Mafia Day Thread: Round 3

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2 Mafioso = A member of the mafia who decides who to kill each night. They take it in turns to visit the player they are targeting to kill. Ruling note- if the mafia kill fails they will be informed that it failed, but not why it failed, meaning they do not know if it was due to night immunity or the player being healed by the doctor.
1 Consort = A member of the mafia who decides to roleblock one person each night, preventing that player's night action from being carried out if the player has one. Becomes a mafioso if all the mafiosos are dead. Ruling notes- Roleblocking works on the detective, tracker and doctor, but not the medium, because the medium's night action occurs before everyone else's resolves. If the roleblocked player has a night action that can be roleblocked then they will informed that they were roleblocked; if the player has no night action/cannot be roleblocked then they will not be informed since the roleblock wouldn't have done anything.
1 Doctor = An innocent who may heal a player to prevent them from being killed once every night. They may heal themselves twice. Ruling note- neither the doctor or the healed player will be told if the healed player was targeted by the mafia.
1 Detective = An innocent who may learn the faction (innocent, mafia, or neutral) of one player every night.
1 Medium = An innocent who may speak with all dead players during the night phase. They are immune from being killed for the first two night phases only. Ruling note- They will speak to dead players in a chat separate to the dead chat, so that dead players may continue to talk during the day phase.
1 Tracker = An innocent who may visit another player's house at night and see who visited that player. The roles in this game who can visit other people (excluding the tracker) are the mafioso, doctor, detective, vigilante and consort.
1 Vigilante = An innocent who may kill another player at night. This ability may be used one time only. If the vigilante kills an innocent player (as opposed to a neutral or mafia player) then the following night they will commit suicide and also die.
1 Executioner = A neutral whose win condition is to get a target town member lynched- their target will be randomly generated. The executioner is immune from being killed at night. If their target is killed at night, the executioner becomes a jester.
1 Jester = A neutral whose win condition is to be lynched. The jester is immune from being killed at night. If the jester succeeds at getting lynched they have the ability to kill one of the people who voted against them the previous day - this ability must be used.
4 Normal Town Members = An innocent without any special abilities.

Other useful info can be put here upon request!
Maf hit joker or exe? I doubt they would leave us alive.
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My best guess is doctor guessed right, since Otaku at the very least was a pretty obvious target (which I believe he realized).

@An Otaku Do you have any other suspicions?
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first things first ..... who is the architect of this town? I mean A PIT OF SPIKES!? WHY? jeez...... Hope the super young kiddies didn't see that event...

All joking about the Lynch flavor-text aside...

The theories on who the other two maf are (the ones I can remember rn anyways):

An otaku and Kimber.

Pf.d and ???

Possibly kiilgore and ??? (An otaku mentioned something about a theory about me being mafia but didn't go into detail)

I also seem to remember potential fos on dipper and matizze (possibly luster iirc?)

Of course, this doesn't mean that maf is 100% on the list of people with suspicions on them.

Oh my god. I got Trip, and I'm alive. I'm.... alive.... I'M FREAKING ALIVE!!

Hm? What do you mean by this?
My best guess is doctor guessed right, since Otaku at the very least was a pretty obvious target (which I believe he realized).

Hm? What do you mean by this?

You know what I meant by that Kiilgore. I wanted to say something during the Night Phase, because I knew I was going to die. Lucky was killed for being too helpful, but hadn't offered any suspects. I nailed a Mafia member pretty much immediately. I would have been shocked if the Maf went for anyone but me... (Post-Edit, the Lelouch laughter in particular is just my being happy to post another day!)

Now if you don't trust me at this point.... I have no idea what to say. You think I might be Maf, huh? Give me a good reason why I hard-lined after Trip, then went on to lie about not voting only to pull a bait and switch just to get him lynched. Granted it didn't work exactly... (Sorry about the lie, by the way. I had actually planned on not voting, but after Joan said my plan wasn't a very good one.... I figured, why not?).

Here's another handy tid-bit, which you can take or leave. I was role-blocked last night. Suppose the Mafia figured I was the doctor, but now they know for sure I am not. I suppose you could say I'm the executioner or Jester, but if that's true..... I'm the friendlist Executioner or Jester you are ever going to get. (I'm actually Town though. I said before saying your alignment wouldn't mean anything, "by itself." But I think I've pretty much proven my sincerity by this point). My theory, which is extremely likely, is the Mafia targetted me for both Death and Role Blocking, which is why no one died. This is actually pretty helpful, so thanks Scum. Now we know for certain the Consort is still alive. In fact, I've got a pretty good idea of who they both are.

But I don't want to suggest any theories right now, I'd rather hear from the rest of Town on who you all think the Maf are. I recommend analyzing all of Trip's prior messages and looking for how he reacts, or doesn't react, to other players.

Now as for the players who did not vote for Mafia-member Trip:
@Dipper @Lost-and-Bewildered @Matizze @Starlighter @Kimberlyn
I suggest you restate your case for why you didn't vote. It's in your best interest to do so...
Hm? What do you mean by this?

An Otaku pushed for trip, a maf, to be lynched. The assumption is that mad would revenge kill them.
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@Starlighter said earlier on the Mafia thread she was going to be absent for a little while, and I don't think she's back yet.

@An Otaku
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Yeee bois we got one down the hatch.

Personally @Pf.D is suspicious to me not because they went against the votes for trip but more so because it seemed like they have been keeping a bit of a low profile and they just give off that aura.

Though I do agree that anyone who didn't vote for trip is now on my suspicion list
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Now as for the players who did not vote for Mafia-member Trip:
@Dipper @Lost-and-Bewildered @Matizze @Starlighter @Kimberlyn
I suggest you restate your case for why you didn't vote. It's in your best interest to do so...
My reasoning still stands, I was not up for possibly killing the doctor in my first game, especially as no one else stepped forward to claim the role. Also, I firmly believed in making the detective check on Trip before lynching, so yeah.

I would like to point out that we can't know for sure that An Otaku was targeted for both killing and role blocking though, the mafia could just as well have hit one of the neutral roles, or the doctor's target (which by no means has to be An Otaku).

On a side note: I will only have access to my phone until the weekend, so my post may feel a little short. I will do my best though!
I would like to point out that we can't know for sure that An Otaku was targeted for both killing and role blocking though, the mafia could just as well have hit one of the neutral roles, or the doctor's target (which by no means has to be An Otaku).
This is absolutely true. I guess I was just a bit overzealous with suggestions and everything on finding out I hadn't died.

But in all likelihood, I was a pretty good target for the Mafia. And if I were playing Mafia this round, I would think targetting the same person for death and role-blocking would stand a better chance of assuring death. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought I actually was the Doc in hiding. Trip mentioned a few times he found it surprising I didn't counter-claim as the Doctor, and I guess they figured that was because I was the doctor and wanted to keep it secret (I'm not the doctor, though).

So while it isn't a 100% I was targeted... I cannot think of a better person to try and kill. If anyone else has any theories on names...?
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My reasoning still stands, I was not up for possibly killing the doctor in my first game, especially as no one else stepped forward to claim the role. Also, I firmly believed in making the detective check on Trip before lynching, so yeah.

I would like to point out that we can't know for sure that An Otaku was targeted for both killing and role blocking though, the mafia could just as well have hit one of the neutral roles, or the doctor's target (which by no means has to be An Otaku).

I agree with the second point, but as for the relying on the detective, we can't wait for someone who might possibly be dead. It's just not practical.
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Also, targeting @An Otaku would be a relatively bold move considering the tracker could be watching them. Though, if the tracker did watch them last night, we would know who the consort is.
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Also, targeting @An Otaku would be a relatively bold move considering the tracker could be watching them. Though, if the tracker did watch them last night, we would know who the consort is.
That's very true...That way, if our tracker is alive, we sort of have a way to check if Otaku's theory is correct once he tells us.
Like I said, I'd prefer everyone to do some old-fashioned digging through Trip's post over our Detective or Tracker (if alive) saying anything yet. Since we have a confirmed Maf so early, we can use what trip said to equip ourselves with better theories.

That being said... well, Detective should stay quiet. I think they're pretty useful. The Tracker, not so much. It might sound harsh, but we can afford to lose the Tracker if they do a role-reveal. Their usefulness is pretty much dependent on luck since they have to target someone on the receiving end of an action, instead of just scanning someone's alignment outright. If they felt like confirming what I've said, provided they did track me, I say go for it. Honestly, I think its a safe bet to say they did. I know the Consort came after me for sure. And I'm pretty sure the Doctor and Killer-Maf did, too. If I were the Detective/Tracker, I think I would've looked at me as well to be honest. I don't know though.

I still think what I said about Trip in my initial post was.... mostly right, but I was never really 100% on it. Now that we are, we have a better shot at figuring our his allies. I'll still be keeping my theories to myself for the time being, because I want to see some reactions first. But I'll be sure to say them before the vote begins.
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sorry for bein late. Had to help out with housework.

You know what I meant by that Kiilgore
Okay. Apparently I'm psychic now. didn't know that.... huh learn something every day.
After all.... if I knew, then why would I ask?

Now if you don't trust me at this point.... I have no idea what to say. You think I might be Maf, huh? Give me a good reason why I hard-lined after Trip, then went on to lie about not voting only to pull a bait and switch just to get him lynched. Granted it didn't work exactly... (Sorry about the lie, by the way. I had actually planned on not voting, but after Joan said my plan wasn't a very good one.... I figured, why not?).
I was just saying the theories of who would be Trip's partners if he was maf(which trip did end up being maf, so it's moreso theories of 'who is left of the maf' or whatever) from the previous day phases (as a bit of a recap), but if you insist...

First of all, it is a case of bussing. After trip being called out as suspicious by three other people (In order was me, Icequeen, then Luster IIRC) you said the theory. By bussing trip, you would gain by seeming townie.

The whole 'not going to vote' thing Raised HUGE flags for me. Because you claim to SUSPECT someone, yet not vote for them....? Why...? NO townie would do that. If you were mafia, it would be beneficial because with the number of players that would potentially be inactive/not voting... it would more likely fail to lynch him. which would mean that town would be even closer to losing majority, which in turn would come closer to forcing reliance on neutrals/ a good vigi call.

in addition, saying you wanted to be lynched?
At this point, I'm willing to be lynched if that's what people want. I'd had plans to find out for sure who the Maf was, but hey. My death ought to be good enough.
Why would you say that, If you were a power-role townie?
Here's another handy tid-bit, which you can take or leave. I was role-blocked last night. Suppose the Mafia figured I was the doctor, but now they know for sure I am not. I suppose you could say I'm the executioner or Jester, but if that's true..... I'm the friendlist Executioner or Jester you are ever going to get. (I'm actually Town though. I said before saying your alignment wouldn't mean anything, "by itself." But I think I've pretty much proven my sincerity by this point). My theory, which is extremely likely, is the Mafia targetted me for both Death and Role Blocking, which is why no one died. This is actually pretty helpful, so thanks Scum. Now we know for certain the Consort is still alive. In fact, I've got a pretty good idea of who they both are.
1 Consort = A member of the mafia who decides to roleblock one person each night, preventing that player's night action from being carried out if the player has one. Becomes a mafioso if all the mafiosos are dead. Ruling notes- Roleblocking works on the detective, tracker and doctor, but not the medium, because the medium's night action occurs before everyone else's resolves. If the roleblocked player has a night action that can be roleblocked then they will informed that they were roleblocked; if the player has no night action/cannot be roleblocked then they will not be informed since the roleblock wouldn't have done anything.
Taking both bolded segments of information into consideration, this implies power-role townie. (assuming the truth about being roleblocked is being said) So, why would you advocate yourself to be lynched then? Just... doesn't add up to me.
After all... If that happened, we would be down a power role, and if maf successfully killed... We'd be at 5-5 (town-nottown) meaning we'd have lost the majority, forcing us to rely on the neutrals or a good vigi kill and maf hitting a neutral on their kill attempt in the next night phase.

All this in mind, I think you knowing you were roleblocked is a lie.

I highly highly highly hiiiiggghhhlllyyyyy doubt a town member would basically volunteer to be lynched when it would essentially result in town having to rely on help from neutrals (one of which is anti-town garunteed. Unless their target died of course) Even moreso the case if they were a power role.

I think waiting to out information on who you think is scum is a terrible Idea, as it leaves us less time for us to look into/investigate said people ourselves with what you have pointed out in mind but okay.
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@Kiilgore brings up a good point. If you were roleblocked, you must be some role. Might as well share.
sorry for bein late. Had to help out with housework.

Okay. Apparently I'm psychic now. didn't know that.... huh learn something every day.
After all.... if I knew, then why would I ask?

I was just saying the theories of who would be Trip's partners if he was maf(which trip did end up being maf, so it's moreso theories of 'who is left of the maf' or whatever) from the previous day phases (as a bit of a recap), but if you insist...

First of all, it is a case of bussing. After trip being called out as suspicious by three other people (In order was me, Icequeen, then Luster IIRC) you said the theory. By bussing trip, you would gain by seeming townie.

The whole 'not going to vote' thing Raised HUGE flags for me. Because you claim to SUSPECT someone, yet not vote for them....? Why...? NO townie would do that. If you were mafia, it would be beneficial because with the number of players that would potentially be inactive/not voting... it would more likely fail to lynch him. which would mean that town would be even closer to losing majority, which in turn would come closer to forcing reliance on neutrals/ a good vigi call.

in addition, saying you wanted to be lynched?

Why would you say that, If you were a power-role townie?

Taking both bolded segments of information into consideration, this implies power-role townie. (assuming the truth about being roleblocked is being said) So, why would you advocate yourself to be lynched then? Just... doesn't add up to me.
After all... If that happened, we would be down a power role, and if maf successfully killed... We'd be at 5-5 (town-nottown) meaning we'd have lost the majority, forcing us to rely on the neutrals or a good vigi kill and maf hitting a neutral on their kill attempt in the next night phase.

All this in mind, I think you knowing you were roleblocked is a lie.

I highly highly highly hiiiiggghhhlllyyyyy doubt a town member would basically volunteer to be lynched when it would essentially result in town having to rely on help from neutrals (one of which is anti-town garunteed. Unless their target died of course) Even moreso the case if they were a power role.

I think waiting to out information on who you think is scum is a terrible Idea, as it leaves us less time for us to look into/investigate said people ourselves with what you have pointed out in mind but okay.
Personally, I think it's kind of funny. When I originally bussed for Trip I kept getting called the executioner. After deciding people didn't trust me, I dropped my vote figuring people would be more comfortable. From what I can tell, some were. Luster voted for Trip when I pulled out, then removed his vote when I went back in. Honestly, it seems every thing I do raises flags for people no matter what direction I go. I've actually explained this a few times already, but yeah. Alright, I get it's suspicious. But personally, I wouldn't use the phrase "no townie would do that." Maybe I'm not the best player, well... it's how I'm playing.

As for my wanting to be lynched.... that's not true. I told people to lynch me because people were afraid of possibly lynching "doctor" Trip. I was convinced he was Maf, and knew that if I was killed people would see my innocent alignment reveal. If that happened, I was pretty sure everyone would lynch Trip. That's who I "asked" to be lynched. Strength of conviction and all that.

On whether or not my waiting out to present theories is a bad idea.... I disagree with you. I'm going to keep waiting for everyone to comment after the Trip ideal and see what people do. If I just open up instantly with theories, my suspects might be more prepared with ways to make me look wrong. And so, im going to wait. As long as I come forward with my ideas before the vote, it really doesn't matter.
oops, part of message was erased. I'll fix that when I'm back home. Sorry.
Okay, first things first. @Kiilgore I'm sorry for how I came across. I was sort of riding a high there, just generally excited, but that's no excuse. I apologize for sounding rude and assuming.

Next item. Kiilgore's right about my having a power role. I am the Tracker. I had thought about just straight revealing that after Luster and Joan spoke up, but then got a different idea. Thought maybe I could lure out a liar, but... honestly, I doubt that would've worked. Still figured it was worth a shot.

It's also because I'm Tracker that I've acted a certain way. In terms of my willingness to be lynched, that's exclusively about Town's trust of me versus Trip. But! I have been trying to make myself a target because it turns out the Tracker can track themselves. I had thought about getting the mafia on my tail then seeing who killed me, after which I would tell the medium. Like I said a while back, I want to win even if it kills me. But.... the consort does sort of mess with the idea. It was always a long shot, but I thought it would be really cool if it worked. Anyway, I've been tracking myself for a while but didn't get anything until last night.... when I was role blocked. So good call mafia. I guess.

Anyway, even though I called the Tracker mostly useless in my previous post as a form of bait, I still sort of stand by that. My ability can only do so much. So, I dunno. Oh yeah. @Kiilgore I'm also sorry about the whole me saying, "if you still think I'm Maf, I dunno what to tell you." That actually was a general comment, not directed at you, but I phrased that whole thing pretty bad. I'm sorry about that. Um.... I guess that's covers everything.
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