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Best rper ever!
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
All the time.
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Prestige
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Horror, Action, Romance, Adventure, Drama
So, I am here because I am looking for two very specific storylines. I usually just make a huge ad, but this time I'd like something else. I absolutely love these types of ships, either where I play the lawful or chaotic side. Usually, I pick up some males but I am exclusively looking to play against males for these because these are female characters. Be open to the idea of romance for your character too. So, without further adieu, here are the story lines!

Execution of the sea-invoked maiden.

My character is an Invoker, a human invoked with a beast god's power, and considered an enemy of the realm. The realm of Enkhel has decided that all Invokers must be taken to Solstice to be executed, and many of them were during the "The Inquisition", a time where those of many kingdoms sought out these people and sent them to be murdered for being threats. Zajora, invoked by the beast god Levithan, is one of these characters. She luckily has had a long life away from humanity, especially since she does not look especially human due to her appearance. She will usually avoid all humans, devoid of much social interaction by living within caves that have underwater caverns for her to live in. My character will end up needing to go into a human village because she needs money for a new bow, so she will take a job and find this ends up getting her in trouble. She takes a relatively easy job with alchemy, offering herself as an assistant for part of a day to get the wages needed for a new bow. She would be approached by several people who were angry that she was taking all the 'easy' jobs, causing a ruckus to occur.

This goes on for a little while, before she is revealed in the open as an Invoker. This is a southern country called "Island Nations of Ursea.", she is in the middle of being apprehended when [Your character] who is a noble of the town and an unknown [Supernatural creature. Ie: Vampire], he puts on a show for those that are trying to harm her and saves her. The Vatican would get word of the Invoker living, it would get complicated between them. We would discuss details after this point. The character needed should be intelligent, because my character is socially stupid and slightly feral. He would need to be good at dealing with political issues, talking his way out of trouble because having her in his life with make him have a lot of it.

Elements in this plot:
adventure, romance, dark themes, blood, high-strung Zajora, body mutilation(on her part), politics
Pairing: Lawful Neutral / Chaotic Neutral

Heart of Gold.

Erisaed is the Invoker of Ilthius, the holy beast god, and she is the only Invoker that is allowed to live due to her being a holy being. She is a deadly foe in the battle field, romantic intentions but is often sent on missions that are exceedingly dangerous. She is sent out by the Heaven's Realm Angels to find the Lord of Darkess [Your character]. She finds out that they wish her to bring him back from his corrupted state, by either killing him or convincing him. She goes to do this, not knowing that many of her abilities are useless against him with the exception of Holy Fire. He defeats her and takes her captive, he decides that he wants to break her in, to make her his Unholy general at his side. He knows that she is still human, but he will do things to break her down until there is nothing left of her iron will or good heart.

She stays there to keep her oath that she could remove his corruption, by literally taking that on herself. The story will work slowly backwards and forward to redeem both characters from their burdens. Your character will come back, somewhat, into the light after he has sufficiently broke her down as she continued to make faithful oaths and promises to him despite how terrible he is to her. Her history would come out in this roleplay, I'd like to leave that up to the roleplay though. Your character will have to bring her back from the darkness that he put in her heart, when there was little to none left. During her broken phase, there would likely be a lot of realm traveling to fight with the Heaven's Realm and the Demon's Realm. I'd like to put her up for capture, possibly a trial for her execution is Solstice. She would of course accept her fate and he would hopefully not allow her to let herself be killed for her crimes.

Realm-fighting, angels, romance, breaking a character, dark themes, sex, manipulation, body mutilation(Erisaed only), redemption, abuse, some politics.
Pairing: (Lawful Good(my character) to Lawful Evil(My character), then back to Lawful Good.) and Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Good, then to Chaotic Neutral.
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I could be up for playing a devious being in Heart of Gold. :D
You did? Hmm. I shall go see!
There you go, see if that did it. :)

it did! I just messaged you
She certainly seems like she'll have a hard time with Azrael
still searching for a way to play Zajora?
still looking?
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