Love in the Other Land

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"Perfect!" Sel quickly removed each colored gem from the necklace. As he did he began mouthing words, obviously an incantation. He then closed his hands around each gem then opened them. The gems were gone but that was not all. In the pockets of each girl there was an appropriately colored neclace full of gemsof their respective colors. "Ladies, would you kindly check your pockets"
Cadence looked down at her pocket, it did feel like something was suddenly there. She pushed her hand in and felt something. She pulled it out and noticed the necklace with the red stones. So, this was quite surprising to her, she didn't expect him to do something like this. "Oh, these are beautiful." She said, looked back up at him with a smile. She motioned to give the necklace back to him, figuring that was what she should do, he wasn't giving them to her and Amelia...was he?

"Before we go into the castle, I feel like a should mention something." Claudia said, "Who knows when we'll get the chance to be alone once we're there." She paused, suddenly feeling strange. Was she nervous to talk to him...was that how she felt? She never felt this way before. "What if I told you I've been having these strange feelings lately, and I don't understand them."
When Claudia told Asura she had something to say, he stopped in order to focus on her more than walking to the castle. "Okay, go ahead." He told her, smiling softly, hoping to be able to reassure her. Hearing that she was having those feelings, a sense that was close to dread socked right into his body. "Should we really be doing this then? Shouldn't you be with the person those feelings are augmented around?" The prince managed to ask her.
Sel put his hand over Cadences and closed hers. "It's okay. It's yours to keep." He looked at each of them with a friendly gaze. "Now, I know I am a mere stranger to you, but may I ask what a pair such as yourselves are doing on such a fine day?"
Amelia watches as Sel chants the spell. She was expecting a more figurative illusion when she heard about magic tricks, but why not? "A rather literal magic trick, huh... Cool." When he's done, she pulls out the black necklace and examines it, trying to see if she can figure out what the stones were made of. She looks back up when Sel comments that the two could keep them. "That's rather nice of you, thank you."

"As for what we're doing here... Not too much. Right now we're going to see the castle. What about you?" Her return gaze is friendly as well.
"Thank you." Cadence said to Sel when he said they could keep the necklaces. She nodded when she heard Amelia's response, "I wanted to show Amelia the castle." Cadence added, then waited to listened Sel's response to Amelia's question. She looked over at Amelia's necklace. "Amelia would you like me to help you put that on so you can wear it. It was very sweet of him to let us have them, so I think we should be very careful with them."

"I am with the person." Claudia admitted after a few moments. "I haven't been able to figure any of this out, but I have all these strange feelings when I am with you. I don't understand what they really mean Asura." She looked away for a moment, again feeling a bit nervous for saying this. She began to have a light blush on her face, usually not normal for Claudia's human form. The good angel form yes, but her human form no. She looked back at Asura.
Amelia's attention is quickly returned to Cadence. "Of course, thank you." Well, whatever the necklace was made of, it did go nicely with her outfit and hair. Though, truth be told, she could almost certainly get the necklace on herself, but... Amelia wasn't really going to turn down an offer to get close to the cute girl who had been kinda obviously flirting with her for most of the day so far.
"Ah that is very interesting, the castle you say? You wouldn't mind if I tagged along with you do you? I haven't been able to find the time to go there with my studies taking up all my time. As for what I've been doing, I just recently...umm. "perfected" a spell. Also, would you be surprised if I told you that the spell I justperformed for you was kind of a test run?" Sel watched as Cadence put on Amelia's necklace.
She was with that person? It took him a few minutes to figure it out and once the prince had, a light tint of pink crawled over his face. Asura then cleared his throat. "It seems we are both in the same boat, I am having the same reaction when I'm around you. Well, actually it started when we were whelps at always played together." He replied, it was awkward for him to confess this as he met Claudia's gaze with a smile. "It looks like the wind worked in our favor while at the clearing."
"Alright." Cadence went about putting on the necklace for Amelia, then once finished put on her own. She looked back over to Sel and smiled, "Sure, you can come with us, as long as Amelia doesn't mind." Cadence replied. "I did promise her this and I wouldn't want her to not be happy. Well, I think you're test ran great from my perspective anyway. Amelia and I got great necklaces." She giggled a bit.

Claudia began to think about Asura's reply. "Do these feelings mean that we love each other?" She questioned him. She still couldn't comprehend what that really meant but she knew something was going on with her. Maybe they should had stayed and asked that human about love. But then again, they wouldn't have been walking back and Asura wouldn't have gotten pushed into Claudia. Then, this whole thing wouldn't have happened. She didn't want that. Suddenly something popped into her head, "Asura, one more thing. I had caught you talking to yourself the other day and you said something about a her. Was that her that you wanted to make"
Amelia moves around to help Cadence get hers on, too. Because why not? Amelia also manages to get far closer to the other girl than is strictly necessary while doing it.

Once that's over, she looks back to answer Sel: "So you pretty much got it right on the first try? I can't say I know much about how magic works, but that's pretty neat." Cadence's comment does give her pause though. If she had more shame (which she doesn't), it'd almost make her blush. Such consideration! "Aww, that's awfully sweet Cadence. But it's fine by me."
Asura's face almost turned a dark shade of red but he somehow fought it down for now. "It's possible." He replied, his voice softer than usual. He was quite sure what it was yet but it was very possible this could be what they're feeling. They, or just Asura, would have to ask Candence the next time she was seen, maybe she could confirm what these feelings were. When Claudia admitted she heard him talking and asked him about the 'her' his face finally flushed a dark red and he jumped slightly. "Um...uh..." He mumbled, trying to figure out how to admit it. "Yes...that her I was talking about was indeed you, Claudia."
"Wonderful! Now, as it would so happen I have a much faster way of getting us all there. I can assume you both know how to ride a horse correct?" Sel smiles warmly, showing eagerness to show them what he meant.
"A little bit. I was enjoying the walk, though." Amelia pauses to ponder briefly. The girl really doesn't look like she's in any kind of hurry, but her curiosity is a little bit piqued anyway: "I'd guess you're not talking about actual horses, though. What's up?"
Cadence appreciated Amelia's help when she put on the necklace, saying thank you then focusing back on what Sel was saying. Horses..."Yeah, I think I could ride a horse though like Amelia said, it's probably something kind of different right?" Cadence replied. If Amelia didn't mind getting there faster, Cadence was fine with it. The whole point of the trip was for Amelia after all. "What do you have in mind?"

Claudia somehow started to blush darker when she was noticing it appear on Asura. "So, I am that 'her' you were talking about." She repeated, giving it some thought. She felt happy for a reason, upon hearing that it wasn't someone else. "I suppose then, that everything will be okay." She gave him a smile, "After all, it seems I am yours now. Strange...but in a good way."
"Well you are correct in believing that they will not be regular horses. I am an expert in summoning and conjuration, so naturally..." Sel lifts up his hands high, with a purple-ish energy flowing from them. With that, he nails his hands to the ground, and three portals appear. Out of each, a Nightmare, horses of the netherworld, with flowing fiery manes and armored saddles appear. They stop in a line and look at each individual. "Well then, shall we be off ladies?"
Asura looked back at the road and saw it was likely going to be a while until they would arrive at the castle so he did the best course of action, a dark cloud appeared under his feet and lifted the two into the air. A perk of being a demon prince being talented when it came to magic. The prince nodded his head when she repeated what he had told her. Then Asura looked back down at her face as they flew and he smiled. "It seems that way." Then he chuckled, "It would also seem you know have your very own prince."
Amelia watches the whole process. Impressed isn't quite the right word, but all this magic stuff was pretty interesting. "Nightmare horses? Okay, that's definitely pretty cool. Where'd you learn all this magic anyway?" She doesn't hop on just yet, though.
"I've spent most of my life studying magic. I've always been impressed by the wizards of the world, so I decided to become one. The first year was entirely book study, and I found conjuration and summoning were my forte'. These last couple of years though I've been studying under different wizards, until recently of course. Now I am sorta on my own, and so I decided to try experimenting with a few new spells to see if I could improve my lifestyle... looks like it's worked so far." He hops onto one of the Nightmare's backs, he almost pulls it off, then the saddle slides off and he is hanging upside down.
Cadence was surprised by the magic that this guy could do. She knew about all the magic in this world, but some of it was still quite strange. "I agree, very cool." Cadence said. She touched the horse, at first being a bit hesitant but the horses seemed to be okay. She started to pet it, then eventually got onto the horse. She was a bit shaky, but got the hang of it pretty fast. She watched as he messed up, then started to laugh. "That's not how you're suppose to ride a horse."

"I suppose I do." Claudia replied with a smile in return. The dark cloud seemed to be a good idea, she didn't want to trouble him more by carrying her around so much. It would be faster to the castle as well, especially since the king was probably expecting Azura to get back soon. "And having my own prince doesn't seem all that bad after all, I think I kind of like it." She didn't understand why, but she gently gave him a kiss on his cheek.
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