Mage Guilds

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Slight update;

Snugs is eight feet tall from the ground to his shoulders.

Sent Landazar to talk with Valentail. He'll be wanting to know the truth behind why he was recruited to teach at the Morninstar Guild and why, after all this time, the guild is taking on applicants. Aka, he wants to know about the Demon Blade quest.
Alright guys, sorry about the busy weekend, I'll be following the story, and I'll either finish up Z or make a new character and either join late since most if not all have already posted, or at a possible opening later in the storyline, up to you guys. Whether or not I'm able to join still, I'm excited to see where this goes! ^°^
Alright guys, sorry about the busy weekend, I'll be following the story, and I'll either finish up Z or make a new character and either join late since most if not all have already posted, or at a possible opening later in the storyline, up to you guys. Whether or not I'm able to join still, I'm excited to see where this goes! ^°^
I believe I'm the only Silver Owl to have posted so far, so you still have time I'm guessing.
I would also still have to be accepted, and before I finish this character, I'd just like to double check. I'm completely fine with making a new, or editing this character to switch faction if need be, if not and I'm able to keep this one, I'll have her up and be able to post, provided I get word from the GM within the next sixish hours~
I believe character creation is still very much acceptable with only one page into the IC, but yes, waiting for the GM is understandable.
I figured so too, but if I can be of any assistance with balancing or anything, I'd be happy to help~
There is still room for Zidja.
Alright, I think Zidja is done(page 2)

She has a few different abilities, but I put hinderances on pretty much all of them I think. Just let me know if you want me to change or take away anything.~
Zidya is accepted.
I'm ready to post, just not entirely sure if I have to wait for something in particular or not.~
@Razilin @Temm @Donk

I'm going to be providing you with your entrance exam shortly, as well as responding to Landazar.
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I shall now impatiently wait for the entire silver owls guild to wake up.
"I wonder if any of us are ready for what lies within?"

If by that you mean a crotchety Sorceress, then no. No one is ready for that. XD