Midnight Memories

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Harry smiled and gave her the big kiss back with a smile and nodded. "Yes princess, George loves you so much and he will be able to prove that when he gets older and can give you kisses and things back" he said to her before looking at Jen and raised his eyebrow and knew she was angry at him and he pursed his lips before sighing. "Jen babe I am sorry and I have gotten up to him during the night, I don't sleep through it all, babe I will be up to him every night of this week if you want me to and I will help you, I have been helping you babe" he said and got up from the chair. "I am tired as well you know, but if you want me to get up during the night to him, then fine and i'll do the nights and help you, I understand that you are tired and have had no sleep and just had a baby and look I will help you more alright and I'm sorry, don't be mad at me, it's going to get some getting used to again to being a Dad to a newborn"
Jen shook her head "But you don't help me Harry you don't! You bloody pretend to be asleep and I hadn't realised that you had been doing this to me until now!" She said and sat at the table and had tears streaming down her cheeks but only a couple "I'm so tired baby, its exhausting! You know since George was born the most amount of sleep I've had is 3 hours of sleep! From the minute I had him and I think if I carry this on then I'm going to collapse!" She admitted in a small squeak "I need you to actually help me" She said and wiped her own cheeks of the tears.
Harry sighed as she sat at the table and he moved and kneeled down in front of her and placed his hands on her thighs. "Baby and I am so sorry, I am very very sorry that I haven't been helping you and I of course don't want you to get ill or anything" he said softly and wiped her cheeks gently before standing up and wrapped his arms lovingly around her neck and gave her head a kiss. "Babe I will be up every single night with you and in fact the next few nights, you don't have to get up, you get the rest and sleep that you need babe"
Jen stood up and curled herself into his grip "I'm just so tired" She cried into him and couldn't move out of his grip, not even when Poppy ran in and looked concerned at her Mummy and Daddy.
Harry held her close to him and gave her head kisses. "If you are tired then go to bed baby, get your rest and I will care for George the rest of the day and the whole night, you have bottles made up of your breast milk don't you?" he asked her softly and looked at Poppy. "Hey princess, why don't you go back to eating the ice cream, Mummy's just tired"
A couple of days later Jade was woken up to someone banging on her front door at a ridiculous time. She checked her phone to see spams of messages from Louis and she put a dressing gown on and went downstairs and opened the door to her best friend in a complete state, worse than she had ever seen him. She could smell the alcohol on his breath and she sighed, taking him inside "Baby why on earth are you so drunk and coming here at, 3 o'clock in the morning?" She asked him softly.
Harry was woken up as well from the banging and rubbed his face, turning on the side lamp. "Who is that?" he croaked and looked and sighed as George started crying from being disturbed and he picked his son up and placed him against his bare chest. "Shhh it's okay" he cooed to his son and swaying with him around the room and knew it was Louis as soon as Jen started talking.

Louis looked at her as she took him inside and shrugged, "I don't know" he slurred badly. "You not answer my messages I sent you" he said as he walked into the house or more stumbling. "Don't remember why got drunk now and am here, I messaged you, now I forgot why I'm here" he said and was completely a mess and hardly making any sense.
Jade took him to the sofa and set him down and got him a glass of water "Why did you come here baby?" She asked softly "Why didn't you go home or call Blaire and ask her to pick you up?" She asked softly and stroked his hair through her fingers "I was asleep baby I'm sorry" She cooed softly and heard little pitter patters of little tiny feet down the stairs and Poppy came in rubbing her eyes "What's going on?" She asked Jen softly and Jen kissed her head "Nothing baby girl go back to sleep" She cooed softly and watched as she went back upstairs.
Louis pursed his lips and then shrugged. "I told you, don't know why am here" he slurred to her and drank the water he was given and scratched his head. "Blaire sleeping, not want to wake her up" he said and pouted. "I was messaging you, what did I put?" he asked her but couldn't remember even messaging her. He drank all the water before laying on the sofa. "What message you Jen?" he asked.

Harry looked when he saw Poppy get out a bed and sighed that Louis had woken both the kids up early and George had been happily asleep and no doubt Poppy as well. He went to the top of the stairs. "Come on Princess, back to bed" he said softly and kissed her head when she came up and he opened Poppy's door for her and got Jen's phone and took it down. "Maybe his messages will tell you what's wrong with him and why he is here" he said and going into the kitchen with their week old son on his chest and heated up a bottle for him.
Jen checked her phone and gasped "Oh baby" She said and tears filled her eyes, she had one text from him clearly right before he started drinking and she showed her husband "Blaire had cancer" She whispered quietly and tears fell onto her cheeks and she quickly wiped them away and went back into the living room again "Come on baby lets get you into the spare room, do you want me to stay with you tonight?" She asked him softly and couldn't leave him on his own to wake up and just remember everything that had happened.
Harry looked at her as he heated the bottle up and raised his eyebrow. "She had cancer, Jen when you mean, had are you telling me she's passed away, as in the cancer has killed her? as in she's not here anymore?" he asked. "Wait, then where are the three kids, I sure hope he hasn't left them on their own or with Blaire if she is still here and very ill"

Louis was almost asleep on the sofa and he sat up again. "No, I go home, don't know why I came here" he said very confused and completely pissed drunk. "No, no, sorry waking you all" he apologised as he stood up and holding onto the sofa to stop himself from falling.
Jen shook her head frantically "Sorry baby I meant has, I'm very tired" She said and yawned and looked at Louis and shook her head "No way am I letting you go home like this to Blaire and the kids thats not fair you will wake the whole house up, again" She said "Now you can either come sleep upstairs in the spare room or stay on the sofa? Up to you" She told him sternly.
Harry let out a breath. "But she is obviously dying babe, that's why he has to be like this, because she's dying and obviously it can't be cured anymore, go to bed, i'll sort Louis out, i'll sort George out as well" he said.

Louis huffed at what she said. "I guess not fair to wake them, but might be worried not home" he said and shrugged. "Bed or sofa fine with me" he said to her and casually stripped down to his boxers.
Jen was really struggling to keep the tears back but was holding herself together "No baby I can't leave him" She said with sad eyes "Look, take George to bed and sort him out, I'm gunna stay with Louis tonight okay, I don't want him to wake up alone really" She said and sighed as Louis stripped "No babe come on your not in bed yet" She said softly and picked up his clothes and took his hand in hers "Lets go and get you into bed then shall we baby" He cooed softly and took him upstairs.
Harry sighed. "You wouldn't he leaving him babe and him drunk like this, he'll be asleep in seconds" he said to her. "If you want to stay with him, then fine I'll sort George out but I'll talk to Louis tomorrow myself and take him home" he said and Louis was like a child when he was drunk. "I better message Blaire though babe and tell her Louis is here for the night, she might be worried"

Louis shook his head. "You said bed or sofa, this is sofa, so undress to boxers so I can sleep" he said to her and held her hand and following her upstairs.
Jen nodded to him before she had gone upstairs and she shoved one of Harry's old tshirts on and put Louis into bed, cuddling up next to him and stroking his hair "Go to sleep baby, its all going to be okay" She cooed softly and a tear slipped onto her cheeks as she pressed her lips gently against his forehead "I love you baby" She whispered softly.
Harry took the heated bottle upstairs with him, turning all the lights off and closing the door to the bedroom so it wouldn't make George's cries wake someone up and sat on the bed with him and started to feed him his milk and message Blaire as well.

Louis snuggled up in the bed as Jen stroked his hair. "Night night, love you too" he managed to say before he was completely out of it and fast asleep.
The next morning Jen woke up to soaking wet hair and she raised an eyebrow until she realised Louis had his face buried into the crook of her neck crying "Hey hey hey, shhh its going to be okay, it will be okay I promise you baby" She cooed softly and pulled him closer into her grip "Hey baby shh" She cooed to him softly.
When Louis had woken up, despite the terrible hangover , everything of before he went drinking came back to him, Blaire voice ringing in his ears, it repeating over and over again with what she had told him. 'I have cancer, I'm dying Louis'. He carried on crying into Jen and not even realising she was awake until she tried soothing him. "She lied to me, she had cancer the whole time, it can't be cured" he sobbed into Jens neck.
Jen sniffled and felt a few tears fall down her cheeks herself and she gulped "I'm sorry baby, I am so so so incredibly sorry" She said and started to cry in his hair "But make the most of it baby, make her last few days, weeks, months, years perhaps incredible" She said lovingly and kissed his temple as tears continued to fall down her cheeks.
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