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Cassandra saw the message from Erik and replied. ~I have a meeting with Doctor Sokolov with cryptic instructions to get a good night's sleep. Who is your meeting with?~

She was really wondering what was going on now. Surely they couldn't have been informed of their efforts to cure the rotlung that fast. Or...maybe someone heard her asking about the underground signal? Hm...

Harrison popped out of his bay and moved over to the desk, "I am still analyzing," he said, "but something is seriously wrong. The radiation levels in the goo I collected are way over the safe limits. I think we should all have a turn in the cool down showers." that was his term for the special showers that they stayed in until their were in the safe zone radiation wise.

Cassandra nodded, "i'll tell Jen," she said with a nod, "And I didn't honestly expect anything else. That's the most likely explanation for that kind of lung deterioration. So we need to isolate it, and get you working on a respirator that will protect, prevent and be easy to use."

Harrison smiled, "I am one step ahead of you doc," he said straightening a bit in his pride, "I have a machine, just need the radiation type so i can focus on it."

She chuckled, "You usually are one step ahead of me in that kind of thing. Good work. Shower down and I'll see you in the morning." He nodded and made his way to the cool down and she stood and went to Jen's door. Jen appeared and she only smiled a small sideways smile.

Jen sighed, "What happened?' she asked, "Do I need a shot? immediate surgery?"

Cass smirked, "No, just a long stay in the Irradiation shower."

Jen blinked, "Well hell," she sighed, "I just got my hair dry..." She gave Cass a rather irritated look and grabbed a towel and headed for the shower.

Cass always insisted that anywhere she worked be equipped with enough of these showers that no one on her staff had to wait, should equipment malfunction or in case a patient contaminated the bay. She grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and made her way to her chamber and showered. She'd bet Harrison would have to spend the most time in, since he'd been covered in the bug's blood and he had been touching the ooze all day.

She left the shower and frowned thinking of the others. She went to the desk and sent another message off to Erik. ~Hey..Harrison says we were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation today. If you don't have an irradiation shower come up to sick bay and use ours.~
A few minutes later Erik messaged back. "Roger, we have one nearby. Hope your meeting with the ice queen goes well. Goodnight"
She was glad he'd replied, that way she knew they were safe and would not show up first thing tomorrow ill and in need of treatment. she made her way to her room and settled in for the night. She was instantly asleep, as she usually was. The alarm seemed to go off a few minutes later but ti was actually hours. She tapped it and dressed. She had been the only one who had been called to this meeting, so she was curious to see what they had to talk to her about. She went out to check Ray's viatls and make sure nothing else pressing was going on. She peeked in on Harrison who was already as work on the samples. "I have a briefing this morning, keep an eye on Ray..three times around the desk...no more..."

Harrison nodded, "bring back donuts."

Cass smirked, "Will do." She made her way to the Director's office, which was where she'd assumed Sokolov would be. She waited once there but enjoyed the view as she did.
A few moments later the sound of the elevator opening heralded Natalya's arrival. Back straight, head high, Natalya walked up to Cassandra. "Good, you are on time." The door to the director's office automatically and director Valentine's voice emanated from inside. "Ladies, please come in."

The director's office was located at the top of the command center tower, above the mission control room. The room was wide and spacious, and furnished with various items. A bookcase filled with various rare and old hardback books stood against a wall, while several old world antique swords hung on the other. The director sat behind a large desk made of real mahogany wood in a black leather highback chair. The wall behind him was completely transparent and overlooked the lava filled lake below.

A single local guard stood silently in a corner. He was massive in size and clad in an armor plated outfit that was more advanced than any other guard attire. He also was armed with a large strange weapon. Natalya walked inside and stood in front of the desk, "Director." Waiting for Cassandra to enter, Valentine waved the guard away. The guard silently nodded and stomped out of the room.

The door to the office closed and Valentine gave Cassandra a smile. "Do you like my office? I know it's a little ostentatious, but after working in so many dull places I treated myself when I was made director. Anyways, back to why you are here. I like to run the briefings for some missions personally as the information is classified and such.

A holographic display appeared on the desk showing a rotating planet. "The mission will take place on the planet Arcturos. It is located in the Vega system which is currently contested with Confederate forces." The display changed to a flat panel filled with various images of dense jungles and topographic maps. "You two will be going to Arcturos with an SOG squad to find and acquire research data from a hidden confederate facility. Intel from our sources in the confederacy have revealed that they are working on a new type of biological weapon. Brandford, your job is to identify what kind of weapon they are developing, I know this may be outside of your experience, but you are the only one in the SOG that is qualified to do so. Captain Sokolov will accompany you to interrogate any prisoners that are captured from the facility. You depart in six hours, prepare your gear. Brandford you cannot bring any of your staff with you, we need them here on base to treat anyone while you are away. Relevant mission data will be sent to both of you. Dismissed."

Natalya nodded and led Cassandra out of the room and into the elevator. As they descended she turned to look at Cassandra. "Are you going to be ok? I know you and your assistant Harrison are almost inseperable."
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Cassandra smiled up at Natalya, "I make it a point to be, whenever possible." She was about to say more when she heard the door to the office open and the familiar voice of the director call to them. She followed Natalya and stood looking around at the finery that seemed a bit out of place for the high tech atmosphere of the compound. She was abruptly pulled back from that reverie by his question. She smiled, "I do." she said with a smile, "It reminds me of my grandfather's study. He too collected antique weapons and old books."

He wasn't apparently in the mood for idle chit chat though because he immediately went from there to explain why she'd been called to this meeting. "The compound will be in good hands," she assured him, "My people are well trained." They were dismissed then and she followed Natalya out. She was already going over all she would need to do in the few short hours she had to prepare when Natalya's question penetrated her mind.

"Harrison and I have been working together for a very long time. I know his strengths and am wise enough to take advantage of them. I think he would be irate if I tried to drag him from what he is currently working on however, no matter my reasoning. not to worry though, I do know how to analyze a biological weapon. The director is no doubt aware of my studies in college and medical school in that area, and recruited me tot his base for this exact purpose. I will do my best to keep up with the SOG team, and do my job as quickly as possible so that we can all get in and out in one piece." She smiled, "I am glad you will be going, Captain." She entered the lift, "going down?" she asked before pushing the button to close the door.
Natalya nodded as Cassandra pushed the button. Pulling out a tablet, Natalya snorted in amusement. "You seem to have very strange luck Brandford. It appears we will be travelling to Arcturos aboard the Andromeda." The doors slid open and Natalya gave Cassandra a curt nod as well as a cheerful but hidden wink with her bionic eye. "I will meet you in the hangar in six hours. Goodbye doctor." With that said, the captain with snow white hair strode off in the opposite direction.
Cassandra huffed. The Andromeda. What were the odds? She grinned at Natalya, "See you then." She said and the doors slid shut and she returned to the hospital. She called the team together and began outlining duties and schedules.

"Harrison," she said, "Keep working on the samples, but I need you to also be clean in case of emergencies, so use caution with those samples and keep the radiation contained."

"Point," she said looking at Jen, "You will be in charge of Ray. He is able to walk short distances daily. If at the end of one week, his bone density scan is above 75%, then he can leave the hospital but wills till be under his nurse's care. If it is not. he stays until it is."

She turned her attention to graves, "You know your job," she said, "Keep the supplies stocked and the hospital in operational condition. And NO black market shenanigans while I am gone." She said wagging a finger.

Graves rolled his eyes, "Me?" he asked trying but failing to look insulted, "Would I ever do such a thing?"

Cassandra just leveled a direct stare on him, "You have, and probably are now." she said, "But...do NOT do so while I am gone. I cannot protect you if I am not here. This is not an ordinary compound."

Graves nodded, "Noted."

Cass wanted to strangle him. He was about as cooperative as a two year old, but he was the best supply man she'd ever had. She dismissed them all and sat making notes on the portable tablet, on Ray and the samples. She glanced up when she saw Harrison standing there frowning at her. "yes?" she asked.

Harrison crossed his arms, "Since when do you go off alone?' he asked. "I don't like it."

Cassandra pressed save and set the tablet on the desk as she stood. "Since I was ordered to go alone, because you are all needed here for emergencies, and I am the only one with proper clearance to go."

Harrison frowned a bit more, "Higher clearance means higher risk. Take extra heavy armor, and extra weapon and two packs of supplies." He was looking at her with those intense blue eyes, "You better come back Doc," he said, "Or that director will be one sorry M...He will be sorry."

Cass smiled up at her friend, "The SOG team with me with me," she assured him, "As will Captain Sokolov. I will be back, not to worry."

Harrison seemed to calm a bit with this information but there was still a hard look int hose eyes. He'd never said as much, but she was all the family he had. His own family had been ripped from him, and his parents were long dead. He was an only child, so he didn't even have brothers and sisters. So, he had adopted her into his family, though she didn't know it. When she came around from the desk he enveloped her in a tight hug and then swiftly stepped away, "See that you do."

Cass blinked at the hug and barely had a chance to return it before it was over and he was gone. He was certainly acting strangely. She frowned at his retreating form and went to pack. Already half of her time was gone and she had a lot of packing to do. As she passed graves though, "I'll get your packs for you Doc," he said, "I'll load them up to the hilt, you get you other stuff ready. I even have some good armor for you, lightweight, and strong and can stop a point blank round."

Cass smiled, "thank you Graves. That will be a huge help. I only have three more hours to be at the dock." He nodded and went to work while she packed her personal items, and journal. She also grabbed her personal data pad, uploaded more info to her eye about the planet and took a long hot shower. She had a feeling that would be her last one in a while.

She gathered up what Graves prepared and put on the armor while her whole team watched. It fit very well and she felt protected, which was a good thing. "Feels good graves," she said with a nod. "How did you know I would need it?"

Graves just grinned, "Well...let's just say I have my sources."

She rolled her eyes and slipped the larger pack onto her back pulling her arms through the straps and the second she held in her hand.

Graves pointed to the larger pack, "That has the smallest versions of all out scanning and refining equipment I could find. Hopefully you will have everything you need. You should."

Cass nodded, "Thanks. I'm sure I have everything." she said since she'd looked it over before putting on the armor. She drew in a breath and smiled, "Hold down the fort. I'll be back soon." she said and left them without looking back. She was horrible at that type of thing, and she usually avoided it. She arrived a short time later at the loading dock and looked around for familiar faces hoping her friends were the ones going along.
A large chunky transport ship sat on the dock connected with various fuel and coolant hoses. Workers and robot drones ran around preparing while the pilot talked with a few others nearby.

"Ayyeee! Look who it is! Xanders you owe me twenty!" Dante's voice boomed out over the background noises as the fully armed and armored saints walked over. Kirst smiled and nodded to Cassandra. "It seems you are stuck with us once again doc." Xanders grumbled as he fished out a twenty credit chip and tossed it at Dante, but gave Cassandra a friendly wave. Turk silently nodded to her with a faint flicker of a smile. Finally, Erik gave her a warm smile.

Before they could start chatting, the sound of boots approached them. Unlike the saints who were clothed in jungle camo gear, Natalya wore an outfit of light and sleek pitch black armor. Her short white hair was covered by a black officer's cap and she wore black leather gloves. A pistol in a holster sat on her hip but the thing that stood out most was the chainsword hanging off her belt. A chainsword is a sword with a motorized chain similar to old world chainsaws. While rarely used by soldiers, in the right hands the weapon can cleave an armored soldier in two. The handle and guard of the sword were blood red while the sword itself was pitch black.

The saints quickly stood at attention as Natalya arrived and they all saluted. "Captain, SOG squad 8-2 reporting fo-" Kirst was cut off by Natalya's icy voice and stare. "I know who you all are lieutenant. I know the files of all active units here. Have you been briefed on the mission details?" Kirst nodded stiffly, "yes ma'am." Natalya idly stroked the handle of her chainsword and scrutinized the saints. "Good, I will not accept anything other than success for this mission. Understood?" The saints all saluted, "yes ma'am!" Natalya glared at them and pointed to Cassandra. "Doctor Brandford is a critical mission asset. She is not replaceable and therefore must be protected at all costs, even if it means you must put yourselves between her and a bullet." With that final dark note, Natalya strode off to the transport as the saints relaxed. "Well isnt she just a ray of sunshine?" Dante chuckled nervously. "You see that chainsword on her? Word is she used to be a top tier sword fighter. Won tournaments and everything when she was a kid. I do not wanna be the guy on the receiving end of that thing." Xanders shivered as the saints nodded in agreement.
Cass was so relieved to see them. Not that she would have been rude to another team, but they already had a bond and she felt that she knew them, and knew for certain that she could rely on them. "I can't tell you all how relieved I am to see you!" she said smiling at each of them in turn though there was a little bit more twinkle there for Erik, not that anyone would notice.

Cass's own armor was not black but not the jungle camo that the SOG guys were wearing either. She could see the wisdom of their gear immediately. Natalya was obviously not worried about being seen, at least in the day time. Once again, she was named as the give your life to keep them alive member of the team and she frowned. She watched Natalya enter the transport and looked at her armor and then at Erik, "I think I need some paint..."

She moved onto the transport with the group and secured her gear and herself before the pilot announced their departure. She felt the transport lurch and then move smoothly out of the dock and into the air. Soon they left the planet's atmosphere and were able to see the Andromeda. "I can't say I expected to be back aboard this ship." She wondered how the sick bay was faring without her team. She was curious to find out.
The transport ship landed in the hangar of the Andromeda and opened its boarding ramp. Walking out, the saints looked around in a mix of curiosity and awe. "Wow! This ship is awesome! I heard that they had built several new ships but never expected us to be on one!" Xanders chatted excitedly when suddenly they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Standing in front of the group was Admiral Hackett in full uniform. Immediately the saints and natalya went ramrod straight and held perfect salutes. Admiral Hackett nodded, "at ease."

Turning to Cassandra, Hackett gave her a friendly smile. "Welcome back doctor Brandford. I certainly did not expect SOG to poach my best doctor." He gave her a wink to let her know he was teasing and motioned to the saints. "You seem to have a capable group with you. You will need them. Arcturos is a warzone and knowing SOG you will be on a dangerous mission. Good luck." He shook Cassandra's hand then walked away.

The saints relaxed and Kirst chuckled. "That admiral actually seemed pretty cool. Usually top brass have some kind of superiority complex going on." With a lurch the Andromeda jumped to light speed as the admiral's voice echoed over various speakers. "Attention all crew, our destination is the Vega system which is currently contested with Confederate forces. Prepare for possible combat on arrival."
Casandra was the only one who didn't snap to attention when the admiral arrived at the docking bay. She smiled a broad smile and extended her hand to him, "I appreciate that," she said shaking his hand, "It's good to see you again. I have no doubt it will be dangerous, but I am getting used to it. " She grinned at the wink and then turned to the others once he was gone.

"He is a good captain." she said honestly, "He cares about the people here, and does everything he can to be sure they are all content. Best place I've served so far." she said and then grinned, "Present company excepted of course. Though the SOG base is growing on me...might be I even grow to admire the Director as much as the Admiral. Time will tell."

She looked at the doors and was having to seriously fight the urge to go make sure her sick bay was running properly, but she was reminding herself that it was no longer her sick bay. "How long will it take to get to the Vega System?" she asked, "If we have time I can show you around a bit. Pretty awesome holodeck here and a nice lounge area off the dining room."
Kirst shrugged, "I think it will take around five hours or so. A lounge sounds nice though, hopefully it has a view." The rest of the saints nodded in agreement as a young soldier walked up nervously. Looking warily at the saints, he gave a quick smile to Cassandra. "Hey doctor Brandford. I dont think you remember me, my name is Lee. I was the private who helped you in the med bay when we had all those wounded. I heard you were travelling with us and wanted to say hi. You really had an impact on me so I became a medic. Helping that guy with the leg was kinda gross but when he recovered he thanked me and I really felt like I made a difference." Erik nodded sagely and offered a hand to Lee. "The military always needs more medics, hope it works out for you kid." Lee flinched as Erik extended his hand and looked at him like a scared rabbit.-"Uhh...thanksbutigottagobye." He then ran off before anyone could say anything. Erik sighed and shrugged as the rest of the saints patted him on the back. "Hey man at least you tried, gotta show the grunts we aint that bad." Xanders tried to cheer Erik up but only made him let out a defeated sigh.
Cassandra smiled at the group and was about to lead them to the lounge when a young man stepped forward and began to speak. She smiled a gentle smile at him and nodded, "I do remember you though I cannot say I knew your name. it was a little crazy that day. But I am glad to see you are well." He seemed awfully nervous to be going on this trip but before she could offer any comfort he was gone. She pressed her lips together and shrugged. She looked at Erik and tipped her head a bit toward the door, "Shall we go to the lounge then?' she asked as she opened the door and started into the corridor.

She led them down that hall to a set of three lifts. She chose the first one and waited. "This is the largest ship I've ever been on. There are over 1200 crew members, plus cargo and people being transported, like us, and it runs like a well oiled machine. It has always impressed me." The lift appeared and they piled in. She pushed a button and they moved up in the ship three floors. When the doors slid open again they were at the entrance of the mess hall. "The Admiral doesn't call this a mess hall," she said as they moved through that area, "He says he eats food not mess, and he wants to eat it in a clean environment, so mess hall does not connotate a good name." She was grinning at the memory of it as she spoke. There were fifty tables in neat and orderly rows throughout the room, and a long buffet style counter at the far end. "The food is really good here, I have to say."

The far end of the room had a large opening to another space, which was where they were headed. The atmosphere was far less severe and sterile looking and was in fact quite inviting. She led them to a table along the far wall of the room, where they could indeed have a view. It wasn't long before they were approached by a petite human girl, "Hello my name is Heidi and I'll be your hostess tonight. What can I get for you?"

Cassandra smiled, "Hello Heidi," she said, "I'll have one of those fruit teas you are so good at."

Heidi tipped her head and then smiled, "Hey DOS!" she said, "I didn't know you were back. It's good to see you alive and in the company of such handsome rugged men." She grinned and winked. "What can i get you gentlemen?"

Cass just smiled. They were a handsome lot, "This is the SOG unit that has been assigned the task of keeping me alive." She said and then motioned to Natalya, "And this is Captain Sokolov, my friend."
Everyone ordered a variety of drinks and Heidi quickly took their orders and returned with a tray full of drinks. "Here you go everyone!" Kirst looked Heidi over and nodded at her outfit. "So are you a civilian? It's been awhile since I was last on a cruiser but I thought only civilians with specialized skills were allowed on?" Heidi grinned and rolled up a sleeve to show a tattoo of a pair of old world binoculars with a pair of crossed swords under them. "You are right, my real job is as a pathfinder. I usually get deployed ahead of the main forces. You know scouting the enemy and all that, but the rest of the time I am a hostess to make a little more on the side. Plus I am one of the few women on this ship certified in hand-to-hand combat techniques so grunts with grabby hands usually learn some respect the hard way."

Kirst smiled and poked Xanders, "Xanders, you are our local CQC fighter. Think she could take you?" Xanders smirked and shrugged, "I dunno. Regular CQC training is good dont get me wrong, but SOG CQC is on a whole different level." Heidi's eyes lit up at the mention of SOG training and zipped over next to Xanders. "Oh wow! It would be amazing if you could teach me a few things! I am sure I could make it up to you some way or another." She gave him a flirty wink causing Dante to nearly choke on his drink, but Xanders simply gave her a smile and shake of his head. "Sorry Heidi, I dont think we have enough time for that. Rain check?" Heidi sighed but shrugged. "Oh well, doesnt hurt to ask. You all need anything just shout ok?" With that she disappeared back into the kitchen.

Dante looked incredulously at Xanders. "You kiddin me man?! We have plenty of time! You could have-" He stopped short when Xanders turned and gave him a dark look with an icy tone. "Dante, drop it." Visibly shocked at the drastic change from the normally cheerful hispanic man, Dante held up his hands in surrender and went back to sipping his drink. Xander's face returned to its normal jovial expression and he looked out a window. "One thing I do not miss about home base is the lack of a view."
Cass watched the interaction between Xanders and Heidi and lifted a brow. She did not comment but she was a bit shocked at the tone and expression as well. What had that meant? She quickly brushed it off though and reached for her drink. She nodded to Xanders, "This lounge has the best view," she said with a nod, "only thing better is the sunset over the gulf in spring...the colors are just spectacular. That is what I miss. This is always the same...black with streaking light..."

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up, "Doctor Edwards," she smiled and stood to shake his hand but he pulled her into an awkward hug. She straightened and cleared her throat. "Marcus Edwards," she said, "This is Dante, Xanders, Turk, Kirst, Ritkof and Captain Sololov. They are my SOG escorts...and this is Doctor Edwards a fellow academy classmate of mine."

Marcus nodded, "Welcome to the Andromeda," he said cheerfully, "I hope you are being taken care of here..oh I see Heidi is on duty. Then you have either been propositioned or assaulted." He was only half kidding and it showed, but he quickly turned the conversation, "You look amazing Ca...Doctor Brandford, not that this is anything new..." he said and smiled at the group, "I am a bit shocked you haven't come to the sick bay to check up on me."

Cass blinked, "You are in charge of the sick bay?" she asked and her shock was almost palpable. "I had no idea," she said trying to look happy and not quite getting there. She sat down and slid a bit closer to Erik without actually realizing she had done so. "We only have a few minutes before we are off again...I am sure...things are well in hand." She grabbed her drink and downed in one long pull. She lifted her hand and Heidi reappeared, "Another please."
Heidi came by and refilled Cassandra's drink as the squad gave a variety of greetings to Edwards. Natalya stood up and approached Cassandra's colleague. Looking him over like a wolf would a piece of meat, she glared at him with her red eye glowing. "Doctor Edwards, I would remind you to keep your personal feelings to yourself. While you may be a....civilian." She sneered with obvious disdain. "I still expect those serving with the armed forces to maintain a degree of professionalism. Do I make myself clear?" Her hand rested on the hilt of her chainsword in a threatening manner as her eyes bored into him.
Marcus looked up at the amazon before him and his charming smile was in place instantly, "Hey, hey," he said holding up both hands, "No offense intended. I always thought the lounge was for relaxing. Forgive me." he said bowing his head slightly. A shrewd person would see the disingenuous nature of his apology and his comments, but most would see the charm he so easily exuded.

Cassandra chugged that second one as well and felt a bit steadier. Marcus Edwards was in charge of her sick bay. She honestly felt sick to her stomach. How could this have happened? How had he even managed to be assigned to a carrier? The questions rolled around in her mind a mile a minute. She was glad for the SOG guys being there, they provided her with strength in ways she was sure they were unaware.

"How did you come to be assigned to the Andromeda?" she asked.

Marcus turned from the glowering woman to Cassandra and his smile grew wide, "My father arranged this for me. I knew that since you had been here before me, everything would already be set up in perfect order and make it a piece of cake for me." He grinned at her, "You always were a good organizer. I haven't made many changes at all. Just a few procedural things, that are only my preferences."

Cass' hand was curled around the cushion of the bench she was sitting on and her fingernails were actually digging into it, but her face was a mask of calm nodding and small smiles. Inside she was seething. His father, she should have known. He had sailed through on her hard work, almost all through their academy days. Somehow they kept being paired for duties, though she always suspected his father pulled string for that as well.

A beep on Marcus' comm link badge had his standing, "Duty calls," he said with a nod tot he group, "It was great seeing you Ca...Doctor Brandford."

Cass watched him go and as soon as he was out of the lounge she growled softly. "pompous, conceited, lazy..." She said under her breath and then let out a long slow breath. She looked around the group, "sorry about that..." she said blushing slightly. She looked up at Natalya, "Thank you Captain."
Natalya simply growled at Edward's response and watched him leave. "I do not like him." The rest of the SOG squad murmured their agreement. "Sounds like that guy has never had a rough day in his life. Thanks to his father of course." Kirst frowned and shook his head as Erik glowered at the exit. "Fuckin stalker creep is what he is. Pulling strings to keep getting posted with Cassandra? That is some next level creeper shit." Nobody else noticed Erik's slip of calling Cassandra by her first name. "Yo Doc, just say the word and me and Xanders can have a chat with him if ya know what I mean." Dante and Xanders chuckled darkly as they high-fived each other. Turk simply sat in silence as usual.

Heidi popped up next to the group and looked at Cassandra sympathetically. "Sorry I couldnt help but eavesdrop. That guy always gave me the creeps. Several of the other hostesses have had to deal with his creepiness. Asshat deserves a good beating in my opinion." She placed a fresh round of drinks on the table and smiled brightly at the group. "This round is on me guys, you all have a tough job and Lord knows yall need some appreciation. Everyone thinks the SOG is filled with murderers and boogeymen, but yall are ok in my book." An announcement from the Admiral sounded over the intercom heralding their arrival. "Looks like yall gotta get moving. Good luck on whatever you are doing!" With a bright smile and a wave, Heidi zipped off back into the kitchen.
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Cassandra listened to their impressions of Marcus and she relaxed a bit. Her fingers let loose of the poor cushion and grinned at Erik, "stalker huh?" she huffed, "He wasn't stalking me...he just wanted a high score on whatever." She wasn't the kind of girl people stalked. At least to her mind she wasn't. She glanced up at Natalya, "You aren't alone." she said rubbing her hand. "He likes to throw his father's name around. He's a senator. No one likes that but he has never seemed to figure that out." She shrugged and then grinned at Xanders and Dante, "He's not worth seeing you guys in trouble." she said honestly.

Heidi poked her head into their conversation and she nodded, "Just tell the admiral to contact me, if he does anything," She said to her, "I will fill him in and hopefully be able to get him excluded from the lounge." Her eyes wandered to the door he'd just left through and her brow furrowed, "Or maybe I'll just talk to him now," she said as she stood the announcement came over the shipwide communications system, "Or not." She downed her part of the next set of drinks Heidi brought them. "Thank you Heidi," she said, "You are a sweetheart...I will send the Admiral a communication and see what I can do about him.."

She flexed her fingers and looked around at the group, "back we go then," she said, "Sorry this wasn't the relaxing interlude I intended."
They all stood up and began walking to the hangar bay. "No worries doc, thanks for the drinks." Kirst smiled and the others nodded as they walked into the cavernous hangar. With a jolt, the Andromeda exited lightspeed and the bright green and blue planet of Arcturos appeared before them. Several massive hulks of destroyed starships littered the space above Arcturos, evidence of a massive ship battle. A pilot with a blue helmet approached the SOG group and saluted. "Hello, I am your pilot taking you down. Normally the Andromeda would just park in the atmo but the Confederate forces have built an orbital defense network on their half of the continent. So that means I get to be a taxi service, yay me." They followed the pilot to a dropship and climbed in as the pilot started the engines. With a rumble, the dropship left the hangar and headed towards the planet. Several times they had to fly around or through various space debris. Dante looked out one of the small windows and shivered. "I never liked being stuck on a ship. No way escape, just cold dark space outside."