Lux Tenebris - The Light of Darkness OOC

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Yes indeed, good sir.
Well, here I go for another try... Do you rembmer Andreas, Malkuthe? I changed him a little (lot). I really like your stories!

I'll try to sketch something later ^_^

Hey, people of the Forum! o/

Name: Andreas

Gender: Male

Apparent Age: Around mid-twenties; yet, he will look younger when smiling or playing, or older when disturbed or deeply concentrated

Nation of Origin: Ignis

Type: Aurorae

Appearance: Andreas is slender and a bit muscular as is common among his people, with a specially flexible body due to his performances as a dancer and acrobat. His skin is a dark shade of silver, with indigo markings running through its surface in curlicues; together with his colorful aura (that he can control freely if concentrated enough), he can create nearly hypnotic images when moving. His face is beautiful with delicate traits, and his eyes sport a deep shade of indigo with the silver speckles, impersonating the welkin. His hair is longer near the front, and he keeps it frequently tied in a small braid crossing his head. His voice is soft, and usually gentle. Wears discrete and comfortable clothes, perfect for traveling and moving freely.

Personality: Being an Ignis, Andreas is very active and usually full of energy, but being an Aurorae gave him a less athletic and competitive disposition. He's frequently curious about anything, and have an urge to travel and discover more, abhorring the idea of feeling trapped, chained or imprisioned. Due to his naturally outstanding appearance, he has a weird sense of modesty: he stopped trying to dismiss his look, especially when performing, but doesn't think about himself as something beautiful, pursuing the beauty in things of the world and in art, like a passionate poet. It's just part of what he is, and nothing to be really proud of. Dramatic (but also sincere), protective, impatient, aggressive and a bit naive, sometimes he will act weird to the others close to him; but one attentive enough will spot something dark behind his eyes and actions, that takes the form of a pale shade of angst. That's probably why he changes frequently from a praised artist, to a traveler searching for solitude. His weak spot is related to his fears, and what he doesn't know about himself, and the coldness somewhere deep in his heart.

Background: Andreas took the nomad nature of the Ignis to a new level, soon discovering he couldn't live in the same place for too long. Even when traveling among the group (including his family: parents and an older brother), he frequently walked away from the others to do explorations alone. He left Ignis to discover the other continents, quickly finding a good friend in Lune, a wise and intelligent Halo, who acted as his tutor and instructor. There, he achieved some knowledge and more respect about nature, and also discovered the potential of his own body, dancing, and jumping for the expectators amusement, and in a form to fulfill his desire for beauty and art. Missing home, he returned to pass a season with his family, and learned with his brother, a skilled artisan, a bit of handicraft. While music was still present, his people was not really interested in his dancing; soon, the young man found a new occupation: his dexterity in jumping and his natural stamina made him a good messenger between groups and tribes, covering long distances in a short time.
Still with a disturbing hollow inside his heart, Andreas left again, this time heading to Sol, hoping the last continent will bring him what he lacks.

Profession: Dancer, messenger, mediocre craftsman
He looks good so far, Kyrion.

We never really did kick Lux Tenebris off back then, did we? XD.
There is a link to it in the first post. *nods*
Where are the others? XD Is it my fate to post just after the creator in most RPs? It looks like I'm always eager.
The others have yet to post. *nods*
Could the reason be that my guy was sent to Sol was because he was sent to inquire to the scientific types about the Shadows?
Unfeasible. No one knows about them, no one has even noticed them yet until now, and it's just mere hours before all hell breaks loose.
What would be a feasible reason for an Ignan hunter to be in Sol?
Maybe for hunting supplies? To get a broken blade fixed, perhaps? Or simply to explore what kind of game lies across the sea?
Could it be for semi-diplomatic regions, keeping in contact and interaction with neighboring Elynians?
Hmm... how about on a supply run for the tribe? Certainly there are some things that can only be found in the major cities and though they're assuredly lasting, perhaps something has broken or has exceeded its lifetime and it's about time for it to get replaced?

I don't think that the Ignis would be very much interested in too much diplomacy, and even then, only when the entire tribe is present as a means of showing hospitality.
Sounds about right. What the difference in technology between the two civilizations?
Ignian civilization on its own is pretty bare-bones in terms of technology. They're tribal, and as such only have about stone-age type tools on their own. Sol is more around 1600's level of tech, and Lune is a little bit more advanced since most research and innovation takes place there. However, they do not have the means for manufacturing, so in a sense, Sol becomes the most technologically advanced of the three nations.
So my dude could be there to pick up some metals and other things they couldn't harvest or make for themselves. Would they have anything the denizens of Sol would want for trading? Or do they, in their naivety, just give things back and forth to each other as needed?
It's more the latter, but if he can bring in game animals, particularly large ones, the citizens of Sol would be more than happy to help.
Would it be possible that there are things like precious gems or ores they could also provide but lack the technology to fully refine?
Oh yeah, definitely. After all, Ignis is dominated by volcanoes and lava flows. There's bound to be precious things there.
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