Material Transformation First School [OOC] [Closed]

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Sorry for not posting yet people! I've already told Stars this (sort of indirectly, I hope @Crysodic's messenger skills are up to par), but I'm on vacation currently with scrappy internet. I'll try to have a post up by Tuesday. :)
Actually, @DuchessAriel I know it's not my place to say since I'm not GM, but your "secret" feels like a cop out. The whole point of a secret is that it's something that you're vulnerable to if someone learns it and decides to exploit it, but your "secret" is simply that you can easily work out the secret of others. It's not a vulnerability and it feels like meta gaming.
Sorry o.o I didn't realize it was supposed to be a weakness as well, it was supposed to be that she is a total snoop.
The GMs secret was that she was raised by dragons, which I did not consider a weakness but just a fact of her life before the school. I thought the "fears" portion was suppose to show the weakness.
I'll work on revising it.
Looking at everyone else's secrets, they seem to follow the trend of being something embarrassing or something that's incredibly important to hide. Honestly, just being someone who sticks their nose into other people's private affairs isn't really a secret. It's also incredibly obvious whether it's going on so it's not going to stay a secret for very long :D
I disagree with a few of those points but I'll take it under advisement and work on it.
I disagree with a few of those points but I'll take it under advisement and work on it.
If anything, you can just change it slightly and make it seem like the most strange thing ever.

Just tweak it how she is obsessed with the information, she may have 5-6 notebooks filled with peoples information and secrets. And if she does not find out something new or "Write down" Worthy, she may begin to tweak out and become more...forceful, in her ways of getting the info.

Feel free to use that idea, and bend it however you see fit.
That got creepy real fast. Thanks ^.^
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There has been a room change. Room 8 will not be split into two separate rooms.

Room 8 will be occupied by Ambra Galeshire @Binks & Fayne Heathcliff @Amber Fall

Room 9 will be occupied by Isabella Darquee @kimsim12 & Syler Madsen @DuchessAriel
At the risk of sounding like an ass, doesn't Mycroft's ability just seem like blatant metagaming? It feels offensive to the character's creators having hidden information revealed just because someone with no prior knowledge looked at them, and it undermines the idea of creating connections when someone can just find out whatever they want at a glance.

In Syler's case, she has to put in the effort of stalking them as inconspicuously as possible (or harassing them for information), but Mycroft just magically "knows" with no consequences, just because he could stare at them for a moment.
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That's true. The combat part is fine since it can be easily overcome simply by breaking line of sight but...
Even more so, it's clear by his declaration of Hale's sexuality that Mycroft is able to simply pick-and-choose what he wants to know, without the obstruction of other potential answers. How would he interpret another character's abilities just by seeing the result (if he even needs to see the ability in action)? Especially the irregulars, compared to simple elementals. What would he say about Harumi's Recoding, or Matt's invulnerability? Is he at least unable to react to it due to expending that energy on examination? Or is his power so passive that it really takes so little out of him that he can immediately respond to that instantaneous analysis?
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With Shade's direct manipulation of magic energy he'd be able to keep this guy on the ropes as he can do a variety of things with it.
Regardless, just one character does not exempt or justify a weakness in Mycroft's power. There needs to be a limit or a cooldown of some sort if he's going to have it.
Not to mention the whole meta game part. It takes almost all the fun out of character interaction if one character knows everything about another character (Without them being the other character's stalker anyway). I've seen it occur in several RPs. Those characters tend to get avoided, and occasionally, people will even pretend the comments made by that character never even happened.
Alright everyone~ I realize that this is an issue and I'm working to fix it right now. So please don't bag on each other for their OP powers. If you have an issue, I'd like you to bring it up with me so that I may solve it. I don't want things to get out of hand. I'm sorry that I have to be that GM, but I'd like everyone to get along.
No! people getting along is boring. When I get to be Prime Minister I'm going to pass a law that means no one is allowed to be friendly with each other and everyone must be incredibly hostile at all times!
And the day I become President of the US is the day I order all elementary schools to recite the Pledge of Violence every morning instead of the Pledge of Allegiance!
Not sure if it ever notified you, Stars, but I attempted to tag you in my post.
@AceSorcerer I noticed. I'm sorry that I'm being so slow right now. Stuff is going down at my house and I'm not getting as much time on the computer as usual.
It's no trouble@! Use the time you need.
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