Mass Effect: Defiance

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Sorry I didn't get a post out today, I couldn't do much on my PC for several hours because of technical issues. I'll try to do it tomorrow, but I'm also writing the IC for my own RP tomorrow AND going to voice lessons, so...
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Sorry I didn't get a post out today, I couldn't do much on my PC for several hours because of technical issues. I'll try to do it tomorrow, but I'm also writing the IC for my own RP tomorrow AND going to voice lessons, so...
Don't panic if you can't. Just get one up when you're able to!

Anywho, while we're all here, how was everyone's weekends? I'd love to see some more chit chat around here and get to know you all a bit better.
Mine was...okay. I don't want to make this real talk central here, but my parents don't really understand or approve of my...decisions. I've been a little gloomy because of that.

Besides that, I've gotten a good bit of writing done and a lot of progress toward dispelling my still somewhat linger writer's block, so that's good.
Well, if you need to vent, feel free to send me a message. I'll getcha sorted out! Sorry to hear about your trouble with your folks, it happens to us all in one form or another.

And good stuff about getting through writer's block! I swear, sometimes you just have to force yourself to write, and then you're surprised at how much comes out. It's just getting started that's the hard part.
And good stuff about getting through writer's block! I swear, sometimes you just have to force yourself to write, and then you're surprised at how much comes out. It's just getting started that's the hard part.
So true. Being a writer for Beyond Skyrim I usually expend all of my writing energy doing meager dialogue work for every peasant, noble and soldier in Cyrodiil so I suffer from writer's block quite a lot. It helps sometimes to separate yourself from any distractions, blast some Jazz music on (or whatever music invigorates you) and just session a bit of writing out.
I hear you, I find in my own Elder Scrolls games that I have to treat seceral NPCs like fleshed out PCs all for the sake of having a cohesive plot and narrative. Is Beyond Skyrim off site?
I hear you, I find in my own Elder Scrolls games that I have to treat seceral NPCs like fleshed out PCs all for the sake of having a cohesive plot and narrative. Is Beyond Skyrim off site?

It's a mod project for Skyrim which is creating the other provinces within the Skyrim engine as they would be in the 4th era. Look it up, it might interest you. ^^

It's basically a project the size of a full Elder Scrolls games... that's a lot of NPCs to write. :P
Oh yeah, that was a thing I was supposed to be doing.

I tease. It's not that far off of being finished. Just been a little busy this week.

I know what that's like. No rush or anything! Just check in a bit more so I don't have to imagine your quietness is due to being held for random by Somali pirates. :D

It's a mod project for Skyrim which is creating the other provinces within the Skyrim engine as they would be in the 4th era. Look it up, it might interest you. ^^

It's basically a project the size of a full Elder Scrolls games... that's a lot of NPCs to write. :P

Oh! I HAVE heard of that, just didn't recognize the name! Holy moly, that's an insane undertaking. I will look into it more now that I know somebody involved! :D Are any of the provinces complete?
No, not yet. I'm a member of the Cyrodiil and Morrowind teams and I can tell you Morrowind is a long ways away. However, for Cyrodiil we're coming incredibly close to our release for Bruma. The most developed provinces so far are Cyrodiil and High Rock - High Rock being almost fully landscaped and built but just missing out on content and Cyrodiil still in the process of being built but there is already a sizable amount of content available. If you ever download it when we release look out for the Fighters Guild! (That being the guild I'm in charge of writing :3 )
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My computer is going to be an antique by the time you guys are done.
I have high hopes that Cyrodiil will see the light of the nexus in the next two years. ^^
So true. Being a writer for Beyond Skyrim I usually expend all of my writing energy doing meager dialogue work for every peasant, noble and soldier in Cyrodiil so I suffer from writer's block quite a lot. It helps sometimes to separate yourself from any distractions, blast some Jazz music on (or whatever music invigorates you) and just session a bit of writing out.
That's awesome! Definitely looking forward to seeing the result, whenever it comes about.

I really feel you guys on the writer's block issue. Part of the reason I've been trying to get into RPing is that I just can't find the motivation to write. Hopefully this'll help me keep up my edge!
Ermahgerd tumplarz
Yep, it's the templars. They bitch slap the shit out of mages, when they got all ape shit.

It's from my upcoming Dragon Age RP (Dragon Age: Revolt), since there isn't any on here that are active. It will take place during the Mage-Templar War. Of course, I am still working on it and I hope to get it out soon.
I posted, but then realized that @Halo had interacted with us, so uh, standby while I edit. It's been a little bit since I read over the posts, so I must have forgotten or missed that detail.

EDIT: Edited.
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Yep, it's the templars. They bitch slap the shit out of mages, when they got all ape shit.

It's from my upcoming Dragon Age RP (Dragon Age: Revolt), since there isn't any on here that are active. It will take place during the Mage-Templar War. Of course, I am still working on it and I hope to get it out soon.

I'll definitely take a look! I don't think I can join because of how many games I have going, but I'd love to do a Dragon Age RP at some point, I'm just not well versed in all the particular lore to be a convincing GM to dare attempt it.

I posted, but then realized that @Halo had interacted with us, so uh, standby while I edit. It's been a little bit since I read over the posts, so I must have forgotten or missed that detail.

EDIT: Edited.

I have to ask, what's with the consistent hrell typo? :P
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