MASKED RIDER GENERATIONS - Legacy of the Hunted (Gohan & TreasureSniper)

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"Hmph. I can tell, you're tired." Odin said. He didn't teleport. Instead, he took the blasts like they were nothing. "Please. As if the strongest rider in this world would fall for such a cheap feint." He teleported away from all of them a short distance, and then pulled out a card from his deck.

"As far as I can tell, that gun you use is your transformation device. You use the cards as a weapon to fight. So, I can do something creative that none of the other Riders considered before." He slid the card into his Visor. "Copy Vent." a copy of Kaito's Cronus appeared beside him.

"Witness the power of the ultimate Rider. I have stolen your gimmick, Treasure Sniper." he declared dramatically. "Deal with the rest of them." The Copy Cronus marched towards Kaito's summoned Riders while Odin stared down Kaito.

Meanwhile, Shinji had slipped away to find Kanzaki's sister. "Just where would they keep her?" he wondered. A group of Ridekillers and a mind-controlled Alternative, and Femme approached him. "Ugh! I don't have time for this crap." He jumped into a reflective surface, entering the mirror world.

There was a female voice coming from all around him. "Help me..please. Shiro.." the voice begged. "That's it!" Shinji exclaimed. "They're keeping her in the mirror world where no one can get to her..where Odin can keep an eye on her." He ran off in a random direction, trying to pinpoint her location.

Yusuke nodded. "Kaito is probably trusting us to do the rest of the work, so we should go up to the organizer's office that's way above the stadium. That's probably where the masterminds of the operation are as well." Takumi turned around. "Looks like they had the idea first. Look." a crowd of Ridekillers, along with a mind-controlled Scissors, Raia, and Gai were heading towards Satoru's hospital room.

"Guess it's a good thing we got to you before they mind-controlled you." Yusuke noted. "OK, let's do this." Yusuke cracked his knuckles, summoned his Arcle and transformed. Takumi did the same with his Faiz Phone.
"Damn it, to think you would be able to match my power. Perhaps you truly are the strongest rider." Kaito said while slowly backing away from Odin. The summoned riders divert their attention to the duplicate rider, leaving him to deal with golden rider alone. "Very well then. I shall use my greatest treasure of all to defeat you!" as he said that, the Kingliner flew over his head, dropping a ridewatch into his hand. "If can't beat you as a rider, then I'll do it...." he activated the ridewatch and slammed it into his chest. "AS A MONSTER!!" "ZI O II" a purple aura enveloped the cyan riders body, transforming him into the kaijin, Another Zi O II.

With his new form, Kaito summons additional another riders to gang up on the enemy Chronos. Shortly after that he summons his two clockhand sword as melee weapons, and charge confidently at the phoenix rider. "I can see it, your defeat. It's already been decided!" He announced confidently. Using his clairvoyance ability, Kaito swings his swords in directions where Odin is fated to move towards. "I can see it! Every move you're about to make! Every move you will EVER make!" he announced with glee as continued his preemptive slashes. With each passing moment, he could feel his sanity slipping. He was saving this weapon as a last resort because there was a high chance that he would go out of control if he uses this power for too long. That being said, he had faith in his comrades if that were to happen. "I need to defeat him quickly...or else I won't be able to come back..."

Satoru quickly transforms into Taiga to face against the brainwashed rider. "Lets do this... sensei" Satoru said while turning around to yusuke. Taiga charges towards the other advent riders, throwing his axe at an arc, aiming to his all three of them with one throw. Upon catching his axe, he would slot in an advent card to summon his claw weapons. With his claws, he began attacking the pink rider with a few savage swipes, aiming to force him to detransform.
"Where did you pull this power from?" Odin tried to teleport away from Kaito but it was like he knew where he would be in advanced. "No matter. I still have many trump cards at my disposal." He opened the wings on his Visor's staff, revealing his three Survive Cards. He was now functionally immortal. The Copy Cronus was taking on the Rider Horde rather well, Cronus was a powerful Rider after all. Being a copy made no difference.

"Hahaha..look where your desperation has lead you. Despite all your persistence, you've come up against an opponent that you can't just force your way through. But even that power won't be enough. I have activated my immortality, and even if you somehow defeat me here, I can do this all over again with my Time Vent." Odin said confidently. "But I see no need for that now..your defeat is inevitable, even with your new powers." Odin pulled out his Final Vent card and slotted it into his visor. "Final Vent." Goldphoenix lifted him up into the air, and he outstretched his arms as he went crashing straight into him.

Shinji continued to follow the girl's voice until it got closer and closer. Eventually he came into a small room where he found a girl tied to a chair. "Who are you?" she said, looking afraid of him. "You look like the man in black I saw..are you with him?" she asked, fear in her voice. "No, I'm his brother. I'm a good guy. I came to rescue you from this madness." Shinji untied her and grabbed her hand. "Come on, we should go quickly. Humans can't last long in the mirror world." Shinji said, leading her into a mirror. "I'm Shinji by the way." he said as he led her out. "I'm Yui. Shiro's brother." Yui responded.

The veteran riders nodded approvingly at Satoru's performance. He hit all three of the brainwashed riders successfully, making them recoil back from the blow. Meanwhile Raia was trying to defend against Tiger's assault but he was too relentless, eventually the battle stress made him revert back to human form and collapse, unconscious. Yusuke and Tatsumi were taking on the Ridekillers, easily dispatching them.
"Just what I've been waiting for." Kaito said excitedly to himself upon seeing the treasure he has been looking for. Kaito doesn't have much time left. He could feel the power of ridewatch trying to corrupt his mind.

With his remaining energy, Kaito uses the time jackers power of freezing time temporarily, stoping Odin's final vent mid flight."You won't be needing these anymore..." He announced gleefully, ripping the three cards off the staff before combining the two swords he had into a spear like object. "Farewell strongest rider." And with that Kaito performed a finisher by thrusting the tip of the spear towards Odin's deck. Unfortunately, his power was at its limit , forcing time to resume right after his attack, causing Odin's attack to continue. Kaito flew across the arena floor as the Odin's final vent continues. His monstrous form fades away, returning him to his rider form. As he got back to his feet, he begins laughing maniacally possibly due to the effects of the ridewatch. "HAHAHAHA! Are you missing something?" Kaito taunted the rider, brandishing the three cards in his hand. Shortly after this Kaito collapsed onto the ground, exhausted from the back to back fights, but nonetheless confident that he had secured victory. His summoned riders disappear shortly after his collapse.

Satoru continued his assault on the remaining advent riders until he noticed the rider known as "Diend" was nowhere to be seen. "Where's your friend? The one called Diend. Is he still fighting?" The boy asked the senior riders. "Shouldnt we go warn him about what's happening?"
Odin dodged his thrusting move with a simple teleport. "A pyrrhic victory to be certain. But you did well for yourself, I'll give you that." he approached Kaito, intending to kill him. But there was a pause, a hesitation. Odin knew that the tournament didn't involve killing anyone.

But he had orders, and could not disobey them.
"The battle isn't over yet..I'll let you keep your life for now. If I lose, you can have those cards. I'm taking your life and the cards back if your friends lose." He crossed his arms.

Both Shinji and Yui exited from the mirror world. "Yui, I want you to go to the hospital wing and hide where the patients are." Yui nodded. "OK. But what are you going to do?" she questioned. "I'm going to go fight Odin. Now go." the two went their separate ways.

Shinji entered the arena space. His brother was unconscious, his friend Ren, and now Diend. Shinji ran over and shook Ren. "I guess it's just me and you now." he went and took Ryuga's survive card and slotted it into his changed visor.
"Survive." Shinji changed into Ryuki Survive. "Let's begin." the two came to blows.

"He already knows. He's dealing with Odin." Takumi explained. "Come on, we need to go confront the masterminds behind this. These guys are a distraction." Yusuke said, pushing past the Ridekillers. As the three started running, they bumped into Yui. "Who are you guys?" Yui asked. "We're contestants. Who are you supposed to be?" Takumi asked. "I'm Yui, the sister of this tournament's organizer." Yusuke took a step forward. "Hey, could you come with us? we're going to help your brother." Yui nodded. "Alright." the four continued towards the manager's office on the top floor of the stadium.
Kaito regained his conscuisiness just in time to see the two Advent riders duking it out. "Looks like I wasn't able to finish the job." Kaito himself was exhausted and did not have many cards left. This lead him to realise he needed to rely on his other resources. "Kingliner, this is Kaito. I want you to fire a round from one of the main guns on my area. I'll give you the exact coordinates." Kaito spoke into his communicator. "But sir, aren't you to close to the impact zone?" A voice replied with a concerned tone. "Just do it!" He replied with conviction.

Kaito once again activated the Another rider watch to gain access to the clarvoiyance. With this ability he was able to predict the exact location where Odin was gonna be. "5374, 8910! Do it now!" And with that command, Kaito reverted back to his rider form waited for the shell to land. "Shinji, you might wanna back away". The cyan rider was considerate enough to warn his comrade in arms of the impending attack, right before the shell landed. The entire arena briefly shook due to its impact. "Let's end this!" He slotted one of the last cards he had with him and aimed at Odin, who was likely stunned after being in such close proximity to the shell. "FINAL ATTACK RIDE: DIEND". A turquoise stream of destructive power surges towards the golden rider.

Upon arriving in front of the management room's door, the group could feel a brief tremor throughout the entire structure. "What is going on in there?" Satoru asked curiously before slotting in a card to summon his advent beast. Using his axe and advent beast, the duo easily bust down the door, ready and eager to deal with whatever was inside.
Odin turned his head, witnessing his train's attack. "Perhaps you forgot just who it is you're dealing with here." Odin, annoyed at Kaito's dogged persistence, drew a card from his deck and quickly slid it into his staff visor. "Time Vent." Odin traveled about a minute into the past, right as Kaito regained consciousness. "I was too lenient with you." He went over and picked up Kaito by the throat. "You've been indulged for far too long. Did you really think you could pull one over on someone who can time travel?" he asked rhetorically.

Meanwhile, events played out as they did, just without the tremor. The group stormed into the organizer's office. "You finally came. Yui.." Shiro said. Yui went over and hugged her brother. "I'm afraid you just missed them. The Rider Hunters leaders left this world. The police have started to gather outside the stadium." Shiro explained. "Seriously? they just ran away? what were they trying to do?" Takumi asked. "They intended to come back and take control after you were defeated, but that clearly hasn't happened. The Ridekillers they have stationed here should be retreating as well. Anyways, I can stop Odin from fighting now that my sister is safe." Suddenly, Odin dropped Kaito and started to walk away. "My job is done." he left into the mirror world, where he resided. "We can have a discussion when the others get here." Shiro said.

Shinji approached Kaito. "I guess it's over. I'm guessing your friends had a hand in stopping Odin. He is controlled by Shiro Kanzaki, after all." He offered his hand. "I guess we should go catch up to them."
"You...bastard...." Was all Kaito could mutter while being choked by the golden rider. He managed to muster up enough energy to point his gun at the rider's belt but could not pull the trigger. Just before he lost consciousness again, Odin had dropped into onto the ground, like a beast who's lost interest in his wounded prey. The next thing he could see was Odin returning to the mirror world and a much more friendly rider extending a helping hand. The cyan rider took his hand and used it to pull himself up.​
"I certainly hope you have good explanation for this.." Kaito limped into the office, still in his rider form. "For the last few hours, I've become a punching bag for your world's strongest riders. Kaito announced to everyone in the room in annoyance and anger. "Well then... what do you have to say?!" he awaited for an answer, hoping that whatever he hears will quell his anger. "Take it easy, Mr Diend, sir.' The boy tried to calm the rider down after seeing how angry he was. "That being said, I too am curious on what you have to say, Mr Kanzaki."
"What?" Takumi said, pissed off. "Kaito, YOU were the one who was trying to do absolutely everything by himself in the first place. You've been doing that since the moment we got here! you even took away Yusuke's powers somehow! he almost died by one of Ryuga's fireballs because of you! you keep trying to control everything, and now look at you! you can barely walk!" Yusuke put a hand on Takumi's shoulder. "Wait Takumi. We can discuss this on the train." Everyone turned to Shiro.

Shiro nodded. "Right..well, the Rider Hunters came to our world some time ago. They took Yui hostage and demanded I cede control of Odin. Shinichi also became a collaborator as they threatened his brother, Shinji." he explained. "The plan was simple: Judgement, their man on the inside, would demolish the competition and get the wishes from me, giving the Rider Hunters whatever it is they desired. And when all the Riders were defeated, they would be converted into slaves for their rider-destroying purposes, along with Odin. Thus granting them greater powers to aid their efforts."

Takumi crossed his arms. "So us coming here put a wrench in their plans, essentially?" Shiro nodded. "Correct." Yusuke scratched his head. "So what about the other Ouja with the survive card?" he asked. "I don't know, another wildcard factor." Shiro said, standing stood up. "You saved my sister and this world, along with our Riders. For that, I thank you. But I'm afraid you must leave now. The police are surrounding the stadium." Odin came out of a nearby mirror.

"The public has seen too much, and they'll ask too many questions. The only way to escape now is to use Time Vent to do this all over again, this time just without the Hunters mucking things up. You four should leave, before you come under the effects of it as well." Shiro said. Yui smiled at Shinji. "You'll get to be with your brother, just like me." Shinji smiled. "Yeah."
"I will deal with you two later." He replied nonchalantly to his comrades. "Shiro Kanzaki. Before, we leave this world I would like you to grant me one wish. Give me a copy all the advent riders abilities and put it into this ridewatch." Kaito demanded while holding out a blank ride watch. "I could've levelled this entire place with the firepower on that train, but I chose to play your game hoping something fruitful would happen. I hope you can understand my situation. Think of it as our "payment" for saving your world and your sister." Kaito attempted to reason with Shiro, hoping that he would at least get something out of this entire ordeal.

Regardless of whether or not his wish was fulfilled, Kaito never intended to follow through with his threats and simply left along with his comrades. Inside the train, after the few hours of rest, Kaito had invited Takumi and Yusuke into his office to discuss what lies ahead. "Yusuke, Takumi. To say that I am disappointed would be an understatement. I was hoping that you two would have more faith in my plans in that world. Put perhaps I needed to be more forthcoming with you two." Kaito began explaining his original plans while sitting in his desk. "Originally, that ridewatch move was intended for either ryuga or odin, thus allowing me to achieve a relatively easy victory. Had you both just forfeited that match, you would have more time to catch the ridehunters. I even stole the tiger advent deck so that he could help you." He stood up from his desk and turned towards the window to momentarily admire the sight of the valley of time. "Do you know how much extra resource I had to expend to just barely achieve this meager victory? My jetslinger is gone. I used up a lot of my precious cards. And on top that..." Kaito turned towards the two while temporarily turning into the another zi-o ii form. "This ridewatch is stuck inside of me. My engineers are currently working on a way to remove it. But I don't know how long that will take." And with that he returned to his human form. "Seeing as this was our first real mission together, I am willing to overlook this. Going forward, I hope you both you would be more cooperative in the future. That being said, you're free to do whatever you want as long as it does not interfere with my plans. Anymore incidents like this and I would be forced to send you home."
Ultimately, Kaito had gotten his wish. "Very well. Consider this a last gift then. We have to wrap this up." Shiro said. The ridewatch changed appearances to have the faces of all the advent riders on it.

After they left and time was reset, Takumi listened to Kaito's speech, a bit annoyed. Yusuke spoke up this time. "We aren't amateurs, Kaito. I think you forget I'm your senior by fighting experience." Yusuke pointed out. "I've been Kuuga for twenty years now, involved in every major battle, mostly ones that you weren't apart of, but Takumi was. And you know what? we didn't hide anything or exhibit a lack of teamwork." Yusuke crossed his arms.

"For someone who wants faith and cooperation, you didn't think it was important to tell us about the possibility of the alternate Ouja before he scared people away and potentially endangered everyone? you directly told me you knew about him." Yusuke sighed. "I'm sorry about your condition, but the bottom line is that we're not thieves, we're vigilantes, and if you want our trust you need to remember that trust is a two way street." Yusuke yawned.

"I'm going to go take a nap." and with that said, Yusuke went off to go sleep.
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After the dispute between the senior riders, Kaito stayed in his office, pondering over whether he had made right choice in inviting not only them but as well as the young inexperience rider. Besides that, he was also thinking about how he was going to replenish his resources. More importantly, he also thought about whether he should have told them the truth regarding the other Ouja. A few hours later, his concerns regarding resource constraint were quickly shifted to a more immediate threat. Alarms could be heard through the train which were accompanied by flashing red lights. The train was violent shaking as if it had collided with something.

Kaito looked outside one of the windows to see the culprits of the kinglingers rough ride, it was the den-o crew. Some how they had finally caught up them, something Kaito tried really hard to avoid. "Damn it. Why now?" Kaito thought to himself while making an announcement for all combat ready crew including the riders he had invited, to meet him in the main deck. Right after the announcement, the kingliner was forced to stop dead in its tracks due to a strange power fluctuation in the generator. Once everyone was on the main deck, Kaito began explaining to everyone what had just happened. A table in the middle of the room projected a 3D map of the surrounding area outside of Kingliner. The map showed three other trains surrounding the Kingliner, it was the Denliner, Zeroliner and New Denliner. Each of them having some sort of tow cable attached to Kingliner.

"It looks like the Den-O crew has finally tracked us down yet again. And it seems they came much more well-prepared than last time. Until we sever those tow cables I won't be able to get this train moving or its weapons online to defend ourselves." Kaito's explanation was interrupted by a large explosion, shaking the entire train. This was followed by a few more explosions. "Seems like they've began their attack. Takumi, Yusuke, can I count on you two to take care of the trains? The Gouram and Autovajin should be good to go." Kaito asked the senior riders while directing the repair crew to specific parts of the train. "What about me? I wanna help too!" Kaito was reluctant to accept the youngsters help due to the dangers of the situation but accepted it as he didn't have many options. "Very well, you can join Yusuke's team. Takumi, I'll have you lead my G3 unit to assist you in boarding the trains." Two cyan colored G3 personnel saluted Takumi, patienly waiting for their orders. "I'll have to stay here on fend off any oncoming attackers. I am counting on you guys." And with that Kaito left the room to secure vital parts of the train. "What are your orders sir?" one of the G3 personnel asked. "Yea, which train are we going on, sensei?" The young boy question right after transforming into his rider form. He seems excited to fight again.
Yusuke and Takumi transformed, and then the Kuuga rider spoke up. "Alright then, listen closely." Yusuke said authoritatively. "Satoru, we'll be doing infiltration. You'll ride with me on the Gouram, and since you have a card that gives you those huge claws, when we get to a train I want you to cut open an entrance hole for us. We need to detach those tow cables, the control of which should be in the train driver's area." He explained.

Yusuke turned to Takumi and his squad, listening intently. "Takumi and the G3 unit should take the Autovajin outside and prevent any intrusions inside the Kingliner. There's no point to this if they hijack the train and take over its functions. Got it? then let's do this." the group split up to enact their plan.

Kuuga and Tiger got on the Gouram and headed towards one of the trains while Takumi, the Autovajin and the G3 unit went outside to defend the train from incursions.
While on their way onto the train, Tiger was shot on his shoulder by an unknown enemy, causing him to fall off the bike and tumble onto the ground. The young man got back to his feet with axe in hand, prepared to return the favor to whoever just shot him. "OOh I got one!" a childish voice exclaimed excitedly. A turtle-like flight craft was hovering over the duo, its top was populated with quite a few rider-like figures. One by one, they jumped off the their mount, each of them excited to greet their "guest". "ORE SANJOU!" The red Den-O proudly announced while striking a pose. "Wait a second.... aren't you suppose to be one of the good guys, Kuuga!? Oh wait, you're probably just one of those weird summons he uses..." The red one seemed to be confused by Kuuga's choice allegiance but quickly refocused his thoughts. "Real or not.... you're not getting pass us. Ryotaro is counting on us..." Momotaros scans his rider pass and swings at the Gouram to temporarily disable it. Tiger attempts to rush in to assist his master only to be pushed away with ease with the palm of a yellow rider. "My strength has made you cry!" Tiger and bear grind their axes against each other, with the bear clearly having the upper hand in strength. A blue rider walks alongside the red one while taunting Kuuga, "Mind If I reel you in?" The red and blue duo began attack Kuuga, Momotaros with his signature slashes while Urutaros used thrusting motions to keep him at a safe distance. Ryutaros on the other hand began firing multiple shots at the two enemy riders. While its effectiveness on Kuuga remains to be seen, Tiger was clearly overwhelmed the combination of attacks. "Mind if I defeat you guys? Whats that? Can't hear you!"

Meanwhile, the zero-liner naginata drops off three riders and two imagins right in front of Faiz's group. "Faiz? What are you doing on Kaito's side? I thought you were one of the good guys.." Ryotaro said with his signature timid voice. He was in his liner form, wielding the DenKamen sword. "Grandfather, there is no use talking to these people. if he is with Kaito, then he is just as bad as he is." Koutaro was annoyed by his father's naivety. New Den-O dual wields the Den gasher and the Macheteddy, warning his enemies of his impending wrath. "Open fire!" The G3 units began unleashing a hailstorm lead at the enemy riders prompting New Den-O to swing his blades in a circular pattern to easily block all the bullets. "You never learn do you Nogami... Deneb.. lets go!" Zeronos transforms into his Zero form and uses the Denebick Buster to return fire with much more power than his opposition. Ryotaro charges towards Faiz to clash blades with him and, despite the wishes of the other riders, talk to his opponent. "You're a rider just like me aren't you? So why are you working for such a horrible person? Is he holding you hostage?" he asked with a concerned tone.
"Sorry about this, Den-O crew. But there's too much at stake right now. We're just borrowing the train, we'll give it back later." Yusuke tried as best as he could to deal with their attacks, but with no weapons he was at a disadvantage. "Kid, summon your Advent monster! we need to ease up the pressure here!" he yelled to Tiger, catching one of Momo's slashes.

Takumi grunted as the two clashed their swords against one another. "Kaito's no saint. He's pushy, wants to do everything by himself, and is bad at filling people in on details. Reminds me of myself." He jumped back, intent on pulling off something. "But if you heard what we went through just now, I'll bet you would back off." he chuckled at Koutaro's remark. "Bad, huh? well I was a bit of a delinquent in my day. I'm pretty good at fighting though. Perhaps you mean my school grades?" he noted they were all in powered up forms.

"Autovajin, hand it over." The Autovajin threw him the blaster case. Takumi caught it, taking out the Faiz blaster, inserted the Faiz phone and dialed 5-5-5 ENTER. "Awakening." he changed into Blaster form, and started opening fire indiscriminately. "All units, keep firing!!" Autovajin joined in, using its machine guns.
"Right!" Taiga finally manages to push Kintaros away, giving him some time to slot in a card to summon his advent beast. Almost immediately, Kintaros and Destwilder engage in a pushing competition, reminiscent of a sumo match. "Looks like its my turn then~! Let's have some fun, alright?~" Ryutaros leaped off the turtle craft to engage the young rider in a more direct form of combat. His moves were unorthodox, more akin to that of dance rather than fighting, completely confusing tiger. "You know, senpai really looked up to you as a "model kamen rider". He even has drawings of all your forms--" Urataros was quickly interrupted by a very angry momotaros' fist. "SHUT UP, YOU TURTLE BASTARD! That being said... I am really disappointed in you, Kuuga. For the sake of the hero you were... I will defeat you!" . Shortly after momotaros' declaration, tiger has used his freeze vent. Causing all the riders feet to be frozen onto the ground. Tiger quickly made his way towards Kuuga to break the ice around him. "Lets go, sensei. We have a mission to complete." He commanded his advent beast to tear open a hole into the train. "HEY WAIT! You can't go in there!"

Back in the kingliner, a familiar figure jumps out of the zeroliner naginata to shield the group from the Faiz's squad's attack. When the dust settled,the mysterious fighter's identity is finally revealed, G Den O. Upon seeing G Den O through one of the cameras, Kaito immediately contacted Takumi to voice his concerns "The G men are involved. This is bad, I'll be coming out to back you up personally. Hang on tight until then." Kaito's voice had very unusually concerned. "That was Kaito wasn't it? We here for him not you. That being said, it'd be very troublesome if you kept getting in our way." G Den O lifted his gun towards the group. The cop rider quickly fired two shots towards the G3 units, knocking them out almost instantly before holstering his weapon. "So let's make a deal. Hand over Kaito and we'll send you home. We'll even help you deal with the recent rise of Ride-hunter threats if needed." "Come on Takumi, aren't you suppose to be one of us? The Takumi I once knew was willing to sacrifice his life to protect the world." Zeronos spoke up, referencing the events that transpired in Drive's world.
Yusuke turned to the group, apologizing a bit before following Tiger inside. "Good work. Maybe you're teaching me a thing or two," he quipped. "Let's make our way to their control room, shouldn't be far!" he said.

"What do you think I'm trying to do, Yuto?" Takumi said. "It's not like you've even tried to hear us out, have you?" he questioned. "Not a chance! besides, me and him fought an alternate version of you earlier! you're really not that impressive!" Takumi yelled to G Den-O defiantly.
Upon entering the DenLiner, Kuuga and Tiger were greeted the train stewardess, Naomi who began throwing all manner of kitchen cutlery at the two. "AHHH THERES INTRUDERS IN THE TRAIN!!!". Tiger was taken aback by such a strong reaction, especially since he believed that heroes were something ladies sought after. "Erm.. sensei, are you sure we are in the right place?" The young man asked Kuuga while frantically blocking the incoming projectiles with her axe. "Stay back, Naomi. I will handle them..." The white imagin gestured Naomi to leave before transforming into his rider form. "WING FORM" His belt announced, while bird armor pieces formed around him. "I am Sieg. And this is as far as you criminals will go." he proclaimed with conviction while wielding his boomerang and axe combo.​
A bright ball of multi colored light entered the train from the hole created by Destwilder. "Momo Ura Kin Ryu. CLIMAX FORM" As the light fades, a new colorful rider is formed. "Sorry... model rider or not.. we can't let you or your friends escape us... not again.." Momotaros uttered with an uncharacteristically serious tone. The combined rider began attacking Kuuga with deadly precision, with each slash becoming much harder to dodge and packing much more power than before. A hint of rage and sadness can be felt with each strike. Tiger on the other hand was overwhelmed by Sieg's elusive fighting style. Despite the assistance of his advent beast, his numbers advantage did not make up for the skill gap between the two combatants.
Back at the Kingliner, G Den-O grew tired of Takumi's uncooperative attitude. "I assure you, whatever you fought was but a pale imitation. This parley was requested by the Den-O crew personally, but it is clear to me that you have no intention of giving up...." Den-o crew riders seemed disappointed by Takumi's spiteful rejection. "Very well. As per the request of your former comrades, I will not kill you. To think someone like you could be working for such a dastardly criminal" The police rider said, unholstering his gun to deliver a incapacitating shot at Takumi. Just before he could pull the trigger, an all too familiar cyan rider materializes in front of Takumi, firing a volley of energy blast into the cop. "Kept you waiting huh? I can't have you damaging my assets like that..." Kaito's sudden appearance was quickly followed up by a few squads of G3 units, Magia and Raiders both on top of the train, as well as on the ground. The opposing rider forces were at a loss for words, they didn't think that their target would show himself so readily and with such a sizable force. Only G Den-O seemed unfazed by his sudden appearance. "Kotaro, do it." He commanded, prompting the rider to launch some sort of a signal flare into the sky.

A few moments later, two trains flew across the Kingliner, it was the Gaohliner and Ghostliner. "I hired some extra muscle in case something like this were to happen." The cop explained as an army of imagin leaped out of the two trains alongside their leaders, Gaoh and Yuuki. It was clear that Diend's forces was outnumbered in this encounter. The two force began attacking each other viciously. Kaito quickly grabbed hold of Takumi before barking out some orders. "Takumi, we are running out of time. I manage to restore power to one of the cannons but I can only disable one train. Godai's probably dealing with the Denliner right now so I'll need you to deal with the Zero-Liner. I'll help you clear a path towards the train but the rest is up to you." The rider finished his sentenced by slotting in a card into his driver to charge up his dimension shot. "FINAL ATTACK RIDE: D-D-D-DIEND!!" The blast manages to scatter the enemy forces, momentarily giving Takumi an opportunity to fly towards the target.
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"Um..well..uwaah!" Yusuke awkwardly scratched the back of his head before frantically dodging a plate which nearly struck him. Seconds later, the veteran rider engaged Den-O with his formidable skill, but the power difference was undeniable. (We're running out of time..I've got to think of some way to get out of wouldn't do any good to use my final form here..and I won't be able to reach my bike now..) he pondered his options, before his eyes darted to the train's windows. "That's it!" he said, realizing something.

"Satoru, forget Sieg! we're wasting time here. This is your first test. A hero must be able to work well under pressure and adapt to his situation, completing the odds no matter the cost." he explained. "You can still enter the mirror world from here, so take Destwilder and enter the reverse version of this place. Go to the other side of the train car and enter back through one of the windows in the train conductors room. And no matter who you meet, your priority is getting that tow cable offline. Knock someone unconscious if you have to." Yusuke ordered.

Dark energy started to gather around Kuuga as he transformed. (Again I had to resort to this form to win..) he mused as he turned into Ultimate Kuuga. "I'll stay here.." he performed a powerful front kick, finally matching the combined Riders' strength. Getting Momo off of him for a second, he rushed Sieg, tackling him to the ground. "Go, Satoru!! our future lies within you!!" he yelled, desperately trying to keep the white Rider down.

Takumi did a double take as the police themed rider readied his weapon. " mean that they actually agreed to this!? what the hell, Yuto!? you dare to invoke me and then pull this crap!?" he yelled, enraged. "Bastard! I swear if we meet again, I will never forgive you for buying this fools' garbage!" Autovajin prepared to step in to take the hit for its master, until Diend swooped in.

"Kaito! you made it.." Takumi said, relieved. "Alright, leave it to me. I won't betray your trust..let's believe in each other." he nodded, looking at him for a moment before typing in a code. He typed 5-2-4-6 and then hit Enter. "Faiz Blaster, take off." Takumi took off through the path Diend had made for him. He flew past the warring troops, nearing the train. "Almost there.." he said, nearing the train.
Tiger, realizing that he could still use his mirror travelling powers, quickly scanned the area for any reflective services. "Yes. This should do. I'll be back as soon as I can." He said to Kuuga before entering a large puddle from a spilled drink. Within the mirror, he made his way towards the control room. Upon reaching his destination, he exited the mirror world, fully prepared to smash the controls before being interrupted by an eccentric old man eating some rice. "Are you certain that is what you want to do, young man?" he spoke while enjoying his rice. "If you its fight you want.. its a fight you'll-" "Oh no, I am no fighter." He interrupted the rider while continuing to enjoy his food. "You seek the path of a hero... are you sure this is the path you're currently following? hmm?.."

Meanwhile, Momotaros had shifted his armor plates into his arm to form "Punch mode" and prepared to deliver a devastating blow to Kuuga. The strategy was simple, while the two fighters prepared their devastating strikes, Sieg would intercept his punches, possibly injuring himself, but also providing Momotaros ample time for a counter strike.

Zeronos, seeing Takumi flying off towards his train, entered the Zeroliner naginata to give chase. Once close enough, he would jump off the helicopter to freefall towards Takumi, firing a stream of projectiles towards his jetpack. At the Zeroliner itself, there seems to be one more opponent waiting for him. It was the future Sakurai, or as others would call him, Past man. Seeing the oncoming threat of the red rider, he transforms into Zeronos Altair form and fires an incredibly accurate shot from his Zerogasher to ground the flying rider once and for all. The younger Yuto landed right on top of the Zeroliner roof, aiming his gun at Takumi. "Alright Takumi, here's your chance. Explain yourselves. Why would someone like you be working for Kaito?" the Red Zeronos questioned while remaining cautious. "Kaito isn't using the kingliner to just travel through dimensions. He is also travelling through time and space to steal treasures, if he is not careful he can create paradoxes, causing timeline's to cease to exist." The older Yuto explained to Takumi, hoping to persuade him to abandon his path.