Midnight Memories

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Louis looked at her and raised his eyebrow as she spoke. "Why are we talking about the bad memories that caused arguments between us, we are meant to be talking about the good days us three had together"
Jen frowned "Because now that I look back on it I think its a bit funny but hey okay I'll shut up" She said and walked out of the room silently carrying the nachos.
"Jen babe, it's in the past, think about the good memories us three had together in the past, not the ones where I got drunk, fell asleep and you slept with Harry" Louis said to her and sighed. "Jen I didn't ask you to shut up, I just said to maybe think of the happy ones together, that might be funny to you when you think back at it"
Jen's mouth dropped open "Wait what!" She almost shouted "Right so that whole argument you two had the morning after was because of you thought I had sex with him was it? Babe I was with you! I had sex with you that night not him! You where so drunk that you ended up going into Harry's room and bragging about the fact that you slept with me and then you passed out! Harry just came in with me and fell asleep cuddled up to me! I never ever once had sex with him whilst I was with you!" She said and was beyond shocked "You told me that the arguement was because Harry said he loved me" She said and crossed her arms over a little angrily.
Louis jumped when she almost shouted and he looked at her. "I don't really remember what the argument was really about, I was hungover" he said before furrowing his eyebrows as he tired to think back, but like he could remember any of it, he had been very drunk. "Jen I don't remember what happened that night or even that morning when me and Harry did argue" he said and shook his head. "And that must of been what the argument was about, Jen I don't remember, please don't get angry if I don't remember"
Jen just looked at him and her bottom lip wobbled and her eyes filled up with tears and she just quickly cuddled herself into Harry before she then let it go and started to cry, she had been given hormone shots for the baby and everything and just the way he was acting about the whole argument broke her.
Harry pursed his lips and wrapped his arms around Jen as she cuddled into him and started crying. "Hey babe" he said softly and kissed her head as he held her close. "Why are you crying baby, it's okay"

Louis felt really bad as he made her cry. "Jen, no Jen please don't cry, I didn't mean to upset you or anything, I really didn't, Jen babe I'm sorry" he said softly and went over to her hugging Harry and put a hand on her back. "Jen" he said softly.
Jen sniffled as she sobbed into her husbands chest "B-Because I made you both angry and hurt" She wailed and clutched tightly into his shirt "N-N-Now my whole day with you both is ruined" She cried to him sadly.
Harry kissed her head again as she sobbed into him. "Oh babe, no you didn't, it's in the past and me and Louis are over that stupid argument we had, don't cry about it baby, you haven't ruined the day for us both, don't be upset" he said softly.
Jen sniffled and calmed down under his breath "Y-You promise?" She croaked out sadly "Cuddles and then you can tell me happy memories?" She asked him sweetly.
Harry was glad she calmed down and he cupped her cheeks and wiped away her tears gently. "I promise you baby, me and Louis don't think you've ruined the day at all, we can have cuddles and tell happy memories, you made nachos as well didn't you babe" he asked her with a smile and continued to wipe her cheeks until all her tears were gone.
Jen nodded and smiled and took her two boys upstairs with the nachos and cuddled into bed, cuddling into them both when they had both gotten in "Good memories go" She said with a happy giggle and she had one boy each side cuddled into the both.
Harry smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "That's the beautiful smile both me and Louis want to see" he said smiling and followed her up with Louis and cuddled her on one side and letting Louis have the other. "You remember the time we went on holiday together for a bit when we had a break from one direction, me and Louis chucked you into the pool"
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