Lucrative planning ooc!

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XP Ya know, you're probably right on that one... I tend to over think plots a lot. I know you've noticed. :3

Well, either we can leave someone behind - have Silver punish that person and demand Geynor return Suri to him, pay for Damarius' debts himself, or he'll see to it that the person they have now dies. Then they'll have to go to Red Anchor Island.

Or, and I do agree, give them a chance for peace - let the group go all the way to Tal'vis (going into hiding) to find a life for themselves. Probably, we can bring Craz's issues up and they can help him with that on their way - which might cause them to get mixed up into things they really should avoid.

All the while, Silver is determined to find Suri or Geynor, It's either she pays for her father's debts (cause, as of right now, Roan is in hiding), or Geynor shall pay for them since he's the one who helped her escape (and he's rich enough to do so).
Yeah, no shit :P

Well, seeing as Craz's quest will involve the Spirits, demons and other stuff, so we'll have more than enough to bite over on that one as well when that time comes :3

As for the pirates: Silver is a proud old man, who wont just let someone blow a big fucking hole in his ship! So unless someone pays lots of monies for the damages, he'll chase them just for revenge :3
Again, the Eternal REVENGE ;D
Hey, we should have Sslarh and Peggy talk soon, before the crap starts. She'll have to go get Suri and prepare for everything to blow.

I'm sort of stuck trying to bring on this sneak attack - placing it in a good spot. I WAS going to have a huge boom when Arz was fighting, but I forgot that Peggy still needs to talk to Sslarh first.

So, I guess the sea snake needs to come in somewhere... (feels like a dunce for being so tired :/ )
Hey, its okay. You're constantly overworked and always sleep deprived. That you can function at all is miracle in my eyes :P

Anywho, yes, I remembered that Sslarh was out swimming as well, and I was thinking that if you hadnt posted yet, I was going to add a part about him getting back onto the ship, which I will now go do :3

And then... There's always the Lang-fight?

Oopsie! Almost forgot about the Lang!

It might be fun for him to pop out during the battle, in Arz's form luring Mona somewhere safely away from the brawl, only to get her alone so he can have his way, suck out her magic, and be on his way. Arz, on the other hand.... well, that just won't do... I think the Lang is the pirate that Peggy's teasing with right now. (I think that's what I was secretly setting up :D ) When she leaves, he's going to continue watching the two, following them and such. Then, when things go to hell, he'll make his move...
I'd almost be asking why Arz'd be going away from a battle... But I guess that's up to Mona to figure out :P

And I'm almost tempted to let Mona get taken by the Lang, only to see what she'll do then :3
HA! HEll, I don't know myself what she'll do. All I can come up with for defeating a doppelganger is to confuse them with an illusion of yourself. While they're mimicking the fake, the real person attacks from the other side. The doppelganger won't know who to mimic in order to use their defenses against them.

If we do decide for Mona to be taken by the Lang, then if you want to play the Lang - that'll be fine with me. At least, until Arz steps in. :3

I'm hoping to get a post in before my dinner time... if not, you'll see one later tonight. I'm in production mode at work. Meaning, all day I'm cutting and printing out orders, building signs, and delivering... Not my favorite part of the game, but it gets the bills paid. LOL!
Productive Phi, the one making signs, posters and ideas :3

But sure, I'll completely fail to do the character of the Lang honor, and do stupid things as him :D
Ah, why be so negative about the lang? Really, I haven't been playing him like I would want - the more manipulative user I wanted him to be...

Anywho, working on a post... I think...
Well, I'm not good at being manipulative either. And you know more what he can and cant do than me, so yeah. I'm being negative cause am honest :P

I vote for a big bang right about now! :D

They're all peaceful and stuff, so they arent expecting it at all :3
I think I've remembered something you've forgotten!
Or rather, someone. Someone short and with a impressive beard.

Editing will commence, post hast!


Now, I feel so bad... I so love Raifia, but I go and lose him in the folds of my absent-minded brain matter... I'm such a lousy person. :(

And as I forget a charrie, you double one of yours? LOL!
Is Arz in two places, or did you forget what he was doing before?

You have him tied up in Sslarh, as well as the illusion web with the goblins...

I want to make sure I'm not seeing double *snickers* Mona's illusion of him she'd fizzled out already. So, there's not a double of him walking around...
No, I think it was you who forgot! because, last I heard, the Lang looked like Arz, no? Or did he change without any notice of it? :P

*Laughs an evil laugh!*

Hell, I'm going back to bed!

YEa, yea, you're right... and so, the Lang's caught in the web, right? *snickers* Good for him! Now, Mona gets to burn them all!

Uh, no. o.o
Arz was the Arz chasing after the Goblins.
The Lang was the Arz that just came out through the door.
If you burn the Arz in the web, you've only got the Arz that wants to kill/rape you left.

Yeah, I think going back to bed could be best :P
Alright, got it straight... K, so Lang is wrapped up in Sslarh. And Mona's about to 20 Question Arz to make sure he's the real thing. LOL!

Got it!
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