Loveability OOC/Signups (closed)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I'll go in and edit my posts to a point. :I 's my screw-up.
Ahah c: Finished editing my posts, so you @Tooru and @Kitsune -- you two might have to edit your replies to mine a bit, too.
Grrrrr i wrote a first post twice and get fucked by limited internet x(

Anyway, ill post it tmr with hopes of internet not acting up on me...
can someone give me a link to the ic??? If its up...
I missed so much in one day... Darn. From the looks of it everything is pretty established and taken. Also my character is friends with Kaz and Jazz's characters correct? Anyone else want to be friends? (My character is supposed to be the rich and popular type so I'm guessing she should have lots of friends or acquaintances)
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HAHA! Hey, my character is still open for your character. For all characters to be honest :P

Im still exploring... might end up with your character at the end :P
That is very true @Jazz my character is always open~ but now I know a little bit more.
OH MY GOD! So sad!!
Oh and By the way guys! If you wonder how to make little post banners for your characters like Alezander or Jiraiya etc, you can Use

Its really easy :) So...... anyway, just wanted to share this site with you guys!
Snap! I missed out on the roleplay ;-;
What happened?
There isnt that much to read... so you should read the start haha
I just saw it XD
I'm surprise theres only 2 pages but I'm reading them now ^^;
-woh-guys the time thing..yes yes.we need to sort that out.

I know this sounds like a clumsy way of doing it but- how about we ALL skip to the same time and go on from there.
Since Julian is about to have lunch with jason can we all just move on to the day after the car accident -lunch time ;3?
If you guys had something going on on the day of the accident can you please wrap it up and skip time to next day lunch?

And as jazz suggested- ill add time to my posts from now on XD

-Also Julian's volunteer work is in an animal shelter named 'Animal Humane Society' (he helps poor and lonely stray animals((aww~))
So,anyone who wants to take part in that go right ahead. The work is 2 to 4 hours a day.You can be commuted to a weekly schedule (one you decide on) or come at irregular times(as long as its working hours of-course XD) and just chip in whatever is going on every time.
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