Melodic High School (Battle Edition)

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Storm looks at the boy one last time. He then turned toward the direction of Erin and walked with her. "Storm you traitor! You're nothing, but a weakling now!" Is heard from behind them.

Storm: Sorry you had to go through that. Not a nice start for the year. That kid is bad news. You should try to avoid him as much as you can.
Andrew came out of the music room he felt refreshed he walked and started running carelessly as he ran he bumped into storm knocking down his stuff
Storm: Hey, watch where your going-huh?

Storm notices the paino that the boy was holding and assumed he was the one playing earlier.

Storm: Eh...sorry. Here.

Storm picks up the boys piano and hands it to him. He looks at the girl Erin next to him who he was still walking with, confused with about the quiet boy with the piano.
Andrew had the blankest expression he looked like he was going to cry he grabbed his stuff and ran off in a hurry leaving behind sheetpaper
Erin looked at Storm and nodded. She felt guilt wash over her as Andrew called the insult to Storm. "I'm sorry for this. Now you'll be picked at for socializing with me." She glanced back up at Storm and furrowed her brow a little. "But, thanks. You really helped a lot." She said, sending him a genuine smile. Storm definitely looked like someone who didn't really butt into things with other people, yet he told the boy to back off. Erin cleared her head and, she noticed, she was still smiling. She watched as the boy with the piano music bumped into Storm. Storm was a little upset, but still helped the boy pick up the papers. He looked small and quiet, like someone who likes to spend time alone. She traded glances with Storm, feeling a little confused by the piano boy. Erin stooped down and picked up some sheet music. She was about to call out for him, but he was already gone. Erin looked up at Storm with a raised eyebrow.
Eliza walks off down from the stage after their dual of sorts, it was spectacular I assure you, people's eyes were exploding from even taking place in the event, and everybody was simply stunned, especially with Eliza. Mostly because nobody understood what she was saying when she sand some Egyptian folk song, people liked it though so she was fine with it. Soundsplitter and Eliza become amigos, and all was fine and well....Until she entered the hall and noticed that the whole school wasn't paying attention to her performance? She put her palm on her face "People do not understand true talent.... Well, that's how the world is...Damn hipsters." A man walked of you the room where the stage was, then noticing Eliza and say "Hey, freaky bro! I loved that foreign song you song, your voice is raaaad!" Eliza glared at him with a clenched fist in a sympathetic manner, the yelling in his direction "That was a song about cheese!" She then pouted, the song really was an Egyptian song about cheese. She then strolled down the hall going towards the music room, after that, Amun-Rah needed some cleaning.
Andrew ran back to the empty music room feeling he could be alone he opened the door still no one there he sighed in relief and took out his note book sat at a table and decided to write and draw
Storm blushes and looks away so he isn't noticed blushing by the girl.

Storm: It's nothing really. I would of done the same if it was somebody else. Also, I have a feeling that he and his little gang of friends are the only ones that are going to be saying anything to us. Ever since I stepped down as leader of that little group and quit hanging with them, they've had a grudge against me.

I was like them...people feared us because of me and my power mostly. I realized my mistakes though. So now i'm just trying to do the right thing. Trust me, those guys are just talks...when it comes to combat, they don't stand a chance.
Andrew decided to check his music book he skimmed through the pages then he noticed one was missing he freaked out that was a important song he didn't know what to do he can barely talk because of how shy he is and he didn't want to approach the man he approached before his heart was like a tribal drum beating rapidly
Erin smiled and nodded. "I see. In my eyes, they're just cowards anyway. I bet none of them would actually see their mistakes and come apologizing. Especially not to me. Plus, I could see them as all bark and no bite." She said, smiling slightly. She listened as he continued, telling her about how he realized his mistakes and he was just doing the right thing. Erin's smile grew even bigger. "Wow, that's so amazing. I wish I could do something like that. Help others when they're being messed with. You really have courage. I'm envious. Not only do you help others, you realized what you were doing wrong and decided to change." She complimented in awe. Then, Erin felt her cheeks redden when she noticed she was talking all at once.
Andrew got up in worry he left his stuff in the music room and ran to the people he met before Erin and Storm
Storm smiles and thinks to himself about how one must meet somebody to know how they truly are. He liked this girl. He thought she was very friendly and just needed a friend to welcome her.

Storm: Aha...looks like we got so carried away with conversation that I forgot to ask your name. Sorry about that
Erin's eyes widened and she blushed slightly with embarrassment. "Oh, sorry. I'm Erin. Of course, it's a boy name. Another strike to add for my tomboy image." She said, chuckling a little bit. Sure, she was a tomboy, but she was still a girl. Others just didn't see that in her. She was about to continue when she saw the piano boy start running towards them. Erin raised an eyebrow then realized she still had his music.
Andrew saw her holding his paper he stood in front of both of them trying to speak all that came out was air
(got to go I'll be on tomorrow around 3)
Storm stood next to Erin looking at the nervous boy.

Storm: you need anything man?

Storm then remmembers this is the boy that ran into him before.

Storm: Oh it's you. You dropped something. Erin picked up your music sheet.
Erin's eyes softened as she took a few steps towards the piano boy. "Here, I think you dropped these." She said, holding out the boy's sheet music to him. She sent him a gentle smile and her eyes sparkled.
Storm watched as the boy remained imobile. He grabbed the sheet from Erin and placed it in his hand.

Storm: You're...welcome kid.

Storm gives Erin a look signaling to keep on walking forward around the kid.
Erin nodded and gave the kid a heart-warming smile. Then, she continued walking around him, waiting for Storm. "So, what were we talking about?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Storm: Uh...oh yeah! You were telling me your name. Erin right? You were telling me how it's a tomboy name. I think it's a cool name. I'm assuming you already know they call me Storm huh?

Storm says smiling at her oddly knowing that she may have heard his name after the scuffle earlier.
Erin giggled and nodded. "Yeah, I heard. I really like your name though. I think it suits you." She said, sending him a smile. She laughed a little as a thought popped into her head. "I guess you saw my amazing dance moves earlier?" She said, unable to keep her laughter quiet.