{MiNaGi} Time Flies By. {Kyysucara Namosaka}

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He stands from the bed and puts on his clothes, walking down to find Saki awake.
"... What if I told you that I've killed a person?" He looks at his hands as he speaks, feeling nothing short of ashamed.
Saki looks at him. "I'd believe that. But its okay. I know you wouldn't do it on purpose. That's not the kind of person you are." She smiles.
"No. You're right. I didn't do it on purpose... I had had a bit too much to drink that night... and I never planned on draining her... but it seemed as if she just suddenly... lost all her blood and there she was, dead in my arms... and I came to terms with the fact that I am indeed a monster that can't be controlled... that's why... I'm sorry..."
Saki nods. "Its okay. It doesn't affect me any." She kisses him.
Cecil pushes her back and looks at his hands, leaning against a wall. "I can't... I can't do this anymore...! If I don't tell you, I'll go mad..!" He rambles while having his hands covering his face, slumping against the wall. "Saki... for hell's sake... I killed your sister!"
Saki sits down. She takes a deep breath and sighs. She stands up and slaps him then runs off to her room, bawling her eyes out.
"Well. That was to be expected." He sighed and put a hand on his cheek. "... it didn't hurt anyways. What a hypocrite I am." He walks to her room and knocks the door. "You know, you can leave if you want. Kill me. Torture me. Capture me and cut me into pieces. Feed me my own eyes. I don't really care. There's nothing to match the pain I feel. The hatred burning inside me. And that hatred is towards myself. I told you. I'm nothing more than a monster... but even a monster can feel sorry." He walks away from the door and settles in the library, staring out of the window.
A little bit later, Saki walks in. "Can we talk?" She sits next to him. "I don't hate you... I still l... lo... love you... I'm sorry...I forgive you. It was an accident after all."
"Why are you sorry? I was the one who let the beast inside me get what it wanted. Do you really want to love me? I might kill you too, someday... and yet you're still here." He didn't remove his gaze from his hands, tears escaping his eyes.
Saki nods. "And I could kill you too. But I feel how I feel and that won't change."
"But why do you feel like that? Why do you still feel that way? It's only going to hurt you..."
Saki looks down. "I don't know why. I know I should hate you. But it hurts not being with you..." She turns around and runs back to her room, crying again.
He runs after her and wraps his arms around her. "At first, I took care of you out of guilt for what I'd done... but... I fell in love with you... I'm a real idiot... right?" He smiled sadly as he stubbornly wraps his arms around her back.
Saki turns around and kisses him passionately. "Thank you for loving me too. I guess we're both idiots."
He wraps his arms around her as he returns the kiss and then smiles sadly at her. "Yeah... I guess we are... but I'm happy with you... so... at least we're together in being idiots.."
She giggles and lies her head on his chest. "Together..." She smiles.
"Yeah..." He smiled sadly and stood up. "Anyways... I'll ask my butler to make you something to eat."
Saki nods. "Okay, sounds good." She clung to his arm as they walked.
He told the butler that they were getting hungry and he went to make dinner while Cecil walked to the living room. He sat down on the couch and let out a sigh. "Look... I just don't want you to think I'm not sorry for what I did... even if it's not any help..."
Saki nods. "I know you are. It was an accident and I forgive you." She sits next to him.
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