Melodic High School (Battle Edition)

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Erin smiled and nodded. She felt as Storm's hand was sliding away from hers slowly. When he stepped out of her dorm, Erin dropped her hand to her side and felt her heart thump. When her door shut, Erin immediately turned on her radio to the rock station, turning the volume down low. Then, she sank into her bed and wrapped herself in the blankets, her eyes drooping shut. In a matter of seconds, Erin was already asleep.
Storm walked with his hands in his pockets towards his dorm room. After awhile, he took a shower and made it to his dorm room. He threw himself on his bed and fell asleeo immediatly.

--Time Skip to the next morning--

Storm's alarm goes off again and he gets up stretching. Putting on a blue shirt and black jeans, he gets up and walks out of the dorm room.

Storm: I think i'll go see Erin now. Poor girl has been working since early morning! I wanna see her.

"Hey Storm!" Is heard from a distance. It wss Rebecca who was wandering the hallways. "I was wondering when you would get up! Come on lets have breakfast and catch up!"

Storm: Wait actually I-

"Nope no excuses! Come on!" Rebecca grabs Storm's hand and rushes towards the lunch room. Storm think about Erin how he promised her he would see her.

Storm: Guess i'll see her later...

(Pretty tired now. Going to bed! Night =])
Erin wiped a few droplets of sweat from her forehead as she lugged the giant box of books. Every few seconds, she would glance around hoping to see Storm walk in with a smile on his face. When he didn't show up, Erin sighed and continued pulling the box, grunting from the effort. She gave one really strong pull and the rope broke from the box, sending her backwards into a bookshelf. With a groan, Erin rubbed the back of her head where it had hit the shelf. Some books had fallen and Erin sighed. More work to be done, after all. Erin stood up and brushed off her jeans, tightening her somewhat messy ponytail. "I still have so much to do." she said, starting to push the box all the way into the storage room. When she got there, she heard laughing and snickering. "Hello?" Erin asked, peering inside the dark room. All of a sudden, two boys and girls jumped out, grabbing Erin and throwing her into the dark closet. They shut the door and locked it somehow, Erin's heart dropping when she heard the lock click. "N-No...let me out!" Erin banged on the door, feeling the fear of the dark return. She whimpered and walked backwards until she hit the wall. Then, she slid down it until she was sitting on the ground, holding her head in her hands. Never had Erin been so scared. Erin's ragged breaths were all she could hear in the dark room, as well as her heart beat. "H-Help." she whispered softly, tears rolling down her face.
Rebecca and Storm reached the cafetaria and she sat down. Storm sat down slowly too across from her and they stared at eachother for a bit.

Storm: So. Lots of things to catch up on! How was that school you went to?

"Awful! Everyone there was weak and they weren't the happiest. I tried having fun, just wasn't my cup of tea." Suddenly, a group of people come towards their table and sit was Storm's former crew who he had distanced himself from.

Storm: What do you guys want? Haven't you caused enough trouble?

"Nah Rebecca invited us." said Andrew, ine of the boys who had bullied Storm's two friends. "It's like a reunion Storm! The crew is back together!" said Rebeccs happily.

Storm: A...reunion? *sigh* I guess so. So anyways, you didn't like the other school?

"Nope! They weren't any fun at all!" said Rebecca. Storm had no idea what was going on with Erin in the whole situation of her beig locked in the closet.

Soundsplitter had awoken from his previous hard day at work. He givers a light groan as he rolls out of bed, hitting the floor painfully with a thump as he groans again, wiping messy navy hair out of his eyes.
"Jeeeeez... this isn't how people like me need to wake up. I should have bed in breakfast, or something..." Soundsplitter vainly moans as he rolls over, crawling up against the wall to get to his feet again.

After sorting out his hair and putting back on his usual garish clothing, Soundsplitter bit his lip in thought as he walked out the door to his dorm. There were so many talented people he wanted to challenge, yet he knew he needed to learn how to imitate more and more songs, and, at some point, create more of his own. He places in his headphones, switching them on to full volume as he somewhat goofily swings his hair to the beat as he walks. Dubstep at around two hundred decibels was always a good way to wake yourself up.

As he walks, Soundsplitter checks his phone for any texts. It didn't seem like Storm or the girl he was sat with - he thought he could remember it being Erin - needed him after all. Soundsplitter nodded thoughtfully to the beat as he walked, wondering about the kid Andrew and the Egyptian girl as well. Nonetheless, it didn't seem like Storm and Erin had been having any problems with people - so that was a thing off his mind for the day, at least.

Little did he know about Erin, and the events that were to follow...
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Andrew pelted up gasping for air "what the....!" he looked around his dark room he looked at his phone "what happened!" his eyes felt horrible they felt like they burned he got up it was 1 day he stayed in his room for one entire day he got up and turned on the lights. He was still in his school clothes was that a dream he wondered to himself he cleaned his room up a bit and got his stuff ready "well another day..." he opened the door and wandered nothing had happened he just fell asleep for a very long time he didn't want to go to class so he walked to the practice room and decided to play the piano he set it up sat down he smiled and started to play he loved the feel of the keys touching his fingers he played a song he wrote. He loved when he was alone the sound of silence comforted him.
Storm: Alright. Well I have to go now. I gotta meet someone.

"Wait!" Rebecca grabs Storm's arm from across the table and drags him back down to sit. "What's wrong with you? Don't you wanna hang out? Aren't you glad the crew is back?"

The kid called Brian who also bullied one of Storm's friends looks at him. "Dude, stay with us man. Who cares about them? You're back with your family. We all started together and now the group is complete again"

Storm: Complete? Brian, you think i've forgotten what you and Anthony have done? You bullied my friends and my girlfriend.

"Whoa, girlfriend?" Says Rebecca. "Who is she? mean that girl you were with last night? You're kidding me right? Seriously Storm you're leaving family for her?"

Storm: I'm sorry you didn't get the memo Rebecca, but i've changed. I'm not apart of this group anymore. Her name is Erin and she means a whole lot to me.

"Really?" asks Rebecca in a soft tone. "Tell me Storm, when was it that you closed your true self? When was it that you abandoned yourself?"

Storm: What are you talking about?

"I'm saying..." Rebecca's eyes glow in a purple color. "When did you abandon us?" Storm's eyes begin glowing purple like Rebecca's. He grabs his head and is about to fall back from the table when he is caught by the two of the crew members.

Anthony looks at Rebecca. "Did you do it?". Rebecca's eyes stop glowing and she smiles. "Yep. I wiped his memory of this newfound attitude and those people he's been hanging out with." She says in a dark tone. Anthony laughs "Ha! Nice! Glad to have you back Rebecca! The crew is officialy back!"

Storm shakes his head and rubs his eyes. He looks up at everyone as they stare at him.

Storm: The hell just happened? I just got a major headache.

"You should take medicine." Said Rebecca.

Storm: Nah. Anyways, Becca glad to see you back here. It's about time we took over this damn place again.
Andrew felt good he got all the emotion off his chest he sighed and packed his stuff "I should go meet up with Storm and Erin tell them I'm fine" he got up and walked out "I wonder how they're doing..." he saw Storm "Hey storm whats up?" but he realized he was with a new girl and the kids that bullied the three of them "Storm are these guys being jerks to you again?" he stared at Storm questioned he was different but how?
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The table went silent and Storm slowly turned his head. He let out a cocky smile and looked at Andrew up and down.

Storm: What are you supposed to be? And who do you think you are addressing me?

Chuckles could be heard from the table. Storm laughed with them and looked back at Andrew

Storm: Look, kid, i'm about to have breakfast. Therefore i'm in a good mood. So I suggest you leave before you put me into a bad mood.
Andrew stood there confused "Its me Andrew your actual friend what are these jerks doing here?" he says annoying storm "wheres Erin and who's that Storm answer me!"
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Storm takes a deep breath and motions toward Anthony and Brian, two of his crew members. Storm and his two group members get up. Storm stands in front of Andrew and pushes him down. Anthony and Brian grab his arms and legs holding him down and Storm puts his foot on Andrew's chest.

Storm: Kid, you brought this onto yourself. I'm being nice here and i'm giving you one last chance to leave or you're gonna get the beating of your life.

Storm lifts his foot from Andrew's chest and the two crew members get up and stand next to Storm.

Storm: What's it gonna be piano boy?
Andrew stared into Storms eyes "Look Storm I don't know what these douches did to you but I won't be afraid to fight you I'm more powerful than you know I'm a different person now"

Storms friend: whoa whats gotten into piano boy

Andrew: shut up and step off

Andrew was head to head with storm
Storm laughed along with the rest of the crew. Suddenly the entire table got up and the count was 9 crew members surrounding Andrew. They all stared at him, some with their arms crossed and some with their hands in their pockets. They each lifted up their instruments and Storm lifted his hands towards Andrew.

A blue flame formed in his hand and Storm smiled.

Storm: Oh this is going to be absolutely fun.

Suddenly, one of the members punched Andrew followed by a kick by someone else. They held his arms back and each of them began hitting him. Storm took his finger which had a flame surrounding it and poked Andrew's bag that held the piano and the flame began spreading in it.
Soundsplitter clutches his stomach as he trots from the music media production room. Jeez, he'd only been there for about 30 minutes and he was already starving. Probably something to do with him skipping breakfast; either way he was famished and needed something to eat.

Swinging open the cafeteria door with a small whistling tune, Soundsplitter lifts an eyebrow as he walks to get something to eat. He couldn't make out all of the members of the gang or whatever, but it seemed Andrew was getting ganged up on by a bunch of bullies or something like that. Things like that really ticked Soundsplitter off, but he'd heard rumours that Andrew had beaten up a whole group of kids before; maybe he could do it again. There were a lot of the group around him, however - so much so that he could barely make out anything apart from a blue flame coming from the middle of the group, although he couldn't see who was controlling it from where he was standing. Soundsplitter flicks back his hair as he slurps on his milkshake - although he would have loved to take on some bullies, Soundsplitter thought this ought to be very interesting to watch, even if he could barely see what was happening. Was Andrew's bag getting set on fire by some kid... or something?
Andrew shoved them all off he felt the pain he closed his eyes tight and tried to ignore it he took out his piano not affected by the fire "nice try next time give it your A game" he coughed up blood and strapped his piano on "lets dance" he started playing the song Two faced lover by Miku Hatsune he started glowing a blue aura he closed his eyes and kept playing he opened them and they flared blue "maybe this will jog your memory Storm..." His hands exploded and crackled electricity hit the floor creating a shock wave shocking each member of his group he threw plasma balls at all of them nailing them in the head and stomach
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Storm stood still smiling. The flame now gone from his hand he balled his fist smiling.

Storm: You must not know this, but I control the elements, boy. So how about I give you a taste of just 1/4th of my power.

Storm opened his hand and closed it immediatly sending the electricity back towards Andrew. He then switched to ice and shot hail towards him. While the hail was being shot, Storm took the chance and leaped towards Andrew, freezing the piano with one hand and lifting his other hand which had a flame element again.

Storm ripped the frozen piano off his hands and let out a fireball in front of Andrew. Storm smiled at him

Storm: Goodbye

Storm threw his hand forward and the giant fireball took over Andrew. The entire cafetaria lit up red from the giant flame and screaming his heard from the lunch ladies serving the lunches as fighting was unacceptable in the lunch room.
Soundsplitter lifts an eye in appreciation to Andrew's piano playing, and to the cool looking attack. All he could do with now was some popcorn, and then Soundsplitter would be set for watching this battle unfold as he watches the plasma balls buzzing around. He takes up a chair, watching with interest until he realises... wait a minute. That was Storm? Why was he picking a fight with Andrew? Weren't they meant to be friends or somethi-

Soundsplitter winces and puts up his arm as a wave of heat echoes through the cafeteria, and a huge fireball trails through the room, straight into Andrew. It was suddenly madness in the cafeteria, and screaming and shouting echoed all around. And all Soundsplitter wanted was to finish his milkshake. Typical.
"Hey! That's way too far! You might have killed him, you jackass! What the hell's wrong with you, and where's your girlfriend?!" Soundsplitter yells across to Storm, jumping from his chair and looking to where Andrew used to be standing with concern as flames spew from Storm's hands.
(OOC: Really would of thought it be over there so we can move the story lol)
(OOC Oh Ok Lol)
Andrew Got up groaning "you win so now that I lost what do you want me to do be a part of your crew...." he said weakly
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Erin heard the loud bang from in the storage room. Her heart raced and she stood up, running against the door, letting out a cry as the door banged open. She grabbed her bass and sprinted down the hallways and into the cafeteria. She stopped when she saw the sight before her. Her jaw dropped and instantly, her eyes narrowed. The bullies were there and the girl. But what shocked her the most was Storm. He was standing there with flamed hands as the bullies held Andrew. In an instant, Eric's heart lurched and her blood boiled. She stormed forward and the fury was obvious in her eyes. "Storm!" she shouted, fists balled and shaking in anger. Her eyes went over everybody else surrounding Andrew. "What's going on here?" she yelled at the top of her lungs, seeing some people turn to look at her. Since nobody really knew her, she probably looked like the meanest girl in school. Erin watched as she saw Storm smiling as he was hurting Andrew. Her mouth dropped in disgusted shock.