influence on you." He took his own lighter out of his pocket, and set it on the table. "You too." He gestured to her to replace hers.
Adsila looked at him "Really, nooo Zayn" Adsila said whining and watched as he took out his lighter on the table and looked down at her hands and hid them behind her back "Nooo, i don't want to Zayn, pleaseee" Adsila said begging him
"Please? For me?" He gazed at her pleadingly. "I promise, you will not be stressed at all today."
Adsila looked up at him and frowned taking them from behind her back and looked at them and stretched her hand and sighed "Fine" Adsila said and placed them in his hand
Zayn smiled and took them. He set them on the table beside them, and smiled at her. "This is the fist step forwards for both of us." He took her hand and grinned. "Now, let's go. I have the keys to the minivan."
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