Messing With Trouble

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Lucy started to head back towards the school. Though, she didn't expect to get her foot caught, which caused her body to start to fall forward. She was expecting to land face first into the hard ground, but instead she found herself laying on top of Isaac and her face in his chest rather then the ground. She quickly looked up at him concerned. "That's not funny!" Lucy stated at his joke. She wasn't hurt thanks to his save, but she was concerned about him. "Are you hurt anywhere? Cut? Bruised?" Though, the girl failed to realized she was still laying on top of him while asking these questions.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," said Isaac. He reached up, put his hands gently on her waist and lifted her up, holding her steady as he sat up. He moved her so she sat across from him. "What about you? You're not hurt or anything, are you? I think the principal will drop-kick me if I came back with a damaged student president."
"I'm fine," Lucy commented after he had helped her off of him even though the way he did it was a bit embarrassing for Lucy. However, she tried to ignore that for now. At least they both seemed to be okay. Though, they were a bit dirty. Lucy lifted herself off of the ground and started to wipe off some of her cloths to get off the dirt. "Let's continue. We still can't be late."
He frowned. "I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable," he said as they walked back through the woods. He was still holding branches back for her. "Believe me, that was not my intention."

They reached the edge of the woods. Isaac checked the time on his cell phone. "We've got ten minutes till the bell."
"No, it's okay," Lucy said. "I know you were just helping me out and all. I should watch where I step more in the future so that no of that happens again." They had finally made it out of the forest, the school building ahead. He had mentioned that there were 10 minutes left before they had to head back to class. "That's good. We won't be late. Let's continue. I prefer to be there a bit earlier since I need to set an example for others. Student council president things, you know."
Isaac nodded, smirking a little as they crossed the football field. "And I prefer to be there a bit later since I need to set an example for others. Resident delinquent things, you know." He was joking, but not really. He would probably skip the rest of the day. "What are you doing after school?
Lucy had to think if he was being serious or not. Delinquents did take after others after all, but he probably wouldn't do that on purpose. She followed him closer to the school building. "After school? I have to pick up Luke, then head to my job. He usually stays with me there, because I can't find anyone to watch him while I'm working."
He looked to her. "I can watch him," he said automatically. "I can take him and Maisie to the park again or something. How long do you work for?" He wouldn't expose Lucy's brother to his own dirty, broken house.
Lucy looked over at him. He offered to watch Luke while she worked. It would help. He always got bored when he was hanging around at the restaurant and there wasn't much for him to do there. "Would you? It would really help out," Lucy stated. "I work for 3 hours tonight since it's a school day. If you get tired at the park, you can bring them to my house. We have a spare key hidden under the small plant on the porch." She didn't know why she had told him that information, but she just seemed like she could trust him with it, even though she was giving up the hidden spot of the key to the house.
"Cool," said Isaac. "I'll take them there if they get bored or hungry or something, if that's alright. Did you want me to come with you to pick them up after school?"

They reached her locker. He casually leaned against the one beside it, and attracted quite a few odd looks. He understood where they were coming from -- why was the delinquent hanging out with the student council president? But that didn't stop him from shooting dirty looks back at them.
Lucy didn't even notice any looks that they were getting. She was focused on getting the books she needed for the classes she had next. "Sure. You came come. It would be easier than having to meet up with you somewhere, or find you. I have to get to work right after, and can't waste time." She got what she needed, then closed her locker up.
Isaac nodded. "I'll meet you at your locker after school then," he said as they walked away. "Don't die tragically before then. If a dragon shows up in your classroom, summon me with a demonic ritual and I shall vanquish it."

After school -- after Isaac roughly sketched Lucy on the edges of all of his notebooks -- he stood against her locker with his bag at his feet, engaged in a heated text argument with his mother.
"Please, I could handle a dragon on my own without your help," Lucy commented back to him with a little smile. It was nice to open up to someone, and not be as strict and formal like she was with all the other students in class. She usually never relaxed around them, but she was finding it easy around Isaac. She left him and went to class.

At the end, she headed for her locker where she noticed he was waiting like he said. He looked a bit annoyed about something that was on his phone. "Is something wrong?" She question him, opening her locker and getting everything she needed for later in order to do her homework that she would most likely do late at night which she tended to do with her busy schedule. She closed it a few minutes later. "If you're ready we can head to the kids school."
Isaac turned his phone off after being abused by his mother one more time, shoved it in his pocket and turned to Lucy. "I'm fine. My mother is just being a bitch," he said, shaking his head as they began to walk out of the school. Again, they received weird looks and whispers; one popular jock guy was about to speak to Isaac, but he shot him down with one foul glance. The kids' school was a few blocks away from the high school.
Lucy really wished she could help him out a better way with the situation concerning his mother, but there was nothing she could do. She had to just let him do what he wanted with that, because there wasn't going to be a way to make it better. The only thing would be if Lucy could yell at the useless woman herself, though Isaac probably wouldn't want that. She walked with him out of their school and towards the kids' school. It didn't take long to get there, and they waited outside to have the kids come out. Lucy was actually surprised to see Luke walking out with Maisie walking with her. It really did mean that he liked her to become friends, even if he didn't want to show it.

"Lucy," Luke commented when they got closer to them. "Oh, I see that Maisie's brother came here too. Hey, I guess."

Lucy smiled at the two kids. "Luke, since you don't really like hanging out at my work, I figured you could hang out with Isaac and Maisie today."

"I guess I can," he said back.
Maisie smiled when she saw Isaac and ran up to him, hugging him tightly like she always did. She only reached his belly button because he was so tall and she was a pretty short nine-year-old. "Maisie, we're going to take Luke to the park again because Lucy has to work," Isaac told his sister. He turned back to Lucy. "What time do you want me to bring him home, if we're not already there?" he asked her.
"You can have him out until it gets dark," Lucy commented. "You might be fine out there, but I don't want him getting any ideas that he can go running around at night." She figured Isaac would be able to keep them safe, even if it was dark out, but she didn't want Luke to learn from that. He was at an age where he could copy anyone, and if Isaac was the only man in his life, since their father was always busy, he might try to take after him. And, Lucy didn't want a delinquent younger brother. That would be too much to handle.
Isaac nodded understandingly. "That's fine," he said. "I'll see you later." Again, he leaned down and pecked her on the cheek, before turning to the kids and saying, "TO THE PARK!" in an overly dramatic voice.

They made their way to the park, where the kids played on the playground and Isaac's mother called him. She was asking heated questions about his whereabouts, while also threatening to hurt him and calling him and Maisie terrible names. He drew the line when she threatened Maisie; he hung up and turned off his phone again.
Huh? Was the thing that went through Lucy's mind when Isaac had kiss her cheek again. Why was he doing that? And, to make it worse, she would get a blush every time it happened. But, she had to forget about it right now. She had work to get to. She rushed off after the others left, and headed for work. There, she got dressed into her uniform and began to work.

"Hey Lucy, you don't have Luke here with you. How come?" One of her co-workers asked.

"Oh, I have a friend watching him," Lucy said in reply.
It was growing dark, but it wasn't time for Lucy to finish work yet. Nonetheless, Isaac collected the kids and they walked back to Lucy's house. He got Luke to open the door with the spare key because he felt ridiculously uncomfortable doing it himself. When they were inside, they sat on the sofa and watched television as they waited for Lucy to come home as well.

Isaac was worrying about his mother -- no, that wasn't completely the case. He didn't care about his mother. He cared about going home and exposing Maisie to her when she was in that horrible, drug-induced state. Isaac had not had a proper childhood because of that woman, and he wasn't letting Maisie be corrupted like that.
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