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"Yeah, it's perfectly fine. Moms been on a businesses trip too." he said. They got to the house and it was already night time. "You can use our bedroom. Me and Charles will sleep on the couch..."
"Yeah...." Tamille nodded not even going to ask why two grown boys shared a room. "Is it okay if I use the shower?" She asked heading up the stairs.
"yeah, go ahead."he said as he sat Charles on the couch. Charles let out a giggle as Maxwell sat next to him. He started to sit on Maxwells lap while Maxwell let go ahead and kiss his neck.
Tamille hurried up the stairs and found the bathroom. She got in the shower as Charles giggles filtered up. Thankfully the shower drowned it out. Maybe she should go home. It would be one thing if he took her from home but it would be a thousand times worse if he found her here.
the next morning, Charles was sleeping on the couch and Maxwell slept on the floor. Maxwell left for that job he had and Charles was left alone.
Tamille made her way down stairs, rubbing her eyes. She shuffled into the kitchen and started making breakfast when the phone rang.
"Hello?" Her voice was tired as she yawned once more.
"Hey Tamille." Mike sounded uneasy on the other side.
"Did you need something?" She asked confused as to why he sounded nervous.
"Meet me at the corner store now. I need to tell you something." There was a muted voice on the other side but Tamille didn't quite catch it.
"Um...alright. I'll be there in five minutes." She hung up and walked over to Charles. "Hey, I'm going to the store okay? I'll be back in a couple of minutes." She kissed his cheek and patted his head in a family manner before slipping on her shoes.
"It was mike wasn't it?" he said bluntly while covering his chest with his blanket. "What's he want with you?"
"Uh yeah." Tamille said, hand on the door knob. "He just needs to talk about something I guess. There's breakfast in the kitchen if you're hungry." Tamille opened the door and waved as she walked down to the corner store.
"Call me on the payphone after," he said. He couldn't take a chance of her not being safe.
"Yeah." She smiled and then was gone. When she got to the store Mike was already there. He looked nervous as he approached her. "What's wrong?" She asked seeing him fidget.
He couldn't look her in the eyes. He took a deep breath and said two words. "I'm sorry." Two hands grabbed her, one over her mouth muffling her screams as she was pulled into a truck. This time it was just Josh. There was a strange look in his eye and it wasn't anger. It was wilder than that and it terrified her.
"You promised me Milly. You promised he wouldn't take you from me. He did. He took you just like you said he wouldn't. That's bad. That's very bad Milly." His speech was broken and he sounded like he was far away.
Josh looked down on Tamille's body. He'd lost it. He'd gotten too angry this time but she broke their promise. Five years. Five whole years and she never loved him.
One tear rolled down his face as he walked away. He didn't understand why. Why she could just love him like she was supposed to and then this didn't have to happen.

Tamille lay somewhere. She didn't know where though. Everything hurt so bad and it was hard to breath. She could feel something, was that rain? It was nice. Her vision was blurred and there was so much red.
Payphone. She had to get to a payphone. Call Charles. He said so. She had to. He'd be worried.

Tamille never made it. Mike felt terrible for selling her out to Josh but if it wasn't her it'd be Mike's family instead.
He went to Charles house and banged on the door he really hoped someone was home or else it's be too late.
Charles opened the door. " oh hey...can I help you?" he said looking mike up and down.
"I'm sorry. Charles I am so so sorry. He was going to hurt everyone if I didn't but I came as fast as I could. I am so sorry." Mike couldn't hold it in anymore and cried. He just sold his friend out and possibly just got her killed.

Josh showered and burned his bloody clothes in the fire. No evidence. He packed a few things in his car and started to drive. His parents were out of town for business and he had the freedom to go anywhere.

Tamille lay on the edge of the woods where Josh left her. The rain that fell was washing away the blood that covered her from the beating Josh gave her.
Charles pulled him inside and started to wipe away his tears. "What happened? Please tell me!" he said frantically.
"I..I had to. He made me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wish I could take it back. I do but he...Josh made me and I...she was my friend! Who does that to their friend? Tell me! Who sends their friend to death?!" He was hysterical. Mike was shaking. "We have to. We have to find her. I have to find her! I did this! I'm so sorry! I'll find her. I'll go find her and apologize. I'm sorry." Mike stumbled back towards the door.
Charles fumed with anger and sadness. He brought his hand up and slapped him across the face. "Why!?Don't ever do what he says!" he screamed.
"It was her or my sister okay! She's ten! I couldn't I....I'm sorry." Mike sank to the floor after being slapped. He felt so guilty but he felt he had no choice. "I killed her." He looked up at Charles hopeless. "I just killed my friend." He whimpered.

Tamille came to as the rain poured gallons of water down upon her. She rolled to her back and screamed as something shifted, perhaps a broken bone and sent pain shooting through her. Okay, don't do that, she told herself mentally. She had to figure out where she was. The last thing she remembered was leaving Charles house. Charles....payphone!
Tamille forced herself to crawl. Soon enough she got herself to kneel, and then stand. She staggered onto the empty street. A few feet away she fell into the payphone booth using the small counter to hold her up. The operator connected her to Charles home phone as she curled up on the bottom of the booth. Pain. It was everywhere and her memory was too fuzzy to remember. "Pick up..."
the phone rang, Charles answered it with a shaky voice. "Hello...?" he sniffled while looking at Mike.
"Hey...." Tamille answered. Her voice was quiet. It took most of her energy to speak as she held the phone with a trembling hand. "I called." She said with a soft smile.
"Where are you?" he asked still panicked but trying he best to stay calm. "What did he do to you."
"Um...." Tamille looked around. There was a street sign a few feet away. It was hard to see and she had to focus hard. "Mont....Montgomery." She forced out. It was getting hard to speak and Charles sounded really far away. "It's....really cold..." She whispered. Holding the phone was too much and it fell from her hand. "Charles....everything's red..."
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