Midnight Memories

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Harry held her close to him and wiped her cheeks to get rid of her tears. "For when you said you had cancer?" he asked her as he moved his hair away from her eyes. "I just didn't want you to see how upset I was and to make you upset, so I used to walk off and try to forget about it or to sort myself out"
Jen sighed and stroked his cheek "But without you I would t of survived it, you where my strength, happiness, everything" She said softly and lovingly kissed his lips "Thankyou" She whispered against them.
Harry smiled at her. "Well you did survive it and believe me, I had a hard time, I cried a lot and was scared you wouldn't make it, that they were going to come tell me it's not curable but thankfully it was and you are perfectly fine" he said and gave her the loving kiss back. "You don't need to thank me, of course I was there for you"
Jen wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lovingly "My world" She said against his lips and laughed when George did a huge baby burp and laughed even more as Poppy giggled madly.
Harry wrapped his arms around her waist with a smile and kissed her back lovingly. "Mmm always baby, always" he said back with a smile before laughing. "He didn't bring any milk up did he?"
Jen laughed and went over to pick him up and she rested him on her chest "No but its Daddy time isn't it baby boy" She said and passed him over and hid away, waiting for him to realise that the only reason she had given him George was because he needed a nappy change.
Harry raised his eyebrow. "Daddy's time?" he asked as he was handed over his son and looked at him and lifted his son up and smelt him. "Oh that's why it's Daddy time" he said and rubbed his face. "Better get you a cleaned up, seeing as Mummy doesn't want to do it" he said and kissed his son's head.
Jen giggled and stroked Poppy's hair "And that Poppy is how you get the man that loves you to do anything you want him to" Se teased with a giggle "But I'm going to marry Belle Mummy" She told her and Jen raised an eyebrow "You want to marry a girl sweetie?" She asked softly and Poppy nodded her head and she looked at her husband, not exactly sure what to say to that because at 5 she didn't expect that to be coming from her daughter.
"I can hear you babe" Harry said with a laugh as she spoke to Poppy and he sorted their son's dirty nappy out before raising his eyebrow and looked at Jen a moment with what their daughter said and he gave a shrug, "Maybe it's a phase, tell her female's are meant to be with male's or something" he mouthed to her and if his daughter turned out to be a lesbian when she was older, then honestly he didn't have a problem with that because he wasn't one of them that disagrees with the whole gay, lesbian, bisexual.
Jen frowned "No I will not say that!" She scolded back but mouthed it to him "Princess, of course you can marry a girl, but one day a really handsome guy could come along and sweep you off of your feet and you could fall madly in love with him like I did with your Daddy, so let's just wait and see what happened yeah" She cooed to her softly.
Harry looked at her. "Babe I don't have a problem with it if she turns out to be a lesbian" he mouth back to her before jumping as he was peed on. "Oh George" he said and quickly put a nappy there to stop his son from peeing on him. "Princess you can marry whoever you want when you are older and if you are in love with them and they love you back"
Jen laughed as Harry got peed on "Exactly baby girl, you will get your dream person, wether its a belle or a beast" She said softly and kissed her temple "I found my perfect person, who really was my dream guy" She said softly and gave her a tight squeeze.
Harry nodded his head. "Mmmhmm you sure will princess and you will have the best wedding ever" he said smiling and cleaned up where his son had peed and cleaned him up and put a new nappy on him. "Going to make Daddy go change now, you peed all over my top" he said and gave his son loving kisses. Poppy giggled and held onto her mum with a smile. "You and Daddy love each other lots and so much"
Jen laughed "Oh poor George he didn't mean to pee on Daddy did you gorgeous" She cooed softly and smiled down at Poppy "Thats right baby girl, we both love each other more than you could ever imagine!" She said with a giggle.
Harry chuckled as he held his son to him and gave him a loving kiss. "Of course it's not his fault, he just started peeing out of nowhere and with a boy, it goes everywhere, at least with Poppy if she had a pee while nothing was there, it went on the changing mat" he said and smiled. "Me and Mummy are very much in love and will be for the rest of our lives"
Jen smiled and picked Poppy up and waked over to him, bringing her whole family into a cute big hug "Of course we will be, our little Styles family" She said with a giggle.
Harry smiled as she walked over and he wrapped one arm around Jen's waist with a smile and kissed her head before giving Poppy a kiss. "I most likely smell of pee, so i'll give you a real family hug in a bit after I've changed my top, but mhmm little Styles family"
Jen smiled and nodded, letting him go so he could change his shirt and she took George from him and put Poppy down but raised an eyebrow when she got a call from Louis "You okay baby? Everything go alright?" She asked him softly and bounced George around in her arms.
Harry smiled and handed George over to her and went upstairs and he put the top with pee on into the wash and cleaned himself up before putting on the new t-shirt and gong back downstairs and kept Poppy busy.

Louis watched the kids as they had fun and he was still suffering from his hangover but it wasn't as bad as it was. "Hey Jen, yeah I'm alright I guess, got a huge shouting at when I got in but, me and Blaire have spoke, I've apologised to her with the way I acted last night and things and I don't know what else I can do or say if I'm honest, I of course don't want her to see me get upset but, I do really love her and to think I'm going to lose her, it's killing me on the inside" he said and sighed. "She had cancer all along, she had cancer when she met me, she's had it this whole year and never told me once" he said and sighed.
Jen sighed "You deserved to be shouted at baby I'm not going to lie" She scorned him but sighed again "Baby I am so so so incredibly sorry" She said softly "We can help anyway you need us and it will be okay baby I promise, its going to be hard for all of you but you will get through this" She said and tears filled her eyes "Sit Blaire down and right a list, right a bucket list of all the things she wants to do before she does and then go out and do them! Okay, make her life perfect so when it comes to that final goodbye you can know that you made her life perfect and that she can go off with a smile and you will have all these lovely memories to tell Angel when she's older" She told him softly and sniffled as the tears rolled down her cheeks.
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