Mafia Day Thread: Round 3

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2 Mafioso = A member of the mafia who decides who to kill each night. They take it in turns to visit the player they are targeting to kill. Ruling note- if the mafia kill fails they will be informed that it failed, but not why it failed, meaning they do not know if it was due to night immunity or the player being healed by the doctor.
1 Consort = A member of the mafia who decides to roleblock one person each night, preventing that player's night action from being carried out if the player has one. Becomes a mafioso if all the mafiosos are dead. Ruling notes- Roleblocking works on the detective, tracker and doctor, but not the medium, because the medium's night action occurs before everyone else's resolves. If the roleblocked player has a night action that can be roleblocked then they will informed that they were roleblocked; if the player has no night action/cannot be roleblocked then they will not be informed since the roleblock wouldn't have done anything.
1 Doctor = An innocent who may heal a player to prevent them from being killed once every night. They may heal themselves twice. Ruling note- neither the doctor or the healed player will be told if the healed player was targeted by the mafia.
1 Detective = An innocent who may learn the faction (innocent, mafia, or neutral) of one player every night.
1 Medium = An innocent who may speak with all dead players during the night phase. They are immune from being killed for the first two night phases only. Ruling note- They will speak to dead players in a chat separate to the dead chat, so that dead players may continue to talk during the day phase.
1 Tracker = An innocent who may visit another player's house at night and see who visited that player. The roles in this game who can visit other people (excluding the tracker) are the mafioso, doctor, detective, vigilante and consort.
1 Vigilante = An innocent who may kill another player at night. This ability may be used one time only. If the vigilante kills an innocent player (as opposed to a neutral or mafia player) then the following night they will commit suicide and also die.
1 Executioner = A neutral whose win condition is to get a target town member lynched- their target will be randomly generated. The executioner is immune from being killed at night. If their target is killed at night, the executioner becomes a jester.
1 Jester = A neutral whose win condition is to be lynched. The jester is immune from being killed at night. If the jester succeeds at getting lynched they have the ability to kill one of the people who voted against them the previous day - this ability must be used.
4 Normal Town Members = An innocent without any special abilities.

Other useful info can be put here upon request!
...What in the hey even is that last part? o_O

I thought I explained this, but if it isn't clear enough...
Your reasoning and arguments are all over the place and makes no sense. You are aggressively attacking anybody who accuses you without any real meat to your arguments. You keep making assumptions and pulling things out of nowhere that make no logical sense to me, at the very least.
Which arguments do you happen to be referring to, love? I'm attacking the arguments, not anybody, which is an appropriate way of defending myself, in my deranged mind, oh so grounded in psychosis as opposed to reality. The only ones I'm attacking are Pf.D, Lost and Dipper, in the sense that I'm advocating their lynch.
Would point-by-point, but this youtube clips sums this:
up more eloquently

The rest is circle jerk readiness signaling.

I have played a lot of forum mafia.
Because saying something is wrong without actually giving reasons is a perfectly sound counterargument :thumbsup2: wait....

But yeah. if it is wrong, then state reasons. (Prepost thing: You seemed to have done this a little bit since I initially typed this out)

ignored this:
I assume when you say you've played a lot of forum mafia, you mean on other forums? Every community is different, which is why I asked that question.

If it's not against Iwaku rules, would it be possible to see some links to previous games you've played?
/sigh...Can I quit?
Okay, now I am more confused. @Luster, are you pulling back your vote because you think trip might be jester? Granted, I'm abstaining for that exact same reason at this point, but were you hoping that the lynch wouldn't actually happen? Why didn't you abstain earlier?
Wacky theory, but if I'm going to get insulted, might as well have some fun with it.

Part of me believes that @trip is jester. @An Otaku and the few others who have abstained might be maf. If Otaku was exe, why wouldn't they vote and get it over with? It doesn't matter what happens after, because they've already won. By creating some artificial reason to bow out, they could avoid revenge from the Jester.

trip is being rather.. rude, and for someone who says they have played forum mafia, then they know that being less than friendly is suspicious and (whether or not its the right thing to do) a cause for a lynch. The more ridiculous trip acts, the more it seems to rile up everyone. @Dipper , @Kimberlyn, and @An Otaku have all abstained. Dipper's nonvoting is particularly interesting, because trip has advocated for their lynch.

Of course, this could all be a bunch of nonsense. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I am being friendly, not to an exaggerated degree that would warrant being called out for buddying and white-knighting, though. I absolutely don't know what you mean. Maybe it's better to judge me by the actual content of my posts, as opposed to a supposed emotional undertone, which I assure you, if at all present, is due to repeatedly being called Jester.
wait, what?

@Daz can you take back my vote?
This vote needs to end already, it's gone on long enough.

It wasn't my initial plan to sweep in like this, but we need to end the vote now. It's taken too long, tempers are getting to hot. Daz has issued a warning already. I just want this to end at this point.
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Which arguments do you happen to be referring to, love? I'm attacking the arguments, not anybody, which is an appropriate way of defending myself, in my deranged mind, oh so grounded in psychosis as opposed to reality. The only ones I'm attacking are Pf.D, Lost and Dipper, in the sense that I'm advocating their lynch.
Are...are you actually saying that you have psychosis? Is this something you're actually saying, or are you being sarcastic because of what I posted...? I'm genuinely confused here...

I'm talking about nearly every post you've made--every time you've presented a theory or explained your reasoning.

When I say attacking, I mean using stuff like that youtube clip, calling people's theories the result of paranoia and tinfoil hatness, etc. I'm not saying attacking strictly in the sense of calling for a lynch--I'm saying it also in the sense of refuting their theories with anger and belittlement instead of rationality and reason.

Also, do not call me "love". Just...don't. Not okay.

I am being friendly, not to an exaggerated degree that would warrant being called out for buddying and white-knighting, though. I absolutely don't know what you mean. Maybe it's better to judge me by the actual content of my posts, as opposed to a supposed emotional undertone, which I assure you, if at all present, is due to repeatedly being called Jester.
I'm sorry, but...if you think you're being friendly? I do not see that at all.
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Okay, now I am more confused. @Luster, are you pulling back your vote because you think trip might be jester? Granted, I'm abstaining for that exact same reason at this point, but were you hoping that the lynch wouldn't actually happen? Why didn't you abstain earlier?

No, I was confused by Otaku's "sorry chums" line. Made it seem like perhaps he was exe.

I am being friendly, not to an exaggerated degree that would warrant being called out for buddying and white-knighting, though. I absolutely don't know what you mean. Maybe it's better to judge me by the actual content of my posts, as opposed to a supposed emotional undertone, which I assure you, if at all present, is due to repeatedly being called Jester.

Your criticism of others and their logic is unnecessarily harsh, considering what you've added hasn't actually made any more sense than anyone else. I'm sure it makes sense to you or you are being more sarcastic than confrontational, but this is the internet. You're words aren't conveying with anything other than some enlarged sense of ego.
Because saying something is wrong without actually giving reasons is a perfectly sound counterargument :thumbsup2: wait....

But yeah. if it is wrong, then state reasons. (Prepost thing: You seemed to have done this a little bit since I initially typed this out)

ignored this:

If it's not against Iwaku rules, would it be possible to see some links to previous games you've played?
The video was supposed to underline my melodious chirp, my playstyle and performance in tune with my townie role, being bombarded by loudmouth, hideously pitched, obnoxious begs to differ.
screw typos. bleh.
No, I was confused by Otaku's "sorry chums" line. Made it seem like perhaps he was exe.

Your criticism of others and their logic is unnecessarily harsh, considering what you've added hasn't actually made any more sense than anyone else. I'm sure it makes sense to you or you are being more sarcastic than confrontational, but this is the internet. You're words aren't conveying with anything other than some enlarged sense of ego.

Ditto this B/c that's what that little swoop in felt like...And while I agree that I would like this to just freaking end already, it was a highly suspicious (and potentially underhanded?) thing to do.

As for @†rip, the best way for you to diffuse the suspicion around you is to give us some more ground for your suspicions and "counter-arguments" to stand on. And none of that "lurking" business.

(Also am I the only one that has to read Trip's posts like 3 times before even barely understanding them...?)
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The video was supposed to underline my melodious chirp, my playstyle and performance in tune with my townie role, being bombarded by loudmouth, hideously pitched, obnoxious begs to differ.
Well, I interpreted you as saying I was wrong with a youtube clip, and it sounds like others interpreted it the same way...

Ditto this B/c that's what that little swoop in felt like...And while I agree that I would like this to just freaking end already, it was a highly suspicious (and potentially underhanded?) thing to do.

As for @†rip, the best way for you to diffuse the suspicion around you is to give us some more ground for your suspicions and "counter-arguments" to stand on. And none of that "lurking" business.

(Also am I the only one that has to read Trip's posts like 3 times before even barely understanding them...?)
You're not, trust me :|
I don't have to do anything, so I respectfully decline, although I'm sure you mean well, not. The rest of town has to snap out of it so we can work on a halfway reasonable lynch.
Are...are you actually saying that you have psychosis? Is this something you're actually saying, or are you being sarcastic because of what I posted...? I'm genuinely confused here...

I'm talking about nearly every post you've made--every time you've presented a theory or explained your reasoning.

When I say attacking, I mean using stuff like that youtube clip, calling people's theories the result of paranoia and tinfoil hatness, etc. I'm not saying attacking strictly in the sense of calling for a lynch--I'm saying it also in the sense of refuting their theories with anger and belittlement instead of rationality and reason.

Also, do not call me "love". Just...don't. Not okay.

I'm sorry, but...if you think you're being friendly? I do not see that at all.
Can we get back to the part where we discuss alignment indicative issues, or is that too much to ask?
At this point, I just want to end this. @Joan, since you're one of the few people I trust completely, should I just go for it?
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