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"Yeah...they said you wouldn't make it." he said choking up. "I'll stay," he smiled.
Tamille gave a smile of her own and took his hand in hers. After a moments hesitation she pressed her lips to his. She just wanted one, just one. Just to feel his lips on hers and feels those butterflies let loose in her stomach.
She pulled away and opened her eyes. "Thanks for being there for me."
Charles smiled with a full red face. "...You're welcome." he said holding her hand tighter.
Tamille let out a cute little giggle as her face tinted pink seeing Charles reaction. She limped, hand in hand with Charles back to her room.
The nurses scrambled over to her and hooked the IV back into her arm and put her oxygen back on. They checked her over. Everything was fine luckily and they left.
"I have to go now...You've been missing a lot of school lately." He said sitting by her bed.
Tamille pouted. "You do?" She really didn't want to be left alone in the hospital. She thought about it. "How long has it been?" She asked laying on her side looking at Charles curiously.
"Four days now." he said. "Mile hasn't been seeing you lately, he doesn't want to be reminded." Charles ran his fingers through her hair
"Reminded?" What did that mean? A small smile formed as he ran his fingers through her hair. It was the best feeling when someone played with her hair. Tamille loved it. "What did he do?"
"He called you to come So josh could beat you up , they threatened to kill his sister if he didn't." he said struggling to say it but it came out."He thinks its his fault."
Tamille blinked at Charles. Mike really did that? He set her up. But he was her friend right. He wouldn't do that to her. "Oh..." Was all she could mange. She intertwined her fingers with his, holding his hand tightly for security.
"...Josh got away, the police couldn't fine him." he said. It seemed that everything was falling apart. Tamille was in the hospital, Josh can't be found, Mike wouldn't come, Charles' mother didn't come home from her buisness trip and Maxwell decided to drink.
Tamille knew where Josh went. He had a beach house in Santa Barbara. He talked about it a lot when he used to be nice. He'd stay there until every one forgot. Or maybe he wouldn't come back at all.
Things never should have gotten this bad and Tamille felt somewhat responsible. "It's not his fault. He had to protect his sister." She said as much to believe it herself as to make anyone else believe it. At least Charles came. Her parents worked all day and Tamille didn't resent that they weren't here she just wished they would visit. "How are you." She asked wanting to get off the topic before something else surfaced she didn't want to talk about.
"Well, at home everything a little bit off."he said truthfully. "me and Maxwell don't have the affair anymore, so that's good." Charles tried his best to smile.
Tamille sat up surprised. She knew despite his poor attempt at a smile it hurt. She wrapped her arms around him. "I'm sorry."
Charles wrapped his arms around her. "I'll tell the police were he might be,okay?" he said.
"Don't. I just...I just want it to be over. He's gone and it can just be done now." Tamille held Charles in her arms. "But are you okay?"
"Maxwell is moving out of the house and my mom hasn't gone home," he mumbled. "I'm slowly losing it,"
Tamille stayed silent and held him in her arms. She rubbed his back soothingly. She didn't know what to say really so she kept quiet.
"I'm losing everything," he muffled. Charles rubbed his eyes, now he had to snap that boundary he had to spill out of his mouth.

"Maxwell gave me enough money to go to Colorado. He wants me gone. That's why Im here to say goodbye. I can't stay here anymore."Charles took a deep breath.
"No. No you can't! Stay! Please! You can stay with me. Please don't go." Tamille pleaded. She couldn't lose him. Not now. "Please don't leave me." She whispered holding him tightly in a hug, face burried in his neck.
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