Masters Little Pet

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She smiled and nodded her head, getting them three glasses of water.
"Who wants to horseback riding?" offered Vance. He was in the mood for going outside and doing something with the both of them.
She smiled happily and nodded her head. She couldn't answer since she had food in her mouth but she looked excited at the thought of going horse back riding.
"I'll take that as a yes." noticing her expression. "We'll leave here in about 45 mins."
She smiled and nodded her head. She finished eating before she got up and began cleaning up. She was done after 20 minutes and then she got ready in her room.
Vance was waiting on her patiently, but Alexander was growing impatient. "Does she usually take this long?"

"Patience is a virtue, Xander."

"You're right, Uncle my apologies."
She had tied her hair up and she had put on her favorite boots. She was also wearing the top he had bought her for her last birthday. It was a corseted top that accentuated her waist and her lifted her breasts a bit more. The shirt under it was plain and flowy and she looked beautiful and enticing. She had her coat in hand and walked down into the living room. "Sorry for taking so long. This top is hard to put on," she said softly, showing genuine regret for wasting time.
When Vance heard her steps he looked towards the staircase and saw her, his jaw dropped at her beauty. "Beautiful." he said softly and gave her a kiss on the cheek "It's quite alright, let's get going shall we?" grabbing his keys and coat on the way out.
She smiled and nodded her head, putting on her favorite jacket. It stopped just below her hips and was form fitting to her figure. She smiled to herself and walked with them to the car, getting in the back, since Alexander might want to sit in the front.
"You sit up front Juliee. It's alright" said Alexander as he noticed her getting the back seat.
"Oh... Okay," she said softly, getting in the front seat.
Once everyone was in the car, Vance pulled out the drive way and made way to the horse ranch.
She smiled softly to herself, looking out the window as they drove to the horse ranch. She was happy and excited to go horseback riding since it was something she loved doing.
Vance parked the car and stepped out opening the door for her.
She smiled, thanking him for opening the door for her. She smiled at him as she got out.
One of the owner's of the ranch came out to meet them, "Vance! Good to see you again. Been awhile, we have your regular horses already to go."

"Good to see you again Mark. Perfect, thank you."
She smiled at Mark. "Hello Mark, it's nice to see you," she said softly, courteously. She was always polite to everyone.
"Nice to see you as well, Juliee." leading them towards the stables. "Here's your horse" showing her favorite one.
She smiled happily. "Thank you," she said softly to him before she patted the beautiful white mare that was her favorite. "Hello Snow," she murmured softly to the horse. She got onto the house and smiled as the horse neighed softly. She looked very happy.
Vance and Alexander's already had there's and mounted and were waiting just outside for Juliee. Vance had personally bought these horses for them from the owners but they stay at the nearby ranch. "Hey, Mark. Thanks again for watching over them." as he noticed Juliee and Snow approached. Vance's was a black stallion and Alexander's was a brown mustang.