Magical Vending Machine

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You get an Amazon Gift Card.

I insert a Chinese Translation of a Video Game.
u get da ching chong: emperor of da golden sun1

I insert a copy of Hello Kitty skating
You get Hello Kitty skates.

I insert a pretty flower.
The machine throws pollen in your face, then dispenses a sapling.

I insert this entire thread so far.
You get a tree.

I insert a thorn.
The machine's finger starts bleeding, and it starts cursing somewhat.

Since everything in the Universe is either Nerf or nothing, you insert one and get the other, nothing.

I insert my terrible german play.
You become a Jelly Donut. Nice job, Kennedy.

I insert the earlier received nothing.
You get an empty plastic box.

I insert a piece of glass.
You get sand.

I insert some blood from my last nosebleed.
You get a bodypillow.

I insert immense amounts of salt water.
You get a Sen!

I insert the Sen back in.
You get a giraffe eating a rainbow.

I insert a bar of chocolate.
You get a giraffe vomiting a river of brown.

I insert an elephant.
You get a ball of yarn.

I insert a kitten
You get a VHS.

I insert a computer.
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