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Another rocket impacted against the building, this time blowing a hole in the wall next to Kirst. The fighting increased in intensity as both sides fought ferociously. Suddenly a lone rebel appeared in the hallway, somehow having snuck in. He crept up on the unaware Erik and Kirst and raised his gun to fire, unaware of Cassandra in the room.
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Cassandra ducked when the missile blew a hole in the wall, when she rose back up she was about to ask if they were ok but saw the rebel about to catch both Erik and Kirst off guard from behind. She lifted the gun Erik had given her and squeezed the trigger. She'd never actually aimed for a kill shot before but she knew she had no choice. Winging him could mean he would take down both Kirst AND Ritkof. She'd aimed for his temple and that was what she'd hit from the angle she had. The rebel fell to the ground in a heap.

She'd told them she knew how to fire the weapon, and that she had a marksmanship badge. She'd just proved both those statements to be true.

She had the gun in her right hand and braced up with her left, and she'd moved her aim to the door the rebel had come through just in case another was with him.
Erik whipped around at the sound of the shot, gun at the ready. Seeing the dead rebel and Cassandra with the pistol he nodded his thanks. "Thanks for watching my six doc." Suddenly the comm station came to life. "Saint 1 this is Raptor 3, we are inbound on your position. Get your people to the roof."
Cassandra nodded and then looked at the Comm unit like she could actually see someone, and then looked back at Erik and Kirst. "Lead on..." though she wished her voice had sounded a little less shakey, she'd been proud of herself for being able to speak at all.

She kept the pistol in her hand, partly out of caution and partly because she because she needed something to keep her mind distracted from what she'd just done. When they were back in the green, and she was alone, she'd probably allow herself to break down and cry this all out. But for now, she needed to keep her mind and body focused on getting out alive. And to do so without any of them giving their lives to keep her safe.
The sound of jet engines steadily got closer until two ships appeared over the top of the building. One was a standard dropship and the other was a heavily armed gunship. "Saint 1 your ride is here." Kirst pushed Cassandra and Erik up to the waiting ship. "Dante! Xanders! Get your asses up here we are leaving!" The group rushed up to the roof where Turk was waiting. The staccato sounds of autocannons firing preceded the gunship's strafing run on the rebels. Swathes of dirt were cut into the ground as the high velocity rounds tore into the rebels. Everyone piled in to the dropship and watched as the gunship laid waste to the remaining rebels with a barrage of missiles. The side door of the dropship closed as it took off, speeding back to base. The setting sun threw long shadows on the ground as everyone sat in their seats exhaustedly. "Good job everyone. We got the Doc out alive. Mission accomplished." The men smiled and have a weary cheer as they caught their breath.
Cassandra felt the push at her back and scrambled up into the dropship and fastened her belt. She was gasping for breath just like everyone else and offered a gentle smile to the group. "Thanks...you all were magnificent." She sighed a bit thinking about those soldier's they'd come to rescue, and their unforeseen end. So much had happened, and she was in process overload. Kirst was glad they'd gotten her out alive and she huffed a bit, "My life isn't any more important than any of yours."

She was finally able to let go of the gun and after clicking on the safety, she handed it back to Ritkof. "Ad thanks for this. Good thing it's an accurate weapon." She smiled again but it was a little forced, and maybe he'd notice and maybe not. She was exhausted, hungry and thirsty, and wow did she need a shower. "Now that I've seen you in action...I am very impressed. You more than live up to all the hype." she said to Ritkof.
Erik took the pistol and stowed it as he grinned. "You aint so bad yourself doc." The rest of the short ride was uneventful. Soon they were above the stadium, descending to the makeshift landing pads. Touching down with a thump, the doors opened and everyone climbed out. "Well I dunno about you guys but I am gonna hit the sack, I am beat." Xanders nodded to Cassandra then wandered off to the barracks. Dante experimentally sniffed himself, "whew! I am gonna take a nice long hot shower. See ya around Doc." He thumped her on the back then walked off to the showers. Turk simply nodded to Cassandra and disappeared into the maze of tents. Kirst yawned and stretched, "unfortunately I have to file our after action report. Good work Docter Brandford." He shook her hand then went off to the admin tent, leaving Erik with Cassandra. "Hell of a day huh doc? But thats the life in the SOG, anyways I gotta drop off my medical supplies then I am going to bed. See you tomorrow." He gave her a sloppy salute then trudged off towards the quartermaster.
Cassandra smiled at Xanders and then lurched forward at Dante's 'pat' to her back. She nodded to Turk but when Kirst shook her hand she nodded but then she remembered, "You sir, need that arm tended properly. You may have forgotten about it, but I haven't. Ritkof's fix was temporary..." She called after him only to receive a wave, "I mean it...report for care or I'll come find you."

She looked at Ritkof, "I studied SOG procedure in school and in briefing for this mission," she said, "But being there is completely different. I am glad I got to experience it first hand," she said honestly, "If someone puts in to transfer me permanently I won't decline. I felt like I did a lot of good today, even though it wasn't all successful."

He was going off to sleep, but she was headed to check on the refugees...and make sure Kirst got his arm taken care of.
The refugees had been given tents and cots to sleep in. The occupied various levels in the stands, from right next to the field to up almost to the private boxes. One bedraggled woman came up to Cassandra and put a diamond ring in her hands. "You saved my daughter's life. She had that hole in her stomach protecting her little sister from a explosion. This is the only thing I can give you to repay the second chance you have my daughter." Several other refugees aaw Cassandra and rushed over offering various itema from jewelry to expensive canned food. "If you ever need anything from us you just have to ask."
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Cassandra's eyes filled with tears at the offerings, Since she knew they had nothing. But she also knew to deny it would be an insult so she accepted them with hugs and thanks. She would find a way to see that all of this was used to help them, without their knowing at a later time. She made the rounds to each of the people they'd seen earlier and was very pleased with everyone's progress. She found a comm tablet and sent a message to Kirst asking if he'd been seen for that arm yet, when she was about halfway done. She figured she'd bother him at every comm until she either saw him being treated or her replied back that he had been.

She finally finished and was so tired she could barely stand. She looked at the box way up the stairs and let out a soft groan of frustration. She wasn't really sure her legs would carry her up there, and contemplated falling onto the bed in her operating tent that was only a few feet away from her present location. The operating tent won and she made her way there, and sat at the console to update charts and make additional notations for the refugee patient's care. She rubbed her nose as she sent another message to Kirst. "Reply back...stubborn mule.."
Kirst finally replied, "arm is fixed so stop nagging. Get some rest doc." Erik rounded the corner and laughed as he saw Cassandra slumped at her desk. "Gee Doc, you look like you have been in a combat zone all day. Here lemme help you to your room." Not waiting for a response, he slung her arm over his shoulder and half carried half dragged Cassandra up the stairs to her room. Lightly kicking open the door, he deposited her on the bed. "Goodnight doc, tomorrow is another big day." He left and closed the door behind him as the bright stadium lights turned on, bathing the stadium in their white glow. The sound of artillery thumped in the distance as the sound of the dropship taking off sounded through the walls.
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Cassandra lifted her head when the reply came from Kirst and she smiled. "Oh good," she said thankfully. he was the last one. She looked up and saw Ritkof and blinked, "I was..." she said as he pretty much dragged her up the stairs, "Thanks," she said when he sat her on the bed, "Not sure why you came by...but thanks..I don't think I could ahve gotten up here on my own..."

She didn't remember him leaving, she was out that fast. She woke very early the next morning because she went to roll and her clothes were stuck to the bed. She opened her eyes and realized she was still in the bloody, dirty clothes she wore yesterday. "She grabbed her shower gear and a change of clothes and made her way tot eh showers. That water felt like heaven, and she was instantly revived. She went back to her room and deposited her things and then went to her tent again to check on the night notes and see if there was anything on her docket for this day. She didn't see anything, so she went to the admin tent. She looked at that same aid from yesterday, "Sending me anywhere with anyone today?"
The aide looked up and smiled. "No ma'am not for awhile. You have been restricted from leaving the facility as you have not gone through any psych checks after you returned. Frontline combat affects everyone differently, so I suggest you go find Dr. Sandra Morrigan. She is the resident psych doctor. Her tent is over by the recovery area, she is usually pretty busy giving counseling to the injured but you might be able to talk to her. Also news of your adventure has spread and you might be targeted if you leave the compound. So for your safety you are restricted to this base unless authorized by the colonel. As for patients the few we have are only minor injuries so feel free to take some time off." The aide nodded then wheeled his chair over to the holo table to input some data.
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Cassandra blinked at him and let out a slow even breath. She did not reply but just smiled and went back to her operating tent. Harrison entered and knelt in front of her and gave her a serious once over, "I am FINE, Harrison," she said and then pushed him away. He shook his head, "You...out..." he said and lifted her off her chair and shoved her out the door bodily, "I will make rounds and notes. Go rest..walk...but do not come back in here."

She could not have been more shocked if he had said her hair was on fire. He was giving her the Harrison death stare and pointing. She blinked and threw up her hands and went to look for the 'shrink' as the aid had called her. She had to ask around a bit but she finally found her.

"Doctor Morrigan?' she asked, "I'm Cassandra Brandford, and I ahve been told I must speak with you before I am allowed to leave the grounds again. When might you have time?"
The young woman looked up and smiled. "Ah doctor brandford, I can talk to you in around two hours. I have a grief counseling group soon then I have an amputation therapy session after that. But I will be happy to talk to you considering the ordeal you went through." The man sitting next to her looked around to the sound of the voices as he had bandages over his eyes. "Doctor Brandford? Is she the one who took out my eyes? Is she?!" He became very agitated and tried to stand up only to fall over. He crawled back into the chair and put his head in his hands and began sobbing quietly. Sandra out a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "No jason she is not. And it is not the doctor's fault, your eyes were beyond saving. It was the only option." She spoke in a soothing tone as the man continued to sob.
Cassandra watched the man whip his head around and she moved to still the action from the other side, "Careful," she said softly, "You will add to the trauma, and maybe damage the nerves. There are implants that can restore your sight if the nerves are in tact. I have one myself." She looked at Sandra, "Sorry...habit." She stepped back and nodded, "IN two hours then...where would you like to meet?"

She didn't really know what the woman would ask, or what she would say. Yesterday she felt like she was going to be reduced to tears as soon as she was safe, but once she WAS safe she was immediately back in Doctor mode, and caring for patients. She didn't have nightmares, probably because she was so tired her brain couldn't muster the effort. She had no idea what this was going to bring about, but she would meet and talk, so she could be useful.
Sandra smiled and patted the man, "see? You might be able to see again. Just be patient." The man nodded and sighed, "if you say so." Sandra turned back to Cassandra just meet me back here in 2 hours and I will be ready. Go explore the place some. I suggest getting to know the on base personnel, like the quartermaster."
Cassandra nodded and then bent to speak softly to the man she was talking to, "I have the implant, and no one knows. don't lose hope this early in." She said and then nodded, "I will be back."

She straightened then and left the woman to her work and then started walking around. The quartermaster was a good idea actually. She saw a few of the refugees from last night and spent a bit of time talking to them and encouraging them, though the truth was their optimism and hope in this dark time was an encouragement to her as well.

She wandered around and finally found the right place. She stepped inside and waited until there was no one else in the place before she approached, "I came to introduce myself," she said honestly, "I'm Doctor Brandford, and well.... I was wondering...do you ever happen to get implant mechanics in here?"
The portly older seargent looked up from his datapad and shook his head. "Names Bubba, sorry missy but all them fancy people work in real hospitals, all we got is prosthetics. You want anything else? I got piles of scrap the refugees bring in to trade. Its not much but you might find something. The mech boys love to go scrounging through the scrap lookin for rare salvage."
Cassandra smiled, "I would love to have a look," she said, "And Harrison is with me, he'll likely come looking too. He knows how to build implants and so do I. Though I'm not sure you'll have anythings small enough for what I need, but I'd like to look anyway." If the mech guys were coming in here, that would mean there were large parts, not anything small enough to make and eye or an arm, but she might get lucky.

She tipped her head and extended her hand, "And you are?' she asked, "I'm trying to learn some names so i don't ahve to go around calling everyone by their rank all the time." Not that they would mind or ignore her, but she liked knowing names. Of course he likely had on a patch with his name but again, she wanted to meet people and that meant talking to them and not just getting info from a uniform. "Any which way to the scrap area?" she asked as she waited to shake the man's hand.