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Randy smiled "football? You gonna try out?"
He looked at Dusk and noticed the sad look "what are you writing?"
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"Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it," Aston grinned. It was a nice grin, one that was happy, that hid secrets. Dusk strugged. "Whatever comes to mind." Dawn's eyes lit up. She liked it when Dusk wrote a story, it was always good. Or at least it was in Dawn's eyes.
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Randy smirked "awesome, I used to play."
He glanced over at Dawn, the twinkle in her eyes was beautiful.
he nodded and looked at Dusk "that's cool, I bet it'll be beautiful." He answered.
he looked at his watch "I should probably go, do something. I'll see you guys later though.. right?"
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"Okay," Dawn smiled.

Dusk sat down on the only desk in the room and pulled out a rainbow coloured notebook and began writing. Aston went down for football trials. Dawn watched Randy.
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Randy smiled and kissed Dawn's cheek "in a bit."
He said as he disappeared out the door. He walked after Aston "hey.. uh.. mind if I watch?"
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"Sure!" Aston stopped. He hadn't got very far. He still had a while anyway to go. And there was loads of time.

"You love him, don't you?" Dusk didn't look up.
"Maaayybe," Dawn replied.
"Oh come on, it's not hard," Dusk stood up.
"Yes, I do," Dawn nodded. Dusk went over and smacked her in the face. "You're disgusting. You've just met him! Wake up, you can't live in a perfect fantasy!"
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Randy smiled and put his hand on Aston's shoulder "thanks man"
They started walking together "so have you played before?" He asked as he looked around the hall.
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"No. I've never played football," Aston replied. He didn't once look him in the eye. He was nervous.
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Randy nodded "Ah.. well.. good luck.. what position are you going for?"
He could feel the tension, did he do something wrong? This feeling was terrible.
He sighed "so uhm.. what's wrong? You and Dusk are really tense."
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"I'm just a bit nervous. I don't know about Dusk," Aston replied truthfully. "And thanks. I'm going for goalie."
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Randy looked up confused "nervous.. about?"
He smiled "I was quarterback when I played.. but that's two years ago.."
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"The trials," Aston finished. He looked like he understood, but he didn't have a clue what a quarterback was.
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Randy chuckled "hey, don't sweat it man. Football is all about having a good attack, but am even better defense."
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Aston tried to find something that showed he was joking. Randy's face looked serious. Aston swallowed the lump in his throat.
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"I know, and I'm okay with it," Aston replied softly. "But, yeah?" He wasn't really okay with it, but he didn't say that. He liked drunken Dawn, she was funny and she kept the family together. If Randy dragged her away, well, it'd be hard. But then, if Dusk was dragged away, the same thing. Aston knew if he was dragged away, no problems. He was the useless one.
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Randy sighed of relief "I was going to say, I'm not gonna go there if you're not okay with it. You're my friend, I value your opinion."
Aston nodded. He wanted everybody to just be happy, no matter how much pain he caused to himself. But he knew it wouldn't work; Dusk being a jealous cow. "Dawn loves you. You just have to look at her. And I care about Dawn," Aston replied. Dawn was like his mother. He didn't remember his old one, and Dusk was not even a sister to him really. "I value everybody's happiness."
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Randy smiled "well.. I just.. want to make sure everybody is okay. I don't want any arguments or anything. You're a great guy, I hope you know that.."
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Aston grinned, reaching the football changing rooms. "You go through there to the pitch," he pointed out to Randy.
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