Mental Damages

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@Windstormugly pffft you crazy, man. I would hug my computer until it broke, and shamelessly neglect my phone.

And damn I have to go over that part again, I was certain he was either there longer than just that morning or that he was with Morkat. Harley made no connections to anyone from the group. *scratch head* ...Ok then! Edit it is... As soon as I get home.
No problem.
The longer your edit takes, the longer Im able to shamelessly claim it as a reason for not posting
Bill knows Morkat from his final days in the army and a few times afterwards when he was travelling around helping random people. They were and are both supporters of the peace and reconsiliation between normals and mentals.

Anything you want to add @PigIron ?
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Hey @york !
Gallast answered Deranys question, and you ignored him xD
craaaap XD I forgot, hold on a moment...
There fixed o-o edited my post to better suit the situation (I knew I was forgetting something o-o)
Awesome posts everyone, I love it when there's plenty to react to.
And cheers for having Gallast mention Jacky boy. Maybe @Ai can finally have something to react to!
Why doesn't Morkat use his radio to find out where Bill is? They already spoke on it! :)
Will post tomorrow guys, too tired and raging over other fucked RP's so...yeah. Sorry, tomorrow it is then ^^. And sweet post @PigIron I love it lol
Don't worry take your time :3 I shall wait like always >.<
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@york You so sweet :3 *pat head*
@PigIron Actually I'm a sis but bro is just fine. I got used to both :P

P.S. Will post a bit later when I'm back from lecture ^^
@PigIron because Morkat trusts Bill to manage ;)
Oh and he is busy talking go idiot people at the town hall xD
@PigIron Actually I'm a sis but bro is just fine. I got used to both :P

P.S. Will post a bit later when I'm back from lecture ^^
You're an honorary bro ;D
I keep telling myself to stop using gender specific stuff online. It causes nothing but awkwardness.
Doing my post now. And @PigIron Sweet! Bro it is ;)
I keep telling myself to stop using gender specific stuff online. It causes nothing but awkwardness.
I would call it hilariousness ;)
Like when people think Im a man xD
I refuse to be anything but a child.
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Who gives a damn about gender? I do act more like a street thug that a lady, so it's a legit mistake :P
Geez guys lets pick up the pace! lol
Well then, @PigIron needs to post. That RV needs to get moving, so you can be on your way to pick up Jack.Though I suppose that first youll say hello to Morkat.
Or is rl being annoying ? In that case we will be waiting, for a few days.
If so, @Silvir you are up.

Oh, and @Roxie could post too I suppose, if you feel like interacting with a weird little Newhics ;)
Had a family thing sunday, and monday and tuesday are uni days, I can't post.
Having said that, later tonight I'll get something up. Sorry to keep you waiting.
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