Maples Hill School

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Storm smiled when Misty giggled then heard her question his added comment. He hadn't really expected her to ask but he smiled with a idea especially since Rain couldn't see him so he wouldn't have to worry about any teasing at the moment. Though her saying his father's title for him made him once more a tint hint of pink. "Well..." He said his face still close to hers he moved slightly and then kissed her check. His face didn't seem to grow much pinker accept it did slightly. "Don't be mad." He said in a whisper as if a hope to himself more than speaking to Misty he hoped he didn't pull a move to fast. He really didn't want to screw up his friend ship and maybe something more with the first girl he hadn't turned away by being bad with contemplates or naturally acting as his protective brotherly self and many other things he normal did screwing up when he met a girl he liked. He never got to knew any of them but Misty hadn't screamed or stayed away from him though it was the first they had met.

Rain now was wondering if she was the last one who would be down with the others.
Misty turned bright red she had never had a boy kiss her cheek or even be daring enough to try. She bit the corner of her lip with a none stop smile and giggled, "why would i be mad dork?" she couldn't take her eyes off of him now her face still red with blush. Though caught up in the moment neither one of them realized that they were at the end of their trip, and ended up being thrown off. Misty landed against a wall and looked over at Storm, "you ok?" she asked rubbing the soft spot on her head now. Looking around the pit she saw kalynn standing looking into some dark place of the pit. Concerned she called out to her, "hey kalynn you ok?? is there something over there?" she asked
Kalynn turned around to see Misty and Storm made it down.
"You don't see it?" she asked before turning back around to look at the shadow, only to find that it was gone.
She then looked back at Misty to back towards where she the shadow was. This time it was back and close to her face.
"What the hell?!" she tried pushing at it, only for her hand to fade right through it.
Misty got up just to fall back down. The impact of the wall made it so that she saw stars if she moved to fast. Groaning she looked to see Kalynn trying to push something away saying 'what the hell?' Looking closer she saw a black figure in Kalynn's face, "What is that?" she asked starting to freak out lightening began to crackle in her palms once again.
Storm then smiled hearing Misty. "Just... Some people would" He answered his face now matching hers. He was looking at misty ignoring where they were or might be on there ride and soon the two hit the wall his hands had naturally when falling seemed to wrap around her a moment. Then as soon as he realized he let go a little. "I'm fine. Are you?" He asked her sounding concerned. He then glanced to try and see what Kalynn may be looking at. Then hearing her shook his head. "Um... No you alright?" He asked now confused.

Rain smiled sliding down then at the last second the ride behind her did seem to start disappearing for she hadn't been paying attention seeing something near Kalynn she was rather quiet as if not to draw the things attention then fell the slid gone from under her a second before she was even at the end. "Ow..." She stated then looked at everyone and Kalynn. "You guys alright." Then she stood and brushed off. Rain then grew quiet as if she felt like someone other than her friends and brother was staring at her. "Were not alone...." She said in a whisper only if any of her friends where close to her could they hear her words of fright.
Misty tried getting up again a second time helping up Storm she smiled briefly, "yea im ok" then quickly turning her attention to rain and kalynn she spoke, "We should get out of here.." she stated getting an uneasy feeling by looking at how terrified Rain was and how confused kalynn looked and her lightening got worse crackling up to 2 inches away from her hands.
Storm nodded when Misty said she was alright and took her hand. He noticed his sister seemed terrified and that wasn't like her when they were in the dark. "I think your right." He replied to Misty. He noticed the lighting again. He wasn't sure what to tell her about the lighting other than it was getting stronger. "Um.. You may won't to be careful with the lighting. It's going out a bit farther than before." He stated.

Rain breathed to clam herself a little she wasn't afraid of the dark but what could hide within it. "Maybe it's Scary Godmother" She said to her self in a rather quiet mumbled whisper. She wasn't sure what they should do. "Um... Yeah I think we should go. Bye mister shadow." She stated and began to try and see a way out but her eyes wouldn't move where she couldn't see Kalynn and the shadow figure in front of her.
Misty's lightening decreased a little when storm took her hand. Blushing she gave him a weary smile then like the other girls had a shadow in her face. Letting out a scream she jumped back shooting lightening at it only to have the lightening go through it and hit the other side of the pit. Though when she jumped back her head cracked against the wall again bringing tears to her eyes. The shadow continued to follow her as she fell down she cried out for it to leave her alone, but like kalynn her words had no effect on it.
Kalynn watched as the other two girls seemed to panic about the shadows.
Misty shot lightning at it, but it went through and past Kalynn, barely missing her.
"We should go..." Kalynn said as she continued looking at the shadows. Just as she finally was able to remove her gaze, the room began to rumble, causing Kalynn to lose her balance.
Storm blushed when Misty had about him taking her hand. Then hearing her scream and fall even with him holding her hand which soon brought him down with her he looked seeing the shadow near her face and now next to him. He heard Misty like Kalynn tell it to leave but no effect. "Are you alright?" He asked her before giving the shadow a glare. "Why can't you leave us all alone?" He asked the shadow that stood above and next to him for it was closer to Misty. Then while on the ground he felt the earth shake beneath them.

Rain moved her hand in front of the shadow at her. It like the others had not moved. "Please leave" She tried hoping to have an effect. Then the room began to shake Rain's eyes were still glued her fear now replaced with curiously. "If you won't leave than speak" She stated next. Rain was still feeling the shaking but she was to distracted to notice it almost making her fall if it became stronger it for sure would.
Misty blushed slightly when she brought storm down with her. And held put her arms up before getting scared and hiding in storms chest staring at the shadow terrified. "Storm make it go away!" She cried closing her eyes tightly beginning to shake in fear her lightening grew again.
Storm didn't notice Misty blush again being he was trying to figure out what the shadow's problem was but when she put her head on his chest. Storm's hand moved and held her check. "It's alright I'll try" He replied after she told him to make the shadow go away. He used his free hand and reached in his pocket remembering the flashlight hopefully it might help. He pulled it out feeling it was a little wet but figured the batteries were fine and turned it on the light shining. "Be gone." He said and pointed it directly at the shadow making it where they all could see more of the pit.

Rain was waiting on an answer not getting one then the pit was soon lit she forgot her brother always tried to have a flashlight on him.
The shake caused Kalynn to lose her balance. After getting up, she started to make her way towards the other side of the pit, where they should climb out.
Before she could even make it, the room shook more just as all the shadows surrounding them began to circle around. They eventually made their way to the center of the room. All of the shadows seemed to have dived down to the floor to have never been seen again.
They should all be happy, but what replaced those little shadows was much worse.
A black hand with long finger nails appeared right before what looked like a demon, climbed out.
That must have been what Kalynn saw before they all climbed down in the first place.
Rain felt the floor shake more but moved being lucky not to fall proable because pf how close to the wall she was. Staring as the shadows moved then was taken place by another. She now seemed frozen for the creature ahead reminded her of a monster from a haunted house on Halloween. "I rather the shadows" Was all she managed to say before seeming to be once more so scared she couldn't speak.

Storm held the light and pointed it at the creature that replaced the shadows. "Misty I think I got rid of the shadows but um... Now there's something else... Maybe your lighting can hurt it?" He suggested.
(Sorry I got distracted haha)
Misty started clinging to him as the room began to shake. When he had mentioned her lightening she sent a few bolts out to the demon her lightening getting stronger the more she was frightened.
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Storm watched as Misty tried to shot the demon with the lighting. He hoped it would have some effect. He himself wasn't sure what to do. The flashlight obviously wouldn't do anything. He glanced at Rain to mention her ice but she seemed frozen to the spot. He gave a sigh at least she was near the wall maybe she wouldn't be noticed he hoped.

Rain watched the bolts of lighting hit. She had no ideas of her own but hoped Misty's would work. She turned to look at Kalynn as if to ask any ideas. But Rain couldn't make her mouth have words to form.
(Hey I gtg can someone hijack misty for me until I come back?)
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(Im back for good and since no one is awake I'm gonna assume lightening works on the demon haha)
misty's lightning only seemed to go through it until a few moments later when the demon let iut a sound of pain and glared targeting misty. Misty's eyes went wide and she realized what it was doing. Gulping down her fear she looked at storm as to say 'forgive me' and let go of storm's hand and jumped out of his arms and away from everyone else to the opposite side zapping it with lightening as she ran keeping its attention. Misty yelled out to everyone, "guys start climbing I got this!" She smiled at everyone before the demon hit her sending her flying acrossed the pit. She had never been the heroic type before, always the innocent girl who cause trouble without meaning to. Getting back up she became serious focusing on her lightening, which started to crackle not just her hands but all around her body, she ran at it sending zaps of lightening at it dodging and twisting her way in and out of its attacks making sure she wasnt going to be hit again. Out of the corner of her eye she saw storm and smiled giving her more courage and power to fight.

A familiar voice was heard from above the pit, and to the new friends' surprises, ot would be Chimera, literally flying down from the top of the pit. Aegeus was following not too far behind, holding something that looked like a lighting bolt (Zeus referance) and a large, metal shield. Aegeus didn't have control on his landing, and so was falling right in top of the so called demon. Noticing this, he quickly threw the bolt down at the creature, and as he landed, he landing on top of the demon with the sheild to land on, hitting the top of the demon's head. He jumpped off the demon, and caught Chimera before she could crash into it as well.

"Hehe~ Aegeus got worried, so he decided to come down here!~" Chimera would chime, causing Aegeus to cover her mouth again. "Shut your trap... The orientation was already over, and there wasn't anything better to do...." He said, a very very light blush on his face. It was actually cute if it weren't for his personality. "Like I said, a huge teddy bear~"
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Rain finally was about to try and help but then became distracted looking up at who yelled wee. Then after watching Aegeus come in and attack the demon she turned her head to hide her face from him and her brother. 'That was cool...' She thought feeling her face really warm. She didn't see Aegeus blushing at Chimera's comment.

Storm looked at Misty and before he could ask what she was going to do she ran off shooting lighting at the demon. He wanted to help but hadn't so far figured out how to get his to work. Hers seemed to be activated by fear. Him he wasn't sure. Then he saw Aegeus come in and ended up helping. He now felt like he had been shown up and that made Storm grit his teeth soon his own hands shot some lighting starting out rather small around his hands like Misty's. He missed seeing his sister and Aegeus blush because he didn't want to be out showed helping Misty. He didn't realize it but he felt a little jealous.
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