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Mundane Monster

The most uninspiring of monsters
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Animal based, Scifi, Modern, Horror, Comedy, Slice of life.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Before you read this, I'm gonna need you to suspend your belief of science and logic, because I know nothing about any of that but I do know that I want to make a sci-fi rp.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]RP Name: MARS[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Setting: Mars[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Playable Characters: Scientists (and stuff), Military and Civilians / And eventually hostile alien crusaders[/BCOLOR]
Sign Ups

[BCOLOR=transparent]It's September 17, 2017 and after 260 days aboard the Atlas IV, you have reached Mars where you will aid in the creation of the first settlement in space. The inhabitants of the settlement are made up of three groups, the first being the Planetary Stability and Maintenance Officers (P.S.M.Os). PSMOs have been trained in scientific, medical and engineering maneuvers in order to preserve the well being of the rest of the settlement inhabitants as well as their new home on Mars.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent] The second group to make up the settlement are the brave militia who volunteered to give up their lives on Earth to protect the Mars settlement. These brave men and women are trained in defensive, offensive and strategic combat. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And finally, the last group to make up the settlement, are the civilian volunteers. The civilian volunteers are a sizeable group of healthy men aged 18 to 40 and women aged 18 to 35. These civilians have one of the most important duties of the settlement, and that duty is to reproduce and become parents to the a generation of human martians.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]During the course of your new life on Mars, you will create friendships, make enemies, have children. You'll petition for a more cohesive society or maybe you'll even try to usurp power from another group. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But in the end, everyone will have to work together to fend off the attack of a bloodthirsty alien race who's only goal is to conquer the universe. (This part won't happen until way later though. I want you guys to get nice and comfy before the fire nation attacks the conflict starts).[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Here's is a link to the Info Dump, which holds more and extensive information on this rp: More Info[/BCOLOR]
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@Mundane Monster,

Hey I'll have my sheet up either tonight or tomorrow during the day, had barely any time to work on it in the past little while ><
What role was your character supposed to play, again? Cause since the start date is readily approaching I need to make sure things are evened out, so the PSMOs are accepting as are the Military but civilians are a bit of an issue.

4/23/17 @ 12 AM EST / 9 PM PST / 11 PM CST is the deadline to complete all Cses.

This is also a reminder to join the DISCORD server if possible. It is a good way to get alerts fast and a more efficient way to contact me.

@mr_pibbs @Hallu @Deathwatch101 @King @mr_pibbs @kuukakulily @arcadian.gael @Gremory
@Spectre of the Fade @Who @Beowulf @~Dark Disney~ @Beowulf @rissa

(Please disregard message, if you've already completed all of your characters or if you dropped and I forgot xD)
What role was your character supposed to play, again? Cause since the start date is readily approaching I need to make sure things are evened out, so the PSMOs are accepting as are the Military but civilians are a bit of an issue.

I was working on a PSMO, but wouldn't both categories be interacting with civilians anyways?

I mean I can change my guy to a civi if that's easier for you but I honestly thought they'd all be interacting with one another?
I was working on a PSMO, but wouldn't both categories be interacting with civilians anyways?

I mean I can change my guy to a civi if that's easier for you but I honestly thought they'd all be interacting with one another?
All three branches will be interacting with one another, yeah, but for the sake of balance Mun probably doesn't want too many in each branch. We also have juuuuust enough civilians at the moment to have an even gender ratio (which is important with the pairing system) so ye.

Basically, PSMO should be perfectly fine. c:
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All three branches will be interacting with one another, yeah, but for the sake of balance Mun probably doesn't want too many in each branch. We also have juuuuust enough civilians at the moment to have an even gender ratio (which is important with the pairing system) so ye.

Basically, PSMO should be perfectly fine. c:
That is correct, thank you. :D

I was working on a PSMO, but wouldn't both categories be interacting with civilians anyways?

I mean I can change my guy to a civi if that's easier for you but I honestly thought they'd all be interacting with one another?
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Pairing Announcement!
The Pairs Will be Listed Below

Amelia and Grant
Alex and Noah
Rebecca and Gabriel

This is also a reminder to join the DISCORD server if possible. It is a good way to get alerts fast and a more efficient way to contact me.

The Roleplay will begin shortly.

@kuukakulily @Gremory
@Spectre of the Fade @Who
Alrighty, some random questions for @Mundane Monster because I'm not 100% sure on any of it and it might be important for people's intros or referenced later. ...I feel like I'm that one annoying question asker for the roleplay...but um. Questions:

1.) What was the trip to Mars like? Would everyone be in like cryo or some sort of stasis for the journey? I'd imagine that's the easiest and most energy efficient way to go about it. I'd also think the craft carrying the actual humans was the second craft, with the first craft being a larger one with all the domes and other infrastructure on it and some robots or whatnot to set it all up for the humans. That's just my theory, though. d:

2.) Could people have pre-established impressions of other characters? I ask because I'd imagine everyone did training or something together before they launched, or at least with members of their group. Please let me know if I'm wrong about that.

3.) Do the PSMO and Military domes have their own living quarters, or does everyone bunk up in the main dome with the civilians? Actually, I'll broaden that question. Is the main dome the only one with the gym and cafeteria and whatnot, or does each dome have those amenities? And, on a related note, if each dome has its own living area, where would Malcolm and Angel be put, d'you think?
Ugh for some reason the reply bottom isn't working for me sooooooo....
@Spectre of the Fade

1.) What was the trip to Mars like? Would everyone be in like cryo or some sort of stasis for the journey? I'd imagine that's the easiest and most energy efficient way to go about it. I'd also think the craft carrying the actual humans was the second craft, with the first craft being a larger one with all the domes and other infrastructure on it and some robots or whatnot to set it all up for the humans. That's just my theory, though. d:

The trip to Mars was like any other space trip for astronauts. So no there was no cryo, it was just 260 days of astronaut living, with gross astronaut food and gross astronaut...excrement-ing... >_>. And the settlement was already on Mars (and had been for awhile before the Mars Project was made public. I hadn't thought to add that part, so I'll take part of your theory, that robots set up the settlement before the humans came ^_^), so the Atlas IV was the rocket to bring the inhabitants, there was no second craft accompanying that one.

2.) Could people have pre-established impressions of other characters? I ask because I'd imagine everyone did training or something together before they launched, or at least with members of their group. Please let me know if I'm wrong about that.

Of course they can have pre-impression. :D As for the training thing...I hadn't thought about that, so sure. Obviously the PSMOs and Military had more extensive training and the civilians got just a bit of a run through and briefing, but they did do training together. I'm not all too knowledgeable on astronaut gravity physics training, but the civilians basically did that, to get used to life not on Earth. They were also given instructions and tips to living in the Atlas IV for the travel time.

3.) Do the PSMO and Military domes have their own living quarters, or does everyone bunk up in the main dome with the civilians? Actually, I'll broaden that question. Is the main dome the only one with the gym and cafeteria and whatnot, or does each dome have those amenities? And, on a related note, if each dome has its own living area, where would Malcolm and Angel be put, d'you think?

PSMOs and Military sleep in their own domes. And yes the main dome is the only one with amenities and a cafeteria, although since obviously roaches and mice don't exist on Mars, PSMOs and Military can take their lunches in their workplaces.

HmmmmmmmmmMmmmm. I forgot about shooty mcbooty and nerd bird. O_O Weeee-lll.

Okay. So PSMOs and Military have their own living quarters;
The Military however have barracks for the airmen/women and larger separate quarters for their officers. Barracks are basically a large room with multiple bunk beds, like this. CLICKITY CLACK

Officers however have small private quarters that are separate from the barracks. CLICK IT


As for the PSMOs since they are all doctors in some way shape or form, they have living quarters in their respective divisions. There quarters are about 10 ft x 12 ft.

@mr_pibbs @Hallu @Deathwatch101 @King @kuukakulily @arcadian.gael @Gremory
@Spectre of the Fade @Who @Beowulf @~Dark Disney~@rissa
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Fancy schmancy!

Hopefully Dr. Matthias (when I finish him ><" Goshdang writer's block!) is gonna get along with his bunk mates!
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wowza. hope Dae-hyun's bunk mate doesn't mind him hanging up his letter from his eomma
wowza. hope Dae-hyun's bunk mate doesn't mind him hanging up his letter from his eomma
He could be Callan's bunk mate? Cal wouldn't mind that in the least as long as he got the bottom bunk.
quotes aren't working???

but @Spectre of the Fade im down for that, Dae-hyun pefers being higher up anyway :)
Weird...reply is working fine for me. I turned off the rich text editor, though, maybe that's why?

But yay! C: That works perfectly. Callan is Too Tall to be comfortable climbing around on stuff before he goes to bed.
  • Thank You
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Reopened to revive the roleplay! We are accepting characters for all groups but civilian characters are preferred!
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