lets get some fries.

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Charles went to his school despite how weak he was. Josh kept eyeing him throughout the school.
during lunch josh came up to him, "Keep your pretty mouth shut," whispering it in his ear as he held him by the collar.
Tamille was quiet all day. Mike kept asking her what was wrong but she would lie. He knew it too but let it go.
After school Mike waited outside for Tamille. He snagged her by the arm gently and pulled her over.
"Now what really happened? Was it Charles?"
"God no! He helped me. I don't want to talk about it okay. I'm fine. I need to go before they get here okay." Every Thursday Josh would pick her up from school but Tamille didn't want to go today so maybe if she wasn't here she didn't have to.
"Whose they Tamille? Tell me. Please."
they had coaxed Charles into coming in the car with them. He sat in the backseat of the car looking at his knees shaking. "...tamille!" Charles shouted from the car, gesturing her to come.
Tamille ventured forward. She was hesitant but Charles was with them. She was curious as to why and got in, just incase something bad would happen if she didn't. "What are you doing?" She whispered to him.
"I still have a deal with them. I have to do whatever they say,in order to keep you safe." he said. The car started to go to their house, josh gave him another look through the rearview mirror.
Tamille held Charles hand out of Josh's view. "Thank you but don't get involved. You'll never get out." She was worried for him.
Josh pulled up at his home and they all got out. He grabbed Tamille and hooked an arm around her shoulder leading her into the house.
Charles followed behind and sat himself down on one of the couches. Charles grabbed Tamilles hand while josh had put her down on the couches. "I know...ill never get out, but hopefully they'll lose interest in you and you can go live a regular life."
Tamille looked at him with sad eyes. "Charles, don't do this to yourself please. I'm fine. I can deal with this. I graduate next year. Go be happy. Don't ruin your future for me. Please." She squeezed his hand with a small frown.
Josh returned to the room and cracked open a beer. "Milly~" he patted his lap sitting on his chair. She gave glanced at him and reluctantly let go of Charles had and curled up on Josh's lap. He sipped his beer and played with her hair. "What should we do with Charles~ hmmmm." He smirked at the boy sitting alone on the couch.
Charles swallowed a lump in his throat as Josh looked at him. He looked down again and started to grip the fabric of the couch.
"Let him go...please." Tamille whispered to Josh. His eyes moved to her with a smirk. "Now you know I can't do that Milly." He chuckled at her naïveté.
"Make him watch." One of his friends offered. "Yeah. I wonder how he'd feel watching her squirm." Another laughed. Tamille tensed and turned frightened eyes on Charles. No, she didn't want him to see. It wouldn't be like yesterday.
Josh smirked. "Hmmm, not a bad idea." Josh loved to make people feel powerless.
"seriously? That the best you can do?" he mocked, he tried his best to make him change his mind. "at least think about something else."
Josh eyes Charles. He saw how he held the couch for dear life and he noticed how he shook in fear in the car. "I could think of plenty of things but I know you'll like this one the least." Josh gave him a mocking smile just to piss him off.
"No!" he yelled out with his eyes shut."please do something else!" he whimpered.
Josh just laughed. "Aw you don't want to see her cute little face twisted in pleasure. Oh well her sounds are just as good~."

Tamille looked at Josh with wide eyes. He was really doing this again? "Don't. Please." He held her chin and kissed her. "Now now, be a good girl and follow orders~."
Charles got out of his seat and walked over to Josh. "Go ahead and run out the back door." he whispered to Tamille while he scooted her off of his lap. Charles sat on his lap, trying to distract him from noticing Tamille..
Josh smirked. "You guys can leave." He said to his friends. They slunk away as his smirk slowly faded into curiousity. "Hm, first your brother, then my Milly, and now me...what goes through that little mind of yours?"
Tamille frowned. Why was he doing this for her? He didn't have to. She didn't want him to. He'd get hurt and it would be her fault. "I'm not leaving you hear." She said quietly to him.
She tugged Charles off his lap and gave him a look. "We leave together." She whispered as she pulled Josh up and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Charles....Josh is mine...so what I want you to do....is...run." She said calmly and brought her knee to Josh's groin. He yelped and fell to the floor. "Go!" Tamille grabbed Charles hand and bolted for the back door as his friends came in to see what happened.
Charles frantically ran and kept looking back to see if he would come running to them. He hit the back door and kicked it open, "Go!" he said as he got grabbed by Josh. " where do you think you're going?" josh said.
Tamille slid to a stop. She grabbed a rock and threw it at Josh. It hit him in the nose with a sickening crunch and she pulled Charles away. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" She gasped for air as she ran with Charles.
Josh and his friends got in their car to chase them. "Follow me. I know a place." Tamille panted and bolted down a side street she had run through too many times for comfort.
Charles clung onto her for safety, burying his face into her shoulder. "Where are we?"
"It's where I hide....when things get too bad. No one knows where it is but me and Mike. He made it and showed me when we were chased." She explained in a whisper. She held onto Charles just as terrified. Her heart was racing as she heard Josh's car speed past. They were safe for tonight at least. "I'm so sorry I dragged you into this."
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