Lost Words Of a Castle

(I have a group rp thats all fantasy if you would be interested. Heres the link: http://www.iwakuroleplay.com/group.php?groupid=220 I dont know if it would interest you at all but maybe this would help you meet more people on here :) )

Corona felt herself being laid on the bed, her mind had calmed down much and she was under a spell that would wear off in about two hours to keep her mind at ease. Her master next to her on the desk mixing potions trying to destroy Lucy. His demon wouldnt be tormented by another personality. Corona was born and raised to be a killer, not a girl falling for one of the slaves.
(I would but I am far too busy for grouping with finding a job and going to college :/)

Shylo set the injured girl down against a tree, a little suprised he wasn't feeling any pain for leaving the grounds.
(nevermind then)

The girl gently smiled at him through the tears 'She cut them off, I didnt know she was this powerful. Lucy tried to help....I...i wasnt strong enough....im...such..a failure!' she buried her face in her vivible hands, her vendors still dripping blood, all she had to fight was her vendors. She was lost without them.
(maybe after I get things settled then i'll be on a schedual but I never know when i'll be on)

"You did your best, just rest for now, i'll go and see what I can do."
The girl just cried. She had disgraced father, he would never forgive her. The pain was unbearable, that demon almost killed her, the master she was under was feeding her more and more death. Corona wouldnt be able to last long before shebecame the ultimate killer. The girl could only wait.
Shylo tugged off his coat and laid it over her,"I'll be back soon." He flew back for the castle.
The girl closed her eyes whispering to herself.

Corona couldnt feel anything, only the injections her master was giving her, occasionally complementing on how she used her scythe and cut the girls vendors off. Corona felt not herself and she felt it. Or rather Lucy felt it.
Shylo had snuck back into the castle and looked all about till he came to where Corona was. His eyes flickered, drawing a knife that he had taken from little Midna months back.
Corona lay there, not moving her eyes closed. But she didnt look like her self at all. Half of her hair was blonde and her face was remotely cheery on the blonde side. Instead of short hair, the blonde side had long hair that flowed to the floor of the bed. That side was Lucy, a complete contrast to Corona. She slept soundly.
Shylo crept tpwards the master inch by inch before tackling the man from behinda nd delving a blade into his back.
The man moaned in pain, spitting up blood as he tried to order Corona to kill. He was stupid since she couldnt under sedation and her and Lucy half and half in her body. She didnt stir but felt content. Not being able to feel anything different.
"Tell me how to fix her." Shylo ordered bitterly, his eyes once sky blue now a black darkness, he had purposely went after the man with a blade, blood was on his hands wether the man died now or not.
"She cant..be fixed stupid boy" the master gurgled and coughed up more blood "Kill one you erase everythign the other one had. All my hard work will be ruined!" he coughed once more "She will loose her memory anyways, she'll become a killer and theirs nothing you can do" he chuckled and formed a bloody smile.
Shylo stood and went over to Corona, ignoring the master, what could he do? He had to think and think fast.
"You have to kill Corona, she is evil enough, Lucy was just a girl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. You will be free if you kill the demon" The girl shiffled in, it took her about an hour to get there, her invisible arms had stopped bleeding and they were hidden as usual "Choose Shylo, you can still have one, but they wont remeber so you can start new" the girl walked up to the master and poked him with her fott. His dead body now seeping into the grout.
"But Corona doesn't want to kill." Shylo muttered,"Niether of them should die."
"Life is sacrifice, the world cant live with both of them" the girl still poking the body exclaimed. "Lucy needs to go back to the life she had before, maybe she'll find you"
"Kill her, and then run as fast as you can away from here, without looking back" The girl said. She didnt find it right for the castle to go down with corona as well, but thats how life is.
Shylo nodded retrieving the blade that was in the master. He watched the two faced girl,"I'm sorry." He muttered, stabbing what was Corona. He turned and ran..Midna! He stopped and looked around, he had lost track of the little girl.