Light Breaker Rider's

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"It can be pretty extraordinary what just the force of your own will can accomplish."


. Naomi Corinne Yakuza .

"Not many people call me Nao, so I'm not sure if it's really a nickname?"
. Nao .

"I know, I'm nothing extremely special."
. Commoner, Rider .

"Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a dragon."
. Human/Elf .

Age and Birthday
"Some say I look older, some say I look younger. It's whatever."
. 18 & August 16th .

"I'm not quite finished with school yet."
. Junior .

"I know people say we Asians all look alike, but I know you can at least tell I'm a girl. Come on!"
. Female .

"Yeah, not really into that girl-on-girl thing."
. Heterosexual .

Eye Color
"No, they're not black."
. Dark Brown (Almost black) .

Hair Description
"This, I guess can be called black. But it's brown in the sun!"
. Dark Brown/Black, Naturally Wavy, Usually Curled, Thick, Bust Length .

"Yeah, I'm aware I'm short. You don't need to point it out."
. 5'4'' .

"I'm actually just as light as I look."
. 109 lbs .

"Oh, just my ears."
. Ear lobes, once each .

"I got it when I was sixteen, don't judge."
Also Has a 2-inch scar on her right hand she got from learning how to wield a sword

Health Ailments
"Just a slight allergy."
. Allergic to Soy Sauce .

Weapons / Armor
"Designed it myself, actually."
Weapons - She uses mainly swords, but can also set traps. And, she does use a shield when she can, though she usually finds it just gets in the way. [spoili]
Armor - [spoili]

"I've found that people judge me based on my looks."
. In one word, Naomi can be described as a sweetheart. This awkward girl would never willingly hurt another person's feelings, unless they were to intentionally hurt the feelings of someone she loves. She's very much a pushover, and has a very hard time saying no. Naomi gets nervous easily, especially around strangers. She's not confrontational in any way, and in fact avoids any kind of conflict at all costs. She's very much submissive and a follower, making her a good teammate but not a leader. She has a gentle heart, more likely to give mercy than hold her ground. Naomi is extremely optimistic, and actively looks for the bright side of any dark situation. She is very active, always needing to be doing something, and very adventurous. Because she isn't skilled at making friends she tends to be very loyal and patient with the people she gets close too. She's usually very happy, as it is hard to upset her. Nao is a hard worker, a quick learner, and a compassionate girl. She is forgiving, perhaps too much so, and is open-minded. And, she's also a great listener .

"A lot of things, I suppose.."
. Mythology, Dogs, Tea, Flying, Warm Water, Reading, Warm Breezes and Adventure .

"I try not to focus on the negative."
. Dancing, Zoos, Gardening, Mind Puzzles, Loud Noises, Swimming, Change and Crowds .

"You're going to think I'm nerdy..."
. Sword Fighting and/or Fencing, Hiking and Designing Clothes .

"I'm not a total loser, at least."
. Thanks to years of practice, Naomi is very skilled with a sword. She's also fairly good at sketching, as she does it a lot, and she has an eye for detail. She has a great fashion sense, and a slightly photographic memory. Naomi is also able to sew .

"Does knowing origami count?."
. Naomi remembers small details without consciously meaning to. She thinks quickly, which enables her to act quickly as well. She has high stamina and is also very athletic. Nao also has good balance, and because she is a visual learner she is very much a monkey-see-monkey-do type of person .

"I'll be the first to admit I'm clumsy."
. For starters, Naomi is incredibly clumsy. She often trips over herself. She also has a habit of tripping over her words whenever she meets someone new or acting closed off, making her very socially awkward. She is light, which makes her easy to push around, and is not very physically strong. She is easily intimidated and allows people to walk all over her. Also, Naomi is a slow reader .

"Who isn't afraid of getting hurt?"
. Naomi has a natural fear of pain. She's one of those people that if it is so much as mentioned that she will need a shot she will begin to panic and try to get out of it. She also has a fear of amphibians (frogs, newts, ect), and also of intimacy .

"Do you believe in magic?"
. Night Vision - Naomi is able to see in complete darkness.
Fire Manipulation - Very limited. Naomi is immune to fire and heat, meaning it cannot harm her. She cannot throw fireballs or anything like that, she can only catch herself at fire, as well as the objects she is holding .

"I have nothing to hide! Don't dig!"
. When she was little she used to leave chocolate for a boy she used to like on his doorstep .
. She can sing well, even if she thinks she can't .
. She once knocked over her mother's favorite vase and broke it, but never admitted it was her .
. She's never shown or really told anyone that she likes to draw clothing designs.
. She knows about her abilities .

"I've already told you everything there is to know about me."
. Her mother is a seamstress, her father is a blacksmith .
. She and her brother have always been very close, even if they pick on each other .

"Making friends is hard."
Mate / Love Interest
. TBA .

. TBA .

. TBA .

. TBA .

. Mother - Tiana Yakuza - 40 - Seamstress [spoili]
[/spoili] .
Father - Stanley Yakuza - 41 -
Blacksmith [spoili]
[/spoili] .
Brother - Yang Yakuza - Older by a year and a half
[/spoili] .
Choi Siwon

. N/A .
[bg=#a8a8a8]"I always wait until it's too late to say how I feel."


"All of us feel fear, and only the most valiant of us can face that fear."


"No need to call me by my full name."
. Liam Samuel Henderson .

"Liam isn't short enough?"
. N/A .

"Not as cool as being a royal dragon, but I'm not complaining."
. Dragon - Commoner .

"A little of both, I guess?"
. Dragon/Human .

Age and Birthday
"Oh, I'm perfectly legal babe."
. 19 & January 13th .

"What's it to you?."
. Elite .

"Do I need to prove it?"
. Male .

"I'm not a fan of the butt-stuff."
. Heterosexual .

Eye Color
"Brown? I'm pretty sure."
. Brown .

Hair Description
"Are you blind, or do I just need to stand closer?"
. Brown, shorter on the sides, longer on the top, soft, thick .

"I like being tall."
. 6'1'' .

"Most of this is muscle, mind you."
. 156 lbs .

"Yeah, no."
. N/A .

"None as of now, sorry."
. N/A .

Health Ailments
"I'm as healthy as it gets."
. N/A .

Weapons / Armor
"Gotta protect my human form somehow, right?"
. Weapons - Custom made shield [spoili]
Prefers crossbows, but also knows how to use an ax. He can be resourceful if he needs to be
Armor - Except for green instead of red
[/spoili] .

"Yeah, I'm kind of an ass."
. Liam takes some time to get to know. Most people's first impression of him is that he is untrustworthy and sketchy. He's mysterious, and this isn't on accident. He makes it so that he is hard to read, and he doesn't like talking about himself- especially when it comes to his personal life. He's naturally skeptical, which in turn makes him alert. Most of what strangers see is an act, a self-defense mechanism to protect himself of those who would take advantage of him. Once he decides to trust someone, he doesn't hold anything back. You either get all of him, or none of him, there is no in-between. Truthfully, Liam is very appreciative of the things he has, and is very polite. He takes pride in being capable, and can be charming when he needs to be. He doesn't play well with others, preferring to do a job on his own, making him very independent. Liam has a hard time admitting he is wrong, which makes him arguable, and an even harder time accepting help. He's very critical and crass, as well as impatient. He likes to get things done as quickly as possible. Still, if there is one good thing about Liam, it's that he is brave .

"Peace and quite."
. Clear nights, Flavored Drinks, Loud Music, Crowded Areas, High Places, Solitude and Lame Jokes .

"Your loud mouth."
. Bossy People, Slush, Wild Animals, Rules, Mexican Food, Bright Lights, Neurotic People and Surprises .

"Oh, you wouldn't like them."
. Pick-Pocketing, Sleeping, Wandering Around and Carving .

"I don't think you'll be very approving of these either."
. Liam knows sign language, as his mother is deaf. He is also good at stealing, but tries to limit himself. He can read the weather. Liam is also very good at lying, though he calls it acting .

"The weak don't survive, that's just how it goes."
. Liam has a very high pain tolerance, higher than most people. He has a natural sense of direction, making him a great navigator. Sleight of hand is his specialty, as he likes to say. He is strong, both physically and mentally, and very sly, like a fox .

"As far as you know, I have none.."
. Liam isn't very much of a team player, for starters. He also struggled with creating and maintaining personal relationships. Because he is so good at lying he believes he will be able to recognize other lies, but this isn't the case, which makes him gullible. He cares too much about the people he loves, and so is willing to sacrifice a lot for them. Also, Liam is just horrible at running .

"I'm a dragon, I have nothing to fear."
. Other than his feat of intimacy and letting people get close to him, Liam has an irrational fear of butterflies and moths. He will deny it, but he is also afraid of rejection. Liam is afraid of cemeteries, too, mainly because dead things just freak him out .

"Just dragon things."
. Human Form:
Partial Shapeshifting (Turning certain body parts into that of a dragon. For example, he can turn his hand into a claw), Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Agility, Slight Earth Manipulation, Sense Vibrations in ground.
Dragon Form:
Flight, Camouflage, Fire Breathing, Scales as Natural Armor, Sense Vibrations in Ground, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Strength, Burrowing .

"Like I'd share them with you."
. Hates his father .
. Father abuses him mentally and sometimes physically .
. He steals often, doesn't tell anyone about it .
. Wants to be some kind of law enforcer when he's older .
. Longs for intimate relationships, but because he also fears them he usually runs away from the opportunity of having one .
. He know's he's a dragon... his family does not .

"I think I've shared enough, thanks."
. Thinks being an Earth Dragon is Lame .
. Found out he was a dragon at 13 years old .

"I don't care about many people."
Mate / Love Interest
. TBA .

. TBA .

. TBA .

. TBA .

. N/A .

. Mother - Liliana Henderson - Stay at home mom - 37 [spoili]
Father - Geofrey Henderson - Construction Worker - 40 [spoili]
[/spoili] .
[bg=#a8a8a8]"Don't get too close, it's dark inside. It's where my demons hide."

@Shayla - My character are finished and ready to be evaluated.

Also going to tag the CO-GMS- @UnboundDestiny , @Princess Poisoned Rose , @Gorgeous♠Chaos
  • Thank You
Reactions: Brea
Hey, @Shayla ? Will you be able to respond to my PM? I can't finish Natasha until then...
Will be able to once I am back home , sorry for the delay!​
Okies, you're good! I just wanted to be sure it wasn't forgotten. <3
Sorry for not updating Calmir yet A little bogged down in work. I hope this RP isn't gonna die early, it looks to awesome.
She is a beautiful character, and I can't wait to play her. <3 It's refreshing to play new chars after going as long as I have without doing so.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Brea
I send my sincerest aappologies about the delay of my second character. I will have her posted within the next few days, have just had to juggle a lot recently.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Brea
I'm still here!
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@Shayla hey babe sister needs to be finished love
The IC isn't up yet, right? Just want to make sure I didn't miss it.
You're right, @Brea ~ Haven't seen @Shayla around in almost a week. Hoping all is well. <3
  • Thank You
Reactions: Brea
Nope hasn't gone up yet dear. We still have to decide on pairings and I'm liking your female for my dragon... and yeah shay has been gone for a little while.
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@Brea I feel like her and Andrew would get along really well together
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Brea
Ok sounds good dear
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